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Magnet Therapy

What is Magnet Therapy?

Magnet therapy or magnotherapy is a form of alternative medicine claiming that certain medical disorders can be effectively treated by exposure to static magnetic fields.

Magnet therapy makes use of the static magnetic fields produced by permanent magnets; the related alternate medicine field of electromagnetic therapy involves the application of electromagnetic waves to the patient.
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Articles Associated with Magnet Therapy

How to Decrease Chances of Arthritis
What causes arthritis?Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. But, arthritis pain relief is not so common. There are over one hundred diseases associated with arthritis, affecting areas in and around joints. Just below heart disease, arthritis is the second leading cause of disability
Asthma Relief through Magnet Therapy
Our natural instincts are to nurture children, to make their world free of fear and free of pain. When they are ill we feel powerless to help; frustrated and reliant on medicine to control the problem, yet always searching for the miracle cure. For parents of children with
Treatment and Home remedies for arthritis pain
Treatment and Home remedies for arthritis painWhat are arthritis causes?Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. But, arthritis pain relief is not so common. There are over one hundred diseases associated with arthritis, affecting areas in and around joints. Just below heart disease, arthritis
What is Bio-Magnetic Therapy?
Used in ancient Egypt, rediscovered by NASA; favoured as a cure by the famous yet accessible to all. It is, of course, bio-magnetic healing, the therapy that helps the body heal itself.Bio-magnetic therapy is simple and natural. Take the fact that iron makes up about 4 percent of
RSI Relief Through Magnet Therapy
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is one of the curses of modern technology; Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD) may be a newer label for the syndrome but the symptoms are the same: pain, numbness, tingling and skin sensitivity. Sufferers try and work through it hoping it will go
Magnet Therapy
Magnetic therapy increases blood through a magnet and the electromagnetic fields within the body. A magnet is placed on certain parts of the body and activates positive and negative blood cells; the result is faster flowing blood. So why does this matter? Well, an increased blood flow will
Vision Tips You Might Not Have Heard About
As a person who has been deep into natural nutrition for many years, and has experienced almost no illness for the last sixteen years, to discover that I had serious vision problems was a shock and a scare to me!  Thus, I started going to various eye doctors. 
What is Electronic Gem Therapy?
Electronic Gem Therapy is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It is based on ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, using precious stones and light to reach the cells of the body at a subatomic level. The treatment is painless, without side effects and supported by many conclusive case studies.
Magnet Therapy
Magnet therapy or magnotherapy is a form of alternative medicine claiming that certain medical disorders can be effectively treated by exposure to static magnetic fields. Magnet therapy makes use of the static magnetic fields produced by permanent magnets; the related alternate medicine field of electromagnetic therapy involves the application