Every single thing that the human body is capable of, and all of its functions, are only possible due to a massive coordinated dance being performed by essential nutrients. The body's most vital organs depend on a certain amount of vitamins to continue performing their life-preserving functions all throughout the day and night.
With quick access to the right supplements, providing the body's organs their much-needed nourishment becomes even easier. Despite the significance of what they contribute, there are many who remain skeptical or unaware of how important vitamins and supplements are. The following are four specific reasons why vitamins and supplements are important for maintaining a good state of health.
Efficiently filling in nutritional gaps in the diet
According to fitness.gov, typical American diets are overfilled with solid fats, high sugars, refined grains and sodium. At the same time, only a minority of Americans eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables.
Introducing just one daily multivitamin to your diet can be a highly effective way to quickly receive some of the nutritional benefits offered by fruit and vegetable groups. Though vitamin supplements alone cannot replace all of the essential dietary nutrients that medical professionals suggest getting from healthy foods, they can be helpful for developing at least marginal nutritional balance.
Warding off troublesome health complications
Vitamins are not only essential for facilitating beneficial functions in the body, but also for helping to lower the chance of developing harmful conditions such as scurvy. Known as the "sailor's disease", scurvy results from a pronounced deficiency in Vitamin C. If allowed to progress, scurvy can severely damage the gums, lower the body's red blood cell count, and cause epidermal bleeding.
Fortifying skeletal strength
As the body ages, bone durability becomes an increasingly relevant concern. Having the right representation of key vitamins in the body can be helpful for giving the bones more strength to withstand sudden breaks. Vitamins that can substantially strengthen bones when working together include vitamin D, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium and vitamin K.
Cognitive support
As expressed by Longevity Medical Clinic, the cognitive aspects of aging are no less significant than the physical effects. Thankfully, vitamins can be just as useful of a countermeasure against cognitive decline as they are against bone degeneration. The eight B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12 and Folic Acid) can all be highly beneficial for helping to preserve more of the brain's processing power in later years.
Vitamins and supplements should not be thought of as a cure-all for any condition, but more as agents of balance that allow the body to function with the level of health and vitality that nature intended. No matter the age, it is never too late in life to begin improving vitamin intake.
By Meghan Belnap
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