Commonly known as wisdom teeth, rear molars have a tendency to grow in improperly. Impacted wisdom teeth are ones that remain partially or completely beneath the gums. Both oral health and full-body health can suffer when teeth are impacted. Ahead, discover four reasons to remove impacted wisdom teeth before they harm your health.
Prevent Oral Damage by Giving Teeth Space
One common reason that tooth impaction occurs is that there isn’t enough space for the teeth to fully emerge. Staying under the gums doesn’t resolve the crowding issue. Instead, the impacted teeth shove nearby teeth, which forces them out of place. Sometimes, the only way to fix problems caused by overcrowding is to get braces or undergo other orthodontic procedures. In addition to destroying your tooth alignment, overcrowding can also leave your mouth vulnerable to risky infections.
Take out Teeth So They Don’t Decay
Partially impacted wisdom teeth are hard to thoroughly clean. Food can easily get stuck in the area where the tooth is poking out from the gum. If a flap of gum covers the tooth, this problem can be even worse. In places where food becomes trapped, bacteria can quickly multiply and lead to harmful tooth decay. Research has shown a connection between tooth decay and chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and dementia.
Avoid Gum Infections with Wisdom Tooth Removal
Bacteria that multiply in the recesses of your mouth don’t just infect your teeth. They can also cause serious gum infections. Pericoronitis is one particular gum infection that is associated with impacted wisdom teeth. In this condition, the gums become inflamed, which can be quite painful. The swelling can spread to your face and nearby lymph nodes, and you may experience muscle spasms.
Remove Teeth to Prevent Cysts
Having your dentist remove impacted wisdom teeth can eliminate the opportunity for a fluid-filled cyst to develop around the tooth. Even normal cysts can wreak havoc on your oral structures. More concerning, however, are the tumors that can develop from the cysts. Although these tumors are not usually cancerous, they must be removed. Taking out a tumor is a surgical procedure that might require permanent removal of part of your gums or jaw.
Impacted wisdom teeth can quickly lead to a variety of oral health concerns. Left unchecked, the problems can begin to spread throughout your whole body. To avoid such complications, have a dentist remove your impacted wisdom teeth.
By Hannah Whittenly
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