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How do I prepare for an Energy Healing Session
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       Energy Healing is being offered more and more into society as a natural form of healing. There are allot of different articles and books that explain just what Energy Healing is. Many of these articles are well written by healers who go to great lengths to explain the subtle energy bodies as well as how illness pertains to energy. As an Energy Healer I have appeared on live television to demonstrate the benefits of such healing however few articles reveal how a client can and should prepare themselves for an energy session that would welcome the purest experience.

     Clients should be instructed to be freshly showered before an energy healing session as cleanliness is a consciousness that is compatible to the energy that heals. Since biblical times washing of feet, clean hands and being freshly anointed are spoken about again and again in ancient texts. Energy Healing is not something that should be taken lightly or used carelessly, in fact the higher the regard a client holds in their heart for their own personal healing experience, the same elevated precious awareness flows right back to them.

      If a client is desperate or requests energy healing because they are searching for answers due to being pressured for healing solutions they should be told that this type of healing should be entered into with a calm, trusting, optimistic outlook that will in turn be their own mirrored reality. Allot of times if my client seems overly worried or dismayed about themselves I suggest meditation or prayer before they come to the session. This brings about a much more stable, relaxed reality in which energy can enter into.

      Creating a foundation in which energy can manifest and work with you is the first most important aspect of energy healing and  it's importance.

By Patricia Huff CMT, Energy Healer
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