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Hot Stone Therapy

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Articles Associated with Hot Stone Therapy

Hot Stone Therapy II
Helen McGuinness covers a step by step demonstration of advanced stone massage techniques to the body and face, which includes the use of specialty stones, chakra balancing and correct stone placements to give your clients a sense of balance and enhanced well being. Includes: · Menu with easy
6 Quart Hot Stone Heater
This is the perfect piece of equipment for those wanting to train in  Hot Stone Therapy, ideal for both spa/salon environments but also for those wanting to carry out hot stone massage treatment in the comfort of their clients home.  Our 6 Quart heater is able
18 Quart Hot Stone Heater
  This is the perfect piece of equipment for those wanting to train in  Hot Stone Therapy, ideal for both spa/salon environments but also for those wanting to carry out hot stone massage treatment in the comfort of their clients home.  Our 18 Quart heater is
Hot Massage Stones (Hand Selected Basalt)
Basalt Stones (Hot Stone Therapy)52 basalt stones, carefully hand picked in European Volcanic areas, tumbled for smoothness, large versatile shapes specifically selected for the precise application required to perform various treatments working on all anatomical areas. You will get lots of hand sized stones, not small stones which are
Digital Thermostatic Stone Heater
Top of the range Hot Stone Therapy Heater This 15" diametre stainless steel model, designed specifically for stone therapy work,  digital heat control, easy drain tap, noise deadening rubber mat, twin safety systems to prevent heater overheating, 12 months guarantee and is CE approved.  Also features a 3kw or 2kw rapid heating
Endometriosis and Ayurveda
As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycleby building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. Ayurveda is a traditional medication that has been used in India for
What is Sport & Remedial Massage Therapy?
Sport & Remedial Massage HistoryThe earliest recording of massage dates back to the Chinese in 3000 BC. Today massage has evolved into over 400 recognised styles, ranging from Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish, Aromatherapy, Holistic, Hot Stone Therapy, Sport & Remedial Massage.  Each discipline have common objectives, which include the
Endometriosis Part I--- Types of Traditional Treatments
As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosiswhich grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. Besidse conventional treatment, there are many types of traditional treatment are
Preparing for a Massage Interview - What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask
Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes. For many massage therapists, the first job they hold directly out of massage school