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In Energy Healing each person is treated as a mini universe. Each person is unique and different as being an individualized universe evolving at ones' own individual pace. Just as the universe above us contains planets and space above so too does the individual contain his or her own individual worlds. These worlds are consciousness within the human body, your own planets otherwise know as energy centers.

During the course of an energy healing session these energy centers are balanced, charged and even sewn up in the areas they are torn. Imagine how the universe feels when just one person has participated in a session of total relaxation and balancing of their own mini universe. Our environment is a reflection of our own consciousness and lifestyle. The more centered and balanced we are as individuals the more centered and balanced our environment becomes. Imagine the shift in awareness of a society by just participating in an energy healing session. How important are you now?

There is absolutely nothing 'out there' that is independent of what is within you. You are Global Awareness because perceiving the world around you doesn't come from an outside source. Energy Healing is about enlightenment, it's about you and all your hidden potential and magnificence as being just you.

Get yourself a good Energy Healer, one who will stick with you throughout your transitions and trials of life, you are the master of your ship in an ocean that contains us all. You have nothing to fear but yourself.

By Patricia Huff CMT and Certified Energy Healer Alhambra Ca.
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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