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What is Fertility?

Fertility is the ability to procreate or get pregnant with ease. Some people would be considered very fertile and others not so much in some cases even infertile. There is not one aspect that determines a couple’s fertility level; rather there are numerous factors that need to be aligned to create the life of a human being.

For people that have infertility issues there are many specialists that can help increase the chances of conception. For those who seem to be highly fertile there are several options of birth control.
find out more by contacting a specialist >>

Articles Associated with Fertility

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 Enhancing fertility naturallyA guide to safe and inexpensive natural alternatives to often hazardous and extremely expensive conventional medical treatments for infertility
Daily Super E
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Trying to Have a Baby? 5 Signs You Need to Have Fertility Testing
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Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Liver and Kidney Deficiency in TCM Perspective
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Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals-- Magnesium
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Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency in a TCM Perspective
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Types of Infertility
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Overcome Infertility --Cryopreservation InConventional Medication
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Overcome Infertility --How to Treat female Infertility With Herbs Licorice (glycyrrhira glabra)
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All women experience irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem for a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will dis-harmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to
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