Think back to your wedding day. It was beautiful, your spouse looked perfect and you were both head over heels in love. Do you remember doing cute things for each other, leaving little love notes, a bouquet of flowers or getting dressed up to go out together? As the years of marriage roll a along with career opportunities and children the spark of love can quickly dwindle to barely a flickering flame.
Marriage is difficult! But so is anything worth while. Too many people complain that they have fallen out of love and marriage isn't working for them anymore but with a new understanding and some effort your marriage can blossom. Marriage counseling can be a great source to couples that are struggling to understand each other and spend most of their time frustrated and confused.
Marriage counseling is not the answer to your worries it is merely a way to navigate you through rough spots of marriage. Almost all marriage counselors will say the success of the marriage counseling is determined by the willingness of the couple. There is nothing embarrassing about seeking help. Counseling can help both husband and wife physically, emotionally and spiritually. People who have received marriage counseling have gained many benefits, The National Directory of Marriage and Family Counseling share statistics of people from 15 states in America who have taken marriage counseling;
- 98.1% rated services good or excellent
- 97.1% got the kind of help they desired
- 93% said they were helped in dealing more effectively with problems
- 94.3% would return to the same therapist in the future
- 96.9% would recommend their therapist to a friend
- 63.4% reported improved physical health
- 54.8% reported improvement in functioning at work
- 73.7% indicated improvement in children's behavior
- 58.7% showed improvement in children's school performance
If your marriage needs help talk to your spouse and begin researching a good therapist and rekindle your love for each other.
The next article will provide you with tips on how to prepare for marriage counseling.
By Worldwide Health Editor
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