What Is The Digestive System
The digestive system is the part of the human body that is responsible for breaking down food so the food can be absorbed and used by the body for energy. The entire digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs such as the tongue, salivary glands, gallbladder, pancreas, and liver. Whenever food is digested it actually begins before the food enters the body. It starts when the individual actually sees and smell the food. The next step starts the mechanical process of digestion which is chewing. The food is then swallowed and makes it way through the digestive system to the large intestine where water and minerals are reabsorbed back into the body and the waste will be excreted from the body.
Plants That Are Good For Digestive Health
The caraway seeds or plants is one of the most effective plants or seeds that can help improve or maintain digestive health. Caraway is a plant that is a part of the Apiaceae family other plants a part of this same family are the carrot, celery, and fennel. Another name for this plant is Meridian Fennel of Persians Cumin. The caraway grows in moist areas and is usually found in North Africa, Asia, and Europe. This plant is called a seed but is actually not a seed. The caraway actually produces a fruit called achenes and the seed inside of the achenes is what helps the digestive system. The seed is effective when it comes to relieving stomach bloating and intestinal cramps. The seeds are also very effective when it comes to calming an upset or nervous stomach. The seed restores intestinal flora and yeast therefore it is also very effective in combating irritable bowel syndrome.
Ways To Improve Digestive Health
There are a few different ways to improve the digestive system and they all are based off of lifestyle choices and food choices. A high fiber diet is highly recommended for individuals the reason why is because foods high in fiber helps food move smoothly through the digestive tract. A high fiber diet also helps to prevent hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. The high fiber diet should be used with a diet that is also rich in whole grains and vegetables. When consumed in the fiber intake it has to be both soluble and insoluble fiber. Individual should also stop eating foods that are extremely high in fats and should focus on eating a diet that consists more of lean meats. It is recommended that individuals stay hydrated, eat on a schedule, and incorporate probiotics into their diet. If an individual has any bad habits such as smoking and excessive caffeine intake they should stop immediately.
If an individual does not exercise they should start to get more active and start to implement exercise in a regular weekly routine. The reason why is because exercise helps to reduce constipation and also assist in helping food move through the digestive tract. One final important aspect of helping to keep a healthy digestive system is to manage stress. It is said that too much stress can slow the digestive process and possibly lead to constipation or other digestive issues. If an individual follows all of these steps he or she can definitely improve their digestive health or just maintain a healthy digestive system. It is also recommended to get regular check-ups from a primary care physician or gastroenterologist so if something abnormal does occur it can be called immediately and remedied. If all these steps are taken anyone can achieve the goal of having a healthy problem-free digestive system.
By Paisley Hansen
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