Rated as the #1 Menopause Support Pill, Femmetrinol claims to quickly, safely, and effectively resolve menopausal issues. The all-natural formula is maximized to meet all AM and PM needs of menopausal women.
Associated menopausal problems from discomfort, night flashes, mood swings, irritability, and night flashes are treated and supported 24/7 by Femmetrinol. The best thing about the product is because it is entirely composed of only natural extracts. The natural ingredients were carefully studied and selected for their benefits towards menopausal issues. Health Research Institute, the company behind Femmetrinol, ensures that no cheap additives or fillers are added.
This review about Femmetrinol is to see whether the product delivers on the claim.
The ingredients in Femmetrinol
Finding more about the various ingredients used in Femmetrinol is the best way for you to know its effectiveness and safe usage.
Black Cohosh
Native to North America, the plant has long been found to contain extracts to address menopausal issues. The absence of side effects has been established by numerous long studies. Weak bones and painful menstrual problems are also addressed by this beneficial plant. It works because of the minuscule salicylic acid content that is also found in common aspirin products.
Wild Yam
Wild yam is a beneficial plant extract that has been used during the 18th century. It is because of its chemical contents that have been found to imitate natural estrogen hormones. Menopausal symptoms including menstrual cramps, nausea, morning sickness, and more have been effectively alleviated and treated by wild yam. The overall reproductive health of women is supported and promoted with the antispasmodic benefits of this potent extract.
Damiana wildly grows in Latin America and has become known for its amazing benefits. The wild shrub has been found effective in treating mental and physical problems of the human body. This includes alleviation of symptoms of sexual dysfunctions, constipation, depression, and headaches. Controlled dosages have proved to be safe and effective in combating psychological and physiologic human issues. Discovered and first used by the Aztecs, this herb is still a popular choice for treating many mental and physical ailments. A member of the passion flower family, the potent herb contains compounds that can naturally and effectively heal.
The shrub is mostly located in Asia and the Mediterranean. It has been found to contain natural stimulants that can help women’s reproductive system. Serious PMS symptoms also find treatment and alleviation in this powerful shrub. Well-tolerated, the components of the shrub has also been used to treat infertility and breast pain.
Feeling relaxed without the side effects of sedation and drowsiness is the beneficial effect given by L-Theanine extract. Its effectiveness is proven because it is now a common ingredient in green tea products. The importance of this extract has been noted in the promotion of healthy sleep cycles, hence the addition to the PM part of Femmetrinol.
Quercetin is a plant pigment abundantly found in red wine, onions, berries, green tea, and more. It is because this flavonol has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory elements. It has also been proven not to cause any side effects.
Turmeric has become quite popular in the alternative medicine world because of its powerful antioxidant elements. Inflammation and swelling are effectively and safely treated with turmeric. Some of the benefits given by turmeric include treatment of bloating, menstrual cramps, water retention, and more.
Day and night cycles are effectively regulated with the melatonin hormone. This beneficial hormone is included in Femmetrinol to help regulate sleep cycles. Insomnia, dementia, and other sleep problems are cleared up with the help of melatonin.
Sleep problems plaguing people during the second century resolved this issue with the use of the valerian plant. Relaxation is also induced by the plant with its gentle sedative elements. FDA has deemed valerian as a GRAS or Generally Recognized as Safe component. A study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center found subjects quickly falling asleep as well as enjoying uninterrupted sleep with the help of valerian. Its safeness and reasonable price make this a worthy sleep and relaxation aid compared to other potentially dangerous and costlier alternatives.
The uterine tone and blood flow are stimulated and supported by motherwort, a member of the mint plant family. Women affected by intermittent menstrual cycles get much-needed relief with the help from motherwort. Uterine infections have been treated by midwives with motherwort. Other symptoms that have been shown to benefit from the use of motherwort include stomach gas, cramps, insomnia, and other forms of menopausal issues.
The quality behind Femmetrinol
With the stellar list of ingredients found in Femmetrinol, it is of small wonder that the product is considered the best of its kind. While other brands may use some of the ingredients found in this product, it will never be in its complete array.
The careful and painstaking selection of the products included in Femmetrinol has been studied by the group of scientists behind the Health Research Institute. The company has gained a solid reputation for their creation of health supplements that have helped various health conditions. The all-natural ingredient the company has always chosen for their health supplements is a true testament to the effectiveness of alternative medicine treatments.
The absence of side effect reports and the positive reviews from users say volumes about the safe and effective use of Femmetrinol.
The final words
The quest to find a great solution for women’s menopausal problems is at an end with Femmetrinol. The all-natural ingredient the formula contains seems to all there to relieve the discomfort all women experience during menopause. The absence of unnatural chemicals, stimulants, and additives has added to the luster of this product. The unique idea of implementing an AM and PM approach to the problem of menopause symptoms is the only one of its kind. Women now have the opportunity to experience complete control over their symptoms not only during the day but at night as well. Femmetrinol is truly the number one menopause treatment supplement for this year and years to come.