Once upon a time there was a magnificent golden vibrant light that radiated from one end of the universe to the next. It engulfed all creation from plants to humans and promised to fulfill any desire that was held in the highest regard. It was with value and trust, virtues of honor and valor that kept such a light as this shining without the slightest limitation, enabling all living things to live in splendor and good health and well being.
It was the minds of humans that had such a tough time sustaining their inner golden light. They rarely found logic in what was right in life, but instead based their belief system on what was a problem or what was wrong with everything around them. Few humans transformed their thoughts into ways that were able to merge with their light, instead they always created resistance and hence forth a recession was born.
Deep within the core of humanity a golden light shimmers awaiting to be acknowledged beginning with compassion of self. It finds no pleasure in medication that can cause drowsiness, irregular heartbeat or kidney failure. This light wants to be appreciated through nurturing thoughts and natural healing. What will you say, do you feel good today? Or is something wrong that has a solution based on what is wrong? Ask yourself what is right about feeling good and the answers will lead you to a sea of positive opportunity and inspiration. The list goes on and on into the light of overwhelming desire to keep you safe and free of negative intent. Your light can work for you or against you, beginning first with choices made through thought.
Do you always need, want and dislike? Or do you welcome, appreciate, and are grateful? The moral of the story is their is no greater gift than the one naturally found in self, there is no greater light than the one that can be manifested through you....
By Patricia Huff CMT Energy Healer
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