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Body wraps - shortcut to slimming and detoxifying your body
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Talk about a body wrap that detoxifies your body or acts as a body slimmer, and you conjure up images of a fitness center or a health spa. It's natural because not in the too distant past, they were the only places where one could get it done. No more! You can now use home body slimming and detoxification wraps. What this means is that you can use body wraps from the comfort of your home.

What are slimming and detoxification wraps?

These wraps are products that can be applied on your body. The active ingredients of these wraps have certain properties that will help you lose weight and also detoxify your body at the same time. One of the popular slimming wraps available on the market contains an active ingredient called 'sea clay'. This needs to be directly massaged on to your skin. The make up of the sea clay is such that it penetrates deep into the dermis of your skin. This helps bring the toxins out of your skin's tissue, which in turn helps the soft tissues of your skin to get compressed. What this results in is that it helps you slim down and shed your inches. Not only that, but a body wrap also acts as a cleanser that exfoliates the dead cells of your skin. This leaves your skin smooth and silky, lending a glow to your skin that lasts day in and day out.

Home body wraps – Convenient and effective

Home body wraps are available in the form of a kit. It contains the sachets of the active ingredients and anything and everything else that is needed for performing the body wraps procedure from the comfort of your home. The sea clay acts like a poultice that removes all toxins from your body, when its applied to your skin. The fact that it also compacts your soft tissue means that the detoxification will also lead to an improvement of elasticity of your skin. After the treatment you are required to drink lots of water that helps flush more toxins out of your body.

How long does a home body wrap take to work?

Once you remove the active ingredients such as the sea clay from your skin, you will notice the results almost immediately. Like in the case of all products, the results can vary from one person to another. But, there is no doubt that you can experience a palpable change in the health of your body, almost immediately upon removal of the body wrap. One of the biggest benefits of using body wraps for slimming is that any and every inch that you lose is permanent.

Are there any side effects?

If you are using body wraps containing natural ingredients such as sea clay, or some herbal extracts, there will be no side effects. But, to ensure that you don't suffer from any adverse reactions by using such wraps, you need to avoid using them if you have skin irritation or open wounds. If you think you have extremely sensitive skin, its always advisable to use the wrap on a very small amount of your skin, and making sure that there are no adverse reactions experienced. This will ensure a safe, effective and convenient use of the body wraps.

By shaily brown
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Shaily writes articles on health related issue and medication.

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