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What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative health care profession with the purpose of diagnosing and treating mechanical disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system with the intention of affecting the nervous system and improving health. It is based on the premise that a spinal joint misalignment, which chiropractors call a vertebral subluxation, can interfere with the nervous system and result in many different conditions of diminished health.

Treatments typically include spinal adjustments to correct the vertebral subluxation, though some may use other holistic interventions as well. In contrast, the term subluxation, as used in conventional medicine, is usually associated with specific conditions which are a direct consequence of injury to joints or associated nerves.

Chiropractic was founded in 1895 by DD Palmer, and it is now licensed in every state in the United States and practiced in more than 100 countries.
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Articles Associated with Chiropractic

Slipped Disc and its Chiropractic Treatment
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How to Get Past a Car Accident and Prevent Lifelong Problems
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Combating Back Pain: 4 Back-Breaking Signs It is Time to See a Chiropractor
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3 Things My Chiropractor Made Me Do For My Back
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Trouble Sleeping? Four Ways to Get Better Rest
Sleep allows our bodies and brains to rest and restore themselves. However, with pain, illness, and stresses, it can be challenging to get a good night's sleep. Try these tips to help you sleep better at night and feel refreshed in the morning.     Make Yourself Comfortable   Having good sleep hygiene
Back Pain: How to Deal with a Slipped Disc
Spinal disc herniation, commonly referred to as a slipped disc, is a serious and often painful condition that may arise after a trauma or develop slowly over time. Learning how to deal with a slipped disc is crucial if you want to speed up your recovery and avoid
Therapeutic Manipulation – What Exactly Does it Mean?
Therapeutic manipulation refers to any technique by which a disease or disorder is treated using the remedial use of the hands, especially by a skilled practitioner. Some of these techniques include: Acupuncture Massage Physiotherapy Chiropractics Myopractics Acupuncture Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures
Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care
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7 Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain
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