What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves treatment by stimulation of anatomical points on the body, known as Acupuncture Body Points or Acupoints, with the help of specialized thin, solid, metallic sterilized needles. These acupuncture points are distributed along the meridians, which are interconnected throughout the body, and are over a hundred in number. Originated in China some 2000 years ago, Acupuncture developed in Japan, Tibet, Korea, and other East Asian nations with minor variations.
How does Acupuncture work?Treatment by Acupuncture is based on the theory that bodily ailments are a result of energy imbalance in the body. When the needles are used to stimulate the acupoints, the vital energy gets regulated and proper amount of energy flows to the proper place within the body. This procedure helps the body to heal itself.
Modern acupuncturists also use magnets, lasers, and herbs instead of needles, but the idea remains the same and the results are achieved in a more or less similar fashion.
According to the World Health Organization, the following are amongst a number of diseases that are known to be responsive to acupuncture: acute and chronic pain control, arthritis/arthrosis, anxiety, fright, panic, drug detoxification, frozen shoulder, persistent hiccups, constipation, diarrhea and abdominal distention/flatulence. find out more by contacting a specialist >> |
Healing power of acupressure and acupuncture
Healing power of acupressure and acupunctureThe Healing Power of Acupressure and Acupuncture covers the development of acupressure and acupuncture under the Eastern methods of science |
Equine Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics Manual
Equine Landmark Anatomy & Acupoint Entergetics ManualPresenter: Turie Normal, DVM This DVD and Manual break new ground in the field of acupressure and acupuncture. They provide an exceptional tool for the veterinary professional, bodywork practitioners, and students of acupressure and acupuncture. This equine DVD:Identifies significant anatomical landmarks Discusses |
Canine Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics Manual
Canine Landmark Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics -Manual Presenter: Turie Norman, DVM This Manual is an essential resource for wholistic veterinary professionals, healthcare practitioners, canine bodyworkers and students of animal acupressure and acupuncture. This learning tool has not existed before. Both the DVD and Manual go into extensive detail |
Pain, analgesics and alternatives
Announcing a NEW report from Health Explored!Ouch! That hurt! What have you done? Cut your finger on a chisel, hit your elbow on the doorpost, burned your hand on a hotplate or worse? Hurt your back lifting those boxes, strained a muscle playing football? Or perhaps your pain |
The Qigong Meditation CD
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Equine Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics
Equine Landmark Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics - Companion DVD to Equine Landmark Anatomy & Acupoint Entergetics ManualPresenter: Turie Normal, DVM This DVD and Manual break new ground in the field of acupressure and acupuncture. They provide an exceptional tool for the veterinary professional, bodywork practitioners, and students of |
Canine Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics DVD
Canine Landmark Anatomy & Acupoint Energetics - DVDPresenter: Turie Norman, DVM This DVD is an essential resource for wholistic veterinary professionals, healthcare practitioners, canine bodyworkers and students of animal acupressure and acupuncture. This learning tool has not existed before. Both the DVD and Manual go into extensive detail regarding:Surface |
Beauty & Therapy Chairs
Beautelle's Therapy Chairs for Beauty | Therapy | Health Treatment. Designs include electric, hydraulic & compact models for all types of beauty & health treatments.Chatsworth Chair designs include from static to electronic. versatile compact and split leg models for all types of therapy treatments inlcuding beauty therapy | make-up | tattoo | acupuncture |
Pax Vita - Acupressure Mat
Pax Vita - Acupressure Mat for Effective Acupressure Treatment Acupressure treatment has been used worldwide for centuries as a natural health aid for various health complaints. Acupressure therapy puts pressure on specific pressure points in our body to help stimulate and release blocked energy in these important pressure |
Electro-Reflexologist ER-839S from OTO £173.87 VAT FREE. Lowest price in the UK
The Electro-Reflexologist ER-839S from OTO is a compact, physiotherapeutic device developed by a group of doctors and electronic engineers in Korea. Based on traditional foot reflexology and acupuncture theories, it uses a safe and stable flow of low frequency electro-waves to stimulate reflex zones, nerves, acupoints, muscles and |
Natural Supplements
Along with the balancing and healing effects of your acupuncture treatments, we may discuss the addition of some natural herbal and/or nutritional supplements to create a total program of wellness for you. Over the years, many of my patients have inquired about various supplements they were taking, or |
Preventing and Treating the Common Cold Naturally
Upper respiratory infections (URI's) typically begin with a sore or scratchy throat, aversion to cold or alternating chills and feverish sensations, fatigue and muscle aches and progress to either chest symptoms, such as cough and tightness, or to sinus problems (aka "head colds"). These symptoms can last from |
Is it time to Heal yourself?
So you have decided to give Complementary Medicine a try. Maybe you have walked into a brick wall with Conventional Medicine or, your experience of it left you feeling burned. The message is very clear - Conventional Medicine has used all that it has to offer and nothing |
Science, Allergies and Natural Health
One of the goals of this article is to reconcile scientific research with natural health approaches. It is sometimes a difficult task. All of the medical journals sell ads to drug companies and it should be obvious that economics help to determine what appears in the journals. But |