Some people have food allergy and others don't. Some people had a food allergy and now they don't. A study conducted by The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected data that sheds light on who is most likely to get and food allergy and when.
The data concluded that male black children were most likely to have a food allergy when compared to other populations. Luckily, a small percentage of the American population; 2.5% have been clinically diagnosed with a food allergy. Out of that percentage the male Black children had a 4.4% higher risk of having a food allergy.
This study was indeed comprehensive using a large body that represented the American population. There were multiple ages from infants to elderly people, people from all ethnicities, backgrounds and demographics were part of the population that was tested. To test the individuals the researchers studied specific blood serums to detect low levels of the anti-body to foods such as peanuts, shrimp, eggs and milk.
Not only did the researchers find a correlation between the race, age and gender and food allergies but also found that those that had asthma were at a higher risk of having a food allergy. Children under 5 years had the highest risk of having a food allergy and those 60 years and older had the lowest risk of having an allergy towards food.
A food allergy is a negative response to a food protein. An individual with a food allergy could react in several ways depending on the severity of the allergy. Swelling, itchiness, hives, exema, a runny nose can all be symptoms of a food allergy. If you suspect you or someone close to you may have a food allergy seek medical help. There are many tests medical professionals use to determine what specific food the individual has in intolerance towards.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study discussed above provides knowledge that can help parents recognize a food allergy before it could become fatal. If you are the parent of a male Black child then you might be looking for intolerance towards the common foods such as peanuts, milk, eggs and shrimp. Regardless of your race, age or gender it is always wise to educate yourself on the symptoms of food allergies.
By Worldwidehealth Editor
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