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Severe Food Allergy Sufferer and Bodybuilding Champion
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Scottish born Bodybuilding Champion Kerry Napier's achievements to date are nothing short of impressive; 2004 Scottish BNBF Middleweight Champion and in the same year he won the British BNBF Overall Championship thus turning professional. But if I told you he achieved all of these things whilst not eating certain foods since they could cause anaphylactic reactions (serious allergic reactions) you would probably agree his story is not only impressive, but inspirational.

Kerry spent the majority of his childhood in hospital, either being treated for some allergic reaction or being tested to discover what was wrong with him. At the age of 7 he was finally fully diagnosed and given medication so he could begin to live a relatively ‘normal life.' Always active he played most sports but it wasn't until 17 when Kerry got his first set of weights and began bodybuilding and then in 2004 he had built a body good enough to win British BNBF Title.

Kerry's weekly Weight training routine:

Monday(day.1.) ~ Shoulders

Exercises: Smith machine front press, one arm cable laterals, dumbbell press, bent over laterals, machine press

Tuesday(day.2.) ~ Legs

Exercises: Squats, Leg press, squat press, walking lunges, stiff leg deadlifts with dumbbells, lying leg curls, calf raises

Wednesday(day.3.) ~ Rest Day

Thursday (day.4.) ~ Arms

Exercises: Close grip bench, decline French press, overhead triceps extension, multi-grip pushdowns, barbell curls, alternate dumbbell curls, cable bar curls.

Friday(day.5.) ~ Chest

Exercises: Incline Barbell press, flat barbell press, Incline machine press, flat dumbbell press, cable crossovers

Saturday(day.6.) ~ Back

Exercises: Cable pullovers, close grip pull downs, chins, deadlifts, barbell rows, one arm machine rows, wide grip pull downs

Sunday (repeat day.1.) ~ Shoulders

Monday (repeat day.2.) ~ Legs


Tuesday (repeat day.3.) ~ Rest Day


Kerry's weekly cardiovascular training routine:

Only 3-4 times a week Kerry incline walks on the treadmill as fast as I can for 10 minutes.

Kerry's Daily Diet Plan:


7am ~ 5g branch chain amino acids
7.30 ~ Train
9am ~ Post workout shake (Soya protein + 5g branch chain amino acids) and some dates for post work out carbohydrates
10.30am ~ Porridge and Soyaprotein shake
1pm ~ chicken breast, whole meal pasta and beetroot
3pm ~ Soya protein shake
5pm ~ chicken breast, whole meal pasta and beetroot
7pm ~ chicken breast and pumpkin seeds

By Ross Edgley Sports Science/ Management BSc Hons
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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