The far reaching benefits of Reflexology both therapeutically and in relaxation are profound and unforgettable.
My daughter then aged 22 was bitten by a venomous snake two years ago. It was assumed to be a venomous bite because her foot turned dark grey, black and swelled painfully within a few minutes. Whilst waiting for the ambulance the First Aider on site correctly bandaged her lower leg and kept her still. At first we thought it was a Night Adder that had bitten her, but after discussion she confirmed she saw another snake after being bitten. Because of the uncertainty she was given anti venom and kept in ICU overnight. Her heart rate was over 140s so I immediately commenced the Metamorphic Technique which is gently and slowly stroking back and forth from outside of the thumb along the outer edge of the hand to other side of the wrist working first one hand then the other to encourage balance of mind and body. (On the feet: stroking from outer side of the big toe (medial) down to the heel, back and forth and again first one then the other foot). Both the Sister and I noted that her heart rate immediately started to calm down and stayed around the 90s. The Sister was aware of the profound benefits of Reflexology and immediately wanted to learn this particular technique.
I worked gentle and relaxing Reflexology by stroking on my daughters hands and especially the upper lymphatics, progressing to her feet only after a week and every second day. My mentor and teacher Molly Jeffrey gave Reiki and Energy healing to my daughter on a few occasions and our main concern was the dark colour of the flesh on my daughter's foot and to encourage healing of the tissue. After we had discussed the use of crystals I was advised to tape an unpolished lapis lazuli over the bite marks on my daughter's foot for atleast three days of which my daughter was very happy to do (not scientifically studied). We were astounded at the amazing change in her foot after two days. The very dark flesh immediately around the fang marks had turned pink which indicated an improved circulation. Over the next month her foot returned to normal and no operations necessary which was confirmed by her medical practitioner.
My daughter's recovery took two months and most of it was ensuring that the lymph kept moving, considering the amount of venom she had in her system and ensuring a healthy diet to positively improve her immune system. This also included tapping on the chest (four fingers below top of sternum) above the Thymus gland once a day to encourage stimulation of the immune system, yet another wonderful healing tool for those with comprised immune systems.
I have related our experience to further clarify the wonderful healing tools in Reflexology and crystals and we are still investigating any up to date information regarding venomous snake bites which might help ease recovery and to understand if there are any long term effects.
Yet again Complementary Therapies are a great alternative during recovery.
By Jill Fisher Reflexologist (Dip. South Africa)
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