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A Question of Weight

Recent studies have shown that the United States, Canada and now the United Kingdom are experiencing an obesity epidemic. Despite the fact that supermarket shelves are full of low-fat and nonfat foods and that as a society we are spending millions on weight-loss products, health magazines, diet books, weight-management clinics and health spas, it appears that, as a population, we are getting steadily fatter.

Hypnotherapy Explained

It is widely accepted now that many illnesses are psychosomatic, that is the body has been made ill by the workings of the mind. It would seem obvious therefore that in cases where the mind has been instrumental in adversely affecting our health, then we should be using the mind to bring about good health.

General Dietry Guidelines

Eat as wide a variety of foods as possible for a balanced diet. Eat regularly throughout the day, having breakfast, lunch and dinner, with snacks in between.

What is Juicing?

Juicing fresh fruit and vegetables works by providing the body with a vast array of living, vital nutrients in a form that it can easily assimilate.

General Exercise Guidelines

Make sure that you perform some form of exercise at a moderate level for at least half an hour most days of the week. Combine a certain amount of muscular strength exercise with endurance exercise while incorporating a certain amount of flexibility work.

What is a Toning Table?

Modern toning tables owe their heritage to the original design developed by biochemist Bernard H. Stauffer in America in the 1930s. He used his knowledge of the physiology, anatomy and movement patterns of the body to develop the Induced Rhythmic Motion (IRM) tables.

The Latest Innovation in Open Fit Hearing Aids: Speaker-in-the-Ear Hearing Aids

Currently, there is a trend in the hearing aid industry toward smaller and more discreet hearing aids, including the recent development of open fit hearing aids (also known as open ear hearing aids).

The Dangers of Aluminium in Make-up and Toiletries

Many people confuse naturally occurring alum with the synthetic aluminium chemicals such as aluminium chlorhydrate or aluminium zicarnium, the two most common active ingredients in conventional deodorants.

The Medical Risks of Overweight and Obesity

Obesity isn't just a cosmetic problem; it's very much a medical problem as well. You may be reading this today because you are or have been very unhappy about your physical appearance.

What is Indian Head Massage - Champissage?

Indian Head Massage can help to lift you out of the hustle and bustle of everyday stressful living. The techniques used are based on the ancient Ayurvedic Healing System.

Our Skin the Outer Lung

In Chinese medicine the skin is an outer lung, It breathes in and out through tiny little perforations much like a teabag. It is a large organ and is constantly regenerating and In humans 30% of our bodily waste comes out through our skin.

Magnotherapy - A Fitter Pain Free Way of Life

The benefits of Magnotherapy have been well documented in recent years by the many people who have undeniably benefited from its use – both to aid healing and to alleviate pain.

Treating Everyday ills with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a natural therapy. Food is an important part of Chinese remedy. Before a Chinese medical doctor treats a person, he/she will gather all the information about this person including dietary information, living habits and every possible influence.

Hands-On Animals

The entire family needs bodywork, don't you think? This includes horses, dogs and cats for a lot of families. People are recognizing that what is good for them is good for their favorite animals.

What is Scenar Therapy?

The Scenar 97.4 is a healing device invented by Russian Scientists for use in space, where Russian cosmonauts would have a means of treating themselves in orbit, without the need to take drugs.

What is Holistic Allergy Therapy?

As originally defined, allergy is an unusual physical response to any substance in a person's environment, the environment being anything that a person touches, inhales, has injected, drinks, eats or otherwise contacts.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (or CST) is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the craniosacral system. This system protects the delicate tissues of our nervous system; such as the brain, spinal cord and fine nerve fibres - it consists of the bones of the back, head face and mouth as well as the more delicate membranes and fluids.

The e-LYBRA Bio-Resonance System

The Human Bio-Field has many layers including, the etheric (or physical double), emotional, mental and spiritual etc., and they can affect each other.

What is Aromatherapy?

Most of us experience, at some time in our lives, the need for simple physical or emotional rejuvenation that does not involve the doctor or other people.

Complementary Therapies and HIV

HIV and Complementary therapies Initially, there were no drugs available to treat HIV/AIDS, but substantial numbers of infected individuals collaborated, shared experiences and found an alternative way.


Originally from China, acupuncture has been practised in the East for centuries. Now this holistic form of medicine is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and America.

To Achieve Your Goals, Know Your Personality Profile

It's now commonly known that those who set goals will be more successful than those who don't. But did you realise that your personality affects the type of goals you're most likely to succeed with? Read on to learn how to set the most appropriate goals for your personality type.

What is Magnotherapy?

Magnotherapy has been used to improve health in the Far East and other areas of the world for hundreds of years. Now Physiotherapists in many major hospitals use magnetic fields to improve health, overcoming aches and pains and improve recovery.

The Myths and Truths Of Dieting

An extract from 'The Calorie, Carb & Fat Bible 2002', by Dr. Jeremy Sims I was once asked what I considered to be the most important factors for successful and healthy weight loss.

The Road To A Healthier Weight: Staying Motivated

Ask anyone who has successfully lost weight and they will tell you that starting out on a weight loss programme is relatively easy. The difficult part is staying motivated to continue and reach their ultimate goal.

What is Indian Face Massage?

Most of us long to make the most of our natural assets. We strive to look good and, in everyone's life, there comes a certain moment when we recognise that youth is not ours forever.

Portion Control - Educated Eating for Sustained Weight Loss

Dieting methods over the last two decades have gone through many phases. Twenty years ago calorie counting was the way to lose weight, that was followed by the F-Plan where people were told to fill up with fibre, and eventually the advice was to count fat grams.

Vitamin D – A Gene-Regulating Super Nutrient

Vitamin D has long been known to assist healthy bones by helping to stimulate bone cells to make new bone while enhancing the uptake of calcium into bones.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a 19th century word meaning 'nature cure', and a naturopath is one who applies natural therapies in professional medical practice.

Back Pain: Cause and Treatment

About 800 New Zealanders visit their doctor each day with back or neck strain complaints, according to ACC. This is not including real back injuries or accidents, but only depicts the people who have a sore back or neck from overstretching.

What is Anthroposophical Medicine?

At the beginning of the last century a group of doctors, mainly but not entirely from a homeopathic background, took a particular interest in the philosophy and work that was emerging at that time being developed by Rudolf Steiner, who named it "Anthroposophy".

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, literally translated means wind and water and it is concerned with the interaction between ourselves, the buildings we inhabit, and the wider environment.

Feng Shui in Practice

Whilst Feng Shui has attracted a massive amount of coverage in the UK press and television over the last eighteen months, it would appear that it is not just a fad.

What is Light Therapy?

Light therapy is the treatment of choice in the UK for NHS specialist Seasonal Affective Disorder clinics. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects many people to a degree; they sleep and eat slightly more in winter and dislike the dark mornings.

Tips For Contact Lens Wearers To Keep Their Eyes Happy

The cornea of the eye is one of the few "breathing" organs of the body. Hence, contact lens must be able to breathe in order for you not to experience the discomforts that many people encounter upon wearing contacts.

Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Science and Health

Holistic health; harmony and healing of the body; balance on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels, are all based on an energy source that is integral to our existence.

Learn How To Quit Smoking

What do I mean by LEARN, shouldn't I be telling you to go buy some nicotine gum or some quit smoking NRT products. Hey! It's not that hard for anyone to stop smoking and NO you don't really need a pill, potion, patch or gum.

CNM Case Study - Catherine Nash

A New Start Catherine Nash had all the trappings of success – a great job as an IT consultant, a big salary and a classy company car – but she'd never been so unhappy in her life.

What is Yarrow - Achillea Millefolium Essential Oil?

Yarrow is a hedgerow bush found along many country lanes in Europe, Western Asia and North America. It has fern-like, feathery leaves with clusters of pink and white flowers and grows to about three feet.

Stretching in the Office

A funny thing happened on the way to the electronic revolution. Large numbers of us ended up sitting at desks, working at computers. And that, as so many people have discovered, has its problems, its downsides.

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a traditional hands-on Japanese healing therapy. It can help in a wide range of conditions - from specific injuries to more general symptoms of poor health.

Fusion Fitness - Warm Up

'If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.' Abraham LincolnVisualise a tree. Immediately we think of a solid trunk with leafy branches sprouting forth.

The Importance of Quality in Herbal Ingredients

We all want the quality of items we purchase to be the best possible, and this is particularly so when it is something that we are going to take ourselves or give to our pets.

Frequently Asked Questions about Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD

What is SADSeasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is now officially recognised as a medical condition thought to affect over 2 million of the British population.

Managing Your Stress

Stress is all around us, it is part of modern life. Everyone is susceptible to it and no one is immune, but what exactly is stress and why is it important? That isn’t as easy to answer as you might think.

What is Tui Na?

Tui Na is a type of Oriental bodywork which has been used in China for more than 2,000 years. Diagnosis and treatment are based on the same principles as acupuncture - the traditional Chinese medical theory of the flow of Qi through the meridians.

What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese herbal medicine, along with acupuncture and tui na massage, is based on the concepts of Yin and Yang. It aims treat the ways in which a person's Qi or life force energy may be depleted or blocked.

Aromatherapy in the First Aid Box

Over the past twenty years or more Aromatherapy has become a household name. Its popularity has increased so much that almost every College in every town has an Aromatherapy course and aromatherapy products are in every supermarket from oils and creams to hair shampoos.

Home Help for Hayfever

I am not a trained practitioner of any kind, but I am a fed up Hay Fever sufferer sharing some tips on taking a natural approach to dealing with it.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is healing using universal energy. It is a system of great ease but has enormous power. A Reiki healer will channel energy through their hands and the patient uses that energy where it is needed.

Ayurveda in Brief

Ayurveda is the Asian medical system which has its beginning in the fifth century BC, and thrives even to the present day in many parts of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet.

What is Low Level Laser Therapy?

Almost everyone has suffered physical pain at some point in their lives. Pain is multi causal - in cases of acute traumas (wound or injury), there is a soft tissue injury comprising swelling, haematoma, pain and reduced mobility.

Beating Procrastination

Do you rush around doing things at the last minute? How many times have you mentioned something that you felt that you ought to do and said "yes, I'll get round to it", but "it" never happens.

What is Kickboxing?

Kickboxing is the Sport and Martial Art whereby students may combine fighting techniques from other arts i.e. Boxing, Thaiboxing, Karate and Kung Fu in order to compete to a very high level in a Ring against an opponent.

Asthma Relief

Improving the Air Quality in your Home Asthma affects 1 in 10 children and 1 in 20 adults in the UK and is on the increase. Asthma is a chronic (long-term, even life long) lung disease that can be life threatening.

What is Electronic Gem Therapy?

Electronic Gem Therapy is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It is based on ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, using precious stones and light to reach the cells of the body at a subatomic level.

Get Ahead of Lice

It is common knowledge that head lice do not prefer dirty hair, but we still can not help but associate them with poor hygiene. They spread easily from one person to another, are difficult to see and have become resistant to many of the chemicals that have been used to treat them - no wonder then that they're the bane of every parents life.

What is Homeopathy?

Homoeopathy is not a new age medicine. It has stood the test of time and has been in use for over 200 years. It is a safe, natural form of medicine that stimulates the body to heal itself.

What is Stress Advice?

'Stress Advisers' are now working in a wide range of settings throughout the UK. They give 'Stress Advice' on a one-to-one basis to those who need it.

What is Thought Field Therapy?

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a unique form of therapy, which was discovered and developed by Dr. Roger Callahan PhD, a Californian clinical psychologist.

Psychological Reversal

Do you ever find yourself saying right when you mean left? Or constantly typing two letters in a word the wrong way round? Do you even suffer from a chronically grumpy mood, keep putting things off and generally indulge in self-sabotaging behaviour?If so then you are probably suffering from a condition called Psychological Reversal (PR) which can be treated very simply.

Asthma Relief through Magnet Therapy

Our natural instincts are to nurture children, to make their world free of fear and free of pain. When they are ill we feel powerless to help; frustrated and reliant on medicine to control the problem, yet always searching for the miracle cure.

RSI Relief Through Magnet Therapy

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is one of the curses of modern technology; Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD) may be a newer label for the syndrome but the symptoms are the same: pain, numbness, tingling and skin sensitivity.

What is Bio-Magnetic Therapy?

Used in ancient Egypt, rediscovered by NASA; favoured as a cure by the famous yet accessible to all. It is, of course, bio-magnetic healing, the therapy that helps the body heal itself.

What is Time Line Therapy?

We are at the beginning of a new era of understanding. Time Line Therapyâ„¢ is one of the most powerful procedures for accelerating human change.

Breathing Works for Asthma

Asthma is a fascinating subject. Millions of people worldwide suffer from its symptoms - with mild to life-threatening episodes. A recent World Health Organization report states that 150 million people have this disorder; it affects people of all ages, all races 'humble or poor, rich or renowned'.

Back Health in the Car

Driving can cause:- Neck pain- Eyestrain- Headache- Wrist pain- Back ache- Hip pain- Knee/foot and ankle painBoth the driver and the passenger can stiffen up in a car during a long trip.

Finding Your Ideal Career

In the current climate, many people are looking away from the traditional job market towards working for themselves. The massive redundancies and job insecurity has caused many people to radically rethink their career plans.

What is Confidence Building?

People of all ages and from all walks of life can lack confidence in themselves for one reason or another. And this can be the most disabling of problems to have.

Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has also entered the field of pregnancy. A lot of people may have reservations about chiropractic treatments in such delicate conditions but this is not the case.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy---Under Water Exercise

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Antidepressants Strongly Linked to Heart Disease

Researchers have documented an alarming link between the use of antidepressants and the development of serious heart disease. The link was discovered by following 63,449 women as part of the Nurses’ Health Study.

9 Super Health Tips That Have Worked For Me

This is a "what has worked very, very well for me" article.  Reasons I wish to share these tips include:  (1) for the last 15 years I have not been sick or experienced more than a slight cold, nor do I take any prescription medications; (2) I have a lot of friends, both older and younger than me, who have suffered from many illnesses and diseases.

What is Iridology?

Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye in order to diagnose the presence of any disease. Iridology is based on the assumption that every organ in the human body has a corresponding location within the iris and that one can determine whether an organ is healthy or diseased by examining the iris.

What is Anxiety Disorder?

Every day, I receive dozens of emails and telephone calls from worried anxiety disorder sufferers asking me about medications, therapy and other less conventional treatments; my answer is simple, I DO NOT encourage the use of medication and there are so many therapies available now that it is difficult, especially for anxious people, to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Managing Cancer the Holistic Way

In March 1999, I received the results from the biopsy on the lump on the left side of my neck. It was malignant. I was given the diagnosis of lymphoma.

Problems With Green Tea

The use of green tea as an aid to health may prove to be a disaster.  The problem is that today’s green tea is not the same as it was hundreds of years ago.

Bovine Growth Hormone

How about a little pus in your milk?  That, plus something worse (if you can imagine that) is what you are likely to get as a result of the newest assault on a once healthy product.

Be a STRONG Woman

Why weight….. Many women do not include strength training in their exercise programme despite the many benefits it can bring. Any exercise programme should consist of the three main components of strength, cardiovascular (aerobic) and flexibility.

Raw Health

With chronic illness, obesity, allergies and food intolerances, digestive complaints and diabetes all on the increase any simple measures that can be taken to assist good health are noteworthy.

Colorectal Care

"In fifty years of sanitarium practice, I have had the opportunity to work with over 350,000 patients. Of all these people, not one of them was free from some form of bowel mismanagement.

Allergy or Intolerance?

Many people describe themselves as having 'allergies' but true allergy is thankfully still fairly rare. Unfortunately the distinction between allergy and intolerance is not clear even among health books, the media and alternative therapists.

Green Bodies

It's no good being an avid environmentalist if you don't treat your own body with the same respect as the planet. Throughout history, human society has nurtured a tradition of natural beauty and health using indigenous knowledge of plants and herbs to heal and beautify the body.

Hypnotherapy: Questions You’ve Always Wanted to Ask

1) How and why does hypnosis work? Precisely how hypnosis works is still not known. But most of the mind’s workings are still shrouded in mystery, and hypnosis is no exception! Precisely how your mind carries out easy, everyday things such as walking, talking, and recognising faces, is just not known.

What are Bach Flower Remedies?

The Bach Flower Remediesâ„¢ (BFR) is a simple, safe and natural method of treating the negative emotive state using the essences of plants and flowers.

What is Journey Therapy?

The Journey is a therapy designed to deal with the elimination of painful emotions hidden within the body. Only then, can a sense of well-being at the core of human life be restored or reclaimed.

The BARF Diet - a Critique

The BARF diet is a system of holistic nutrition which is championed by Dr Ian Billinghurst who is an Australian vet. Dr Billinghurst has published several books on health and nutrition.

What is Ankylosing Spondylitis?

Ankylosing spondylitis is a painful, progressive, rheumatic disease mainly of the spine. It has an average disease onset of twenty-three years old and a male/female ratio of 3:1.

Feng Shui and Horses

Feng Shui and horses? I’ve never heard of it! I can’t even imagine a horse deciding to have his bed or his kitchen in a power position! HA HA HA .

What is Daoyin Tao?

By definition, Daoyin Tao® is a harmonious blend of softened and adapted Chinese and Western massage skills which creates a powerful synergy and brings relaxation and balance to the whole body through contact on the Face, Neck and Shoulders only.

What is the Alexander Technique?

TAKING THE PRESSURE OFF YOUR BODY "Stand up straight!" "Pull your shoulders back!" As children, we were told to have good posture. Yet we were seldom taught effective ways to accomplish this.

What is Yogic Massage?

Active Listening – a gentle approach that heals deeply. Yogic Massage is underpinned by the understanding of energy that I gained through Movement Healing.

What is Thai Yoga Massage?

An Ancient Tradition Comes to the West Traditional Thai Massage can look back at a long history of therapeutic healing. If one traces the evolution of the techniques of healing massage practiced in Thailand, one discovers the astonishing fact that the earliest roots of Thai massage lie not in Thailand, but in India.

Iridology for Children

You can tell what's going on inside your body by looking in your eyes.The iris (the blue or brown part of the eye), when studied by a trained practitioner, shows which of the bodies organs are stressed, hyper or hypoactive or weakened by trauma.

Hypnosis for Stress Management

The Psychology of Optimism: Practical no Nonsense Life Skills Developing a positive outlook through the psychology of optimism is very different from seeing the world through unrealistic rose-tinted spectacles and pretending that your problems do not exist, or worse, running away from them in denial.

Psychotherapy / Hypno-Psychotherapy

People seek therapy when they reach a place in their lives when they no longer have the answers or their own resources, mentally or emotionally, to continue.

Supplement with Enzymes For a Longer Life

Enzymes are a vital element in maintaining good health; they are responsible for every single reaction in the body. Our bodies cannot utilize essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other nutrients without them.

Dangers of Fluoride in Water

How about the small amount of fluoride compounds added to watersupplies to bring the total fluoride content to about one part permillion in order to prevent tooth decay?  Too little to do any harm?First, fluoride is one of the most toxic substances on earth, on parwith arsenic and lead.

What is Hair Mineral Analysis?

Hair contains all the minerals present in the body and, in most cases, reflects the quantity of these elements in your tissues. Analysis of this information provides a wealth of information on how efficiently your body is working and its nutritional status.

What is Spiral Release Bodywork?

Spiral Release Bodywork consists of deep tissue bodywork and neuromuscular therapy. While most massage therapists can incorporate deep pressure during a massage, SRB is a special therapy that encourages the permanent release of physical pain, trauma and stiffness.

Come Alive: Get Your Life Going Again

take controlWe all need to get back that feeling of being in control of our health and feeling good about ourselves and our lives. To do this, we need to get our energy back in balance.

What is Lymphedema?

Like the arteries, veins and capillaries that transport blood through our bodies, our bodies also contain an extensive drainage system that returns water and proteins from our tissues back to the bloodstream.

Four Stages of Breaking a Food Addiction

Nowhere do the Four Stages of Addiction come into play more powerfully than they do when you resist changing a habit relating to the foods with which you self-medicate.

What is Hopi Ear Candling?

Water - Nature's Miracle

Today, people in the developed world take water largely for granted and treat it as a low cost commodity rather than the priceless elixir it is.

It's in the Ether

It's in the Ether "As a whole being, the human body resonates to a broad spectrum of etheric frequencies. If the human being is healthy, these frequencies are in perfect harmony to one another.

Facial Fitness

When I opened my Facial Fitness studio in London, I viewed my work as providing a keep-fit regime for the face. Within days, I realized this wasn't the main concern for many of my clients.

What is Rapid Eye Technology?

Rapid Eye Technology is a treatment for emotional stress. It is a spiritual therapy that empowers individuals to live a happy, productive life by releasing negative belief systems, negative thought forms, and emotions—all of which contribute to emotional stress.

Treating Weight Loss with Chinese Herbs

Being overweight can become a matter of life and death. People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems.

House Healing

What is House Healing? House healing is a method of working with the energies in and around your home, or workplace, to provide you with a safe, healthy and happy place to be.

What is Paediatric Osteopathy?

Within osteopathy exists a technique which has received much media coverage called Cranial Osteopathy. Cranial osteopathy is based on the same principle idea inherent through osteopathy; that structure governs function.

What is Aloe Vera- the miracle plant?

What is Aloe Vera? Aloe Vera is often called the Miracle Plant. It goes by many names, which may include The Natural Healer, The Burn Plant or The Miracle Plant.

Choosing a Juicer

Extracting the fresh, raw juice from fruit and vegetables is one of the best possible ways of obtaining the nourishment they provide. With a good juice extractor you can get your recommended five portions a day in a single glass, so there is no easier way to increase the quantity of fresh produce in your diet.

Strengthen Your Back With Taijiquan

There are a few traditional exercises which you can still do to strengthen your back, namely, sit ups, cross sit ups, leg raises and back extensions.

What does Metabolism mean?

So many people are talking about how slow their metabolism is and why they need to start taking the latest diet supplement scam, yet they don't even understand how the human metabolism works.

Iron and your Heart Health

A ranch house, a zip lock bag and some ordinary flourTwo experiments: 1) Some ordinary wheat flour can be found in most homes, placed with some water in a zip-lock plastic bag.

Glowing, Happily?

For the majority of people blushing, flushing, going red in the face happens rarely and then only if we are extremely embarrassed or have been in the gym.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Well, rather than confuse you more, I am going to give you my simple, easy to understand definition.A Herniated Disc is simply a protrusion, or sticking out of the disc.

A Closer Look at Skincare Products

We are all becoming aware of the availability of natural non-chemical skincare products appearing in the shops. People wanting to buy products, may be more aware of them through the larger companies, as the smaller companies are relatively unknown.

Why is it Important to Use Environmentally Friendly Cosmetic Products?

You may ask yourself: Why is it important to use environmentally friendly cosmetic products? How do we identify these products? And how will using them benefit environment and ourselves? Firstly, being environmentally friendly includes being friendly to the creatures in the environment.

What is Oral Chelation Therapy?

Picture this, a small gathering of people in a ranch house in Florida. Some ordinary wheat flour such as can be found in most homes placed with some water in a zip-lock plastic bag.

Principles of Effective Weight Gain

It's an unfortunate reality that throughout the years there has been a growth of strength training techniques without any scientific proof to back them up.

No More Smoking: Acupuncture Erases the Desire and Need

"Are you still smoking?" This is the embarrassing question often asked to people who smoke. Let's face it: it's not easy to stop.

Stress Reducing Way To Combat Acne - Yoga

Many people that suffer from acne should look into the skin healing benefits of doing yoga. This relaxing form of exercise is an excellent way to regenerate both the body as well as the mind.

The Salt Solution

Salt, increasingly demonised by health professionals and the media alike, presents us with a paradox. Constantly, we are told to cut down on salt before it cuts short our lives; yet still our bodies crave it.

Coping With Depression

There are many different types of depression that each has their own diagnosis as well as treatment. In all cases a medical doctor will have to make a professional diagnosis before prescribing medication or other treatment.

Eating Right

Most people you ask will admit they are concerned with their diet. Why aren't they making better nutritional choices? A poor diet can lead to a variety of health problems, such as: obesity, heart disease, joint and arthritis problems, and general poor health.

Getting into Shape: 10,000 Steps to Terrific Health

Okay now, here's a challenge from me to you. I dare you to go get a Pedometer and commit to the 10,000 steps a day. I dare you to get in as good shape as I'm in right now.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer Treatments Part 1: Surgery

Western medicine interventions on cancer take three general forms: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In this article, the first of four about cancer and Traditional Chinese Medicine, I will be discussing the challenges of surgery.

Yoga in Pregnancy

Yoga can be practiced anytime, anywhere, by anybody. And that definitely includes women who are pregnant. Yoga helps celebrate the unborn child nestled within its mother's womb as Mom becomes more connected with her body and the new life within.

CranioSacral Therapy Explained

Once we come to the realization that something is not quite right within ourselves, and we determine to address that "opportunity for improvement" we are at once faced with an enormous choice of paths to take.

Treating Stomach Pain With Oriental Medicine

When Marie came to see me, she was a recent law student graduate ambitiously studying for her bar exam. She was 27, a single mother, and on first glance appeared in good health.

Tai Chi and Chi Kung Explained

What is Tai Chi? Tai Chi Chuan is an ancient Chinese set of exercises. It is based on the Taoist understanding that all things comprise of the harmony of two complementary forces, Yin (yielding) and Yang (brittle).

What is Face Lift Massage?

Many of us long to make the most of our natural assets. There are occasions when we actively strive to look good. Yet in everyone's life there comes a time when we recognise that youth is not ours forever.

Treating Depression with Hypnotherapy

The treatment for depression that works well is cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal approaches. Using psychotherapy and utilising hypnosis, shows greater therapeutic outcomes than drug therapy.


What is counselling and what are the different approaches? Let's be clear that going to a counsellor does not mean you're mentally ill, though counselling is often used within psychiatric treatments.

Reflexology - A Sole Mate For Your Health

There is a far greater understanding of complementary therapies in the 21st century than there has ever been, since perhaps two or three thousand years BC.

Holistic Nutrition for your Pets

Our affluent Western society has largely overcome the problem of infectious diseases. This is due mainly to public health measures.  Similarly, our pet animals rarely die of infectious disease (unlike farm animals which can suffer epidemics due to poor hygiene and overcrowding).

Hypnotherapy - A Brief Introduction

What is Hypnosis? Healing by trance state (or an altered state of awareness) is among the oldest phenomena known to man and is found, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world.

What is Colourpuncture?

Colourpuncture is a form of energy medicine that addresses the root cause of illness and disease. In Colourpuncture, selected colours are beamed onto the meridians (energy channels) used in Acupuncture and Reflex Zones of the body.

The Answers to Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a pleasant state of relaxation and concentration, which you allow yourself to enter for heightened awareness. A deeply relaxed state is created where mental stress and bodily tension are reduced.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

The word Hypnosis is relatively new, having been in use less than 200 years, but the process under other names, is thousands of years old. It appeared in Egypt as early as 3,000 BC and in many other ancient civilisations.

Bioptron Light Therapy

Bioptron Light Therapy is a medical light therapy system with full EU medical approval. It is used with success in various hospitals and clinics throughout the world for healing.

6 Tips On Coping With Setbacks to Achieving Your Goal

A Guide to Coping with Setbacks to Achieving Your Goal  1) Accepting SetbacksLife is often a very bumpy ride full of ups and downs along the way.

Aloe Vera

Very few plants are as well known or as highly thought of as the Aloe vera plant. Aloe is recorded throughout history and is known world-wide.

What is an Online Pharmacy?

As anyone who has ever subscribed to web-based e-mail will tell you, the sale of medicine over the internet is not a new, or terribly welcome thing as most days, people will find offers of 'cheap remedies', cluttering up their inbox.

The Diet Plate

What is The Diet Plate?   The food choice for the Western population is immense and we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy the most wonderful mouth watering recipes, so why are we all gaining so much weight?   Portion sizes – what was sold to us 20 years ago as a single portion size reflects nothing like what we are sold today.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oils--Calcarea Phosphorica

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue by breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Bowen Technique

If you stop the average person in the street you will generally find that most of them have never heard of the Bowen Technique, yet it was introduced to the UK from it's Australian homeland over ten years ago.


Being under the control of someone else? Being asleep and not aware of what is actually happening? Being made to 'cluck like a chicken' or 'bark like a dog' at the click of a finger? Or how about being convinced that a raw onion actually does taste like the juiciest peach ever? Sorry, none of the above! Let's leave that to the stage entertainers eh? Many people have had some sort of experience of Hypnosis through seeing a stage or television show.

What is Person Centred Counselling?

What is it? Carl Rogers (1902-1987) pioneered a new way of working with clients in a therapeutic process. This is essentially a philosophy rather than a technique.

What are Cordyceps?

More than 1500 years ago in the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet, the lush meadows close to the snow line were covered with many flowering plants and grasses.

Nutritional Supplement Therapy for Dogs and Cats - Part 2

How do you go about looking for the right nutritional supplement for your pet?  Firstly, consider whether the supplement was specifically designed for your animal.

Reduce Asthma and Breathe Free

Asthma can be a serious and often frightening condition that is typified by a tightening of the chest, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is made up of two underlying components: Inflammation and Constriction.

What is Life Coaching?

What's all this about Life Coaching then? We are in a 24/7 'on demand' world. We need to be creative yet conforming, work 'smart' while juggling other commitments, be flexible yet meet deadlines.

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki is an art of healing and being healed. It's the source for well being and maintaining good health. Being profound yet subtle, it can restore the receiver's inner balance mentally, physically and emotionally.

What is Counselling and can it help you?

Many people are unsure about what counselling is and what it has to offer. This article should help you learn about what counselling is, whether it might suit you, and how to decide which counsellor to work with.

Past Life Residues

During the 19th century, a violinist suffering a panic attack on stage, rushed from a concert hall, stumbled into the street, and screamed as the wheel of a passing wagon crushed his hand.

Hair Removal and Other Treatments

IPL Therapy Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, or better known as IPL Therapy, can be used for the following: Hair removal Facial and Body Vein removal Vascular Birthmarks Pimples Facial Rejuvination Collagen StimulationHow does the system work? The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Therapy) hair removal procedure produces a high intensity flash of filtered light from the applicator head, which has been placed in contact with the skin.

The Metamorphic Technique – A Tool For Growth

Transformation is something quite different to change. It is a positive shift to a finer, purer expression of our true selves. And as such it is permanent.

The Benefits of Using Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

There are many people today who will testify to having experienced some benefit to their Physical, Emotional or Mental Health as a result of using Essential Oils in a way that aromatherapy practitioners would advocate.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A was discovered in the 1930's. It is said to improve your eyesight, particularly at night, which is one of two reasons it is known as the glow-in-the-dark Vitamin.

The Positive Side to Therapy

I am a Diploma qualified therapist and have trained with P McKenna, Dr R Bandler, Dr G Philips, and Michael Breen. This following experience made it into a few of our Local, yet well-known, newspapers.

What is Emotional Freedom Therapy?

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy systems" Some of the therapies developed remain proprietary therapies subject to copyright restrictions and many others require extensive (and sometimes expensive) training before they can be effectively used.

Aqua Detox

This is a new and revolutionary way to detoxify and re-balance your body through the feet. We can't avoid pollutants and toxins in one form or another these days and most of us lead busy and stressful lives.


Dowsing – the word perhaps conjures up lone people with funny rods in bleak fields, searching for water; or perhaps it sounds a bit medieval and the sort of activity which might have led to the ducking stool or the stake if practised! However dowsing is nothing magical or weird, we all do it all the time, and if we could interpret these signals, which normally go unnoticed, there would be a mine of priceless, personal, general, specific and practical information we could use for all sorts of purposes.

What is SAD?

"The days are growing rapidly shorter and the nights, only too noticeably longer... It is this discouraging veil of blackness, falling over the sparkling whiteness of earlier nights, which sends a vein of despair running through our souls.


Reflexology is a complementary therapy that adopts a holistic approach by treating a person on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

What is Acupuncture?

Chinese Medicine in contextChinese Herbal Remedies, Tradition Chinese Medicine and Tui Na Massage are some constituents, which have been developing over the Millennia.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Colonic Irrigation But were Too Afraid to Ask

Why Cleanse the Bowel ? Let's start with some facts. The Health of the Digestive System and colon (large intestine) has reached an all time low.


Everyone at some point in time has experienced some form of heartburn.  Often, what we notice is a bitter, sour or acid taste in our mouths.

The Treatment of IBS with Hypnotherapy

IBS is classed by the medical profession as a 'functional disorder' – in other words there's nothing medically or organically wrong with the body.

Emotional Freedom Technique

How can tapping on a few points on the head, face and hands help issues as diverse as headaches, trauma, phobias, cigarette cravings and golf scores? It is no wonder that those new to EFT can experience an element of disbelief.

Homoeopathy - The Alternative Choice

Homoeopathy is energy medicine, it is a very gentle medicine and is said to have no side effects as there is no physical substance in the remedies.

Natural Herbal remedies Diabetes

Natural Herbal remedies Diabetes Many statistic shows diabetes is increasing steeply, when we tried to find the reason behind this? The answer is because of our modern lifestyle by replacing nature with harmful chemicals.

What is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)?

EMDR : A highly effective treatment for trauma and anxiety-based problems. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic method originated and developed by Dr Francine Shapiro in 1987.


Ashiatsu (ashi = foot, atsu = pressure) is an adaptation of an ancient Japanese form of barefoot massage. Bars are fixed overhead and help the therapist with balance and control.

How does Hair Removal with IPL Therapy work?

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, or better known as IPL Therapy is used for Hair Removal, but can also be used for Facial and Body Vein removal, Vascular Birthmarks, Pimples, Facial Rejuvination and Collagen Stimulation.

What is in your smoothie?

A smoothie can be a deliciously healthy way to fortify the body with fruits, vegetables, minerals and vitamins. Smoothies are quick and easy to make; the only things needed are the ingredients and a blender.

An Energy Field and Bio-Resonance System

The 'Energy Field' of everything in existence - from the Universe with it's galaxies and planets, to Humans, animals, plants and minerals - are now an accepted (and to a degree, measurable) fact.

What are Phobias and How Can They be Banished?

Sufferers say their phobias are illogical - Yet they cannot conceive how they can possibly be free from them. Phobias cause unpleasant and often severe reactions in the body and are not good for you.

What does your own body know better then you?

  What does your own body know better then you?When you start to learn to listen to your body, it tells you a lot about your health.

Who is Counselling Good For?

Who is Counselling good for? Counselling can be useful for those who are struggling with some aspect of life. They are aware that there is a problem but have been unable to resolve it.

Speleotherapy and Halotherapy for Healing Lungs and Skin

Using Salt Crystal lamps hand carved from the salt mines. The beautiful crystalline structure of ancient salt deposits is a result of their constituent minerals drying under intense pressure, not unlike diamonds.

What is Holistic Massage Therapy?

One of the first questions I get asked about holistic massage is "What does holistic mean?" Holistic means 'whole' (it has Greek roots for those interested in the Etymology!).

What is Colour Therapy Healing?

Colour Therapy is a form of healing for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning and often without symptoms. Vision loss is caused by damage to the optic nerve.


The advantage of Hypnotherapy is that it deals directly with the mind and that is where many of human kind's issues reside. Some examples are the desire to smoke, phobias, lack of self worth and stress.

Karate and How It Can Benefit Your Health

Karate is a system of self-defence that has developed over many years and which now contains elements of keeping fit and keeping a supple body.

The Alexander Technique

We are all familiar with the idea that the way we use an instrument or tool affects the outcome of our efforts. The Alexander Technique is concerned with the way we use ourselves.

Preventing and Treating the Common Cold Naturally

Upper respiratory infections (URI's) typically begin with a sore or scratchy throat, aversion to cold or alternating chills and feverish sensations, fatigue and muscle aches and progress to either chest symptoms, such as cough and tightness, or to sinus problems (aka "head colds").

Nutritional Supplement Therapy for Dogs and Cats - Part 1

I find it so difficult to understand when my pet is in pain.  Sometimes I am in pain but I still manage to look fine and even continue to work and live my active life.

What is Macular Degeneration?

In macular degeneration, the light-sensing cells of the macula (the central portion of the retina directly opposite the lens) mysteriously malfunction and may over time cease to work.

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, light-touch technique developed by osteopathic physician John E. Upledger, which works with the intrinsic rhythm of the central nervous system (CNS).

7 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss

Today, there are thousands and thousands of diet books out on the market; all promising to help you loose weight if you follow their program specifics.

Energy - The River of Life

We are each filled with universal life force energy. As the flow of life force energy moves through the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, it can become imbalanced, stagnant, or blocked.

Kidney Stones

A kidney stone is a hard mass that develops when crystals separate from the urine and build up on the inner surface of the kidney. Normally urine contains chemicals in it which prevents crystals from forming.

Varicose Veins

Our circulatory system is made up of a complex web of arteries and veins. Our arteries carry oxygen rich blood to the cells of our bodies, while the veins are designed to pump oxygen poor blood back to the heart.

What is High Touch Jin Shin?

High Touch Jin Shin is considered to be 4,000 years old and based on the teachings of Jin Shin Jyutsu. It is a form of acupressure and uses the eastern knowledge of the body's energy, including the chakras and meridians, and works on both the physical and emotional levels.

What is Acute Bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common diagnoses made by primary care physicians. It is a condition of the upper respiratory tract where the mucus lining of the bronchial tubes, the large delicate tubes in the lungs, become inflamed.

What is Homoeopathy Healing?

Homoeopathy is a complete system of alternative medicine that is safe, simple and effective. It treats the whole person with non-toxic remedies to help build up their health in order that they are able to heal naturally from whatever disease process they are suffering.

With the Help of Oriental Medicine

When Marie came to see me, she was a recent law student graduate ambitiously studying for her bar exam. She was 27, a single mother, and on first glance appeared in good health.

Aloe Vera - Natures Healer

"Four vegetables are indispensable for the well being of man:Wheat, the grape, the olive and aloe.The first nourishes him, the second raises his spirit,The third brings him harmony, and the fourth cures him".

What is Aloe Vera?

Although there are many Aloe's, the term Aloe Vera ("true Aloe") refers to the Aloe Barbadensis Miller. Fully grown the plant stands 60 to 90 cm high, and a mature leaf is 7 to 10 cm across at the base, weighing 1.

Aloe Vera - Whole Leaf vs Inner Gel

Ensuring you take true Aloe VeraAloe Vera has a bitter taste which can be unpleasant in the raw state. It is possible to get used to the taste of plain Aloe Vera gel, but if you can't the addition of some fruit juice helps to make it more palatable.

How Relationship Counselling Can Assist Couples

Most relationships experience a time of uncertainty and confusion. Couples may look at each other and think, "But you are not who I thought you were!" Or they may look at their loved one and think, "Why did I pick you?" All these doubts and anxieties in a relationship can lead to couples feeling very alone and fearful about their future together.

What is Therapeutic Massage?

Massage is the one of the simplest therapies known today. With our increasingly stressful lives massage is becoming a very popular treatment to induce relaxation and reduce stress.

Winter Nutrition For You

Think of winter food and your mind conjures up images of thick vegetable soups, and steaming stews. And surprise, surprise these are exactly the type of food you should be eating at this time of year.

What is Feng Shui?

change the energy and change your life Feng Shui is an ancient Far Eastern practice, some 5000 years old, which aims to create healthy and supportive homes and workplaces for happy and harmonious living and working.

10 Ways to boost your Creativity!

Creativity is your birthright - but can often be hidden in the everyday. To facilitate your personal development and self growth, here are some creativity tips you can use to resurrect, refresh and enhance your creative faculties.

Business Case for Stress Management

Following the HSE's announcement of its new Management Standards for work-related stress, Occupational Stress Consultant Carole Spiers outlines the business case for stress management, and argues that there is now a compelling need for UK businesses to adopt a more 'healthy' workplace culture.

Time Line Therapy and the Unconscious Mind

Can you imagine a process that could allow you to banish negative emotions and heal traumas quickly and painlessly? If there were such a process would you want it? Is this possible, given our understanding of psychotherapy and counselling? Conventional psychotherapy and counselling seem to require from six months to seven years and allow you to gain insights and learn new ways of coping with stress and bad feelings.

What is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga?

The Heart of Ashtanga Vinyasa YogaMost people who have heard of yoga will by now have become aware of "Ashtanga Yoga".It is the form with the high profile, which is now being used by many people, including celebrities.

Hypnotherapy and NLP

Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) if necessary, is carried out in a calm, relaxed, positive atmosphere, to enable you to take responsibility for you own health and empower your life.

A Brief Description of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning cosmic or universal lifeforce. Healing means restoring harmony to mind, body and spirit. By using gentle touch, the energy in your body will be balanced, thereby creating healing.

Looking at the Alexander Technique

The use of Alexander Technique 'Shelly is a mum and a busy nurse working on a cardio-thoracic ward. She's on her feet all day, always at red-alert for her patients.

Stress and How Can We Help 'Bust' It

What is stress?Stress can happen to anyone. We all think we know what stress is, but it can be a difficult idea to pin down in words. Here is one way of looking at it.

Feeling fatigue?

After the long Winter months we're looking forward to Spring and Summer... but if only we had more energy!We all occasionally suffer from fatigue.

What is Classical Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a means of assessing imbalances in the body and of finding the best therapy to resolve that problem. Muscle response is tested in order to obtain this information from the body itself.

What is Body Psychotherapy?

The heart of body psychotherapy is the exploration of what it means to be fully alive and what hinders this. Health is more than being only averagely tired and not ill in any tangible way.

Keep Warm and Well This Winter Through Diet

Diet It is important to keep the body healthy, especially in winter as the immune system has a tendency to feel weak. For a healthy immune system, this winter practise the following.

Light Fantastic - Then SAD

Many religions have festivals at this time of year involving lights, Diwali, Chanukah and Christmas among them and while we try to make the season bright by dressing trees with strings of lights and by lighting candles, outside it's getting darker and darker.

Water, The Magical Drink

Glowing skin comes free of charge to you. Our simple water does it effectively. The effect of water is immediate. Even overnight your skin may not only glow, but you may also feel a lot better after having a glass of water.

Keep Warm and Well This Winter Through Yoga

What is Yoga? Yoga nowadays is becoming very popular and commercial that the very essence and beauty of it is being taken away.Yoga literally means 'joining' or 'union'.

What is Reflexology?

So, what exactly is Reflexology? Reflexology is a holistic therapy, treating the whole person, bringing the body back into its natural state of balance and well-being.

Aftercare Treatment of Reflexology

Treatment of Reflexology After a treatment, particular a first treatment, you may feel symptoms worsening, but this is only a temporary state of affairs.

Beating 'Christmas Stress'

The festive season can be a stressful time for many different reasons. First, of course, there is the cost. According to a survey (November 2004), 37% of respondents cited the cost of Christmas as being its most stressful aspect, with 33% saying they felt under pressure to buy expensive gifts for their children and/or partner, and 73% expecting to take 6-12 months to clear their Christmas debts.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology (pronounced 'kin-easy-ology') is a gentle and holistic form of natural health care, offering a powerful and effective means of stimulating healing from within.

Allergies, NLP and Imagination - A Direct Link to Your Immune System

Imagine if allergies and intolerances were curable. Wouldn't it be great. You could greet the spring without sneezing, go to a restaurant of your choice, buy what you wanted at the supermarket without studying the ingredients.

What is Hypnosis?

So What Is Hypnosis Broadly speaking hypnosis is a naturally occurring phenomenon used widely throughout the world by many Doctors, Dentists, Psychologists and Psychotherapists.

Steps to a Healthy Back

21st Century Osteopathy3 STEPS TO A HEALTHY BACK It seems that back pain is inevitable in modern day society.  As an osteopath I treat many back problems as well as peripheral joints, muscle problems, whiplash injuries, sports injuries or symptoms such as headaches or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Treatment of a Healthy Back

Treatment(using Power Assisted Micro-manipulation (PAM) or more recently known as TAMARS - Technology Assisted Micro-manipulation and reflex stimulation) I was privileged to be the first osteopath in the world to use this technology which is essentially a bionic hand, which gives me more speed and efficiency than just my hands alone and, following osteopathic principles, allows me to restore the mechanics of the spine, improving function.

Improved Posture for a Healthy Back

Improved Posture - CIABASAN Posture TrainersGood posture consists of efficiently balancing the body weight around the body's centre of gravity in the lower spine and pelvis.

Bowen Technique - A Smart Way to Improve Your Wellbeing

The human body is a remarkable organisation of intelligent functions, and it will intelligently try to achieve an optimal balance.  Problems in the body and mind can occur due to environmental, nutritional, genetic factors, or can be caused by injury, stress, emotions, and many other factors.

Smoking Cessation Treatments - Going back to Basics

Despite all the anti-smoking advertising, despite all the claims from people who believe they've discovered "the one, true cure", 70% of the population of the UK still smoke.

Healing Gardens

Can you remember the joy of running through wild flower meadows, exploring woods full of Spring flowers, hearing birds singing in the hedgerows where they had nests full of eggs and chicks, or simply enjoying being in beautiful natural places full of wildlife?Healing gardens help us to: re-create these declining and much needed natural habitats, heal the environment around us, where we work, relax, play, and live, and heal ourselves too.

What is Chakra Balancing?

Balancing your chakras improves your health and wellbeing, physically, mentally and emotionally.  Anyone can learn how to do this and experience a long-lasting feeling of well-being every day of their lives.

What is Crystal/Gemstone Therapy?

Using crystals in the context of healing has a very long history. Primitive paintings dating back to 25,000 BC show that the ancient Egyptians used crystals for therapeutic purposes.

What is Functional Electrical Stimulation?

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is the electrical stimulation of nerve pathways to produce a controlled contraction of muscles. This controlled muscular contraction can improve the function and mobility of the limbs in many patients with damage to the upper Spinal Cord or nerves.

What is Colour Healing?

colours for health, energy and moodWe are surrounded by colours all the time, but how often do we use them to improve our health, alter our emotional state, change our mood, or boost our morale? Many of us find that a good standard of health and well-being is becoming more and more difficult to achieve.

Herbal Medicine: An Ancient Art of Healing Still Relevant Today

Herbal medicine is arguably the oldest form of medicine and has been used by man for millennia.Herbal medicine is the use of plant materials to enhance well being and treat disease.

What is Crystal Healing?

we have the power to make ourselves illand the same power to make ourselves wellCrystals heal by balancing our energy.  Once our energy is back in balance, optimum conditions are created for body, mind and emotions to heal.

Will There Ever Be A Cure For Parkinson’s Disease?

For many years now, there has been hard work done in the field of research into Parkinson's disease. To date, there is still no cure for Parkinson's disease, but hopes are high that eventually one will be found and made available to patients of this disease.

What is Clutter Clearing?

Clearing your clutter is like cleaning up your body and life.  It has a wonderfully therapeutic knock-on effect that will make you feel healthier and more positive each day.

What is Breast Thermography?

What is breast thermography?Breast Thermography, or Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is a noninvasive screening procedure that detects and records infrared heat emissions from the breast.

Allergies and Respiratory Health

With the sunshine and flowers come wind and pollens, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring.

No finger foods!

 If you're really convinced that you're hungry, it's time to eat. This means food on a plate to be eaten with utensils (knife, fork, spoon, chopsticks), not fingers.

The Cholesterol Question

What if I told you tap water and homogenized milk may be two of the biggest culprits in sky-rocketing rates of high cholesterol? Cholesterol is actually being produced by our own bodies all of the time as a natural mechanism to combat oxidation when our bodies are diseased.

How to Change Your Conditioned Responses to Certain Foods

When trying to lose weight, there are certain foods that each person is more attracted to than other foods. Some find the morning cup of coffee quite addictive.

Holiday Eating Strategy Sheet

"I'm glad it is over," say many people after Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's.If you are the food preparer, you are most likely shopping, mincing, dicing, and sautéing, days - possibly weeks before the event.

The Fats of Life: A Farmers View

The conflicting and partisan advice served up to us confuses many and disappoints others when this miracle diet or that exercise regime does not work.

If it's Natural, it Must be Good - Musn't it?

In these days of green consumerism and environmental awareness, anything natural has come to be perceived as good and by implication safe for people, animals and the environment.

Do It Yourself S.A.D - Management Using Complementary Therapy

Why is it that some of us start to feel 'down' when the end of September comes around?  When dark nights start at dinner time and we feel we want to hibernate.

Reiki - The 'Up and Coming' Complementary Therapy

Reiki is unique among complementary therapies, treating the body as a whole and using Universal energy as well as the body's own internal energy to heal the mind, body and soul.

What is Bio-Energy Therapy?

What is Bio-Energy Therapy? Bio-energy Therapy is a safe, non-invasive and highly effective form of energy medicine. It is termed "bio-energy" - the energy of life.

Choosing a OTC Pain Relief

Consumers may be unknowingly putting themselves at risk when taking commonly used pain relievers such as ibuprofen according to experts writing in the American Journal of Therapeutics (AJT).

Body Image

What do you look like? How big (or small) are you? How tall (or short)? How much do you weigh? When I ask participants how much they weighed when they were teenagers, I hear this lament: They thought they were very heavy, but when they look at those old photos now, they realize they weighed a weight they'd be thrilled to weigh today.

Mistaking Hunger

You are not hungry most of the time. You are not always hungry when something smells, looks, or tastes good, whether or not you think you are.

Do You Think You Have Depression?

Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn't do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice.

Unrealistic Weight Expectations Can Cause Failure

Weight gain is an evolutionary process. Some people call it creeping weight. The scale  turtles inexorably upward - a tight skirt, a belt notch, a can't-zip-up-my-pants inch at a time.

Possible Eating Pitfalls

There are as many reasons you've given yourself to eat as there are minutes in a day. Storm clouds do it for me. They trigger a memory from when I lived in Florida and went deep-sea fishing.

What is Real Hunger?

In order to identify hunger, you must first understand what it is. This is not as easy as it seems. Many of you may never have let yourself experience true hunger, only a feeling of discomfort.

The Ritual of Food Addiction

If you've been trying to figure out the weight-loss game for as long as I've been coaching people, you've most likely been trying to avoid food, even though that point of view has not worked.

Re-define What Clean Means for You and Your Home

There's an old saying - A person doesn't buy a drill because they want a drill. They buy the drill because they want a hole. The same is true for vacuum cleaners.

Diabetes: Calling for Double Trouble

Open your eyes to the catastrophic effects of Diabetes. The mere thought of Diabetes brings so many questions and fears into our minds. Few people realize that thorough understanding and knowledge about diabetes can help tremendously in effective long term management.

The Beauty of Your Skin

Right Diet Makes Sure The Beauty Of Your Skin : Know the inside story plus facts.There is no denying the fact that appropriate diet not only benefits your health, but also your skin.

Dieting while Partying

It's really difficult for a person to socialise if their on a Diet. Totally ignoring parties and invitations are definitely not a solution.

Identify Fake Weight Loss Claims

Identify Fake Weight Loss Claims :-Its crowded, really crowded, every other site offers 'Weight Loss Programs' and 'Guarantees loss' of weight quickly and effectively.

Using Head Massage for perfect Inner / Outer Health

Head Massage : The Right Way For Perfect Inner As Well As Outer HealthInfants receive a daily massage from birth to promote good health. The first nine months are considered to be the best for infants for massage, as bones of fontanelle develops after nine months.

What is Eurythmy Therapy?

Eurythmy - "harmonious movement" - came into being in 1912 through the work of the Dr Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian scientist, philosopher and educator.

Two Ways to Burn Fat Quickly

Start Exercising first thing in the morning.As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to 3x as more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day.

What Can Feng Shui Do For You?

How would you like to make a positive difference to your health, income or relationships? Feng Shui has helped thousands of people with these areas and many more.

Why Colour Therapy is Effective

Colour Therapy working with the Life energyColour Therapy is a very ancient healing method, being used in all old cultures. The Egyptians for example used dyed cloth to cover the wounds and coloured crystals for healing purposes.

Be Careful How You Exercise

Targeting back painGet ready, this is going to hurt! The exercises most body-builders focus on the most, are the ones that cause the most problems - hopefully, you're different.

The Goal of Massage Therapy

Many people think that the goal of massage therapy is just to perform a series of mechanical movements using their hands in a particular routine.

New Year, Old Problems?

So another New Year - another chance to make a brand new start. OK, let's be honest, how many of those New Year resolutions have you broken already? Pledged with sincerity but destined to fail - the diet that didn't last, the cigarettes you were going to quit, the drinking you promised to cut down! Maybe those resolutions remain on your personal "wish list", but you need some help to make them happen? Then read on.

Introduction to Reflexology

Reflexology is a Natural Healing Art.NATURAL means that Reflexology enhances the normal functioning of the body. It does this without creating any damage.

Is it time to Heal yourself?

So you have decided to give Complementary Medicine a try. Maybe you have walked into a brick wall with Conventional Medicine or, your experience of it left you feeling burned.

How to gain a good Self Esteem - The Easy Way

Need more self-esteem? - I thought so.Just about all of us would like to see some degree of improvement in the way we perceive ourselves. If only there was a magic solution that would make us feel bold, smart, rich, beautiful, and cute all at the same time.

What is a Migraine?

Migraine is more than just a bad headache. With over six million sufferers in the UK alone, Migraines have a substantial impact on both personal and working life.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - A Brief Overview

In the early 1980s, Herb Kern, a research engineer, who thought that his annual cycle of depression might be caused by the shorter and duller daylight hours in winter, approached doctors working at the National Institute for Mental Health in Bethesda, USA.

Aromatherapy and Cancer – To Treat or Not To Treat?

HolismAs professional aromatherapists, we do not 'treat' cancer, or any other disease of the human body. The disease is almost irrelevant to us as we seek to treat the person as a whole.

Light Therapy and Seasonal Affective Disorder

What is SADSeasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a "type of winter depression" which is thought to affect as many as two million people in the UK each winter between the months of September and March.

The meaning of Aromatherapy and the chemistry of Essential Oils

The meaning of AromatherapyThe term aromatherapy has been in existence for a relatively short period of time in history. However, principles and practices lying behind the concept can be traced back to some of the ancient civilizations of mankind.

What is Quantum Touch® Healing?

Quantum Touch® - The Power to HealQuantum physics shows that everything in our physical world is actually formed from energy which is constantly flowing.

Massage Therapists: Marketing and Building Your Practice

When you graduate from massage school and pass your certification exams, you are finally ready to join other massage therapists out in the world of spas, chiropractors' offices, cruise ships, or in your very own practice.

What is Elemi Essential Oil?

Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) is a tropical tree native to the Phillipines. It has been known and used in the Middle East for thousands of years and became popular in Europe in the 15th century.

What is an Holistic Retreat?

You see the description, Holistic Retreat, more and more these days. You know that the term holistic when applied to complementary therapies means that the whole person, mind, body and spirit, is targeted.

What exactly is Dis-ease?

Ever have the feeling that dis-ease is controlling your life? Perhaps it's not even a chronic illness. Do you harbor anger, resentment, frustration? Maybe it's just me and I'm talking to myself, but I've let all of these rule my life at some point.

What is Hand Reflexology?

Recently, hand reflexology is receiving some well overdue attention. An Egyptian papyrus dated 2330 B.C. depicts both hand and foot reflexology, so, both have existed since ancient times.

Reflexology - A Medical Breakthrough

"In an unprecedented press release today the medical profession announced the discovery of a new treatment that has been scientifically proven to be effective for more than 100 health conditions and has no known adverse side effects.

Reflexology - Taking a New Look

It isn't surprising that many people have dismissed reflexology. After all, there just isn't any obvious reason why a simple massage of the feet would have any kind of important therapeutic benefit.

What is Limu Moui?

The unusually low death rate and high incidence of healthy centenarians- that is persons over 100 years of age, in Tonga have prompted observers to ask why this should be so? The Tongans themselves would probably refer the curious back to an ordinary sea plant which the Tongans have harvested and eaten for thousands of years, as they believe it to be a source of longevity and health.

What is Energy Psychology?

Dr. Fred Gallo (1999), one of the leading figures in Energy Psychology (EP), defines the term: " .... as the branch of psychology that studies the effects of energy systems on emotions and behavior.

What is Sound Healing?

In the words of the great Tibetan master, Bodhisattva Gwalwa Karmapa, the Singing Bowls of Tibet emit the "Sound of the Void", the sound of the universe manifesting.

Yoga in the Workplace

"Where are you going?" I hear someone ask in the corridor. "For my cardio workout," comes the reply. The door opens and in walks another participant who quietly slips off her shoes and socks and sits down comfortably on a mat.

What is Coaching?

Coaching has been developing for some 20 years or more both in the UK and elsewhere. There are many different types and 'definitions' of coaching, and as I write, a clear and agreed definition has not yet been reached! But that doesn't make coaching any less real, and any less useful and effective.

Information On Generic Cefadroxil

Generic cefadroxil l is an antibiotic used for treating bacterial infections associated with skin, ears, respiratory tract, sinuses and urinary tract.

Information On Generic Cefadroxil

Generic cefadroxil is an antibiotic used for treating bacterial infections associated with skin, ears, respiratory tract, sinuses and urinary tract.

Menopause the Natural Way

Hot flashes are characterized by a sudden feeling of heat often accompanied with a reddening of the face and profuse sweating. For some, it is as mild as a brief warm flushing of the face and skin.

Why Detox?

Every day we jump in the shower, clean our teeth or wash our hair, yet no amount of external cleansing will help clear the toxic overload which our bodies and minds are suffering from.

Allergy - Free Wedding Flowers

I get quite a few emails from brides-to-be, asking me which flowers would be good to use at their weddings, flowers that won't make them or their bridesmaids start sneezing and sniffling right in the middle of the service.

Dog-Athlete is an Acupressure Hound

The Dog Athlete is an Acupressure Hound Drake is an amazing agility dog. He darts on to the course taking the triple bar in stride, running smoothly and efficiently through the entire course with grace and confidence.

Allergy - Free Garden Part 1

Eliminating Allergenic Mold Spores in Your GardensTiny mold spores cause plenty of allergies. Often our gardens are full of molds but luckily there are many things we can do to eliminate allergy-causing mold spores.

Training Variations for Pain Relief and Maximum Results

Body building – Safety issuesBodybuilders are a stubborn bunch, almost as bad as runners! And they tend to follow the "HERD" doing whatever exercises and routines the "pros" are doing.


Reflexology is an holistic approach to health, emphasising the care of the whole person - not just their physical level, but emotional, mental and spiritual levels also.

Raw Food Diet

The path to living free and joyfully After 20 years in the clinical health field including 10 years in Asian clinics, temples and dojo I have always found it intriguing and sad to think about how strong a hold media and big business sponsored fear have on peoples' misunderstandings about biology and raw foods.

Learning the Art of Relaxation

Stress isn't always a bad thing; it mobilises our bodies and energises us during the coping process. But being overstressed may result in a range of health problems, including headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure - even strokes or heart disease.

Successfully Treating Allergies With Oriental Medicine

Perhaps you know the feeling, red, itching eyes, runny nose, and sinus pressure. You're sneezing, tired and really out of it. Sound familiar? That's how I felt when seasonal allergies first hit me hard as a teenager.

The 20-Minute Meal

How do you eat a 20-Minute Meal? Not an easy task in a world full of fast food, faster food, fastest food – followed by quick, instant, easy preparation, package-to-plate-in-3-minutes, stir-over-medium-heat-for-5-minutes, add-hot-water-and-mix, microwavable offerings.

What is a Coach?

I was invited recently to speak at the Annual Conference of the eLearning Network (ELN), an organisation that promotes best practice in all aspects of learning technologies.

What is CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) and is there a Solution?

The 2001 U.S. Census Report stated that over 98 million American workers spend time at a computer every day. Both the American Optometric Association (AOA) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health report that a full 90 percent of workers who use computers with CRTs will experience eye strain and vision problems.

Making the Most of Yoga, Mind the Gap

Spring term and the Yoga classes are full - full of men and women who need to STOP. It sounds contradictory to come to a Yoga class exhausted, but we are, are we not, when the energy runs on, trying to fulfill the ever-flowing torrent of desires.

The Truth About Hair Loss

It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100-125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle.

What is a Health Club?

As part of one of the fastest growing Industries, todays Health Clubs are seeing their role grow and are now looking at ways to replace the old stereotypical view of gyms with sweaty, muscle bound heavies or lycra clad ladies chatting before lunching.

The Healing Hands Network

In September 2004 my friend and I went to Sarajevo and Mostar in Bosnia as volunteer complementary therapists for the charity Healing Hands Network.

Aloe Vera: Myth or Medicine?

Back to nature:Aloe Vera is a medicinal herb that has been used by mankind for thousands of years. It has acquired the nicknames 'nature's gift' 'the miracle plant', 'the potted physician' and many more.

What is Osteoporosis?

The silent epidemicThe word osteoporosis literally means "porous bones", that is bones filled with tiny pores, or holes. Your bones change constantly – being broken down and rebuilt as you go about your everyday life.

Diovan Drug Information For Blood Pressure Patients: Side effects

What is diovan?Diovan is an angiotensin II antagonist. Diovan contains valsartan. It is used to control high blood pressure in the body.How diovan works in the indicated complaints?Diovan is useful for treating hypertensive patients having sudden rise of blood pressure.

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

Research has shown that more than 50% of smokers would like to stop smoking. Many, if not most, have tried at least once to stop. Most using willpower, many using prescription drugs in the shape of nicotine patches and/or nicotine gum.

Principles of Effective Weight Loss

If you keep on gaining weight after dieting, stop! Don't even think about trying another diet, because it will most likely produce the same results you have already seen.

Giving Up the Diet

If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason that diets promote only short term solutions, not long term.

What is the Glycemic Index?

Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system. It has been learned that it is impossible to predict the impact on blood glucose levels by certain foods, instead people are fed carbohydrate foods and the response measured.

How to Substitute Fat in Your Everyday Diet

Fat is a nutrient that is a contributor to the increasing problem of obesity in the world today. It's stored in the fat cells of the body. The number of fat cells is estimated to be around 50 billion for the average person.

The Truth About Low Carb Dieting

Every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years.

Workout Without a Gym

We know that using free weights and machines is the fastest and most efficient way there is to improve your metabolism and strength, but for many reasons these may not be convenient or readily accessible to you.

What is Targeted Exercise?

Why You Need To Be Doing ThemWhile performing three different exercises for each area of the chest may sound "targeted" and it may work great for targeting the chest itself… this is NOT what we mean by targeted…What we are talking about is choosing exercises with more than just size increases in mind… remember, there is far more to muscle than just how it looks… You can be really big, but also weak, slow and inflexible.

Extreme Breakup Recovery

Don't Let A Breakup Ruin Your HealthIf you are going through the emotional roller coaster of a breakup, feeling pain, anger and depression, know this: You don't need to suffer one more day over your ex! It doesn't matter how long you have suffered, it is time to give up the pain and open up to a life free of pain.

Targeted Stretching

Stretching can be great, but it can also make existing injuries worse or even bring about new ones!The key to making stretching work for you is knowing which stretches you need to be working on… and just because a muscle feels tight, that doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be stretched.

Cold Sore Relief For The Worst Cold Sores

Cold sore relief is sought after by millions of herpes victims every year. There are many treatments that are time-proven to work quite well.

Allergy - Free Garden Part 2

Eliminating Allergenic Mold Spores in Your GardensSunlight and MoldsBright light and fresh air are the enemies of mold. Many landscapes have huge trees overhead that let in little light.

Rest, Recovery and Injury Prevention

Many of the injuries that bodybuilders suffer from could be easily prevented just by allowing the body enough time to rest.While most bodybuilders dread hearing the word "rest", many fail to realize that there is far more to rest than just avoiding overtraining.

Saying "YES" to Less Stress - Part 1

A lot of people say that stress is bad for you and they're right - in a way. TOO MUCH stress is bad for you. And at the same time having TOO LITTLE stress is bad for you too! So just HOW do we get the right balance? We get the right balance FOR US by controlling our reactions to stress.

Weight Lifting Benefits Your Health more than Sports

Most of us play sports of some kind on the weekends or after work. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us weekend warriors fail to make weight lifting a priority.

Journey Through Pet Loss

Colour Therapy for Animals

Colour is a form of energy since it is simply light at varying wavelengths. Each colour has its own particular wavelength. This energy is absorbed via the magnetic energy field, which surrounds all living things; the skin and the eyes.

Saying "YES" to Less Stress - Part 3

Exercise as a stress-reliever Exercise is a good stress-reliever that's why Health Care Practioners are prescribing sessions for patients suffering from some ill-health problems - where stress and anxiety can exacerbate the problem - at gyms and leisure centres � they're paying for the first few sessions to help the patient get fitter and at the same time helping them to release some of their dis-stress.

Saying "YES" to Less Stress - Part 2

In part one we learned about Stress Awareness and found out about Coping Skills, in this part we'll look at what Assertiveness means and we'll focus on Time Management.

Four Things Cause Sciatica

What's causing yours and which treatment is going to be the most effective for you?If you're reading this article, it's a good bet that you have a radiating pain running down the back of your leg that just won't go away.

Birds, Bugs, and Allergies

As I write this I can look out my window and see a busy English sparrow going from the bird feeder, to the suet feeder, to the blossoms of the pineapple guava bush.

TEA TREE OIL- A Remarkable Healing Agent

    A clear to very pale golden colour essential oil that is favoured by many health specialists who work with alternative medicine and natural remedies, this is an oil with remarkable healing properties.

Monthly Stress Self Assessment

Choose a regular time to do this, either the first or last day of the month is ideal.Score your answers:Never 0, Occasionally 1, Often 2, Almost daily 3.

Can The GI Diet Help You Lose Weight?

The GI diet, based on the Glycemic Index, has recently become very popular, but the GI ranking system has been around since 1981. There have been several books published on the success of the GI diet, but is it really a diet or a lifestyle change?The Glycemic IndexDr.

Stress Reduction – a ten point plan to a laid back life!

Get a good night's sleep. When you don't, you produce extra stress hormones. Have fun and laugh every day. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies.

Health or Disease - Win or Loose – Are your Thought’s making a difference?

Is your thought process the reason why………..Everybody knows that in Formula 1 the small details can be the difference between winning of loosing.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy – looking at a few misconceptions

When I first became a Hypnotherapist I discovered that hypnosis is a topic that everyone has a view on, but not many people know much about. Most people's understanding of hypnosis is based on what goes on during a stage show or TV programme.

Are All Zone Diet Products Compliant To The Zone Diet?

The ZonePerfect Nutrition Company has continued to expand and is expected to sell in excess of one hundred million dollars worth of ZonePerfect foods this year.

A natural remedy for ADHD is omega 3 - or is it?

A common developmental and behavioural disorder, it is characterised by poor concentration, distractibility, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that are inappropriate for the child's age.

Your Health in the New Year

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese proverb Many anthropologists believe that the tradition of making New Year's resolutions has been traced back to the year 153 B.

How to Pick the Perfect Holistic Health Practitioner for You

Your therapists, physicians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, body workers and energy workers need to be interviewed and checked out just like your roofer! I don't know about you but finding a good roofer is might-near-impossible.

Natural Alternatives to Help You Through the Winter Months

Winter has a dramatic affect on people who suffer with arthritis and pain is increased during these cold months.  Painful joints often have the following characteristics: Poor lubrication due to low hyaluronic acid levels Painful movements due to an increased level of inflammatory prostaglandins Reduced cartilage depth on joint load bearing surfaces Tuna Oil is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which have the ability to suppress the production of inflammatory eicosanoids and cartilage degradative enzymes.

Know yourself and transform your life

Know yourself, transform your life…… an essay in three parts by Andrew Harry (Registered Polarity Therapist) exploring goals, perception and the miraculous (Part 1) Limited or Limitless? It depends how you look at it! Does my energy field precede my physical form or does my physical form generate my energetic field?  Am I  here as a result of a random act of the universe or is there some purpose to my existence here on earth? Does my consciousness end when I die or does it continue? Do I have one life or many? Am I responsible for my views or are others? Is success a measure against external factors or is it purely a subjective one? Is someone else's opinion of more value to me  or is my own most valuable? Is the Universe an empty space or is it Full? Am I in this Universe or is it in me? Assumptions you make can limit your world view or release it.

Make The Most of the New Energy of Spring

"The whole year's work depends on a good start in the Spring." – Chinese ProverbCongratulations! You made it through another winter! Now, the warmer temperatures and the longer hours of daylight will be an awesome relief.

Back Care

Have you ever woken up with a sore lower back or a tight neck which is painful for a while until you get moving? Perhaps it doesn't ease up even then? If so, I know how you feel, how debilitating pain is and how it drains your energy.

Detox Bath: An Ancestral Detox Method with Profound Potential

Detox is the latest buzzword in the global alternative health community, and it is fast becoming mainstream. A majority of health-conscious individuals, aware of the amount of toxins the human body is now subjected to on a daily basis, are seeking means to effectively support the body's elimination process.

Spark your sexual life with Levitra

A constant thought in your mind keeps disturbing you. "Why has our sexual life become so monotonous? Perhaps this is natural." Perhaps not! An estimated 30 million American men suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) – the medical term for impotence.

Weight Loss and Phentermine - The Evolving Mystery

Losing weight is a tough job and it is easy to get discouraged when positive results are not forthcoming. Researchers have worked hard to find viable options for weight loss, or diet pills, may just be that extra edge one needs to find success in their weight loss attempts.

Reflexology in Stress Management

To attempt to scientifically evaluate an abstract concept such as reflexology is very difficult. To evaluate the effects of that treatment of reflexology is much easier.

What is Prana Therapy?

"You ought not to heal the body without the soul for this is the great error of our day in treating the human body"  Plato was one of the greatest philosophers in history.

Cancer Care with Colour Therapy

Colour is a wonderful natural force that we can harness to help us lead a happy and healthy life. The different colour wave-lengths found in sunlight permeate our bodies and affect our primary functions including our growth, sleep and appetite, circulation, nervous and immune systems and so when there is a balance of colour energy in our system we feel a zest for life and enjoy good health.

Panic Attacks

DID YOU KNOW?It is believed that around 20 Million people in the UK alone currently suffer from anxiety disorders including panic attacks and phobias, so you are not alone.

The truth about low-carb diets

Although there are many advantages to living in the twenty first century perhaps one of the drawbacks is that we don't use up the calories as our forefathers did because we spend our lives working on computers instead of labouring in the fields and our homes.

Blood Pressure : Killing By Stealth

At least 600 million adults across the world are now understood to be suffering from persistent high blood pressure (hypertension). In recent years doctors have needed to define a new level of risk, prehypertension, as a warning of potential problems.

Changing Lanes

A new start Catherine Nash had all the trappings of success – a great job as an IT consultant, a big salary and a classy company car – but she'd never been so unhappy in her life.

iPod Hearing Loss Protection for Boomers: Five HearPod Solutions

Since their debut in the marketplace, iPods have revolutionized the way we listen to music. iPod hard drives store up to 300 hours of music, batteries last for 12 hours, and the volume can be cranked up to 120 decibels.

The Myth of 100% Complete Processed Pet Food

Every day, people by the millions pour food from a package into their pet's bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal, pets get the same fare.

Weight loss and less fatigue achieved by changing eating habits

This case study illustrates how the combination of simple, targeted nutritional advice and client commitment and dedication can lead to substantial results.

Nut Allergies in Children – Are Massage Oils Safe?

IntroductionIn aromatherapy and massage practices, nut oils are favoured mediums. However, recent research findings that suggest it may be through skin exposure to nut proteins during infancy that nut sensitisation occurs, raises safety concerns for anyone using massage with babies and infants.

The Application of Clinical Hypnotherapy with the Primary IBS Patient

A Comparative Analysis of Clinical Outcomes in the Refractive IBS Patient vs. the Newly DiagnosedThe successful use of clinical hypnotherapy (CHT) for the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome has been established in at least 14 published studies (1) (2) where it has been shown to produce significant reduction in the cardinal IBS symptoms and associated symptoms such as anxiety.

Can you be Cancer Free for Life and Drink Alcohol?

Are you at Risk             Cancer kills an estimated 526,000 Americans yearly, second only to heart disease.

Alcohol Stimulates Cancer Development

Researchers are now making a strong association between alcohol use and cancers of the esophagus, pharynx, and mouth, whereas another study links alcohol with liver, breast, and colorectal cancers.

How does Healing with Homeopathy work?

In this section, we provide an introduction to homeopathy and how we view it as a healing skill – what it is, its history, its principles and how you learn to practice it.

The Bladder and Parkinson's Disease

The term, Parkinsonism, is used to describe a group of conditions that exhibit symptoms such as slowness of movement, rigidity and tremors. A well known and common example of such a condition would be Parkinson's disease.

Life Alignment – a new energy medicine

Energy  and The BodyAlthough our senses tell us we live in a world of matter and solid objects, modern science has confirmed what mystics have known for millennia, that we exist in a sea of energy.

My recovery from every form of anxiety and panic for 10 years

Firstly I would like to introduce myself. My name is Paul David and I suffered from every form of anxiety and panic for 10 years. My recovery came from a meeting with someone who had a full understanding of this condition, in fact he taught me more in one hour than anyone else was able to teach me in 10 years.

Too sensitive for your own good?

Do you seem to worry about what you're saying and doing all the time, and be too eager to please? Do you always seem to have something or someone on your mind? Is making a decision a nightmare, because you are so desperate to make sure that you get it right and don't upset anyone? If someone or something upsets you, do you find that you can't get your mind off this, constantly going over it in your mind, over and over.

Alcohol and Cancer: Understanding the Connection 

Research has shown that risks for cancer increase among men who have two alcoholic drinks a day and women who have one alcoholic drink per day.

Diagnosed with a Herniated Disc?

Get the facts on what really causes it and how to get reliefWhat is a Herniated Disc? You've probably heard people say they have a "slipped" or "ruptured" disc in the back.

Avoiding and Preventing Cancer: Simple Steps to Take

With its fairly unique characteristics, cancer strikes intense fear in many people and all would like to find ways to preventing and avoiding cancer.

The Power of Powder

So you ask: 'Why would I choose a vitamin and mineral supplement powder over tablets?' Tablets and capsules give doctors and pharmacist a convenient way to administer potent and often foul tasting medications.

Pet Nutrition - An Insight

Some 40 years ago our family pet dog was fed on the leftovers from the kitchen table and scraps from the butchers which included tripe and sheep heads, we also used the unsold wholemeal bread from the local bakers, garden vegetables that my family used to grow and the odd piece of fish, we even fed rabbits and hares when she was lucky enough to catch them.

Chemotherapy: Does It Really Cause Cancer? 

It may surprise most people to find out that one of the most common treatments for a variety of cancers is chemotherapy and that it actually has its origins in World Wars I and II.

Healing Cancer: What Does It Mean?

Frequently, the interaction between illness and treatment is described as a battle or a war. If we hold with that analogy, then cancer can best be described as a civil war.

Bright Eyes

Cataracts are the leading cause of decreased vision in adults older than 65 and is the most common surgical procedure for elderly people. But you can get an "age-related" cataract when you're in your 40s or 50s, although most likely it will be small and not rob you of your vision.

Influenced by Influenza

During the holiday season congestion is at it's peak, more so than any other time of the year. The malls become filled with masses of people, street traffic and airports, postal service, so much is going on during the holiday months that we can't help but become influenced by influenza.

Raw Milk Contains Harmful Bacteria that can be Life Threatening

Raw milk can contain dangerous microorganisms that can pose serious health risks to you and your family.  Unpasteurized milk from cows, sheep or goats is raw milk that can carry dangerous bacteria such as:•    Salmonella•    E.

Does Stress cause Cancer?

One could say, that of the main causes of death today is stress. People think it is cancer, or heart disease. But how do you think it gets started?  Stress is present in all areas of our lives, and we have become so used to it that we are even unaware of its constant presence in our lives.

Healing Cancer And Cellular Memory

"Cellular memory" is defined as the capacity of living tissue cells to memorise and recall characteristics of the body from which they originated.

Healing the Spirit to Fight Cancer

We are bodies, minds and spirits. Health necessarily involves all these components, and any program intended to improve health must address all of them.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Ancient Egyptians thought it was a gift from the gods, today many people swear by it. Princess Diana was a known devotee and used the therapy to cleanse her system.

Mind-Body Connection and Cancer: What Does It Mean?

The concept of the Mind-Body Connection is very simple: the things that go through our minds have a profound effect on our body.  It almost defies intelligence that this connection is denied by anyone, but it is.

Relieving Stress To Prevent Cancer

It is now agreed that stress is not what happens, but how the person reacts to what happens. Stress in itself is neither good nor bad. It is a mechanism built into our organism, not for the purpose of making us sick, but to enable us to respond more effectively to challenges.

SCIO/QCXI/EPFX Electro Physicolgical Feedback System

We hear a lot about energetic medicine – so what is it?  One aspect of energetic medicine is when you look at how your body resonates or vibrates and how this balance could affect your general well being.

The Journey Through Cancer

Cancer treatment should include mental, emotional, and spiritual components, with a variety of complementary therapies for the body as well. I do not suggest forgoing the conventional medical treatments.

Preventing Cancer Today

As you get older, you start realizing the importance of staying fit and healthy. Start with positive emotions, because they are a simple method to keep us healthy.

Why Detoxify?

Every day we are exposed to external toxins from our environment and internal toxins produced as the byproduct of our digestive and metabolic processes.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone and Insomnia

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamins

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

weight loss forever

Losing weight, and then keeping it off, needs a whole change of attitude and lifestyle for life. This includes such things as:the type of foods and drink that you normally buy.

Symptoms of Heart Diseases

Beside cancer, heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease. There are many causes of heart disease.

Types of Heart Diseases

The heart is a four chambered, hollow muscle and double acting pump that is located in the chest between the lungs. Heart diseases caused by high blood pressure contributes to hardening of the arteries.

Heart disease affecting the heart chambers

As we mention in the previous article, the heart is a four chambered hollow muscle and double acting pump that is located in the chest between the lungs.

The Incidence of Smoking and Drinking on Male Sexual Health

Studies published by the medical and health community are unanimous. As much as forty percent of men in North America experience some form of sexual health dysfunction.

ADHD and School Success - Yes, it is Possible!

A day in school requires sustained attention, sitting quietly and refined social skills - all of which ADHD children tend to have great difficult mastering.

Stop Hair Loss Due to Vitamin Deficiency

Zinc, iron, vitamins B, essential fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients and supplements are responsible for hair growth. If these deficiencies and shortage occur, for whatever reason, it is likely hair loss.

Free Radicals, Phytochemicals, Antioxidants and more for our Pets

The more you read on health issues, the more complicated the terminology becomes. I am left wondering if health language is used just to keep the players and users in their own world and limit entry to their understanding.

Speech Dysfunctions In Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease often affects the patient's ability to speak clearly and this is often considered one of its worse symptoms. For many patients, the loss of their ability to communicate clearly to others is heartbreaking.

Babies, Mums and CranioSacral Therapy

Childbirth is a natural process, challenging certainly, but essentially instinctive as both the baby's and mother's body are guided through many sequential changes and processes triggered mostly by hormones in their mutually interacting bodies.

Anne's Story

Mum walks...after 17 years in wheelchair….The Daily Mirror.   Just two minutes treatment and I can walk after 17 years….The Daily Mail.

Stress, Aging and Sexual Health

We live in a modern world full of stress. Sometimes caused by our environment, sometimes we create it ourselves! Performance at work, personal relationships, sexual performance, family concerns and other activities are all factors creating some level of stress.

The Keys to Thinking Positively

Recent studies into how our minds work have revealed you can now be shown precisely how to think positively. You can discover, to your delight, you have a powerful Friend just waiting and willing to help you through your life.

Change Your Water Change Your Life!

I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce you to one of the Greatest Preventative Health Advances of our generation! Kangen-Alkaline Ionized Anti-oxidant Water, pure, healthy, alkaline drinking water with miraculous healing properties! Water so amazing that it has been approved by medical professionals in Japan as the single water product endorsed by the Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Disease and the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare (FDA equivalent) because of the miraculous benefit to good health.

Ancient Health Science: How Do T’ai Chi and Qigong Work?

Western medical science is only beginning to understand what T'ai Chi and Qigong offers us.  However, just the tiny amount of research that has been done so far indicates that T'ai Chi and Qigong are very powerful health tools that can save each of us and our society a great deal of money and personal suffering.

The 21st Century Pharmacists:

Privacy, convenience, and saving money are one of the primary motivations behind online shopping. Buying medications such as viagra from local pharmacist is no doubt embarassing and inconvenient for many fellows.

High Blood Pressure and Tai Chi Therapy

Way back in 2003, the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine's Oct. 9th issue reported a study finding that Tai Chi "could decrease blood pressure and results in favorable lipid profile changes and improve subjects' anxiety status.

The Social Web of Stress - Simple Solutions

Could simple stress reducing solutions be the answers to our myriad modern problems? Urban sprawl and suburban flight are causing massive traffic jams on freeways nationwide, as individuals are working longer and longer hours.

Bone Loss, Osteoporosis, Depression, Menopause & TAI CHI

Emerging medical research indicates that an ancient health therapy may be the prescription for the future. Increasingly the menopausal problems of hormonal imbalance, often resulting in bone loss, are also affected by depression and stress.

Parkinson’s Disease & Tai Chi Therapy

In a special to CNN, the Mayo Clinic's mayoclinic.com reported that, "Parkinson's disease is progressive, meaning the signs and symptoms become worse over time.

Burn Calories, Dump Stress, Boost Immune Function - Without Sweating?

Time Magazine wrote, ". . . Tai Chi is the perfect exercise . . ."  While serving as the Tai Chi Expert at DrWeil.com, I learned that best selling author and acclaimed naturopathic physician, Andrew Weil, suggested that poor breathing habits are at the root of many of our health problems.

Tips and ideas to help you to look forward to the festive season without worrying about your waistline

Since the supermarkets have been promoting all the Christmas goodies; mince pies, huge tins of chocolates, brandy butter, Stilton the size of a hatbox, (I could go on and on…) I've noticed that women are bracing themselves for the 'season of putting on weight'.

T'ai Chi in the Information Age – Ancient Cure for Modern Problems

According to a twenty-year study by Kaiser Permanente, between seventy and eighty-five percent of illness is caused by stress, meaning that in the U.

Give up dieting: Tips & ideas for a new approach to weight-loss next year.

It's that time of year when so many women are making resolutions to lose weight and get fit. They are motivated and determined to 'eat healthily', stick to a diet and keep up an exercise routine.

Are you getting real value from your nutritional supplements?

As long ago as 1936 a report was submitted to the House Representatives in the USA, which revealed that agricultural soil throughout the North American continent was severely depleted in essential minerals.

India- The next destination for the Health Traveller

Medical tourism is a term coined which covers patients travelling across the globe for tourism purposes clubbing their requirements for treatment of acute illness, elective surgeries such as cardiology, hip replacement, knee replacement,etc.

EMFs Affect on Biological Systems

What Are Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), and How Do They Affect The Biological System?The discovery of Free Energy and its astonishing potential began with the revolutionary inventions of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

What is Colour Therapy and how can it help me?

COLOUR THERAPY Colour Therapy is a natural system of healing that used the energy of the spectrum colours to harmonise and balance the mind, body and spirit.

Are you eating the right colours?

A natural way to healthy eating and nutritionColour Therapy has long recognised the strong health connection between the colours of food and their nutritional value but it is only in the last few years that the scientific establishment has come to support this theory.

How Green Tea Can Help You To Lose Weight

Green tea has been highly valued in Asia for centuries for its medical properties. In the recent years green tea benefits caught the attention of western scientists.

13 Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea has been enjoyed by people in China and Japan for thousands of years. Over the time it has become widely known in the West. A lot of people nowadays have heard that green tea benefits the overall health, but not a lot know why exactly.

The Myth of Fast Weight Loss

You will be surprised to find out how many people are actually looking for a fast weight loss program. Why fast? Well, first of all, most of us are impatient.

Surgery As A Rite of Passage

Every moment in life is precious. Every single one. Even the difficult ones. Even the one when your doctor says: "We have to operate". Never good news yet an important moment in our lives.

Five Easy Ways to Avoid the Flu This Winter

Many people wonder how they can stay well this winter, considering the onset of the flu season and the fear of a possible influenza epidemic.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Will Not Take Away Your Fears

Your fears, anxieties, and other problems have the best of you and you don't know where to turn for help. At some point you feel totally helpless as you struggle each day.

Finding and Overcoming the Source of Your Fears

A sure way to overcoming your fears and anxieties is in finding the source of your fears and being able to manage it. In dealing with any kinds of fears or anxieties, try to learn what is the real source of your fears and anxieties.

Learning How to Overcome Your Out of Control Anxieties

Learning how to manage your out of control anxieties can be extremely difficult.  The first thing you need to do is to seek the services of a professional and/or counselor who can teach you how to manage your fears and give you the help that you need.

How to Overcome a Fearful and Scary Situation

All most everybody worries about what will happen when they face a stressful and scary situation. The prospect of not knowing what to do can be frightening.

Our Fears and Worries can Distort the Reality of the Situation

At times, our worries and anxieties can overwhelm us. In addition, our worries can distort our perception of what is reality and what is not.

Finding Those Techniques That Will Manage Your Anxieties

Are you having trouble finding effective ways to overcome your fears and anxieties? It can be difficult to find all of the answers in managing your anxieties.

Never Lose Hope in Dealing with your Fears and Depression

When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is much help available in today's society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them.

When Someone you know Struggles with Fear and Anxiety

What do you do when someone you know has to deal with persistent fears, anxieties, or even depression? Well the first thing you need to do is to get the person to seek the services of a professional who can lead them in the right direction and give them the help they need.

Facing the Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown

All most everybody worries about what will happen in the future. The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen to you in the near future can produce a lot of fear and anxiety.

Managing the Fear of Loneliness

Sometime or another we will experience a time when we are alone. The first step is to become comfortable with yourself and having the self-confidence that you will be able to manage being alone.

A Review of Techniques in Managing your Depression

Some people have a difficult time in managing their depression.  Sometimes, their depression and fears can get best of them.  As a result, here is a short list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their depression.

Managing your Persistent Fears, Depression, and Every Day Anxieties

Everybody deals with anxiety and depression, however some people have a hard time in managing it. As a result, here is a brief list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their most persistent fears and every day anxieties.

Managing Your Life's Stresses and Anxieties

Everybody deals with fear and anxiety, however sometimes our anxieties can get the best of us. As a result, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their daily stresses and anxieties.

Managing Your OCD, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts

There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage.

When your Fears and Depression have the Best of you

What do you do when your fears and depression are stronger than what you can handle? There are times that no matter what you do, your fears have the best of you.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a heterogeneous condition with varying severity and symptomology.  At least one in four of the general population is affected at some time in their lives (Jones 1992, Harvey 1983, Cook 1987).

The use of the therapeutic audio program in mitigating post-surgical fears in female breast cancer survivors

Abstract Appeared in the Journal of European Association for Cancer Education March 2005The Use of the Therapeutic Audio Program: An Aid to Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer in Mitigating Post-Surgical Fears and Emotional Presentations in Female Breast Cancer Survivors.

Quantum Touch in Bosnia/Herzegovina

On 14th August 2006 in the midst of the airport chaos in the UK, I travelled from Heathrow Airport to Bosnia & Herzegovina to work with Phoenix-Aid, a charity which was started two years ago working with those who have incurred injuries/trauma and are still suffering even though the Bosnian war ended in 1995.

Wildlife Conservation

In a rare case of technology to the rescue, it has been proposed that erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra may have the unintended beneficial side effect of reducing the lethal pressure on declining populations of endangered species around the world.

Healthy Sleep improves Daytime and Work Performance

If you suffer from daytime sleepiness and you snore at night, then it's possible you might suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) a serious medical condition.

A Holistic Approach to Anti-Aging

It is a fact, people are living longer and there has been a rise in people trying to reverse the signs of aging both on the inside and out. Although you cannot turn back the clock, you can make growing old easier.

How the sun is absolutely crucial to your health

Fundamental to the Wysong Optimal Health philosophy is the fact that we are integrally linked to our genetic heritage. We are what our genetics dictate, not what we impose upon ourselves by modern circumstances we artificially create.

Herbal Alternatives to sexual stimulants …How Natural are they?

In this increasingly technological age where there seems to be a 'quick fix pill' to cure whatever ails you, many people, fearful of unknown chemical compounds, are turning to more natural solutions to their medical woes.

Natural Arthritis Medication to the Rescue!

No matter which type of arthritis you suffer from, be it osteoarthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis or any one of the myriad forms of this disease, you need a safe and effective treatment.

Sleep Deprived Children Have Health Problems

If your child has frequent health and/or emotional problems, consider that a lack of sleep may be all or at least part of the problem. Every function in the body is affected by sleep.

How to Get Baby to Sleep Through the Night

Much as we love them, babies can bring parents to their knees when they wake frequently during the night. Tired from a hard day at work, it's hard to get up in the wee hours of the morning to soothe a crying baby who probably doesn't realize he's supposed to be nice and quiet so the rest of the family can get some rest! Getting baby to sleep at night becomes a huge taskSo how do we cope with this situation? The first thing to realize is that babies do wake frequently during the night as their sleep cycles are shorter than ours.

Flu Fighting Foods

Winter doesn't have to mean the misery of colds, flu and other viral infections if you feed your body what it needs to fight them off. A run-down body that is out of balance internally and externally provides an inviting environment for viruses to come in and stay for a while.

Get Ready to Diet

If you have a problem with eating and weight, you might not want to push yourself into action right away. If you are not ready to diet, and you jump into it, you might be making a big mistake.

A Brand New Face Without Surgery?

Great news for those wanting to improve their appearance and take years off their face (without surgery)! This will appeal to the guys, I'll tell you why in a minute.

Sleep and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Could improving your sleep lessen the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)? Our aim here is to understand the connection between the two as it may be possible to confuse the symptoms of CFS and sleep deprivation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments - Which Ones Will Suit You?

Research is always ongoing into new and better rheumatoid arthritis treatments which is a very good thing. But where is all this leading us? Of course we need effective pain medication for arthritis to enable sufferers to live normal lives.

How to Wear Make Up and Still Look Natural (Part 1)

There are some who wouldn't be caught dead in public without make up and then there are some who refuse to wear make up at all and prefer the natural look.

Relaxation Techniques (part 2)

Relaxation techniques can be done almost anywhere (except while driving), cost nothing and are free of side effects.In part one we examined a breathing exercise and an autogenic relaxation technique.

Stressed Out? Try These Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques for stress management There are three main types of  relaxation techniques you can practice when you feel upset and stressed out.

Do Your Dreams Have a Hidden Meaning?

Dreams, what are they? Dreams come from your subconscious mind as a means of processing and sorting information. But the truth is no one really knows what causes dreams and why some folk seem to have vivid colorful dreams and others have short uneventful ones.

How to Wear Makeup and Still Look Natural (Part 2)

In part 1 we talked about how to apply our foundation and blush to look natural. Now we'll discuss lipstick and eye make up.  So here we go Makeup Tips Part 2 or.

Shift Work Sleep Disorder, Are You Affected?

Shift work and sleep Shift workers really do get a raw deal when it comes to getting enough sleep. They have to try and sleep when the rest of the world is waking up and their body clocks have a hard time adjusting.

Beliefs – The Power to Create or Destroy

Henry Ford once said, "Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're absolutely right!"  A very simple statement, yet it's impact is massive.

The Main Cause of Insomnia?

Well in my opinion the main cause of insomnia that keeps us tossing and turning at night is worrying about not going to sleep. Sure there might be other reasons for sleeplessness; chronic pain, restless legs syndrome, partner disturbance, too much coffee.

Depression and Hypnotic Approaches

A man who had been a "golden-boy" as a child and who became asuccessful businessman as a young adult, suddenly and without explanation falls into a deep and overwhelming "funk.

Should You Search The Internet For Health Solutions?

As a young person growing up in Columbus, Ohio, I used to be in awe whenever I went to the huge public library there.  There were masses and volumes of information available on just about any subject you could possibly be interested in.

Do You Need More Oxygen?

There is not as much oxygen in our environment today as there was hundreds of years ago.  At one time the oxygen level was at 38%, now it is at 21%, and in some cities, even as low as 18%.

Prevention --- It's Up To You, Not Your Doctor!

Throughout most of my life, I have heard that "You are what you eat!"  Then later, as I became more knowledgeable about nutrition, it became "You are what you eat, digest, and absorb!" Our world is changing daily.

Sex Addiction

Sexual addiction, also sometimes called sexual compulsion, is rapidly becoming recognized as a major social problem with similarities more well-known to alcohol and drug addiction or compulsive gambling.

Deciding to have a baby may be one of the biggest decisions you and your partner ever make.

Deciding to have a baby may be one of the biggest decisions you and your partner ever make. But having a baby may not be as simple as merely deciding you are both ready to try for one.

Infertility and Trying for a Baby

Deciding to have a baby may be one of the biggest decisions you and your partner ever make. But having a baby may not be as simple as merely deciding you are both ready to try for one.

Brief History - When will Viagra get Cheaper?

Viagra (sildenafil) started off as a rather disappointing treatment for angina but doctors began to notice that patients were very reluctant to stop taking it, even after surgery had dealt with any angina problems.

Children and Hypnosis

What brings about or exacerbates children's problems? Much that goes on in our world can cause problems for children, just as it does for adults.

Hypnotic Approaches to Anxiety, Fear and Panic Attacks

If there was ever an "age of anxiety," ours would be it. All of us experience mild anxiety, regularly, but for some anxiety escalates to forebodings of disaster and even into full-blown, debilitating panic attacks.

Viagra & Blindness

All three impotence drugs on the market, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, warn users that the drug can cause minor vision changes that include blurring, sensitivity to light and the presence of a bluish hue.

The Issues with ED Treatments - Secrecy

Erectile Dysfunction can have a profound effect on a man's life and on his relationship. It can cause loss of intimacy, lack of dialogue and resentment between partners.

Diabetes: Find a Cause. Don't Fight the Symptoms

Everything under the sun has its causes.  Our lives are nothing but cycles of never-ending causes reaching out for yet another and another cause.

Diet for Health

We are all part of the ever-unfolding cycle of two complementary forces: Yin and Yang.  The force that keeps all things together in their proper shape and form is the Yang energy, the right hand of the Creative Principle.

Beating the Freshman 15

It's a fairly accepted 'fact' among college age women that they will gain weight their first year away from home. It's so well accepted, in fact, that nearly anyone will know immediately what you mean when you refer to the 'Freshman 15'.

Holiday Weight Loss

Is it possible to avoid those holiday pounds? We all know that maintaining your diet and weight loss plan during the holidays can more than a little difficult.

Why fad diets don’t work!

The answer is simple...fad diets are not natural.Fad diet is the term that describes an array of diet approaches used to temporarily lose weight through unsafe and unrealistic methods.

Diet Pills: A Lot of Risk for a Little Loss

There are a number of products on the market - both prescription and non-prescription - which claim to be effective weight loss aids. Many of these have been associated with serious medical risks, including heart attack, heart abnormalities, tachycardia, stroke, seizures and death.

Lose Weight Fast for a Special Occasion

If you have just a little weight to lose, and want to take it off fast (say, so you can fit into those great pants for your cousin's wedding), there are a number of diets that you can use.

Fad Diets and Why They Don’t Stay

Fad diets are well known for their promise of bringing some instant weight loss.  However, while these diets may help you lose weight quick, they may also create health issues.

What\'s your Body Mass Index?

Do you know how to measure body mass index? Do you even know what body mass index is? For some, the need to lose weight is clear. Those whose body weight places them into the obese or morbidly obese categories are well aware that they are carrying too many pounds.

The Ultimate Detox Tool- Discover 3 Powerful Water Detox Methods

"Cast Thyself Into The Enfolding Arms Of The Angel Of Water For She Shall Cast Out From Thee All That Is Unclean And Evil." - The Dead Sea Scrolls- 3rd century BCE to 640 AD.

Could A Single Piece of Advice from Mahatma Gandhi Transform Your Health for Life?

If Gandhi graciously handed you the key to a lifetime of good health and well being today, could you possibly disregard it?M.K Gandhi was called the "Mahatma", the "Enlightened One", because he was one of the wisest and most inspired thinkers and humanitarians the world has seen.

Can you really lose 60lbs in 30 days?

Is it better to lose 2lbs a day or 2lbs a week? Yes it's very possible that you can lose 60lbs in 30 days but I don't think you would want to and here's the reason why: Let's say you do lose 60lbs in 30 days… how much of that weight you lose do you think is going to be pure body fat? Remember-- body fat makes us look ugly.

Bird Flu

Bird flu could be the greatest threat to modern civilization and the world is poorly prepared for a bird flu pandemic.  The rapid spread of the bird flu virus raises the question: what can we do to protect ourselves if a bird flu pandemic strikes? A potential bird flu pandemic can't be taken lightly.

Brighten Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a hot trend in cosmetic dentistry right now because they can completely change the way a person's mouth looks, and positively change the way a person views him or herself.

Bird Flu Protection

Bird flu protection could be as simple as bowing instead of shaking hands. Japan never suffered an outbreak of SARS despite being surrounded by countries where outbreaks occurred.

Acid Reflux Disease

What is acid reflux disease? Acid reflux disease can and often is mistaken for heartburn.  But the heartburn symptoms of acid reflux disease usually occur 2 or more days a week for at least 3 months and can damage your esophagus.

Generic Medicines

Generic Drugs:  Generic Online Pharmacies started making a big impact on the net since the mid to late 90's. This has allowed the prescription drug buyer to save hundreds with the click of a mouse.

Super bee-nutrition

Bee's and Bee Nutrition: What is the buzz about bee Nutrition? Well, you cant get more down to nature then bee products.  Powerful anti-oxidants, skin creams, supplements, and much more.

Straighten Your Smile With A Cosmetic Dentist

Braces aren't just for kids anymore, so if you think that your teeth could be straighter or they could line up a little bit better, your cosmetic dentist might be able to help.

"B" vitamins, unleash the Beast inside you

This is another vitamin article that I have written, but the only difference is that this one goes into more detail about specific vitamins.  My previous articles do not do that.

Home Remedies

Ever have a bee sting?  Try rubbing an aspirin on it.  Gum in hair?  Soak the gum-coated hair in Coke® and it should wipe out easily.

Turning Back Time With Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is very popular right now because people the world over are realizing that they can change the way they look and feel relatively easily with the help of a cosmetic dentist.

Changing Your Looks With Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is very popular right now because people are starting to realize that a cosmetic dentist isn't anything you should be afraid of.

Diet changes involved with Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease or Gluten IntoleranceAs discussed in my previous article, I cover the basics  of Celiac Disease, which include the effects of Celiac Disease, symptoms and possible treatments.

Home Remedies part 2

Back by popular demand, home remedies article #2.  While not being a replacement for medical attention, you should always seek your doctor when you feel you have to and please take these home remedies with a grain of salt.

How To Choose A Cosmetic Dentist

Choosing a cosmetic dentist may very well be one of the most difficult things that you ever do. When you choose a cosmetic dentist you are choosing someone who can drastically change your appearance for the better, but if they are not qualified they can also change it for the worst.

5 Top Tips To Boost Your Spirits

If you're feeling like everything is getting on top of you, or you're finding it difficult to cope or function, or you're feeling down in the dumps, then try these 5 easy-to-do tips to relieve tension and stress and boost your spirits: 1.

Stop Your Destructive Inner Voice

Stress. Depression. Anxiety. They're powerful words that conjure up all kinds of images and prejudices in our minds. People who suffer from these illnesses find it hard to cope with life.

Are You Exercising Your Way To Stress?

You're right, the headline is a very strange one! Exercise is vital to maintain good health and most of the time, the benefits of exercise far out-weigh the drawbacks.

Why Antidepressant Drugs Don’t Work

Stress, depression and anxiety are the plagues of the modern world. Every year, over 20 million people in the western world will enter into an episode of major mental trauma.

How To Help A Stressed Or Depressed Loved One

I receive many emails from concerned relatives, partners and friends who are trying to help a loved one suffering the torment of a stressful or depressive episode.

Your Biggest Investment - Exercise!

The old saying, "if you don't do it now it will catch up with you later". Okay, I just made that up,  But truer words were never uttered than about our lack of exercise and a fitness program.

Am I hypoglycemic?

Are you actually Hypoglycemic? The first thing you probably need to know is if you are actually hypoglycemic and how it is possible to find out for sure.

Taking a Chance on Healthy Living!

One of the most important aspects of living a healthy and prosperous life is understanding "risk." By this I mean knowing how to understand and analyze situations in life that affect health.

Can’t Lose Weight? Syndrome X May Be the Culprit

"I've put on 40 pounds in one year!" "It doesn't matter how much I workout, I can't lose weight." "My doctor must think I'm eating pizzas in the closet.

I’m Taking Pig Hormones! A Look at Natural Thyroid

What's a common disease that over 5 million Americans suffer from and many may not even be aware they have it?Hypothyroidism and related forms of thyroid dysfunction!The thyroid gland looks like a little bow tie and is located at the base of the throat, below the Adam's apple in males.

Are you breathing properly?

Most people become lousy at breathing. Our bodies are naturally designed to breathe properly, but we tend to override this advantage with bad breathing habits.

How to survive seasonal allergies and ensure continued asthma relief

Spring is in the air and so are the allergens. Over the next few months grasses, trees and weeds will release huge quantities of pollen into the air as part of their reproductive cycle.

Revive that resolution for asthma relief

We are now more than six months into the year. Six months from our last New Year resolutions. Did you resolve to take charge of your asthma? To never have to rush to the emergency room again? To stick to a routine of taking your medication the way it should be taken, or to look into some of the alternative treatments that might work for you? Statistics show that the emergency rooms are just as busy.

Cold Sore Treatment - Lemon Balm Ice

A good cold sore treatment can really be a blessed relief for cold sore victims like you and me.And, if you're like me, you want a cold sore treatment that will not only give you a lot of comfort right now, but will hopefully shorten the healing time so you can get on with your life.

Cold Sores - A Pandemic?

Cold sores virus infects an incredible 89% of the world population, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) estimates. YES - and 67% of those infected with the cold sores virus will have at least one cold sore event in the next 12 months.

What Causes Cold Sores?

What causes cold sores?  An excellent question with a not-so-simple answer. You see - what causes cold sores for one person may not be what causes cold sores for another.

Fertility: Are you One in Eight?

Are you one in eight? Statistics show that one in eight couples is infertile. Some types of infertility may be permanent, but some may be reversible.


Ancient teachings have shown that Astrology holds the key to a more complete understanding of nature and the 'human condition.Some of the greatest minds of our era, including Galileo, Copernicus, Leonardo Da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton have studied the subject.

Why Is 'Licensed Acupuncturist' a Deceptive Title?

Beware! Acupuncture is just one part of our time tested health care system. As Licensed Acupuncturists, our scope of practice includes diagnosis, Chinese herbology, body movement, stretching, breathing exercises, food therapy, massage, moxabution, gua sha, cupping and more.

Omega 3 Fish Oil and Weight Loss

A lot of people still don't know there are fat burning foods that can actually increase the number of fat calories your body burns each day? These are know as free foods and are generally low in calories; in fact some of these foods are so low in calories that your body actually burns more calories metabolising them, than the total amount of calories in the food it's self.

Schizophrenia naturally

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease. Approximately one percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than two million Americans suffer from the illness in any given year.

What are Nucleotides? Are they Essential Dietary Components?

Nucleotides and RNA are valuable immune system building blocks. Since Dr Peter Koeppel, one of the leading experts on immunology and biochemistry at a leading Swiss pharmaceutical company, released a paper on their use for human health applications, interest has soared.

Boost the Immune System the Natural Way

Since Dr Peter Koeppel, one of the leading experts on immunology and biochemistry at a leading Swiss pharmaceutical company released a paper on the use of nucleotides and RNA for human health applications.

The ALL ONE Story

What sets ALL ONE® (Nutritech®), a small "boutique" company in Santa Barbara California, apart from the multitude of firms in our industry?  Three things: Focus, insistence on quality and innovative formulations.

Omega 3 Fish Oil EPA and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome the Real Science

Since the publication of a book called 'Beat Chronic Fatigue The Natural Way', many people are turning to the natural substance omega 3, and in particular pure ethyl EPA, to help treat the debilitating condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Top 11 Signs that Suggest Omega 3 Fatty Acid Deficiency

Do you need Omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? The simple answer is yes. The question of the importance of Omega 3 fatty acids can be clarified by examining the medical evidence regarding the benefits of this essential nutrient.

Omega 3 Fish Oil - The Evidence

Omega 3 fatty acids are known to be beneficial to health in a number of ways, and scientific evidence is accumulating to back up the beliefs of those who have taken it for years (in the form of fish oil).

Omega 3 Fish Oil EPA and Dha Explained

There is no doubt that Omega 3 fish oil can not only help your heart and joints, but your brain too. Most people are aware of these benefits, but aren't sure whether the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil apply across the board for all types of Omega 3 fish oils.

Top Ten Reasons to Supplement your Diet with EPA Fish Oil

We are in the grip of an omega 3 fish oil wave, every day more studies are published to show just how important this nutrient is to us. Last week it was children with concentration problems this week it is children with autism.

Seniors and Supplements

An "insurance policy" with daily dividends.The life span of the average American has increased dramatically. The latest Census data reports that 35 million persons in the United States are over the age of 65 and that number is expected to grow to one in five persons over 65 by 2010.

Green Synergy

Synergism is the simultaneous actions of separate entities, which together have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.

Soul Mates' Journey

As I roam on my journey through space and time,on a sea of music my joy does climb,and sails through clouds in floating rhyme,my endless serenity sways, in forests of golden pine.

Notes for Valentines Day and Beyond

If you've ever attended a child's class Valentine party, you've seen how enthralled children are to open each and every valentine. Starting around age three, children not only enjoy receiving valentines, they take great delight in giving them.

Powerful Periodized Strength Training Basics For Volleyball

Strength training dominates most athletes' fitness and conditioning programs through out the year.  In particular, volleyball players are well-known to have one of the highest levels of strength training dedication.

Getting Strong For Capoeira

Capoeira is all the buzz these days.  I turned on the TV the other night to see a Capoeiristas (one that enjoys this sport/game) having a full makeover.

Strength Training FAQ's

Do you need some beginner's strength training 'how to' information? I know you must have tons of questions. I will try my best to cover most of the beginner questions with this article.

Strength Training Develops Solid Softball Players

Softball is a popular sport these days. Corporations, adult leagues and inner-city competitions are fueling the demand for skilled and competitive players.

Top 10 Benefits of Strength Training for Women

"Women are finally warming up to free weights, and it is a beautiful thing!" states Lynn VanDyke. It's true that women are recognizing strength training as a major player in the battle against fat loss.

7 Must Know Facts to Build Your Strength Training Routine

Building a strength training routine can be one of the trickiest parts of a fitness program.  Ask 10 personal trainers what the best strength training routine is and you will get 10 different answers.

How To Build A Low Cost Home Gym

Purchasing a home gym can become quite a daunting task. Walk into any sporting goods store and your senses will quickly become stimulated.  Your eyes will gaze at all the attachments and cables.

Strength Training After Fifty

Strength training after fifty is no longer for those people who are having some sort of mid-life crisis.  In fact, doctors are literally writing prescriptions to get this generation up and moving.

The 4 Tools We Need To Lose Weight

Ask most people what their New Year's Resolutions were and you'll likely find the answer- lose weight.  With so many of us wanting to shed the pounds, why is the obesity pandemic reaching new heights? Weight loss tends to conjure up images of near starvation and tons of cardio.

Building A Strength Training Routine For Your Child

Sally is ready to join the basketball team this year.  You encourage her, tell her to practice everyday, and even join in on the team's fundraising efforts.

One Outlaw Personal Trainer Coming Your Way

The holidays are here and every one has seemingly decided to bail out on their weight loss and fitness routines. Come January the gyms will be packed with those people who decided to make weight loss their New Year's Resolution for 2006.

Strength Training and Osteoporosis

Hippocrates once said, "That which is used develops, and that which is not used wastes away."   I like to believe that he is talking about strength training and its affect on osteoporosis.

The Number 1 Way For Obese People To Lose The Fat

The number one way for obese people to lose fat is the exact same for those that are only 20 pounds overweight. Strength training is the best way to cut through fat and burn through calories.

Causes of Stress

In order to eliminate or at least control stress, it is vital to know and understand the causes of stress.  Of course, there are many causes of stress and they are as varied as the people who suffer from stress, but there are a few places to look first.

Dealing with Parental Stress

One of the biggest problems with having children is the remarkable fact that they tend to be the source of parental stress.  This is, obviously, the unique stress that comes from being a parent and having to worry about the fact that your kids are growing up, learning new things, living their lives their own way, and -- all too often -- figuring out things the hard way.

How to Cope With Stress and Anxiety

Among the hardest parts of living in the modern world is stress and anxiety.  With worries about work, the environment, the economy, natural disasters, terrorism, and the general state of the world, it seems that there is no end to the number of things to worry about.

How to Relieve Stress

One question that is not asked enough by people under stress is how to relieve stress.  Unfortunately, people who are under stress tend to simply take it as a matter of course and simply accept its existence as though it was some sort of natural occurrence, or even a boon!  Thus, people who are feeling the effects of stress do not actually take the time to notice that they are under stress and need relief.

Tips for Reducing Stress

With the hectic life that most people lead in today's world, reducing stress has become a vital skill. With work stress, school stress, family stress, teen stress, parent stress, and a whole host of other kinds of stress continually knocking on the door, it has become vital to manage stress in order to keep up with everything needs to be done.

Dealing With Emotional Stress

One very difficult form of stress to cope with and manage is emotional stress.  After all, it is often self-created, it can come out of nowhere and the stress caused by it only heightens the emotions felt.

Dealing With Stress - The Hardest Thing in the World?

When you are stressed, the hardest thing in the world is dealing with stress.  After all, it's already there and stress is not the sort of thing that is dealt with very easily.

How To Cut Down On College Stress

Probably the least appreciated form of stress is college stress.  This is mostly due to the fact that adults simply see a lot of college students sitting on their rear ends playing video games and drinking, instead of seeing students who are under pressure to succeed all the time.

Recognizing Acute Stress

For those who are familiar with stress, there is a distinct difference between regular stress and acute stress.  While regular stress is a part of daily life in the hectic world of today, acute stress is an altogether different animal.

Dealing With Family Stress

One of the problems with family stress is the fact that is knows where you live.  After all, it tends to show up exactly where you live: at home.

How To Choose A Stress Test

Many people in this world need to take a stress test. These tests can take many forms and are designed to search for different things, but they all have one key goal: they want to see how you are doing.

How To Deal With Environmental Stress

An increasing problem in today's world is environmental stress.  This is a type of stress caused by increasing pollution in air we breathe, the water we drink, and even in the sounds we hear.

Stress and Concentration

Those who are under stress, yet refuse to get help for it, need to understand the relationship between stress & concentration in order to understand why they need to relax.

Benefits of Massage Recliners vs. A Massage Therapist

After a long hard day at the office wouldn't it be nice to get a massage. Unfortunately you have to first find a certified or licensed massage therapist.

Massage Bill of Rights

Massage is both an art and a science. Let me begin with some general terms and facts to give you more of an idea about massage therapists that are certified and licensed.

Ten Powerful Keys to Unlocking Health

1. Be Present Live in the now. The past is gone. You can never go back and make it right. You can never re-live a life that was yesterday.  Live positively in the present moment, no matter what is occurring.

Hidden Dangers From Poison Oak, Ivy & Sumac Plants

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, each year 10 to 50 million Americans develop an allergic rash after contact with Poison Oak, Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac Plants.

Parent and Teachers Guide to Child Safety

Every home and school should have a first aid kit. Most parents don't think of having a safe and natural head lice treatment ready at a moment's notice.

Ten Tips For Restful Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 70 million people in the United States are affected by a sleep problem. Americans suffering from chronic sleep disorders number about 40 million, and an additional 20-30 million are affected by intermittent sleep-related problems.

Important Health Update

Staying healthy does NOT start when you get sick, when you refill your prescriptions, when you are scheduled for surgery or when your doctor says you have six months to live.

Shingles Natural Treatment

In the past ten years recent studies and research with alternative treatments for shingles has shown it is possible to recover in less than one week and to reduce outbreaks of lesions and pain in three days.

A different kind of story

For children having difficulty getting to sleep, a different kind of story. A story to use when everyone is tired and your little joy has been trying to go to sleep and now they are overtired.

Can Light & Colour Therapy Heal the Body?

LIGHT & COLOUR THERAPY SUNLIGHT – THE SOURCE OF LIFEThe use of light therapy in medicine has a long history. The first light source used in photo medicine was natural sunlight.

World Human Spirit Day

Can you Spare God Two Minutes of Your Time?World Human Spirit Day Saturday, 17th February 2007. Be part of the spiritual love and joy embodied within the fiber and character of the human race.

10 Killer Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

In order to make the most of your weight loss program, finding the most effective ways to burn fat will maximize your results and minimize your waistline!  Follow these 10 tips for fat burning if you want to lose weight and lead a healthier way of life.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy focuses on what you feed your body and the effects these foods have on you. Nutritional Therapy uses diet and lifestyle changes, together with nutritional supplementation, to address symptoms caused by biochemical imbalances and nutritional deficiencies.


Celebrate Valentine's Day by celebrating your heart. Wise Woman herbalist Susun Weed gives us a few simple, easy ways to nourish and tonify that vitally important little organ.

Air Pollution Hikes Stroke Risk

The type of stroke that results when a blood clot travels to the brain -- called an ischemic stroke -- is more likely to occur on days when the air contains a larger concentration of particulate matter, according to a study published online in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Placebo Effect Is Not Just Psychological

Patients who believe in the effectiveness of their pain medication will experience greater pain relief, finds a University of Michigan study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Your ADHD Child May Just Be Tired

Children who have symptoms of Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) actually may be sleep-deprived, according to researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Sleep Laboratory.

Docs Giving Wrong Rx to Kids with Sore Throats?

For years, there has been concern that antibiotics are overprescribed, and with good cause. Despite clear guidelines calling for prior testing, physicians prescribed antibiotics in 53 percent of sore throat cases in children, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Children's Hospital Boston found in a recent study.

Spoonful of Sugar May Curb Stress, Obesity

Sweets may decrease production of glucocorticoid, a stress-related hormone that has been linked to obesity and decreased immune response, researchers from the University of Cincinnati (UC) have found.

You Don't Have to Strain for Cardio Fitness Gains

Quantity may beat quality when it comes to exercise and heart health. Adults who engage in mild exercise -- such as walking briskly for 12 miles or exercising moderately for 125-200 minutes over the course of a week -- can improve their aerobic fitness significantly and reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in Chest.

2 Simple Steps to Effective Weight Loss

It's agreed that if you raise the amount of calories you burn and watch what you eat, both the food and the portions, you'll eventually start losing weight.

The How To Guide for Six Pack Abs

First off I want to mention that, for most people, getting six pack abs is not an easy task. It requires serious dedication, but it is possible!  If you were blessed with naturally low body fat and good muscle definition, enjoy it! Otherwise, below is a general 2-step guide that, if followed religiously for 3 months, will produce results.

4 Days to Better Health- Let me Show You How

It's possible to learn HOW to better your health in only 4 days and this article will show you how.  Each day is a bite-sized nugget of healthy living information you can actually use.

The Magic Supplement for Fighting Free Radicals

Do you know what free radicals are?  You should because they harm your health. Free radicals are the most common cause of tissue damage and free radicals have been linked to every known disease by more than 6,000 scientific studies.

The Most Important Supplement You Can Take For Better Health

This article will reveal one easy change you can make that will help better your health... It's absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently.

‘But I don’t want Muscles!’ - Part 1: What Muscle is, and how to Build (or Avoid) it

One of the common comments I hear from my female clients is, "Please don't give me any weights work – I don't want any muscle, I just want to tone.

Exercise & Self Image: How to Feel Better in More Ways than One

A RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIPThere seems to be an almost magical relationship between exercise and a healthy (or at least improved) self-image. Research shows that one of the best predictors (not the only one, but one of the best) of whether someone will achieve their fitness goals is a key aspect of self-image called self-efficacy.

Stretching, Part 1: Why & When

A martial artist friend came to me a few weeks ago, a little confused about stretching. He'd heard a lot of conflicting information about why, when and how to stretch for maximum benefit, and he wanted to some clear guidance.

Exercise & Motivation, Part 3: Keeping it Going

Note: This is Part 3 of a 4-part article series.  THE NEXT STAGE: ACTION The next stage of Prochaska's Transtheoretical model - 'Action' - kicks in once you've started taking (you guessed it) action.

Stress & Spirituality, Part 1

How Spirituality Affects Stress Levels Take a moment to close your eyes and think about what a 'spiritual' person looks like.  Whether you see them as sitting lotus-style in saffron robes or speaking emphatically from a pulpit, I'd bet one thing you won't see them as is 'stressed'.

Training or Television? Working out when you're not Well

Understatement of the week: Creating an exercise routine you can actually stick to is not the easiest thing in the world. Corollary to understatement:  Waking up sick on a day you'd planned on working out can be a tad frustrating.

Exercise & Motivation, Part 4: Maintenance & Relapse

WHAT ARE THE MAINTENANCE AND RELAPSE STAGES? In the maintenance stage, you've been exercising regularly for long enough that it's become a habit.

Stress & Supplementation: How is a Supplement Supposed to Help with Stress?

THE STRESS PRODUCT INDUSTRY – MORE THAN JUST A MONEYSPINNER? It's not news that stress products are a big-money industry, and stress supplements are at the forefront.

Warming Up Properly

In our 'Stretching' article series we discussed why it's important to stretch as part of your workout. We also touched on the importance of warming up before even *thinking* about stretching.

Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health

There is the underlying assumption that modernity translates into better health.  A corollary of this logic is that we can live our lives pretty much as we want because we can always buy a repair.

The 3 Hidden Keys to Rapidly Burning Stubborn Fat

You're about to learn three "power tips" for burning fat that fitness models, athletes, & high profile personal trainers use to bring out those sexy abs, arms, & thighs in no time.

The Secret Muscle-Building Technique You MUST Use In Your Workout Routines

Are you searching for that "one" solution that blasts your plateau and sends your muscles into an explosive growth phase all over again? The solution to your problem has been under your nose all along.

Acne Myths, Finally Some Facts

Acne is a common skin condition, which can be extremely mild or quite disfiguring. Having had a rather bad case as a young adolescent, I know the kind of socially embarrassing consequences it can have for the victim but I also remember it being sore and painful, filling my life with discomfort.

Acne Treatment, Finally Some Facts

Acne is, perhaps, the single treated skin disorder and has been addressed in a wide variety of ways. Often the wisest step is to develop a program in consultation with a dermatologist or medical practitioner.

Get Stronger, Faster and Better by Training Right, Eating Well and Resting Up

I rarely start an article with the conclusion at the beginning. But, for this specific topic I couldn't write it any other way. So, here it is.

How to Tone Up Your Cellulite Areas

You buy them and they don't get the job done. Anti cellulite pills, lotions, gadgets, rubber tights and other silly money wasters that sell you hope and nothing else.

How to Achieve Lifelong Fitness Success in Your Home or Office

Every week countless numbers of people rededicate themselves to starting a new diet and exercise program, only to find that they have fallen off their program by the end of the following week.

The Secret Benefits of a Fitness Lifestyle

I can remember my first visit to a health club like it was yesterday. It was actually thirty years ago, when I was five years old. Even though it was a long time ago, that visit triggered something in me that is still with me today.

How to Get Your Pre-pregnancy Body Back

The second biggest question you will ask yourself as a new mom is, "Will I be able to get back into shape after I give birth?" (The first, of course, is, "Will I be a good mother?") The truth is, yes, you can get back into pre-pregnancy shape and, if you desire, you can get yourself into even better shape than you were in before your pregnancy.

Top 5 Weight Loss Strategies From A Top Level Personal Trainer

Everybody wants to lose weight. Even if its only that last five pounds. Joey Atlas gives you five proven weight loss tactics that go beyond the "eat low fat and walk for one hour each day" mantra of the mainstream.

How Your Initial Programming Effects Your Permanent Weight Loss

During the first part of your life you had no control: your parents did the majority of your thinking for you and in doing so created the greatest part of your subconscious programming.

Permanent Weight Loss & Your Subconscious Pictures

The second component of Burris MIND/FITNESS is your subconscious pictures. I will explain how to replace your negative subconscious images into positive images through the practice of controlled visualization.

The Subconscious Influence on Your Diet and Permanent Weight Loss

What determines human behavior and in particular your eating behavior? I have yet to come across a psychiatrist, psychologist or physician who can answer this question, yet this is the most fundamental question if you wish to initiate lasting permanent behavior change.

6 Steps to Relieve Stress

We get over-stressed now and then. It's a natural response under certain conditions. We need to be concern when our stress is getting out of hand and interfering with our lifestyle.

Do you have arthritis?

Do you have arthritis? If so you are not alone. 66,000,000 people do almost 1 in 3 adults. Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability.

Is Fruit Juice Healthy?

All the advertisements on TV rave about how healthy orange juice and other juices are for us. We have been blasted by these commercials for years and most of us strongly believe this to be true.

How to Cope With Cancer

Picture yourself walking down the street where you live. Everything looks normal, but you have a feeling that something is not quite right. Suddenly there's a rumble and the road buckles up around your feet.

Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

There are so many jokes about mammograms! Have you heard the one about the fridge door …or the bookends …or the garage floor? Thanks to all the jokes, "Mammogram" has become a household word, and it's not that I don't have a sense of humor, but as a mammography technologist, I've heard the jokes many times.

Memory and Menopause

Last week I did it again—made a trip to deposit a check at our local bank only to discover once I got there, that my check was nowhere to be found.

You are What you Feel

When Wordsworth described the Romantic mind as an "Orphean lyre" played upon by the wind, he used an image that struck a chord in the Romantic Imagination, an image that unleashed a century of political, literary and social rebellion.

Stimulating the Body’s Production of Human Growth Hormone—Naturally

We all know the signs of aging---loose, flaccid skin, increasing girth, loss of muscle tone and lean body mass, wrinkles, fatigue, memory loss, joint stiffness.

Weight Loss Helped By Mind Over Body

To increase the success rate of any weight management program, we have to shift our thinking of "weight loss" as something that suggests deprivation, hunger or loss to something that suggests growth, development, and gain.

7 Tips for a good nights rest

Sleep is an extremely important part of a persons overall health and wellness, yet so few of us get enough. It is estimated that almost 60% of adults battle sleep problems with some regularity.

Do you have Eczema or Dermatitis?

Although many people believe that eczema and dermatitis are separate conditions, they are actually one and the same. The most common form of this skin condition is atopic eczema.

Is an Apple a Day Really OK?

Young or old, there is probably a good chance that at some time in your life you have heard the phrase "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Attack of the Cancer Fighting Tomatoes

That's right, the colorful little fruit (yes, it's a fruit) has been shown to pack a powerful punch against several forms of cancer. A variety of studies indicate that a diet rich in tomato based products (tomato paste, sauce, juice, soup and ketchup) can significantly reduce the risk of prostate, lung and colon cancer.

How to Make Your Own Rose Hips

I was enjoying a long (very long) hike over the weekend that brought me in contact with a wide variety of plants and animals.  While taking a breather at a ranger station, I was admiring a plant which had what looked to be cherry tomatoes or some kind of red berry sprouting from its branches.

The Power of the Pomegranate

The juice from a pomegranate offers some of the worlds most powerful antioxidants. In fact, studies show that pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than other known antioxidant drinks such as red wine, green tea, blueberry juice, cranberry juice and orange juice.

Can Curry Cure Cancer?

Researchers at the University of Texas have found that small doses of curcumin, a common ingredient in curry, not only can stop the growth of melanoma cells but also cause the cells to self destruct.

How to Start a Walking Program

Did you know that walking is the number one participation sport in the world?  Walking is one of the best things you can do for overall health and wellness.

What are Probiotics and do you need them?

Have you had your probiotics today? You may have and do not even know it. Probiotics are the small "good" bacteria that help keep the natural balance of organisms in the intestines.

Ultimate Weight Loss: Ephedra is Back?

I had some questions come in about Ephedra. So I have put together this short article to get you some info. Just to fill some of you in , Ephedra was taken off the market last year , but it is now back on the market and ready for consumers.

Ultimate Weight Loss: Fight Fat and Win

As if you needed another reason to hit the snooze button, recent study concluded that your odds of being overweight are 24% lower for each additional hour you sleep.

Treating Arthritis - Naturally

There are actually three common types of arthritis. These are Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45.

Acne Skin Care Tips that Work

How should people go about acne skin care? This article enumerates some basic guidelines to go by. For example, you should clean your skin gently, avoid frequent handling of the skin, avoid sun tanning, and lastly, women should choose their cosmetics carefully and men must shave carefully for good acne skin care.

Zeroing in on the Prevention of Heart Disease

More Americans succumb to the effects of heart disease than any other illness.  Rated the number one killer, heart-related ailments are brought about by a variety of circumstances – some of which are preventable.

Familiarizing Yourself with Oral Chelation

Oral Chelation (pronounced "key lay shun") is simply the process by which metals, minerals and toxins are removed from the body through the use of certain agents (chelating agents) that bond with those elements – literally forming a circle around them – and flushing them out through the body's natural waste material.

What is Oral Chelation and how can it help prevent heart disease

Oral chelation is the solubilization of a metal salt by forming a chemical complex or sequestering. One way of doing this is with ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA) salts, which have a multidentate spiral ligand form that can surround metallic and other ions.

Are All Vitamins Created Equal?

 Everyone has read the reports and seen the news. Our soil is depleted and lacks the necessary nutrients and minerals that our bodies need.

How to Obtain Optimal Health

You should already know that nutrition is very important to your quality of life. If you want to have a healthy life and lifestyle, you will need to have a healthy diet with proper nutrition.

Simple Tips for Easy Weight Loss, Part I

Current statistics reveal that 75% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. For those who desire to lose weight and obtain optimal health, sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start.

Why The Low GI Diet Is The Key To Your Weight Loss Goals!

Losing weight is one of the hardest goals Americans annually seek to accomplish.  The weight loss industry is huge and incorporates every type of fad diet, pill, cream, and lotion possible.

Why You Should Take Nutritional Supplements

Few things have been as controversial as nutritional supplements have been recently.  Depending on who you listen to, they are either the answer to any problem you have or they are the devil incarnate.

Over Coming Anxiety Naturally In Time for Valentine's Day

It is Valentine's Day and you feel relaxed and loving. As you move closer to your partner and touch her with love and desire, she stiffens up and moves away from you.

Health Is Internal Beauty

Discover a natural way of eating that can dramatically improve your appearance and your life!  Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta.

Nature Always Right, Cooks Never

Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. It seems pathetic we aspire to create a new product as "natural" as possible but destroy the very natural ingredients in the process.

Rawsome Beauty: Luck of the Draw or Within Reach of All?

Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. All of my life, I wanted to be beautiful.

The Benefits of a Memory Foam Mattress

On the quest for a more productive day, research has shown that a more productive sleep at night can be one of the healthiest solutions.  A Memory Foam Mattress could be just what researchers have been looking for.

What About Your Mattresses?

Do you really need a new mattress. When you arise in the morning does your body ache? Body aches after resting the night on an innerspring mattress is a strong indication that it may be time to start looking for a new mattress.

Portion control in practice

Weight is about how much is on the plate, says Kay Illingworth.From a personal point of view, visiting the doctor to ask for help with weight loss was something I could never do.

How To Get Your Complementary Therapy Business Off To A Flying Start

Well done! You've passed the exams, received the certificate, taken out your insurance and you're ready to open the doors in your new complementary therapy business.

I skip meals, why aren't I losing weight?

A big mistake that lots of people make is skipping meals. They think they are not eating much so they should be losing weight.  Wrong! Your body was designed with the idea that you have to expend energy in order to get food.

Lactose Intolerant?

What causes lactose intolerance? Lactose is digested in the small intestine by an enzyme called lactase.  This enzyme allows the body to break down the lactose into two simple sugars, glucose and galactose.

A Mediterranean Diet - How to Lose Weight Safely

If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.

Top Thirty Weight Loss Tips and Tricks

1. Never leave home "starving." Always have a light snack before eating dinner in a restaurant, such as a piece of fruit, a glass of juice or a carrot.

Three Natural Cures Your Kids Want You To Know!

When Hippocrates said "the physician treats but nature heals," he was describing the human body's natural tendency toward minimizing illness and creating optimal health.

Two Natural Cures That Baffled American Doctors!

Did you know that food allergies are being permanently eliminated with a natural, energy-based treatment that takes minutes to administer.  Also, emotionally crippling phobias are being cured in one simple and painless session.

Sports Massage – Pre-Event

Massage before an event can be an integral component of the pre-event preparation for many athletes.  Pre-event massage can create a state of readiness in the muscles and tissues so that the athlete's performance can be optimized.

Sports Massage - Post-Event

The purpose of a massage after a major event is simply to aid the athlete to recover from the activity.  This is achieved by reducing post-exercise soreness, re-establishing full range of motion and enhancing blood flow to tight muscles.

Just How Dangerous Are Splenda and Artificial Sweeteners - Which Side is Spinning?

There seems to be fairly poor tracking by any formal standards once a product is approved as a food additive. Despite supposedly tracking adverse reactions, the reality has been different at the FDA.

Learning To Understand And Live With ADHD

Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) show the following symptoms: 1)~They have a low level of concentration and a very poor attention span.

You don't have to be sick to benefit from a salt bath

How would you like to enjoy a soothing bath and at the same time take care of all sorts of health troubles, such as skin problems-including acne-recurrent infections, insect bites, female problems, and even arthritis and rheumatism? It's easy to do with a salt bath.

Dieting, Scams and Losing Weight

I've been reading so much stuff on diets and weight loss that I've lost about 15 pounds since I just can't stand to eat anything anymore.  Not protein, not carbs, not chocolate, nothing.

Help! My Child Won't go to School

"How do I get my nine-year-old daughter to school? She seems to have tummy aches or headaches constantly, and misses several days of school each week.

The Seven Stages of Parenthood

Stage 1: Me, have kids?  Really? Your biological alarm goes off.  Every baby is unbeliveably cute.  Am I ready for kids?  They are pretty darn cute.

How to get your child the extra help they need in school

Extra help in school. (Applicable mainly to the UK) The British government promised "that a child with special educational needs should have their needs met" (sec.

My Son Is Terribly Shy, What Can I Do To Help Him?

Q. "I have a 7-year old son who is so shy he will hardly talk to anyone outside of our family. How can I help him?"A. Some children are naturally slower than others to warm to people.

Common Sense About Low Carb Diets

With all of the conflicting studies and fuzzy interpretation of information, it's no wonder that confusion reigns when it comes to the value and safety of low-carb diets.

Your Simple Plan for Weight Loss

The math is pretty simple. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. Want to lose a pound a week? Then you need to consume 3500 calories less per week than you use.

Are food intolerances making your life a misery?

Despite the advances in modern medicine and our improved standard of living, many people, regardless of age, are spending years of their life in a state of chronic ill-health.

Dry Skin - Prevent Dry Skin By Adopting The Right Skin Care Regime.

Dry skin, also referred to as Xerosis, is a common problem for many people. Skin care for dry skin requires moisture in order to maintain the skin's smoothness and suppleness and especially during winter, this can be particularly difficult.

What is Sacro-Iliac Joint Dysfunction?

The S-I joint is one of the most misunderstood areas of the human body. It has been the source of much controversy in the medical community for many years.

Play Better Golf When You Have A Better Back

Low back pain represents one of the most common and costly diagnoses that the health profession manages on a continuous basis. It is one of the most common reasons to visit a physician, physical therapist, or chiropractor.

Have You Been Told That One Leg is Longer Than The Other?

I remember back in physical therapy school the importance of evaluating and treating people with various problems that were often directly related to poor posture.

Right Food for Right Health

Intelligence is something that determines the fate of people. It has made the world move and hence made our movements easier. All of us want to add on to our intelligence.

Are your nutrition habits robbing you from the body you desire?

What if by making a few small changes in your nutrition and eating habits you could add up to a 50% gain in muscle mass and loose up to 18% extra fat.

Oil of the month

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)A slender evergreen tree with a smooth grey trunk which grows up to 12 metres high.  The bright green leaves stand in pairs on short stalks.

Wearing Contact Lens Can Lead To Discomfort And Other Symptoms

The cornea of the eye is one of the few "breathing" organs of the body.  Hence, contact lens must be able to breathe in order for you not to experience the discomforts that many people encounter upon wearing contacts.

Staying on Your Diet throughout the Holidays

The holiday season is usually the time to wine, dine and make merry. It is also the time when all diets go out of the window. This however, doesn't have to be the case.

A New Era in Fitness & Weight Loss

Fitness has evolved tremendously since the early days of round cement dumbbells and jump ropes.  Now all the luxuries of home are provided for you in your workout experience, to help make it more convenient, enjoyable and have it feel less like, well, working out, as possible.

The Benefits of Counseling

Stress from work.  Stress from home.  Concerns over finances.  All these and more can lead a person to feel like there's no way out.

Help Your Baby Develop Character

How Can We Help Children Learn about Character? Children learn about strong character when parents and other adults in their daily lives   · set a good example through their own behavior and actions,   · set and communicate high standards and clear expectations,  Â· coach them on how to be responsible and kind, and   · use literature to reinforce the values of strong character.

The Top 10 Ways to Increase your Natural Energy

1. Get 8 hours sleep a night. This is one of the main requirements of the body and will enable you to be at your best. Wear your favourite pyjamas and have the window slightly ajar so you are breathing fresh air.

Travel Nurses Provide One Solution To Nursing Shortage

America is in the midst of a nursing shortage that is expected to get worse as baby boomers age and the need for health care increases. Complicating the nursing shortage problem is the fact that nursing schools and universities across the country are having difficulty maintaining enrollment levels that remain insufficient to meet the projected demand for nursing care.

Help Prevent Wrinkles Through Diet

How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So it's no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is.

Do You Have Milk Allergies?

As a nation, we have been raised with milk on our breakfast cereal, ice cream as a reward, sour cream on our potatoes, and milkshakes at the local fast food restaurant.

Steps To Stomp Out Migraines

Some fitness experts perceive slightly tired muscles after an intense workout as a rewarding experience. The migraine sufferer, however, views pinched nerves and spasmodic muscles in a whole different light.

Cause of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma doesn~t strike often, but when it does it~s always life-threatening. The mesothelium is a lining that protects most of our major organs.

A Restful Night's Sleep Holds Back Diabetes

Sleep disorders hit about 36% of the American population. Grogginess isn't the only side effect of not getting a good night's rest ~ lack of sleep puts some people at risk for developing diabetes.

The Raindrop Technique Massage

Raindrop Technique is a procedure for applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, back and spine. It is a form of aromatherapy. Raindrop icorporates certain Native American concepts, including a special form of massage called "feather stroking" which is simular to a massage technique called "effeurage".

Wheelchairs In The Workplace

With the popularity of sporting events such as Paralympics, the concept of a person in a wheelchair has changed dramatically in the past several decades.

Senior Living: Choosing the Best Option for an Elderly Parent

It is difficult enough to pick up roots and change residence for just about anyone, but when it involves moving your elderly parent out of a lifelong home, it can be heart-wrenching.

A Lifetime or More Of Cosmetic Change To The Nose

True or false: The nose is the most prominent feature of the face and varies according to our genetic makeup. Most certainly, the nose is a sign of our heritage.

A Primer for Using a Wheelchair

If you are a wheelchair user yourself, or if you have been asked to assist someone in a wheelchair, some basic hints will help you to assure maximum comfort and safety.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

Way far down in his lair Count Rugan and Prince Humperdinck were about to witness Westley being tortured. Chatting while preparations were being made, the prince began recalling to the Count all the numerous things he plans to do.

How scent can change your life

Most of us have scented candles, air fresheners or other sources of pleasant fragrances in our homes. We have particular scents we prefer and even choose the times we use fragrance to promote relaxation, revitalization or other effects that might be desired.

You Don't Have to Like Your Body to Love It!

I want you to think about your body as one of your children or someone else you love dearly. When was the last time this person did or said something that really made you mad? In that moment, you might have been thinking "I really don't like this person right now.

Eliminate Troubling Back Pain and Eye Strain Associated With Heavy Computer Use

Do you remember the old saw about how computers would change our lives for the better? We'd have more time to ourselves and lead healthier, happier lives.

Prevent Acne

Millions of Americans are plagued with the skin disorder acne, and all are interested in finding ways to prevent acne from affecting their skin and ways to treat current pimples, lesions, and scarring.

The Importance of Good Health and How to Achieve It

For a comfortable living, the importance of good health cannot be overstated. Inappropriate health makes us vulnerable to invasion by dangerous diseases and results in a shortened life span.

Caring for Damaged Teeth

When a tooth is damaged, steps need to be taken immediately to provide appropriate care for the tooth. If something has happened to a filling, or if you damaged a tooth because of chipping, breaking or a fracture, take some steps until you can see your dentist.


I worked with a client who had suffered from social anxiety for most of her life. She grew up in a dysfunctional family who emotionally abused her, and she arrived at the point of believing that there was something wrong with being her.

Happiness is about Freedom...Are You Free?

The Dalai Lama, in his book The Art of Happiness, says that the very purpose of life is happiness, and I am sure you agree with that. And what is happiness? Happiness is about freedom and it begins in the mind.

Are YOU Your Own Leader?

Perhaps you are wondering: what does it mean being my own leader? Well, among the aspects of being your own leader are that you are your own authority, you think independently, you live your life on your own terms, and you are authentic.

Attitude for Greatness

What is attitude? It is what you think, believe, feel, expect, act, in relation to yourself, life, people, and your goals. Attitude can be positive or it can be negative; it can be limiting or it can be expanding; if you have a positive attitude, you feel alive, well, loved, happy, liked, confident,.

The Power of Persistence

I went recently to see the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happiness'; if you haven't seen it, please go, it is great. It could be the story of so many of us and it is about some of the most important qualities we need in order to succeed and be happy.


Having worked with many clients recovering from childhood emotional abuse, and having experienced it myself, I want to share my learning with you, in the hope that it will help you be well, feel good, be happy and create the life you desire and deserve.

6 Things You Can Do To Get A Better Night Sleep Tonight

Let's face it... we live in a "go-go" world! Our lifestyle is harried, our food is fast and statistics now show it's taking a toll on one of the most important parts of our life--our sleep.

20 Qualities To Look For In A Soul Mate

Excerpts from my book, SOUL MATE CONNECTIONS, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Relationships, Love, Romance and Soul Mates. This book is a must read; the perfect Valentines Day gift for everyone, teens, married people and those seeking a mate.

Searching For Your Soul Mate? Checklist of 6 Mistakes Not To Make

Love is in the air, especially on Valentine's Day. If you do not have that special someone in your life you will absolutely HATE this holiday.

Back Health- Are You Sitting Comfortably?

HOW SHOULD I SIT? Traditional seating posture i.e. upright, can increase kyphosis , an outward rounding of the lumbar region of the spine.

The Fundamentals Of Skin Care

These days with modern science being what it is, it can sometimes feel like technology has a solution for everything - or at least it soon will have.

Eat Fish For Health

While people have been relishing delicious sea food for centuries, it is only in the recent past that studies have brought out the benefits of eating fish.

The Three Faces of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that~s brought about by the exposure to asbestos. Although much of this material has been removed from public and private locations since this illness and its effects have come to light, there are still scenarios which pose the threat of asbestos exposure, and those who have been exposed in previous years are still at risk for developing the cancer that~s associated with exposure.

Life As A Pharmacy Technician: Orders In - Orders Out

For decades the only person allowed by state and federal laws to dispense pharmaceutical drugs was a licensed pharmacist. Today there are not enough pharmacists to meet the demands of the marketplace due in part to an aging population who takes more prescription medicine than ever before.

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

Many people suffer from hypertension (also known high blood pressure). Blood pressure is essential to move blood from your heart through your veins and arteries.

Cancer Patients' Experience With Pain Finds Relief

Did you know that as many as 30 to 50% of cancer patients undergoing treatment experience pain? Plus, for the patients in advanced stages of cancer, 70 to 90% experience pain as result of the cancer.

Magnesium - An Important Mineral

Magnesium is a mineral that not many of us give any thought to. However, magnesium is very important to include in our diet and deficiencies of magnesium can be dangerous.

Surviving the Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her body begins to change as the ovaries start to shut down. When the ovaries shut down there is also the shutting down of progesterone and estrogen in a woman's life.

Dealing with Mosquitoes in the Natural Way

Mosquitoes are one of the most irritating and annoying insects. The mosquito can turn a fun day or warm evening spent sitting outdoors with friends into an irritating experience.

Physical Fitness - Is Your Workout Missing Something?

Hiking along a rocky trail, two of the three friends carefully picked their way from rock to rock. But one leaped from rock to rock, bounding by the others like a gazelle running and leaping from rock to rock.

The Healing Powers Of Light On Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by scaling and since there are a number of forms of psoriasis, this skin ailment affects about 400,000 Americans.

Weight-Loss Secrets: The 3 Meal Lie / The Fat Maker & Heart Killer

Welcome to Weight-Loss Secrets. This article series is going to consist of common sense conclusions that can be derived from current research and generally accepted facts.

How to Prepare for a Marathon

If you have the motivation, you can run a marathon. Of course, how well you do depends on your training and your intrinsic abilities, and this will vary from person to person.

Get fit without going to the gym or doing aerobics

If you want to get back in shape without the embarassment of going to a gym where fitness geeks hang out, then you're in luck. Its really easy and doesn't require you to buy any fancy equipment or do any exercise videos.

Anorexia Destroys Self-Image

Every one of us has a self image. Mentally healthy, balanced people enjoy a good, or positive self-image. However, certain conditions and life events may lead to a distorted self-image.

The Care of Rheumatoid Arthritis

The various forms of arthritis are each painful and debilitating. Although arthritis is often attributed to aging, certain types of it can occur at any age.

Hemorrhoids - How To Ease A Painful Condition

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you are not alone. Almost half of men and women have hemorrhoids by the time they reach 50 years of age. Although many people suffer, few are willing to talk about them.

Mesothelioma And The Dangers Of Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is common among people who have been exposed to asbestos. Because of this causation, most mesothelioma patients tend to be men of retirement age, who may have worked with asbestos in unsafe conditions three to five decades ago.

Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking is considered to be one of the most difficult things to achieve. Many people try to give up a few times before succeeding completely.

Confusion and Conflict when it comes to HIV and AIDS

In Canada, HIV was first diagnosed among gay men. Later, hemophiliacs and others with health problems were infected due to tainted blood received through blood transfusions.


Coaching is one of an ever-increasing number of self-development techniques used in the quest for a better quality of life. The first association that may spring to mind when you hear coaching is sports.

Alternative Medicine – How is it different from Conventional Medicines?

Alternative Medicine involves practices that are used as a replacement for conventional medicines. When Alternative Medicine is used in combination with conventional medicine it is known as Complementary Medicine.

Antioxidants in Green Tea prevents serious diseases

Making Green Tea a regular part of one's everyday diet provides an overall feeling of well-being and is associated with various health benefits.

Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

During pregnancy it is very important for a woman to take care of herself. She needs to ensure that she takes a healthy diet and exercises regularly.

Ways Of Approaching Dieting

Diet books outsell almost every other subject area both on the internet and in the book stores. Our life styles in the twenty first century don't allow us to consume the calories that our bodies tell us we need and many of us therefore are permanently on diets and find our weight yo-yoing backwards and forwards.

Connecting With the Spirit of the Land

Adapted from the Do It Yourself Space Clearing Kit, by Christan Hummel (One Source Publications, 2004), All of life is alive, whether or not we recognize it.

Helping Your Child Sleep

We can't get a good sleep until we are relaxed. A few things must happen before we get there. We need to feel secure and safe. Any kind of tension, such as abuse, parents arguing, financial problems, trouble with the neighbors, or problems with school or friends, will make it harder for any child to go to sleep.

Get Hold of those love handles and make a commitment

We all know that carrying excess weight around isn't good for us. But sometimes it's just so difficult to say 'today's the day when I start my diet'! But perhaps that's the problem.

Ways to Quit Smoking

Although smoking is known to be extremely unhealthy, many smokers who decide to quit have an extremely hard time. There are a lot of methods to use, so don't give up if you fail at first.

How to Attack Elite Performance

There are four major components to achieve high-level performance in athletic training, personal fitness, or indoor/outdoor sports. 1. Proper tools and gear 2.

Want a new pair of eyes? Get Lasik Done Today

There it was, an ad in the paper for Lasik surgery only $299 per eye. I had wanted to give my wife the surgery as a present since I first heard about it and now with the lower price, I was going to do it.

Can Sun Tanning be Safe?

Linda spends much of her summer near the beach. She lives in a mild climate and is very athletic. She loves to swim, bike and play games outside.

How Acupuncture Could Be What You Are Seeking

Acupuncture, a centuries old Chinese medical practice, is becoming increasingly popular in western cultures. While the benefits of acupuncture are well known throughout China, its mode of action is much less well underestood.

Recipes - Generational Treasure Of Meals

Recipes are a true representation of the lifestyles of our ancestors. Many recipes are handed down from generation to generation. Where would we be without recipes? How could grandma share her favorite dishes? The wonderful taste of her homemade apple pie would be lost forever.

What Are The 3 Critical Exercise Routine Success Factors?

The 'Rule Of 3' Meets Pareto's '80/20'--And You Get Fit Faster As A Result! Everybody likes simple lists. Everybody likes Rules Of Thumb.

The Benefits of Exercise for People Who Suffer From Parkinson's Disease

Many sufferers of Parkinson's disease quickly find that various aspects of their life are no longer controllable in the way that they used to be however by exercising regularly Parkinson sufferers can continue to control their gross movements i.

“Old is God†when it comes to beauty

In today's world, people of all age groups, women in particular, are getting increasingly beauty conscious, a wide array of treatments ranging from allopathy to herbal, have made their way into personal care segment.

Natural ways to tackle Arthritic pain

Arthritic pain is experienced when an affected joint undergoes a continuous loss of cartilage (a slippery material that cushions the ends of bones) leading to swollen and stiff joints.

Protect Yourself From Fitness Fraud

Fitness fraud is a lot more prevalent than you might think. Claims on everything from fitness equipment to fitness clothes range from outrageous to completely unbelievable.

Insomnia - How to Actually Get Some Sleep

Few people function well without the 8 or so hours sleep generally considered a normal nights rest. You hear stories of people managing extraordinary lives on only a couple of hours or people who have only slept 40 hours in the last few years, but these people are rare.

Managing Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is the pain that refuses to go away come what may. So much so the patient becomes mentally affected by it having to deal not only with physical pain but also with mental pain.


WHAT RHINOPLASTY IS As you might already know, rhinoplasty is surgery performed on your nose. It may be required for any of three reasons: · To enhance your appearance· To correct malformation stemming from illness, accident or birth· To improve your breathing functionality With a rhinoplasty, you can increase or decrease the size of your nose, change its shape, alter the angle of the nose's tip or change the distance between your upper lip and your nose.

Eco Indoor Gardening – A Fun and Healthy Pastime

Eco Indoor Gardening - A Fun and Healthy PastimeIndoor gardening is becoming a popular activity worldwide. Indoor plants not only detoxify the air, but also provide a charming and decorative addition to any home or apartment.

Handling Severe Depression

As long as I live, I'll never forget the feeling of my mouth wrapped around the cold blue steel of the 6 ½ in. barrel of my Ruger Blackhawk .

Proper Nutrition for Sportsmen

For athletes, diet is of the utmost importance. Whether you're a sportsman or a sportswoman, eating healthily is the key to doing well in your training.

The Truth About Diabetes

What is diabetes?It's a fairly common disease, afflicting over eighteen million people in the United States alone.Almost a third of these people don't even know that they have the disease.

Less Sleep Can Equal More Weight Gain

People from all areas of the globe, especially in America, are sleeping less. This lack of sleep mentality has pervaded the American society and seems to be getting worse.

The Right School is Crucial for Aspergers Children

Recent political ideology has promoted the idea of mainstream inclusion as being the "best option" for all children with special needs.

'Pretty to Gorgeous' - A Five minutes Routine

With hectic schedules and multiple-roles women feel pressed for time. Even for some basic makeup when you are on the go. However, you can do with some get-set-go beauty tips not just for the morning but also anytime during the day.

Get Started Exercising Now!

All of us have some time or the other have thought about starting an exercise program to get into shape. Many of us actually spend more time thinking about the program than getting down to actually starting it.

Proper Nutrition Can Make Your Kid a Top Student

It is important that your child gets his or her nutrition early o­n, preferably form Grade 1. This is the most important time for brain development, as they start to learn new things and create new ideas all the time.

Illinois' Network of Social Services

It is a sad truth that most of us will know extreme hardship at some point in our lives. At such a time, it is important to know that we have people in our corner that we can count on should a need arise.

Cute Pugs

Pugs are tiny dogs almost like toys. It got noticed in the 19th century. It is 11inches tall and has a weight of about 18 lbs. Its ears and mask are black in color whereas the color of the coat is apricot fawn or silver.

Is Obesity Catching?

If you are obese, can someone you breathe on catch it?No it's not a virus, obesity is NOT catching.Okay having said that, have you noticed how being overweight runs in families? Does this mean it's hereditary? What if it's mum, dad and their three offspring? As mum and dad are not of the same flesh and blood, how come mum or dad is overweight like the children and their spouse?Maybe if it's not catching or hereditary, could it be in the glands? We could use the same argument as above, with the parents not being of the same flesh and blood.

Surviving Autism in Your Family

Autism is a disability affecting human development. Daily live can be extremely hard for those living with an autistic child or adult. Most of us don't understand this condition and how everyone around it is affected.

When Good People Go Bonkers

We all go nuts sometimes. Even someone as sublimely well balanced as myself goes off the deep end once in a while. When this happens, the bizarre behavior of the suddenly wacko can bring damage to themselves, their business relationships, and yes, even their furniture.

Ovarian Wedge Resection for Polycystic Ovaries

Some women have a lot of trouble ovulating because they have a condition called polycystic ovaries. There are several variations on this condition, but mainly, when eggs are developing toward ovulation and subsequent release of the egg, they fail to complete their development, thus the "old eggs" remain in the ovary.

Kick The Flu Out without taking any medicine and tamiflu

Every winter, there are many reasons to worry about the flu. This year we are doing the same thing, but to an even greater extent. Scientists and physicians have made many announcements, issued many reports, and given many speeches regarding the terrible bird flu.

NaProTechnology: A Medical Breakthrough in Infertility Treatment

NaProTechnology is a new reproductive science uses the physician's medical and surgical energies in a way that works cooperatively with a woman's natural reproductive function.

#1 Liquid Vitamin Myth

Liquid vitamins have been taking the vitamin supplement spot light. Questionable facts and liquid vitamin claims have plagued the minds of many.

Music: The Fuel for Plant Souls

Do your gardenias grooves to Gershwin or your marigolds melt to Mozart? Perhaps your peonies perk up to Pavarotti and your roses rock out to the Ramones? There is much speculation in the scientific community, but many gardeners swear music will revive wilting plants and urge flowers to bloom.

Liquid Vitamins Fortify Phytonutrients, Why?

Phytonutrients or phytochemicals have recently been recognized as playing an important part in one's health. Research has shown that phytonutrients play a crucial role in proper absorption of nutrients.

The real causes of Back Pain are not what you think...

This report covers the real causes of back pain. Basic Anatomy of the Vertebral Column Functions The vertebral column, or spine, is a complex system of bones, intervertebral discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves, designed to fulfil many seemingly incompatible functions.

Why Our Tears Are Salty

Salt can be found in every cell in our bodies. In an adult human there is a total of about 250 grammes (a cupful). Is it any wonder our tears and sweat are salty.

Safe Tanning Using A Tanning Bed

There are plenty of us that feel healthier when our skin is tanned. If you want a tan the choices come down to a fake-tan product, laying in the sun, or a tanning bed.

Vitamin and Mineral Digestion Taken For Granted

The body is a complex web of systems. Most are not fully aware of the complexity of the digestive system. However, most know of its opposite, indigestion.

Types of Dentists Today

A person who practices dentistry is a dentist. Dentistry is the arrangement, function and placement of teeth according to the dental science.

Vitamins Keep Your Heart Fighting Fit

To keep your heart healthy, you need more than a diet that is low in  fat and cholesterol. You need to give your body a boost to keep that heart pumping strong.

Exotic Birds As Pets

Before making the decision to care for exotic birds, you should know more information about their care and maintenance. Different birds require different types of treatment.

Why choose Pilates

If you want to posses a toned and sculpted body in limited time then Pilates is a great option to consider.You may have heard celebrities extolling its many virtues and claiming that you can attain the perfect body by following an exercise regimen that needs just half an hour a day for three weeks.

Does Hypnosis Work to Help You Quit Smoking?

There are many tools that smokers can use to help them break their unhealthy habit. Some like to use medications, others find that nicotine replacements are handy, and still others just drop the habit cold turkey.


It is one of the stages in life, which all women encounter.For some it means freedom from anxiety, while many wouldnt like to even think about, much less go through the process of menopause.

Environment- Maintaining the Delicate Balance!

What exactly do we mean when we speak of the "environment"?It is more complecxt than saying it is only our surrounding.The environment is a delicate equilibrium between every ingredient in our surroundings called the ecosystem.

Just in Case: Some Asthma Pillow Talk

There are pathogens all around us. One has to be especially careful about the pathogens in our beds and pillows, since the mattresses on the beds and the pillows are filled with some stuffing material.

Cellulite: Horrors!

Cellulite if often portrayed as an ailment, a horror, a get-rid-of-now affliction. One does not have to make an effort to read an article about the horrors of cellulite, there are enough, slap-on-the-face advertisements in almost each women's magazine that one comes across.

Perfume Power

Whether you know it or not but perfume is centuries old, in fact about.com Guru Mary Bellis tells us that. He says the word perfume comes from the Latin per fume through smoke.

Not All Is Wellness

Wellness revolves around how good you feel. Obviously, exercise plays a key role in having this great feeling, and so does eating the right stuff.

Pain Management for Cancer Patients

Besides the usual fears, the announcement that you or a loved one has cancer creates a frightening and complex situation concerning the pain the patient will suffer during treatment.

Alternative Therapies for Cancer

With all the new advancements being made in medicine, cancer patients can look forward to a complete recovery.Chemotherapy and radiation however can be a harrowing experience.

Identifying the Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and the leading cause of cancer deaths. Every woman's breasts are different so it is important for each individual woman to be familiar with her breasts in order to recognize any peculiarities.

Living With the Discomfort of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that is characterised by scaling and inflammation of the skin. It most often occurs on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet, but they can occur on skin anywhere on the body.

Stress, Anxiety and Depression - What is the difference?

Looking after your feelings and emotions is as important as taking care of your body. Most of us take care of our physical health far better than our feelings.

The Dangers of Deep Vein Thrombosis

A deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot developing in a deep vein, usually in the leg. They also can occur in other parts of the body. Blood clots in the veins in the thigh are usually more serious than blood clots that happen in veins in your lower leg.

Therapeutic Manipulation – What Exactly Does it Mean?

Therapeutic manipulation refers to any technique by which a disease or disorder is treated using the remedial use of the hands, especially by a skilled practitioner.

Bird Flu: Should I Be Worried?

In recent weeks, the alarm over Avian Flu, also know as Bird Flu has increased dramatically. It is important to understand the facts about this disease in order to interpret the news accurately and to avoid panic and irrational behavior.

DEA Operation High Step Seizes Heroin-Laced Artwork

Drug Enforcement Administration Administrator Karen P. Tandy announced on November 30th the results of Operation High Step, a multi-national investigation led by the DEA which targeted a major drug trafficking organization (DTO) that brought heroin from Colombia to Boston, New York, Chicago and Orlando.

DEA Shatters International Internet Drug Ring

The US DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) has announced the results of Operation "Cyber Chase", a year long organized crime drug enforcement task force investigation that targeted international Internet pharmaceutical traffickers operating in the United States, India, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean.

Use of Muscle Relaxers for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain (also called lumbar pain or backache) is very common. Virtually everyone at some time in their life experiences a backache. Except for the common cold, backaches account for more doctor visits and more missed days of work than any other illness.

Environment 101

A good knowledge of your environment enables you to take proper care of it. The enclosed article reveals some of the similar issues and terminology related to you environment.


Understanding the environment is key to taking care of it.This short article hopes to present the basic issues and terminologies surrounding the environment in order to demystify the subject.

Arthritis, The Pain And The Reasons

Many fear the pain of arthritis as they age. But, it can attack anyone at any time. For those who it does strike, the pain is unbearable. It is a group of diseases of the bone joints.

Suffering From Joint Pain?

Joint pain can be caused by any number of things. It can be the result of an injury or overuse of the joint. If your joint pain is caused by arthritis, you will need to begin your search for an effective way to treat it.

Brink's Unified Theory of Nutrition For Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

When people hear the term Unified Theory, some times called the Grand Unified Theory, or even "Theory of Everything," they probably think of it in terms of physics, where a Unified Theory, or single theory capable of defining the nature of the interrelationships among nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces, would reconcile seemingly incompatible aspects of various field theories to create a single comprehensive set of equations.

Nutritional Myths that Just Won't Die: Protein!

When it comes to the topic of sports nutrition there are many myths and fallacies that float around like some specter in the shadows. They pop up when you least expect them and throw a monkey wrench into the best laid plans of the hard training athlete trying to make some headway.

Slipped Disc and its Chiropractic Treatment

A slipped disc is a very painful medical condition which is the result of the injury. In this the vertebra which is the cushion between the bones in the spine is injured and moved from its position.

Is the Anti-Aging Fight a Losing Battle?

No one admits to wanting to grow old gracefully, and today, modern technology modern science have combined to make it easier not to. People are now using both synthetic and homeopathic alternatives, and are going to fancy salons or just fighting the fight on the home front with all the new products available.

What's New in Antiaging Products?

When it comes to aging, we all want to turn back the hands of time or at least pry them away from our faces. But is there anything that we can really do? Absolutely.

Fitness and Kids

Kids are always so full of energy, running instead of walking whenever the opportunity presents itself. Although this isn't always the desired behavior, running is actually quite good for children and helps to keep them physically fit, while preparing them for a life of fitness as adults.

Common Fitness Mistakes

Have you decided to get up off the couch and do something about your bulging midriff? Before you rush out to the nearest gym, you need to follow a few guidelines else you may find yourself back on the couch.

Childhood Diabetes: Your Child's Rights at School

Diabetes has been classified as a disability, and so your child has certain rights at school to protect him or her.Children who suffer from diabetes need special medical attention, both at home and at school.

Why are There More Diabetes Cases in Children?

Diabetes is a disease caused by the way the body metabolizes sugar. The disease can be controlled by medication and modifications to one's'sdiet.

Fido Needs a Fix: Treating Canine Depression

Animals can experience depression, just like people do. It is not as easy to diagnose, but if your dog exhibits any unusual behaviour, depression may be the cause.

What Can You Do About Depression! The St John Alternative

Depression comes in many forms and with the overabundance of anti-depression drugs currently available, it is often tricky for doctors to prescribe the right one for their patients.

Maximum Cardio Part I

Cardiovascular exercise is an important component of general health. While certain people may require different amounts and types of cardio, everyone should engage in at least a little cardiovascular activity each week.

Maximum Cardio Part II

In Part I, we discovered three maxims of cardio and began to discuss maxim four. In Part II, we conclude with this maxim and two more. MAXIM 4: Use your heart rate as a tool for feedback about your progress, not as a "RULE" for fat loss (i.

Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success (Part 2 of 4)

This is part 2 of the 4-part "Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success" series. Key #2: Forgive yourself Forgive yourself already! ENOUGH! You are only human.

Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success (Part 4 of 4)

This is part 4 of the 4-part "Seven Keys to Permanent Weight Loss Success" series. Key #6: Control your rewards You've heard it before.

The Five Keys to Healthy Eating Part I

Healthy eating is about more than calories or following the latest dietary fad. Trends come and go. Healthy bodies have been around for thousands of years, before there were magic bullets for instant fat loss marketed on major television stations or promising easy weight loss in flashy colors on the pages of magazines.

The Five Keys to Healthy Eating Part II

In Part I, we covered two keys to healthy eating: enjoy what you eat, and believe in what you are doing. In Part II, we explore the remaining three keys to healthy eating.

The Practical Way to Lose Fat

Today's society is about speed. We no longer have to wait for the oven to warm our food because we have microwaves ready to do the work in less time.

The Skinny on Salt

Salt was used long before recorded history began. One of the earliest known writings, the Chinese Png-tzao-kan-mu, mentioned more than 40 types of salt.

Building A Better Body, One Brick At A Time

The quest to develop a stunningly fit, lean and attractive body is a long, slow journey. It's not something you achieve overnight by popping a few pills or strapping an electric gizmo to your belly.

Cortisol, Stress And Body Fat

It seems that every time science uncovers some type of association between body fat and anything, opportunistic entrepreneurs are waiting in the shadows to create a product and a marketing campaign around it.

How To Lose 20 Pounds REALLY, REALLY

Back "in the day" when I used to be a full time personal trainer and I met with clients in person at my New Jersey Health Club, the first thing I would always ask my clients during the initial consultation was: "Tell me exactly what you want.

Cold Sores and Fever Blisters - Are You Dangerously Contagious?

 Cold Sores and Fever Blisters have been a blight on the human face for over 2000 years. They have been, and still are, a worldwide epidemic.

Cold Sore Treatments: Do Not Get Ripped Off

Cold sore treatments are always of vital interest for those of us who suffer those burning cold sores. There are new treatments coming out all the time.

The Glycemic Index: Key To Weight Loss Or Just Another Diet Gimmick?

The glycemic index (GI) is a scale that measures how quickly carbohydrate foods are broken down into glucose. The original purpose for the glycemic index was to help diabetics keep their blood sugar under control.

The Void: Our Dark Side

In most of the indigenious people's teachings I've encountered, an aspect of becoming more spiritually aware involves what is known "dark side" journeying or going into "The Void of Great Mystery".

Light Therapy - Not just for Winter

Light therapy has been used for more than two decades to treat circadian rhythm (body clock) disorders. Every living thing has an internal clock that tells it when it is time to be asleep and when it is time to be awake.

What are the Basics of Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease was first described in the early 1800s when Dr James Parkinson wrote a paper on what he called ‘the Shaking Palsy'.

Treating chronic open-angle Glaucoma with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Over the last 10 years, in my practice I have specialized in TCM Ophthalmology. I have made quite a few significant clinical observations through diagnostic testing, treatment and direct feed back from my patients.

Insomnia and Reflexology

Tell people that you suffer from insomnia and you might get a mildly sympathetic response but only those people who really suffer sleep problems night after night know what coping with insomnia is really like.

Prevent Indoor Allergies

An allergic reaction occurs whenever the body enters into an altered state, or has a response, because of a substance. Many people have allergic reactions to dust mites.

Stress reduction with Reflexology

Ask anyone these days if they're suffering from stress and you may well get a very short and to-the-point answer! But it's not just that, stress is the root cause of much physical illness as well as so many other problems both physical and mental.

Varicose Veins and Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may undergo several skin changes including acne, skin darkening, itchiness, rashes, stretch marks, skin tags and varicose veins.

Conquer Your Stress

Have you got stress? Maybe you have and maybe you haven't, but I think that at some time in your life you have suffered from stress. And I predict that you will again in the future.

Of Course Homeopathy Works

If you spoke to a non-believer about homeopathy I don't think you would have much chance of convincing them that it works. Before I started researching it, I thought it couldn't work either.

Cholesterol Drugs Over The Counter

The trend, nowadays, seems to be for more prescription medicines to be available over-the-counter in pharmacies. Sometimes you can even get them from your supermarket shelves.

Two Essential Oils for Aches and Pains

One of the most popular of complementary and alternative therapies must be aromatherapy. There's something very appealing about using essential oils from plants to soothe illness and help calm you down or lift your mood.

Parkinson's Disease And Sexual Function

Sexual functions are a very important aspect of our physical and mental health. With the onset of Parkinson's disease, many aspects of a person's physical and mental well being are affected by the disease and this includes his sexual abilities.

Self Care Tips For People With Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's disease can be overwhelming for many people who have it. Not only must patients face their physical changes in your body, but they must also deal with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

No Matter Where You Are At In Your Life, YOU CAN

I was reading through some statistics regarding depression and the percentage of people suffering from this has increased substantially. And I remembered what I often hear from people: ‘I have failed in my life' or ‘I have not achieved anything,' or ‘I experienced such and such in my past and it will jeopardize my entire life,' or ‘I have made a lot of mistakes,' or ‘I have been feeling depressed or anxious for so many years and I can't change.

Is Sclerotherapy Safe?

Sclerotherapy is a safe and proven procedure with very few significant risks. However, it is important for anyone considering sclerotherapy to know that while complications are quite unlikely, they are a possibility.

Stop Snoring Using Anti Snore Exercises

If you and your spouse suffer from horrible snoring, You are not alone. 23% couples suffer seriously from this terrible condition. The problem isn't just the irritation of staying awake the whole night or waking up from a spouse's elbow over and over again.

Successful Aging

What qualities are the most important if you are to grow old successfully? What constitutes "successful aging?" Possibly it would include great health, not looking old, being free from disease, having financial security, being in control of your mental faculties, optimum weight, enjoyable social life, etc.

Tension 101

The BasicsImagine a car that's idling too fast. It's revved up and working hard but nothing useful is happening. The motor's burning more fuel, creating more pollution and experiencing added wear and tear.

Why Early Detection of Slow Growing Lymphoma Is Difficult

There are over 30 types of lymphoma that have so far been detected and they can be grouped according to a variety of criteria. One such criterion is how fast the cancer is growing and so lymphomas are generally classed as either slow growing or fast growing.

Weight Loss - A New Approach

Here in the UK it seems as if the newspapers have been full of information on dieting and weight loss recently. Covering genes and yo-yo diets, it's a hot topic.

Diagnosing Lymphoma!

Lymphoma is one of the few types of cancer that can develop and grow in the body without an individual knowing and it is only when the cancer spreads around the body to other organs that obvious symptoms become apparent.

5 Natural Steps to Reduce Stress quickly

We have access to time- and labour-saving devices beyond the dreams of any previous generation. Yet stress, anxiety and depression seem more common problems than ever before.

Natural Remedies for Depression

Over 10 million Americans suffer from depression each year. Affecting all segments of the population, depression creates a feeling of hopelessness.

Foot reflexology – all you need to know

If you're ill, how can the act of simply massaging the feet improve your health and make you feel better?Long ago in our history, maybe as far back as four thousand years, people knew that massaging the feet had an effect on the body.

Diabetes and Colorectal Cancer

The list of medical problems facing those who have diabetes can seem endless. If you are diabetic, you already know the complications that can arise.

Immune System - Stronger or Smarter?

We all know how important it is to have an immune system that is working well in order to combat and ward off allergies.  Each of us is becoming more aware of the products that we eat and drink so that we strengthen our immune system.

How Can non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Be Detected?

Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a term that describes a group of over 30 subtypes of lymphoma, each of which grows and differentiates at a different rate and so responds differently to treatment.

Motor System Disorders associated with Parkinson's disease

Motor System Disorders is actually an umbrella term used to cover many of the neurological diseases. Parkinson's disease is one of those disorders.

What you can do today for Arthritis, to get your life back!

Red, burning, swollen and so stiff you don't want to move...that's what those who suffer from arthritis experience on a daily basis. If you know this all to well, you are probably one of the 46 million Americans (that's 1 out of every 5 people) that are living with arthritis every day.

Learn the Real Dangers of Poor Sleep

Ah...a good nights sleep. We all want to get in the recommended 7-8 hours, yet according to the National Sleep Foundation, almost one-third of Americans sleep 6.

Are the foods you are eating keeping you in pain?

Try An Anti-Inflammatory Diet: It Could Be The Answer To Eliminating Your Pain When I say "Inflammation", thoughts of painful joints, muscles, swelling and loss of mobility probably comes to mind.

Arthritis and Chronic Joint Symptoms

From the Centers for Disease Control Are you female, Caucasian, have a lesser education, and overweight? Then you run the greatest risk of either arthritis or chronic joint symptoms.

Is reflexology a holistic treatment

Conventional medicine grew up slowly as people discovered more and more about the human body and, in particular, about the effect on the body of various treatments.

Vega Testing-Food Allergies

Vega Testing, Food Allergies & Bioelectronic Assessments for Health Problems The most advanced devices are mostly computerised these days Bioelectronic machines, such as the Vega Testing and best machines, scan the body by detecting minute changes in the conductance of the skin over acupuncture points.


DIETS ?HEALTHY DIETS ?We should know by now that diets don't work. If they do its only for a time and then the weight creeps back on. So what next! Having done the 'Atkins' and the 'Glycaemic Index' and even 'fasting' (no food at all) how is it we're still basically fat?Healthy diets exist only where there is healthy food and a life style which is balanced .

Kirlian Photography - Aura

Kirlian Photography is back! and your 'aura'Hum Forest Clinic is pleased to announce the arrival of the latest most practical form of kirlian photography known as GDV ANALYSIS device from Russia.

Xenical - Tests, Diagnosis, Use, and Precautions

Xenical, a prescription medication, is also known by its generic name, orlistat and is prescribed for weight loss. However, it's important to know whether you actually need Xenical or not.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease which attacks the body at cellular level.It is an abnormal growth of cells which tend togrow in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases,to spread to other parts of the body.

Facts About Cold Sores

Cold sores are unsightly, contagious and very painful sores, normally occurring on the edge of the lip or nose. Cold sores are created by the replication process of the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2.

Why Exercise is Important after Baby

Post-natal exercise offers a whole range of benefits for new moms. However, it's important to remember that you should always consult with your doctor before starting up an exercise program.

Tell Me What Causes Cold Sores

What causes cold sores for you? What is the one big trigger that causes these painful and embarrassing cold sores in your life?You do not realize it now, but in the next few moments you will learn exactly what causes your cold sores and what you can do right now to eliminate them.

Getting Rid of Cold Sores This Quick and Easy Way

Is getting rid of cold sores a pressing desire for you? If so, by the time you are done reading this article, you will know exactly how to get rid of cold sores in your life.

Proven 3-Step Cold Sore Treatment Plan

Are you searching for a good cold sore treatment?Thousands of cold sore folks like you and I are doing just that every day.Hey - do not spend your hard-earned money before you read about this powerful cold sore treatment 3-step plan.

Deep breathing: the greatest health superstition

  Ask a hundred of people, "How should we breathe 24/7 for maximum body oxygenation?" or "Which unconscious breathing pattern provides us with best oxygenation?", and most of them will tell you that big and/or deep breathing is best.

Medical Disasters: 8 Simple Tips Guaranteed to Save Your Life in the Operating Room

Imagine the electric thrill your doctor gets when as a patient you tell him, “Doctor, you’re a life-saver!” And he was! He ordered the medicine that brought you out of congestive failure.

Get Into the Energy of Summer

"Thus the interaction of the four seasons and the interaction of Yin and Yang (the 2 principles in nature) is the foundation of everything in creation.

New Advances in Digital Hearing Aids Can Help Baby Boomers Take Matters into Their Own Hands

Whether it's using online banking, buying a new car, or being involved in health issues such as choosing digital hearing aids, today's baby boomers are all about taking control and doing things themselves, at their own convenience.

Understanding Wholistic Medicine

In recent years, our nation and our world have seen profound changes occur in every aspect of life. All our institutions-including politics, education, economy and technology-are in the midst of unprecedented change.

Popular Natural Acne Treatment - Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a hugely popular natural treatment for acne with very good reason. Tea tree oil has solved the acne problems of thousands that suffer from all types of blemish problems.

Great Alternative Acne Treatment - Black Current Seed Oil

There are many excellent alternative acne treatments available today with one being black current seed oil. This natural remedy most often comes in pill form and is easy to digest making it a great choice for just about all types of people who are suffering from acne to use.

An Effective Herbal Acne Treatment - Green Tea

Studies have shown that green tea is a very effective herbal treatment for those suffering from acne. Green tea is quite unique as compared to other teas in that it is not fermented.

Guard Your Skin Naturally Against Acne - Sunflower Oil

When searching for alternative treatments for acne sunflower oil must definitely be considered. This natural oil is rich in vitamins that are needed for healthy looking skin and is very soothing to several types of skin irritations including acne.

Lady Secret Serum for tighten the vagina - Enjoy Pleasure of young age

Lady Secret Serum for tighten the vagina - Enjoy Pleasure of young ageIntroducing Lady Secret Serum its respectability blend of all natural herbs will turn back to restore youth, elasticity and firmness to a woman's feminine charm.

Swami Ramdev Ji and His Divya Medicines

Swami Ramdev Ji and His Divya MedicinesIf anyone is wondering if such a person exists, “the virtuous golden wonder from India”, His godliness Swami Ramdev who has transformed India to wake up to a healthy tomorrow, is the answer! Swami Ramdev was initiated in the abstinent order on the banks of the sacred River Ganga.

Stress...Do You Actually Need It In Your Life?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes, with research showing over and over that the healthiest and most productive people are those that learn to manage stress - not avoid it.

Balancing the mind, body and spirit with acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine in contextUntil about 100 years ago, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and tui na - had been the only form of medicine practiced in China for thousands of years.

Three Steps for Meeting a Dog: Instructions for Parents

It is very important to teach kids how to interact with dogs they are interested in. Childish excitement could be interpreted as a threat by inexperienced dogs.

High Fructose Corn Syrup: The Obesity Link

Playing outside in the hot days of summer will work up a thirst. While water is the best quencher of thirst and should be the first choice you offer your children, sometimes it's nice to have a sweeter treat to enjoy.

7 things people should not be doing in the gym

The gym is a health hazard for a lot of people.Daily, I see people giving their all on cardio equipment in an effort to lose a few kilos, or heaving weights back and forth in an effort to ‘get big'.

Exercise and Pregnancy

I know how exciting it is to finally hear the news that you're going to have a baby. I'm sure there are many questions going through your head about keeping you and your baby healthy throughout your pregnancy.

What to Do When Your Child is Afraid of Dogs

Whenever Laura sees a dog, she shrieks and clings to her mother's leg. Thomas runs the other way. And Samuel just freezes, wide eyed in terror.

Training Barefoot

If you have been living in a cave or just stepped out of the jungle barefoot then you can skip this article. However for most of us with feet that have been shaped and moulded from the shoe then welcome to an emerging trend in training called the 'Barefoot Revolution'.

What Are Easy Foods That Prevent Cold Sores?

Are you searching for foods that prevent cold sores? You are wise indeed. Nutrition is the most effective and natural way to eliminate cold sore outbreaks.

How to Heal a Cold Sore Fast

Knowing how to heal a cold sore quickly could be crucial if you have an important event coming up soon. There is no good time to have a cold sore.

The Wonder of Homeopathy

More and more people today are becoming convinced in their hearts and minds that there is more to life than we perceive with our senses, there is more going on behind the scenes.

How body shapers can turn you into a supermodel in seconds?

Body shapers are garments, which instantly flatten bulging parts of the body and make you look toned, fit and beautiful. They flatten areas such as the stomach, waist, buttocks, and hip.

Bone Health Can Help Prevent Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

A unique strain of mouse was bred to have no insulin receptors on its bone-building osteoblasts, although it had insulin receptors every place else.

The Life And Death Of Joe Rowley.

The funny thing is, I didn't know Joe that well.He was only an acquaintance really, a drinking acquaintance, not a close friend of mine by any stretch of the imagination.

Cold Sore Stages - What To Expect From Cold Sores

The most desirable of all cold sore stages, if there is such a thing, is the latent stage. The herpes virus is asleep and hiding in the nerve ganglia.

Feeling Feelings--Overlooked

You have no doubt heard or used the expression breaking down. Breaking down, means to show one's feelings, usually sadness. It is inexplicably ironic that a natural emotion is given a negative euphemistic nameBeginning at a young age, boys are primarily valued for achievement, stoicism and heroism.

How To Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis With Alternative Medicine

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is when our immune system turns on the body that hosts it and systematically tries to destroy it by attacking healthy body tissue such as the joints (rheumatoid arthritis), muscles (fibromyalgia), pancreas (type 1 diabetes) or nerves (multiple sclerosis).

New Report Indicates Incidents of Breast Cancer on the Decline

Cancer death rates decreased on the average of 2.1 percent per year from 2002 through 2004 according to a new report from the Nation’s leading cancer organizations.

Avoid Fad Diets that Promise Magic Cures and Miracle Weight Loss

Fad diets are appealing because they usually promise slim and trim figures with very little effort.  Most fad diets work in the beginning, but diets that restrict certain food groups or promise unrealistic results are difficult and/or unhealthy to sustain over time.

Aloe Plant Offers More than Just Relief from Sunburns

The aloe plant is one of the world's oldest and most frequently used natural supplements. Aloe juice, gel, and leaves have played a role in medicine since the 4th century B.

Can Older People Get Asthma?

Many people who develop asthma as adults had breathing problems as children.  Asthma is a breathing problem that can start at any age.  There are also people who have asthma as children and it goes away as they grow older.

Guide To Massage

The known benefits of a professional massage go a lot more than skin deep. Did you know that massage therapy is medically proven to reduce the levels of stress and release the body's natural "FEEL GOOD" hormones called endorphins.

Seasons Change and So Do I

Have you ever noticed that when one season is transitioning to the other, in this case summer to fall, you feel a bit out of sorts? Perhaps tired, not sleeping well, eating a bit more, some of you might even have immune system dips or flare ups of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyaliga?No one really knows why this is, but many people experience it.

Chance of Bruising Increases with Age

As you age, the tendency to bruise easily increases. Most bruises go away without treatment. Other bruises can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem.

How To Organise Your Day Off At A Day Spa In Perth

Every week, we work hard to finish our tasks in the office. We are so serious in getting things done most of the time that we suffer splitting migraines, painful backaches, and irritating stiff necks from all the work-related stress we have.

Coffee Drinking Findings Are Inconsistent

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world.  There have been numerous studies of the affects of coffee on our health, especially long-term coffee consumption and heavy drinkers of coffee.

DHEA Supplements: Possible Benefits of Maintaining Youth and the Possible Side Effects

 The most abundant steroid in the human body is DHEA. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands. DHEA is involved in creating testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and corticosterone.

Why Should Men Care About Their Waistline?

Men over 40 may or may not face a midlife crisis as the popular belief goes but they are certainly facing an additional hormonal challenge when testosterone levels begin to slowly decline.

Do Vigorous Exercise Enthusiasts Need to Ingest Salt Tablets

Sweat does have salt in it; however, you do not need to ingest salt tablets after working out vigorously.  Even sweating 1 to 3 quarts per hour of exercise would not require extra salt.

DIY Backcare

Sarah lives on the South Coast with her family. She is a busy holistic practitioner specialising in the relief of stress and the balancing of energies to promote good health and remove pain.

Colour Psychology

Colour psychology is the study of the effect that colours have on human behaviour particularly the natural instinctive feelings that each colour evokes.


The use of colour and numbers is an ancient practice that has been used by many cultures as a tool to accessing inner wisdom and knowledge. Numerology combined with colour offers a unique method of divination that can help us unlock spiritual knowledge, open the mind to intuition and help us gain a deeper understanding of others and ourselves.

What is functional resistance training?

Today the buzz word in the gym is functional training. It has many meanings to many practitioners in the health and fitness industry. My understanding and implementation of functional training has come from a variety of sources including my own training and teaching in martial arts and numerous sports, combined with studying many of the leading experts in the field including Gary Gray (known as the father of function), Paul Chek (who is also known as the man who brought those big Swiss/stability balls to our gyms) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine to name but a few.

Hybrid Training

I have written in the past about the need to regularly change your program variables (every 2 -3 weeks) including: Repetitions - number of times you complete the movement Sets - a group of repetitions together Time under tension (eccentric - lowering phase/concentric - lifting phase/ isometric - holding weight statically) Intensity Speed of movement Exercise type Exercise order This month I want to share with you an exciting alternative called hybrid training to spice up your workouts.

22 Ways to a good night's sleep

How many of you consider the importance of sleep in relation to fat-loss, injury prevention and recovery, lack of focus, and overall health and vitality?According to a study published in the Lancet Medical Journal (1) chronic sleep deprivation may speed the onset or increase the severity of age-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and memory loss.

Walter Carrington

Walter Carrington 1915-2005People imagine that their bodies are disobedient and unreliable in carrying out their wishes, whereas nothing could be further from the truth.

Stretching Further, Increasing Confidence, Gaining Professionalism

As alternative practices continue to enjoy a boom in popularity so the need for all of us to work to raise standards and improve ourselves through continued professional development deepens.

7 Nutrients Your Eyes Need For Optimum Visual Performance

“Finish your carrots, they’re good for eyes” you may have heard your mother say a time or two. Carrots contain Vitamin A which plays an important role in optimum vision health.

Establish a Good Sleep Routine to Keep Headaches at Bay

Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Not getting enough sleep or not sleeping well can make you irritable. Everyone needs a good night’s sleep to give them enough energy to face the day ahead.

Types of Nipples, Medications, and Fathers be Supportive and Helpful during Breastfeeding

Each breastfeeding woman has to find her own routine with settings and positions that work best for her and the baby.  Each woman experiences a unique experience while breastfeeding.

Herbal Remedies for Forgetfulness

How many times have you walked into a room and forgotten what you went in to get? Or, the ever popular, "where are my car keys?". What about that embarrassing moment when you meet the person on the street who very obviously knows you, but you can't bring her name to mind no matter how hard you try.

Unique Crystal Wand Facial

This fantastic, unique facial combines the healing energies of the earth in the form of crystals with a pure natural powerhouse of ingredients, creating a synergy effect to leave the skin polished, renewed, fresh and youthful.

Herbal Sleep Aids

A good nights sleep is something that hundreds of thousands of people around the world can only hope for. With the demands of every day life in today's society, we are often awake or only partially sleeping when our bodies and minds should be resting peacefully to rejuvenate itself for the next days activities.

Gene Variation Slowing Metabolism of Caffeine May Play a Role for Increase Risk of Heart Attack in Some Individuals

Drinking coffee and the increase risk of having a heart attack has been under debate for a long time.  Some researchers say the risk lies within your genes, and one particular variation in a gene can slow metabolism of caffeine and increase the risk of heart attack.

Getting Started with a Walking Routine

You have finally decided to get fit, to feel better and have more energy to do all things you want to do.  Don’t jump in too quick!  You need to help your body adapt to the demands of repetitive movement.

Caring for Your Baby’s Umbilical Cord

From the sixth week of pregnancy until birth there is an umbilical cord that connects the developing fetus to the mother through the placenta.

Coping with the loss of a beloved pet

Have you, or do you know someone who has lost a beloved pet? This is what I call ‘grief in spades’ because many people do not understand the profound effect this can have on many pet owners and a typical response is – ‘it’s only a pet – get another one!’.

Are You Living with Pain ?

Why are you putting yourself in the "straight Jacket" of conventional pain therapy? Modern western medicine tells you that if it cannot be scientifically proven it doesn't work.

The power of bodywork

I believe in the idea that there are 2 kinds of power, Internal and external. What I refer to as internal or true power is defined by Webster's as;" power ability to act or produce an effect, have influence over others".

Water Filtration Systems: Making Your Water Safe

Water - A Vital ResourceOnce thought of as an unlimited natural resource, water is now one of the most essential products in demand. Although a rising world population has led to an increased demand for water, it is not the leading reason why it is a threatened precious resource.

Test Your Flexibility

The following are three ways to test your flexibility. The idea of testing is to become aware of how tightness with certain muscle groups can lead to injury if you are not careful during fitness workouts.

The Future, Today: Digital Hearing Aid Industry Transitions to Patient-Focused Model

The technology to purchase hearing aids online has revolutionized the digital hearing aid industry. In the past, those who were hard of hearing sought care through a system that was centered on the provider.

Treating IBS with CBT and Hypnotherapy

The debilitating condition Irritable Bowel Syndrome, known as IBS, now affects up to 8 million people in the UK, and the medical profession are still unable to define a specific cause.

Heart Disease

Heart DiseaseMillions of people die each year from heart disease worldwide. These include diseases such as Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction), Cardiac Arrest to name a couple.

The Power of Laughter

When's the last time you had a good laugh? Take a moment to relive the good feelings that come with real laughter. We pay money to laugh.

Information On Generic Flovent (Fluticasone)

Generic flovent is a corticosteroid used for treating asthma for reducing the severity of asthma and not complete cure of it. It will not relive an acute asthma attack.

Alternative Options to Labor and Delivery in Hospitals

Pregnant women and their families have a couple other options other than a conventional hospital when deciding where to labor and deliver children.

Diovan Drug Information

Generic diovan used for lowering the blood pressure and treating hypertension. It is not the complete cure but control the blood pressure reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Dealing with Belligerent People

People behave in predictable ways. Have you ever noticed yourself saying, "Charlie is so much like my Uncle Henry?" If you observe interactions in the workplace, you will eventually agree with me that there are three main ways that people approach workplace problems and people interactions.

Seven Secrets to Finding Joy

To pursue happiness is an inalienable right. To experience happiness is not. No one owes you happiness. No one can ensure your happiness. Happiness is a choice-your choice.

Getting Along in the Office: Improving the Work Environment

When I am training business people who wonder why things aren't going well in their office or shop, I find two consistent issues. 1. Employees often don't know how to do their jobs Quite often, I discover that no one has really told the employee what they are supposed to do.

Quick Exercises for Parents

We all know how difficult it is to stay in shape and find time to exercise - but most especially for parents with babies or small kids. There's the sleep-deprivation factor, lack of time and priority changes.

Kymythy's Kitchen Nutrition: Natural Anti-inflammatories

Dear Kymythy, Are there any foods that may help with muscle stiffness, aches, and pains?There are many delicious foods that contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds.

Rainy Day Activities for Kids and Dogs

"It's raining, it's pouring, everything is boring!"Rainy days with stir-crazy kids and dogs can try your sanity. When your kids wail that there's nothing fun to do, have them try some of these simple games with the family dog.

Creating a Balanced Inner World for Our Children

We are all made up of many parts. For example, if we are fifty, we still have a part of us that is twelve. It may show up when we are at a carnival with our kids, or visiting a place where we lived at that age.

Enjoy the Energy of Fall

"In ancient times those people who understood Tao (the way of self cultivation) patterned themselves upon the Yin and the Yang (the two principles in nature) and they lived in harmony.

Orthopaedic Treatment in India

India offers World Class Medical Facilities, comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors.

The Power of a Day

The power of a day. What will you do today? Will everything be the same or will you make a change. Even a small change can alter your feelings and change life dramatically.

Hypnotherapy Shouting Cure for IBS!

Hypnotherapy Shouting Cure for IBS! As a Hypnotherapist I now see an increasing number of clients suffering from the debilitating symptoms of IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Can Your Waistline Measurement Save Your Heart?

People usually associate heart disease with overall obesity, but little is known by the general public about the direct link between waistline and heart.

Herbs for Kidney and Bladder Health

The kidneys. You have two of them, they're shaped like beans, they're in your abdomen and they're part of your urinary tract. What do they do? They filter the toxins and wastes from the blood.

Herbal Weight Loss Remedies

From childhood obesity to the morbidly obese adult, this country is seeing obesity in epidemic proportions. Officials report an increase of 33% in obesity in the last 10 years.

Incredible Immunity to Reoccurring Cold Sores

Great news! Cold sores can be prevented with a steady course of good vitamin supplements. Discover how your body can develop super anti-bodies giving you immunity to cold sores.

The Conscious And Subconscious Mind: Influence, Persuasion & Change For Healing With Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy.

Though we have one mind, there are usually considered to be two sections of it: the conscious and the subconscious. The subconscious was termed by Freud the unconscious.

Compartments of the Mind

From the book; The Joys of Live Alchemy Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Do you remember that nursery rhyme? Well, how about we find out how our organic brain grows and develops.

Dolphins and Whales: Gateways to Healing

One lazy late summer afternoon, lying on the deck of a small boat, I found myself staring into the eye of a giant Humpback whale who had surfaced only a few feet away.

Rates of Diabetes increasing in the UK

The Department of Health’s document ‘Health Profile of England’ published in October 2007 shows that rates of Diabetes continue to increase in the UK.

A Guideline for buying Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are corrective, therapeutic and cosmetic lenses usually serve the purpose of conventional glasses. It is placed on the cornea of the eye and is virtually invisible.

Fibromyalgia: A Message To You?

From what I have learned from my experience over the years is that energetically, I believe that those who suffer this, as still "holding" pain, which over time, has manifested in fibromyalgia.

How to Feel Better Fast!

Would you like to spend as much time as possible feeling good? Happy? Contented?The ancient shamans have a secret practice that can help you maximize your pleasure in life-and minimize your pain.

Antibiotic Resistance a Timely Reminder

With winter coming infections of colds, coughs and sore throats start to rise, but should you be taking antibiotics to get rid of them?There is growing concern over the resistance of some bacteria to current antibiotics.

Steps toward Managing Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a waxy substance made by the liver and supplied in the diet through animal products that include:•    Meats•    Poultry•    Fish•    Dairy productsWe need Cholesterol in our bodies to help insulate nerves, make cell membranes and produce certain hormones.

Tips for Maintaining Exercise Routines with Knee Pain

If you experience knee pain during physical activity it does not mean the end of all physical activity.  You can remain active by switching to exercises that have less of an impact on your knees.

A Conscious Therapeutic Experience

      You are like an onion composed of layer upon layer of thoughts. If you are diagnosed with one type of illness, or an accumulation of distorted thoughts, chances are there is another illness lingering right underneath it.

The Natural Healing Powers of Garlic

A member of the same group of plants as the onion, Garlic has been discussed in history as early as the 15th century and studied by herbalists since the 16th century.

Diet & Herbal Advice for Acid Reflux Sufferers

We all have an occasional upset stomach or heartburn from that meatball sub. But, GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a much more significant disease.

Guaranteed muscles and joints pain relief in minutes

There is a natural source of healing power in everyone. When this healing power is activated, it triggers a series of complicated internal processes producing a Healing Response.

Information on Generic Cephalexin Antibiotic

Generic Cephalexin is a Cephalosporin antibiotic used for treating bacterial infections of skin, bone, sinuses, ear, respiratory tract, and urinary tract.

Recommendations for Eating Fish and Shellfish for Pregnant Women

Women and children need to eat a well balanced diet that includes a variety of fish and shellfish to contribute to a healthy heart and for children’s proper growth and development.

How to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy Part 1

Taking care of yourself has never been more important now that you are pregnant.  Staying healthy during pregnancy is all up to you.  It is of great importance to learn about the many ways to keep you and your baby as healthy as possible.

How to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy Part 2

Nutrients and SupplementsIron is also a very important nutrient for pregnant women.  During pregnancy you need 27 to 30 mg of iron every day.

How’d They Do That?

"How'd they do that?" I asked myself time and time again in my youth.As a journalist and documentary filmmaker, I witnessed ordinary people performing extraordinary feats on countless occasions.

Joy Is the Juice

"If you work for money, you are no better than a slave. If you do anything you don't enjoy in life, you are no better than a slave!"Wow! Strong words from my first spiritual teacher.

Jump Start Your Life!

Ten ways to put some kick back in your life!1. Be crystal clear about your own life passion. When you're in touch with what brings you joy in life, you can choose wisely where to direct your creating attention.

The Joy of Living in the Zone

What do people want most in the world? What is the most sought-after goal? From the moment we awaken to the moment we close our eyes at night, what is it we seek every minute of the day? We want to feel good.

The Benefits of a Daily Low Dose Aspirin Regimen

Aspirin is one of the most carefully studied drugs available and has been used to reduce pain and inflammation for over a century. Evidence is rapidly growing that supports aspirin's use in lowering the rates of heart attacks, stroke, colon cancer and even Alzheimer's disease.

The Miraculous Message of Water

Water is telling us to look at ourselves. When we look through water at ourselves, the message becomes crystal clear. The quality of human life is intimately connected with the quality of our water.

The Mind Creates Its Worst Fear

On my sojourn across the country, a night spent camping in Idaho's mountain wilderness demonstrated to me the power of the human mind to create a physical reality from its deepest emotional fears.

Information on Generic Glyburide

Generic glyburide used in the treatment of type-2 diabetes mellitus is a sulfonylurea agent to control the blood sugar level. This drug can also be used along with metformin drug.

Information on Generic Lexapro

Generic Lexapro (Escitalopram) is an antidepressant used for treating depressions. Generic Lexapro also causes some side effects mostly minor ones and few may have intense effects, which must be reported to the doctor immediately.

How to Stay Healthy During Pregnancy Part 3

Sleep during pregnancy:During pregnancy your body will work hard to accommodate the new life.  You might feel more tired than usual.  Now, more than ever, it will be so important for you to get enough sleep.

Hidden Doors of Thought

Medicine is the physical manifestation of what the physical body is lacking in thought. Regardless of your illness whether it be a mild headache or a form of a more serious disease, when you are ill your body is reacting to your thought process.

Preparing for the Birth of Your Baby and Choosing the Setting for Delivery

In preparation for labor and birth it is a good idea to learn your options for pain relief.  You should also find how to reach your health care provider if you go into labor.

A Puppy Party for Kid-Friendly Dogs

Hosting a puppy party is a great way to help your new puppy begin enjoying and feeling at ease around kids. Puppies under 5 months old can learn a lot in an easy 30-minute play date.

Emotional Development is the Software

Just like a car needs gas to run, we need food to run our bodies and minds. The difference between a car and our minds, is that we have emotions, feelings and thoughts.

What You Need to Know About Dog and Cat Nutrition

Food is the foundation of health. How long an animal lives and, most important, the quality of its life, depend greatly on the quality and quantity of the food that it eats.

Music for Motivation

Music is a powerful influence in our lives. It is the backdrop to everybody's life story. All of life's biggest experiences are done to the sound of music.

Harvest Heaven

Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The fiery glory of the leaves during my college years in Maine. The alpenglow on the mountainsides near my home in the Rockies.

Stopping Time

Six hundred feet straight down! Nothing to break the fall. I've got to switch channels. I don't like my chances on this station. Infused with youthful caprice, I mused to myself about my predicament.

You Can Get Rid of a Cold Sore With These Powerful Tactics

You can get rid of a cold sore quickly and safely with the proven tips revealed here. If you have a big event or date coming up, help is right here.

Considering Breast Enhancement? What You Need to Know

Breast augmentation surgery is a procedure that plastic surgeons use for breast enhancement or to obtain more symmetry. Every day, women all over the world decide to undergo breast augmentation surgery for a variety of reasons.

Simplify the Digital Hearing Aid Experience: Questions to Ask Before Purchasing

Purchasing a digital hearing aid is an important step in obtaining increased quality of life for people with hearing loss. There are many things to consider when deciding on the right hearing aid, such as brand, quality and price, but one of the most important considerations is the quality of the hearing aid provider, and the level of customer service it offers to clients throughout the life of the digital hearing aid.

A New Year: a Fresh Start!

An ingenious spiritual teacher, Lester Levenson, shifts people out of old, crippling emotional patterns with the simple suggestion: "That was Then.

Nine Steps to Abundance

The word "abundance" comes from a Sanskrit word meaning "wave." If we place ourselves in the River of Life, we can ride the wave, or current, of universal abundance to encounter all the money, vitality and love we could ever want.

Supercharge Your Dreams!

We all accept the fact that the lighter the backpack, the easier and quicker the climb to the top of the mountain. We all understand that the lighter the load on an airplane, the higher and faster it can fly.

Surf the Wave of Abundance

Bank account bare? Bedroom barren? Body running on empty? Buddha not showing up? Why?Maybe because your beat is off! You're out of step with the AbunDance.

Transform Your Life through a Vision Quest

Did you know that throughout history people have gone into Nature seeking profound spiritual revelations, dramatic physical healings and liberating emotional breakthroughs? Why? Because the dynamics of Nature naturally break you out of habitual mental ruts to generate fresh, imaginative approaches and make new, inspired life choices.

Twelve Questions to Kickstart Your Dream

What's your dream? Would you like to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.

12 Vitality Secrets Right Outside Your Door

Mother Nature can teach you how to be more:FreeAnimals constantly demonstrate how to shift the energy-and outcome-of any situation. Nature also illustrates that there's always a ready source of free energy available anytime, anywhere you need it.

What's on Your Shift List?

The most happy and successful people on earth have a personal Shift List. They probably don't call it by that name, but they have one. How do I know? Because these folks are enjoying their journey on our challenging planet!A Shift List is simply a list of activities and attitudes that have the power to shift you from feeling blue to feeling new.

Where’s Your Happiness Hiding?

It's no accident that certain stories rivet our attention. Listening to these tales with perked "inner ears" alerts us to possibilities we've never considered before.

Who’s In Charge Here?

Watch your thoughts. They become words.Watch your words. They become actions.Watch your actions. They become habits.Watch your habits. They become character.

Your Hidden Portal to Peace

Want more peace and joy in your life? Daily stress getting to you? With terrorism, layoffs and pollution, can you feel safe and happy? Yes, you can-by tapping into a little known, and less-used, doorway to internal security.

Science, Allergies and Natural Health

One of the goals of this article is to reconcile scientific research with natural health approaches. It is sometimes a difficult task. All of the medical journals sell ads to drug companies and it should be obvious that economics help to determine what appears in the journals.

Managing the Pain of Childbirth

It is not uncommon to worry about how you will cope with the pain of labor and delivery. Childbirth experiences are different for every woman.

Everything You Need to Know about Cell Phones and Digital Hearing Aids

Today, almost everyone has a cell phone - young and old - and it can be a challenge for users of digital hearing aids to know how to handle their phones properly.

Cesarean Sections: When should they be performed?

The majority of babies born to healthy pregnant women with no risk factors for problems during labor or delivery arrive through the birth canal vaginally.

Consider the Pros and Cons of Elective C-sections

There are a growing number of women specifically asking doctors for c-sections when they are healthy and normal otherwise without medical problems.

Propolis – Another Healthy Remedy From Bees.

Honeybees really are amazing animals. Apart from providing a vital role in much of our food supply through their help with pollination, they also provide us with fantastic, natural, healthy bee products.

The Pros and Cons of Vaginal Delivery after C-section

Is it possible to have a vaginal birth after having a c-section?Delivering a baby vaginally after delivering previous babies by c-section is called “vaginal delivery after c-section or VBAC.

Tests and Procedures Performed Right After Birth

There are many important tests and procedures performed right after birth to ensure a newborn’s health.  Some of these procedures are required by law.

What to Expect Once You are Home with Baby

New mothers need to take special care of their bodies after giving birth and while breastfeeding when getting home from the hospital.Rest and recuperation is all that should be on your agenda the first few days at home after having a baby.

Guidelines for Using Cough and Cold Products in Children

You should never use cough and cold products in children under 2 years of age unless your health care provider gives specific directions to do so.

Women’s Natural Beauty: Essential Oils for Mature Skin Care

It's no surprise several of the world's finest formulas for beautifying mature skin contain natural essential oils. Therapeutic grade essential oils used in aromatherapy are each selected for their distinctive healing action; many oils are specifically indicated for skin healing and healthy skin maintenance.

The Use of Codeine- and Dextromethorphan-Containing Cough Remedies in Children

There is numerous prescription and nonprescription medications currently available for suppression of cough symptoms in children.  There is also reported adverse effects and over dosage associated with giving cough and cold preparations to children.

How You Can Succeed With New Years Resolutions

With the New Year rapidly approaching, your thoughts will be turning to your New Years Resolutions. It's the time of year when you set your sights on the next year and decide what you want to achieve.

Six Ways To Beat Christmas Stress

The holiday season is one of the most stressful times of year. Not only do you have the stress of finding the right present for people, but you have the stress of paying for Christmas and the stress of Christmas parties, seeing family or even the stress of being alone at a time which is traditionally centred around family.

How To Survive The Cost Of Christmas

Christmas is one of the most expensive times of the year. Not only do you have to buy presents, but there is the cost of food, entertainment and even travel to see friends and family.

Have Confidence For Your Christmas Party

Christmas is traditionally a time of parties and good fun, and a time when people with low self confidence can really suffer. Low self confidence means that you can struggle to even get out to Christmas parties, which means you miss out on a lot of fun and can feel very left out in the office.

Stop Smoking As Your New Years Resolution

One of the most traditional New Years resolutions is to stop smoking. With more and more countries and states introducing smoking bans in public places, stopping smoking is becoming a very serious thought for many people.

Thai Yoga Bodywork

Lotus Palm: The Mindfulness of Touch One of the ancient healing arts of traditional Thai medicine (along with herbal medicine and spiritual meditation), Thai massage is a full-body massage, performed on a floor mat, with both parties in loose, comfortable clothes.

Tibetan Bowls Enhance and Compliment Your Yoga Practice

Yoga means union with the divine. Its focus is achieving a state of highest spiritual insight and tranquility through the practice of body positions (asanas), specialized breathing patterns and a centering of the mind.

Sound Healing for People and the Animals They Love

Sound healing has achieved recognition internationally as an effective healing modality for stress, reduction, pain relief and the healing process for many life threatening illnesses in humans.

The Energetic Continuum

In quantum physics, the energy that fills the cosmos is called "Zero-Point Energy." It is formless, moves beyond light speed, and is omnipresent.

A Proven Set of Principles to Guide You in the New Year

How many of us have set New Year's resolutions or goals for our lives that all too quickly are forgotten or put aside until the next year? The following set of principles will help you achieve your New Year's resolutions and much more.

Organic Bedrooms and Effects on Your Health

Problem: Synthetic mattresses are known to contain polyester, nylon, boric acid, PBDE's, and other synthetic and petroleum based materials.

Eat Plenty of Folic Acid to Help Decrease Risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Eat plenty of folic acid to help cut in halve the risk of Alzheimer’s disease according to a recent study conducted by the U.S. National Institute on Aging.

New Discoveries May Help in Fight against Alzheimer’s disease

A possible physical origin of Alzheimer’s disease has been found recently by Scientists from UCLA.  The new discovery means there may be new ways to treat the disorder’s cause and not just the symptoms.

Emotions surrounding Pet Loss are so often Misunderstood.

Have you heard the reaction 'It's only a pet..' when someone's pet has died and they are suffering an extreme reaction? This is particularly hard at Christmas .

My Headaches were debilitating - all I wanted to do was thrash out

‘My Headaches were debilitating...all I wanted to do was thrash out'In May 2007 having had 2 brain tumours removed Trudy commenced a series of 16 RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Sessions with its founder Michael Cohen at his London Clinic.

A New Year, A New You

Look back over the last year and ask yourself, “How did I do this year?” Do you feel happy with your progress and what you have achieved over the last twelve months? Can you see some room for improvement? Some lessons to learn or some things to do over the coming year? The New Year is an excellent time to reflect upon the previous year and decide what you want to do with the coming year.

‘I sit on the bus and look for vantage points to jump from’

Sarah*, a client who was diagnosed with Clinical Bi-Polar Depression turned round during her RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Treatment session and said:"There was something small I forgot to mention.

Bioenergy Healing Treatment helped me overcome 14 years of debilitating food intolerances

Michael Cohen experienced 14 years of debilitating digestive symptoms as well as the psychological mind games associated. He had intolerances to 16 different food types as well as being hyper sensitive to chemicals, smells and pollution.

Alternative, Drug-Free Approaches to Migraine

If you, or someone you love, is a migraine sufferer, you'll know the devastating effect this agonising affliction can have on the whole family - not just the sufferer.

Tis the Season for Heart Health

December and January are the deadliest months for heart disease, and many of the things that make the season merry are culprits: rich meals, too much alcohol - not to mention all of the extra stress.

The Changing Image of a Therapist's Practice

My original marketing plan was to network with other therapists, share marketing costs, use referral opportunities, and generally support each other.

A Few Facts about Vitamin Supplements

Vitamins play an integral role to a healthy life. They provide essential nutrients. It is advisable to get all vitamins from the food you eat.

Menopause Symptoms & Herbal Remedies

Menopause, other known as the "change of life" is the end of the menstruation period of a woman's life. The menstrual cycles must be completely absent for 12 months for a woman to be in menopause.

A Guide To Hypnosis

There are many stories about hypnotherapy being dangerous, turning people into chickens, people not being able to wake up, and unscrupulous hypnotists exploiting their ‘vulnerable' patients.

Ensuring Realistic Expectations from Your Hearing Aids

Many people mistakenly believe that hearing aids will solve all of their woes and make everything around them sound perfectly clear. The truth is that hearing devices make it easier for one to communicate with one's friends and family, but they are corrective devices like eyeglasses and cannot completely cure hearing loss.

Aura Chelation For Cancer Patients

         What exactly is Aura Chelation? Aura Chelation is a hands on healing technique that clears the human aura or energy field on several different energy levels allowing a Cancer patient to experience a great deal of lightness, inner peace, and actually be pain free.

Type of Diagnostic Methods Used to Confirm Causes of Low Back Pain

If you are experiencing low back pain, a thorough medical history and physical exam can usually identify any dangerous conditions or family history that may be associated with the pain.

A Brief Summary of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders usually refer to personality traits that are extreme or that cause enough difficulty in a person’s life to interfere with daily functioning to the point of “disabling.

Urinary Incontinence, Diagnosis and Treatment Plans

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control that can happen to anyone, but is more common in people age 65 or older.  Women are more likely than men to have this problem.

Cold Sore Cures - Fact or Hype?

Cold Sore Cure?Who can you believe these days? Some medical authorities claim there is no such thing as a cold sore cure. Other, just as credible experts, claim cold sore cures are very real today.

Feeling Your Transitions

       Transition is not an easy thing to do, and yet we find ourselves doing it over and over again through out the course of a lifetime.

Decide to quit smoking

The real problem is the decision process. That’s right, it’s a process. It’s not a simple decision. It’s a decision that you want to change your state and your behavior.

Alternative Medicine for Constipation

Constipation is usually caused by a diet which denies the body of roughage. It is quite possible that our ancestors did not suffer as much as we do in the modern world from the infrequent or difficult passing of hard, dry faeces known as constipation.

Foods To Avoid With Cold Sores and Fever Blisters

Foods to avoid with cold sores are key foods that contain high levels of the amino acid arginine and low quantities of lysine. Take a look now at what these foods are and how to easily cancel them out.

A Winter Wonderland for Your Skin: Everything You Need to Know about Winter Skin Care

Winter is upon us and winter skin care is probably on your mind. This time of year not only brings us some of the most beautiful scenes on postcards or paintings, but it also brings us a need for dry skin treatment.

An Environmental You

In Energy Healing each person is treated as a mini universe. Each person is unique and different as being an individualized universe evolving at ones' own individual pace.

Are you Energy Conscious?

      In today's busy world just diet and exercise is not enough for individuals who carry with them layer upon layer of consciousness that prevents them from tapping into their own inner source of healing.

‘Stuck… I just couldn’t move forward’

"When I came for treatment I was unable to see any way out of my current situation. Since working with Michael the way forward has been clear and obvious.

Treating a Cold Sore For Great Success

Treating a cold sore is never fun. Cold sores seem to happen at the worst times. They are ugly, painful and a big inconvenience. And they can be difficult to treat, especially when you have a busy schedule.

Clinical Trial of kinesiology for back pain

Volunteers with low back pain needed. Do you have low back pain? If so you are not alone. Research suggests that almost half the adult population of the UK have low back pain at some time in the year and four out of every five adults will experience back pain at some stage in their life.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

It is only now that modern medicine is starting to recognise the link between the body and the mind.  Modern medicine is starting to realise that you can literally think yourself ill!I'm sure you've done it in the past.

The Apple Cider Vinegar Flu Remedy: Bitter, then Better

The Apple Cider Vinegar Flu Remedy:Bitter, then Better Apple cider vinegar has been used to treat various illnesses for centuries. If one can get past its bitter taste, one can find relief in its healing attributes.

Weight Loss - Why Some can & some cannot

Why is it that some people can loose weight fairly easily and others find it impossible?You have to look at:Why you have become over-weight and what is causing your body to retain this excess weight? What you eat - We may be intolerant to certain foods i.

‘Alternative Medicine’ to drugs and alcohol when dealing with pet loss.

Have you heard the reaction 'It's only a pet..' when someone's pet has died and they are suffering an extreme reaction? There are many reactions to grief in all its forms and so many people find it very difficult to deal with .

Is Brain Surgery the Cure for Depression?

Is this the solution? Ask yourself, should brain surgery be used on non-life threatening illnesses? Surely it is imperative that all non-invasive options must be considered in the first instance.

An Un Costly Budget For Better Health and Wellbeing

      We are living in a time of great need to understand ourselves on a deeper level of awareness. Now is the time for society to reach within and grasp it's natural resources found in the self.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy Right For You?

Hormone replacement therapy is sometimes called estrogen replacement therapy or ERT.  This therapy refers to a woman taking supplements of hormones like estrogen or estrogen with another hormone called progesterone.

Allergic Reactions to Mold

Mold is a common cause of allergy.  There are thousands of types of molds and yeasts, however, only a small number of molds are widely recognized to cause allergic reactions.

Promoting A Healthy Body by Detoxing and Cell Cleansing

FEBRUARY 12, 2008- Ionic Foot (Spa) Detoxify Leaves Unwanted Toxins Behind We are pleased to introduce our Top of the Line New Ionic Foot Detoxify.

Cold Sore Lysine - Quenching the Fire of Your Cold Sores

Cold sore lysine. Is it all what they crack it up to be? In this article, discover for yourself the facts about the why and how of cold sore lysine use for oral herpes.

What is a holistic pet food?

Not so long ago there were only one or two pet foods on the shelves that labelled themselves as 'Holistic'... now there are many, and even one that implies there are holistic pets!Is that a good thing?  Do the manufacturers know what  they mean by using the terms 'Holistic' or indeed 'Natural' as part of their marketing strategy?The first stop is maybe to look at the dictionary definition of 'Holistic' '.

Pet Food marketing - all hype and no substance?

If you have just bought a bag of pet food because the bag or label shouted out at you that this food contained added spirulina, glucosamine, chondroitin ,Omega-3 and Omega-6, prebiotics, probiotics, Cranberry Powder, Dried Kelp, Dried Bacillus Licheniformis Fermentation Extract, Dried Bacillus Subtilis Fermentation Extract, CPA Complex™, Mannan-oligo-saccharides, Green Tea, selenium yeast, eye of toad and tongue of newt (I made the last two up!) or anything else that doesn't sound like 'food' then you need to read on, because you are in danger of falling into the GREAT MARKETING TRAP.

Bee Healthy use natures gifts to heal

Honey and propolis are natures gift to healing.Propolis acts as the bees external immune system. It protects the hive against infection and disease, making the hive one of the most sterile environments in nature.

Using Natural Laxative Teas for Natural Colon Health

Many people do not give their colons enough attention. With the amount of processed foods, toxins and chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis, it is absolutely vital that we pay attention to the health of our colons just as we would our hearts and other organs.

Understanding Detox

Many diets help you to eat healthier or will help you shed pounds for a short period of time, but very few of today's fad diets actually help to clean out your system.

Understanding Insulin Resistance

In the normal person, your food is absorbed into the bloodstream in the form of sugars. The food is broken down by the digestive system in order to do this and the glucose and fat that results, as well as other basic substances, are then spread throughout the body.

Parasites are Ruining Your Weight Loss Goals

Millions of people, particularly women, have been searching far and wide for the reason that they just can't lose the weight they've been trying to shed.

The Difference between a Detox and a Diet

When you eat properly and provide your body with proper nutrition, your body stops thinking that it needs to hold onto every ounce of fat you consume to keep you from starving.

Listen to Your Body - The Power of Self-Healing

Many people underestimate the power of the body to know what is wrong and its ability to correct itself. The body has a natural way of healing itself and it does without you even thinking about it.

Caring for Your Adrenal Glands

Your adrenal glands may be something you don't think about on a regular basis, but having healthy adrenal glands is vital to your good health.

The Chi Machine

If you are looking for a way to detox your body while you relax, the Chi Machine may be what you're looking for. As you lie back and relax, you rest your feet on the Chi Machine and it gently swings them back and forth, just as if you are a fish in motion.

Balancing the Hormones

There are thousands of hormones in the body. Some of the most commonly known hormones are estrogen, testosterone and insulin, but there are many more that you do not necessarily think about on a regular basis that effect your body in various ways.

Beneficial Green Drinks

A "green drink" is one that is derived from green vegetables. Grains are very nutritious while they're growing and young. They are tender, grassy and their nutrients are very dense.

Candida Control

Candida albicans, also known as "yeast," naturally occurs within the body. Yeast was first introduced to the medical community nearly 20 years ago and is naturally occurring in the gut.

Cleansing the Gallbladder and the Liver

Cleansing the gallbladder and liver is more important than many people think. By consuming simple, organic mixtures, you can simply and easily remove gallstones and other blockages that may be keeping your body from functioning properly.

Enemas: An Old Remedy to New Problems

In the "old days" people regularly gave themselves enemas to ensure regularity as well as to introduce helpful and active agents into the body.

Improving the Health of Your Colon

Most Americans do not provide much thought to the health of their colons. But just about everybody in the United States is in need of colon care and this is not only due to our lifestyles, but to the fact that we have been fed food in our lives that has led to serious colon conditions that could be stopped by simply caring for our colons.

Bee Healthy a natural alternative

In my previous article Bee healthy use natures gifts to heal we looked at the general properties of both propolis and honey and how this gift from nature could make a positive contribution to modern healing.

Probiotics: Restoring Good Bacteria in Your Colon

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeasts in the form of a dietary supplement. Taking probiotics helps to replenish the natural gut flora that thrives in your digestive system.

How do I prepare for an Energy Healing Session?

       Energy Healing is being offered more and more into society as a natural form of healing. There are allot of different articles and books that explain just what Energy Healing is.

Problematic Parasites

These days, especially in North America, it seems as though everybody is sick with ailments that the doctors just cannot pinpoint. Ask yourself this: If you look at all the people you know, how many are suffering from some sort of illness or pain that they cannot find relief for? Probably just about everyone you know could fall into this category.


I've suffered with bloating for years. Can you recommend any foods or supplements that can help me? Although I have a fairly small frame and am not overweight, I can almost look pregnant at times.

Receive Enzymes the Natural Way

In today's society, the level of vegetable consumption has decreased immensely. This is because more and more people are on the go and eat more and more processed foods.

Opioid Dependence and Withdrawal

A person is said to have physical opioid dependence if they have high 'tolerance' of opioids, meaning they need more of the opioid to get the desired effect.

The Benefits of Taking a Multivitamin

Can you imagine, there was a time when we used to get the vitamins and minerals we needed from the food we ate. Back when we actually ate only what was good for us, the foods that supplied us with the nutrients we needed to maintain a strong, healthy body.

Copper - An Essential Nutrient

Copper. It has a multitude of benefits. We wear it; we cook with it; we decorate with it; and we work with it. But, one of the most important uses of copper is as a dietary supplement.

Colon Cleanse Recipes – What You Need to Know Before Making Your Own

It is possible to make your own cleanses that are safer and even more effective than cleanses you can buy.   I’ve been doing it for years and the colon cleanse recipe I now use works as well as a $185 kit I used to recommend.

Allergies and hayfever

Homoeopathic treatment for hayfever should start the previous autumn with a visit to your homoeopath and then follow on, if necessary, when the season starts.

How to Colon Cleanse - 5 Expert Tips

If you're considering colon cleansing for the first time, the choices can seem overwhelming.  Herbal cleanses, oxygen cleanses, fiber programs, specialized diets, fasting and more are all on the colon cleansing market.

Cold Sore Home Remedies - Proven Healing of Cold Sores

Cold sore home remedies usually are more effective than store-bought treatments. And they are quite a bit cheaper, if not totally free. Drug companies want you to continue spending money on their products.

You are the Source of Awareness

     What the world needs now, is massage, sweet massage. No not just for some, but for everyone....... Why?      Because your body is awareness.

Potassium Health Benefits

Potassium is a mineral that's needed to keep our body's pH in balance. It's also essential for maintaining the body's normal fluid balance.

Protest Codex Alimentarius

Basic right humanity is damaged: Right to healthy foods!The Food and Pharmaceutical industry have both one item on their agenda: Trying to imitate nature and patent the products that originate from that.

Preventing Prostate Cancer - What Every Man Should Know

Is there a way to prevent prostate cancer? This question is on the mind's of a lot of men, and for good reason. Prostate cancer affects nearly a quarter of a million men each year, so the topic of preventing prostate cancer deserves attention.

Top 4 Disadvantages of Lasik Eye Surgery

In previous articles, I have written about the advantages of Lasik over other forms of eye surgery. But as with everything else in the field of medicine, there are some disadvantages as well.

Should I take a Multivitamin?

By Daniela Osiander - Naturopath, Dietician and Massage TherapistPatients ask me this all the time. My answer is: yes. But make it a good one.

Menopause and Managing the Symptoms Naturally

Menopause, also known as 'the change of life', occurs in women from their late forties onwards. Age that it starts varies due to genetic and lifestyle factors.

The Blended Family – Hopes, Fears, and Tasks

Hope springs eternal, and there’s nowhere that’s more true than a couple taking the leap of faith into a second marriage. To all those who dare to hope that their second marriage (or third, or fourth) will be better than the last, I say congratulations and good luck! It takes a lot of courage to open your heart to try again! But also, take heed: you’ll have a much better chance of success if you follow some very important guidelines, particularly if either of you have children.

After Abuse: The Challenging Work of Forging Healthy Relationships

Many people have done the tough work of recovery from sexual abuse, whether with help in therapy or on one’s own. It challenges us to the core, but it also frees us, and gives life and possibility where we once felt that we might never get through it.

Deaf Blind Children Can Be Taught To Enjoy Dance

Deaf blind children can be taught to enjoy dance and movement. They do, however, require long and careful preparation to reach this point.We should not underestimate the enormous challenges facing a person with a dual sensory impairment and those supporting them.

The Light Of Freedom

Once upon a time there was a magnificent golden vibrant light that radiated from one end of the universe to the next. It engulfed all creation from plants to humans and promised to fulfill any desire that was held in the highest regard.

Calcium & Vitamin D - Partners In Health

Vitamin D is fat-soluble vitamin that has a significant role in our health. Without vitamin D, it would be impossible for our bodies to utilize calcium, have bone growth, maintain bone density, allow for normal functioning of the nervous system, prevent rickets in children and brittle bones.

Massage for Marathon Runners

Frozen shoulder, also known as “adhesive capsulitis”, is a restrictive condition that can be painful and frequently affects abduction and external rotation of the shoulder joint.

Healing through the Heart

           Gallstones. I have heard about them through different sources but I never really had an opportunity to actually work with someone who was experiencing the horrific after effects of having her gallstones removed through surgery.

Heal Cold Sores - The Truth About How to Heal a Cold Sore

Heal cold sores - once difficult, but now very easy. By the time you are done reading this article, you will know how to quickly heal cold sores.

Commitment to a Successful Fitness Training Program

The undertaking of any fitness training program requires that individuals not only have a realistic view of their own personal fitness goals, but that they also consider the variables they may be faced with in accomplishing their objective for better health and wellness.

Is There A Right Or Wrong Way To Move?

The short answer is no. Less simplistically, and more importantly is to answer with the question: Does it serve your intention?Life can be lived on automatic pilot, where we can lose track of our deepest desires, dreams and intentions.

Rhinoplasty: How a Nose Job Can Improve Your Breathing and Sleep

Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, is a procedure performed to correct or improve the appearance of the nose. It is often combined with other procedures, such as a septoplasty, to correct breathing problems related to a deviated septum.

The Importance of Fluoridated Bottled Drinking Water

Because it is extremely important to stay well hydrated all year long, carrying bottled drinking water with you or having bottled water delivered to your home or office can be of great benefit to you, your family, and your colleagues.

Will diet pills work for me?

I am at least 100 pounds overweight if you consider the standard weight norms. I tend to overeat and lose control seven out of ten times. My family is tired of spending money on various weight loss medications, exercising machines, gym memberships and I am tired of dieting plans.

FAQs on Slimming Pills and Herbal Weight Loss Pills

Slimming Pills Slimming pills can be any of the following – appetite suppressants, certain chemical derivatives, laxatives, herbal weight loss pills, amphetamines, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, neuropeptide-y inhibitors, and beta-3 adrenergic receptor stimulants.

Bisphenol-A and the Safety of Your Plastic Water Bottles

BPA, or Bisphenol-A, is a polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin building block that is used globally as the primary component in plastic water bottles.

Pinpointing a Natural Pain Relief Option

Pain comes in many different shapes and sizes. Pain can rear its ugly head as mild discomfort that "comes and goes" or severe, excruciating agony that takes our breath away.

Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS

Hypnotherapy for IBS, “Will I cluck like a chicken?” Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Does this mean that IBS is all in the mind? The answer is No, it’s not all in your mind, but your mind can help you to dramatically reduce the symptoms of this illness.

Low Self Esteem- I think I have it but what can I do?

Low or poor self esteem is a term given to the state of being which can actually be pretty hard to describe, let alone understand. As in the case of ‘depression' the phrase ‘low self esteem' is used to describe the underlying cause of a range of observable behaviours.

Counselling- I want to feel better but the thought of it scares me.

As you read this short article, it may be that you already have some curiosity about counselling and the world of talking therapies. But I can't really know what your motivation to read this is and I don't make any assumption.

Cold Sores - Powerful First Aid For Your Oral Herpes Cold Sore

Cold sores and oral herpes should disappear when you use these proven techniques. Read this short article now. In it you will find top first aid tips for getting rid of any oral herpes cold sore.

Job to cause big belly?

Have you ever thought if your job and waistline were getting along?I bet you have not but this is about to change. The point is not about how much you really enjoy or despise your job.

Say Goodbye to Weight Loss Programs and Hello to Self Care?

Too often our goal is pulling off the pounds that we disregard the need to care and nourish our body. Now is the time to say goodbye to weight loss programs and hello to self care.

Are You Vacation Deprived?

I recently stumbled upon a very alarming fact-every third American is vacation deprived. According to an Expedia.com survey, an estimated 51.

Increase Metabolism with Herbal Supplements & Exercise

First, what is metabolism? Simply stated, it's the rate the body burns the calories consumed. But, it's anything but simple. There are many things that significantly impact how everybody's metabolism differs.

What Causes Cold Sores - Avoid Your Next Cold Sore

What causes colds sores and fever blisters (oral herpes) in the majority of people - but not in everyone? Please let me have a moment to show you what causes cold sores in 99% of these cases.

Natural Remedies for Diseases Caused from Swimming in Public Water

Summer's here, the kids are out of school and many families are planning vacations. Or maybe this year you're just going to stay close to home and enjoy the local parks and pools.

On Site Chair Massage Cures Recession

          These are tough economic times, no doubt. In the world of business one must ask themselves, what can I do to sustain my business in such tough stressful times? Certainly the answer to that question isn't solely found in spending more money, nor is it found only in eye catching slogans or more rules and cut backs.

Big Waistline and Leptin

My online and off line experience educating people about the REAL truth behind weight loss often makes me realize how difficult it is to break the conventional thinking about weight loss.

Hypnosis and Waistline?

The use of hypnosis for weight loss has been around since AMA authorized hypnosis in 1958 as a method for controlling stress related overeating.

Self worth: The key to staying focused

Every human being is born with self worth. Sadly, the hustle of our busy lives mingled with the obsession of perfection, total success and popularity leaves little time to remember our worth.

Making exercise a reality

Do you wish you had more energy throughout the day? If you feel this way ask yourself "when was the last time I exercised?" It is a known fact that exercise energizes the body.

Building Your Body: Fuel Your Workout in the Gym the Right Way

To understand bodybuilding is to truly understand what building a body is all about. To most individuals, this is a goal that is usually set to obtain results in a short time frame, but, in actuality, this should be a way of life that can only be accomplished by setting realistic long-term goals in strength and fitness training.

Got Food Cravings? So What?

Are you craving that juicy steak with a mashed potatoes and gravy, or are you fondly thinking of the slice of key lime pie you can't wait to eat? Depending on your answer researchers can determine if you are a man or a woman or if you are happy or unhappy.

Get the lowdown on Allergies

Nothing ruins a lovely walk in the countryside like consistent sneezing, a runny nose, a wheezy chest, an itchy rash or one of the other many allergic reactions that prohibit the human body.

Children and Allergies

Today's society is discovering newer ways to ensure safety in the home, car, garden, community and school, but there are some dangers that cannot be entirely avoided.

Psychological Impact of Teenage Acne

Teenage are always concerned about acne. Acne breakouts are very common in teenage. Teenage acne not only affects you physically but mentally.

Wearing skin the right way?

Fads of fashion breeze in and out of style, whether its pointy shoes, skinny jeans, a beaded necklace or cute accessories there's always a new look to embody, but your skin is different.

Asthma and Eczema

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects approximately 7% of adults and 9% of children in the United States. Asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing, out of breath, and other breathing difficulties.

Tips on Enduring Allergies

Tips on Enduring AllergiesAllergies are not similar to a disease. In the case of a disease health practitioners will venture to find where the problem started and attack that nucleus.

Layers of Skin

Skin is one of the body's largest organs with a surface area of approximately 1.8-2.0 (square) meters and weighing 12-15% of the body's total weight.

Stem Cell Hair Loss Treatment

Stem cells are special cells that act as a repair system of body tissues like intestine, hair follicles, blood capillaries, stomach etc. Stem cells are found in all regenerative organs, that is, organs that regenerates themselves after specific time period.

Things You Need to Know Before Marriage Counseling

Sadly, 50% of Cinderella wedding days end in a divorce. If your marriage is rocky but you and your spouse want to make it work there is help: Marriage Counseling.

UV Rays

What are UV rays? UV rays are the rays propelled from the enormous sun towards our little planet Earth. These rays can help the body make vitamin D, which helps in tooth and bone development and helps the body build up an immunity towards certain diseases.

Natural Healthy Skin Looks Better Than Botox!

Hundreds to thousands of dollars can be spent on pulling, tightening and synching the saggy skin on your face but there is an easier way. Except those who have cheated healthy skin looks healthy because it is.

Ab Workouts and Core Exercises: A Circuit for Fat Loss and Strength

There are plenty of myths in the fitness industry that ab workouts will not generate fat loss. If you are just training abdominals with hundreds of crunches and other core exercises, chances are you won't generate any significant fat loss during your ab workouts.

Does your Marriage need a little Love and Tender Care?

Think back to your wedding day. It was beautiful, your spouse looked perfect and you were both head over heels in love. Do you remember doing cute things for each other, leaving little love notes, a bouquet of flowers or getting dressed up to go out together? As the years of marriage roll a along with career opportunities and children the spark of love can quickly dwindle to barely a flickering flame.

Detox: A Spring Clean for Your Body.

We clean our clothes, the house, the car, our hair, our skin but what about what's under our skin, when do we clean our body internally. Detoxification is a great way to flush out the old and harmful elements and clean our body's engine so it can fight germs, bacteria and diseases.

Ideas for Summer Exercising.

It is so funny we consistently make up excuses as to why we are not staying fit and healthy? I have heard so many times "I'll start exercising this summer because it's easier to exercise when it's sunny.

All About Hypnosis And Self-Help Cds For Guidance & Cure

Hypnotherapy is a sort of healing procedure wherein people change their habits, get inspired, reduce their stress and try to live more healthy lives.

Massage Therapy not only sounds good, it feels good.

After a rough day at work it's so nice to come home and receive a back rub from a loved one. A gentle touch helps activate and stimulate the systems of the body leaving you feeling a little more renewed and relaxed.

As a Man Thinketh

"As a Man Thinketh is written for all those seeking wisdom and tranquility in a turbulent, complex world," suggests its author James Allen.

Tobacco Hypnosis

"Cigarettes Are My Friend"Practicing hypnotherapists and Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioners hear many peculiar statements from smokers who ask for help in quitting.

The Aromatherapy First Aid Kit

When you hear the word Aromatherapy what comes to mind? Most likely you think of sweet fragrances and relaxation but have you considered first aid? Most people make sure they have a first aid kit stocked with bandages, creams, gauzes, stitches in preparation for an unfortunate event.

Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a journey like none else. Your body changes, you feel different and you look different. Some times you can feel the bones of your skeleton shift leaving you feeling unstable and up rooted.

Acne Treatment for African-Americans

It is true that skin colors may effects skin conditions, like African Americans have dark skin. As dark skin has high melanin concentration and it has to encounter challenging harsh environments.

Break the Arthritis Pain Circle

Osteoarthritis is caused by damage to the Joint Cartilage. Damage to the Cartilage can be caused by injury (old and new), poor circulation, obesity, repetitive strain injuries, poor joint alignment and poor absorption of the nutrients required for good joint health.

Loosing Weight Fast is BAD!

Magazines are littered with articles about weight loss programs with immediate results. These programs remind me of scam business programs that profess you will make millions of dollars but in reality never follow through.

Manuka Honey and Arthritis - the New Zealand Honey with natural analgesic qualities

Manuka Honey is now being used for its natural pain relieving properties in the treatment of Arthritis. It is gaining popularity as a natural analgesic when applied directly to the skin, it penetrates the surface of the skin and disperses deep into the body tissues where it acts to reduce inflammation in muscles and joints.

Navigating Your Path to Health

Many new cars today are equipped with automotive navigation systems. These systems use satellite technology to locate the car and provide directions to a location of our choice.

Diet to Prevent Acne

Acne is considered as adolescence skin disorder but fact is that people has to suffer with it in their adulthood, and in some cases it lasts in sufferer's thirties and forties.

Quit Smoking And Start Living With Help Of Hypnotic Tapes

For all those hardcore smokers, to quit smoking is a tall task for them. There are many who want to quit smoking, but are not able to do so. That is because their craving for a cigarette is more than their will to quit it.

How to Reduce Your Body Weight through Self Motivation?

In today’s era, where women are dieting to the extent of suffering from anorexia, having a bulging and plump body is no doubt, a literal curse.

How to Control One's Mind?

We might blame our failures on cut throat competition, growing population and other miscellaneous causes, but our biggest setback is lacking the complete knowledge of how to control our mind.

Hypnosis : Its Misconceptions and Solutions

Innumerable movies have adopted misleading usage of hypnosis techniques to bestow a confusing image on the audience's minds. Thus, a lay man imagines hypnosis as a kind of brain washing and mind controlling procedure.

Ensure You Benefit From Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy involves the most advanced and effective sessions. You must only be sure that the hypnotherapist who is delivering or preparing it is qualified and fully certified.

Internet Vs Hypnosis Recordings

Initially, hypnosis failed to be a crowd pulling subject. However, nowadays it is one of the widely researched, utilized and appreciated subjects.

Career as A Hypnotist

Interesting, crowd pulling and engrossing! No matter, where the hypnotists are, they are able to attract countless number of people. They are the centre of attention.

Child Birth and Hypnosis

Painful labor pain! Uncontrolled sensation of being torn apart! High blood pressure and panic! Every pregnant lady undergoes these agonizing situations during the time of child birth.

Brain wash People In A Positive Manner Through Hypnosis

Thoughts are very powerful; they form the seeds of your future life. Thoughts have the power to destroy or create you. So, be careful of what you think throughout your day.

Root Out Your Fears And Phobias With Hypnotherapy

Some are terrified of cockroaches, while there are people who hate the sight of spiders. Some are afraid of the dark, while many feel dizzy at great heights.

A Permanent Solution to Your Excess Weight

The problem of excess weight is very common. This is so despite the many weight loss programs that we see everyday. What does this indicate? It says that the programs that exist are only ways that give temporary help.

Message for Permanent Change

I have actually come to realize that there is nothing hard in this planet. Any dream that we have can be realized if we manage to take care of our conscious minds.

The Facts about Urges and Cravings

The very moment you will manage to lose weight by hypnosis, you are bound to enjoy a slim and sexy body for as long as you are still alive. You will also be able to declare two more achievements.

The Truth about Weight Loss Hypnosis

Did you know that weight loss hypnotherapy can really help you lose and manage your weight? If you didn’t then it is high time you got it right.

Get Up and Hypnotize Yourself

It is very possible to hypnotize yourself to lose weight. There are several channels that you can use to be sure that you get to achieve this.

Quick and Professional Help with your Weight

Those who have gotten help from weight loss hypnosis reviews will agree with me that these reviews are very helpful. We know that there is no field that lacks scammers.

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy, most commonly known as Peripheral Neuropathy is a condition of damaged nerves in the peripheral nervous system. The nerves of the body serve a vital roll in communicating to the brain about the rest of the body.

A CD that is worth Your Attention

The truth with cigarettes is that it makes millions while killing millions. This is a very true sentiment. The company that produces cigarettes is making millions from the million smokers.

How Hypnotism Can Help you Quit Smoking

With self discipline, hypnotism and quitting smoking is very possible. Probably you may never believe this from the word go but it is the truth.

Do Not Be Misled by Media

Even if you are an addicted smoker, it is very possible that you can be like the hundreds of people who have benefited from quit smoking through hypnosis and are now planning positive healthy lives.

Three Ways for Quitting Smoking

In order that we manage to help quit smoking, we must work together. It is the togetherness that will see us quit smoking ourselves and even help others quit smoking.

Online Hypnosis Will Save your Family

If you have a genuine desire to quit smoking, you can do it. The secret to successfully quit smoking and enjoy your freedom is to get into the online hypnosis to quit smoking.

When Smoking is Due to Stress or Anxiety

To be able to successfully quit smoking, you must ascertain why you are smoking. There are two major reasons why people would normally smoke and get addicted to the behavior:    * Some people smoke due to some stress or anxiety.

The Power of Hypnosis Downloads

The trick with hypnosis is in the messages you get from the subliminal audio download. This audio CDs, tapes or even MP3s are of very high quality.

Subliminal Messages from the MP3 Download

Within you is the ability, seed of greatness, unlimited potential that is waiting for stimulation of your desire to spring fourth and give you the desires of your heart and mind.

Get the Subliminal Power Now

Subliminal power lies within the subliminal messages. That is why when you get a prompt to download subliminal messages, you must never hesitate.

Hypnosis Downloads : Caution and Advice

Subliminal power lies within the subliminal messages. That is why when you get a prompt to download subliminal messages, you must never hesitate.

Pets as Therapy

Ever since I was a child I have loved animals. Growing up I was keeper of the rabbits and cats, all my animals were given names and had definite personalities.

Stress and our health

(Article drawn thanks to the public talk held in London by John Veltheim, founder of the BodyTalk System in May 2008) Every one of us has resigned ourselves to stress as our ‘inevitable, unwelcome companion’.

Healthy, effective communication

It's the era of Internet and we can talk in seconds with someone on the other side of the planet, but there's never been a time of deeper isolation than this one.

Treating Tight Hamstrings

AnatomyHamstrings are a fantastic group of muscles that all originate on the ischium and posterior femur, cross both the hip and knee joints and insert into the tibia and fibula.


What is Acupressure?Acupressure is an ancient science that focuses on specific meridians (channels) of the body that generate energy to activate the body's natural healing ability.

Breast Cancer Treatments

Generally breast cancer is treated by medications, surgery and Radiation therapy. In past few years there is a decline in deaths due to breast cancer as treatment techniques and screening methods have improved, and it can be diagnosed at an early stage.

Yes, You Can Meditate! Find Out What Your Meditation Style Is

  How can I be more psychic? Meditate. How can I hear my angels and guides better? Meditate. How can do I know I'm making the right choice? Meditate.

Acupressure Points

Acupressure is an ancient practice that began roughly 5,000 years ago. Acupressure focuses on stimulating the body's natural ability to heal.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on reliving stress and tension in the body through the hands and feet. There are reflexes in the hands and feet that correspond to glands, organs and other parts of the body.

Sailing the Seven Seas of Life

From the book ... The Joys of Live AlchemyWhen we arrive into this world, we enter as a ship that navigates by the forces of nature and propelled by the power in the invisible auras of Spirit.

Cold Sore Cures - Is There A Cure For Your Cold Sores?

Cold sore cures - there has been a lot of argument whether or not they actually exist. Right now, I would like to give you the facts and put an end to the confusion about cold sore cures for good.

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores - Treating a Cold Sore Safely

Want to know how to get rid of cold sores effectively? Read this quick article and discover how to get rid of cold sores, oral herpes and fever blisters with ease.

Postural Assessment for Beginners

If you have spent any time at all in the massage world you will probably have heard of postural assessment. Like many of us, you have probably got more than your fare share of clients suffering from upper back and neck pain, perhaps resulting from the fact that they spend long hours slumped at a desk in front of a computer monitor with terrible posture.

Using Stretching Techniques

When I was training as a physiotherapist I asked a supervisor what she thought was the most important advice she could give me. "Always remember," she said, "that what you do in the 40 minutes that you spend with a patient is of little significance.

Indian Head Massage

What is it?An Indian head massage is a noninvasive massage of the scalp, neck and shoulders. Sometimes oil is used to help activate and stimulate the nerve endings and break up tension in the tissue.

Clearing the Hurdle to Becoming Fertile

Since man and woman first walked on the earth, the existence of human beings has been dependent upon our ability to reproduce. This is, of course, true for all animals.

Understanding Bad Breath

It is an unpleasant odour. It is a common name for the condition called HALITOSIS. Sometimes a persons bad breath can blow you away and the person might not realize there is a problem.

What Are Flower and Vibrational Essences

FLOWER & VIBRATIONAL ESSENCESFlower and Vibrational essences or remedies as they are sometimes known come in many forms. The most famous of these are Bach Flower Remedies which were first prepared by Dr Bach (pronounced "Batch") in the 1930s.

EFT - the best self-help for stress

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques – is a brilliant self-help tool for stress.  One of the beauties of the approach, which is based on the ancient Oriental idea of energy being organised in the body via meridians – is that it can provide both skilled depth therapy with an experienced therapist and a self-help tool that anyone can use for themselves.

Overcoming Acute Anxiety & Depression with Bioenergy Healing

When Brenda* walked through the door of the Bioenergy Healing Clinic in August 2007 she was shaking from the tremor that engulfed her entire body.

6 Easy Remedies For Headaches

Since I started eating a 95-100% raw vegetarian diet, it is very, very unusual that I get a headache.  But once in a while I still do.   These are the strategies that I take to get rid of them.

How To Get Chemical Toxins Out Of Your Life

In doing some research for an ebook I wrote recently, I was shocked to discover this statistic: since 1965 over 10 million chemical compounds have been created in labs!   That's a LOT of new chemicals that we can potentially be exposed to.

The Colon Cleansing Diet – What It Is And How To Use It

Of the major types of colon cleansing, the colon cleansing diet is the most simple and, in the long term, probably the most effective.  Once you learn what the optimum colon cleansing diet is - what you should and shouldn't eat -  you have the basic tools you need to safely and effectively colon cleanse anytime you want.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the pure and concentrated energies held within the plants cells. These aromatic cells are located in specific parts of the plants.

Pregnancy Cautions: Caffeine, Stress, & Depression.

While a child is developing in the womb major imprints are made on the developing nervous system that may affect brain health, growth, obesity, and future cardiovascular risk.

Alignment: A Key Component of Fitness

Over and over we are being told to get healthy by eating healthy foods, exercising and sleeping. You can control what you eat and how much you sleep but exercising is a little different.

Jumping Into the Void and Finding My Passion and Work

Leaving my financially secure job and jumping into the void was the catalyst for finding my passion and work. For years, I wallowed in a position that was extremely lucrative with lots of perks, but was bereft of values dear to my heart.

Lysine for Cold Sores - Will It Help Your Cold Sore?

Lysine and Cold Sores - Does It Cure A Cold Sore?by Denny BodohLysine and cold sores? A great remedy if you use it the right way. If you will let me, I would like to share with you the right and wrong way to use lysine for cold sores.

Cold Sore Symptoms - What You Must Watch For With Cold Sores

In this article, you will learn the most common of cold sore symptoms. And, you will probably find that your symptoms are similar.

Relationships- Why do I feel such anxiety around other people?

Almost everything we do in life involves relationships of one kind or another. Whether it is dealing with the local supermarket checkout assistant, bringing up children, interacting with colleagues in the workplace or talking to your child's teacher at Parents' Evening.

Chocolate does not Affect Acne

Chocolates are one of the most favorite food of all generation. Every one loves to eat chocolate. But unfortunately people associate chocolates with acne.

Guide To Fat Loss Supplements

Renowned psychologist Professor Albert Mehrabian claimed that 53% of communication is "non-verbal and actually comes from a person's appearance" (Mehrabian, 1972.

Breathing Facilitates Life

Have you ever considered the importance of breathing? It's seems so simple and yet it is vital to our existence. Breath is the foundation from which we live.

6 Natural Remedies for Insomnia

Does this scene sound familiar?You lie in bed trying to relax, yet you play the day's events over and over in your mind. You dwell on money problems.

Rogaine or Generic Minoxidil, Which One Is More Effective?

Rogaine was the first medical drug in history approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating hair loss. By now it has been approved and is available as a cure for hereditary hair loss in many other countries of the world.

A Quick and Easy Guide To Internal Cleansing

These days there is a lot of talk and more than a little bit of hype about internal cleansing and detoxification.   In this article I want to clarify what internal cleansing is, identify the types of cleansing and give you an idea of where to start.

Medicine: Conventional or Alternative?

Which do you choose? I propose the idea that you don't have to make a choice. Both types of medicine offer different packages for health.

Corporate Wellness - has it been highjacked?

Wellness is a great concept. It brings happiness into health and encourages a truly holistic approach to life. Wikipedia defines wellness as a healthy balance of the mind-body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.

Learning to Love

I recently asked a 46 year old man what importance his marriage has in his life, expressed as a percentage. His instant response was 80%, on the grounds that his marriage impacts and is impacted by his work and almost every other aspect of life.

Use Therapy To Heal A Smoking Addiction

Definition of an AddictionAn addiction is a chronic condition that recurs over and over. It is the same regardless of the substance. According to the definition found on MedicineNet.

Nitrogen Balance in the Body and Muscle Growth

The phenomenon that is dating is a somewhat fickle event even at the best of times. I am at the grand old age of 21 and still don't fully grasp the thing, however one thing I have learnt is that money and thought invested in the date is often a large determinant of the outcome.

The Sleep Challenge

Ask any new mum what were the two most important factors of motherhood in the early days and she will say; food and sleep. Sleep is an essential element of the foundation that leads to happiness in this life.

Relaxed parents are stress management experts

An interview with Sarah McCrum, director of the Academy of Potential EducationJimmy Allen: If you were to give parents a simple and quick piece of advice to help with stress management and improving their children's behavior, what would that be?Sarah McCrum: Well, I once met a parenting consultant who showed me something I have never forgotten.

Relaxation cures information overload

We are increasingly overloaded with information as the information era gains pace. The amount of information we have to deal with everyday is growing at a phenomenal rate.

6 Reasons to do Yoga

Increased breathing capacity. Most people are not utilizing a third of their breath capacity and therefore they become anxious easily, have a hard time breathing while exercising or have oxygen starved muscles equating to muscle tension.

Improving your child's happiness in a fast-changing society

An interview with Sarah McCrum, director of the Academy of Potential EducationJimmy Allen: What can parents do to improve their children's happiness and overall behavior?Sarah McCrum: Many parents are facing a big problem these days.

Made in the Shade

Last year, my wife and I moved to Boise, Idaho, also known as the city of trees. The name Boise comes from the French word boisé, which means "wooded" or "forest-covered", and compared to the desert landscape to the south and west, the name Boise is very appropriate.

Amazing Discovery for Enjoying Life More – Natural Relaxation

To really enjoy ourselves in life, we often feel that we have to do something special. We dine at a fashionable new restaurant, go to a party or see the latest movie.

“But I don’t want my Vitamins!â€

Growing up my mum would give me enormous vitamins. Sometimes I would swallow them but mostly I'd hide them in the sofa. I'd wine to my mum over and over "do I have to take my vitamins?"Are vitamins essential to a healthy diet? This question has been asked by so many people small and tall.

Do Less, Stress Less - Achieve More

Relaxation has a bad reputation - many people are afraid that if they relax they will become lazy, slow or sleepy and they will do less. They connect good performance with hard work.

Relaxation at Work, Works

Whilst everyone likes the idea of being relaxed at work it is difficult in most companies to find the necessary support to make that kind of holistic change.

MInd over Matter

Mind over matter. What an interesting phrase. How often do we allow ourselves to become consumed by the matter? Perhaps the matter is physical pain or emotional pain.

Family and the Future of Love Relationships

If you look at the average 20 year old, the chances that they have had any real education about relationships and love are pretty slim. Growing up as kids, they probably learned a little biology about the male and female body; they've possibly read some love poetry by Shakespeare or some other great author; they've usually watched their parents relationship going through some significant ups and downs with little explanation about what's going on.

Real Life Story; How An Obese 13st 8lb Woman Became A 7st 7lb Fitness Model

It's no secret that celebrities are all in great shape, but you would be as fit as a butchers dog too if you had personal trainers, your own chef and gym doors opening for free wherever you went.

5 Tips to Improve Parenting

1. Patience. In a world full of turmoil it can be really difficult to cultivate patience but as hard as it may be it is essential to happiness.

Kids and Parents Talking About the Facts of Life

When parents decide to talk to their kids about 'the facts of life' it usually leads into one of those embarrassing situations (from the children's point of view) where parents feel it's their duty to make sure their children know how a baby is made.

How about a Hot Stone Massage?

A hot stone massage is a massage that utilizes delicate cut and heated volcanic basalt stones. These types of rocks are chosen because they retain heat well and have a relaxing effect on the muscles.

Colon Cleanse - What Fiber Does In a Cleanse and Why It Is Important

Just like the rest of the body, the colon is designed to clear and clean itself naturally.  If it didn't we'd be in trouble in just a few days.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

An organic apple a day keeps the doctor and the pounds awayOne of today’s great debates is whether or not organic fruits and vegetables are better for us than chemically enhanced crops.

Enhance your Health with the Best Colon Cleanser

The healthcare industry has identified and proven the need for the best colon cleanser that would definitely spell a great difference for the human body’s health and wellbeing.

What You Can Do To Age Healthily

Age is a fundamental change that occurs to every one. Some people try to avoid it by spending excess amounts of money on plastic sugary to pull, tighten, synch and tuck unwanted sings of their age.

Getting Rid of The Common Cold

With the weather changing and getting prepared to welcome the upcoming winter season there is a good chance the not so delightful common cold may pay you a visit.

Skilled End-of-life discussions

End-of-life discussions need skilled and sensitive approachHealth care professionals need sensitivity when delivering the news of a patient's imminent death, states an editorial in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only) http://www.

Long-Term Negative Consequences of Using Club Drugs on Teens

The term 'club drugs' refers to a wide variety of psychoactive drugs mostly abused by teenagers and young adults, often at raves or trances (all-night dance parties), dance clubs and nightclubs.

Severe Food Allergy Sufferer and Bodybuilding Champion

Scottish born Bodybuilding Champion Kerry Napier's achievements to date are nothing short of impressive; 2004 Scottish BNBF Middleweight Champion and in the same year he won the British BNBF Overall Championship thus turning professional.

Reality of Treating Premature Grey Hair

Premature grey hair is usually associated with thyroid problems, excessive stress, diet rich in animal fats, vitamin B deficiency and smoking.

Get Health Now With Ease and Enjoyment

Everything in life exists in a natural balance. We breathe in, we breathe out. The sun rises and sun sets. The tide ebbs and then flows. In Eastern philosophies, this principle is described as yin and yang.

Don’t Let Worry Destroy Your Health

Worrying never gets good results. It is not good for our emotions, our health, our creative ability or for fulfilling our life. Still we worry that if we don’t stress out and worry like everyone else, how will others judge us? Will we be perceived as crazy, not normal, not right or as having low morality? Why does most of the world live life this way? It is almost inconceivable to think that you can stop worrying.

Worry - Breaking the Number 1 National Habit

Everybody worries. It is practically a national pastime – the #1 habit of stress. The whole world worries about peace and health. Worry is common for human beings.

Startling Evidence of Brain Decay at Age 39

The coating on your nerves, like the black protection around electrical wires, is called myelin sheathing.  Deterioration of myelin sheathing causes a “leakage” of electrical energy out the sides of nerves, resulting in disrupted function.

The Safety of Lead-Based White Hair Colorants

Lead is one of mankind's oldest used metals. Lead and its compounds have been employed for thousands of yeas in many areas of life, from construction to gastronomy.

Food Intolerance Explained

Introducing food intoleranceAccording to Allergy UK up to 45% of the UK population is affected by food intolerance. It can however often be a hidden and misunderstood illness causing chronic pain or unpleasant and persistent symptoms.

Teen Sleep Problems Lead to Depression & Drug Abuse

Sleep problems in children and teens have reached a crisis level in America. New science shows that these issues are setting the table for obesity, depression, drug abuse, and future cardiovascular disease.

9 Steps to End Crying – Possibly for the Rest of Your Life

Imagine crying better or not even crying at all! The following stress reduction and relaxation techniques work for children and adults in their moment of crying because nobody really wants to cry and everybody wants to be happy and stress free whether they can admit it or not.

Theanine – A Nutrient for Relaxation

Theanine is the active component of green tea responsible not only for its taste but also for its relaxing effects. In 1999 a method for concentrating a purified form into a dietary supplement was perfected (Suntheanine).

How to improve posture and how imagery can help.

No one likes to be told their posture is bad. Being told your posture is bad feels like judgment is being cast on your entire self. Bad posture makes you think of laziness, sloppiness or clumsiness none of these are positive qualities and few people like to use these words in describing themselves.

Magnet Therapy

Magnetic therapy increases blood through a magnet and the electromagnetic fields within the body. A magnet is placed on certain parts of the body and activates positive and negative blood cells; the result is faster flowing blood.

Flawed SELECT Study Attacks Vitamin E

The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) SELECT study (Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial) for prostate cancer in men was halted this week after initial data analysis showed that selenium and vitamin E, taken alone or together for an average of five years, did not prevent prostate cancer.

Building Self Confidence

Some definitions of confidence:1.Full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing: We have every confidence in their ability to succeed.

Asthma Myths

Myth: Asthma is a psychological issue.Asthma is inflammation and constriction within the lungs. The constriction begins in the lungs and that in its self can trigger emotional stress which aggravates the situation.

Bone Drugs Cause Serious Atrial Fibrillation

The bad news for bisphosphonate bone drugs just keeps on coming. The issue of commonly used bisphosphonates like Fosamax causing atrial fibrillation has been hotly debated for over a year.

Why Mothers should Stretch…

Being a stay at home mother to a young 18 month old boy I often feel exhausted, have low energy and have constant tightness in my neck, shoulders and back.


If your anything like me the word "meditation" creates the image of a person sitting cross legged with their arms rested on their knees, thumb and middle finger touching, eyes closed and the sound of monotone humming or water in the background.

Post Pregnancy Pilates Testimonial

Pilates is an incredibly adaptable exercise program that challenges the body's mind and muscles to work in unison. The exercises can be adapted to fit the needs of a wide range of individuals.

Low Vitamin D Contributes to Thyroid Problems

Researchers at UCLA tried to show that low vitamin D would make an autoimmune thyroid problem worse. Their experiment was based on the idea that vitamin D has a dampening effect on an excessive and inappropriate immune response in many areas of your body, so they figured this was likely to apply to the thyroid as well.

Baby Steps in Education

It appears that California has been busy lately. When I speak of busy, I speak of different schools getting busy on combating this problem of Peer Abuse and bullying.

What defines a sports massage and how can it help me?

Different people put different pressures on their body due to the activity and life style they engage in. The glorious aspect of massage therapy is there are so many subcategories that are specifically designed to help certain people.

The Dangers Of Mobile Phone Radiation & Wireless Technology

Mobile, Portable, Cordless and Cell phones, and Wireless (WiFi) Internet Technology give off the most aggressive form of electromagnetic radiation known to man, because interferes with subtle invisible brain waves and is damaging to the DNA in our body cells.

Personality can hide depression

According to a research published online by the journal International Psychogeriatrics a person's personality can hide the common symptoms of depression.

Endometriosis and Homeopathy

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Desperate Big Pharma Push to Double Statin Sales

In the face of overwhelming negative science the statin marketing machine marches on, now suggesting that statins should be given to middle aged men and women even though they don't have elevated cholesterol.

What is Bowen Technique/Therapy?

Bowen Therapy, created by Tom Bowen a native Australian during the 1950"s, is a method that involves moves that send signals to the brain reminding it to heal itself.

How to Measure Someone for a New Wheelchair

Medical equipment including wheelchairs, electric scooters and other durable medical equipment is needed by many people.  When purchasing a wheelchair, it is important to make sure the wheelchair fits the user.

Healthy Children, Happy Life

It is alarming that so many children are obese or along the path to becoming obese. Why are we allowing the poor children of today to live certain lifestyles that encourage poor nutrition with limited if any exercise? A recent study lead Dr.

Are Vaccinations Causing Early Alzheimer’s?

The issue of cognitive decline and the more advanced Alzheimer's disease is predicted to be a public health crisis in America over the next 20 years, as the swell of baby boomers hits the age when problems manifest.

Healthy Way to Lose Weight Fast - 5 Tips to Reach Your Ideal Weight

Losing weight can be confusing because of the numerous diet plans that promise results in mere days. All too often do we find ourselves spending money on these fad diets that generally work, but not for long.

Niacin: Can It Help Your Cardio Health?

More than 50 years of research indicates that niacin can help lower your triglycerides, raise your HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), improve your circulation, and lower your LDL cholesterol, including Lipoprotein A.

Obesity and the Path to Heart Disease

New research shows that obesity causes heart disease even if the obese person does not have high cholesterol or diabetes. Using advanced nanosensor technology researchers at Ohio University were able for the first time to pinpoint several mechanisms in humans that link obesity to heart disease.

Reasons Why I Run

After having my baby a year and a half ago I began to develop the desire to regain command over my body. I have always lead an active life with dancing, walking, Pilates, horse ridding, swimming and the general rushing around that consumes most of my day but I had never really run.

Chiropractic Medicine

Chiropractic is a field of study that analyses and treats the disorders found in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems and how they affect the general health of a human being.

How Botox helped facial exercise

How Botox helped facial exerciseThe idea of exercising the face has been around for a very long time – indeed some facial exercises can be found in yoga.

Make the choice to age graciously

As the years roll on bodies tire and the mind slows down: is there any another way? The fact is age comes to every one but everyone has the choice to slow down the consequences of aging.

Homeoapthy the route to success

Homeopathy the route to success.I felt it would be encouraging for anybody contemplating homeopathic treatment to write an article on cases that have been successfully treated using homeopathy.

Erectile Dysfunction: A Women’s Point of View

There is a great deal of information targeted towards men as it relates to erectile dysfunction. At first glance, this makes good sense. The problem is one that is physically experienced only by men.

Tis the season for a Cold!

      With all the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season the last thing you want to deal with is a cold. Somehow a sore throat, horse voice and stuffy nose sucks the fun out of the Holiday Festivities.

Fit Five Kids

FitFive Healthy Kids Program gets children off to a good start in life.For children to be fit and healthy they require a balanced diet and sufficient exercise from their earliest years.

The Do's and Don'ts of Christmas Eating

The fact is Christmas is filled with food. Throughout time food has brought families and friends together, food is a tradition. Food is glorious! Especially Holiday recipes they seem to hold many memories and foster a feeling of togetherness.

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage by Christine Townley Sussex Thai Massage School BrightonTraditional Thai Massage is often referred to as Thai Massage, Thai Bodywork, Thai Yoga Massage or applied yoga for lazy people.

Alternative Christmas Gifts, Part 2.

Here are more unique ideas of Christmas gifts that will enhance a loved ones life:Skin CarePerhaps you have a teenager who suffers with bad acne.

Tips on staying stress free during the Christmas Season

It's ironic that the season of Christmas that originated from a humble beginning has transformed into an extravagant procedure with shopping, decorating, cooking, planning parties and attending functions.

Oprah’s Weight Is National News – Again

I have warned repeatedly that no person can win a willpower battle with out-of-control leptin. Oprah is the living proof, the yo-yo dieter who is the poster child for leptin problems.

Supporting Your Partner Through Erectile Dysfunction

Being a supportive and understanding partner when your mate is suffering from erectile dysfunction is vital to the survival of the relationship during this period.

The Amazing New World of HDL Cholesterol

The new scientific toolbox is being used to poke around in HDL's house, only to find good news and bad news. HDL has been labeled "good" cholesterol because it helps remove damaged LDL cholesterol from your arteries and has generally been associated with having less cardiovascular disease.

Alternative Christmas Gifts, Part 1.

Christmas shopping can become a burden as you try to figure out what others might like, need and enjoy. Christmas gifts often just become another item on the To-DO list and you end up grabbing a gift from the store without really determining if that gift would benefit your friend.

Step by Step Guide to Control Acne

Acne is a universal problem. Every person has to face it once in his life especially in teen years. As acne is said to be hormonal problem that’s why in teen years when major hormonal changes occur, acne attacks people.

Examining Active Substances of Natural Hair Loss Cures

Herbs have been used in traditional folk medicine of many cultures since the dawn of time to treat various hair conditions. Admittedly, traditional remedies have not always been successful in treating baldness and to this day no ultimate herbal or medicinal cure for genetically-determined hair loss conditions exists.

Are Generic Drugs As Safe And Effective As Brand Name Drugs?

Are generic drugs as safe and effective as brand name drugs?  In most cases, the answer to that question is yes.  This question has come about due to some myths about generic drugs that need to be cleared up.

Myths and Facts about Generic Drugs

Generic drugs are a topic of conversation that can be controversial.  Some people tout generic drugs as a safe, economical alternative to brand name drugs, while others complain that they're lower quality, less effective, or dangerous.

Liquid Vitamins – Are They Better Than Pills?

While our digestive system seems better equipped to absorb liquid vitamins and minerals rather than those in tablet or capsule form, you may wish to make some comparisons before you decide which is better for you.

Response Ability

As an acupuncturist, I see a lot of patients who are interested in learning what action to take in order to become healthier. They ask questions about why their elbow hurts, why their digestion is sluggish, or why they suffer from chronic headaches.

What is Endometriosis ?

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining on the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood which instead some of the endometriosis tissues grows somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Oral Contraceptive Combination Pills and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Causes Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in the previous article, during the last stage of menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of uterus is expelled which is known as menstruation blood, but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is GnRH Agonists??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Is Abdominal Hysterectomy ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Oral Contraceptive Pills and Circulatory System

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Oral Contraceptive Pills and Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Is Obama Bailing Out Big Pharma’s Bursting Bubble?

Bubble economics has become a painful financial lesson for America and the rest of the world. Will we learn from our mistakes? Will we get smarter about recognizing bubbles before they burst, so that the air can be let out of them in a less painful manner? It appears that our new president, in his passion to provide health care for everyone, is about to pump hot air into a bubble that is ready to explode under the weight of its own fraud and lack of results.

Understand Potential Risks and Complications of Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Progestogens and Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

The Good, Bad, Side Effects and Risks of Progestins

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Prostaglandins Inhibitors ?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

How Endometriosis Affects Women's Life

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

How Xenoestrogen Causes Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

How Endometriosis Elevate Abdominal and Pelvic Pains

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood.

What Is Vaginal Hysterectomy ?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

How Endometriosis Effects the Reproductive System

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis and Irregular Menstruation

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood.

The Good and Bad of Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone (GrNH)

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis and the Digestive System

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of uterus is expelled.

Effects of Endometriosis on Urinary Diseases

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood.

Effects of Endometriosis on a Woman's Emotional State

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood.

The Good and Bad of Prostaglandin Inhibitors

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis and The Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Prostaglandins inhibitors, Endometriosis, Infertility, The Causes of Infertility, Dialation and Curettage ( D&C)

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Exhibits Congenital Or Embryonic Rest to Cause Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Types of Conventional Treatment for Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Hysterectomy ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Types of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Hormonal Symptoms Of Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Cardiovascular Symptoms of Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Exhibits Inflammation to Cause Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles, during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Exhibits Coelomic Metaplasia to Cause Endometriosis?

Coelomic metaplasia is defined as some of the cells of the peritoneum (also known as the abdominal wall) developing into endometrial cells instead of normal peritoneal cells.

Healthy Weight-loss Tips

Do you live to eat, or do you eat to live?  Too many calories will make you overweight…and shorten your life.  Retain more calories than you burn off each day and you will gain weight.

What is Endometrial Ablation ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Endometrial Thermal Balloon Ablation ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Unilateral Oophorectomy ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Surviving Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

Personal trainers and gym owners across the country have BIG smiles on their faces right now. Why? Because they know they’re about to get flooded with average folk making New Year’s Resolutions to drop that extra 20 pounds and finally get fit.

What Is Cesarean Hysterectomy ?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Types of Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (LH) ??

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Progestogens and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

How Environmental Toxins Cause Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Exhibits Lymphatic Transplantation to Cause Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Sexual Activity After Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What Exhibits Hormonal Imbalance to Cause Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Coming From Alpha

No, this is not about interplanetary travel...I don't think! It's about establishing the ideal atmosphere in which to operate as an effective Practitioner in the Healing Arts.

GnRH and Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Complementary medicine treatment for Diabetes

Now-a-days Alternative Medicines or Complementary Medicines and gaining popularity, because of its curing power with out any side effects. Diabetes can be controlled without any side effects using alternative medicines.

Prostaglandins Inhibitors and Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

GrNH and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What Exhibits Iatrogenic Origin to Cause Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Types of Diagnosis

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Diagnostic Sonography

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Diagnostic Culdocentesis

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Diagnostic Cystoscopy?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Endometrial Hyperplasia?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Dilation and Curettage (D&C)?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

The Gift Of Health

As the New Year has emerged it is essential that you grasp the opportunity to start clean and provide yourself with a new start. It seems like the New Year is cluttered with goals of loosing weight, eating less, shedding the Christmas pounds or trying to get back into that special pair of skinny jeans.

Prostaglandin Inhibitors and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Questions Before Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How to Find Your Doctor Before Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What is Diagnostic Laparoscopy?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Pre Operative Evaluations Before Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Pre Operative Evaluation- Blood and Coagulation Studies

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Electrocardiogram and Chest X Ray Before Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How Conventional Medications Treat Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is an Oral Contraceptive Pill?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Symptoms and Risks of the Oral Contraceptive Pills

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Preparation for Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Vision Tips You Might Not Have Heard About

As a person who has been deep into natural nutrition for many years, and has experienced almost no illness for the last sixteen years, to discover that I had serious vision problems was a shock and a scare to me!  Thus, I started going to various eye doctors.

In the Operation Room Before Surgery

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Pre Operative Evaluation- Urinary studies and Endometrial Biopsy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Types of Anesthesia

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Anesthesiology Consultation

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What is Diagnostic Hysteroscopy?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Computed Axial Tomograghy (CT Scanning Or CAT)?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Steve Jobs’ Wasting-Away Health Problem

Yesterday Steve Jobs floated a description of his personal health problems into the public; calling them “a hormone imbalance that has been ‘robbing’ me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy.

What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Electron Beam Tomography (EBT) In Endometriosis?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

What is Endometrial Biopsy?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Hospital Admission For Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Blood Transfusion During Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Top 10 Health Breakthroughs of 2008

This year marks a major turning point in the theory of wellness and the prevention of disease. The drug-based paradigm of Western medicine is crumbling under the weight of its own massive fraud.

How to Make and Achieve Goals

It's that time of year when everyone sets goals for the New Year but few people do it right. How do you do it right? There are some crucial steps to setting and achieving goals that will ensure success-Start small.

Options of Fertility After Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Gestational Carrier After Endometrisl Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What is Progesterone Agonist?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Treating Excessive Sweating Naturally Part 1

Do you feel nervous if you have to shake hands at a meeting? Do you have to carry extra shirts to the office? Do you look for excuses to refrain from removing your shoes? If so, is it because you sweat excessively from your hands, feet, or underarms? Just because you suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) there is no need to feel so embarrassed or nervous.

What Are Oral Contraceptive Combination Pills?

As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Eggs and Embryo Freezing

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Options To Have Children After Endometrial Hysterectomy - Surrogacy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Guar Gum: The Fiber with a Swagger

Guar gum is a unique soluble fiber, a type of non-digestible complex carbohydrate that holds water as it forms a gel in your digestive tract.

How to Improve Sexual Activity After Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Hydrotherapy

I. DefinitionHydrotherapy is defined as a type of medical treatment all involving water.II. Types of hydrotherapy used in treating endometriosis1) Local packingsThe local packing consists of a wet sheet enveloping the abdomen, with a number of dry blankets packed tightly over it.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) After Endometriosis Hysterectomy?

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Menopause State After Endometrial Hysterectomy ?

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Relief For Arthritis Sufferers

How your body and mind affects your arthritis. Three things you can do that will help relieve your arthritis. Did you know no matter how bad you hurt or how sick you are, that everything you do, think and feel will have an effect on your body?This is particularly true for people that suffer from arthritis.

Reflexology and Children

For the past 18 months I have been volunteering my services as a Reflexologist, with disadvantaged children. The benefits to them is wonderful and I would recommend that all parents and families take their children to visit a Reflexologist from as young as a baby.

Symptoms of Menopause After Endometrial Hysterectomy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Is Estrogen Replacement Therapy Necessary After Endometrial Hysterectomy?

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What is Estrogen Therapy (ERT)?

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Understand Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cancer

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Other Choices Besides Estrogen Replacement Therapy

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis And Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Essential Oils

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Obesity: whose responsibility?

Few can have failed to notice that being fat is now at the top of the medical, and political agendas. Twenty-five percent of UK adults are now classified as obese, with another forty-two percent being overweight.

Endometriosis and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and What to Avoid

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Exercise

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Diet

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Herbs

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Chinese Herbs

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Ayurveda

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycleby building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Dealing With Food Allergy Myths

You’ve probably heard a lot of things in your lifetime about food allergies, some of it true, some that didn’t really seem too true.

The Best Natural Cure for GERD - 3 Simple Things You Can Do

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD as it is sometimes known is a painful problem for all of those that suffer from it. Medicated treatments can be prescribed by the doctor but sometimes a natural cure for GERD should be called upon as these medicated or synthetic treatments are only meant to be used for a short period of time and long term usage is not recommended.

The Foods That Can Cause Gastric Acid Reflux - What Are the Foods You Should Avoid

Whether or not you wish to believe it, the foods that you are eating could actually be causing the gastric acid reflux that you are suffering from.

What Causes Acid Reflux - Useful Information You Should Know

Acid reflux, a condition that affects so many people globally and yet so many people sit and suffer in silence. There are many ways in which you can cure acid reflux but before you can do this, what causes acid reflux must be understood first and the condition must be diagnosed by a medical professional.

Another Thyroid Risk: Did Your Mom Smoke While Pregnant?

A new thyroid study shows that a mother who smokes during pregnancy not only has an adverse influence on her own thyroid hormone status during pregnancy, but also passes abnormalities in thyroid hormone function on to her baby.

Communicating with your Teenager

Improving the channel of communication between yourself and your teenager is essential to a respectable and loving parent-child relationship.

Ednometriosis and Massage

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Top Thyroid Stories of the Past Year

Over the past year or so I have written a number of articles about thyroid, many of which are feature length articles. This is a considerable amount of extremely useful information.

Oprah’s Thyroid Problem Explained

Oprah is creating a lot of buzz after gaining forty pounds and simultaneously claiming she solved her thyroid problem. Her statements sent internet bloggers into a frenzy.

What is Leptin?

I have spent more than twenty years on the front lines of clinical nutrition helping thousands of people solve very difficult health problems - naturally.

Jump Start Your Weight Loss in 2009

It’s time now to clear out the holiday sludge, get your appetite back under control, and kick your metabolism into gear. There is no better way to do this than my favorite quick weight loss plan, a modified diet plan that is high in quality protein and fiber.

Endometriosis and Acupuncture

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Acupressure

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Naturopathy

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Foods

As we mentioned in other previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Biochemical Cell Salt

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Vitamin A

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Vitamin B1

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Dharma Of Sound Healing with Himalayan Bowls

Music has always been recognized as having a powerful effect on human consciousness. But in the past few years, there has been more research into the science of sound, and how sound can be used to improve our lives.

How Vitamin C Effects Women with Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Himalayan/ Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing and Cancer

Sound healing is fast becoming internationally respected as an effective modality in the healing process for many physical, emotional and spiritual conditions and maladies.

Tips for Cardiovascular Health

February is American Heart Month, a good time to get on track supporting your best friend that never gets to take a break - even for 5 minutes.

Endometriosis and Vitamin B2

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Vitamin B3

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Acupuncture and Asthma

Acupuncture is an ancient medicine. Acupuncture focuses on the theory that energy flow through meridians that map the human body. When there is a blockage in a meridian or lack of energy there is an imbalance.

The Failure Empire: Bob Greene Rakes It In, Oprah Fails

The scene is comic: Bob Greene sitting next to Oprah on her TV show, kicking off the New Year, as Oprah tries to explain to her viewing audience why she gained forty pounds - again.

Endometriosis and Vitamin B5

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Vitamin B6

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Vitamin B12

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Vitamin K

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis, Endometriosis and Biotin.oral contraceptive drug,Endometriosis,endometriosis treatment

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Folic Acids

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Choline

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Overcoming Debilitating Depression with Bioenergy Healing

The statistics for mental health problems in the UK are alarming. 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems this year in Britain, of which mixed anxiety & depression is the most common[1].

Equine Focus For Training: An Acupressure Approach

Busy, busy, busy, we are all so busy these days, even our horses are busy. They sense our state of mind and feel our stress level sometimes making it difficult to attain the right level of synchronicity for a productive training session.

Endometriosis and Bioflavonoids

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Essential Fatty Acids

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Zinc

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Iron

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Eliminate Negativity

Do you know someone who is always moaning about all the rotten things that happen to them or how they are always sick? Perhaps you are that person.

Endometriosis and Selenium

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Magnesium

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Calcium

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Potassium

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Soy Products

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Snowboarding and Sports Massage

Snowboarding is often associated with the young and reckless, but as its’ popularity rises it is being taken up by a more diverse group of active people.

Endometriosis and Dong Quai

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Probiotics

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Dark Green Leaves

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Blue Cohosh

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Matricaria Recutita (Chamomile)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Fitness Trends for 2009!

New Exercise Trends Guaranteed To Get You Fit in 2009!!! According to government statistics about 1 in 3 women in the UK are suffering from obesity.

Make Love Work in Your Relationship

It is important to make love work in our relationships. Staying true to yourself, is one of the most important pieces of relationship advice that I would give.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt ---Chloride Of Potassium ( Potassium Chloride,KC1)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt - Kali Phosphoricum (Potassium Phosphate, K2HPO4)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How to Find The Best Endometriosis Self Help Program

Endometriosis is a Chronic condition that afflicts over 5 millions women between 20- 40 years old age group in the US alone and increases rapidly in the world population, especially in Asia.

Endometriosis and Raspberry Leaf

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Helonias

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Cramp Bark

As we mentioned in previous articles endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Black Haw

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Wild Yam

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How To Choose the Best Male Fertility Self Help Program

Infertility is a wide spread problem, it affects over 5 million married couples that are of childbearing age in the US alone caused by environmental toxins, unhealthy diet, physical, and emotional stress.

Could Glutathione Be A Predictor of How Long You Will Live?

All cells in the body need water, oxygen, glucose and glutathione.  The levels of glutathione in our cells could be predictive of how long we will live.

Positive Thoughts = Happiness

Happiness is experienced by those who want it and that want begins as a floating thought. A positive thought. It is your job to embrace that thought and allow it to fill your life and transform it.

Endometriosis and Szechuan Lovage Root (Ligusticum Wallichii)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Peony

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Cinnamon

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Licorice

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Valeriana Officinalis (Valerian)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Piscidia Erythrina

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Hair and Nails, Keep Them Healthy and Pretty

It's important to many of us to have our hair and nails looking perfect at all times. Especially when the weather turns warm and we bare our toes with sandals.

The Benefits of Fiber Go Beyond Constipation Relief

HTML clipboardA diet high in fiber has been primarily associated with preventing or relieving constipation. But, the health benefits of increasing your fiber does a whole lot more.

How electricity and our homes affect our wellbeing

Our health and wellbeing is being greatly affected by the massive quantities of electricity we now bombard our bodies with. Electricity has only been around for about 100 years and in great quantity since the 1950's and we now use electricity several million times more than in the 1950's.

Make your desk work for you!!!

In the 24 hour, 7 days a week society that we live in we are forced to spend more and more time at work. A survey by the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) showed that one in six people surveyed in the UK said they were working more than 60 hours a week.

Salmonella How You Get It, How To Prevent It

HTML clipboard We've had a lot of salmonella scares this summer. First it was said to be tomatoes. Restaurants everywhere had signs up apologizing for not offering tomatoes on salads and burgers.

Flourish in Spring with Yolates!!!

Flourish for Spring with Yoga and PilatesNatural Health Company Femme Slender has teamed up with one of the world's leading Doctor's of Natural Medicine, Dr.

Sleep, As Important as Food and Water

HTML clipboard We don't seem to have a problem getting enough food. And, generally, it's easy to tell when we're getting too much or too little over a period of time.

How To Specifically Target Fat Loss

Statistics show our average dress sizes are getting bigger with over 60& of our modern world being classified as overweight. They even cater for this by super-sizing our furniture etc Overweight is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may affect a person's health.

Natural Treatment for Pleurisy

HTML clipboardPleurisy is a terribly painful condition due to an inflammation of the pleura, which is the pleural cavity that surrounds the lungs.

Pantethine – Boost Your Brain, Cardio Health, Metabolism, and Detoxification

Pantethine can dramatically change your health and improve your metabolism. Pantethine, like no other nutrient, directly fuels the production Co-Enzyme A (CoA).

BDNF Prevents and Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have provided ground-breaking proof that a natural protein called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) can prevent and treat Alzheimer’s.

Homeotherapeutics of Respiratory Illness

Respiratory Therapuetics The respiratory tract is the most common focus for prescribing in General Practice. This is because our system of airways is a very vulnerable interface with our environment.

Endometriosis and Corydalis Ambigua

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Verbena Officinalis (Verbena)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How To Find The Best Female Fertility Self Help Program

Infertility is a wide spread problem, it affects over 5 million married couples that are of childbearing age in the US alone and most often are caused by hereditary, environmental toxins, unhealthy diet, physical and emotional stress.

Endometriosis and Emmenagogues

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Journey To Oneness & Enlightenment

In August 2004 a friend of mine told me about attending an Enlightenment workshop. I had no idea what this was about, but something told me that I needed to attend.

Endometriosis and Chaste tree Berry

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Bupleurum

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Lactuca Virosa

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Anemone Pulsatilla (Wind Flower or Easter Flower)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Tanacetum Parthenium (Feverfew)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Natural Antiageing Medicine – Going Further Than Just Skin Deep

Why is it that some people age “gracefully,” while others appear tired and worn out in the prime of their life? Does the answer lie in the differences of our genetic make-up?Since the 1950s, scientists have assured us that genes control our life, and biology was considered to be destiny.

Endometriosis and Curcuma Longa (Turmeric)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Rehmannia (Chinese foxglove)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Nut-Grass Rhizome

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Obama Tries to Sneak Major Health Care Reform into the Stimulus Bill

Under the cover of emergency economic legislation the front wave of an entire new system of health care is being pushed on Americans. The strategy for this ploy was once explained by Obama’s former appointee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, and now exposed tax cheat, Senator Tom Daschle.

Cefaly – a Novel Design Electrotherapy Device For Prevention and Treatment of Headache

About Cefaly TreatmentCefaly is the first cranial analgesic electrotherapy device to have advanced Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation treatment and an ISO medical certification.

Endometriosis and Fennel Seed

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Berberis Vugaris

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Migraine relief for sufferers of migraine headache and symptoms

Migraine relief treatment Most migraineurs can deal with mild-to-moderate  migraine attacks at home. Some of the measures mentioned below will help migraine relief.

Endometriosis and Taraxacum Officinale ( Dandelion)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Silybum Marianum (Milk Thistle)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Cassia Senna

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Aloe Barbadensis

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What’s in Your Multiple Vitamin? Minerals, Detecting Real Quality.

Junky vitamins are often passed off as quality, and many times are endorsed by a physician or celebrity. There are many tricks that low quality supplement companies use to hide their poor quality, spending more money on marketing than on what is under the hood.

How to Grow 6 Inches Taller

Would YOU like to know the feeling of being 6 Inches Taller? I'm sure like me and thousands of other individuals you have always wanted a solution to GROWING TALLER!For years I was looking at how I could Grow those Extra Inches, without spending Thousands of Pounds on Surgery or taking a course of pills.

Endometriosis and Rhamnus Purshiana (Bearberry)

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How To Prevent Premature Aging With Preservative Free Skin Care

Are you damaging your skin with skin care products that contain harmful preservatives? Aging is related to accumulation of damage at cellular level.

DHA, Krill Oil & Green-Lipped Mussel – Which is Best?

DHA is the most biologically useful omega 3 fatty acid. Over the past year sellers of dietary supplements have promoted various forms of DHA-containing oils such as krill oil or green-lipped mussel as superior to DHA-containing fish oil.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oils--Calcarea Fluorica ( Calcium Fluoride, CaF2)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Shamanic Healing and Soul Retrieval

Shamanic Healing is one of the vast numbers of healing modalities available for us to experience today. Like acupuncture its roots are in the mists of time and like acupuncture it works with unseen energy.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Beech

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oils--Calcarea Sulphurica ( Calcium Sulphate, CaSO4 12H20

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt--Ferrum Phosphoricum ( Iron Sulphate, Fe(PO4)2)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Yoga

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt - Kali Sulfuricum ( Potassium Sulfate, K2HO4)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt - Magnesia Phosphorica ( Magnesium Phosphate, MgHPO47H2O)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Coenzyme Q10, Statins, and Heart Health

Coenzyme Q10 is a top cardio-friendly nutrient. Your heart has very high energy requirements and never gets to take any time off. Q10 is required for the proper production of energy at an optimal rate, around your body and specifically for your heart.

BREATHING EASY: Equine Respiratory Support

"You can take the horse out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the horse." Domesticating and stabling horses has radically changed their natural environment and can lead to some serious health issues.

IBS - The Causes, Symptoms and Cure

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a bowel disorder which is commonly characterized by abdominal pain [which can range from mild to very severe], discomfort, bloating and disruption of normal bowel habits.

Tadalafil – Backdoor to Retaining and Enjoying the Fountain of Youth

About Tadalafil Tadalafil, on sexual stimulation, causes the production and release of nitric oxide in the penis resulting in erection of the penis.

Tantric Massage

Pink Tantric massage is a process that includes knowledge, expression, and integration between one's mind and body. The spiritual connection with one's sexuality takes you to the next level of consciousness.

Ednometriosis and Natrium Sulphuricum ( Sodium Sulfate, Na2SO4)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical cells Salt-Natrium Muriaticum ( Sodium Chloride, NaC1)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissues by breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt - Natrium Phophoricum ( Sodium Phosphate, Na2HPO412H2O)

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Chemical Cells Salt - Celisia ( Silcon Dioxide, SiO2 )

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Diet ( Garlic )

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Rising Above Fear in This Time of Global Recession

Some tips and insights to overcome fearful thoughts and emotional states that cause you to contract from others and from your own sense of resourcefulness and joy:1) Leap! Liberation and empowerment always come dressed in paradox.

New Documentary Reveals How The Body Can Heal Itself‏

A collection of the world's leading researchers, scientists and doctors have come together to challenge the medical community's thinking about how to get well and stay well in a cutting edge documentary premiering at The Living Matrix: The Science of Healing conference in London on March 13, 2009.

Foot Spa Enhances the Overall Well-being and Renews the Mind, Body and Spirit

About Foot SpasBased on ancient beliefs, the feet are renowned for being the body\'s second heart and are connected to the body\'s major internal organs, the nerve lines of which end at the soles of the feet.

Changing Core Beliefs to make our lives better

Recently, well over the last couple of months, I have been going to a great gym. Well not exactly a gym but a place called Core Cambridge where I am being helped to regain core stability and a better structure~ regain my way of standing and moving in alignment.

Survive Winter Blues – Some Do’s And Don’ts

Come winter and along come dipping temperatures and chilly winds.. Just about everything is ready to wreck havoc on your skin during the winter.

How To Prevent Clogged Skin Pores?

Healthy skin is a natural consequence of cleanliness and hygiene. Yourskin isnot clean until the skin pores are unclogged and rid of all dirt and debris.

Endometriosis and Black Pepper

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedy - Centaury

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Cialis for impotence treatment in UK

Cialis (Tadalafil) online for treatment of erectile dysfunctionCialis in UK is different from other currently approved products for ED in that it stays in the body longer.

Headache Pain Relief Treatment

What are headaches? Headaches rank amongst the most common and frequent ailments. A headache is not a disease, but may be indicative of other underlying problems.

Caring For Combination Skin – Twice As Hard

Combination skin is a blend of oily and dry skin. The T-zone of the face (the forehead and the nose) remain oily while the cheeks are dry. This type of skin needs a dual treatment – the T-zone requires oily skin care while the cheek areas require dry skin care.

Endometriosis and Green Pepper

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Olive Oil

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies--Borage

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Reiki and Abundance

Reiki and AbundanceWhat do you want in life? Do you believe you can have it all? Or do you think that only the lucky ones get the big breaks in life? Are you a lucky or unlucky person?If you think you're unlucky then this article is for you.

Taking Care Of Combination Skin – How To Do It?

How do you know you have combination skin?When some parts of your face are shiny and greasy,some parts are patchy and dry! Using skin care products for oily skin makes the skin oilier and using dry skin care products further dries up the skin.

Ednometriosis and Brocoli

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Apricot

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Most Promising Hair Loss Drugs Today

When it comes to treating baldness, it is medicinal pills and topicals that spring to most peoples' minds as the options holding the greatest promise.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Years ago, while working as an engineer in Boston, I received acupuncture treatments focused on reducing the high level of stress in my life.

Vaccination - a Homeopathic Approach

CHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS - A HOMEOPATHIC VIEW This is a summary of material from a few sources, and can be used by parents as a source of information about vaccinations.

Practising in Botswana, November ’05 – May ‘06

Practising in Botswana, November '05 - May ‘06What is this paper about?Working in a place as foreign as Botswana offered me new perspectives on a wide variety of issues, which I feel compelled to share with other homeopaths.

Resolving the Mystery of the Migraine Headaches

About MigrainesA migraine is a severe headache that tends to recur with symptoms like nausea and vomiting. The pain is usually on one side of the head and there is an added sensitivity to bright lights and noises.

Recession Blues Could Be Making You Ill

Feeling down in the dumps about the credit crunch could actually be affecting your long term health, according to a collection of the world's leading researchers, scientists and doctors in a groundbreaking new documentary about getting well and staying well in the 21st Century.

Ednometriosis and Peanut

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Brewer's Yeast

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy--Calcarea carbonicais

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Covering Grey Hair Discretely and Unnoticeably

Grey hair at an early age can have different causes, such as vitiligo, vitamin B deficiency, thyroid imbalance, constant and extreme stress, anaemia, bad diet, etc.

Citizens Win Huge Supreme Court Victory over Big Pharma and the FDA

In a stunning and unexpected 6-3 ruling the right-leaning Supreme Court went against the wishes of the last president, took the wind out of the sails of health care reform of the current president, sent irresponsible Big Pharma a major wake up call, and bluntly told the arrogant FDA that they are indeed not above the rule of law.

Skin Care Products – What Works Best?

There iare plenty of skin care products in the market, each one claiming to be better than the next. Selecting the best and most suitable one becomes a daunting task.

Only 12 Weeks of Champix makes You Completely Smoke Free

What is Champix? Champix is a prescription drug which contains the active substance Varenicline. It works by stimulating the same receptors in the brain as nicotine.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy --Sepia

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and homeopathy --Lachesis

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy --Lilium Tigrum

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy - Colonthis

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy--Colonthis

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Xenical Slimming Pills – The Systemic Fat Eliminator

What is Xenical? Orlistat, the active ingredient in Xenical, attaches itself to the digestive system enzymes to successfully block the break down of fats, as a result of which the fats are not absorbed by the body.

Ednometriosis and Homeopathy --Belladona

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis grow somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy--Water Hosing

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.


Early stage renal failure is a final common path way for a number of disease processes and associated with significant morbidity and mortality.

Utilizing Quality Calcium for Health

Calcium is the primary mineral in your bones. Calcium is also needed for muscle function, blood pressure regulation, nerve function, and cellular health.


Prostate cancer and homeopathy treatment.Prostate cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that results in the formation of a tumor in the prostate gland.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy--Under Water Massage

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

What is Holiday Stress and Why Do You Get so Stressed on Holiday?

What is Holiday Stress and Why Do We Get so Stressed on Holiday?Holiday stress seems to affect a lot of people nowadays. You work so hard all year and the last thing you want is to get stressed on holiday.

Massage Therapists Guide to Marathon Runners

With the season changing, the days getting longer, more people are running and many will be training for the London Marathon in April. Some will have sensibly started the required training regime during the dark winter months, building up their stamina gradually and systematically.

Dealing with grief, a good way to remember those we love

It was the 2nd anniversary of my mother's passing and who knows what prompted me to write this, other than to pass on some thoughts. (Or maybe just some personal ramblings)There's a line in a song' you left me here, to remind me of you' and that to me is a comfort~ as long as I am here, so will she.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Aspen

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Mullein the common name for Verbascum, the Velvet Plant

This beautiful bright yellow flowered herb, usually a biennial or perennial plant, can grow up to three meters tall, through a very strong stalk which often cannot be seen because of its multitude of heavy leaves.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy--Ice and Water

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Acupressure Approach to Skin Disorders in Horses

Horse guardians dread seeing any skin disorder and especially fungal and bacterial conditions like ringworm, girth itch, and rainrot. Once any skin disorder sets up, it is a challenge to eliminate them for one horse let alone the entire barn or stable.

Pregnancy Massage with Hot & Cold Stones

An innovative new treatment is about to nourish the newly pregnant woman in the UK. For the fist time, there is a credible hot and cold stone Pregnancy and Post Labour treatment available.

Hugo's Tummy in the Fast Lane: Rebellious Stomach Chi

As Catherine took a sweeping, cloverleaf turn onto the interstate she was thankful that she had thought to bring a travel-crate for Hugo, her new 9-week-old Saint Bernard puppy.

Getting the Right Stuff: Canine Diet Assessment

"How do you know your dog is getting the right proteins, vitamins and minerals?" Most people who are feeding home-prepared, real, human-grade food to our dogs are asked this question quite often.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy--Cold Compresses

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Dog -Athlete is an Acupressure Hound

Drake is an amazing agility dog. He darts on to the course taking the triple bar in stride, running smoothly and efficiently through the entire course with grace and confidence.

Aging Gracefully: Older Cats

Acupressure can help your senior cat get more easily through her golden years, it's simple, safe and effective. Cats are often considered senior citizens by the age of ten, but many live into their 20s with ease.

Diabetes Related Problems In Men - Basic Issues

A lot has been written and said regarding diabetes in recent times. If you are getting overwhelmed by all this information, it would be better if you knew the basic facts first.

Quality Fish Oil

Over 1 billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein. Additionally, certain types of fish are rich in the essential omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

Problems Of Eye Skin Care

The skin around the eyes is more delicate and fragile than the rest of the body. This is the reason the eye area is the first to exhibit any visible signs of damage.

Ednometriosis and Hydrotherapy-- Hot Compresses

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Bergamot

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Chamomile Roman

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Clary Sage

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Erectile Dysfunction – A Treatable Malady

Erectile dysfunction also known as ‘impotence’ refers to the inability to sustain an erection for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction can be caused due to several factors and can strike at any age although it is usually seen more in older men.

How To Maintain The Right Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in the body cells and blood. A major amount of cholesterol is produced in the liver and the rest comes from our diet.

Reflexology: Restoring Your Body to Balance Naturally

Reflexology 101The body has an innate ability to heal itself. In a world that's always in a rush and looking for quick fixes, we hinder the amazing healing ability of our own body.

The Great Comfrey Miracle Worker

With its large hairy prickly green leaves growing to two or three feet high stalks, is known to have many medicinal uses that can help with a variety of health conditions.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs Are More Dangerous Than You Think

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) now affects an estimated 1.5 million Americans today, a majority of them women. Contrary to what some people believe, RA is very different from osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease.

Healthy Living without the Dis-ease

When we come across a person who shows such anger on their faces, or speaks angrily in public, one can only wonder what lesson in their life do they not want to learn.

SPF – What To Know About It?

Sunscreens protect the skin against sun damage. However, you may still be vulnerable to the harmful ultraviolet radiation of sunlight in spite using sunscreens religiously.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil---Cypress

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Geranium

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Helichrysum

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Lavender

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

The Various Forms Of Acne And How To Treat Them Effectively

Acne is a grave concern among women, both teenagers and adults. It can wreck havoc not only on the skin but also psychologically that cause people to suffer from stress and low self-esteem.


cancer Cancer become any age group person may cancer, but nearly all types are more common in middle aged and elderly people than in young people.

Ednometriosis and Essential Oil--Nutmeg

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis and Flower Remedies---Agrimony

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Calendula

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Reflexology, Crystals and Recovery from Venemous Snake Bite

The far reaching benefits of Reflexology both therapeutically and in relaxation are profound and unforgettable. My daughter then aged 22 was bitten by a venomous snake two years ago.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone (GrNH)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Garden ( Common Sorrel) Sorrel

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies --Dahlia

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Carnation

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies--Coriander

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Cornflower

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Local Honey & Allergies Revisited 2009

Some years ago I wrote several articles touting the use of local honey to help alleviate seasonal pollen allergy/hay fever symptoms. I wrote that I had seen local honey used numerous times with very good effect, that it was relatively safe, was inexpensive, and that the honey itself also had other health benefits that might be good for people with allergies.

Anti Aging Alternatives For Botox

Botox is quoted as the ultimate solution for wrinkles and fine lines. In fact, it is a highly effective treatment for a variety of skin conditions.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies-- Day Lily

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies- Delicious Monster

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Skin Care For Women In Their 50s

The Fifties is not a pleasant time for the skin unless you are particularly fond of wrinkled and saggy skin. This is a time when your skin sports very visible signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and so on.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Fuchsia

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.


DefinitionAutism s a complex developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, although it is sometimes diagnosed much later.

Know what headache and stress is all about

About tension headache More than 300 known medical disorders can produce headaches. Primary headaches include migraine, tension-type and cluster headache.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies -- Gardenia

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Garland Chrysanthemum

As we mentioned in other articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Geranium

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remdies - Gladiolus

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Stress Demands Resilience to Stay Upright Under Pressure and Meet the Challenges Head-on

About StressStress is a standard physical response to events  that threaten or upset your balance in some way. When danger is sensed - whether real or imagined - the body's defense system switches to action mode in a rapid, automatic process known as the "fight-or-flight" reaction.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Hollyhock

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Psychotherapy

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Obesity – Causes and Treatment Of Obesity

The most common health problem to date is obesity. Being overweight or obese means there is an excessive level of fat within the body, which can have a number of dangerous implications.

Natural Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss

Dietary supplements are one of the best ways to naturally support your metabolism to run more efficiently, and when combined with a healthy diet and proper eating pattern (the Leptin Diet®) and exercise, you create an opportunity to burn calories in a more optimal way.

Overcome Infertility --What is Endometrial biopsy?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Eggplant

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Creative Hypnosis: Eva Quit Smoking After Being Asked One Key Question

There are no absolute certainties for a hypnotherapist while working with a client. Clients who request hypnosis for common issues like stopping smoking may need the hypnotherapist to use a creative approach because of their unique personality needs.

One way of being grateful to feel good

Being grateful by definition is being appreciative or thankfulI wonder how many times we actually consider what we are grateful for?Maybe if we all did this more often we would realise what we have.

The law of attraction ~ or feeling good when you want

I was reading an interesting book on the subject of the Law of Attraction. How we attract what we get by the way we feel. If we feel lack, we attract more lack (I know that's not a good way of putting it but you understand what I mean) and if we feel abundant in anything we attract more of that, be it joy, happiness, wealth etc.

Chocolate Craving Quickly Conquered With Hypnosis

Every so often I have a client who needs help with chocolate. Several of them were eating one to two pounds of chocolate a day!It is first necessary for the hypnotherapist to find out if the client needs to resolve emotional issues or associations to chocolate to completely be free of the cravings for good.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Kelp

Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation.

Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss

Dietary supplements are one of the best ways to naturally support your metabolism to run more efficiently, and when combined with a healthy diet and proper eating pattern (the Leptin Diet®) and exercise, you create an opportunity to burn calories in a more optimal way.

What Happens During a First Hypnotherapy Session?

Most people are not sure what to expect the first time they visit a hypnotherapist. Typically, there is some nervousness, since the situation is unfamiliar, and because of some of the more common misconceptions about hypnosis.

The Facts on Magnesium Stearate

A few companies and some alternative health “professionals” have whipped up pointless concern over the inert flowing agent used in dietary supplements known as magnesium stearate.

Mainstream Sounding Alarms on Alternative Thyroid Treatments

Get ready for a battle between mainstream medicine and various alternative practitioners over the dispensing of thyroid hormone to treat quasi-thyroid issues.

Common Traits of the Long Lived

The oldest living person, Gertrude Baines, just turned 115. The California resident was born April 6, 1894, in Shellman, Georgia, to parents who were born into slavery.

Candida Problems Evolving

Candida albicans is a normal inhabitant of your digestive tract and sinuses. Candida glabrata is a normal inhabitant on your skin. New research is showing that Candida glabrata is turning increasingly more hostile, can rapidly change its genome to become drug resistant, and is increasingly more of a problem to individuals with compromised immunity.

Magnetic Therapy Gains In Popularity

There is no question that doctors and scientists have constantly searched for new methods to cure and treat patients for all sorts of diseases.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Lavender

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Viola

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Redemies - Plumbago

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

How to Start a Proven Weight Loss Program with Acai Berry

Most people struggle with losing weight. Blame it on the sugar cravings, mood swings, no time for exercise or something else, the pounds creep up just when we least expect it.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Poppy

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Rose

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone - Types of PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Snapdragon

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Sunflower

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Ednometriosis and Flower Remedies - Water lily

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- Emotional and Physical Symptoms

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pressing the Reset Button - Review on Bioenergy Healing

Six years after her first encounter with Bioenergy healing, Tania Ahsan meets founder Michael Cohen again to find out how his technique has developed.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Reflexology

Pre-menstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

A Dance Fitness Innovation is Taking Place in Britian\'s Schools

Are pupils in schools in England soon to be waltzing down the corridors? Dance is rapidly establishing itself as a valuable perhaps even mandatory part of the curriculum for school children.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- Causes of PMS

Over consumption of saturated fat, trans fat, artificial, caffeine, etc and under consumption of fiber, vital vitamins and minerals are typical diet in our country resulting in over production of bad estrogen leading to weakened the liver function in carbohydrate synthesis and fat and protein metabolism causing PMS.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Causes Anxiety in PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Causes PMS Food Craving

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What causes Hyper-hydration

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Causes PMS Depression

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

How PCBs Damage the Developing Brain

Researchers from UC Davis have published a collection of studies demonstrating once and for all the mechanisms explaining how PCBs, which are a widespread contaminant in the US food supply, directly alter the shape and function of brain cells causing excitotoxic changes in cells that are associated with ADHD, learning disabilities, mental retardation, and other forms of cognitive impairment.

Champix varenicline – Precautions you must take

Champix varenicline is a prescription only smoking cessation aid by Pfizer pharmaceuticals. Champix helps smokers quit by easing out the painful nicotine withdrawal symptoms and by reducing the pleasure a smoker derives from smoking.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Acupressure

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Obesity - Risk factors and Diagnosis of Obesity

Obesity – can lead to further, more serious medical health issuesObesity is a harmful condition affecting people worldwide, mainly in developed countries.

Prescription Assistance and Pharmaceutical Deals for Low-Income Seniors

Millions of low-income seniors struggle financially on a daily basis, trying to make ends meet. Coupled with the exorbitant cost of prescriptions, many other necessities, like nourishing food and medical supplies, fall to the wayside.

Happier With Your Sex Life? - Rediscover Your Sex Life

Studies have discovered that sex life is one of the major issues for imbalanced relationships. Those who are busy in their job, business or have uncomfortable routines they always find problem in maintaining their sex life happier.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit High Levels of Estrogen to Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits the Problem With Glucose Tolerance to Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit Low Levels of Estrogen to Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

What Exhibit High Levels of Progesterone To Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Too Much Adrenaline To Causes PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Thyroid Function to Causes PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Too Much Androgen to Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Skin Care Gifts For Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is the perfect occasion to spoil your Mom and show her how much you love her! Apart from a “day-off” this year, gift her something that will stay with her and remind her of your love.

Anti-Aging Skin Care Regimen – When Is The Right Time To Start?

Did they mean skin care products when they invented the phrase “an ounce (oz) of prevention is better than a pound ofcure”. Yesterday was the right time to start your anti-aging skin care regimen!Aging is an inevitable process.

Self help Reflexology Foot Massage

A daily story in the world today is ‘there are not enough hours in the day to cope' and along with that is the thought ‘are we eating healthy energy filled snacks and drinking enough water for our mind and body to cope?'.

Taking Care Of Sensitive Skin!

Skin care is serious business. Maintaining good skin health skin is a daunting task. And it becomes all the more difficult for people with sensitive skin.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Levels of Serotonin to Causes PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit Low Levels of Serotonin to Cause PMS (II)

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Stress To Cause PMS

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Homeopathy

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Swine Flu Tip – Don’t Be Your Own Petri Dish

There are a number of things you can do to reduce your chances of getting the flu.  At the top of this list is maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

What are the advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery for hip replacement?

The information provided in this article is meant to inform the patient on Minimally Invasive Surgery for hip replacement. Your orthopedic surgeon should explain to you which hip replacement is best for you and why.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome and Blood Sugar

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone and Artificial Sweetener

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone and Caffeine

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Organic Silica: Now in Stock at Blue Herbs

Blue Herbs who are one of UK’s leading suppliers of herbal and complimentary health products now have a stock of organic silica products that help us maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Be Aware of Hair Surgery Risks

The existing medical options for reversing hair loss in patients suffering from hereditary forms of hair loss are limited to relatively few treatments with most of them being only effective in the early stages of baldness.

The Lazy Person's Guide To Treating A Painful Knee Cap - Brace Yourself

Do you have any problems with your kneecap? A painful patella can be due to chronic conditions or more acute problems such as a contusion.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Light therapy

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

The Swine Flu – Are Pigs to Blame?

At the epicenter of the new swine flu outbreak in Perote, Mexico is, not surprisingly, a very large commercial pig farm. It is owned by American-based Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork packer and hog producer.

Tamiflu Causes Delirium and Suicide in Children

Our government is trumpeting how on the ball it is to get its strategic stockpile of Tamiflu out to the public. What they aren't boasting about is that their supply is about ready to expire.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Fatty Acids

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone (PMS) and Prostaglandins

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome ( PMS) and Alcohol

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Qu-chi Band provide drug-free relief from hay fever symptoms

About the Qu-Chi bandProgressively, more and more  people are seeking alternative methods of relieving their hay fever symptoms; preferably without the use of  drugs.

How to Improve and Treat Your Health With Binaural Frequency Harmonics

Our brain is an electrochemical organ, it can produce as much as 10 watts electricity. Depending in each situation, brainwaves can classify in 4 classes.

Ensure proper use of Champix varenicline

Champix varenicline is a prescription only smoking cessation aid that was first licensed for use in UK in December 2006. Developed by Pfizer pharmaceuticals, Champix has helped thousands of smokers quit smoking for life.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone and Dairy Foods

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Phytoestrogen

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Sunscreens - Do You Know How To Properly Apply Them?

Sunscreens form an essential part of any skin care regimen. Not only do they protect against the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun, but they also prevent the skin from aging prematurely.

3 Steps Towards Anti Aging Skin Care

Growing old is inevitable. And as we grow old, so we age. And that age begins to show on the face. The skin loses elasticity and fine lines and wrinkles begin to show.

Thyroid, Adrenals, & Immunity – A Clear Path to Surviving Swine Flu

The myopic public health machine is clinging to their anti-viral drugs and future experimental vaccines as their great hope for minimizing a potential Swine flu pandemic.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Salt

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Xanoestrogen

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

What are the advantages of Minimally Invasive Surgery for knee replacement?

The term “minimally invasive surgery” (MIS) has gained currency in recent years due to the advances in surgical methods and computer-assisted medical technology.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs For Kidney Deficiency

 Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS ) and Migraine Headche and Headache

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Breast Tenderness

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone(PMS) and Smoking

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

How you can take control of your mind and your life and of the programs running it, easily and once and for all

Life, like in the Matrix movies, is a really complex operating software with lots of programs, creating the illusion of reality (when the “real world” is, unlike in the movie, just consciousness and energy).

Heart Diseases Affecting Heart Muscles

As we mentioned in the previous articles, heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure that contributes to hardening of the arteries. High levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) building up in the arteries as a result of uncontrolled diet with high levels of saturated fat and trans fat.

Heart diseases Affecting Heart Valves

As we mentioned in the previous articles, heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure that contributes to the hardening of the arteries.

Heart diseases Affecting Coronary Arteries and Coronary Veins

Heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease. There are many causes of heart disease.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Acupuncture

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Heart Diseases Affecting Heart Lining

As we mentioned in the previous articles, heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Minerals

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrone : Essential Fatty acids, Tryptophan and Serotonin

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

What is the Leptin Diet?

The Leptin Diet® teaches you to maximize your ability to get energy from the food you eat - meaning you can eat less food and feel great.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs -General View

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs- Liver Qi Stagnation

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Migraine Can Be Severely Debilitating But Proper Treatment and Prevention May Help

Who get migraine?Physiologically, migraine headache is a neurological condition that is more commonly known to afflict women than men. Women experience migraines at least three times more often than men, probably because of hormonal changes.

Can Hypnosis do Anything?

We seem to be intrigued about hypnosis and the power of hypnosis.What is it? What can it do? And this question - can it so anything?And even that question can be seen as meaning different thingsto those who ask it.

Pre menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs for Liver Blood Stagnation

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Folic Acid and Vitamin D Help Allergies and Asthma

Two new studies help to show the power of nutrition to assist allergies and asthma. In one study people with higher levels of folic acid in their blood had had fewer IgE antibodies, fewer reported allergies, less wheezing and lower likelihood of asthma.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome 42 - Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Chisese Herbs- Blood Stagnation

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Organ Liver

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Ayurveda

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Massage

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

How does partial knee replacement surgery differ from total knee replacement?

Arthritic knee joints may be repaired either partially or totally - known as partial knee replacement and total knee replacement .  A partial knee replacement is also called unicompartmental or "UNI".

What is the difference between hip resurfacing and total hip replacement?

If hip resurfacing is an option, the surgeon will simply reshape the damaged surface of the femoral ball and then cover it with a round metal cap.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Conventional Treatment--The Pill

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Cialis Tadalafil Minor and Major Side Effects

Cialis tadalafil is a path-breaking oral impotence treatment medicine that has offered unfound sexual freedom to men with erectile dysfunction.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Conventional Treatment--Prostaglandins Inhibitor

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Levitra vardenafil usage for erectile dysfunction treatment

Levitra vardenafil is an oral impotence treatment pill. Levitra vardenafil is of great help to men suffering from impotence. By just popping Levitra vardenafil roughly an hour before expected sexual activity, men with ED are able to achieve and maintain firm erection long enough for successful sexual intercourse.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Conventional Treatment - Estrogen Hormone Therapy

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) And Conventional Treatment - Diuretics

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Conventional Treatment - Progesterone Therapy

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Conventional Treatment - Progestogen

Pre-menstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Conventional Treatment - Antidepressants

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamin B3

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamin B5

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamin B6

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Symptoms of Various Drugs Abuse

Not all the drugs possess potential risks when abused for the first time. The impact of drugs on the brain of the abused makes the addicted more craving for frequent and high doses of the drug.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs- White Pony ( Bai Shao)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Warning : Do Not Neglect Your Chronic Knee Ache! - Reduce Your Knee Pain

Do you have a knee pain that never really goes away?Sometimes chronic knee discomfort can make you want to just throw in your chips and give up.

Genital Warts and HPV, Treatments and Removal

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes genital warts and has been linked closely with the development of cervical cancer. Thankfully, a vaccine has been developed that can prevent most cases of HPV.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Progesterone test?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Influenza is more than a viral infection

Influenza, like all other acute diseases, is a natural attempt at self-cleansing and if rightly treated in a natural way, immense good can ensue so far as the future health of the patient is concerned.

Overcome Infertility --What is Hysteroscopy ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Bio-Resonance energy medicine

Bio-Resonance energy medicine in general, and the e-Lybra specifically, are today’s most advanced and effective technology designed to assist with self healing by bringing balance and harmony to our body and bio-fields when we are experiencing sickness or pain, physically, mentally or emotionally.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Ovulation test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exihibits Uterine Conditions To Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamin E

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Vitamin A

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Mineral - Magnesium

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Minerals - Calcium

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Types of Dementia

I. What is dementia ?About 5-8% of all people over the age of 65 have some form of dementia, and this number doubles every five years above that age.

What Causes Alzheimer's Disease

As we mentioned in the previous article, Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

How to Prevent and Treat of Alzheimer's Disease with Conventional Approach

As we mentioned in previous articles, Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

How to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's Disease with Foods

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

How to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's with Vitamins and Minerals

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

How to Prevent Stroke with Natural Supplements

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

How to Treat and prevent Alzheimer's With Supplements

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

Alzheimer's Disease :Cause, Symptom, Prevention and Treatment

I. What is dementia ?About 5-8% of all people over the age of 65 have some form of dementia, and this number doubles every five years above that age.

How to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer's with Common Sense Approaches

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

Alzheimer's Disease: What to Avoid

As we mentioned in previous articles Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named after German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect language communication, memory, lifelong hobbies or social life.

Break Through The Colitis Diet Overload

There is a huge amount of information that is available for sufferers to condense about the subject of the most appropriate colitis diet and whether there exists special proven diets that have the potential to improve a suffers health to the point that the disease is cured.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Tubal patency test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Cycling and Common Injuires

Now that the weather is becoming more cooperative for outdoor interests, a boom in activity is taking place.  Accompanying this is an increase in injuries related to the natural process of coming out from hibernation and waking up those sleepy muscles.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Mineral - Zinc

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Mineral - Manganese

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Treating Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors with heredity being the number one reason why men and women lose their mane. Hereditary hair loss in men and women has the same main cause, which is dihydrotestosterone (DHT) attacking our hair follicles.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Homeopathy-Sepia

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Do I Have A Sprain, Or A Strain? - Let's Find Out With This Useful Information Below

Did I Sprain or Strain My Knee? Have you asked yourself one of these two questions? Then read on for some useful information below...You may have injured your knee as a result of a quick twist or turn.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Radioimmunoassays (RIAs) ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Pollen allergy may be the reason for your sneezing in spite of a change in seasons

About Hay FeverIn the various seasons (spring, summer, and fall) during the year, pollen grains are dispersed from trees, weeds, and grasses.

Family Caregivers: Get Reimbursed for Providing Your Homecare Services!

Many of us will gladly take Mom to her doctor's appointments, administer medications, and check in if the need arises without a second thought.

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Mineral - Chromium

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - Chaste Berry Tree

premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - Licorice root

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - Black Cohosh

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as the faulty function of ovaries related to women's menstrual cycle.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - Skullcap

Premenstrual syndrome affects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - Milk thistle

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Angelica Root (Dong quai)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Herbs - St. John Wort

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food.

Can You Explain To Me What Water On The Knee Means?

Obviously I do not have water on top my knee, so why did my physician tell me I have water on the knee? - The term "water on the knee" is a generic term that describes the accumulation of excess fluid (edema) in or around the knee joint.

Skin Care For Women In Their 40's

When you enter your forties, you might start noticing more wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes, mouth and forehead. On top of that, your complexion may start looking duller.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs- Fennel Seed ( Xiao Hu Xiang)

premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Peroxidase Staining test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs- Yellow Dock Root

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. It is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation.

When Preparing For Knee Replacement Surgery, Make Sure To Consider This Information

In severe cases, a total knee replacement surgery can be performed in order to allow for more range of motion and to mimic natural function of the knee joint.

Overcome Infertility - Immunity Causes of Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

What is Osgood-Schlatters Disease & How Do You Treat It?

What is Osgood-Schlatters Disease? Is it really a Disease? The Osgood-Schlatter Disease is claimed by some to not actually be a disease, but is rather a collection of symptoms that involves the tibial tubercle epiphysis.

Knee Brace Composition - What Manual Tests Are Involved In Diagnosing An ACL Tear?

The Lachman TestPrior to ordering any tests, such as an MRI or an x-ray, a skilled examiner can often times detect an injury to your knee. One such manual test is the Lachman test.

Gut acid levels determine healthy bones

Gastric acidification plays a key role in regulating the proper calcium levels needed to maintain healthy bones. A study, in Nature Medicine, could have implications in the bone condition osteopetrosis as well as for patients on proton pump inhibitors that are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as peptic ulcers.

Best Knee Brace - The DonJoy eXtreme Action Armor Knee Brace

Do you need a serious knee brace?Is your knee pain causing you to search for a solution?Are the knee issues you are having stopping you from being as active as you want to be?Has it gotten to the point where you are looking for answers right now?Have you ever injured your knee in a serious manner? This could include an injury to your ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL.

Xenical orlistat - Ensure proper use

Xenical Orlistat is a prescription weight loss medication by Roche pharmaceuticals. Xenical Orlistat works on your digestive system to help prevent the absorption of one-third of the dietary fat.

Magnets for Pain: Does it Work?

This is a question, which is being asked by a number of people who are suffering from various kinds of pain, can you use magnets for pain? There is a healing power in magnet and this idea is prevalent since the ancient time in Greece.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs- Rehmannia Glutinosa (Shu Li Huang)

premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Morinda root ( ba ji tian)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Cuscuta (tu si zi)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Natural Medicine Courses

Natural medicine courses are offered in abundance! You can find these courses through colleges, evening classes, seminars, intensive work shops or you can complete a course on-line.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Cinnamon bark (rou gui)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Water plaintain root (ze xie)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Red pony ( Chi shao )

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Food Sensitivity Testing and Kinesiology

When I say I'm a Kinesiologist, if people don't say "whats that?" they generally say "oh, that's food testing/allergy testing isn't it".

Pre menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Red sage root ( dan sen)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Tree peony root bark ( Mu dan pi)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Are you taking the right Vitamin C supplement?

Are you taking the right Vitamin C supplement?As a practising Massage Therapist, I often get asked about the difference between different types of Vitamin C.

Pre menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Jujubae Date ( Da Zao)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre menstrual Syndrome and Chinese Herbs - Safflower ( Hong Hua)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

The Benefits of Online Communities for Pre-Operative Knee Replacement Patients

Online patient communities and patient forums have sprouted up all across the web, focusing on diseases and conditions ranging from insomnia, to epilepsy, to cancer, and joint replacement surgery.

The Benefits of Online Communities for Pre-Operative Hip Replacement Patients

Online patient communities and patient forums have sprouted up all across the web, focusing on diseases and conditions ranging from total hip surgery, to obesity, to heart surgery and cancer.

The Benefits of Online Communities for Post-Operative Knee Replacement Patients

Online patient communities and patient forums have sprouted up all across the web, focusing on diseases and conditions ranging from total knee surgery, to insomnia, to epilepsy and cancer.

The Benefits of Online Communities for Post-Operative Hip Replacement Patients

Online patient communities and patient forums have sprouted up all across the web, focusing on diseases and conditions ranging from total hip surgery, to insomnia, to epilepsy and cancer.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Chinese Herbs -Dandelion

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Chisese Herbs - Lovage ( Chuan Xiong)

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Homoeopathy - Nux Vomica

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Homeopathy- Natrium Muriaticium

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Homeopathy- Pulstatilla

remenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Urinaryluteinizing hormone ( LH) test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

So ! Why is it really important we detox?

Detox foot therapy The soles of the feet have about 2,000 pores. The body, during a detox foot therapy, uses these pores to release toxins from the body.

Potential shown in breast cancer biomarker

SCIENTISTS have found a new biomarker that can predict the outcome of breast cancers that have spread to the lymph nodes, reveal findings just published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Herbs For Insomnia

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Primary Treatment of Depression

The first step to receive appropriate therapy for depression is a medical screening. Some drugs and some illnesses, eg infections vital, can provokethe same symptoms as depression.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Grapefruit

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation.

Have A Healthy Fathers Day!!!

5 Healthy Ways To Treat Your Dad This Father's Day This year, dads all across the world will be celebrating Fathers Day on Sunday 21st June.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Essential Oils - Grapefruit Oil

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Essential Oils-Jasmine

As we mentioned in previous articles, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Making things work with With your Ex: Coping With the Pain of Divorce

Making things work with With your Ex:  Coping With the Pain of Divorce  Over the years as a clinician, I have come to the conclusion there are times I could more deeply relate and actually know more of the in's and out's of what the client could be experiencing as I too had experienced the same issue and addressed it.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Herbs for Hormone Imbalance

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Herbs for Water Retention

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Total Hip Replacement Surgery?

Most patients undergoing total hip replacement surgery want to know when they'll be able to return to their normal life.  "Recovery time" is a common question posed to specialists and non-specialists alike.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Herbs for Liver

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Herbs for Depression

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Herbs for Stress

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Essential Oils-Juniper

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Oprah’s Crazy Talk – Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? (Part 1)

Newsweek recently indulged in tabloid journalism, featuring Oprah on the cover with the headline: CRAZY TALK, Oprah, Wacky Cures, & You. The specific emphasis of the article was an attack on Suzanne Somers, Oprah, and bioidentical hormones.

Why is Water so important in our Diet?

It's a common myth that you only become de-hydrated when you feel thirsty. In fact, your thirst reaction is something your body triggers, to get you to drink when it's desperate for water.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Essential Oils-Rosemary

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Tomato supplement 'staves off heart disease'

For a long time now scientists have realized that that a Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables and fruit and low in saturated fats can help us all live longer.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet- Apple

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Diet - Orange

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Total Knee Replacement Surgery?

Most patients undergoing total knee replacement surgery want to know when they'll be able to return to their normal life.  "Recovery time" is a common question posed to specialists and non-specialists alike.

Glycolic Acid – How Does It Benefit Your Skin?

Glycolic acid is the most active and beneficial form of alpha hydroxy acid. A natural derivative of sugar cane, glycolic acid has amazing exfoliating properties and is used extensively in skin care products.

Changing Skin Care Regimens With Seasons

Your skin is not the same across all seasons of the year. In the winter, it becomes dry and flaky, in the summer it becomes prone to sun burns and in the rainy season, it becomes overtly oily because of the humidity.

UK Swine Flu Cases Reach 750

The number of Swine Flu cases in the United Kingdom continues to rise as 42 further patients under investigation in England have been confirmed with swine flu in the last 24 hours.

Man sentenced over £6m unlicensed and counterfeit medicines case

Martin Simon Hickman, a 49-year-old unlicensed and counterfeit medicines dealer, was sentenced to two years imprisonment at the Southwark Crown Court this week after pleading guilty to six counts of selling and supplying fake and unlicensed medicines, and money laundering to the sum of £1.

Types of headache and their treatment

HeadacheReports suggest that at least 40% people in the UK suffer headache at some point to the extent that can affect the quality of their life.

Why is it important to get a second opinion for a total hip replacement?

When choosing a hip replacement surgeon you will want to compare two or even three surgeons.  Total hip surgery is a major time commitment (you could be recovering for up to two months).

Surrogate Testing and Kinesiology

There are many reasons I love what I do. As a Kinesiologist I have the privilege of meeting and treating many wonderful people, some of whom have been suffering for years and come to me as a last resort ! (I have learned not to be offended by this.

Why is it important to get a second opinion for a total knee replacement?

While total knee surgery is a common procedure with a high success rate in the US, getting a second opinion is still recommended.  Each surgeon has had a specific training and education, and more experience with certain procedures over others.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Flaxseed

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US. it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Nuts and Seeds

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Olive Oil

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation.

Flu Viruses

TABLE OF CONTENT VirusesAvian FluSwine FluVirus characteristics and heat instabilityAbout VirusesSingle-Minded MissionHow to destroy VirusesViruses Many of us are naturally concerned by the alarming spread of viruses in recent years; the bird flu virus was a huge threat to Europe and most parts of the world.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Broccoli

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Acne Vulgaris

Acne Vulgaris Acne vulgaris is a disorder of the sebaceous follicles, which are special pilosebaceous units (relating to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands) located on the face, chest, and back.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Bok Choy

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Diet - Whole Grain

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Public say mental health problems deserve sympathy

The public is broadly sympathetic towards people with mental health problems, according to a Department of Health survey published this weekend.

Researchers find clues that may solve mystery of why hair turns grey

A team of European scientists from the Universities of Bradford, Mainz and Luebeck have finally solved a mystery that has perplexed humans throughout the ages: why we turn grey.

US President Struggles with Habit

Does President Obama still smoke? White House press secretary Robert Gibbs would not say when asked on Friday, but he did acknowledge that the president continues to struggle to control his habit.


When a person goes through the experience of having to let go of something or someone you love, the difficulty is bringing one’s self back into balance and perspective of carrying on with a normal life.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Red Pepper

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

UK Swine Flu Cases Double in Just Five Days

The number of Swine Flu cases in the United Kingdom has doubled in the last 5 days to 1,461. The Department of Health confirmed today that a further 141 further patients under investigation in England have been confirmed with swine flu in the last 24 hours.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Soybean

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Banana

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Garlic

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Ginger Root

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Asthma UK issues advice on managing asthma in hot weather conditions

Following advice from The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) on minimising exposure to ozone during hotter weather, health charity Asthma UK, is issuing advice for people with asthma who find that their symptoms get worse at this time of year.

Specifics of Treating Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an unpredictable hair disease affecting about 2% of the world's population and is the second most common type of hair loss after hereditary baldness.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Diet - Wild Cold Water Fish

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and diet -Red Wine

As we mentioned in previous article, Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Libya

The World Health Organization has confirmed today that they have sent medical experts to help with the recently discovered outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Libya.

Concerns about health and looks cause thousands to cut back on alcohol

Men are worried that drinking too much alcohol will affect their appearance according to a new survey for the ‘Know Your Limits' campaign published this week.

Overcome Infertility - -Ejaculation Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility 04 - Immunity Causes of Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertility --Cervical Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -What Exhibits Erectile Dysfunction To Cause Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertility -Lifestyle Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Psycological Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Endometrial Lining Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Environment Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Birth Defects Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Syndrome Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Hormone Imbalance Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --Testicle Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or carry the pregnancy to term.

Find out different ways to Cure for Pimples

If you’re so finding that you're covered in pimples on your back shoulders there, neck and face, it's time to learn how to find a cure for pimples.

Treatment of Migraine and Related Headache

Migraine TreatmentMost people who suffer from migraine can deal with mild-to-moderate migraine attacks at home. The following measures may help in relieving migraine headaches to a certain extent.

Overcome Infertilty --Uterine Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or to carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --Vagina Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty 20--Ectopic Pregnancy Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

hyroid Problems, Alzheimer’s, and Cognitive Decline

A significant body of science now links poor thyroid function and cognitive decline, including Alzheimer's risk (doubling the risk for women).

Overcome Infertilty --Irregular Cells Growth Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Medication Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Medical Condition Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Unexplained Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exhibits Hormone Imbalance to Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Know about Erectile dysfunction medication

Erectile dysfunction medicationCompared to the past, when much less what known about erectile dysfunction, and few men actually spoke up about it, there are many effective treatments available.

5 Home Medical Products For Cancer Patients

Having cancer is a very stressful thing to go through. It can mean many hospital visits and lots of treatment options. If you are someone who is going through any kind of cancer, being prepared with the right tools and products in your home can make the recovery process easier.

What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are diseases that affect a large percentage of individuals in the United States. If you are struggling with a disorder such as anorexia or bulimia, the world can seem like a very scary place.

DHEA Helps Older Women Build Spinal Bone Density

In women ages 65-75 taking DHEA along with calcium and vitamin D increased their bone density 2% each year during a 2 year study."The results of our study are very promising.

Glutamine Helps Stomach Ulcers

A new animal experiment shows the power of glutamine to dramatically reduce the inflammation caused by excessive H. pylori infection - a typical cause of ulcers.

Overcome Infertilty --Spermic Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Understand Female Biological Clock

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertilty --Understand Fertility

Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with plenty of food around.

Headaches can impact your life – some seriously some not so seriously

Headache treatmentMost headaches are caused by muscle spasms in the back of the head and neck. The spasm can be sparked by emotional stress or by holding the head in a fixed position for long hours.

Overweight People Need Extra Antioxidants for Exercise

A new study of overweight adolescent girls shows that exercise increases free radical stress due to the inefficient utilization of extra oxygen during the exercise process.

Gamma Tocotrienol in the War on Cancer

A flurry of recent studies demonstrates that gamma tocotrienol, a unique form of vitamin E, offers protection at the molecular level from a number of different types of cancer.

Oprah’s “Crazy Talk" – Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? (Part 2)

Hormones decline with age. The simplistic idea of replacing something that is apparently missing makes sense to many people, especially when a lab test can show that the hormone levels are lower than a younger person's or when taking the hormone suppresses a symptom.

How can I manage pain after my total knee replacement surgery?

Pain is a major concern for patients who are about to have total knee surgery. Post-operative knee replacement patients want to know what their life will be like after their surgery, how much discomfort they will have, and how many narcotics or other medications they will have to take.

How can I manage pain after my total hip replacement surgery?

Patients about to undergo hip replacement surgery have many questions, and among the most common are those relating to pain management. Post-operative hip replacement patients want to know whether they will be able to sleep properly on pain medication, how much discomfort they will have with the normal activities of daily life, and how many narcotics or other medications they will have to take.

Overcome Infertilty --Understand Male Biological Clock

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or the cannot carry the pregnancy full term.

Low sperm - Common reason for infertility in men

When a pair is coated with the problems of reproduction and the concept is very shortsighted and medically inaccurate to assume that should always be the problem of women.

Overcome Infertilty --Sexually Transmitted Diseases Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --Ovarian Causes of Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

A revolutionary detox foot spa treatment for re-balancing and re-energizing

How does the viatek ionic foot spa work?Firstly, we must understand that the human body is made up of 60%-70% water. Our body fluids are made up of different types of salts.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exhibits Testicle Problem to Cause Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exhibits Cervical Conditions to Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --What exhibits Vaginal Conditions To Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Importance of health - Men’s healthy living, infertility and fitness

            Good health is a key to a happy life, in a quick and requirements of life unfortunately men health a backseat when it should be of prime concern.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exihibits Tubal Conditions To Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exhibits Abnormal Cell Growth to Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -What Exhibits Birth Defects to Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertilty --What Exhibit Infectous Diseases To Cause Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --What Is Acrosome Reaction Test

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Antisperm Antibody Test ?.

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Cefaly for migraine headache treatment

Cefaly for headache treatmentCefaly is the first cranial analgesic electrotherapy device, complete with an advanced Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation treatment and an ISO medical certificate.

Propecia and Male Balding

As you know Propecia allows you to keep your hairline as well as your masculinity. You can ask me, what is the exact percent of the men prescribe Propecia getting adverse side effects (lowering of the libido, erectile dysfunction etc.

Levitra vardenafil – Take precautions before using the drug

In August 2003, the US FDA approved Levitra vardenafil as an erectile dysfunction treatment drug. Like Viagra, Levitra also belongs to a class of medicines called PDE5 inhibitors and therefore both the medicines work the same way.

How do I know if I need knee replacement surgery?

Most knee replacement patients are between the ages of 60 and 80 years old.  In some cases, younger patients with traumatic knee injuries may also require a total knee replacement.

How do I know if I need hip replacement surgery?

It is certainly true that not everyone with hip joint pain needs a total hip replacement, but when your quality of life grows increasingly diminished due to hip joint pain, it may be advisable to consider your options for hip replacement surgery.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Biochemical Analysis ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Computer-Assist Semen Analysis ??

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What Is Hormone Evaluation ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertilty --What is Human Zona Pellucida Binding Test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

The 4 Best Ways to Advance Your Healthcare Career

The growing healthcare industry provides multiple ways of advancement for those engaged in this vast field. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced in December 2015 that the Healthcare occupations and industries were expected to have the fastest employment growth between 2014 and 2024.

Hayflick Comments on Aging

Leonard Hayflick, PhD, a professor of anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco is best known for his aging theory known as the Hayflick Limit, which places the maximum potential lifespan of humans at 120, the time at which too many cells can no longer split and divide to keep things going.

The Causes and Cures of the Main Forms of Dandruff

Dandruff can be best described as excessive shedding of dead cells from the scalp. Shedding of dead cells is normal as long as it is not excessive.

Overcome Male infertility --What is Hemizona Assay??

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST)??

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Understanding The Jargon Of Skin Care Products

It is always advised to read the ingredient list of skin care products before purchasing them. However, often it happens that the labels include words that are totally alien to you.

Overcome Female Infertility --Diagnosis From Conventional Perspective

I. DefinitionInfertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility - Diagnosis From Conventional Perspective

I. DefinitionInfertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Managing and Treating Migraine Headache

Migraine TreatmentFortunately, managing migraines have become possible in the last decade. Although there is still no cure, medications can help reduce the frequency of migraine and stop the pain once it has started.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Post-coital/Cervical Mucus Test?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility -What is Sperm Penetration Assay (Hamster Test)?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Trends in Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has enjoyed a long and illustrious history not only in the United States but also around the world. Recently, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons released results surrounding the rising numbers of individuals choosing cosmetic surgical procedures since the year 2000.

Mexicali Obesity Surgery

A young, 29-year-old woman named Carla was extremely frustrated, sad and depressed because of her weight. Like many women, Carla had endured a combination of diet plans and exercise regimes, but nothing seemed to work to take off the weight and keep it off.

Reductil sibutramine for weight loss!

Reductil sibutramine is categorized as an appetite suppressant weight loss drug. Reductil was approved by the FDA in 1997 as a prescription only weight loss drug.

Overcome Male Infertilty --What is Sperm-Ubiquitin tag immunoassay (SUTI)??

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Semen analysis ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Scrotal sonography ??

s we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Testicle Biopsy?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertilty --What is Vasography Analysis ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertilty --What is Antisperm antibody test?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertility --What is Cervical Mucus test ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Statin Use Speeds Onset of Coronary Adverse Event Hospitalizations

A new study of 3,516 Italian patients prescribed statins for high cholesterol looked into the issue of how well the therapy lowered cholesterol and the effect of therapy on the time to first hospitalization for a coronary event.

More Proof that Statins Damage Muscles in Many People Taking Them

Over half of individuals taking statins complain of muscle aches and pains. A new study demonstrates that 56% of those with these symptoms have injured muscle fibers based on muscle biopsy.

Michael Jackson is Not Alone

It appeared that Michael Jackson's problem was a combination of pain and sleeplessness, along with a history of pain medication abuse. His position and wealth allowed him atypical access to his own anesthesiologist, and he possessed an array of powerful knock-out meds that apparently did him in.

Defeating Depression - releasing the pain body

Defeating Depression - releasing the pain body It is commonly stated that depression affects 15% of the population in some shape or form.

Ayurveda In Practice

It is amazing how Prakruti (nature) has made each of us so unique! Fingerprints, eye images, foot prints and even our DNA are so unique that people can be identified on the basis of many such codes that nature has designed.

Zachary Lingh

Ayurveda encompasses all types of healing. Almost every health problem in the world can be removed from the body and the body brought back to health with the help of Ayurvedic treatments.

Discover the Natural Cure For Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is a disorder that causes people to have difficulties sleeping. Symptoms include holding your breath in the middle of the night (sometimes for minute-long intervals) and snoring.

What Are the Risks of Delaying My Knee Replacement Surgery?

Patients delay knee replacement surgery for a number of reasons, mostly out of fear and misinformation. Dr. Ian Clark, a medical researcher and founder of Peterson Tribology Laboratory for joint replacement at Loma Linda University, writes, “Most patients delay unnecessarily for several perceptual reasons: fear of the unknown, fear of surgery, fear of ‘losing’ a body part, fear of the post-op surgery pain, fear that they will end up worse than they started.

What are Risks of Delaying My Hip Replacement Surgery?

As a patient, only you can decide when you are ready for surgery. Doctors and surgeons may make recommendations, but the call is ultimately yours.

Stress ‘overload’ can harm your health and relationship and change your perception of life

Stress treatment and therapy Communicating with your doctor is an important part of the diagnosis and treatment of stress. By talking to your doctor openly, you allow your doctor to provide you with the best stress treatment possible.

How to manage your headache and migraine symptoms

Migraine - Severe headaches can be harmfulMigraines are a common problem in the UK where up to 10% of the population suffer from them. Primarily, they are defined as a severe headache on one side of the head and often accompanied by other distressful symptoms.

How Hostile Bacteria Take Up Unwanted Residence

Some of the worst bacterial infections have learned how to trick and evade the human immune response, allowing themselves to set up shop and wreak havoc to health.

An Emerging Fiber Breakthrough for Weight Management

It is always an exciting day when something entirely new about metabolism begins to emerge. Of course it will be decades before innovation is agreed upon by the tortoise-moving FDA, medical profession, and other "health authorities" who have done nothing but watch as their "solutions" have either allowed or directly contributed to a societal epidemic of obesity.

Overcome Infertility --Classical 5 Element Theories In Traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --3 Main Organs In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --What is " Wind " In Traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --What is " Cold" In Traditional Chinese Medicine In treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertility --What is " Heat " In Traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertility --What is " Dry" In Traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --What is " Damp" In Traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Health Care and Understanding Self

    Energy is omni present. It is manifested all around us as being the outer reflection of inner creation. Imagine that all medicines and technologies were once insights that along with accumulated energy consciousness eventually manifested into matter.

Overcome Infertility --What is Kidney Function In Traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertility -What is Spleen function In traditional Chinese medicine in treating infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertilty --What is Liver Blood Stagnation In Traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Progesterone Supplement:s Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risk

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

No Better Time for Cosmetic Surgery Abroad

Once again, the summer months are almost upon us. We take a look in the near, try on favorite summer clothes, and realize that we’ve got some changes to make.

Overcome Infertilty --What is Deficiency of Kidney Yin In Traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Infertility --Causes and Symptoms of Deficiency of kidney yang In traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertility --What is Blood Deficiency In Traditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertility --What is Liver Blood Stagnation InTraditional Chinese Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Kidney stones symptoms

Sometimes you fall sick, but unfamiliar of the fact. I personally know few people who have had very severe problems and have not familiar to them until the matter slipped out of their hands.

When your Office gets you down

A good principle to go by is "You are the driver of your destiny and choices".  So what do you do when ‘that manager' constantly cuts off your drive to improve yourself by saying ‘you should be lucky you have a job'.

When the body speaks

Sometimes a sharp pain here or there, bloated, tired or even earache, are all indications that all is not well in the body. Do we dash to our Health Practitioner and demand a quick fix because one is just so busy and has so much to do and does not have 'time' to stay off work, or do we listen to our Health Practitioner and our body and simply take time off, go to bed to rest and heal which has always been the good old fashioned way of dealing with the onset of flu.

Overcome Male Infertility --What Is Kidney Yang Deficiency In traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Female Infertility -Ovulatory Dysfunction Agent-Definition, Effect and Side Effects of Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What Is Stagnation of qi and Blood In Traditional Chinese Medicine In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility --What is Kidney Ying Deficiency In traditional Chinese medicine in treating infertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to term.

Overcome Male Infertility -Diagnosis or test From Conventional Perspective

I. DefinitionInfertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility - Types of Medication of Conventional Medication in Treating Infertility

Conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason can not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility -- Types of Artificial Inseminations In Conventional Medication

Conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term when they go to see their family doctor.

Overcome Infertility - Types and Risks of Conventional Surgery In Treating Infertility

As we mentioned in previous article, If a couple can not get pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex or carry the fetus to full term, they are considered as infertile couple.

Get effective impotence treatment through Cialis

What is Cialis?Cialis is one of the most popular prescription only, oral erectile dysfunction treatment medicines. Marketed by Lilly ICOS, LLC, Cialis was approved by the US FDA as a prescription only impotence treatment drug in 2003, five years after the mega launch of Viagra and a few months after the release of Levitra.

Overcome Female Infertility --Follicle-stimulating hormone ( FSH): Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risks

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Human menopause gonadotrophins (HMG): Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risks

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Hair loss herbal and home remedies for dandruff

Winter - it's time to test not only for our tender skin, and hair, easier to prevent problems than it solved. Large changes in temperature greatly affect the female body as a whole, therefore, always necessary to calculate all measures to protect against adverse natural effects.

Hair loss herbal: Beautiful hair is a dream

Well-groomed and healthy hair - the dream of every woman, in fact they are complementary and emphasize the overall image is an indispensable part of female beauty.

Confido for increase semen production and sperm count

What is semen and how increase semen production?Semen is a white or grey liquid, it emitted from the urethra on ejaculation.Generally each milliliter of semen contains millions of spermatozoa (sperm) even but the majority of the volume consists of secretions of the glands into the male reproductive and fertility organs.

Low sperm count - Common reason for men infertility

When a pair is coated with the problems of reproduction and the concept is very shortsighted and medically inaccurate to assume that should always be the problem of women.

Big Pharma & Friends Poised for Massive Profits from Health Care Reform

While Democrats shoot themselves in both feet trying to explain how their proposed health care reform will be able to contain costs over time, there is another much better organized group who is pushing very hard to get this legislation through and is poised for dramatic profits at the expense of the American taxpayer.

A revolutionary medical device for treating headaches and migraines

Cefaly The modern life is full of challenges and while chasing your dreams in life, you may get exposed to various stresses and strains that can cause headaches at times.

Home Remedies for Head Lice: Olive Oil

One of the best home remedies for head lice, is also one of the easiest to find. Olive oil is an inexpensive, safe, and highly effective means of treating head lice infestations in both children and adults.

Top 20 Most Inspirational Comments from Knee Replacement Patients

People write online about the challenges of preparing for (or recovering from) knee replacement surgery every day. But post-operative patients also frequently share the joy that surgery has brought to their lives.

Top 20 Most Inspirational Comments from Hip Replacement Patients

People write online about the challenges of preparing for (or recovering from) hip replacement surgery every day. But post-operative patients also frequently share the joy that the results of their surgery have brought to their lives.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Humam Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risks

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility --Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH): Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risks

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Prolaction Medicine: Definition, Effects, Side Effects and Risk

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --What is Intra Cervical Insemination In Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --What Is Intrauterine Insemination In Conventional Medication

A couple are considered infertility if they can not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or the female partner can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Pregnant Women at Higher Risk for Severe Swine Flu

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning that pregnant women are at higher risk for life-threatening complications from the Swine Flu.

The Art of Detoxing Safely

Whether during winter or summer many go through the days of ‘fasting' and drinking liquids only, but for some at the end of the day this becomes a ‘headache' through lack of fluid intake or low sugar levels.

Best pregnancy self help program

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Eliminate body toxins effectively with a colon cleanser

In the recent decade, medical reports have been released attributing various digestive problems, unexplained body and joint pains, fatigue and allergies to the toxins that have clogged in their colons.

A Serious and Effective Colon Cleanse Method

A medical breakthrough that is gaining recognition and acceptance by most medical and healthcare professionals is the colon irrigation as a method of colon cleanse.

Everything that you should know about influenza

Influenza is a viral infection disease that is highly contagious, even a handshake with an infected individual can easily pass on the disease on for example.

Health Costs Relating to Obesity Skyrocket

A new report published in the journal Health Affairs shows that the cost of treating obesity-related health problems has doubled in the past decade, from 78 billion a year in 1998 to 147 billion in 2008.

Will Drinking Milk Help You Live Longer?

There are plenty of people (I'm not one of them) practicing or believing in alternative health who think that drinking milk is simply bad to the bone.

The Viatek Ionic Energizer Detox Foot Spa Treatment

Foot spa treatment with Viatek Ionic Foot SpaDust yourself off with a detox treatment. A new ionic foot spa treatment, Viatek is easy-to-use and 100% natural.

Understanding Stem Cells

Stem cell treatments, research and technology is  permanent fixture in 21st century medical research. Continued efforts to research and develop embryonic stem cell treatments and procedures doesn't merely mean cloning human beings or involve moral and ethical controversies or issues surrounding such research.

The Essential Benefits of a Colon Cleanser

Healthcare experts and authorities are always in constant surveillance regarding certain illnesses and diseases rampant nowadays and colon deficiency is slowly climbing up the list.

Overcome Infertility --Treating Anti-phospholipid Antibody Syndrome In Conventional Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Immunometabolism: The New Frontier

Every now and then rather jaw-dropping research is published, as is the case this week as the journal Nature Medicine published three groundbreaking articles linking the function of immune cells to obesity and diabetes - data which opens the door to solving all kinds of health problems including the obesity issue itself, inefficient immune response to the flu in overweight individuals, as well as obesity-related autoimmune problems.

Track the Swine flu outbreak

The human cases of swine flu, which is spread by influenza virus A (H1N1), have been reported from Mexico and the US, where many people have fallen ill and even died from it.

Overcome Infertility -Zygote Intrafallopian Tube Transfer (ZIFT) In Conventional Medication

Conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --Tubal Embryo Transfer (TET) In Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility -Intrasytoplastic Sperm Injection (ICSI) In Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility Testicle Sperm Extraction (TESE) of Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --Assisted Hatching In Conventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --Cryopreservation InConventional Medication

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Cialis a day – The next genre of treatment for erectile dysfunction

We all know about erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. We also know that they are to be taken 30-60 minutes prior to sexual activity.

Heart Diseases- Causes, Symptoms,Types, Prevention & Treatment of Heart Diseases

Beside cancer, heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease.I. Causes of Heart DiseasesThere are many causes of heart diseases.

Overcome Infertility --TReating Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANA) in Conventional Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --Treating Anti Thyroid Antibodies Conventional Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

General information about Swine flu

The world is facing a serious flu threat in the form of swine flu. Currently human cases of swine flu have been reported from Mexico and the US.

Overcome Infertility -- Treating Anti-sperm Antibody In Conventional Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --How Conventional Medication Helps To Treat Congenital Uterine Abnormalities

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility -- What is Immune Dysfunction in a Conventional Perspective ?

As we mentioned in previous articles, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time it is the first treatment for a couple who for whatever reason cannot conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Steep Escalation in Minority Obesity and Breast Cancer

A new report in the journal Academic Pediatrics shows that severe obesity in children has tripled in the past two decades.  It has especially risen amongst blacks (5.

Prostate Cancer and Zinc – Can Zinc Be Overdone?

Many individuals are confused by the meaning of studies that sometimes show a particular nutrient is associated with some form of cancer when in fact they thought that nutrient was supposed to be helpful.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Types of Structure Problem In Conventional Treatment

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kind of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility -Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Tubal Damage or Adhesion

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role in treating all kinds of disease and most of the time is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility -- Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Endometriosis

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Female Infertility -- How Conventional Surgery helps to Treat Asherman's syndrome

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

BioSlim - Normalize Metabolism & Herbs for weight loss help to shed excess weight

Herbs for weight loss help to shed excess weight and. Self herbs are popular also because it requires no extra costs - they are cheap. Let see how safe home herbal medicine for slimming.

Herbal Weight Loss Product increase metabolism for weight loss

Some herbs act on the digestive system, metabolism, and appetite for the weight. Some substances may increase thermo genesis, or metabolism that may lead to loss of weight.

Overcome Female Infertility -- How Conventional Surgery Helps to Treat Fibroids

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility -- Types of Structure Problem in Conventional Medicine Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility -- How Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Undescended Testicle

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason can not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility -- How Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Hypospadias and Epispadia

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Male Infertility -- How Conventional Medication Helps to Treat Block and Missing Ducts

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Overcome Infertility --Fertility Self Diagnosis Methods

As we mention in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, and Anna Nicole Smith:

Death is the Prescription, how many more? Prescription drug abuse, which I term medical drug addiction, like all addictions including alcoholism, (addiction to ethyl alcohol), though more widely recognized nowadays, is still not widely understood.

Overcome Male Infertility -- How Conventional Surgery helps to Treat Torsion

As we mentioned in previous article, conventional medicine plays an important role and most of the time, it is the first treatment for a couple who for what ever reason cam not conceive after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term.

Endometriosis Part III - Types Of Conventional Treatments, Side Effects and Risks

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Overcome Infertility - What to Avoid if You Want To Get Pregnant

As we mention in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

General Oral Surgery

What do you think of when you have to go get oral surgery done? If you are like most people, then you probably start to freak out every time a date gets near where you will have to go to the oral surgeon.

Information on Viagra for the treatment of impotence

Viagra for the treatment of impotenceViagra is FDA approved medication and is approved by health authorities in Europe and UK. In fact, it is approved and sold in several countries worldwide.

Eliminate Acne, Remove Scars, and Get Clear Glowing Skin With Differin (Generic Adapalene)

It is believed that acne is a problem only for teenagers. But this is not true. Acne is a problem for almost all ages. Acne is caused when oil glands come to life around teen years, stirred by male hormones.

Six Months of Smoking is Adequate for Significant Brain Damage

A surprising new study with MS patients shows that even a six month smoking period at any previous time in the person's life (10 or more cigarettes per day) was associated with 17% more brain lesions compared to MS patients that never smoked.

Massive Brain Drugging of Children Now Underway

Get ready for generation Z (Z for zombie).  The brains of a generation of children are now being fried by fraudulent brain drugs.  Antidepressants are now the number one prescription in America - and our children are the target market.

Prostate Cancer & the Androgen Receptor – A Clearer Picture of the Problem

Prostate cancer is the most widely diagnosed cancer in America.  Men have a 17% risk for getting the problem during their lifetime.  The story of any cancer is essentially survival gone wrong, a problem wherein normal cell function is hijacked and turned to cancer.

A Path Back From Addiction & Mental Health Problems

Groundbreaking research on a brain protein called kalirin is opening a new door for novel ways to address serious mental health disorders, addiction problems, as well as another angle on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Wisdom Teeth

Essentially, "wisdom teeth" is a name given to the third set of molars which are located at the back of your mouth although it is possible that you may or may not have had them yet.

How to treat erectile dysfunction effectively?

Erectile dysfunction or ED is a health problem that affects men of all ages. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction experience inability to attain and/or maintain erections.

Natural Remedies an alternative medicine for Fertility

Natural remedies are used as alternative medicine for thousands of years to support the health of the male and female reproductive system, ovulation and supporting healthy and efficient conditions for the design.

OverCome Fertility - Food Classsification in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Perspective

Traditional Chinese medicine views infertility with more natural approaches, by diagnosis the underlying causes and treating each woman and man as a unique entity and the body as a whole.

How a blind person studies complementary courses

Reasons for studying complementary modalities:I like to work with my hands and with people on a one to one basis.I would've liked to study a medical degree but could not due to my visual disability, but I can make a difference in people's lives by giving them complementary treatments.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herbs

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility -- How to Treat Infertility With Black Cohosh ( cimicifuga racemosa )

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chaste tree berry ( vitex agnus-castus)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herbs Red clover (trifolium pratense)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat female Infertility With Herbs Licorice (glycyrrhira glabra)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Female Infertility With Herbs Red Raspberry ( rubus ideaus))

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herbs Sarsaparilla (Smilax Officinalis)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Obesity - Understanding its symptoms and causes

Define obesityObesity is medically defined as a chronic condition where a person suffers from excess bodyweight and fat – usually 20% more than your desirable weight, which depends on your sex, height and age.

Hepatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Types, Prevention and Treatment

Hepatitis is characterized by the destruction of a number of liver cells and the presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue caused by excessive alcohol drinking, disorders of the gall bladder or pancreas, including medication side effects, and infections.

Thwart impotence not your wife – Get impotence treatment

Impotence is a bane for couples; it is a nightmare for men and a host of worries for women. Ever since the dawn of humankind, impotence, caused by a variety of factors, has lead to severe repercussions in all spheres of life.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs--Cistanche

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Stroke-- Causes, Symptoms The Risk Factors,Types, Prevention and Treatment

Besides cancer and heart diseases, stroke is the third leading cause of death. Approximate 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or it's complications.

Surgical Removal of Wisdom Teeth

Third molars are commonly referred to as wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth are located in the back of the mouth, one in each quadrant, behind the second or 12-year molars.

Get Rid of Your Anxiety, Depression, Seizure With Lyrica Generic Pregabalin

Lyrica  - Generic Pregabalin - is an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant, which slows down the impulses in the brain from which seizures originate.

Precautions for Levitra impotence treatment

Levitra is by and large considered a safe and effective impotence treatment. However, not all men can take Levitra partly because of their health conditions and partly because of the medications they take.

Reductil sibutramine for obesity treatment

Reductil: Lose weight safely and effectivelyReductil is a popular weight loss drug that is prescribed to people who are overweight or obese. It can help you lose weight as well as maintain it, provided you combine Reductil with regular regimens of fitness and healthy eating habits.

Natural Remedies for Sperm Motility & Corrects Male Infertility

Men are more helpless than women in the level of fertility. The use of drugs, steroids, alcohol and overweight affect the time to regard a child.

Swine flu - Can we afford to be complacent

The latest flu outbreak, swine flu (H1N1 virus), is a respiratory disease, which is caused by influenza type A virus. Many cases of swine flu originated from Mexico, where several people have been fatally affected by the virus.

Laughable Type II Diabetes Research Shines Light on Medical Ineptitude

The ability of Western medicine to treat an epidemic of type II diabetes in America shows the gross incompetence of their collective profession.

Brave Oxford Researchers Say Tamiflu is Not for Kids

Governments in the United States and Great Britain plan to use antiviral drugs as a first line of defense against the Swine Flu (along with experimental vaccines as they become available), especially in at risk groups such as young children.

Endometriosis -How Oral Contraceptive Pills Effects Vitamins, and Circulatory System In A Woman's Body

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis -Progesterone Agonist- Definition, Types,The Good, Bad, Side Effects and Risks

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis - GnRH Agonists-Definition, Effects,The Good, Risks and side Effects

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Endometriosis - Prostaglandins Inhibitors- Definition, Effects,The Good, The Bad and Side Effects

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Maritime Pine Tree ( Pinus pinaster )

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Endometriosis - The Pill - Definition, Effects, Symptoms and Risks

During the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere in the body causing endometriosis.

Overcome Infertility 140- How to Treat Infertility Using White Willow (Salix Alba)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herbs Ginseng

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium grandiflorum)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Centella Asiatica (Gotu Cola)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Saw Palmetto

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Flaxseed

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With False Unicorn Root

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Wild Yam

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With White Peony

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Angelica Root (Dang Qui)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs--Rehmannia Glutinosa

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Poria

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herb-Maca Root

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Endometriosis Part I--- Types of Traditional Treatments

As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosiswhich grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Make the most of the Affordable Healthcare options available

Affordable Healthcare options are not many in the United States of America.  Nearly half the population is staggering under the load of financial problems resulting from unpaid bills.

Endometriosis - How to Treat Endometriosis With Minerals

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Prostate health and Stress life of Men

Prostate health and Stress life of MenA man health can be unenthusiastically affected by high levels of stress. Defend our self by practicing some simple rules to limit your stress.

Herbal Supplements and Products for stress, memory, health

Herbal Supplements for exciting Health benefits of herbal supplements. Natural herbal supplements can go a long way in the direction of increasing your health and vitality, and can even provide for an alternate solution to treat your symptoms and possibly the root cause of your illness.

Talk About Pulling The Plug On Grandma

The debate on health care reform is heating up.  Americans are starting to pay attention to what is going on.  Big Pharma, in a panic, has bought protection from the Obama administration.

Is Itching a Risk Factor for Cancer?

There are many reasons for itching.  Something is irritating your skin.  It could be something you came in contact with or some waste product or toxin trying to work its way out of your body.

Endometriosis - How Herbs Help to Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis Which grows  somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis - How Chinese Herbs Help to Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis, growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis - How Chemical Cells Salt Helps To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Herbal remedies for menopause and its alternative treatment

Herbal remedies for menopause and its alternative treatmentMenopause is a situation in which the menstruation of a woman stops for one year and ends her reproductive cycle.

Endometriosis - List of Food Help To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium, also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis Part XVI - Types of Essential Oil Help To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Bupleurum

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs--Male Silk Moth Extracted

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Female Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Cinnamon

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Are You Worried About Hair Loss? Don’t Worry - We have the Solution!

It has been observed, and research has also shown, that about 50% of men go bald. There are many reasons for hair loss, including heredity, hormones, stress, or an unhealthy diet.

Overcome Male Infertility -How to Treat Infertility With Evening Primrose

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Schizandra chinensis

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

How does Cialis tadalafil help in erection problems?

Sometimes, when you take a drug, you wonder what goes in the body to make you feel better. From a simple aspirin to Cialis, there are questions that arise in even the least curious minds.

Do you want to Quit Smoking now?

Studies have shown that a large population of smokers wants to quit smoking, provided they find any suitable quit smoking aid. To "quit smoking now" has become easy, especially when there are many aids for it easily available on the market.

Champix Varenicline – Helps you quit smoking and to stay smoke free forever

About Champix Varenicline Champix Varenicline is an innovative smoking cessation therapy designed to help smokers quit forever, which was approved for use by the US FDA in May 2006 as a prescription only smoking cessation drug.

The truth about female sexual dysfunction and its treatment

"My wife has a headache every time I am romantic!""After the birth of my second son, my wife avoids me like plague...""Every thing was great before her surgery, the sparks were flying and all, but now there is nothing more to look forward to.

Obesity Surgery Abroad in Mexicali

Many people don’t realize that many obesity surgical procedures are not covered by medical insurance in the United States. However, hundreds of Americans seek various obesity surgical procedures, including bariatric surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric balloon surgery, laparoscopic surgery, tummy tuck, and liposuction or ‘liposculpture’ south of the border in Mexicali.

Reduce Your Fat with Orlistat

Orlistat is a drug that is available either as a prescription medication named Xenical and non-prescription medication named Alli. The hard gelatin capsules of Xenical are available in a dark blue color, and need to be orally administered.

Divya medicine and Remedies for Urinary Disease: Divya Chandraprabha Vati

Divya medicine and Remedies for Urinary Disease: Divya Chandraprabha VatiIt has been observed that many people prefer homemade remedies and Divya medicine made by swami ramdev ji helps to cure the Urinary Disease.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Lycium

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Cordyceps Sinensis

Infertility is defined as an inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Gynostemma Pentaphyllum

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Polygonum multiflorum

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as an inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Male Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Deer Antler

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as an inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Vitamins

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Chinese Herbs--Astragalus

Infertility is defined as an inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Herbs--Stinging Nettles (Urtica Dioica)

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects over 5 million couples alone in the U.

Endometriosis -Can Flower Plants Help To Treat Endometriosis (Part A)?

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium, also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis - Can Flower Plants Help To Treat Endometriosis (Part B)?

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium, also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle by building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Endometriosis - How Hydrotherapy Helps To Treat Endometriosis

Endometriosis which grows somewhere else other than the endometrium, also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period.

Overcome Infertility --How Vitamin B12 Effects Fertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How Folic Acid Effects Fertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How Vitamin C Effects Fertility

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Vitamin D

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Vitamin E

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals-- Calcium

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals--.Copper

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Treatment and Home remedies for arthritis pain

Treatment and Home remedies for arthritis painWhat are arthritis causes?Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. But, arthritis pain relief is not so common.

Natural therapies and Swami Ramdev Divya Kanti Lep for skin problem

Natural therapies and Swami Ramdev Divya Kanti Lep for skin problemMen and women want a beautiful glow on your skin. They make constant efforts to beautify the skin and get rid of problems like under eye circles, pigmentation, wrinkles, dry skin, tans, and a host of other problems.

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- Definition, Types, Diagnosis and Risk Factors

I. DefinitionPremenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure.

Propecia finasteride – important dos and don’ts

About Propecia finasteride Propecia finasteride is prescribed to men who suffer from male pattern baldness, which is also known as androgenetic alopecia.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals--Zinc

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals--Iron

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Lactoferrin - Amazing Health Benefits

I am conscious of what goes into my body, and I greatly believe that nature in all her wisdom is capable of providing us with all the protective, nourishment, and remedial substances the body could ever need.

Xenical - Awareness of the Side Effects

Before we jump to the side effects of Xenical, it's important to understand how the medication works. This is because all the side effects of Xenical are a result of its working.

Constipation problem and natural remedies to cure constipation

Constipation problem and natural remedies to cure constipationConstipation is complexity with bowel actions or uncommonly dry stool. It is general in children and older age, but can influence anyone.

Low Vitamin C Impairs Early Brain Development

Researchers have found that low vitamin C in early life results in 30 per cent less hippocampal neurons and markedly worse spatial memory (animal study).

Tamoxifen Shockingly Found to Cause Aggressive Breast Cancer

Long-term Tamoxifen use, as widely promoted by oncologists for women following breast cancer, turns out to increase the risk of highly aggressive hormone receptor-negative breast cancer by 440%.

Detox foot aqua spa machine can examine your health condition

 With the development of economy and technology, people's health condition gets poorer and poorer because of living and working stress, environmental pollution and other problems.

Detoxify your body through the feet by ionic Detox foot baths

Many experts have said that excessive toxicity of the body will create a whole range of serious illnesses, such as joint pain and swelling, cholesterol, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Xenical (Orlistat) - The Prescription Diet Pill

Overweight people need to lose fat, and they need to lose it as quickly as possible. Typically, there are two common types of drugs available for this purpose - appetite suppressants and fat blockers.

An Alternative Treatment for skin diseases, acnes, pimples

An Alternative Treatment for skin diseases, acnes, pimplesIn alternative medicine acne, pimples and itching are not necessarily seen as a disease of the skin.

5 Natural Ways to Get That Whiter and Brighter Smile

Your smile is special, but you do not want it to be special for the wrong reasons, like unsightly stains. You want your smile to be memorable because it is stunning, and you can do this by using natural solutions that might make your smile bright and white.

What You Should Know about the 4 Biggest Advancements in Home Health Care

Health care has always been an in-demand field, with home health care advancing as people are living longer and wishing to remain in their primary residence as long as possible.

Natural herbal remedy for arthritis pain relief

Natural herbal remedy for arthritis pain relief Effective help is available for people to proactively manage arthritis and enjoy life to the fullest.

The Narrow Scope of Flu Vaccine Usefulness

Let's assume for the moment that a textbook H1N1 swine flu vaccine is actually produced.  Let's put aside our concerns about its potential toxicity, adverse side effects, or the difficulty in getting a vaccine that actually looks like the current flu problem.

After pregnancy makeover

Pregnancy is a rewarding experience that changes your life forever. You are growing and evolving as a person and the arrival of another human being changes your priorities.

Hair loss Causes and Treatment for hair loss

Causes and Treatment for hair lossThe common type of hair loss called hereditary hair loss can affect both men and women, but women are generally less affected than men.

Treat Your Infertility With Clomid - Generic Clomiphene

Motherhood is every woman’s right and dream. At a certain point in time, every woman yearns to become a mother. But because of some deficiency, some of them are not able to realize their dreams.

Factors that Effect Men Fertility problems

Wants to enjoy your married life. It can treat naturally! Speman increases sperm count, it gives hope to childless couples and corrects male infertility.

Diabeties Symptoms - How to Manage It

Diabeties Symptoms - How to Manage ItDiabetes is a chronic disease. Once developed, there is no treatment for this disease. However, if detected early it can expect a higher probability of curing this serious disease.

Treating Menstrual Cramps Naturally

Women's health expert Dr. Daemon Jones, ND talks about how you can treat menstrual cramps that result from female hormonal imbalances in a natural, painless way  and live a happier, healthier life.

Using Nutrition to Help Perceive and Combat Swine Flu

There is valid concern that the H1N1 swine flu will readily infect Americans this flu season, resulting in high numbers of swine flu cases around the country.

Skin Care Myths – What Is The Truth Behind Them?

Skin care has always been a serious concern with women. And because of their increased concern about skin care, myths and misconceptions don't take long to spread.

Ultimate Guide to Acne and Skin Care Alternative Medicine

Alternative Treatment for memory enhancementBrain is very important for an individual. It is the key to several factors, including memory, planning, development of ideas and deal with stress.

The A-B-C’s Of Anti Aging Skin Care

There is an extensive variety of anti aging products available in the market nowadays. There are products catering to all skin types and targeting specific skin problems.

Internationally accredited Jaslok hospital for Cervical spine surgery in India

Cervical spine surgery in India. What is Cervical Spine Surgery? The goal of cervical spine surgery is to relieve pain, numbness, tingling and weakness, restore nerve function and stop or prevent abnormal motion in the spine.

Cialis - the revolutionary treatment for erection problems

The launch of Cialis in 2003 caused a revolution in the oral erectile dysfunction treatment market. Cialis offered everything that Viagra and Levitra had to offer and lots more.

The New Flu Vaccine Hype is Over-Rated

The news media and our federal government are trumpeting the early release of data from H1N1 swine flu vaccine trials.  The headlines would have you believe that the new vaccine is a major success.

Champix varenicline minor and major side effects

Champix varenicline is an effective drug that helps smokers quit smoking for life. Marketed by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, the makers of blockbuster drug Viagra, Champix Varenicline was licensed in the UK as a stop smoking aid in December 2006.

Viagra - the household word for impotence treatment medication

Viagra is a drug that brought in a sexual revolution in the society. Massive and motivated advertising campaigns launched by Pfizer pharmaceuticals, the proud makers of the drug, forced men to discuss the most hush-hush subject of impotence.

Diabetes problem - Some things you need to keep in mind

Diabetes problem - Some things you need to keep in mindWhen it comes to dealing with diabetes, you need to understand that diet plays an important role.

Remedies for Constipation and Indigestion problem

Remedies for Constipation and Indigestion problemWe all use herbs in our diet. You can buy them, but also themselves in pleasant woods and hang to dry.


Oligospermaesthenia are two conditions where allopathic system has no effective treatment. So my team stressed on looking into alternative systems.

Xenical orlistat: For weight loss treatment

Which weight loss program is best for me? If you haven't decided about it as yet, then start reviewing various obesity treatment drugs available on the market.

Is Propecia Finasteride better than other male pattern hair loss treatments?

Many people suffering from male pattern baldness may be searching for an answer to this question. Undoubtedly, after the approval of Propecia finasteride, this hair loss treatment has provided new hope to millions of people throughout the world.

The Future of Hair Restoration

Restoring the hair lost due to hereditary factors is the dream of many hair loss sufferers. Until not too long ago, the only effective and authentic-looking methods of reversing hair loss were non-surgical cover-ups.

Migraine relief tips

Migraine headaches affect millions of individuals around the world. They are extremely painful and hard to bear. Migraines can last anywhere from one hour to three or four days.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals-- Manganese

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals--Selenium

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements --Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements and Over Counter Medicine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements--L-arginine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Children Health - Causes and Symptoms of Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Neurodevelopment disorder is also known as disorder of neural development or brain development disorder. Physically, it is characterized as impairment of brain or central nervous system.

Children's Health - Brain Development Disorder - Definition and Types

I. DefinitionA neurodevelopmental disorder is defined as an impairment of the growth and development of the central nervous system. It effects the child's brain function in controlling emotion, learning ability and memory as well as social interaction.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements--L-carnitine

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Over Counter Medicine--Baby Aspirin

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Over Counter Medicine-- Guaifenesin

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Essential Fatty Acid

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

How to make proper use of Cialis tadalafil

Cialis tadalafil is currently the most prescribed oral impotence treatment pill. The drug helps men with impotence achieve and maintain firm erections long enough for successful sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Fruit and Vegetables

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Seeds and Nuts

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Carbohydrate

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Legumes

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Overcome Infertility -Fertility and Pure Water

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

How to Exercise your Nervous System, Memory and Improving Intelligence

The nervous system relies on a network of high-speed communications to alert the brain to information that affects all areas of the body. For example, the impulses sent from the nervous system of the brain travel up to 250 miles per hour.

Xenical – Effective weight loss pills

You can find many different types of weight loss pills on the market. Some weight loss pills are available on a prescription from a doctor while others are available over the counter of any local pharmacy without any prescription from a doctor.

Stress Nutrition Basics

Good stress bad stress Lets get right to the premise: We live in a stressful world. There are both good stresses and bad stresses. Bad stresses can be overcome by a lifestyle that includes nutrition as a stress reduction pathway.

How to get nail polish dried up faster?

 Most women have experienced the frustration of spending a lot of time cleaning, toning, polishing of the fingernails and toenails in some beauty salon, but they are ruined after several minutes.

Champix Varenicline helps you to quit smoking habit

About Champix Champix is the best selling smoking cessation drug and was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2006. This innovative drug is manufactured by Pfizer pharmaceuticals, the renowned creators of Viagra.

Acne Blemishes Treatment for Glowing Skin

Acne is your problem? You do not have to consider this as a problem. There are more things to prioritize and not letting that acne bother you much that he would not help at all.

Overcome Infertility --How to Treat Infertility With Minerals-- Magnesium

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Children's Health - How to Treat Autism in a Conventional Perspective

I. DefinitionConventional medicine is also known as Western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which medical doctor and other health professionals such as nurses, medical technician and specialists and therapists, etc.

Children Health - Diagnosis of Children Brain Development Disorder

Diagnosis of children's brain development is always painful and time consuming for the parent. From the first day when you take your child to see your family doctor, to the day you know what type of brain development disorder which your child has, you may come cross many "wrong" diagnosis and be suggested to take your child to see one specialist after another.

How to answer for All Acne Problems

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease, caused by changes in skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland. Acne usually appears during adolescence in its most common form known as "acne vulgaris", which means common acne.

Why I Run

After having my baby I began to develop the desire to regain command over my body. I have always lead an active life with dancing, walking, Pilates, horse ridding, swimming and the general rushing around that consumes most of my day but I had never really run.

Weight Loss The New Resolutions

What new resolutions are you gonna do? Losing weight, being slimmer, not eating chocolate or joining a gym. Are these the same resolutions that you did in previous years? If the answer is yes - then stop and not make them this year.

Xenical slimming pill: Does it work to treat obesity?

Xenical is specifically designed for very over weight or obese people who struggle to lose some extra pounds of weight. It is a prescription slimming pill that is available in all licensed pharmacies in the UK and many other European countries.

Alli makes liver damage – A Report

There has been concern in the pharmaceutical world after the U.S drugs regulator the FDA announced that it was investigating reports that the weight loss drug orlistat was linked to a series of cases of liver damage.

What is the role of hormones on sexuality?

What is the role of hormones on sexuality? Our hormones affect our mood, but also our desire, our pleasure and our sexuality in general.Here are 12 facts and non fact!1) A woman, like a man needs testosterone to feel sexual desire:True - Testosterone is essential for the occurrence of female desire.

Levitra - A preferred impotence treatment drug

Levitra is a highly successful oral erectile dysfunction treatment drug. The drug helps men with impotence enjoy the bliss of penetrative sex with their partner and reignite their love life.

Alternative Treatment and Medicine for High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a major medical problem in the world. An abnormal stress on the circulatory system leads to blood pressure and other related diseases such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure.

Children's Health - Autism - Definition and Causes

I. Definition Autism is one of the most common forms of brain development disorder and one in 166 child is diagnosed with some forms of autism.

Child Health - How to Treat Autism With a Nutritional Perspective

I. DefinitionA nutritional supplement is also known as a food supplement, it is defined as a form of food supplement which is prepared with the intention of providing nutrients for people who for what ever reason are found to have a nutritional supplement deficiency, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids,amino acids, etc.

Remedies to Increase Metabolism: What is the gain?

 A good way to lose weight without bringing you to the point of hunger is unbearable, increasing your metabolic rate. To achieve this, you need to understand some things.

Children's Health - Autism - What to Avoid

Children diagnosed with autism with impairments of speech, social and communication skill, limited interest, repetitive behaviour, etc. depending on severity of the symptoms may exhibit low tolerance or allergies to certain foods or chemicals, such as gluten and casein, impairment of digestion system such as yeast over growth in the intestine tract, weakened immune system such as decreased resistance to infection, respiratory and ear infection.

Natural Anti Wrinkle Treatment to Prevent Skin Diseases

Besides producing wrinkles and blemishes, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a major risk factor for dermatological cancer.

Xenical - a fat-smart weight loss pill

Xenical orlistat is one of the best selling slimming pills today. By blocking the absorption of fats in the meal, the drug has effectively helped to arrest the rising graph of obesity.

Xenical Orlistat Weight Loss Pills for Obesity Treatment

Explain popularity of Xenical as weight loss pill Obesity puts a person at risk for serious health problems. The most important part of watching one’s weight means – feeling good and staying healthy.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy does it Really Work

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy does it Really WorkMillions of people struggle with their weight each year trying to get to be the perfect size, but what is the perfect size? Is the perfect size the size of a size zero model you see in the glossy magazines, is the perfect size a size ten or is the perfect size the size of someone who is ten years younger than you who can fit in a dress that makes you wonder how on earth she got into it?The answer is, the perfect size is the size that you are happy with, there is no perfect size, a size of a model who looks so skinny you wonder if they have eaten this year is not the perfect size.

How Food Affects Infertility?

Infertility is higher in the importance of food as it largely depends on sperm quality and hormonal balance. Caring for the food, sports and healthy living will help to not suffer from infertility.

How Stress Effect Infertility?

It become visible and appears that stress and infertility go together. Couples who are exaggerated and affected by infertility should try to reduce and eliminate stress in their lives.

Know About Menopause Test

Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation, usually confirmed when a woman has missed her periods for 12 consecutive months. Perimenopause is the period leading up to menopause, and the 12 months following it.

Scientists Document How Coumadin Increases Disease Risk

While doctors hand out Coumadin like candy, apparently because they have no idea how to get someone's sticky blood to flow normally, patient's livers were apparently not briefed on the strategy - an oversight that is likely to injure and speed the onset of age-associated disease.

Glial Cell Function Vital for Learning

A major breakthrough in our understanding of nerve cell function opens the door for strategies to improve learning.  Central to the issue is the function of the glial cells within your brain (also called astrocytes).

New Insights on Addiction, Mood, Memory, and Cognitive Ability

An array of new science is painting not only a clear picture of addiction but of how the same brain issues relate to poor memory, poor mood, and poor cognitive function.

Children's Health - Autism - Important Diet For Autistic Children

Although medication and physical therapies are important for autistic children, without carefully chosen intake of foods with vital nutrients, they will be lessened their effectiveness.

‘Pain in the neck’!

We have all experienced this dilemma and the worst time can be waking up in the morning with a stiff neck which speaks of ‘pillow issues'.

Powerful Tips for Arthritis Problem

Be informed that arthritis is no respecter of age. Both men and women, including children who suffer from arthritis. With arthritis, any one can be affected.

Diabetes - Provide Nutritious Food to the body

When it comes to dealing with diabetes, you need to understand that diet plays an important role. Most people simply like to eat out and indulging restaurant food occasionally.

Want baby? What about fertility

 The desire for children to start a pregnancy, the road is sometimes long. Because the fertility of a couple is subject to many factors.

How to Overcome Low Libido Problem in Man

The factors causing low libido in men:The low male relational desire is a common complaint and very current. There are many reasons for low male relational desire such as stress, age, lifestyle, specific medical conditions and interactions with some medications to name a few.

Natural Cures for Male Impotence

Natural cures for male impotence can be very simple and fast acting. Did you know that 35% of male impotence is caused by psychological effects and another 20% of cases are caused by poor health and diet!I do not feel any desire for my partner .

The Colorful History of Colloidal Silver & Other Silver Compounds

Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical people love to hate.  Listening to them you would think every person taking colloidal silver is going to turn gray with silver accumulation in their skin (argyria).

Exercise Tips for Fighting the Swine Flu

Exercise is vital to conditioning your body to have an efficient immune response.  Hundreds of studies on exercise and immunity have been conducted.

A Healthy Lymph System is Vital for Flu Fighting Immunity

The healthy function of your lymphatic system is required for an optimal immune response.  Millions of Americans struggle with a sluggish and stagnant lymph system, a clear immune system disadvantage.

Noni as a Natural Immune Booster

Noni has been in use as a medicinal herb in various cultures around the world for several thousand years.  Its traditional use relating to immunity includes combating bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections.

Raw Food Diet - Can It Be Another Unexplained Cause of Infertility

I. What is raw food diet?The raw food diet as define as a type of diet of which al least 75% of your daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C , including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats.

Sexual Dysfunction Problem

Human sexual behavior is diverse and determined by a combination of several factors such as the individual's relationships with others, by the very circumstances of life and culture in which he lives.

Remedies for Fertility, As a Favor

When a couple decides that the time has come to be parents are faced with fertility problems more often than we think. We give advice to promote fertility in those couples who have decided to become parents.

Low Libido Problem- Low Relational Desire

Various conjectures have been made to try to explain the low relational desire.Some of them, in the social sphere, raise discussions about global overpopulation, in which nature's way of reducing and controlling the birth rate (number of births) would suppress relational interest.

Ayurveda in a Nutshell

Ayurveda in a NutshellThe word Ayurveda can be translated as the Science of Life, or eventhe Art of Living. Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of naturalhealth care, originating in the ancient traditions of India.

Propecia: A highly beneficial hair loss treatment for men suffering from typical hair loss

Propecia is a breakthrough treatment for male pattern baldness. It has provided new hope to men who suffer from pattern baldness. Baldness, apart from changing your physical appearance, it can greatly affect your self-image and self confidence also.

Fertility Problem - Do not waits too for a child

You want a child? Do not wait too! Couples who want a child should not wait too long at risk of rapid fertility decline with age. Second, if despite the attempts, baby does not come again; do not wait too long before seeking help.

Acne Problem - The many faces of Acne

The different faces of acne nodules, black buttons, white, red ... Acne can take different forms. Clumsy, awkward or even disabling, acne appears mostly in adolescence and then tends to disappear.

Facts about Xenical Orlistat a weight loss treatment

About Orlistat Orlistat is a medicine that is advised or weight loss. However, it is no ‘wonder-drug’; it works best when combined with lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and regular exercise.

How To Keep Diabetes Under Check

Diabetes is one of the most dreaded and feared diseases. It is one of the few diseases for which there is still no permanent cure plus it leads to other health problems like blindness, loss of sexual powers, gangrene and other grave problems.

How To Enhance Size Of Breast

Men are generally attracted to women having big and healthy breasts. That is why women who have small breasts size tend to suffer from low self confidence and resort to different methods to enhance their breast size.

What Is The Best Way To Use Vaginal Tightening Creams

As we age there are lots of physical changes that take place in our body. In women a very big problem is the loss of vagina firmness due to increasing age or childbirth.

How Obesity Influence Infertility Problem

Infertility can be caused by many types of different factors including functional and even emotional but many people miss the option and possibility it is caused by a deficiency or toxicity.

Facts and Myths about Hair Loss

Everyone has a favorite myth about hair care and generally do not want the truth we break our myths! This article discusses the most popular myths about hair loss.

Vagina Tightening Creams Advantages And Ingredients Used

Vagina tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity mainly due to their property of showing quick results and absence of any side effects.

Levitra: A constructive impotence treatment drug

Levitra is an oral drug that is prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Although there are other impotence drugs like Viagra and Cialis, Levitra is the only drug that proves to be suitable for men with additional health risks such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Ways To Enhance The Size Of Breasts Naturally

Many women have been resorting to breast augmentation surgery in the recent past. Although it is a sure way of enhancing your breasts but it carries high chances of side effects like ruptured implants, infections and other complications and the silicones have a life of maximum ten years after which they are damaged.

How Do Vagina Tightening Creams Work

Women generally loose their vaginal firmness due to childbirth or aging. After they loose the firmness in their vagina women generally tend to suffer from problems such as low libido, incontinence in some cases and lack of interest in sex which can also create problems in a relationship.

What Is The Best Cure For Low Libido In Women

Low libido problem in women is increasingly becoming common due to changing life conditions and busy lifestyles. In this article let us find out the main causes of low libido and the options available to overcome this problem.

Reductil Sibutramine a weight loss medication

What is Reductil sibutramine? It is an oral prescription pill, used for obesity treatment as well as weight loss maintenance. It is sold under the brand name; ‘Reductil’ in the UK and European countries.

How To Tighten A Loose Vagina

Vagina tightening creams have become very popular amongst women who have gone through pregnancy or who are aging as both these conditions result in loosening up of vagina.

Champix - the quit smoking drug that brings hope to people who want to call it quits

Champix is a revolutionary new drug that has made great inroads when it comes to smoking cessation. Champix, with varenicline as its active ingredient, is a new-age medication specifically designed to help people stop smoking.

Overcome Infertility - Causes of Irregular Menstruation in TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Overcome Infertility - Types of Irregular Period

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

Healthy Liver - Why it is so important

Why is liver functioning so important for my healthy life?The liver is the second largest organ in the body and is often seen as the most important.

Raw Food Diet - How it Affects a Person's Fertility With YANG Constitution in TCM Perspective

I. Introduction A. What is a typical American raw food diet The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats.

Why Vagina Tightening Creams Have Become So Popular

Women who have lost their vaginal firmness due to aging or pregnancy can now take a sigh of relief as there are options available now to tighten a loose vagina both through surgery and usage of natural herbs.

Raw Food Diet - How it Affects a Person's Fertility With YIN Constitution in TCM Perspective

I. Introduction A. What is a typical American raw food diet The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats.

Bioslim - A Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Bioslim has been used by many people suffering from overweight in one or the other way. Since the product is all natural, it has been considered as effective natural weight loss program.

Sexually Transmitted Infections: Inform You Before!

Sexually Transmitted Infections: tell you before! Be better informed to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections or make other aware, your friends, your children become teenagers.

Men Sexual Health: How important is it really

Many experts in the field of improving male sexual health care and highlights the intense focus that is directed toward the size of a man's vessel.

Levitra vardenafil minor and major side effects

Levitra vardenafil is an erectile dysfunction treatment medication that was approved by FDA in 2003. Like Viagra, Levitra also belongs to the class of medicines called PDE5 inhibitors and help men with impotence get firm erection sufficiently long enough to complete sexual intercourse.

Benefits of Xenical Orlistat a weight loss pill

Explain different benefits of Xenical over other prescription medicines and Herbal medicines Xenical is a unique medication which allows a person to lose 20% of the body weight at the expense of adipose tissues.

Which Whey to Go

In the world of dietary supplements and functional foods there are many choices in terms of product quality, and whey protein is no exception.

Can Vitamin D Help Prevent H1N1 Swine Flu from Spreading?

It seems simple enough to understand.  A well person contracts swine flu from a sick person, who, once sick, passes it along to another.

What Is The Cause Of Type 2 Diabetes

If you are above the age of 40 years and are living a sedentary lifestyle and are overweight having a family history of diabetes type 2 are at a very great risk of falling victim to diabetes.

Blue Pills: An effective treatment for impotence

Due to the blue colour, the Viagra pills are also popularly known as the blue pills. With their advent in 1998, the blue pills were responsible for pioneering the oral impotence treatment; these pills were introduced into the market by Pfizer.

Low Iron Can Cause Chronic Pain

A new discovery about the need for iron in your brain stem (where pain registers) opens the door for an additional approach to chronic pain that may be of immense benefit to many people who are currently suffering.

Do Tightening Creams Really Work

The use of vagina tightening creams for tightening a vagina which has lost its firmness due to aging or child birth is becoming very popular mainly due to the absence of any side effects and their quick result showing properties.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea in TCM Perspective

I DefinitionDysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is defined as a condition of severe uterine pain during menstruation. Some women may experience periodic pains during or prior to, or after menstrual periods in the lower abdomen as resulting of over production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhrea - Symptoms of Blood and Qi Stagnation in TCM Perspective

As we mentioned in previous article, in traditional Chinese medicine, dysmenorrhea is defined as a pain in the lower abdomen, appearing with menstrual cycle that can spread over to the whole abdomen and lumbosacral region, depending to diagnosis.

FAQ’s about Reductil Sibutramine

What is Reductil?Reductil, an oral prescription medication, is used for the medical management of obesity, including weight loss and weight maintenance.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Dampness In TCM Perspective

Dysmenorrhea (a painful menstruation) is defined as a condition of severe uterine pain during menstruation. Some women may experience periodic pains during or prior to, or after menstrual periods in the lower abdomen as resulting of over production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Damp Heat in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learned in their early woman life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

What Is The Best Way To Control Diabetes

It is a bitter moment when you come to know that you or someone you love dearly is suffering from diabetes. When you are diagnosed as a diabetic it becomes very important to keep your blood sugar levels under control.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Deficiency of Qi and Blood in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learned in their early woman life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Blood Deficiency in TCM Perspective

In traditional Chinese medicine, dysmenorrhea is defined as a pain in the lower abdomen, appearing with menstrual cycle that can spread over to the whole abdomen and lumbosacral region, depending on diagnosis.

Alternative Methods Of Enhancing Breasts Size

The most common method of enhancing breasts size is surgery but like other medical procedures breast enhancement surgery also has a problem of creating many side effects which are harmful for the body and yes the surgery is also quite expensive.

The Energetics of Foods for Health and Healing

Biomedical science has reduced foods to the sum of their calories and micronutrients. While it is important to understand the biochemistry of what we eat, it is also important to realize that the qualities, colors, textures of our foods and the ways they are cooked play just as much of a role as their "nutrient content" in influencing our health.

Is Using Vagina Tightening Creams Safe?

Vagina tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity amongst women who have lost vaginal firmness due to aging or childbirth. In this article let us find out more about these creams and ascertain are they really a great alternative to vagina tightening surgery.

Caressing Inner Thighs To Arouse A Woman

There are certain areas on a woman’s body that men should know more about but strangely they have ignored these important areas while seducing her, stimulation of inner thighs to arouse a woman is surely one thing men have not used much.

Taking Action to Overcome Challenging Times

Clients often say to me, where do you get your energy from? How do you keep going? How can you be so inspirational all of the time? Where do you find the time to write articles, newsletters, follow up with people, do treatments, courses and much more?Well, I will be honest with you--my answer usually goes like this, yes the days are very long but I simply love what I do, If you love what you do then you know what I am talking about.

Cialis - Impotence treatment drug

Cialis, containing the active ingredient tadalafil, is a medication prescribed for the treatment of impotence. Manufactured by Lilly ICOS LLC, Cialis is a fast acting drug for erectile dysfunction that starts acting within 30 minutes of taking the drug.

Quercetin: A Rising Star for Nerves, Immunity, and Metabolism

Quercetin is a common flavonoid found in many fresh fruits and vegetables.  It has been in widespread use in the dietary supplement industry for the past two decades due to its natural anti-histamine properties.

The FDA’s Peramivir H1N1 Swine Flu Experiment

The FDA has now opened the door for widespread human experimentation during this year's flu season, allowing an antiviral drug called Peramivir to be used even though it has not passed traditional standards of safety testing.

Tighter Vagina Benefits In A Relationship

One of the major reasons for a bad or an unsuccessful relationship is the lack of a good sex life. If you want to enjoy a happy and long lasting relationship you should seek ways to improve your sex life.

Do Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills Really Work

Natural breast enhancement pills are growing in popularity due to their efficacy and absence of any side effects. In this article let us find out more about these pills and how they can help you gain that extra cup size you have been longing for.

Nutrition and Kinesiology

I am a Systematic Kinesiologist and use muscle testing as a way of finding out where there is imbalance in the body.  It is a diagnostic tool but we DO NOT diagnose disease.

Reductil: An effective obesity treatment

Reductil is one of the popular weight loss pills that are taken orally for the treatment of obesity. It's available only on a prescription from a doctor.

Review Of Breast Enhancement Pills For Small Breasts

Women who have small breast size are taking the help of natural breast enhancement pills to enhance their breasts size. In this article let us find out why these pills are growing in popularity and what are benefits and precautions one should take while taking these pills.

Xenical - Overview and Precautions

Xenical is the trade name given to orlistat, a prescription drug that is used for the treatment of obesity. Unlike other drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of obesity, this one is not a diet suppressant, but is a fat blocker.

Healing with the Elderly

Recently I was asked to join team members of a company in giving volunteer Reflexology to a community of elderly ladies in a township in Johannesburg.

Tamiflu: An effective anti-viral treatment that also prevents a flu infection

Tamiflu has been extensively used for the treatment of various types of flu infections, which include bird flu and the currently raging swine flu.

Best selling prescription only weight loss pills

According to a research carried out by the International Association for the Study of Obesity, about 53 percent of Europeans are either overweight or obese.

Cialis - Working, suitability and precautions

Cialis is a prescription medication for erectile dysfunction (ED). It's important to note that only the intake of Cialis is not going to help ED, as sexual stimulation is also an important component of getting an erection.

Raw Food Diet - How It Reduces the Risks of Stroke Caused by the Typical American Diet in Conventional and Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspectives

Besides cancer and heart diseases, stroke is the third leading cause of death. Approximate 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or it's complications.

New Science Questions Theory of Antidepressant Drugs

Eva Redei, David Lawrence Stein Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern's Feinberg School, has presented a study that throws a monkey wrench in the scientific rationale that is used to justify giving out antidepressant medication.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Imbalance of Liver in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorder sometimes during their child bearing years before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstruation disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Blood and Qi Stagnation in TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem for a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will dis-harmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Overcone Infertility - Premature Ovarian Failure In Conventional Medicine Perspectives

A. DefinitionPremature ovarian failure is defined as a condition of which the ovarian is no longer responded to the brain in production of follicle before the age of 40, leading to high levels of FSH in the bloodstream and menopause hormonal symptoms.

Overcome Infertility - Ovarian Failure Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspectives

Premature ovarian failure is defined as a condition of which the ovarian is no longer responded to the brain in production of follicle before the age of 40, leading to high levels of FSH in the bloodstream and menopause hormonal symptoms.

Tamiflu - An effective treatment for swine flu

Tamiflu is an oral antiviral drug that has been approved by the US FDA for the treatment and prevention of the swine flu virus. The new strain of the virus is resistant to most medicines and a probable cure in the form of a vaccine is yet to be developed.

Pfizer's smoking cessation drug - A word of caution on the ensuing behavioral changes

Champix is literally the wonder drug when it comes to smoking cessation. Its active ingredient varenicline helps people get rid of their smoking habit as it belongs to a family of medications known as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor partial agonist.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Damp Wind Pattern in a TCM Perspective

Young women in South East Asia have learned in their early life from their grandmother's wisdom that they do not engage in any activity that distorts their menstrual cycle.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Kidney Yang Deficiency in a TCM Perspective

All women experience menstruation disorders sometime during their child bearing years before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Symptoms of Kidney and Liver Deficiency in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early life from their grandmother's wisdom that they do not engage in any activity that distorts their regular period.

How the FDA, Big Pharma, and Doctors Cause Injury for Profit

In some ways the health care in America is the finest in the world.  In other ways it is a severe risk to health, even deadly.  The dark side of this issue involves medication profits at the expense of human health.

What Is The Best Way To Cure Low Libido In Women

The cases of women suffering from low libido problems are rapidly increasing these days mainly due to the changing life conditions and a stressful life which is taking a heavy toll on women's body.

Vaginal Tightening Creams- An Excellent Way To Tighten A Vagina After Pregnancy

Herbal vaginal tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity amongst women in the west largely due to their quick results and absence of any side effects.

Cosmetic Eyebrow tattoo - A Permanent Way to deal with Thin Eyebrows

Eyebrows are one of the most prominent features on the face. Everyone wants to have their eyebrows with perfect thickness and shape and mostly suits the face.

Popping pills won’t relieve stress says herbal expert

Christmas and New Year are said to be one of the most stressful times of the year and with it being National Stress Awareness Day today, a leading medical herbalist is warning that reaching for the medicine cabinet for stress busting pills may not be the answer to beating the stress factor for good.

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

Fear talks to people. And when they listen, this is what can happen:Sheila loved to dance but she wouldn’t go out on the dance floor with her fiancé because she thought she’d look clumsy and ridiculous…Fear is that nattering voice inside our heads that says, you can’t, you shouldn’t, what if….

Overcome Infertility - Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) In Conventional Medicine Perspective

Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process.

How To Treat Impotence

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a condition in which a man is unable to achieve an erection to have sexual intercourse. This indeed is the most embarrassing condition a man can face which questions his overall manhood.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Vaginal Tightening Creams

It is not necessarily childbirth which can affect the natural elasticity of the vagina. There are a lot of problems which can arise when your vagina becomes loose for example sex becomes highly unpleasant for both you and your partner and you will tend to feel low on confidence which can also result in problems in a relationship.

Overcome Infertility - Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) is defined as a condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic region, which in turn prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process.

2 types of professional tattoo needles

Tattoos are a very attractive and fashionable addition to the body and many of us can't resist its charm. But still certain mount of people haven't got one as they still concerned about the pain of tattoo and the health considerations during tattooing by tattoo needles.

Benefits Of Herbal Breast Enhancement Pills

Women who have a small breast size are these days using herbal breast enlargement pills to enhance the size of breasts. In this article let us find out what are the benefits of having these pills, what are the ingredients used in making these pills and if they have any adverse side effects.

Five Reasons For Low Libido In Women

Low libido problem in women is on the rise these days mainly due to changing life conditions and to an extent polluted environment which is taking a lot of toll on the body.

The 'Pfizer riser' Viagra still stands tall in spite of hard-hitting competition

Viagra is an US FDA accepted medication, which has also been approved by the health authorities in several countries worldwide, including Europe and the UK.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Heat Pattern in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity that distorts their regular period.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Dampness in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstrual disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Blood Deficiency in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstruation disorders sometime during their child bearing years before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstruation disorder is a problem of a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously.

Raw Food Diet - How It Makes A Typical American Dieter Lose Weight In Conventional & Traditional Chinese Medcine Perspective

I. Definition A. What is weight loss? Weight loss is defined as a condition of health and physical fitness by reducing the total body mass, including loss of fluid, body fat or body tissues.

Impotence- Causes, Treatment And Natural Cure For Impotence

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction or an inability to achieve an erection to have sexual intercourse then you should be interested in knowing about some of the natural products that are being sold in the market which can overcome this embarrassing condition which questions your very manhood.

Stop smoking with prescription medication Champix

Champix is a prescription drug, developed for smoking cessation. The active ingredient in Champix is varenicline. Unlike other treatments, intended for smoking cessation, Champix does not contain nicotine.

Raw Food Diet - Can It Enhance Pregnancy For Overweight American?

Infertility affects over 10% of American couple or 5% of the population and increases at alarm rate especially for overweight people. Although convention medication has done its best, but for what ever reasons, 10% of infertile couples are diagnosed with unexplained cause of infertility.

Kitchen Work Surfaces must be kept Clean and Tidy on a Regular Basis

In order to maintain excellent hygiene on our work top surfaces and especially in the kitchen, we should use a product that can be easily applied and if possible using a product made up of natural ingredients.

Green Living and Prenatal Care: 10 Things You Need to Know To Ensure Your Baby Arrives Healthy Despite the Toxic World Around Us

Nutritional expert Dr. Carolyn Dean talks about how you can apply green living to protect your unborn child and have a smooth delivery and a healthy child.

Raw Food Diet - The Best Weight Loss Program For Over Weight American

You may already heard that raw food diet helps you to lose weight in conventional and nutritional supplements perspectives. Today, you are introduced to another view point - how you can get rid of your weight once and for all.

Best beginner tattoo kits

Tattoo has become a most craze in today's society. Many people are getting tattoos with hopes of expressing themselves in a more unique way.

How To Tighten A Vagina After Pregnancy

Herbal vaginal tightening creams for tightening a vagina which has become loose due to aging or childbirth is on the rise largely due to their ease of usage and absence of any side effects.

M2-Tone Herbal Remedies for Irregular Menstruation

M2 Tone from the Charak Pharmaceuticals has been used to treat different menstruation problems in women since years. It is trusted and timely tested product from Charak that is pioneer in producing enormous Ayurvedic herbs to treat various health ailments.

Guduchi Herb Benefits - Boost Immune System

Guduchi or tinospora cordifolia is an ayurvedic herb well-known for its numerous medical benefits. Guduchi is used in homes to treat various medical situations.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Damp Heat's Tonic Herbs in TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular periods sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Damp Heat in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity that distorts their regular period.

Remedies to Increase Low male libido

Low male libido can be caused by various reasons, both emotional and physical. Some of the emotional reasons that result in low male libido include depression, lack of self-esteem, or boredom.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Deficiency of Qi and Blood in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstrual disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Damp Wind Pattern in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstrual disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

How to Boost Male Low Libido

In various parts of the world it is unheard of for a man to suffer from loss of libido or low sexual drive. For instance; in a lot of parts of Africa, a man with a low libido is considered a "useless man" even if he is very economically successful!As the world advance, most men are beginning to lose their sexual drive performance and desire because they have to deal with stressful situations every single day.

Memory Improvement Techniques and Treatment

Memory means a person’s ability of intelligence and mind to retain information, recollect and stores the information. Researchers said that brain keeps various aspects of memory in the different places and these aspects are directly connected with the brain.

Challenging the Placebo Effect for Pain Relief from Magnetic Therapy

The recent study by York University* on the effectiveness of copper bangles and magnetic wrist straps to give pain relief to people with arthritis, concluded that based on a well-accepted pain measurement scores,(Womac/Mcgill/ PRI) any improvement could be attributed to the placebo effect of these items.

Breast Enhacement Without Surgery

Women who have small breast size tend to suffer from low self confidence as they in their quiet mind very well know that men are attracted towards women who have a good pair of breasts.

Low Sperm Count Problem - Methods to Treat it

Low sperm count is creation of low quality sperm that is unable to fertilize the female egg. some couples who have been trying to get pregnant may release that all their efforts to conceive may be in vain because the sperm produced by the male is way below normal conditions.

Laughter Recipe for Stress life

Stress is basically and simply a fact of nature, forces from the outside world affecting and disturbing the individual. Lots of people have made a livelihood of getting stressed up! The whole world knows that laughter is beneficial and healing because a good giggle and laugh makes you feel better, instantly.

Xenical potential side effects

About Xenical Xenical is one of the most prescribed weight loss drugs in modern society where obesity is growing as an epidemic. Xenical inhibits the absorption of dietary fat by up to 30% and thereby reduce calorie intake and help a person to gradually lose weight.

Mental Stress- Ways to release stress

Imagine you're on your way to meet friends in a bar. You're late and stuck behind a van in slow motion, when the whole street lurches into darkness.

Xenical helps cure obesity

Xenical is well known to effectively arrest the rising trend in obesity, Xenical was approved by the US FDA in 1999. Xenical orlistat is one of the best selling slimming pills on the market today.

Getting Larger Breasts Without Going For Surgery

Breast enhancement surgery is one of the most common ways of enhancing breasts size amongst women. But like any other surgical procedure it can cause adverse side effects as well as it is a very expensive procedure so everyone cannot afford to go for it.

Stop Premature Ejaculation Problem

Premature ejaculation - Normal time of penetrative sexual relation is 3 to 13 minutes. Ejaculation before 3 minutes or in other words before the satisfaction of lady is called as early ejaculations.

Get rid of Hair Loss Problem with Natural Remedies

The state and circumstance of hair loss is very common these days and it is very awful. It destroys your confidence and also affects your appearance.

Causes Of Low Libido and Its Treatment Through Alternative Therapy

Low libido problem in women is increasing rapidly mainly due to hectic lifestyle and a polluted environment. In this article let us find out some of the ways through which women can keep themselves healthy and fit and enjoy a healthy sex life.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Liver and Kidney Deficiency in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstrual disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Causes of Kidney Yang Deficiency in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that menstrual disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorder - Dysmenorrhea - Causes the Imbalance of Liver in a Tcm Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorders sometime during their child bearing years before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed menstrual disorder as a problem of a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated it will disharmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Natural Breast Enlargement Methods

Women who have small breast size tend to suffer from low self confidence as they are well aware of the fact that men are attracted towards women having a big pair of breasts.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Blood Deficiency Tonic Herbs in a TCM Perspective

All women experience an irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed irregular menstruation as a problem of the women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously that if untreated it will disharmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Vaginal Lubrication With Vagina Tightening Creams

Loose vagina problem is generally faced by aging women or women who have gone through pregnancy. To tighten their vagina women generally have two options available one is through vagina tightening surgery and the other one is through the usage of vaginal tightening creams.

Overcome Infertility - Period Modification - What is a Normal Menstrual Cycle? In TCM Perspective

A normal menstrual cycle is normally from 28-35 days with no symptom, causing discomfort to a woman and excluding dull pain. Menstrual discharge is red and last from 3-5 days without spotting.

Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or male impotence is defined as the inability of a man to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for mutually satisfactory relation with his partner.

Treatment to Get Rid of Menstrual Disorders

Menstruation is a common occurrence in every woman's life. Unwanted pain and cramps are part and parcel of this occurrence. It is like meeting a guest you do not want to see in your life.

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd

What comes first in your mind when you think of bitter gourd, obviously, its strong and bitter taste? Although this vegetable tastes bitter it has high nutritional values and health benefits.

Overcoming Premature Ejaculation and Sexual Dysfunction

Premature ejaculation is male sexual climax (orgasm) prior to or immediately following penetration. Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition where a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to.

Meditation - Improve Physical and Mental Health

 Meditation is a group of mental training techniques. You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacity to improve their motivation for their goals and also to help improve physical health.

Hair Regrowth For Men

If there is one medical problem that unites the whole world into one it has to be hair loss. Almost everybody losses hair at some point in their life and then they start looking for ways to put a stop on it or search available options that can grow their back.

How to Treat Hair Loss Naturally

Hair loss is one of the most common problems which affect almost 95% people all over the world. Hair loss is of many types but the most common type found in men is male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.

Asthma Problem- How to Get Rid of it

Asthma is a disease of the human respiratory system in which the airways narrow, often in response to a "trigger" such as exposure to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress.

Treat impotence successfully with pioneer drug – Viagra

When Viagra was introduced more than a decade ago, little did people know, it would become one of the most famous and successful course of Impotence treatments.

How To Sexually Arouse A Woman

There are millions of men worldwide who are searching for ways to arouse their women so that they can make her orgasm. In this article let us find out some of the proven ways through which a women can be fully aroused to the level that she cannot resist having a fulfilling sex session with you.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Deficiency of Qi and Blood's Tonic Herbs in TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Herbs Used to Treat Dampness in a TCM Perspective

All women experience an irregular period once in awhile during their child bearing years. While Western medication has never viewed irregular menstruation as a problem of a women's reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously and that if left untreated, it will disharmonize the women's ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Diabetes and Disease Me

 Diabetes problem and disease me. Sounds like a bad movie. Diabetes is a disease that tends to experience a delay in insulin production or unbalanced blood glucose levels.

Indigestion - Common Discomfort of Third Trimester

Indigestion or Heartburn is probably the most common discomfort of the third trimester of pregnancy!As baby grows, your expanding uterus putting pressure on your digestive tract and can cause the contents are forced up.

Cialis gives you the freedom to be spontaneous

A well-known drug in the western world, Cialis is also called ‘the weekend pill’ by French men because of its longer-lasting uniqueness.

Make Your Vagina Like A Virgin Vagina With Vagina Tightening Creams

Vagina tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity amongst women who have lost their vagina firmness due to childbirth or aging.

Swine Flu Treatment with Ayurvedic Medicines

Swine flu is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus. The main symptoms associated with Swine flu includes flu like symptoms such as Fever, chills, cold, cough, body aches, sore throat etc.

Remedies for Constipation Relief

Constipation means different things to different people. For many people, it simply means infrequent stools. Constipation means hard stools, difficulty passing stools or a sense of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement.

Cialis the most preferred among various Impotence treatment

Various Erectile dysfunction treatments The purpose of ED treatment is to allow men to achieve and maintain long-lasting and strong erections that are essential for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Kidney Yang Deficiency's Tonic Herbs in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorder sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women's reproductive systems, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

How To Enhance Breasts Size

Breast enhancement is one of the most common topics discussed amongst women. To enhance their breast size women generally know only one method and that is breast enhancement surgery which is although a permanent way to enhance your breast size but it has a lot of complications attached with it like chances of infections or in some cases broken implants and yes men can usually make out the difference between artificial and natural breasts so basically it is not a very wise decision to go for breast implants.

What Is Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the most embarrassing conditions that a man can face in fact this is one condition which can question his entire manhood and make him suffer from low self esteem and loose respect in front of his partner.

Natural Hair Loss Solutions

Hair loss may come as a surprise, but it is no mystery. Both men and women suffer hair loss but patterns may be different in women than in men.

Cirrhosis of Liver Prevention and Treatment

Cirrhosis of the liver is permanent damage to the liver by scar tissue. Although alcoholic liver disease is one of the major causes of cirrhosis, it is not the only one, accounting for only about half of the cases.

A larger window of opportunity with 36-hour Cialis can help treat erection problems effectively

When a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in satisfactory sexual intercourse, erection problems are said to occur.

Natural Remedies for Joint Pains Relief

 Joint pain is caused by many different conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, lupus, injury, tendonitis, many infectious diseases, and overuse.

Faulty body clock may make kids bipolar

Malfunctioning circadian clock genes may be responsible for bipolar disorder in children. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Psychiatry found four versions of the regulatory gene RORB that were associated with paediatric bipolar disorder.

Children's Health - Autism - Definition and Symptoms in Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

I. Definition Autism is one most common forms of brain development disorder and one in 166 child is diagnosed with some forms of autism. Children who are diagnosed with autism tend to have weak immune systems and auto immune problems.

Raw Food Diet - How it Increases Energy For a Typical American Dieter - In TCM Perspective

I. What is raw food diet?The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats.

Tips on Using Doppler Prenatal Baby Heart Monitor

Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting times in your life, filled with fun, hope, and enjoyment. And many pregnant women find that nothing is more exciting than hearing their baby's heart beat for the first time! So a home use Doppler Prenatal Baby Heart Monitor is necessary for every expectant mother to hear their unborn babies' heart beat anytime at anywhere and know your baby's heart sounds before birth and form a special bond with her/him.

Cellulite and Ways for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite describes a condition of men and women where the lower limbs, abdomen, and pelvic region become dimpled after puberty. Cellulite is a skin alteration often described as an ‘orange peel,’ ‘mattress,’ or ‘dimpling’ appearance on the thighs, buttocks and sometimes lower abdomen of otherwise healthy women.

Propecia - when used responsibly - is a reliable and trustworthy hair loss treatment

Undoubtedly, after the approval of Propecia finasteride as a viable hair loss treatment, millions of people across the world are filled with new hope.

To Make Time, Take Time

Too much to do, too many places to be, too little time to do it all!On the job, in school and at home, we are increasingly imprisoned by the perception that time is a scarce and limited resource.

Breast Enhancement With Traditional Methods

Breast enhancement surgery is one of the most common surgery for which women are opting for to enhance their breast size but in the long run it is causing a lot of undesirable side effects as a result of which women now are looking for other available avenues to enhance their breast size without causing any harm to their body.

Cold Cream for Dry and Rough Skin In Winter

As winters are approaching and your skin becomes dull and dry in winters. It becomes rough and dry. Your skin becomes tight and hard. In winters it is the skin that is most affected.

How To Burn Fat Faster By Simply Changing Your Mindset

Have you ever thought about the way your subconscious mind controls a lot of your actions? You can be sure that it even has an effect on your ability to burn fat.

Saw Palmetto For Breast Enhancement

Women who have small breast size tend to suffer from low self esteem as they are well aware of the fact that men are attracted towards women who have big pair of breasts as a result of this inferiority complex they can go into depression and as a result they can suffer from other health problems as well.

Overcome Infertility - Causes of High Follicle-Stimulating Hormone in TCM Perspective

The traditional Chinese medicine views high level of FSH as an indication of yin phrase defect caused by excessive imbalance of yin and yang of kidney, accumulation of dampness and liver blood and qi deficiency.

Cialis the 36-hour pill offers serious challenge to its predecessor

Cialis, the 36-hour pill for erectile dysfunctionThird in line to receive approval, Cialis is an oral prescription medication endorsed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Children Health - How To Treat Autism InTraditional Chineses Perspective

I. DefinitionUnlike conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine defines autism as a health condition of five delays, five weakness and middle burner stagnation1.

Why Liver Is So Important

Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It is also one of the most important. The liver has many jobs, including changing food into energy and cleaning alcohol and poisons from the blood.

Prostate Enlargement Problem

The prostate is a male reproductive gland that produces the fluid that carries sperm during ejaculation. It surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine passes out of the body.

Although a Sign of Wisdom Baldness Affects Virility Too

What is male pattern baldness? Also known as androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness, this is one of the most common types of hair loss that is caused by hormonal imbalance.

The Impact of Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction on Your Life

Sex is a natural human desire that we should all be able to enjoy. Our sexuality may also reflect who we are as well as how we relate to the outside world.

Eye Disease- Stye Problem

Eyes are organs that detect light, and send electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the visual and other areas of the brain. Some eye problems are minor and fleeting.

Constipation - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Constipation refers to a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements. For some people, it may mean difficulty in passing stools. A constipated stool is hard because it contains less water than normal.

Mosquito Bites: 4 Potential Diseases and the Warning Signs That Come With Them

It can be scary to think about the diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites. You don't have to travel to a foreign country to contract them either.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Ocupunture in TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorder sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Menstruation Disorders - Dysmenorrhea - Acupressure in Tcm Perspective

Girls in Southeast Asia have learnt in their early women life from grandmother wisdoms, that they do not engage in any activity distorting their regular period.

Indian Head Massage - Don't understimate it!

Indian Head Massage is becoming an increasingly popular therapy which has to be experienced in order to be appreciated!  When I was first introduced to this technique, I totally underestimated its power and value.

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat High Levels of Fsh Caused by Kidney Yang Deficiency in Tcm

In traditional Chinese medicine, high FSH is defined as the process of continuous surging of yin which cannot stimulate the ovarian to produce the follicle because of yin is deficiency.

Children's Health - Autism - How Kidney Functions Affect Autism In TCM

Autism is defined as a medical condition of a child having some of the following impairmentsa) Speechb) Social and communication skillsc) Limited interestd) Repetitive behaviourThese impairments are caused by the inability of the body organs to perform their functions, according to TCM.

Vaginal Tightening Creams Main Added Benefits

Vagina tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity amongst women in the west largely due to their quick results and absence of any side effects.

Too much selenium can increase your cholesterol

A new study from the University of Warwick has discovered taking too much of the essential mineral selenium in your diet can increase your cholesterol by almost 10%.

Five exercises can reduce neck and shoulder pain of women office workers

BETHESDA, USA - Strength training exercises using dumbbells can reduce pain and improve function in the trapezius muscle, the large muscle which extends from the back of the head, down the neck and into the upper back.

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat High Levels of Fsh Caused by Liver Qi Stagnation in Tcm

In traditional Chinese medicine, high FSH is defined as the process of the continuous surging of yin which cannot stimulate the ovarian to produce the follicle because of yin deficiency.

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat High Levels of Fsh Caused by Liver Blood Stagnation in Tcm

In traditional Chinese medicine, high FSH is defined as the process of the continuous surging of yin which cannot stimulate the ovarian to produce the follicle because of yin is deficiency.

Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Kidney's Yin Deficiency Cause of High FSH in TCM Perspective

In conventional medicine, high FSH is defined as a condition of the follicles do not respond to the FSH, causing the pituitary gland to produce even more FSH to stimulate the response of ovaries in follicle production.

Natural Approach for Quality Sperm Count

More and more couples turn to a fertility clinic to achieve his dream of becoming parents. Currently, numerous studies show that rates of infertile couples around 20%, a relatively large when compared to past figures.

No Single Cause of Anorgasmia and Sexual Impotence

Many possible causes of anorgasmia have been proposed, but none is conclusive, or nearly all, are insufficient to explain the problem as a whole.

Viagra with excessive use of alcohol may affect your erections negatively

Clinical studies have consistently shown that a moderate level of alcohol when combined with Viagra is unlikely to cause problems; however, you must be aware about the potential risks of mixing alcohol with Viagra.

How Does Vagina Tightening Creams Work

Vagina tightening creams are one of the most popular herbal products today in the market amongst women largely due to lack of any side effects and their quick result producing properties.

Low Sex Drive In Women- Causes And Natural Treatment

Low libido problem amongst women is increasingly on the rise mainly due to changing life conditions and environment. In this article let us find out what exactly causes low libido and the steps you can take to overcome this embarrassing problem.

Get Rid Of Bad Vaginal Odor With Vagina Tightening Creams

A loose vagina problem is usually faced by aging women or who have gone through pregnancy. To tighten their vagina women these days are opting for vagina tightening surgery but it is quite an expensive surgery and it is only good till you next pregnancy.

Supplements and Green Tea for Weight Loss

In the world, the statistics revealed that an alarming proportion of the population, about 55% are highly overweight and what is even more frightening side to this figure is the fact that the progress of time, it has been noted that even young people are getting affected by obesity.

How to Decrease Chances of Arthritis

What causes arthritis?Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain. But, arthritis pain relief is not so common. There are over one hundred diseases associated with arthritis, affecting areas in and around joints.

ADHD Linked to Early Life Instability & Sleep Problems

A new Canadian study analyzes the sleep habits from children age 1.5 to 5 years looking for an association between sleep problems and the development of ADHD.

Common Phthalate Exposure Linked to ADHD

Phthalates are commonly added to plastics to increase their flexibility and transparency.  The are common in the average household and can readily leach into food.

How To Naturally Enlarge The Size Of Breasts

Small breasts size is one of the most common problems faced by women worldwide. Women with small breasts tend to suffer from low self confidence as they are well aware of the fact that men are attracted towards women who have large set of breasts.

What is Sport & Remedial Massage Therapy?

Sport & Remedial Massage HistoryThe earliest recording of massage dates back to the Chinese in 3000 BC. Today massage has evolved into over 400 recognised styles, ranging from Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish, Aromatherapy, Holistic, Hot Stone Therapy, Sport & Remedial Massage.

Detoxification - What to Avoid?

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Tips for Taking care of your Skin

Here we show you tips on how to properly care for your skin, the right way to wash your face, to the best moisturizers and UV protection. The skin is the largest organ of our body.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - Causes Of Proloned Yin Phrase In TCM Perspective

All women experience menstrual disorder sometime during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed menstruation disorder is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

''Glucolo'' Diabetes Control Supplement Analysis and Its Success Rate in Controlling Blood Sugar

Glucolo is an ayurvedic supplement geared towards keeping blood glucose levels under control. The product is based on ayurveda which is known as the oldest system of medicine dating back to more than 5000 years and the makers of glucolo are full of confidence of its efficacy and are offering full money back guarantee if it does not product the desired results.

Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight Naturally

For a healthy person weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume. Your healthiest weight is determine by height to weight ratio or Body Mass Index (BMI) and the amount of fat in your body.

Instant Virgin Spray Vagina Tightening Spray Review and Its Success Rate In Making Vagina Tighter

Instant virgin spray is a natural herbal product which when sprayed on the vagina and its surrounding areas makes the vagina upto 40% tighter.

Slimming pills can encourage your weight loss efforts

Slimming pills have been put on the market with the idea of helping obese men and women lose weight and improve their overall health; but, all these medications work best when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan.

Is Foreplay More Important Than Sexual Intercourse To Give Her Orgasms ?

It is a well known fact that the size of your manhood plays a very vital role in satisfying your partner in bed, but if you do not have a big penis you can still make your woman orgasm if you follow some proven methods of arousal.

How to Enhance Breasts Size - Breast Enhancement to Improve Your Self Confidence

If you have small breasts you very well how it feels like when you see beautiful women all around you showing off their breasts wearing daring outfits revealing their big breasts and you just wish that somehow you could also enhance your breasts size and start walking confidently like them.

How To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Every year countless number of people are diagnosed with diabetes and there are millions of people who die of this dreaded disease every year.

Infertility, Infertility- How You Tackle This Word

Leading cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Others may be low sperm motility, bad quality sperm, and lack of semen. Semen Volume and Sperm motility describes the ability of quality sperm to move properly towards an egg.

Irregular Menstruation - Is it Quite Normal to Every Woman

A change in hormone levels is a common cause of abnormal menstrual bleeding. This is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding. The menstrual cycle is a cycle of physiological changes that occurs in fertile females.

Tips to Prevent Your Anti-Aging and Wrinkles Problem

Most wrinkles become visible on the parts of the body where sun exposure is greatest. These particularly include the face, neck, backs of hands, and the tops of the forearms.

Cold and Flu Prevention - Tips to Protect Yourself from Cold

Cold and flu are the most commonly occurring illnesses in the entire world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone.

How to prevent Cold and Flu With Foods

In the previous Article, we learned that cold and flu are the most commonly occurring illnesses in the entire world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - Symptoms,Causes and Treatment Of Kidney Yang Deficiency in Yin Phrase

Opposite to Kidney yin deficiency, yang is necessary for the liver to transform the yin energy to yang energy to promote the implantation of egg into the uterus and kidney is the main organ to regulate each step of the reproductive function.

Cold and Flu Prevention - How to Prevent Cold and Flu With Nutrients

As we mentioned in the previous article, influenza is no minor illness. If you are senior or have a serious heart and lung disease, you are at the greatest risk for coming down with a dangerous case of flu because your immune system might not be strong enough to fend off the infection.

Cold and Flu Prevention - How to Prevent Cold and Flu With Herbs

The immune system, which is the set of cells and their activity against antigens, or infectious agents that comprises of the body's defense system against diseases.

12 Healthy Healing Foods from the Bible

Why does our society seem to seek every way to overcome sickness and disease other than looking in the best Instruction Manual that's been around for thousands of years?  Why do we avoid the simplicity of the basics when it comes to our health?  The "basics" I refer to are eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep.

Cold and Flu Prevention - How to Prevent Cold and Flu With Homeopathy

As we mentioned in the previous Articles, cold and Flu are the most commonly occurring illnesses in the entire world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone.

Weight control with Traditional Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture

Weight loss comes under the topic of "Weight Control", because we are concerned with the loss and MAINTENANCE of loss of weight. This is a multi-faceted problem, and a good program involves diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques.

The most successful weight loss techniques and discussion

Rather than change current lifestyle followed by balanced nutrition, regular exercise and keeping patience for a longer period of time to get desired weight loss, people are willing to undergo gastric bypass, minor painful surgery liposuction, and the risk of addiction to diet pills to achieve faster results.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - How to Treat Kidney Yin Deficiency in The Yin Phrase

I. DefinitionKidney yin deficiency is defined as a condition of the yang is not rising. Since kidney is one of organ governed the reproductive system and regulates the production of certain hormones during the process of menstrual cycle, deficiency of kidney yin distorts each step of the reductive function in phrase I, leading to prolonged yin phrase.

Remedies and Recipes for Diabetes to Live Healthy Life

Diabetes is a stoppage or reduction in the body's ability to control or handle sugar. It’s not a life threatening problem or disease.

Leucoderma - Chronic Skin Disease

Days were gone when people with Leucoderma have been looked up. Today, there are many treatment procedures and medications available in the market for the cure of this skin disorder.

Managing Menopause with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Menopause is a transitional period marking the cessation of ovulation in a woman's body. This time of change may last a few months to several years.

Review Of Alternative Methods Of Breast Enhancement

Small breasts size is one of the most embarrassing problems faced by women. In order to enhance their breast size women resort to all types of methods the most popular one being breast augmentation surgery which although enhances the breasts size but gives a very artificial look and most men can easily make out the difference between artificial and natural breasts and also surgery on breasts can result in a lot of health complications.

Fitness Mantra For Diabetics

Diabetes is one of the most deadly diseases which is afflicting mankind but this was not the case around 20 to 30 years ago. In this article let us find out why diabetes has spread so rapidly in recent past and the options available to keep it under control.

Tips For Breast Enhancement

Women who have small breast size tend to suffer from low self esteem as they are well aware of the fact that men are naturally attracted to women who have larger and firmer breasts as a result of this they are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their breast size with some even going for surgery.

Get Rid of Foul Smelling Vaginal Discharge

Perhaps one of the most hard and tricky problems that women deal with odor and vaginal discomfort is. Many things, of menstruation, hygiene, lifestyle, stress, exercise, and hormones, diet and harsh cleaning products, can disturb the delicate female system and cause embarrassing odor.

Benefit of Hot Sexual Activity for More Pleasure

The benefits of sexual activity on our physical and emotional health are many and science begins to specify in detail. The benefits of sexual activity, of course, occur in men as in women.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - Symptoms,Causes and Treatments Of Spleen Qi Deficiency Cause of Prolonged Yin Phrase

Spleen is an organ responsible for foods absorption and transformation food essence and qi to the body organs, deficiency of spleen qi causes not enough energy being transport to kidney, leading to kidney qi deficiency that disturbs the normal process of kidney in regulating each step of menstrual cycle, including phrase I.

Manual acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and low-level Laser therapy in management of Herpes Zoster complicated by right side facial palsy: a case repo

Manual acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and low-level Laser therapy in management of Herpes Zoster complicated by right side facial palsy: a case report.

How to Get Rid of Knee, Hip and Joint Pain

Bones are found in lots of joints like the knee, hip, finger joints and joints in your toes.When the bones get together, there is also cartilage, a rubbery, protective layer that ensures your joints without pain and without bending.

Surprisingly High Cancer Risk from CT Scans

Isn't it nice to know that the medical profession caused 29,000 future cases of cancer in 2007 from the CT scans it performed on patients (a great tool for future business).

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - How to Treat Excess - Heat Cause of Shortened Yin Phrase

Excessive heat in the yin phrase is defined as a condition in which the body temperature of the women is higher than normal. It can be caused either by deficiency of yin or excessive yang in the body, leading to shortened yin phrase.

Tighten A Vagina - Main Reasons Why You Need A Tighter Vagina

Vagina tightening creams are an effective and safe of tightening up vagina which has become loose due to reasons like childbirth or aging. In this article let us find out more about these creams and the precautions one should take while using these herbal formulations.

Endometriomas - Chocolate Cysts - In Conventional Medicine Perspective

I. DefinitionEndometriomas - Chocolate Cysts are definition as a health condition of endometrial cells forming in the outside of the ovaries, leading to endometriosis on the surface of the ovaries.

Herbs For Controlling Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases afflicting millions of people worldwide. If you are diabetic you have to keep your blood sugar levels under control to keep yourself fit.

Natural Cure For Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by people all over the world. In this article let us find out what causes hair loss and the effective ways to stop hair loss and grow new hair.

Natural Beauty Tips for Dry Itchy Skin

Dry skin is most common in the legs, arms, flanks sides of abdomen and thighs. Dry skin, eczema, hives and may causes itching all over his body.

Remedies for Male Libido Enhancer

When looking at low libido we need to look at main problems that men have low libido and each of them the good news is there are natural supplements to help with problems.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification -Symptoms, Causes & Treatments Of Kidney Yin Deficiency Cause of High BBT In The Yin Phrase

Kidney yin deficiency, in traditional Chinese medicine, is defined as condition in which the function of kidney no longer performs its function of distribution of qi and fluid to moister the body properly due to excessive yang or not enough yin in the body caused by spleen's inability in absorbing food qi and essence from the stomach or intake of hot and spicy food.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification -Symptoms, Causes & Treatments Of Kidney Yang Deficiency Cause Of Low BBT in Yin Phrase

Since the balance of kidney yin and kidney yang is important in maintaining the kidney function in qi and fluid distribution, if it' function is disrupted, pathological changes take place and illness occurs.

Relationship Between Skin Problems and Smoking

It is easy to distinguish a smoker from a non-smoker by looking at his or her skin, fingers and face. Smoking not only causes yellowed fingers and fingertips or premature wrinkling but also a variety of serious skin problems.

Why do Women Smoke and what Cost Women do pay for Smoking?

Ugly facts of smoking in women It’s essential that each and every woman takes care of her own health and well being. Giving up smoking is an important way to begin this approach and is strongly recommended by doctors to decrease the chances of serious health problems for women later in life.

Quitting Smoking - How to Stop Smoking?

We all know that smoking is bad for health which is why many smokers try to quit. However, it is easier said than done for regular smokers to give up smoking.

Cigarette Smoking can Cause Male Impotence - Smoking Cessation

Smoking and impotence: An insight into the connection between the two It’s a well known fact that smoking seriously damages your health.

Factors That Make Women More Prone to Gaining Weigh Than Men

Studies conducted on female weight gain show that women are more prone to gaining weight as compared to men. This is the reason why slimming pill like Reductil is quite popularly used amongst women compare to men.

Relation Between Smoking and Infertility in Men and Women

According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 1/3 of infertility cases are attributable to women. 1/3 is attributable to men and the remaining 1/3 to combined infertility or unexplained causes.


TREATMENT OF HOT FLUSHES IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH DIET AND OTHER COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES.  Most women treated surgically for early breast cancer they undergo treatment with chemotherapy and/or Tamoxifen and/or ovarian ablation may have vasomotor symptoms that usually continue for years.

Causes of Osteoarthritis How You Stop

Osteoarthritis is the gradual process in which the joint surfaces - the cartilage and bone itself deteriorate and break. For this reason, it is now considered a degenerative joint disease.

Liver fibrosis - Alcohol and Liver

Fibrosis is sign for both liver damage and a potential contributor to liver failure by way of progressive cirrhosis of the liver. Liver fibrosis is one of the procedures that occur when the liver is damaged.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Luteal Phrase Defect In The Yang Phrase

In Traditional Chinese medicine, when the egg is extruded into fallopian tube, liver transform yin energy to yang that triggers the yang ( progesterone) phrase.

Men Health Problem

Research shows that hair loss, prostate problems and premature ejaculation affects over 50-60 % of men. You have to know that some diseases can affect more men than women and most of them are typical for men, as prostate problems, premature ejaculation, hair loss, snoring, or the ability to distinguish colors.

Losing Weight -Looking Beautiful and Healthy

Losing weight is not actually that difficult. It just needs a person’s conviction and dedication. So first step, if you want to lose weight, you have to really want.

Hemorrhoids and Vascular Disease

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) involves damage to or blockage in blood vessels distant from your heart, arteries and peripheral veins. The peripheral arteries and veins to carry blood and muscles of the arm and leg more bodies in the stomach and below the surface.

Sales of Weight Loss Medications are Increasing Day by Day

Many options are available to lose weight, but none has been affective like that of the weight loss medications. With the help of these medications you will surely be able to lose the desired weight.

How to Treat Asthma with Aromatherapy

Roughly 5% of the population lives with asthma. Asthma is a disease that is characterised by increased responsiveness of the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (main airway) to some type of trigger (examples listed below).

Abnormal Brain Structure in Schizophrenia

The post-mortem analysis of the brains of patients with schizophrenia compared to normal brain shows severe dysregulation in the matrix outside of brain cells that holds them together in key regions of the subconscious brain associated with learning, memory, and the processing of stress.

The Poorly Developing ADHD Brain

A study done at the National Institute of Mental Health has used neuroanatomical magnetic resonance image technology to document developmental changes in brain structure in normal children and those with ADHD.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle Modification - Symptoms, Causes & Treatments Of Liver Qi Stagnation Causes in Ovulation Phrase

Many women experience menstrual cramps and pain either on the left or the right of the abdomen, it is due to liver qi 0r blood stagnation disturbing the development of follicles in the ovaries.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle modification - Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Liver Qi Stagnation Causes in Ovulation Phrase of Menstrual Cyc

Many women experience menstrual cramps and pain either on the left or the right of the abdomen, it is due to liver qi 0r blood stagnation disturbing the development of follicles in the ovaries.

Lists Of Foods For Healthy Living and Longevity Foods In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Getting old is a biological process, no one can avert but delay it. At age 35, our body hormone production ( Kidney essences has depleted to a certain stage) has started to decline, if we don't look after it, it will diminish faster that is how one is looked over than the other.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Blood Stagnation of Ovulation Phrase

Blood stagnation is defined as a condition of blood can not move freely due to liver qi deficiency, kidney essence depletion spleen's inability in qi distribution and liver's inability in blood formation, etc.

Detoxification -Types of FoodsHelp to Detoxify Your Body

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Slow down and take it all in

On the many occasions I have driven on a long journey and sometimes in all weathers, I tend to want to hurry to get there or hurry to get back.

Increase Female libido Naturally

Female libido problems are common - but do not despair, here we show you some natural herbs which if combined, will increase your libido and overall well-being while.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Painful Ovulation Caused By Blood Stagnation Of The Ovulation Phras

Painful ovulation is defined as a condition of blood and qi can not move freely due to liver qi and blood deficiency, as liver is the primary organ in preparing to transfer the yin to yang for the start of the yang phrase of menstrual cycle.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Symptoms Of Sore Breast And Irritability Of The Ovulation Phrase

Some women may experience sore breast and irritability during ovulation phrase of menstrual cycle.They are defined as conditions of liver qi can not move blood freely due to liver qi stagnation.

Viagra Facts

Old and new facts concerning Viagra Men know a lot about Viagra, thanks to locker room gossips and by passing rumours between their friends.

Infertility and Polyscystic Ovarian Syndrome PCO's In Weight Loss Perspective

We have spent most of our time in discussing the conventional medicine in treating infertility caused by polyscystic ovarian syndrome. Since it has been helpful, but you may see there are many side effects, some of them may cause lifelong suffering for women, if they decide to try them, such as cancer and etopic pregnancy.

Black seed oil can help pancreatic cancer

 I am constantly surprised of the healing potential of black cumin seed. Not so well known in the Western world it is famous as being a cure for all illnesses in the Orient.

Home Remedies For Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems which affect almost everybody at some point in their life. In this article let us find out some of the root causes of this problem and how one can keep hair loss under control with help of time tested natural home remedies.

Detoxification -Types Of Nutritional Supplements Help to Detoxify Your Body

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

The Pratyahara of Geography

Purity…what we eat, what we consumeCitified PratyaharaThree key words in business are: location, location, location. Yogis, in the business of enlightenment, can learn something here.

Detoxification -Types Of Chinese Herbs Help to Detoxify Your Body

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Causes of Adult Depression and Its Treatment

Depression is worryingly common in adults. It can occur at three different levels: mild depression, moderate depression and severe depression.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Cold Uterus in The Yang Phrase Of Menstrual Cycle

Cold uterus is defined as a condition of not enough yang and blood to warm the uterus that interferes not only the function of uterine lining in fertilized egg implantation, but also causes miscarriage if the egg already implants in endometrial lining in the uterus.

How Vitamins and Natural Hair Product Helpful in Hereditary Hair Loss

The general type of hair loss called hereditary hair loss can influence both men and women, but women are generally less affected than men. The situation is so common that it can almost be considered as a part of the normal aging process.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Luteal Phrase Defect Caused By Qi Deficiency in The Yang Phrase

In traditional Chinese medicine, qi is defined as a substance contains properties of motion and invisibility. It comes from 3 sources1. Primordial qi ( Heredity)2.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: Looking younger with Red Wine

If you're into anti-aging skin care, then perhaps you need to ask: Can drinking red wine really make you look younger? There are some ingredients in red wine which are derived from the red grape pip and skin that would suggest so.

Depression and Grinding Teeth: Is there a link

Much has been said, written and preached about depression. Much research and analysis were made in this regard. Some people experience it is a stage where one feels like a black curtain of despair hidden throughout their lives.

Non-Surgical Facelifts Position 1: Using Acupressure to Look Younger

So, you want to look younger without surgery? You want to conduct your own non-invasive facelift, or non-surgical facelift. Utilizing your fingertips instead of going to the surgeon to look younger is often a much better idea than undergoing the knife in many respects.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: The effects of Vitamin A in retaining a Youthful Appearance

Vitamin A should definitely be used in your armory of anti-aging skin care weapons. It is well known that Vitamin A has anti-aging properties, so if you ingest it as a supplement, or in its organic form e.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Uterine Lining Out Of Phrase Caused By Kidney Yang Deficiency in The

Kidney yang is important in assisting liver in transforming yin phrase to the yang phrase. As the yang rises to certain degree, it stimulates the softness of the uterine lining for the potential fertilized egg implantation.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Shortened Luteal Phrase Caused By Liver Qi Stagantion in The Yang Ph

I. DefinitionShortened luteal phrase is defined as a luteal phrase or yang phrase lasts less than 10 daysThe Liver qi stagnation is defined as a condition of liver is no longer function normally in distributing of the flow of qi smoothly in the liver channels, leading to its inability to filter all the toxins out of the blood and handling mental and emotional stress, resulting in increasing the risk of blood stagnation and shorten yang phrase, distorting the function of uterus lining in providing the suitable environment for fertilization.

Strengthen Your Immune System

I prefer safe antibacterial herbs such as echinacea, usnea, or poke root, which not only kill infection, but also help us keep our immune systems strong.

Hot Colds and Cold Colds - Winter Health

Preventing colds and the flu can be summed up in three words: Wash your hands. The viruses that cause colds and the flu most readily enter our bodies by means of our hands.

Here Comes the Flu Season

Along with the beauty of fall days comes the need to get ready for winter. Time to get out my long underwear and my warm wooly socks. Time to nourish my immune system so cold days won't be days of colds - and flu.

Excessive Weight Gain Can Make You Impotent

Excessive weight gain can make you impotent. The more the weight, there are more chances that you may suffer with the impotence. Excessive weight gain doubles the chances of suffering with impotence.

Body Acne Cures

If you are looking for body acne cures that you stumbled on the right place. Acne is a tough fight with the disease. Contrary to popular belief acne is not just a teenage issue.

Pregnancy Tip and Advice

On the eve of baby’s on the due date, I am unable to sleep. With baby moving in my womb, which occur spontaneously Braxton Hicks contractions and make you helpless, like a beetle on its back waving its legs, and the enormous pressure in pelvis that whisks you away to the house bathroom only to expel an unimpressive thimble full of pee every 15 minutes? Reflect on the following advice of parents and pregnancy resources.

Alcohol Rehab Center

 The first step toward the hope of sanity and recovery is to call the information center at Pacific Hills.  As a leading alcohol rehab center, Pacific Hills succeeds in the treatment of chronically relapsing alcoholics where other treatment approaches have failed.

Stress-free breath holding time predicts health of HIV/AIDS patients

Clinical evidence, as well as physiological studies, found that progression of the disease in HIV patients is manifested in reduced oxygenation of the body.

Xenical – Its mechanism of action and its other defining aspects

Xenical is a prescription anti-obesity medication, which helps people lose excess weight. Its active ingredient orlistat works as a fat blocker, which reduces the amount of fat absorbed by your body, promoting weight loss.

The Anguish of Pain

Many people suffer from Pain…from their head to their toes and all the different areas in between!! Pain can cause you to feel constant discomfort and can make life very miserable affecting your sleep, your work, and every other aspect of your life.

Spray it On for that gorgeous Golden Glow

Spray it On for that gorgeous Golden Glow Hi, my name is Jesse Jones and I wanted to write about this self tanning spray from proto-col that gave me a gorgeous golden glow at will.

Skin Care Acumen – 6 Proven Ways to Have Perfect Flawless Skin

Flawless skin and a radiant complexion is every women's dream. However, not many realize that this is directly influenced by how healthy your skin is.

BAMLET AND HAMLET – A New Play or a Cure for Cancer?

There are two new actors on stage in the war on cancer, BAMLET AND HAMLET.  It was a fluke discovery; HAMLET was stumbled onto by researchers trying to figure out why breast milk kills bacteria.

Vitamin K Reduces the Risk for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

Researchers at Minnesota's Mayo Clinic have found that people who have higher intakes of vitamin K have a lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Three Ways To Tighten An Aging Loose Vagina

A loose vagina not only hinders the excitement of sexual desire but also has many other drawbacks such as lack of confidence in women due to the preference of men for having sex with women who have a tight vagina and it causes some health problems also such as urinary incontinence in some cases as well as problem of bad vagina odor is more common with a loose vagina.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Shortened Luteal Phrase Caused By Kidney Yin Deficiency in The Yang

Kidney yin also known primordial yin or true yin , is defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues by maintainomh the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang.

Herbal Remedies to Manage Your Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is one of common causes of chronic pain and there are over one hundred diseases associated with arthritis, affecting areas in and around joints.

Frustrated Having Piles- Remedies to Cure Piles

Piles or hemorrhoids are areas in the anal canal where the tissue contains lots of blood vessels and has become swollen. They can be internal, occurring within the anus, or external, when they can be seen and felt on the outside of the anus.

Using Essential Oils in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils to restore balance to mind, body and spirit. Essential oils are natural essences extracted from a wide variety of plants.

Using your body effectively in massage

Most massage traditions don’t just use their hands for massage. The forearm is used in Hawaiian massage and many parts of Eastern Europe.

Diabetes Problem - Watch Serious Sign

Diabetes is a chronic disease. Once developed, there is no treatment and cure for this disease. However, if it detected early, it can expect a higher probability of curing this serious disease.

Kidney Stone Problem

Kidney stones are solid concretions or calculi (crystal aggregations) formed in the kidneys from dissolved urinary minerals.It typically leave the body by passage in the urine stream, and many stones are formed and passed without causing symptoms.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Shortened Luteal Phrase Caused By Liver Qi Stagnation in The Yang Phrase Of Menstrual Cy

Liver qi is important in assisting the heart in moving blood in the blood vessels. If liver qi is stasis, it can not control the movement of blood, leading to sluggish blood flow and heat being generated in the body that distorts the function of uterine lining in fertilized egg implantation, shortens the yang phrase and causes the unexplained causes of infertility.

Regular use of Propecia can treat male pattern hair loss

Propecia is actually the tapered-down version of a prescription drug that helps with prostate problems in middle-aged men. This medication is recommended for daily use.

Detoxification -Types Of Herbs Help to Detoxify Your Body

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Overcome Infertility-Menstrual Cycle Modification-How to Nourish The Menstruation Phrase of The Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionPhrase IV- menstruation phrase occurs (about 3-5 days), if there is no conception taken place/ As the yang energy drops, causing the shedding of the uterus lining, the liver transform yang energy back to yin at the beginning of the phrase.

Beyond Tooth Care: Avoid Gum Disease In 4 Simple Steps

Even with advanced preventative services, over half of all adults in the United States have gum disease according to the American Academy of Periodontology.

After the Hospital: Caring for Your Mental Health After a Car Crash

Car crashes can be life-changing experiences. Some accidents are minor, while others are horrific. But what happens after the hospital visit when the physical bruises are healed? Healing the mental and emotional bruises of a car crash can be much more difficult.

McCain’s Anti-Supplement Bill Appears Dead – For Now

Senator John McCain showed his true colors as a big-government regulator when he recently introduced a bill, S.3002, that would have drastically impaired access to dietary supplements in the U.

How to Prepare for Quit Smoking and The Aids You Could Use

Quit smoking is one of the hardest things to do. However, a little planning could help to ease out this process so that you achieve your smoking cessation goal successfully.

How to Attain Your Smoking Cessation Goal?

In their heart most smokers nurture a secret desire to quit smoking one day. However, most smokers, especially those who have been addicts for years feel jittery about the idea of quitting.

Points to be Taken Care off While Buying Prescription ED Pills Online

Under What Circumstances Could Buying Viagra Online be Harmful?It is essential that you verify a site’s licensed credentials thoroughly before you buy Viagra online for impotence treatment.

Overcome Infertility - Types of Irregular Menstruation In TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

Levitra ED Pill is Effective Even at Smaller Doses

Why Levitra for erectile dysfunction?Levitra is quite similar to its predecessor, the ultra-successful Pfizer Viagra, which had a five-year head start in the erectile dysfunction market.

Xenical The Safest and Highly Effective Weight Loss Pill

What is Obesity?Obesity is a condition wherein a person is said to have increased body weight that is the direct result of excessive fat accumulation.

Tamiflu - The All-Encompassing Preventive Medication for Influenza

What is influenza and how is it caused?Influenza, also known as the flu, is a viral infection that primarily affects the respiratory tract. Its symptoms include fever, runny nose, stuffed up nose, fatigue, headache, cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, and achy muscles and joints.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Uterine Lining Out Of Phrase Caused By Blood Stagnation in The Yang Phrase

Kidney yang is important in assisting liver in transform yin phrase to the yang phrase. As it rises to certain degree, it stimulates the softness of the uterine lining for the potential fertilized egg implantation.

Alopecia Areata - Hair Loss Problem

Alopecia areata is a condition distressing humans, in which hair is lost from several or all areas of the body, usually from the scalp. Because it origin bald spots on the scalp, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldnessAlopecia areata is a malfunction of the immune system whereby the body begins to attack its own hair follicle.

Retinitis Pigmentosa - A Genetic Disease

A retinitis pigmentosa or retinitis pigmentosa(or retinitis pigmentosa, retinopathia pigmentosa, RP) is a genetic disease that attacks the retina causing destruction of their cells.

Overcome Infertility - Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Liver Qi Stagantion in The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionLiver qi staganation is a health condition of which the liver can no longer move qi smoothly in the liver channels and blood in the blood vessels, due to prolonged liver qi deficiency or liver damage as a result of overwhelming toxin accumulated in the body.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Luteal Phrase Defect Caused By Excess Heat In The Yang Phrase Of Menstrual Cycle

The normal of yang phrase of menstrual cycle accordingly to traditional Chinese medicine can not be shorter then 10 days. But for what ever reason, some women experience the luteal phrase defect because of excess heat leading to infertility.

Endometriomas - Chocolate Cysts - In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

I. DefinitionTraditional Chinese medicine defines ovarian cyst is a medical condition caused by excess- dampness (caused by blood and fluid stasis) accumulated in the abdomen and gradually coalesces into phlegm, that can manifest as lumps and masses of various kinds, including chocolate cysts, leading to menstrual blood stasis in the ovaries (similar to the retrograde theory in Conventional medicine) attaching to the surface of ovaries and becomes endometriomas/chocolate cysts.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Shortened Luteal Phrase Caused By Kidney Yin Deficiency in The Yang Phrase

Kidney yin is also known primordial yin or true yin and defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues by maintaining the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang.

Lasix - 'Water' pill to get rid of that extra water and swelling in the body

Excess salt and calcium are eliminated alongwith water by the body through urine.  When this fluid accumulates in the body because of some disorder, it can cause swelling in the tissues or any part of the body, leading to severe complications in those organs.

Overcome Menopause Changes and Risk

Menopause is not a disease, is only one phase of a woman's life that may be what each one does it. Keep an eye on your health, you should contact your doctor about how best to alleviate any symptoms and face this step with optimism.

Aldara Cream treats Genital Warts and other skin infections caused by Papilloma virus

Aldara [Generic] is beneficial for treating diverse skin conditions.  This formulation is presently the best-known treatment for Genital Warts, besides Acitinic Keratosis [resulting in a flat, dry, scaly growth on the body due to prolonged exposure to the sun], and superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma [a common skin cancer caused by over-exposure to ultraviolet rays or sunlight].

Detoxification - External Causes of Toxins Accumulated in Our Body

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Remedy for Yeast Infection Causes

Yeast infection encompasses infections that range from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Low BBT Temprature Caused By Yang Deficiency in The Yang Phrase

I. DefinitionThe length of yang or luteal phrase is about 12 -14 days and a third phrase of the menstrual cycle according to traditional Chinese medicine.

High blood pressure- Decide What Is Best for You

High blood pressure when the heart pumps blood into the arteries, the blood flows with a force approaching against the walls of the arteries.

List of Foods For Tonifying Kidney Qi In TCM Perspestive

Kidney, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence, will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts.

Detoxification - Internal Causes of Toxins Accumulated in Our Body

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Freeing The Shoulders, A Common Area of Tension

The shoulder area is where people most often experience tension and want a massage. Why? Well there’s usually three factors at work - the structure and functioning of the shoulder muscles, lack of arm activities, and stress.

Dynamic Bodyuse for Massage Practitioners

How to apply pressure without straining your body or damaging your hands is one of the greatest challenges involved in massage.A significant cause of early retirement from the massage profession is the cumulative strains on the body developed in the course of performing massage.

Prescription drugs to help kick the habit of smoking

Smoking is seriously injurious to health. It’s important that you quit smoking to help escape its serious consequences in the form of cancer, cardiovascular disorders, skin disorders, hearing impairment and various other serious medical conditions.

Overcome Infertility - How to Nourish The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionPhrase IV- menstruation phrase occurs (about 3-5 days), if there is no conception taken place, the yang energy drops, causing the shedding of the uterus lining, the liver transforms yang energy back to yin at the beginning of the phrase.

Reductil – The one a day weight loss pill that fights obesity with effective ease

The active ingredient, sibutramine hydrochloride, in Reductil helps block the release and reabsorption of serotonin by the nerve cells. The blocking of this process helps increase the levels of serotonin in your blood, promoting a feeling of satiety on less than normal food intake.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: The Three Main Anti-Aging Skin Care Classifications

Anti-aging skin care should be a process, and not a reaction to years of sun damage or neglect.Anti-aging should be practiced in a preventative and proactive manner as opposed to reactively, albeit that it's never too late to begin an anti-aging skin care program.

Non-Surgical Facelifts: Why Facial Acupressure can make you look years younger

As a form of non-surgical facelift, a program of acupressure applied to twenty different parts of the face, neck, hands, and arms can make you look years younger in as little as a month.

Cardiovascular Fitness: long walks are beneficial

In day- to-day's life, it is very essential that we follow a good diet with some light exercise. Exercise is very much beneficial to possess good health.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: How to protect your Skin from the Sun and repair Sun Damage

One of the most important things you can do in anti-aging skin care is to try and stay out of the sun.Due to carbon emissions over the past two centuries, the ozone layer has become a lot thinner, resulting in increased dangerous sun ultra-violet (UV) light radiation which causes serious harm to the skin, especially to light-skinned people, and those that enjoy basking in the sun.

List of Foods For Tonifying Kidney Yin (Kidney Yin Deficiency) In TCM Perspestive

Imbalance of Kidney is defined as a health condition of Kidney Qi Deficiency, Yin Deficiency, Yang Deficiency or Jing Deficiency.Kidney, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence (jing), will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts.

Natural Breast Enhancement

How to enhance the size of breasts is the question in almost every woman's mind that has a small breast size and this is mainly due to the fact that men are more attracted to women having a bigger breast size than women with small breasts.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Liver Qi Stagantion in The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionLiver qi stagnation is a health condition of which the liver can no longer move qi smoothly in the liver channels and blood in the blood vessels, due to prolonged liver qi deficiency or liver damage as a result of overwhelming toxin accumulated in the body.

Tension headaches – A brief overview

Tension headaches or tension type headaches are primary headache suffered commonly by men, as well as women. A person suffering from tension headache will experience pain radiating from the eyes, the back, neck and various other muscle groups in the body.

Get Rid of Acne Scars with Healthy Diet

Careful observation showed that acne scars is a common skin problem in many parts of the world. So is not far to seek to discover that many people resort to drugs to get rid of acne or even prevent acne.

Gastric Ulcer - Complications and What We Feel

 Ulcer is defined as an open lesion, with loss of tissue, which occurs in the skin or mucous membranes, i.e. it is a wound. Ulcer is a lesion (sore) of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, which occurs mainly in the stomach and duodenum (upper portion of the intestine).

Precaution to take before using Reductil sibutramine

Reductil sibutramine is a prescription only weight loss pill that works as appetite suppressant and helps obese people to gradually lose weight.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Blood Stasis In The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionBlood stagnation is defined as a condition of blood has become obstructed and does not flows freely to the entire body.II. Symptoms of blood stasis1.

Xenical - The effective pill for obesity treatment

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excess body weight that is more than 20% of the normal body weight of an individual. Obesity can be measured by a tool known as Body Mass Index (BMI).

List of Foods Part II - For Tonifying Kidney Yin In TCM Perspestive

Imbalance of Kidney is defined as a health condition of Kidney Qi Deficiency, Yin Deficiency, Yang Deficiency or Jing Deficiency.Kidney, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence (jing), will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal marrow, and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Blood Deficiency In The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionDeficiency of blood is defined as a condition of liver's inability to perform its function of blood formation leading to qi stagnation in the body, as a result of liver damage or the inability of spleen in food essence and qi distribution, leading to abnormal function of the liver organ.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: Sleep is important for Anti-Aging, Relaxation and Longevity

Anti-aging skin care is a process, a lifestyle decision. So, how important is sleep for your daily anti-aging regimen?Sleep is beneficial to the body and for the skin in many respects.

Anti-Aging Skin Care: 14 Ways to Reduce those Annoying Eye Bags

Eye bags make a person look older. How do we diminish those annoying bags under the eyes and get them to look lighter as part of an anti-aging skin care program? Eye bags are caused by the liver's cleansing process of the body's digestive impurities.

Cheap and Affordable Dental Care Option for Natural Teeth Whitening

Many people will be taken by surprise to discover a person can use a totally natural teeth whitening technique. It is plain that they've been highly influenced by the advertising media, whose sole aim is to get you to use the vast array of costly products on the market place.

Skin Care and Acne: Ten Little Known Acne Skin Care Facts

Here are 10 facts about acne skin care that the acne industry doesn't want you to know. Acne Fact #1Creams, topical solutions, lotions, and gels don't work, and never will work, as they do not treat the root cause of acne.

Best Herbs For Treating Diabetes

It is an astonishing fact that more than 70% of the world’s population is still dependent on the natural form of medicine to combat all types of ailments.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Qi Deficiency In The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionQi deficiency is defined as a condition of spleen inability to transport qi to the body organs due to abnormal function of the stomach, spleen or intake of oily and greasy or cold and raw foods for a prolonged period of time.

Cold Weather Mood Shock: Avoid the Winter Blues

This year's deep freeze sets the stage for a long and potentially difficult winter. On the eating side, the cold triggers "hibernation metabolism" and the desire to eat more sweet food.

Menstrual Cycle modification-Symptoms, Causes &Treatments Of Spleen Qi Deficiency In The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle

I. DefinitionSpleen qi deficiency is defined as a condition of spleen can not perform its function as an organ of qi and food distribution due to stomach's inability in food digestion or spleen physical damage, leading to dampness accumulation and qi stagnation if the deficiency is untreated for a prolonged period of time.

Basics about influenza

Influenza, commonly known as the "flu" is a serious infection of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Though, most of the symptoms of influenza are similar to that of the common cold, the influenza infection often causes a more severe illness.

How Does Colour Therapy Work?

Colour Therapy is healing with colour. Colour has a powerful influence on our body chemistry. The strongest effect is through the eyes, but good results can be achieved with topical application on the skin or over certain reflex points, organs or the spine.

Tamiflu – The most functional influenza treatment drug

Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is one of the most prescribed oral antiviral medications for the treatment and prevention of influenza. Tamiflu works effectively against both the influenza A and B viruses.

How to use Levitra successfully and safely

Levitra Dosages Levitra is available in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg pills. 20mg is the maximum dose for Levitra. Levitra comes in lower doses, so it generaly has fewer side effects.

Menstruation Disorder - Amenorrhea - Types of Herbs Help to Prevent &Treat Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as a delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenorrhea:a) Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andb) Secondary amenorrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months.

Acne Scars, How Treating Adult Acne

Acne scars are one of the most concerns for the beauty conscious adolescents. Some teens, however, may not be aware of the fact that your skin needs to be free of active acne treatment for acne scarring is successful.

Menstruation Disorders -Causes of Irregular Menstruation In TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Champix Varenicline a smoking cessation aid

Is Champix varenicline an effective medication?Champix varenicline has created a positive buzz in the market. It is taken as a smoking cessation treatment that helps people quit smoking successfully, in a pain-free way and without any extra efforts.

Menstruation Disorders - Types of Irregular Menstruation In TCM Perspective

Girls in South East Asia have learnt in their early women life from grand mother wisdom, that they do not engage in any activity, distorting their regular period.

Menstruation Disorders - Irregular Period Caused By Imbalance of Liver In TCM Perspective

All women experience irregular period sometimes during their child bearing years, before menopause. While Western medication has never viewed that irregular menstruation is a problem of women reproductive system, traditional Chinese medicine looks at this problem seriously, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Most Effective Herbs For Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the deadliest and most feared diseases afflicting mankind all over the world. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes the first thing you should know is that although it is not 100% curable but if you follow certain health norms in your daily routine you can keep it under control.

Menstruation Disorders - Irregular Period Caused by Imbalance of Kidney In TCM Perspective

Traditional Chinese medicine views irregular menstruation is a serious women's reproductive health problem, if untreated, it will disharmonize the women ecosystem, leading to nervous tension and other health problems, including infertility.

Baldness- New Hope Grow Back Your Hair Naturally

You are one of the many people who are experiencing an age old problem that is called the hair loss? If so, then you may want to know about natural hair re-growth treatments and products available today.

Heart disease means heavy breathing 24/7

Medical research clearly showed that all heart patients breathe way too much even at rest.In 1995 the British Heart Journal published a study (Clark et al, 1995) done by researchers from the National Heart and Lung Institute in London.

Menstruation Disorders -Irregular Period Causes by Spleen Qi Deficinecy In TCM Perspective

Spleen is important in absorbing food qi and essence after food being digested by the stomach. If the stomach is unable to digest food or spleen's inability to absorb qi and essence properly, it can interfere with spleen function in qi and nutrient formation and distribution, causing spleen qi deficiency, and leading to domino effect to other organs in the body, sometime it causes irregular period.

Menstruation Disorder - Amenorrhea - Types of Nutritional Supplements Help to Prevent &Treat Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenrrhea:a)Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andb)Secondary amenorrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months.

Menstruation Disorders -Irregular Period Irregular Period Causes by Excess Heat In TCM Perspective

Excess heat is defined as condition of kidney yin deficiency causes of the rise of liver heat due to insufficiency of moister distribution or/and excessive yang or not enough yin in the body as a result of intake of hot and spicy for a prolonged period of time.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Body Pain

Arthritis- Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting the knee. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative process in which the joint cartilage gradually wears away, and usually affects middle-aged or older.

Effective Fat Burning Tips Lose Just In 7 Days

How do you burn fat quickly? This is the question most people ask too much fat. If you see, you do not like something of yourself, change it.

Alternative medicines health benefits

The use of herbs for Alternative medicinal purpose is the most popular now days. Plants that can be used as a Alternative medicinal herb contains photochemical that have great effect on the physiology of the body.

Menstruation Disorders - Irregular Period Caused by Excess Cold In TCM Perspective

Excess cold is defined as health condition of overwhelming yin that has completely suppressed the yang in the body.I. Symptoms1. Weak legs2. Water retention in the legs3.

4 Great Ways to Live Longer, Be Happier, and Get Fit

A major component to enjoying a long life of happiness is physical fitness. Becoming fit is complex but not complicated. The four key areas to being fit continue to be maintaining a proper diet, undergoing regular visits to the doctor, exercising frequently and getting adequate rest.

Why You Should Care About Preventative Care

There is an old adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Truisms like this stand the test of time largely, well, because they are true.

How to lose weight effectively with better weight loss solutions

You know you need to lose weight when excessive amounts of body fat threaten your health. Excessive body fat can give rise to serious medical conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, stroke and sleep apnoea.

Don’t let stress take control of your life

Stress is defined as the body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. Any situation or thought that generates a feeling of frustration, anger, nervousness or anxiety can lead to stress.

Herbal / Alternative Medicine treatment for Obesity - Totally natural and safe

Causes of overweight include overeating, excessive eating of heavy or cold things, and oversleeping and lack of exercise. Other causes include hormone imbalance, emotional sentimentality, clinging, loss of love or low self-worth, insecurity, and poor digestion.

Detoxification - Symptoms of Toxification

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D is Needed to Fight and Prevent the Flu

This past year everyone saw with their own two eyes that our government's public health officials had no problem using fear to influence Americans to be guinea pigs for an experimental H1N1 vaccine.

Menstruation Disorders - Amenorrhea - Types Of Kidney Deficiency Causes of Amenorrhea In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period1. Primary amenrrheaWomen who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or2.

Ovarian Cysts In Conventional Medicine Perspective

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages, especially during a woman's childbearing years. Most ovarian cysts are functional and benign but some can become cancerous.

Hair loss and its many causes

Hair loss is a common occurrence in both men and women. There are various causes of hair loss and your hair loss can either be a result of just one cause or a combination of problems.

High Intake of EPA/DHA Reduces Risks for Cardiovascular Disease

By now just about everyone is aware that consuming essential fatty acids like DHA is vital to your cardiovascular health, weight management, and general inflammation reduction.

Why is Xenical preferred over other obesity treatment medications?

Xenical is a highly preferred obesity treatment medication which along with sensible diet can help you lose a significant amount of your body weight.

Ovarian Cysts - Sumptoms, Causes and Treatments In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages, especially during a woman's childbearing years. Most ovarian cysts are functional and benign but some can become cancerous.

Avandia is Killing Americans, FDA Negligence Comes Front and Center

It appears the new FDA leadership is not much different than the last administration, as the diabetes drug Avandia killed 304 people in the third quarter of 2009 while the FDA dragged its feet.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yang Deficiency In TCM Perspective

In traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a organ in charge of storing kidney essence, will, determination, and power of memory, water distribution, bone marrow, spinal and brain marrow, graping qi and bladder as well as hearing , and 2 private parts.

All About Beautiful Worldwide City-Traveling

     Our modern world is something very fantastic, when you look at all the travel opportunities we have and all these many ways to ride.

Taking Hormones? These Herbs Are For You

More and more American women are using herbal remedies to help them with menopausal problems. Those who do take ERT (estrogen replacement) or HRT (hormone replacement) may be surprised to discover that herbal medicine has a lot to offer them as well.

Menstruation Disorders -- Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Amenorrhea Caused By Kidney Yin Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Kidney yin deficiency is defined as a condition of the yang is not rising. Since kidney is one of organ governed the reproductive system and regulates the production of certain hormones during the process of menstrual cycle, deficiency of kidney yin distorts each step of the reductive function in phrase I, leading to prolonged yin phrase.

Snoring is the enemy of Health

Modern science believes that snoring is a symp-tom of serious diseases. According to the doctors that itcan cause heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes.

Balancing Chakras with Flower Remedies

Restoring Balance to the Chakras with Flower RemediesThe AuraAlthough known about for thousands of years within the ancient world, it is only inrecent ‘modern scientific' times, as we moved from Newtonian to Eisteinian views ofreality, that the idea of a higher energy system playing a part in the total functioningof a human being has once more gained credence.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

The attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome with neurobiological bases and a strong genetic component and is a highly prevalent disorder that is estimated, affects between 5 and 10% of the infant - youth to be about 3 times more common in males.

Bronchitis Infection of Air Passages- Remedies to cure it

Bronchitis is often an acute infection of the air passages that begin in the nose and extending to the bronchioles. The first symptom is hoarseness occasionally.

Crohn Disease an Autoimmune Chronic Disease- Remedies to control it

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune chronic disease in which the individual's immune system attacks its own intestines causing inflammation.

Migraine basics – Learn about the causes and treatment

Migraines are a severe type of headache characterised by an intense pulsating or throbbing pain in one area of the head. Migraines are differentiated from other headaches as they are typically accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound.

The Fountain Of Youth? 4 Ways Technology Is Slowing Down Old Age

According to a statistics report from the National Center for Health, the life expectancy as of 2014 is on average 78.8 years of age. Whereas 100 years ago, the average life expectancy was a mere 51.

Menstruation Disorders -- Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Amenorrhea Caused By Kidney Qi Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period1. Primary amenrrheaWomen who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or2.

Menstruation Disorders -- Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Amenorrhea Caused By Kidney Jing (Essnece) Deficiency In TCM Perspective

 Kidney jing (essence) jing can be divided in to prenatal and postnatal jing. Aging is the natural process due to depletion of kidney jing, we can not change the prenatal jing, but we can supplement the prenatal jing by taking healthy foods and herbs that help to delay the depletion of jing causes of aging and diseases.

Type-2 Diabetes, genes and gene expression

Two recent news articles announced discovery of 13 gene variants that make us susceptible to developing type-2 diabetes later in life. The point of this article is that you don't have to be a victim of genetic variants; you may be more susceptible to some disease of aging, but you don't have to accept it as your fate.

Understanding Constipation and its therapies for ultimate cure

ConstipationSigns of a Healthy Colon: No tongue coating, easy passing of stool immediately upon waking in the morning. Stools should float (not sink), two to three stools daily.

How Drugs Work

Drugs have become an important element in the history of medicine to cure or increase the immunity in humans against various diseases. Due to continuous innovation, research and development in the past 4-5 decades, drugs are now available to cure majority of diseases.

What Do You Know About Health And Happiness

     Let us first find out, what does it actually mean, when we    say 'happiness" and "health".

Creating Paradise Within: Better Health through Ayurvedic Rejuvenation

Since humans first roamed the earth there have been oral and written stories of the quest to find the elixir of life--the Fountain of Youth. The Western biblical tradition tells of a Golden Age when people lived hundreds of years.

Ascites- What Is Ascites and How It treated

Ascites is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, around the intestines and other abdominal organs, contains varying quantities of cells, bacteria, proteins and other substances.

Treatment for Arteriosclerosis- Leading Cause of Death in Western World

The Atherosclerosis, the leading cause of death in the Western world, is the loss of elasticity of arterial walls.This process occurs gradually and is caused mainly by accumulation of fatty plaques within them.

Menstruation Disorders -- Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Amenorrhea Caused By Bilateral Kidney Yin & Yang Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Since kidneys store the essence and govern reproductive organs, bilateral kidney yin and yang deficiency is defined as a health condition of kidney deficiency with either domination of deficiency yang or yin as kidney fails to generate fluid and move fluid a long the kidney channels due to depletion of kidney essence.

Anti-aging Skin Care: Vitamin E slows down the Aging process and keeps you looking Younger Longer

For anti-aging skin care purposes, Vitamin E is essential to slow down the aging process. Taken as a daily supplement, it will assist in anti-aging.

Non-Surgical Facelifts Position 2: Using Acupressure to Look Younger

The second acupressure point: A non-surgical facelift, conducted via acupressure with your own fingertips, leaves a face looking younger, with more color, less wrinkles, and firmer facial skin.

Non-Surgical Facelifts conducted with Acupressure as opposed to Surgical Facelifts

Facial acupressure conducted with your own fingertips is an effective and free non-surgical facelift alternative to a surgical facelift.Surgical facelifts are generally corrections, enhancements or reductions to facial tissue to improve one's looks.

Detoxification -Types Of Vitamins & Minerals Help to Detoxify Your Body

American diet is high in saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidneys Fail To Retain and Grasp Qi In TCM Perspective

If kidneys fell to grasp and retain qi, it will cause abnormally uncontrollable fluid movement, and the qi does not flow upward to the lung, leading to respiratory problems, water retention and fluid stasis in the lower part of the body.

Menstruation Disorders - Amenorrhea - Causes and Symptoms of Secondary Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as a delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenorrhea:a) Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andb)Secondary amenorrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yang Deficiency Causes Of Water Effusion In TCM Perspective

Water effusion is defined as a health condition of fluid retention in the body as a result of prolonged period of yang vacuity and kidney's inability to move fluid upward in nourishing the upper part of the body, leading to abnormal yang phrase of menstrual cycle in women and increasing the risk of low sexual desire.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments Of Kidney Yin Deficiency Causes Of Fire Effulgence In TCM Perspective

Fire effulgence is defined as a health condition of yin vacuity as a result of yin deficiency over a prolonged period of time and the depletion l of yin essence, leading to yin/yang imbalance and yin can not control yang, due to aging, frequency sexual activity, repeat masturbation, etc resulting in amenrrhea in women.

Resveratrol Is Well Recognized As A Natural Compound For Better Health

There are an increasing amount of people who are resorting to natural compounds in their quest to be free from ailments, and resveratrol seems to be one of the products that appeal to many.

Weight Loss Plateau: Why Most Diets Work At First and Then Fail

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programmes that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Breast Enhancement With Natural Herbs

Women having small breasts size are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their breasts size. Until recently most women were only aware of one method of breast enhancement that is surgery.

Amenorrhea - Types Of Liver Deficiency Causes of Amenorrhea In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period1. Primary amenrrheaWomen who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or2.

Leukoderma White spots, Irregular Pale skin- Do You Know Its Treatment

Leukoderma or white spots are caused by solar radiation on skin areas exposed to the sun. It is characterized by small white spots, which affect the arms and legs.

Symptoms, Causes & Treament of Amenorrhea Caused By Liver Qi Stagnation In TCM Perspective

Amenorrhea is defined as a health condition of absence of period1. Primary amenrrheaWomen who are at age 18, but for what ever reason have never menstruated or2.

Weight Loss Aids by Controlling Stress

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programmes that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes & Treament of Amenorrhea Caused By Liver Yin Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Since liver is in-charge of blood formation and blood storing, liver yin deficiency is defined as health condition of liver's inability to moisten the blood vessels and provide fluid in blood formation, affecting the quality and quantity of blood as blood is a form fluid and nutrients.

Gestational Diabetes Symptoms, Changes Occurred During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is often a neglected infection of 1 to 2% of all pregnant women is typically in the second half of pregnancy. Because the disease almost always goes without any symptoms, but without treatment can have serious consequences for the fetus, every pregnant woman between the 20th and 28th week of pregnancy should be investigated.

Treating White Coating Tongue In General,Conventional and TCM Perspectives

White coat furry tongue is defined as a health condition of sticky white coat covers entire or parts the surface of the tongue, it may cause a bitter taste due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface (in general perspective, or over growth of bacteria in the digestive system ( in conventional perspective), or Spleen, stomach and kidney qi deficiency (in traditional Chinese perspective).

Ayurvedic Treatment For Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial Lung Disease or ILD is a pulmonary disease affecting whole respiratory system. It is called interstitial as it affects the lung tissues and space around alveoli or air sacs.

Fatty Liver Problem and Causes, Is any Treatment Available

We all have well ever heard of fatty liver. But few know that alcohol is not the main cause for many with type 2 diabetes have fatty liver without knowing it.

How to Get Glowing Skin

Many times you read in any women's magazine a smooth, clean skin is within everyone's reach, but it takes effort. Certainly one impure, oily skin needs some help but if you follow the guidelines below, can elevate the quality of your oily or combination skin bright improve.

Amenorrhea - Symptoms, Causes & Treament of Amenorrhea Caused By Liver Blood Deficiency In TCM Perspective

Liver blood deficiency is defined as a health condition of the inability of liver in blood formation and blood storing, it affects not only the quantity and quality of blood being transported in the blood vessels, but also interferes with blood distribution and returning functions of the liver.

How Imbalanced Digestive Bacteria Cause Obesity & Heart Disease

Science now reveals that the foreign contents within your digestive tract play a dramatic role in your energy level, metabolic function, body weight, and cardiovascular health.

Overcome Infertility - Fertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome In Conventional Medicine Perspective

I. DefinitionPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne,irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility.

Respiratory Problems, How Do You Think Better Quality of Life

In today's World, respiratory problems are linked directly to bad weather, pollution and other related services of a society in general. After all, who did not own a respiratory problem?Care must be redoubled to maintain and absorb a better quality of life.

Crohn's Disease, Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, usually affecting the ileum and colon (but can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract).

Osteoporosis, Affect Performance of Bones

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the bones. It is characterized when the amount of bone mass decreases substantially and developed hollow bones, thin and extremely sensitive, more prone to fractures.

Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome In Traditional Chinese Medicne Perspective

I. DefinitionPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined physically as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne, irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility.

Omega 3 Oils Slow Aging by Preserving Telomeres

Omega 3 oils, especially DHA, are routinely in the headlines for their extensive science demonstrating the ability to reduce heart disease, lower triglycerides, improve brain function, help weight management, and reduce the chronic low-grade inflammation associated with virtually any disease of aging.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Prevent Serious Mental Health Problems

The use of atypical anti-psychotic medication to treat and prevent serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia is barbaric and causes severe adverse health effects including sexual dysfunction, obesity, and diabetes.


Psoriasis is a skin disease where the skin cells reproduces rapidly and does not shed up like normal skin cells but pile up on the surface of the skin and lesions forms.

A Weight Loss Support: Love Yourself Without Weight Loss

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programmes that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Think Yourself Thin

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programmes that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Infertility and Polyscystic Ovarian Syndrome In Weight Loss Perspective

We have spent most of our time in discussing the conventional medicine in treating infertility caused by polyscystic ovarian syndrome. Since it has been helpful, but you may see there are many side effects, some of them may cause lifelong suffering for women, if they decide to try them, such as cancer and etopic pregnancy.

Simple But Effective Ways To Combat Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by almost all people at some point in their life. In this article let us find out what basically causes hair loss and find out some of the natural herbal remedies which are highly helpful in combating hair loss and helping in growth of new hair.

Male pattern baldness-Causes, symptoms, treatments

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. It usually follows a typical pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning at the crown; this is primarily caused by hormones and genetic predisposition.

Propecia hair fall treatment – A ray of hope for millions of men

Propecia is not for everyone. It has been particularly designed to treat hair fall, predominantly male pattern baldness, in men. Not a recommended treatment for women and children, men suffering from male pattern hair loss must undergo a proper consultation with a medical doctor to obtain a valid prescription for Propecia.

How To Eat Yourself Thin

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programs that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Cardiovascular Exercise: A way to Healthy Life

The modern world has made life very much easier and effortless. We don’t even take minute pain to walk down the grocery store. Just a call and we are done.

Balance Yourself to Lose Your Love Handles

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programs that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Ayureda Help to Battle Stress

You ever know about Ayurveda? It is the traditional Indian medical science. Ayurveda says that the food we eat has a critical role in how the mind and body work.

Detoxification - Your Skin's Toxins Cleansing

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Anti ageing skin care with safetox

About ageing skin and its problemsIn addition to the ageing process, our skin is affected by a number of other factors. The sun and UV rays, gravity, smoking, and bad skin care can cause our skin to age faster.

Benefits of Multi Panel Drug Test

The drug abuse among people, employees, and especially among teenagers is a cause of concern and several drug testing methods are used to check drug abuse.

Keeping to Your Weight Loss Goals

So you want to lose weight? The issue is not can you, for you can. The issue is how, and how effectively and easily.I agree there are probably countless quick fix programmes around that may work for a few, but how many can you trust? Bear in mind that amongst these quick fixes there are genuine weight loss programs that with the right attitude will keep you fit, trim and healthy.

Introducing the Wellness Resources Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

Wellness Resources has set a new quality standard for prenatal nutrition with the introduction of our Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin.  Never before have these type of quality nutrients been placed in a prenatal multi vitamin - but why shouldn't your baby get the very best?  Preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, and lactation are vital times to ensure you have proper nutrition.

Fertility Diet - What Is Macro-Nutrients

Healthy Diet is always important for all people in any age and even more important for a couple trying to conceive. Most of the couple can be conceive naturally without changing their diet at all, but for some couples it may require some determination and affords, especially if you have try to conceive after a few months without success.

Overcome Infertility - Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) In Conventional Medicine Perspective

I. DefinitionPelvic inflammation disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process.

Headache basics – Causes and treatment

Pain in the head is known as a headache. The scientific name for the condition is cephalalgia. Headaches are one of the most frequently reported conditions.

Fertility Diet - What Is Micro-Nutrients

Healthy Diet is always important for all people in any age and even more important for a couple trying to conceive. Most of the couple can be conceive naturally without changing their diet at all, but for some couples it may require some determination and affords, especially if you have try to conceive after a few months without success.

Menstruation Disorder - Amenorrhea - Types of Food Help to Prevent &Treat Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenrrhea:a)Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andb)Secondary amenrrhea is defined as period begins at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months.

Detoxification - Colon Toxins Cleansing

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Fertility Diet - Types of Fat Effect Fertility and Infertility

Healthy Diet is always important for all people in any age and even more important for a couple trying to conceive. Most couple can conceive naturally without changing their diet at all, but for some couples, conception may require some determination and affords, especially if you have tried to conceive after a few months without success.

HCG Drops - Good or Bad?

There is a huge interest in the weight loss industry about the HCG Diet, as you read about this surprisingly easy way to lose weight, you will find both positive and negative reports about the HCG Diet.

Fertility Diet - What is Mono-unsaturated Fat?

The physical definition of fat is chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, bonding together. The difference of good and bad fat is the length and the geometry of its carbon chains and numbers of hydrogen associated in it.

Fertility Diet - What is Poly-unsaturated Fats?

The physical definition of fat is chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, bonding together. The difference of good and bad fat is the length and the geometry of its carbon chains and numbers of hydrogen associated in it.

The best breathing exercise to prevent insomnia

There is a simple breathing exercise for insomnia developed by Russian doctors practicing the Buteyko holistic self-oxygenation therapy. The exercise was used by many thousands of people in Russia and taught to them by over 200 doctors.

How to Maintain Healthy Liver, Knowing its Symptoms

The liver is the main organ of the body which is meant for burning fat. Following a diet of cleaning the liver metabolism will improve rapidly and the fat will be burned.

Amenorrhea, Absence of Period Cycle

Amenorrhea - is characterized by the absence of menstrual period - it may be physiological in pregnancy, lactation or menopause and pathological primary when menstruation occurred after age 18 years or secondary pathological when it appears after the normal menstrual cycle and lasts longer than 2 to 3 months - pathological secondary amenorrhea may be temporary or permanent - pathological amenorrhea may be due to chronic diseases, endocrine, some nerve disorders, genital infections, trauma, psychosis, malformations;Primary amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation after the age of 16 years, in conditions where there was still no cycle.

Tips for Proper Skin Care

Proper care of your skin, the right way to wash your face, to the best moisturizers and UV protection. The skin is the largest organ of our body.

Fertility Diet - The Benefits Of Saturated Fat?

Healthy Diet is always important for all people in any age and even more important for a couple Who try to conceive. Most of the couple can conceive naturally without changing their diet at all, but for some couples it may require some determination and affords, especially if you have tried to conceive after a few months without success.

Side Effects of Painkiller Drugs

The painkiller drugs or pain medications are widely used drugs for getting relief from pain. The pain medications have over the time proved beneficial in bringing much needed relief from pain due to surgeries, back injuries, arthritis, and migraine etc.

How Opioids are Classified

Opioids are narcotic painkiller drugs that work by blocking the transmission of pain signal to the brain. Opioids are prescribed by doctors due to their analgesic and pain relieving properties.

Detoxification - How to Cleanse the Liver's Toxins

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Fertility Diet - The Negative Effects Of Saturated Fat?

The physical definition of fat is chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, bonding together. The difference of good and bad fat is the length and the geometry of its carbon chains and numbers of hydrogen associated in it.

Menstruation Disorder - Menorrhagia - Definition, Causes and Symptoms

I. IntroductionAs we mentioned in previous articles menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining. It is normal to the reproductive system of women and happens on a regular basis.

Eye Nutrition: Caring for your car driving eyes

When you have to drive a lot at night you have to deal with a phenomenon that does not occur to people who usually stay home at night. This is the need for your eyes to adapt to rapid changes of light intensity within fractions of a second and then going back to the original state again.

Methods of Alcohol Testing

Alcohol is widely abused substance besides drugs and causes large number of fatalities every year. Although alcohol consumption to some extent is permitted by law, its abuse can lead to alcohol related crimes and accidents.

Detoxification - Types of Herb Help to Cleanse Your Kidney's Toxins

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Fertility Diet - What IsTrans Fat?

The physical definition of fat is chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, bonding together. The difference of good and bad fat is the length and the geometry of its carbon chains and numbers of hydrogen associated in it.

Types of Alcohol Detectors

Alcohol addiction has severe harmful effects on physical health, mental health, and on society. Alcohol testing is done at workplaces, institutions, schools, industries, and colleges to prevent alcohol related accidents, crime, and injuries etc.

Menstruation Disorder - Menorrhagia - How to Treat Menorrhagia with Foods

Menorrhagia Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period with excessive menstrual bleeding lasting longer than 7 days or blood loss exceeding 80 ml caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

Pharmaceutical Companies Vs You

Pharmaceutical companies are not in the business for "curing" anything, but they are in the business to create "treatments" that patient will have to take for life, such is the case of diabetes, arthritis, lupus, just to name a few.

Menstruation Disorder - Menorrhagia - How Nutritional Supplements Help to Treat Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period with excessive menstrual bleeding lasting longer than 7 days or blood loss exceeding 80 ml caused by abnormal blood clotting, disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods, or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

Lusty Herbs for Valentines

Saint Valentine groans, no doubt, at the bawdy day crowned with his name. He was, of course, celibate, and our celebration of love and lusty connections surely stands as a mockery to his forbearance.

Menstruation Disorder - Menorrhagia - How to Treat Menorrhagia With Chinese Herbs

Menorrhagia is an abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period, excessive menstrual bleeding lasting longer that 7 days or blood lost exceeding 80 ml caused by abnormal blood clotting, and disruption of normal hormonal regulation of periods or disorders of the endometrial lining of the uterus.

How To Handle A Family

      Overall is the daily living with others in a family, with friends, grant parents, babies and pets a very pleasureful happening, and is for sure worth all the good efforts of every single individual, making it better and more playful for all the others living there.

Menstruation Disorders - Amenorrhea - Symptoms and Causes of Primary Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is defined as delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenrrhea:Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andSecondary amenrrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months.

Facial Exercises: The Fundamentals Behind Facial Exercises as a Form of Non Surgical Facelift

Some people don't believe that a non surgical facelift can be conducted with facial exercises. Here's why facial exercises performed with one's own fingertips are not only more effective, but the benefits are virtually permanent.

Facial Exercise Techniques: The 2 Main Facelift Without Surgery Facial Exercise Program Categories

A facelift without surgery can be performed by means of two classes of facial exercise techniques. To choose which facial exercise program best suits your facelift without surgery needs can be difficult, as both are just as effective!Many people, who wish to look younger, are shying away from cosmetic surgery which involves the scalpel, and instead going the "facelift without surgery" route.

City-Traveling Can Give You Relaxation, Adventure And Fun

     City-Traveling is a very personal, intimate subject. You can travel just for fun or even out of personal boredom.

Facelift Surgery: 10 Facts Against Facelift Surgery to Look Younger

Facelift surgery or surgery to parts of the face to look younger, often called a mini facelift has its downside. Before you consider undergoing facelift surgery, let's look at the negatives.

Detoxification - Types of Herb Purify Your Blood

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Detoxification - Your Lung's Toxins Cleansing Herbs

The American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables.

Prostate Health - Symptoms and Signs of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Starting at age 40, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

Natural cure for Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common modern diseases and most often is caused by bad diet and unhealthy living.New research has shown black seed to be a perfect natural remedy for diabetes 2.

Asthma and natural medicine

Asthma is a condition that is suffered by over 300 million people worldwide. Mainly dealt with by synthetic drugs more attention is being laid on the healing properties of black seed oil.

Prostate Health - Activities That Help to Maintain A Healthy Prostate

Starting at age 40, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

Relevance of Animal Insurance

While a lot of people do not ponder the second time regarding getting household valuables insurance coverage – in the end, it's always required – it really is amazing to discover the number of animal raisers do not take pet insurance.

Using Herbs Simply and Safely

Are herbs “dilute forms of drugs” - and therefore dangerous? Or are they “natural” - and therefore safe? If you sell herbs, you probably hear these questions often.

Look More Beautiful and Thinner, Losing Weight without Diet

The summer season are approaching and the first bikinis diving again in the fashion magazines. We look a little worried the injury and know that it is time for a few small changes.

Get Rid of Dark Spots and Pimple Marks

Large numbers of people believe that the person with the lighter shade is a real beauty. They consider people with fair skin as beautiful. Today, most people want to have a flawless complexion, fair and dimmed light.

Yeast Infection can Ruin Your Life, Causes of Yeast Infections

A vaginal yeast infection can ruin your life and make them be very self-conscious. Typically, more women tend to have yeast infections than a man.

Regular use of Propecia can help stop hair loss in men

Propecia finasteride is by far the most successful treatment for male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) - the primary cause of hair loss in men.

Bone Drugs Proven to Cause Poor Bone Quality in Humans

Two studies from the Special Surgery (HHS) and Columbia University Medical Center have confirmed the recent media attention on the extreme dangers to bone from the long-term use of bone drugs (bisphosphonates).

Anger Management Therapy in the Work Place

Claire Hegarty a leading expert in Anger Management is offering Free Anger Management Therapy advice for people who are worried their anger is going to get them the sack from Work and for Human Resources managers who feel they have a member of staff with an Anger problem.

Hypnosis helps fight Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hypnotherapy helps fight Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hypnotherapy has proven to help people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome claims leading Irritable Bowel Syndrome expert Claire Hegarty.

Statins Impair Immune System Function

The statin drug Zocor (simvastatin) has been shown to directly compromise the immune response to an opportunistic infection.  This is not good news for any person taking any statin, as the type of impairment involved seriously compromises basic immune system function.

Blood Pressure Therapy Called Into Question

The nightmare for those writing prescriptions for drugs and those taking them continues.  The medication debacle in America highlights the blatant failure of Western medicine to improve the human condition and reverse disease in millions of Americans whose health is headed in the wrong direction.

Polycythemia, Herbs for Polycythemia treatment

Polycythemia is a condition in which an increase in the number of red blood cells due to the formation of red blood cells by bone marrow excessive.

Medical Uses of Diazepam and Its Abuse by Addicts

Diazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative that is commonly used for its Central Nervous System depressant properties. Diazepam is prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and withdrawal symptoms of alcohol and opiates.

Constipation and Irregular Bowl Movements Treatment

People pursue their normal life at a certain time you are constipation complaints from the complaint is not a random element. Some small accumulation of negative factors provides the formation of these complaints.

Natural Treatment for Skin Pigmentation

Pigment in the skin and spots problems in general, solar rays, aging and cosmetic changes sometimes occur and sometimes disorders. Our skin color, skin cells are produced by the melanin is determined by pigment.

Prostate Health - How To Prevent Prostate Enlargement With Common Sense Approaches

Starting at age 40, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

Prostate Health - How To Prevent Prostate Enlargement With Nutritional Supplements

Starting at age 40, the levels of by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

Tamiflu effectively addresses the underlying causes and treats the symptoms of swine flu

The virus that causes swine flu is rapidly spreading all over the world and there is serious cause for concern that it could become an epidemic.

Prostate Health - Causes of Enlarged Prostate and Prostate Cancer

Starting at age 40, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

Acne and black cumin seed oil

Can black seed be used as a remedy for acne? Traditionally it has been used for hundreds of years as one of the popular natural home remedies for acne in the Orient.

Cancer and Home remedies

Cancer and Herbal Remedies There are a number of herbal remedies available for treating many diseases affecting the human body. Some have been used for literally thousands of years while others are just being discovered to have curative effects.

Maximizing DHA Intake Supports Weight Loss

DHA is now recognized as a superior nutrient for cardiovascular health, cognitive function, memory, mood, learning, vision quality (including protection against macular degeneration), bone health, fertility, cancer prevention, and inflammation reduction.

Why modern people have poor posture

ObservationsBeing upright is and was the most natural body position. This was the norm during almost the entire history of humanity. Standing also was the norm in factories, plants, shops and offices up to the beginning of the 20th century.

The Groundbreaking Science Behind Adult Stem Cells

It was not that long ago the concept of bone marrow adult stem cells actually being the natural renewal system of the body, was simply a fanciful idea.

Things That Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems that is faced by humans worldwide. Everyone is scared of turning bald but usually people tend to delay the treatment for preventing hair loss hence by the time they wake up to this problem it almost gets out of control.

Cancer tumours grow during early morning hours

Hundreds of oncological studies proved that growth of malignant tumours primarily depends on tissue hypoxia, but oxygenation of the human body is easier to measure: after your usual exhalation, pinch the nose and hold the breath, but only until the first stress.

Prostate Health - Types Of Herbs Help To Prevent Prostate Enlargement

Starting at age 40, the levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering prostate enlargement and other problems.

How to prevent mouth breathing during the night

Mouth breathing drastically reduces body oxygenation: the amount of freely available oxygen in tissues is usually reduced almost two times when the person starts to breathe through the mouth, for example, during sleep.

Which exercise parameters increase body oxygenation

Dozens of published medical studies clearly proved that body oxygenation, which is reflected by stress-free breath-holding time, is the best indicator of physical health.

Breathing for maximum brain oxygenation

Breathing and the brainOur breathing pattern has profound effects on the brain. Unnoticeable changes in breathing (when we believe that our breathing is OK) can reduce oxygenation and blood supply by 20-30%.

Is the Buteyko self-oxygenation breathing therapy better cancer cure than foods and diets?

Since this question was asked on different forums, I decided to write this article. To my knowledge, none of the previous or current medical doctors who practice the Buteyko therapy (over 200 people) claimed that this therapy can cure cancer.

At What Point Does Pleasure Become Psychopathic?

There has been plenty of attention given to various tragedies of senseless murders.  What makes these psychopaths tick?  For that matter, why do criminals do what they do when they must know they will eventually be caught?  How can such individuals care so little about others and have no fear or remorse related to their actions?  A rather surprising answer comes from research done at Vanderbilt University.

Transient Ischemic Attack Facts

People are largely getting affected with cardiovascular problems due to hectic lifestyle, faulty habits of eating and drinking, disturbed sleep, unhealthy living, excessive stress, and continuous neglection towards health can cause trouble with cardiovascular system of the body.

Improve Your Game with Acupuncture

If you're like most golf and tennis players, you play to win. But is the condition of your body standing in your way? The truth is that your body is the most important piece of sports equipment you own.

Cancer - A Dreaded Disease

Cancer  is a process wherein if too many new cells are created they form a tumour, cancerous if malignant but not otherwise. The benign tumours do not cause cancer but the malignant ones affect other tissues and surrounding organs.

An Overview on Physical Fitness and Its Components

Physical fitness can simply be defined as a general state of good physical health. In spite of an age, it can be described as a condition that majorly helps an individual look or feel mentally as well as physically better.

Poor Response to Exercise in Young Type 2 Diabetics

Type 2 diabetes is a difficult health problem because multiple aspects of calorie utilization simply don't work properly.  A study with young adults (ages 18 - 25) shows the cellular problem is worse than thought.

Nordic Walking for Health & Fitness

Nordic WalkingIf your encounter someone – or a group of people – striding along with a pair of slim poles, you’ve probably come across participants in a new exercise and fitness technique that is sweeping across the world which is called Nordic Walking.

Thyroid-Disrupting Triclosan Jumps Into the Frying Pan

The FDA is sounding alarm bells and the national media has jumped on the bandwagon.  Triclosan is no longer flying under the radar like hundreds of others of its toxic chemical friends.

Champix makes smoking cessation painless and easy

Treatment with Champix helps to make smoking cessation easy and painless for smokers. Its active ingredient, varenicline, works in a manner that dupes the brain into thinking that it has received its dose of nicotine.

Black seed oil: Nature's Super Healer?

Nature’s most powerful super-herbBlack seed - also known as Nigella saliva - is considered by many to be the greatest healing herb known to man, but unfortunately it’s remarkable benefits have remained largely unknown  to the majority of the UK population.

Home Remedies To Treat Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by men all over the world. In this article let us find out what are the main reasons why this problem occurs and some effective natural home remedies you can use to overcome hair loss.

How To Control Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most dreaded diseases known to mankind. Almost every other family has a diabetes sufferer. Despite all the advancements in medical field there is still no permanent cure for diabetes.

Cardio Workout Routines to Lose Weight

There are different ways of losing extra body weight but cardio workout is one method that has gained enough popularity in the past few years.

Why Watson's Little Albert became the most distorted study in the history of psychology

Among all psychological studies, Little Albert study (article's URL is below), conducted by Dr. John B. Watson, APA (American Psychological Association) President, and Rosalie Rayner in 1920, is the most widely cited experiment in psychological textbooks.

Stop asthma attacks using basic breath control

The exercise was used by over 200 Soviet and Russian doctors who have been practicing the Buteyko breathing self-oxygenation method. They taught it to many thousands of people.

Exercise is joy only when body oxygenated at rest

Most modern people can testify that physical exercise is not a pleasant experience. Over 200 MDs, practicing the Buteyko self-oxygenation breathing method, and other health professionals performed many millions of simple body oxygenation tests (stress-free variation of the breath holding time test done after usual exhalation and without any pushing themselves) on thousands of sick and healthy (energetic) people.

7 main (unknown) health-destructive life style factors

Appearance and development of chronic diseases and symptoms, including fatigue, poor quality of sleep, mucus production, blocked nose, loss of vitality, anxiety, and confusion, are based on lowered body oxygenation.

Olive Leaf Extract Offsets Stress of High Calorie Intake

It is ironic that food, which is so vital to survival, when consumed in excess is literally poison to your metabolism.  Excess consumption of fat and carbohydrates rapidly leads to cardiovascular malfunction, liver malfunction, and numerous metabolic changes associated with easy weight gain and disease risk.

Impotence – Causes, impact on sex life and treatment

Impotence is a sexual dysfunction in men that inhibits their sexual activity. Typically, characterized by erection problems, impotence reduces the erectile ability of a person.

Is Acai Berry a Scam? A New Natural Perspective

I have been reading articles with arguments that the acai berry is a scam. Can we have a small reality check or an episode of enlightenment? How can this small purple black berry from only the Amazon, a product of evolution, be a scam? If I was an acai berry I think I would be upset.

Get into Shape with Exercise

Exercise is an essential part in the life of every woman, who wants to look good and feel healthy. Looking good could mean being in proper shape for many women.

Fat Loss methods

Fat loss is one of those stubborn things which doesn't seem to be easy for anyone. Getting rid of excess fat is the most important thing when you want to tone up and get fit, but it is hard to do it on your own.

Breast Enhancement Methods

Small breast size is on of the most common problems faced by women worldwide and in order to enhance their breast size women resort to all sorts of methods including breast enhancement surgery which although enhances the breasts size but most men can easily make out the difference between natural and artificially enhanced breasts.

Health of cancer patients is predicted by stress-free breath holding time

Cellular hypoxia and cancer Dr. Otto Warburg, the Nobel Laureate, in his article "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" (1966) wrote, "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes.

Cancer likes mouth-breathers

The key cause of cancer, on a cellular level, is known to professional oncologists for more than 70 years. Dr. Otto Warburg got a Nobel Prize for this discovery.

How To Keep A Check On Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most dreaded and deadliest diseases afflicting mankind today. The biggest drawback with these disease is that there is still no permanent cure for it but the good thing is that if one is willing to change his lifestyle for the better this disease can be kept under control and one can lead a normal healthy life.

What Is Kinergetics Kinesiology & TMJ Jaw Pain Relief Energy Healing Self Healing Treatment?

I am often asked "What is the difference is between Kinergetics and Kinesiology?" Well, Kinergetics is Kinesiology - but another modality or type of Kinesiology.

Quercetin Reduces Pain, Anxiety, and Depression

Corticotropin-releasing hormone/factor (CRH, also called CRF) is released by your hypothalamus gland to coordinate the production of adrenal hormones and your stress response.

The Man Who Revolutionizes Psychoanalytical Therapy

The medicine to conquer our own miracles is in each and every one of us. We all have the tools to gain power, love, success and spiritual advancement using our own resources.

Quercetin as an Anti-Cancer Nutrient

Quercetin is a common flavonoid found in many fruits and plants.  Numerous studies are now being published regarding quercetin's anti-cancer properties.

Simple Breathwork to Unblock the Stuffy Nose

Thousands of Soviet and Russian patients with asthma and other conditions have used this simple breathing exercise to clear their stuffy nose.

How to exercise: the key (unknown) safety rule for people with poor health

We are all taught that physical exercise is good for us. It can sometimes produce numerous benefits and there is even anecdotal evidence that exercise saved lives of people with cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many other conditions.

Diabetes is possible only in over-breathers

The international medical norm for breathing is 6 l/min at rest. A group of Italian medical researchers from the University of Ancona reported in the Chest magazine that 28 patients with diabetes breathed from 10 to 20 l/min (Tantucci et al, 1997).

Abnormal breathing pattern causes asthma and attacks

Here is a summary of five published studies related to breathing rates (or minute ventilation expressed in liters of air per one minute) in asthmatics at rest (when they do not experience problems with asthma).

In super-health we require only 2 hours of perfect sleep

It is known that modern people sleep, on average, about 7.5 hours per day. Studies also found that length of sleep varies from person to person and generally gets shorter with aging: infants can sleep up to 12-18 hours per day, young children for 9-12 hours, teenagers about 8-10 hours, and adults from about 6 to 9 hours.

Over 200 Russian doctors learned how to hold their breath for more than 5 minutes for ... health reasons

Why do breath holding abilities matter? Low tissue oxygenation is the normal feature for people with asthma, heart disease, chronic fatigue, bronchitis, cancer, acne, sexual importance, diabetes, and many other disorders.

Prevent heart attacks using advanced breath control

Breathing and the heartOur breathing pattern has profound effects on the heart. In fact, about a century ago western doctors developed and studied the science which was called "cardiorespiratory physiology".

Natural Facelift Methods: 14 Natural Facelift Tips to a Younger Looking Skin

There are numerous ways to obtain a younger looking skin via natural facelift techniques. We explore these natural facelift methods in better detail which can usually be divided into internal and external factors in your younger looking skin aspirations.

Yoga Facial Exercises: A Nonsurgical Facelift using Yoga Facial Exercises

Yoga facial exercises? What’s that? And how do yoga facial exercises fit into a daily or bi-weekly nonsurgical facelift regimen? Many people are performing a nonsurgical facelift with their own fingertips, using the miracle of yoga facial exercises in their own living rooms.

Non Invasive Face Lift: How to Look Younger with some Non Invasive Face Lift Techniques

How to look younger is a question almost every man and woman asks themselves. Most people think of cosmetic surgery as the quickest means to eternal youth.

Curcumin: Linking Leptin, Obesity, Joint Problems, and Inflammation

Curcumin is the yellow pigment derived from the spice tumeric.  Fine quality dietary supplements standardize curcumin for the amount of curcuminoids, the primary biologically active ingredient.

Vitamin E Protects Lungs from Damage

A new study in women over the age of 45 has shown that long-term, regular use of vitamin E can lower the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by about 10 percent in both smokers and non-smokers.

Why modern man gets little, if any, benefits from exercise

Breathing and oxygenation in healthy and sick peopleIf you observe modern exercising people, you will see that over 97% of them breathe through the mouth.

Typical Breathing Pattern of Sick People

If we consider automatic breathing patterns in sick people with various health problems, virtually all health conditions are characterized by ineffective breathing.

Low body oxygenation is the main factor of poor fertility in males

Usually, various modern medical and alternative sources suggest that zinc, arginine and protein intakes are the main factors in fertility of males.

Painless childbirth: reality for hundreds of Russian women

Most women can testify that childbirth is their most painful life experience in terms of physical pain. However, over 200 Russian MDs, practicing the Buteyko self-oxygenation breathing therapy, found that superior body oxygenation guarantees painless childbirth.

The Best Eczema Treatment Revealed

Water softeners are ideally suited for people with eczema - as the general consensus is that “soft water” is more effective when used for washing, which means using less irritating soaps and detergents.

Can Everyone Use Viagra ?

Impotence medically called erectile dysfunction is an inability to achieve an erection or sustain it long enough to have sexual intercourse. This problem is mainly associated in men above the age of 50 so it could also be connected with the aging process.

How To Increase Sexual Desire In Women

The busy life we are living today is taking its toll on our body and causing many health concerns. In this article we are mainly concerned with the low libido or lack of sexual desire in women.

The New Role of Glucosamine in Human Health

Glucosamine supplements are popular for joint health and the health of all connective tissues in your body.  The availability of glucosamine for any body tissue is rate limiting in terms of the ability of that tissue to repair or rejuvenate itself, meaning glucosamine is essential for your physical well being.

Can High Good Cholesterol Be the Sign of a Problem?

The simplistic notion that LDL cholesterol is "bad" and HDL cholesterol is "good" has only one purpose in public health dogma: scaring people into taking toxic statin drugs to lower their LDL cholesterol.

Are Vagina Tightening Creams Better Than Surgery

Vagina tightening creams are herbal formulations mainly used to tighten a loose vagina and act as a natural lubricant as well acts as an anti bacterial remedy thereby taking care of bad odor and white vaginal discharge.

Medicines For Curing Impotence

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a question on a man’s entire manhood hence men suffering from this problem usually go into depression and feel a sense of low self esteem as they are well aware of the fact that if they do not overcome this problem their women is going to leave them sooner or later as a good and sound relationship can only be sustained if the couple enjoy a happy sex life.

Joint Treatment Through Various Therapies

Besides the prescription drugs, various other therapies are used for joint treatment . This includes heat application.  Joint pain relief may be obtained through the application of heat to painful and stiff joints.

Systematic Management Of Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common and deadly disease troubling people all over the world. The biggest setback regarding diabetes is that their is still no permanent cure in western medicine for curing diabetes but the good news is that if you introduce some simple lifestyle changes in your life and take help of some ayurvedic herbs which have been proved to control diabetes you can still lead a normal and a healthy life.

Top Ten Ways To Fit Acai Berry Supplements Into Your Life

Acai berry has swept the health supplement market, with its remarkably high antioxidant and weight loss properties. A lot of Americans are finding a place for this unique and exotic food in their lives, and here are the top ten ways to include acai berry supplements in your own diet.

How Can I Increase My Breasts Size

Would you like to learn ways through which you can make your breasts bigger naturally at home without spending a fortune on implants? If your answer is yes then let us continue and find out some of the effective home remedies which can help in increasing your bust size.

How Can Herbs Help In Controlling Diabetes

Managing or keeping diabetes under control is imperative for any diabetes patient because diabetes in itself is not that dangerous but the other problems it can create can be terrifying like blindness, leg amputations, kidney failure and heart problems to name a few.

Herbs That Can Increase Penis Size

These days’ penis enlargement pills are increasingly becoming popular amongst men mainly due to their efficacy and lack of any side effects.

Support Yourself With Joint supplements

The fact remains that you are only as strong as your weakest link. Thus you need to take the best joint supplements in order to help you in staying injury free forever.

Various Kinds Of Joint Support

There is a particular family of antibiotics which is known as quinolines. These are medications which are taken in case of certain bacterial infections.

Natural Joint Dietary Supplement To Increase Joint Flexibility

Glucosamine is a natural joint dietary supplement which has been effective at easing joint discomfort as well as in increasing flexibility since the past two decades.

Review Of Top Three Products For Premature Ejaculation

Men who find it difficult to last longer in bed tend to suffer from low self esteem and sometimes might even go into depression as they think they cannot see eye to eye to their partner anymore.

Top Ten Lifestyle Choices That Can Lead To Cases of Acne

Acne is something that afflicts tens of millions of people, particularly teenagers and young adults. If you've been looking for answers about how to clear up your skin, the solution may lie in your diet.

Male Pattern Baldness – Symptoms and treatment

Male pattern baldness is a very common condition and almost 95% of the hair loss suffered by men can be categorized as androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness.

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine with Homeopathy to Help with Winter Colds and Flus

Good cheer to you and your loved ones. I wish you health, happiness, and prosperity in the new year. The article below is a small gift of information to help you make wise decisions to keep you and your family healthy in the winter months, and to present you with alternatives to Western treatment for the flu, including the flu shot.

The Beginner's Guide: How to Become a Massage Therapist in Georgia

Massage therapy is much more than just alleviating back, neck, or limb stress - it's also a highly developed tool used in a range of industries, including healthcare, on cruise ships, and in spas.

Facts about Antibiotics

Antibiotics are the medications that are specifically used against the bacterial infections. They are the best medicine to cure the bacterial infections.

Obesity treatment possible with Xenical slimming pills

In medical terms, obesity refers to a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

What is Meditation?

meditation is a whole body tonicMeditation is a whole-body tonic, which is valuable in promoting and improving health and overall well-being.

How Can I Make My Vagina Tighter After Pregnancy

There are a large number of women worldwide who experience their vagina becoming loose mainly due to aging or after going through pregnancy.Most of these women learn to live with a loose vagina as they think surgery is the only way through which the vagina can be tightened again and that is a very expensive procedure.

Dark Circles Under Eyes Treatment Is Possible Today With Dark Circles Cream

Having dark circles under the eyes is very common today. But since they are usually temporary hence dark circles under eyes treatment can be done in order to take care of the situation.

Athens, GA Dermatologist – Tips for Choosing Your Doctor

When choosing which Athens, GA Dermatologist it's important to consider a few things, in order to make sure you find the right one for you.

Propecia finasteride – The most effective treatment for male pattern baldness

Propecia finasteride is one of the most effective treatments for male pattern baldness currently available on the market. Propecia was approved by the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) as a treatment for male pattern baldness in 1997.

Stretch Your Fitness Limits for better weight loss

Flexibility is an important part of your exercise program, yet it's often neglected. How often have you gone through your routine and then decided to skip stretching because you're tired or ready to get home?Stretching your fitness limits, when done right, reduces your weight workload by removing tightness allowing your limbs to move more freely.

Krill Oil - The New Super Omega 3 ?

 Krill Oil - The New Super Omega 3 ? Krill is a small shrimp like creature found in the ocean's of the world. Superba Krill is farmed in the Antarctic waters and is said to be the purest , unpolluted krill in the world.

Impotence Cures- Herbal And Man Made

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is a very embarrassing problem a man can face. It is one problem which can ruin his life as being impotent might just end his chances of a happy marriage and even if the partner is understanding enough their are very minuscule chances of conceiving a baby.

Acai Berry Power

Acai Berry - Used by the Amazonian people in Brazil for centuries as a health food it's now recognised as having power-packed health benefits.

Why Is A Healthy Colon Important ?

The colon often referred to as the large intestines is part of the digestive system. It acts like a sewage system removing toxins and waste from our body.

Eyelash Enhancer For Women Who Want Eye-Catching Lashes

If you look at the number as well as the variety of different mascaras for sale these days, you will be amazed. They are everywhere from drug store displays to department stores to beauty counters.

Benzaclin Topical Gel for Successful Acne Treatment

Acne vulgaris is a common skin condition characterized by pimples, breakouts and zits. One of the most effective treatments for this condition is BenzaClin - a medicated prescription skin care cream.

Anti Ageing

How do I slow my Ageing process?Here are the top eight factors that make you age faster . If like most people you want to age at the slowest rate possible, make sure you take note of these eight lifestyle issues.

Spirit of Simples

WHAT IS A SIMPLE? A "simple" is one herb used at a time. A "simpler" is an herbalist who generally uses herbs one at a time, rather than in combinations.

Managing Fear – To Benefit Your Life

Experiencing fear as a natural sensationWhen we fear something or someone, our heart-rate beats faster and adrenaline rushes through our body.

Understanding Your Mind – To Bring About Your Success

Success in life is determined by how we choose to use our brain.For some, it could be argued that it comes easy to achieve things in life; from passing exams to simply holding a conversation.

The Health Power Of Massage

The Power of a good massage !Its one of the oldest but most effective natural treatments for well-being and good health . The treatment is massage and its a great way for you to help relive stress and anxiety levels and give an all over well-being body rush.

Healthy Active Lifestyle Guide

A Guide to a Healthy Active lifestyle Mental and Physical BenefitsExercise makes you feel better about yourself and can also curb your appetite - especially beneficial for those interested in losing weight.

I'm a Massage Therapist and I Get to Work With Babies

I work in a baby spa.  Some people find it strange that the babies needed massaging.  Recent studies have showed that giving a massage to babies could help them enhance their physical, emotional, mental and social development.

How To Communicate Confidence

A Guide to Communicating ConfidenceGiving The Right Signals The difference between a confident and a shy person can be seen in their body language.

Taking Control of Your Life

Your AspirationsPeople generally feel out of control when their aspirations in life can not be achieved. We all like to succeed in life and, unless you take control of your path in life, you have a big chance of failure.

Coping With Long Term Stress.

How Do You Cope With Long Term Stress?Stress is a natural part of life and, in some instances, can be prove to be a positive element of our everyday living.

Get That Feel Good Factor!

Get that Feel Good Factor! - Boy we could all do with it! Some say that merely getting out in the sunshine can boost our 'happy' zones and make us feel good about ourselves.

Combating the Blues

We all feel blue at times. Sometimes it hits us without any warning and for no reason at all, At other times, something happens which makes us so unhappy we can't function properly.

Three Points to Improving Your Personal Growth

Three Points to Improving Your Personal GrowthWe all like to improve ourselves in many ways, even if it is simply to be liked and appreciated, rather than be taken for granted.

Athens GA Dermatologist - Skin Cancer Warnings

If warning signs of skin cancer were staring you right in the face, would you recognize them?  Knowing what to look for when it comes to your skin can give you a good idea of when you may need to visit your Athens, GA Dermatologist.

A brief guide to Levitra use

Vardenafil is sold as Levitra and is used for the treatment of impotence (also known as erectile dysfunction). This medication is a PDE5 inhibitor drug and is closely related to sildenafil citrate and tadalafil in function.

Reduce stress and combat depression in just 10 minutes

Reduce stress and combat depression in just 10 minutesWould you like to take just 10 minutes out of your day to do a simple breathing technique and see big results?Just 10 minutes is all you need for you to feel refreshed and invigorated.

Have A Plumping Effect On Lip Tissues With A Lip Plumper

A lip plumper refers to a cosmetic item which is applied to the lips. It supposedly has a plumping effect on the tissue of the lips. Many women have thin lips or even average lips.

What you should expect from your holistic therapist

The Holistic Therapist and what makes a good oneA Holistic Therapist  should above all else be a fully qualified practitioner; there are many qualifications and paths to becoming qualified available to someone perusing a career in holistic therapy.

Identifying the Worst Effects among Opiate Abusers

Opiates are extracted from the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin is commonly abused opiate drug. Opiates such as Heroin are Central Nervous System depressants which slow the functions of both the brain and the body.

How To Treat Diabetes Naturally

It is an astonishing and horrifying fact that every minute 6 people loose their life to diabetes. It is a silent epidemic affecting more than 240 million people worldwide.

Viagra – The new craze amongst teenage boys

It doesn’t come as a surprise that a number of teenage boys are hooked onto using Viagra. This erectile dysfunction (ED) drug has become an important part of their sex lives.

Helping to Prevent Postpartum Depression: The Deep Need for a Comprehensive, High Potency Postnatal Vitamin System for all Postpartum Women

Throughout the past 33 years in private practice, hundreds of women have told me they felt that their current health problems started soon after the birth of their child.

Serious Effects of Benzodiazepine Abuse

Benzodiazepine is a psychoactive drug used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorders, nervous tension, acute stress, and anxiety associated depression.

MRSA Threatens World Health

Americans have entered into a new type of competition with the Chinese - who will produce the next bacterial superbug plague first?  This is no laughing matter.

Are You Obese? Blame It on Your Genes

If you are fat it must be "your" fault. This is what most obese individuals are conditioned to believe. Weight gain and obesity are generally linked to higher consumption of calories or to lack of physical activity.

How Effective Is Flonase Nasal Spray?

Nasal allergies are common problems occurring in many people. There are various medications and sprays available today that alleviate the symptoms of allergies.

Negative Implications of Cannabis Abuse on General and Oral Health

Cannabis, commonly known as Marijuana, is the most frequently used illicit drug in America. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), there were about 15.

Herbal Remedies For Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most deadly diseases afflicting mankind today and it is growing at an epidemic rate all over the world especially in America and India.

How To Treat Hair Loss At Home

Hair loss is one such condition which is faced by almost every person at some point in their life. No one wants a bald head so it is no surprise that people are always on the lookout for ways to prevent hair loss or grow new hair.

Yoga asanas to make you health

The secret behind yoga is it also helps to keep the person happy and positive, the invisible powers of vibes that are embraced while performing various postures makes you familiar with the internal powers that keep you optimistic and encouraging.

How To Extend The Life Of Your Hearing Aid Batteries

According to The Royal National Institute for Deaf People, there are in total 8,945,000 deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK. For many people, the recommended solution is to use a type of micro-computer to enhance external sound, called a hearing aid.

Choosing a Massage School: a How-to Guide

Choosing the right massage school is an important consideration on your path to becoming a massage therapist. Throughout your massage therapy program, you will be taught a variety of massage therapy techniques, ranging from Swedish, deep tissue, orthopedic, cross fiber, and neuromuscular.

Fish Oil Supplements Reduce Invasive Breast Cancer Risk by 32%

Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle followed 35,016 postmenopausal women for 6 years.  Those that regularly took a fish oil capsule, which is high in the omega 3 oils EPA and DHA, had a 32% risk reduction for invasive ductal breast cancer, the most common type of the disease.

Things That Drag You Into Depression

A depressed state of mind is never something that you would like to be apart of your life. There are many situations that compel man to get into depression.

Finding The EmoTional Cause of Disease

Finding the Emotional Causes of Disease Our emotions arise as part of our human response to life experiences. How we respond to life can also have a direct cause and effect relationship with the onset and progression of physical symptoms and disease.

Physical Problems Healed through Emotional Healing

 Physical Healing through Healing the Emotions Life sometimes makes us sick. Stress as we respond to life, held in the body, is directly causing disease.

Avoiding Obesity With Healthy Eating, Exercise and Hypnosis

The latest research figures show that forty million Americans are now classified as being obese. Take, out of the current population figures of there being just over three hundred million citizens in American, that means that almost 15% of all Americans are obese.

Is There Hope for Glenn Beck’s Eyes?

Struggling to maintain composure in front of 6,000 fans Glenn Beck disclosed that he had been diagnosed with a serious eye condition, macular dystrophy, a progressive genetic disorder that may lead to blindness.

Constipation - How To Make Your Bowel Movements Regular

Every person at some point in his life suffers from constipation. It is a very uneasy condition in which a person feels tired and unhealthy from inside and is unable to concentrate fully on his work.

Tips For Preventing Damaging Prescription Spectacles Due To Misuse

Millions in Britain wear some type of prescription spectacles on a daily basis. Prices could cost anything from a few ponds to a few hundred ponds, which illustrates just how important  preventing damage is.

Have you tried the Alternatives for your health ?

When it comes to your health, do you provide your body with the right conditions to enable it to be self healing ? Is your health on the top of your to do list ? If you don't take time for your health now, then you will have to take time for illness later! Learn Reiki TODAY.

Big Brother Will Be Watching Your Weight

Do you remember that stimulus package back in 2009?  It also contained the first steps of health care reform and its ambiguous language required lots of new rules and regulations.

Fish Oil in the Battle Against Depression & Cognitive Decline

Three new human studies add to an impressive body of research regarding the value of EPA- and DHA-containing fish oil for mental health and cognitive function.

DHA Protects Circulation from Dietary Abuse

Americans are progressing towards heart disease in alarming numbers, with significant signs of poor cardiovascular health occurring even in our overweight teenagers.

Vitamin K2: Bones, Cardiovascular Health, Blood Sugar Control & Cancer Prevention

Vitamin K is an important antioxidant nutrient well known for its important assistance in the clotting of blood.  It is also the target of the commonly over-prescribed Coumadin, adding to society-wide problems of vitamin K deficiency.

Herbal Cure For Acne And Pimples

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that are prevalent all over the world. It is generally caused due to deficiency of vital nutrients in the body which cause hormonal imbalance resulting in acne and pimples.

How To Get Pregnant Fast -Tips That Always Work

The happiness one derives from getting pregnant and having an angel come into your life is unmatchable. It gives a whole new dimension to your life and a great deal of responsibility as well.

Difference between Retin a and Renova

The wide range of skin care treatments available today makes it difficult to choose any one single treatment that best suits your requirements.

Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

Acne is a very common problem faced by both men and women all over the world. Acne breakout can be a very tricky condition to treat mainly because it comes on coming back if the root cause is not removed.

Drug Trial - Hope for Heart Attack Patients

Breakthrough in drug trial offers hope for heart attack patientsNew findings from a major drug trial have brought experts a step closer to developing a drug which could prevent thousands of British deaths from heart attacks.

Amla ( Emblica Officinalis ) - Benefits and its Uses

Amla which is known as emblica officinalis is an Indian herb which is extensively used in ayurvedic system of medicine. It is believed by ayurvedic practitioners that if an individual regularly takes amla he can live up to an age of 100 without suffering from any type of ailments.

List Of Myths About Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most fast spreading diseases worldwide and it is a very embarrassing fact that every minute 6 people die of this silent epidemic.

Glucolo Herbal Remedy For Diabetes- Making Life Easier For Diabetics

Glucolo is an ayurvedic supplement for controlling diabetes which is gaining in immense popularity amongst diabetes sufferers mainly due to it quick healing powers and absence of any side effects.

Prevent outbreak of genital herpes with Famvir tablets

If you want to prevent an outbreak of genital herpes, Famvir is a recommended treatment option. It's fast, it's effective and also very convenient.

Quit Smoking The Ayurvedic Way To Overcome Nicotine Addiction

Ez quit are herbal pills which help in quitting smoking. These pills have in recent past gained in immense popularity mainly due to absence of any side effects and quick result producing ability.

Review Of Herbal Cure For Diabetes- Glucolo Herbal Medicine

Glucolo herbal pills for controlling diabetes have become quite popular in recent past amongst diabetes sufferers mainly due to their quick effective results and absence of any side effects.

Impotence can be treated effectively with the help of impotence pills

Often known as impotence, erectile dysfunction can be defined as the partial, total or inconsistent inability to achieve or retain an erection for sexual intercourse.


Recently I was asked to help a person with hayfever which is as a result of allergies. After chatting about eating habits, and even diet from a young age I was surprised at what unfolded.

Crf | Renal Disease | Kidney Failure | Renal Disease | Kideny Disease | poly cystic kindey Homeopathy Treatment

Renal failure or Kidney Disease is a final common path way for a number of disease processes and associated with significant morbidity and mortality.

The most effective treatment options for cold sores

Small and painful blisters that are filled with fluid, which develop on the face are known as cold sores. They are caused by virus. Cold sores are very painful and last for a few days.

Quit smoking to live a healthier and better life again

Smoking is the most common cause of death all over the world. More than 50% of the people, who do not quit smoking, die of a smoking-related condition.

Tips For Keeping a Kitchen Worktop Hygienically Clean

Food-preparation is an activity will all love doing on our favorite worktop, but in the long run it can under some conditions contribute to the build up of bacteria which can pose health risks and cause illnesses.

How To Get Rid of Acne Problems

Acne is a very common skin problem which affects almost everybody at some point in their life. Although it does not pose any major health threats but its very presence considerably diminishes the beautiful look of the skin as well as acts as a major turn off for both the sexes.

Sirtuin1 During Calorie Restriction – Application for Weight Management

Sirtuin1 is a longevity gene that is activated during times of food scarcity.  It enables metabolism and your brain to maintain a higher level state of function.

Pregnancy massage

Pregnancy massage is one of the most pampering and beneficial activities a pregnant mother can do.As well as being deeply relaxing for the mother and helping aches and pains associated with being pregnant, massage can also be helpful for the unborn baby.

Which is the best treatment for cold sores

More than 75% of the population has been infected by the herpes simplex virus at some point of time. Out of those who are affected, around one third can develop cold sores, which are difficult to heal.

Tips and treatments for skin care and acne

Very few of us are blessed with a perfect skin. Most people have to struggle with a variety of skin problems ranging from common conditions such as acne vulgaris, cellulite, dry or oily skin and sun damage to serious skin issues which include dermographism, keratosis, skin cancer and impetigo.

Adverse Side Effects of Using Methylphenidate

Methylphenidate (MPH) is a central nervous system stimulant, which affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

The Subconscious Mind is the Final Frontier for Creating Health

Do you or a loved one struggle with physical illness or emotional difficulties?Are unhealthy behaviors or addiction causing you problems?Do you want to reclaim your self, your health and your life?Working with the natural healing power of the subconscious mind is the final frontier for creating health and wellness.

How Bad Fat Programs Future Generations to Be Obese

A new study indicates that one major factor causing today's obesity epidemic is the garbage fat diet of Americans for the past century.  The Western diet is almost void of omega 3 essential fatty acids.

Inflammation - What Triggers This Chronic and Deadly Problem

Inflammation is a common factor in most every disease that afflicts us.  Yes, cancer is considered inflammatory as well as allergies, arthritis, alzheimer's, diabetes, colitis, heart disease, infections, vaginitis, etc, etc, etc.

Effective Tools For Handling Pain

     Pain is one of the most destructive and annoying circumstances one can experience. And as it happens, one's entire life may change into a horrible helpless situation, and the only thought possible might be, how to get rid of it.

Home Remedies for Cough: Causes and Effective Treatment

Cough is a symptom of any kind of obstruction in the respiratory tract. Actually, it is not a disease. Coughing is a reflex activity to clear your airways of phlegm, mucus and irritants.

EmoTrance Helps Coping With Loss

EmoTrance easing the pain of loss ...One of my past clients emailed me to say her husband had died last week after a rapid decline in health from cancer which had metastasised.

High-Fat Diet May Adversely Alter Your Brain Structure

In a rather sobering study, scientists have demonstrated that a high-fat diet has the potential to drastically alter the architecture of the brain, resulting in poor circulation within the brain, down-regulated metabolism, and outright brain damage in areas of the brain central to appetite regulation.

Potassium Offsets Salt-Induced Cardiovascular Distress

Potassium is highly concentrated in your cells, whereas sodium (salt) is concentrated between your cells.  New science is showing that a lack of potassium is a primary reason why salt can cause high blood pressure and cardiovascular damage.

How to support someone who is greiving

How to Support Someone Who is Grieving Our hearts naturally go out to someone who has lost a loved one through death. We want to do something to help ease the pain, but feel inadequate to the task, knowing that no words are sufficient.

Tamiflu provides all round prevention from the influenza virus

About TamifluTamiflu is approved for the treatment of the Influenza virus and also aids from futher spread with in the body, treating flu at its source.

Health Care Exercise

Healthy eating is one that helps maintain or improve health with proper nutrition.It is important for anybody to maintain weight. In the early age it's not a big problem, but after a particular age it's really heard to maintain it without proper care.

New Strain of Superbug Rapidly Spreading Around the World

In a dire warning to the global community scientists have identified a new strain of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that is rapidly spreading around the world, including to the United States.

Niacinamide Turns Out To Be a Potent Candida-Killing Nutrient

Niacinamide (also called nicotinamide) is a form of vitamin B3 (niacin) that drastically disrupts the reproduction of Candida albicans - offering a new approach to dealing with a nagging health problem.

Friendly Flora Supplements Essential During Pregnancy & Nursing

Friendly flora (also known as probiotics or acidophilus) has been found to drastically reduce the rate of gestational diabetes during pregnancy, benefiting both mother and child.

Friendly Flora Inhibits Bilirubin-Induced Digestive Damage

Your body recycles all of its red blood cells over a six week period.  During this process heme is released from your red blood cells in your spleen and converted to unconjugated bilirubin.

DHA vs. Diabetes Drugs – Did You Balance Your PPAR Gamma Today?

The thiazolidinedione diabetes drugs Avandia and Actos will break your bones and cause heart failure.  DHA will help preserve your bones and rejuvenate your heart's function.

Know more about Allegra

Fexofenadine, marketed as Allegra, is an antihistamine medication used for treating allergy symptoms. It is a successor and alternative of terfenadine, which was an antihistamine with serious contraindications.

Is Hypnotherapy for You?

If you are seeking greater physical health, emotional peace or freedom from unwanted behaviors in a safe and completely natural way, the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapy may be your answer.

Public handwashing takes a hike

More adults (85 percent) than ever observed washing hands in public restroomsMom's advice about cleaning your hands may finally be starting to get through.

Can A Mind Body Spirit Detox Help Mental Health And Healing?

According to the author, international trainer in the field of energy psychology,  mental emotional and spiritual health is all one and the same, and dis-ease or disturbance in any of these levels can cause physical pains and symptoms in the body too.

Is there a natural way to cure cancer?

Cancer is today's epidemic! Everyone's life has been touched by someone who has cancer, there was a time when cancer was feared and rare but not anymore.

Causes of Pain Killer Addiction among Teenagers

Teenage painkiller drug abuse is one of the major health concerns in US as many of the teenagers are getting addicted to these harmful drugs.

Give Nexium and Prevacid a chance

Do you sometimes feel your heart's on fire, just after taking a big meal? No, we are not talking about some emotional repercussions that are often attributed to human heart.

Brain stimulation helps paralyzed stroke patients

Brain stimulation can help partially paralyzed stroke patients regain use of their musclesResearchers believe treatment helps to rebalance brain activity in affected and unaffected hemispheresStroke patients who were left partially paralysed found that their condition improved after they received a simple and non-invasive method of brain stimulation, according to research in the September issue of the European Journal of Neurology.

Denavir a treatment for recurrent cold sores

If you have had unprotected sex, your chances of suffering from sexually transmitted diseases such as cold sores increases by a long way. The best way of avoiding such conditions is by prevention and using protection when you have sex.

An Idiot's Guide To Diabetes Control

Millions of people worldwide suffer from diabetes and it is spreading like an epidemic especially in countries like U.S.A and India. The biggest problem is that there is no permanent cure for diabetes hence once you are diagnosed with it you have to live with it for the rest of your life but the good news is that although it is not curable but it is controllable.

Headaches in teens

Headaches in teens tied to overweight, smoking and lack of exerciseTeens who are overweight, get little exercise or who smoke may be more likely to have frequent headaches and migraines than teens with none of these factors, according to a study published in the online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Oxytocin and Parenting

It's a mom and pop thingPhiladelphia, PA, 20 August, 2010 - The hormone oxytocin has come under intensive study in light of emerging evidence that its release contributes to the social bonding that occurs between lovers, friends, and colleagues.

The Power Of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind (not a state of sleep) that can produce extraordinary levels of relaxation of body, mind, and emotions. The principles and theories upon which hypnotherapy are based are accessing and utilizing the power of one's inner resources.

Why Do So Many People Take Pharmacy Drugs

     There is no person in this world, who wouldn't have some personal problems, negative feelings or discomfort.

Identifying the Worst Effects Among Heroin Abusers

Heroin is a highly addictive drug semi-synthetic opioid drug. This central nervous system depressant is one of the highly abused illegal drugs in United States.

Black seed oil

What is Black seed.For those of us who are tired of going to the Doctors to get a prescription that we do not understand and does not actually help us black seed oil could well be the answer.

Common Mistakes Massage Therapists Make

For massage therapists, from experts to novices, it is sometimes easy to forget some very basic procedures and massage techniques for keeping yourself healthy, your business profitable, and your clients happy.

Prenatal exposure to pesticides linked to attention problems

Children who were exposed to organophosphate pesticides while still in their mother's womb were more likely to develop attention disorders years later, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

Significant advance announced in treatment of cervical cancer

Research demonstrates that drug and radiotherapy treatment saves livesA medical researcher at the University of Leicester has made a significant advance in the treatment of cervical cancer.

Side effects of Allegra

Allegra is a medication that is prescribed to people who want to treat seasonal allergy symptoms such as itchy and runny nose, red and watery eyes and hay fever.

Pregnant? The flu shot will protect you and baby.

Each year people get the flu, for an adult it can be horrible but for a baby the risks are far greater, sometimes fatal. Infants from newborn to six months are vulnerable to contracting influenza or influenza-like diseases but cannot have any form of flu vaccine.

Blood vessels restores muscle synthesis

Experiments show blood pressure drugs could help fight frailty.Dilation of blood vessels restores muscle synthesis in elderly.GALVESTON, Texas - University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers believe they've found a way to use widely available blood pressure drugs to fight the muscular weakness that normally accompanies aging.

Who is most at risk to develop common food allergies?

Some people have food allergy and others don't. Some people had a food allergy and now they don't. A study conducted by The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected data that sheds light on who is most likely to get and food allergy and when.

Take Famvir tablets and say bye bye to genital herpes

Genital herpes is a condition, which cannot be cured, but can be treated. It is caused by a virus, which spreads via sexual contact with an affected person.

Diet is half the battle to lose weight

A large percentage of today's western population is concerned about losing weight. There are many variables that contribute to weight loss.

Sleepless Night Guidelines

New guidelines to ease sleepless nightsLondon, UK (September 2, 2010) - Insomnia and other sleep disorders are very common, yet are not generally well understood by doctors and other health care professionals.

Vigorous Exercise reduces Breast cancer Risk

Almost everyone knows someone who is suffering or has suffered from a form of breast cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that so many want to avoid, but how? A recent study shows that vigorous exercise can be a stepping stone to help heal this epidemic.

Top Acne Skin Care Tips For A Healthier Skin

Acne is a very common skin problem which affects millions of people worldwide. It is quite an embarrassing condition which can cause serious damage to your looks.

Early Hip Surgery Reduces Death

Early surgery after hip fractures reduces deathPerforming early surgery on elderly hip fracture patients reduces the risk of death by 19%, found a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only) http://www.

Hair, link between stress & heart attack

Hair provides proof of the link between chronic stress and heart attackResearchers at The University of Western Ontario have provided the first direct evidence using a biological marker, to show chronic stress plays an important role in heart attacks.

Acne Can Be Treated Naturally At Home- Some Great Tips To Get Rid Of Acne

Acne can be caused due to a number of reasons hence the treatment is not the same for all the people but there are very some basic steps which anyone can take to prevent or treat acne and pimples.

Acne- Causes, Medical Treatment And Some Home Remedies

Acne and pimples problem is usually attributed to teenagers but few might be aware that it can also affect adults in their twenties to fifties.

Struggle with long-term weight loss?

Americans struggle with long-term weight lossOnly about one in every six Americans who have ever been overweight or obese loses weight and maintains that loss, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers.

What an Apple can do for your health

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away" this well known and common saying suggests that specifically an apple will improve ones health.

Negative Implications of Using Cannabis on General and Oral Health

Cannabis or Marijuana is highly abused illegal drug in United States. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) report, more than 15.

An Abundance of Greens

I didn’t lose it all with Bernie Madoff, but, like many others, I watched my material wealth shrink this past year. Am I worthless because I’m worth less? Of course not.

Varicose Veins: what is it and what is the right treatment

You most definitely have noticed how your legs change as the time passes? In this article you will be able to find details on what it is what is happening to you and your legs, why it is happening, and how to maintain your good looking legs by choosing the right varicose veins treatment.

Medicinal Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea - The Medicinal Benefits You Can Enjoy with Its ConsumptionIn recent times, people are getting more and more health conscious and opting for the natural way of addressing their various physical and mental ailments.

Slim down; belly fat is BAD

Fat! There are different types of fat all over the body. A study carried out by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, focuses on the difference between belly fat cells and lower limb fat cells to see if one was worse than the other.

Yoga Reduces Pain In Fibromyalgia Patients

The Yoga of Awareness Program conducted a study with women who suffer with Fibromyalgia. 53 women participated in the study, half were enrolled in a yoga workshop while the other half had traditional treatment.

It's Never Too Late to Stop Your Bad Habits

Are your bad habits holding you back from enjoying the healthy and peaceful life? Do you think that you are in a position from where it is not possible to come out of your bad habits? Don’t worry, here is the good news.

Why to go for heavy workouts? Act smart and use home exercising equipment

If you are tired and frustrated of taking time out of your day to go to the gym everyday and find yourself stressed from hard workout sessions, easy home exercise equipment can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

A Gel to prevent pregnancy

There has been a study on a new birth control in the form of a gel that could potentially replace taking the pill. The birth control is a combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the form of a gel and is to be rubbed in small amounts on arms, legs or abdomen on a daily basis.

Universal Screening will detect harmful eating disorder habits

Eating disorders have become more and more prevalent, even more so than what statistics show. Teenagers who suffer from eating disorders have a habit of engaging in harmful behavior and their doctors don't know because they are only asking those who fit the profile the screening questions.

Negative Effects of Morphine on Human Body and Brain

Morphine is a potent opiate analgesic drug that directly effects the central nervous system. It is generally prescribed to manage pain after surgeries.

Possible early Alzheimer's diagnosis

Alzheimer's is a disease that affects more than 26 million people worldwide and there is no cure. Most people that are diagnosed with this tragic disease have been having symptoms for 10 years.

Fewer people to get Swine flu shots this year- surveys suggest

The common cold, flu is seasonal and swine flu is caused by a different virus but can have similar symptoms.Cold: The symptoms usually include runny of stuffy nose, sneezing and sore throat.

Light at night might increase weight gain

Researchers from Israel and the USA have conducted research that might prove one reason why some people gain weight and are unable to loose weight.

Simple Stretches for Back Pain

Assuage Back Pain Doing Simple Stretches RegularlyBack pain is a common and persistent problem in the present generation. If you get up in the morning with pain in the lower back, or end up with the same problem after undertaking a demanding activity, performing simple but effective hamstring stretches can assuage back pain to an extraordinary degree.

Nature reduces pain for Cancer patients

Cancer patients experienced a significant reduction of pain when introduced to an environment that eluded nature through appearance and sound.

Walking reduces chance of Dementia

An observational study suggests that walking 6 - 9 miles weekly may have an impact on reducing the risk of dementia, has been carried out by the U.

Addressing Your Massage Clients' Needs

Aside from effective massage techniques, one of the most important aspects to giving a good massage is to understand and address your massage client's needs.

Parental Substance Abuse Increases Children's Risk

Parents are supposed to nurture their children with all good habits and guide them to be good members of society. But when parents themselves become physically and emotionally dysfunctional due to substance abuse, it results in profound negative effects on children impacting their social, physical and emotional well-being.

20 year old embryo = Healthy baby boy

The United States of America is home to a new mother who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who came from an embryo that had been frozen for 20 years.

Cholesterol is not all bad

Ok, have you heard all the commercials talking about keeping your cholesterol low and how cholesterol is so bad etc... Well, the fact is Cholesterol is essential to all the cells in the human body.

Can Love really reduce pain?

Stanford University has researchers that believe love can be a pain killer. It is believed that passionate and intense love triggers the same response of cravings, ecstasy from drugs or winning something like the lottery.

Cooler temperature contributes to burning more energy

A study shows the relationship between regular exercise and low temperature to enable the body to activity burn calories throughout the day.  Associate Professor Frank Seebacher and PhD student Elsa Glanville from Sydney, Australia are the first to conduct research that focuses on the correlation between exercise and temperature.

A test to tell you if your menopause is coming soon

100,000 women participated in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter Peninsula Medical School and the Institute of Cancer, both situated in England to determine when the their menopause would begin.

Major Blood Pressure Discovery Offers Immediate Solutions

British researchers using state-of-the-art x-ray technology have identified the primary reason blood pressure elevates in the first place.  A key regulatory protein that regulates blood pressure, angiotensinogen, is damaged or oxidized by free radicals.

Middle aged women and their chronic back pain

It seems that more and more middle aged women are complaining of chronic back pain. Pain so awful that it is preventing the women from enjoying daily life, in some cases the pain is isolating them from society.

Chinese Medicine Combined with Conventional medicine = Allergy Advances

Whether it's seasonal allergies, dust allergies, asthma induced allergies or food allergies; allergies can put a hold on your life. Allergies can make life uncomfortable, painful and down right unhappy.

How you can free yourself from nicotine dependency?

It is a well known fact that nicotine dependency is bad for health and kills you slowly. Most people who wish to quit smoking are only able to do it after 5 to 6 attempts.

New research altering genes could be the answer to reversing depression

A specific gene; p11 is unlocking the doors to understanding depression. Researchers from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center suggest in an article published in Science Translational Journal, October 20 issue that by restoring the gene p11 depression characteristics and behavior could be eliminated.

Does your car have airbags? If so it can protect your Kidney.

A recent study performed this September shows that airbag in cars helps protect the kidney and other renal organs when hit in a car collision.

Hopes for a universal flu vaccine

There are multiple types of the flu virus; H1, H2, H3, H6, H9, H7, H5N1, H1N1. Each of these is a little different. Instead of having a different vaccine for each virus the hope is to have a universal vaccine that will help build up immunity to all the types of flu viruses.

Natural remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One in every 5 Americans suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Luckily, IBS is not fatal to a persons overall health but it can be very incontinent and uncomfortable.

Fish Oil fights Gum disease

Omega 3 fatty acids are proven to be beneficial in many areas of improving health but new research connects it to preventing gum disease. What an easy way to help protect your gums! Research was taken from a survey performed by the National Health and Nutrition Examination over a five year period.

What You Need to Know About Folate

Folate, also known as folic acid, is an essential B vitamin that everyone needs, but not everyone gets enough of. Folate is the natural form found in leafy green vegetables and other types of whole foods such as legumes, bananas and eggs, whereas folic acid is the synthetic form of vitamin B that is added to foods and nutritional supplements.


The homeopathic treatment of allergies begins with the physical symptoms but doesn't end there. Important clues to the homeopathic pattern and prescription can be found in: life circumstances around the time of onset of the allergy symptoms; situations which cause an exacerbation of the allergy symptoms; situations which lead to a relief from allergy symptoms; feelings aroused by the allergy symptoms, or the person's unique experience of the condition;how the allergy symptoms disrupt normal living, or what the person is thereby prevented from doing.

New study uses a walk test to determine the recovery of Elderly Heart Surgery patients

A new study has defined an easy tool which can help determine the type of recovery or possible danger of death in Elderly patients who are to undergo heart surgery.

Nightmares into happy dreams

  It is no new news that the human mind is an incredible tool but research shows a new approach to use the power of the mind to change nightmares into dreams with happy endings.

How to increase your self control; maybe dogs have the answer.

Healthy eating always finds its place on everyone's list at some point but often it gets put on the back burner because cravings are just too hard to control.

Blood flow increased by Beet Juice

A new study has been performed to show the link between eating beet juice and an increased blood flow in the brain which could encourage graceful aging.

What about Snacking?

Snacking doesn't have to be a bad thing, it completely depends on what type of food you are snacking on, there is a huge difference in calories between a candy bar and some dried fruit.

What onsets early female puberty?

Have you noticed how some girls begin their puberty journey much earlier than others? Sometimes 10 year old girls have to deal with the physical changes of a female body long before they are emotional ready for it.

The Power of the Black Raspberry

Another study has been conducted to see the affects of yet another fruit, in this case the black raspberry. The black Raspberry has proven very useful and powerful as it seems that it can help prevent bowel cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to obesity in Children

Vitamin D a supplement received mainly from the sun's light has proven crucial to a child's development and those that test deficient in Vitamin D gain weight faster.

Is The Alexander Technique Effective In Relieving Back Pain?

Background to Alexander TechniqueAlexander Technique originated in Australia in the 1890's and later developed in England, where its founder, Frederick Matthais Alexander settled.

What about FAT with your meals?

A certain amount of fat is essential for good health but if you eat too much of it, you can become overweight and that could increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Tai Chi Benefits Arthritis patients

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese movement series that focuses on improvement of balance, mobility and overall health. Tai chi is a low impact type of exercise and meditation.

Study reveals when you are the happiest

  Do you find your mind wandering as you are at work typing an email to a college, or when you are writing an essay for a class or when you are cleaning your home? How many hours of your day is spent thinking about doing something else or another situation? A new research study examines the level of happiness of a large number of people and what activities bring people the most joy and the type of attitude mind wandering creates.

Cutting the umbilical cord too early could risk the health of the baby

In some cultures one of the first things that happens to a baby within the first few minutes of their life is having their cord clamped. A UK medical professional suggests that early cord clamping can be somewhat dangerous and in some cases lead to death.

Long Term and Short Term Effects of Marijuana on Teens

Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug today throughout the world. Teens are more likely to abuse and get addicted to the Marijuana.

Bach Flower Remedies

The use of wild flowers in holistic therapy was discovered by a Harley Street physician Dr Edward Bach, he outlined a system of using 38 Flower Remedies to help in health and wellbeing.

Herbal remedies for constipation

Talk about constipation can be somewhat taboo. Lots of people are uncomfortable talking about the healthiness of their bowels but why? Let's face it everyone has to excrete the waste that their body doesn't need and the honest truth is your getting rid of unwanted waste; this is healthy! And constipation is not healthy! Constipation, stool, laxative, diarrhea etc.

Fisetin for Neuro-Protection

Fisetin is a unique polyphenol flavonoid that has demonstrated a high level of neuro-protection along with improvement of memory.  A standardized extract of fisetin is now undergoing extensive scientific studies by the Salk Institute for Biological Studies to prove its value for general brain health.

Berries for Brain Protection

Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. - America is a berry rich country.  These wonder foods are well known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties due for the most part to the substances that give them color, polyphenols, or more specifically anthocyanins.

Alpha GPC for Focus, Memory, and Cognitive Ability

Alpha GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine) is a unique form of choline that has been proven to boost attention, mental focus, memory, and cognitive ability.

Increase Your Ability to Fight Infection With Nutrition

The human body is an intricate and perfect mechanism designed to overcome infection itself. Nutrition is a key element to enabling the human body to achieve its potential and overcome physical adversity.

Home Drug Testing Kits - Most Helpful Tools for Parents to Test their Teens

Increased illicit drug abuse among the teenagers is one of the growing concerns in USA today. Teens are more likely to get exposed to drugs and alcohol and are more vulnerable to try these harmful substances.

Water helps you lose weight

Water Suppresses Appetite Our bodies comprise of about 70% water, the human brain alone is about 85% water; Blood is mostly water, and our muscles, lungs also contain a lot of water.

Vitamin C could play a vital role in Treatment for Sepsis

There may be a new safer way to treat patient suffering with sepsis. Vitamin C is yet again proving to great for the human body and specifically useful in helping treat Sepsis.

Garlic’s ability to lower blood pressure

Garlic has been long known for its natural health benefits, from treating the common cold, the flu or decreasing acne. An Australian study was made to see the abilities garlic has to lower blood pressure.

Shamanic Herbalist

You Are Invited to Be Part of the Shamanic Herbalists/Healers Association (SHA) SHA is an invisible association. There are no board meetings, no dues, no membership drive, no fund raising.

A comparison in Homeopathic and allopathic treatment of Kidney Failure

1) In comparison to life long treatment in allopathy  Homeopathic medicines can be stopped in 2 to 5 years depending on the severity and underlying cause of the disease.

Shamanic Herbalist - Power Plants

The use of psychoactive plants is the cornerstone of herbal wisdom in every indigenous culture I have had the opportunity to visit or read about.

Inspiration For Living Healthy

You didn't get to choose your body but you do get to change it. A smart anonymous person once said, "Life is not what you want it to be, but what you make of it.

Six Steps of Healing

WHAT ARE THE SIX STEPS OF HEALING? These are remedies you can use for your problem in order from safest to most dangerous: Step 0 is the safest; Step 6 the most dangerous.

Save Sexual intimacy for the boundaries in Marriage

A new study conducted recently analyzed the effects of waiting to be sexually intimate until marriage  and that of becoming sexually active early on in a relationship.

Nourishing Herbal Infusions

HOW TO MAKE NOURISHING HERBAL INFUSIONS An infusion is a large amount of herb brewed for a long time. Typically, one ounce by weight (about a cup by volume) of dried herb is placed in a quart jar, which is then filled to the top with boiling water, tightly lidded and allowed to steep for 4-10 hours.

Enough Fiber?

Everyone talks about having enough fiber in their diet, but often we do not understand exactly why the importance of fibre, it is because it has an major influence on the digestion process from start to finish.

Why Chronic Diseases Worsen Quality of Sleep

Indeed, while it is well known to clinical physicians and nurses, modern official mainstream medicine cannot suggest the mechanism accountable for this phenomenon: sick people generally have worse quality of sleep.

Baby food effects later ability to reproduce

Over the years what you are supposed to eat while pregnant and feed your newborn has changed dramatically. Even just from one generation to another the guidelines produced by doctors has evolved, even to the point of contradicting the previous guidelines.

How and Why Coughing Destroys Health and Solutions

Thousands of patients with bronchial asthma learned how to be cough-free using one breathing technique. The Buteyko respiration technique is officially approved by the Ministry of Health in Russia for treatment of bronchial asthma.

Take time to thank your body

Have you ever recognized how amazing your body is? Have you looked in the mirror and marveled at the masterpiece of your reflection?  The truth is the human body in all its intricacy endures absolute abuse from you daily.

Menstrual cramps makes changes to the brain…

Menstrual cramps create changes in the brain similar to those changes that are a response to chronic pain according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan.

Got Stress And Burnout At Work? Hypnotherapy To The Rescue!

Modern day hypnotherapists are mad. They are steamed at the old stereotype of the evil hypnotist swinging the pocket watch and murmuring "You are getting sleepy, sleepy, sleepy".

Be prepared for the emotional, physical and mental aspects of Christmas

Wow, it's already December and the count down to 25th of December has begun. The Christmas season is filled with parties, traditions, food, festivities, reflections, presents and people.

A healthy diet not only helps weight loss, heart health but also BONE health

There is yet another reason to eat a balanced healthy diet; to help the health of your bones! Daily there are new articles encouraging a healthy diet fortified with health benefits and still people continue to live in a manner that will slowly shut their body down.

Dog; A mans best friend?

Dogs. Nearly anywhere you find humans you will indefinably find dogs. Both tend to desire companionship and find a void filled through the relationship with each other.

You can heal your Life

DO YOU KNOW.... ‘What IS' is ONLY ever in that very moment, unless you prolong it! Do you know that every single feeling you have is first created by a thought you think? Every state of mind you have, whether happy, sad, depressed, angry or content begins on a thought level Thought is one of the most powerful forms of energy in the entire universe.

The Importance of Addiction Assessment - How, When and Why it is Valuable for Drug and Alcohol Treatment

When you or your loved one decide to make the important step toward seeking drug or alcohol treatment, the next critical step in the recovery process is determining the level of appropriate care by receiving a professional addiction assessment.

Change your Life TODAY

DO YOU KNOW.... ‘What IS' is ONLY ever in that very moment, unless you prolong it! Do you know that every single feeling you have is first created by a thought you think? Every state of mind you have, whether happy, sad, depressed, angry or content begins on a thought level Thought is one of the most powerful forms of energy in the entire universe.

Alcohol Breathalyzers – Simple Devices to Detect Blood Alcohol Levels

Alcohol breathalyzers are simple and easy to use tools that detect blood alcohol levels. They are intended for personal as well as professional use to control alcohol abuse.

Lets lose weight this year!

Every year it seems a whole list of people have losing weight as their top priority but fail miserably. Just today, I read a blog post expressing a stay at home mom's desire to shift the excess weight gained from her most recent pregnancy.

Proof that Acupuncture reduces pain

Acupuncture receives a lot of skeptical reviews as there has been little to no research to prove otherwise. Scientists have discovered that acupuncture indeed works when relieving pain.

Yoga Practice May Help Ward off Cold and Flu

A recent story on NPR sheds some light on evidence that may help keep you from one thing that everyone dreads- catching a cold or flu this season.

The Dynamic Duo; Nutrition and Exercise

It seems like every talk show, news hour, website has some sort of story or info on weight loss. Are you sick of hearing about it yet? Well, that depends on whether you have lost the weight or are healthy.

The Magic of Black Rice Bran

The most recent findings related to American Chemical Society's (ACS) award-winning podcast series, "Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions exposes the wonderful properties of Black Rice Bran and its function as an anti-inflammatory.

Know About the Primary Causes of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is one of the major health concerns all over the world today. In US, drug addiction has been increasing at alarming rate. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2009, nearly 21.

Confidence plays a vital role in losing weight

Often people who want to lose weight lack one very important characteristic; self confidence! Yes, a person who is over weight can be confident in many areas but they lack confidence in their ability to lose weight and live healthily.

New research makes connections between folic acid during pregnancy and newborn weight.

Pregnant mothers are encouraged to add a folic acid supplement to their diet. Past research has demonstrated the benefits of folic acid in the development of a baby within the womb preventing defects such as spina bifida but now there is new research that teaches us the relationship between folic acid and a newborns weight.

Ways for Massage Therapists to Keep Their Practice Fresh and Massage Clients Happy

Whether you have your own massage practice or are working as an employee in a spa or other professional setting, it is important to make a good first impression and then continue that reliable service each and every time you massage your clients.

Born in the winter? You might be subject to neurological disorders.

There are many negative reasons why winter babies are not popular; it's cold, more chance of illness, lots of holidays to compete with etc.

Tis’ the season to Ponder…

And Christmas day is upon us. Presents have been given, received and opened. Wrapping paper may adorn the floors of your home. If you have children there is a good chance that they will be making lots of noise playing with their new toys.

The science behind how the brain learns and remembers…

Being in control of the learning situation enhances learning opportunities and the quality of learning. University of Illinois psychology and Beckman Institute is home to the scientists that recently studied the workings of the hippocampus and its role in learning and remembering.

Give yourself the GIFT of Health

Christmas is a time of giving. The giving began with the birth of the Christ Child and the gift that he gave us is eternal life and as a similitude we give gifts to each other.

Are your hormones preventing you from shifting those 15 pounds?

The life that we live today has dramatically changed since just 50 years ago let alone 100 years ago or a thousand years ago! We live in a world full of plastic, processed food, 70 hour work weeks, burning the candle at both ends, sitting at a desk for half of our life and an unhealthy relationship with food.

How to Avoid the affects of SAD…

SAD the acronym for Seasonal Affective Disorder is a disposition developed during the winter months in response to less light and dreary weather.

How To Prevent Yourself From Baldness

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by people all over the world. Every person at some point in his life experiences hair fall and looks for ways to put a stop on it.

Zen meditation reduces Pain

Zen meditation has many positive aspects; one being the ability to reduce pain. A study was conducted to specifically determine how Zen meditation enables people to experience less pain.

Impact of Marijuana Addiction on Primary Parts of Human Body

The Human body is a complex system of which each primary part has a unique and important role. However, the harmful chemicals that enter the human body due to abusing marijuana, change the regular patterns of its working and create a conflict in its organized system.

Imagery helps reduce appetite

New research suggests that imagery can decrease ones appetite. This study was published in the Dec. 10 issue of Science. OK, so perhaps you thought that imaging food can only increase your appetite but it seems that is not always the case.

Last minute “Healthy†Christmas gifts

Just a few days to go until we celebrate the birth of the Christ child and we adorn our loved ones with gifts. Most likely you have been totally organized and prepared by doing your Christmas shopping months ahead of time.

A Testimony of Yoga

Everyone has heard of yoga. Most people have seen some sort of yoga, some people have tried it but few people have given it the consistent effort to really reap the bountiful benefits offered by yoga.

Do you have at least five fruits and vegetables daily?

A study conducted in the UK has the results that suggest that people in the United Kingdom should be listening to their nation wide dietary advice in order to improve their quality of health.

What Kind of Drugs Can be Detected Through Saliva Drug Test

Illicit drug abuse is one of the major health related issues in United States as millions of people are getting addicted to drugs and spoiling their precious lives.

Exercise improves mental health

Exercise is great for many reasons. Exercise improves circulation, muscle tone, the condition of internal organs, heart rate, joint mobility, stability and it minimizes weight.

Let the holiday menu fight the flu

    As with all seasons there is a new load of seasonal goods that are harvested and in bounty, the winter is no exception.

Hunger pangs are no longer an excuse for weight gain

People who are avid foodies find it difficult to control their eating habits or control their hunger for a few hours. They find it difficult even if it is just a question of skipping one meal for weight loss.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is also known as Lyme borreliosis, defined as an infectious disease as the result of the bite of the infected black legged tick, fed on mice, squirrels, birds and other small animals carrying the bacterium.

Make a change to delete your addiction…

Do you or someone you know suffer with an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex or other unhealthy practices? If you do or know someone that does use this new year as an opportunity to change.

A New Year, A New You!

2011. Do you remember when it was 1999 and everyone was talking about how crazy it was going to be call it the year 2000 and now ten years later we are in the year 2011.

Seaweed extract in APPEsat aids in weight loss

The advancement of medical science has led to a number of inventions that have changed the way we looked at health-related problems. Earlier, treating certain problems was almost impossible and beyond imagination, now the same problem can be treated with only a few hours of treatment or by a simple pill.

Britain’s using food corporations to help encourage healthier eating

Don't you just feel frustrated when you are trying so hard to live a healthy lifestyle and everything around you in pulling you in the opposite direction? The fast food that so affordable, canned good, frozen dinners are so convenient, free refills on soda, the list goes on and on.

Diet for Diabetic patients

The human body suffers from many diseases of various types. Most of these diseases are caused by certain reasons. The medical science classifies these diseases into many separate categories.

What Empowers You?

Different people are empowered by different things. Do you even know what empowers you? What does it mean to be empowered? I believe that it means being the best version of who you are.

Weight loss through a desert herb

When it comes to weight loss, you might be wondering what people in the early centuries must have done for weight loss as at that time, there were no such weight loss resources or surgeries that we have these days.

What is Organic?

You have heard organic this, organic that. Maybe you think it's a load of talk, maybe you are a hard core organic lover or maybe you just don't care.

Circulation booster for energy and relaxation

Fatigue is one of the common problems that occurs when your heart cannot pump enough blood to different organs of your body. The entire process of blood circulation needs to be regular in all parts of the body.

Tips for Massage Therapists to Provide Massage Therapy to Special Needs Clients

Massage therapists often work with clients who have physical and mental disabilities, and they should be prepared to identify potential contraindications in order to best provide massage therapy to this population.

What is Animal Therapy?

For generations bonds have been developed between humans and animals. Often these bonds are deep and unconditional. People have been experiencing the benefits of relationships between themselves and animals and now researchers have evidence of the physical, emotional and mental benefits that proceed from what is now called Animal Therapy.

Green tea properties may help reduce Dementia

The last few years the western world has been buzzing with talk of green tea. Green tea has been a staple in the Chinese lifestyle for centuries by promoting longevity of life.

Can Dance therapy help you?

Did you know that dance is used as therapy? You don't have to be a dancer or in a traditional dance class to dance and experience the benefits.

Music places an extrinsic role in releasing Dopamine, a mood enhancing chemical.

It is not ground breaking news to hear that music has the ability to improve ones mood but now researchers have produced evidence that music does have to potential to considerably improve moods.

Glowing Skin; A Product of Healthy Eating.

Daily, articles are written and read aiming to convince others to embrace healthy living. The very act of consuming vegetables and fruit not only loves the waist line, it also improves the color and healthiness of skin.

How to LOVE your workout…

The fact is, the only way to lose weight and tone up is to add exercise into your daily routine. Exercise is a must! Not only will exercise improve your weight status it will improve your overall physical and mental health.

Body shapewear - Wear the slim shape today

Getting in shape has always been a fanciful thought for many people but the means to do so are often found to be scarce. The most common ways to get in shape include spending long hours in the gym doing heavy weight lifting and cardio exercises that are very strenuous.

Welcome to Worldwidehealth.com now with Facebook

Facebook is still a relative new and innovative social networking website, which is used by teenagers and adults alike from all walks of life for contacting both existing and new friends with similar interests.

Does the Pill make you gain weight?

Is it a myth or a truth that the birth control in the form of a pill make you gain weight? Most women have heard this and are reluctant to take the pill for contraceptive purposes because they don't want to gain unwanted weight.

Protecting Eyesight Using Natural Remedies

The ability to see is a glorious gift. To see another persons face, the detail of a flower, the wonder of a sunset, the dimples on a baby's cheeks the list is endless.

How Can I Cotrol Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common problems worldwide affecting both men and women. It does not matter whether you live in Asia or America at some point in your life you are likely to suffer from this problem.

What Defines A Good Parent?

Someone who is honest, loving, kind, leads by example, thoughtful and disciplines are just a few traits that might describe a good parent. Nearly all parents or parents to be have asked themselves the question, "am I a good parent?" at one point in their life.

A complete guide to premature ejaculation

If a man reaches orgasm before his partner, and is unable to control his orgasm, there are chances that he may be experiencing premature ejaculation (PE).

What Vegans need to know in order to be nutritionally satisfied

Meat eater, vegetarian, vegan what are you? Some people choose to exclude meat from their diet as a result of ethics, beliefs, tastes, weight, allergies, whatever the reason more and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle.

How to shift the "Baby fat" after pregnancy

Pregnancy is a miracle! The little life that is kept safe as it growth within a woman is truly glorious but unfortunately many woman spend less time focusing on the wonder of pregnancy and birth and direct their focus to their new, larger bodies.

Weight loss patches - Sachets of convenience

Weight loss products are the most sought after products these days as many people are going through tough times due to going obese or overweight.

Sleeping disorders are too common.

Insomnia is a common disorder that many people suffer with. Great Britain is one of the many countries that is realizing the impact lack of sleep has on individuals.

The Basic points of Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is based on the Chinese meridian acupressure and acupuncture points and is effective through tapping. There are several stylized techniques but all share the same core points.

MassageTherapy – Basic Strokes and Benefits

Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years and used by the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans; many cultures throughout history have practised some form of body manipulation to ease and prevent or cure illnesses.

Tips for Massage Therapists on Avoiding Massage Burnout and Career Fatigue

It is an exciting journey for massage therapists to go to and graduate from school, pass licensing exams, and start working. But for some massage therapists, work can become overwhelming over time and they may experience massage "burnout".

Working mothers = Increase BMI in Children

A new research was conducted that targeted working mothers and the effect on their children's BMI. The study is published in the journal Child Development and was conducted by researcher Taryn Morrissey, PhD from American University.

Overcome Male Infertility -Sperm abnormality In Conventional Perspective

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Ways For Women To Be Young And Fit

Their are many beautiful creations of God which we love like mountains, sea, flowers but God has to accept that his greatest and most beautiful creation is our female counterparts.

Male Infertility -Sperm abnormality In Conventional Perspective

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U.

Anti Cellulite Creams Increase Your Level Of Confidence

As the famous theory by Darwin goes “survival of the fittest.” In today’ world, more and more people are becoming conscious about their fitness and their looks.

Tips on Returning to Exercise After Sickness

Don't you find that after a nasty cold it's so much harder to return to your exercise schedule? Why is this? Well, it's simple you are weaker.

Side Effects of Cocaine Abuse on Health

Cocaine is extremely addictive central nervous system stimulant. Many people, particularly in the United States are abusing Cocaine and getting destroyed.

Allergic Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathy treatment

If We Separate The Word Allergy and Rhinitis We Can Understand It Better. E Body To Foreign Substance And Rhinitis Mean Inflammation Of Nasal Mucosa.

Self Perspective #1

Ask any family photographer who is the most important person to please in a photo shoot and they will always answer, "The mother". The funny thing is a woman will look at the photo and only see themselves, their thighs, stomach or arms and if they decide that the photo is not a flattering photo of them then regardless of the rest of the photo it's awful.

Living a Healthy Lifestyle is Easier than You Think

Happiness is bestowed in a healthy lifestyle. The term 'healthy lifestyle' may sound arduous, but until you yourself discover what actually it is, you can’t taste the joy in it.

Obesity - Causes and effective treatment

There is not exact definition of obesity but an individual is considered obese if his/her body weight is in excess with a BMI of 30 and above.

DIY Indian Head Massage

Indian head massages can be wonderfully relaxing and help increase optimal health on multiple levels. There are many qualified and talented massage therapists who specialize in Indian head massage but there are simple techniques you can do yourself and be successful in seeing results.

Overcome Male Infertility -Sperm abnormality In Traditional Chinese Perspective

Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM define the sperm abnormality is the condition of deficiency of yang and stagnation of qi, and generation of damp heat as well as the depletion of kidney jing.

Natural Pain Relief Options

Pain is your body's way to get your attention. Pain helps you understand what is happening to you body. Sometimes an Ibuprofen just won't cut the pain or perhaps you prefer to avoid the across the counter drugs if either these be the case then nature may have your answer.

Overcome Male Infertility -Sperm abnormality In Nutritional Supplements Perspective

In nutritional supplements' view point, sperm abnormality is a medical condition as a result of nutritional supplements deficiency due to unhealthy life style and diet that effect the reproductive organs which respond to sperm production.

Put YOU First.

Perhaps a selfish concept but if YOU are not health and happy those closest to you will suffer. Why is it that pregnant mothers will give up alcohol and cigarettes for the life of the growing baby but cannot give it for themselves permanently? Why is it that a person cannot loose weight until their obesity prevents them from performing their job? Why is it that a parent will not change their diet until their child is diagnosed with type two Diabetes? Why is it that a person only stops their compulsive behaviors when they become present in their children? The fact is you need to put YOU first for your own sake and the sakes of those closest to you.

Cardigans won't always hide your ugly bulges: Shapewear can

In winters, it is easier to go out to attend parties and functions because your thick coats and jackets cover your unwanted fats and bulges.

Quit smoking and live a healthy life

Smoking has numerous side effects. It affects the smoker as well as the ones around him/her. A smoker inhales only 15% of the cigarette smoke while the rest is let out in the atmosphere and poses a serious danger to his family.

ADD/HD and refined sugars: Not such a sweet combination

I recently read an article concerning a study that showed that children are perfectly happy with non-sugary cereal (as a opposed to sugary cereal) when they have options.

Exercises that can be done inside your home

A gym membership is not affordable or convenient for everyone but that doesn't mean exercise is out of the question. The walls of your home can be your own personal gym and all you need to be successful is self discipline.

An Essential Oil has Potential to Prevent Symptoms of PMS

Ask any woman and she will explicitly tell you that PMS is no fun. The hormonal rollercoaster that accompanies the monthly menstrual cycle can be taxing on so many women.

Flagyl is a Reliable Medicine

FlagylFlagyl (Metronidazole) is an antibiotic and has been developed as oral and intravenous treatment that is used to treat a truly wide range of infections caused by bacteria that include infections of the skin, gut, gums area, pelvic cavity, brain abscess, leg ulcers, pressure sores.

How is Spiral release bodywork different?

Spiral Release Bodywork a type of message therapy that can heal and massage a persons body on multiple levels but what makes it different? Spiral release bodywork (SRB) goes deeper, physically deeper than most common forms of massage therapy.

Acai berry – Scam or magic?

Internet pharmacies are filled with tall claims that sweep people off their feet. Anybody looking for a quick-action treatment to lose weight is at the risk of being tricked into believing that an overweight or obese individual can lose 30 lbs of body weight in just a week.

Clutter Clear your clothing

Clutter clear? What is clutter clearing? Clutter clearing can be anything from removing obvious clutter from a room to changing decorative elements to produce positive energy.

Thousands of Psoriasis Cases have been Sucessfully Cured in MultiCare Homeopathy Center

Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disease where the skin cells reproduces rapidly and does not shed up like normal skin cells but pile up on the surface of the skin and lesions forms.

Homeopathy for Psoriasis

Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis Psoriasis is a skin disease where the skin cells reproduces rapidly and does not shed up like normal skin cells but pile up on the surface of the skin and lesions forms.

BRAIN TUMOR can be treated sucessfully WITH HOMEOPATHY without operation

A brain tumor, a tumor (defined as an abnormal growth of cells) within the brain or the central spinal canal.Brain tumors include all tumors inside the cranium or in the central spinal canal.

Homeopathy can treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Sucessfully

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term disease that leads to inflammation of the joints and surrounding tissues. It can also affect other organs.

Dig deeper into your workout

Exercising will increase your health, your energy will by higher, your muscles will be toned, your organs will enjoy a constant blood flow and you will be happier.

Why Nose Breathing at Exercise Is Crucial for Cystic Fibrosis Treatment

Recent breakthroughs in cystic fibrosis treatments and research Several medical studies very recently (2009-2011) discovered that CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), the cystic fibrosis mutation protein gene, is controlled by oxygen pressure in body cells (see references below).

Research on Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

Roger Walsh, M.D., PhD. of the University of California, Irvine's College of Medicine suggests that in order to avoid so many of today's diseases and conditions people should incorporate Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) into their life.

Tocotrienols: Twenty Years of Dazzling Cardiovascular and Cancer Research

Numerous studies over the past two decades have clearly proven that the tocotrienol form of vitamin E is a top choice for cardiovascular protection and heart health.

Reishi Mushroom - The Medicine of Kings

Reishi Mushroom - The Medicine of Kings For over 2,000 years, the Chinese have proclaimed the reishi mushroom as the "medicine of kings".

Do you meditate?

Meditation is an ancient practice that has withstood the test of time. Today, more than ever meditation can provide stability, comfort and a firm foundation for healthy living.

Words and Thoughts Can Echo For Years Into the Future

Recently I have been reflecting on the ever changing cast of characters in my life and asking myself why we have obviously chosen to show up in each other's lives.

Electronic Gem Therapy

Electronic Gem therapy is an alternative therapy that offers relief to chronic health conditions such as joint pain, eczema, cuts and burns. The appealing aspect of gem therapy is it is painless and effective.

Words and Thoughts

Recently I have been reflecting on the ever changing cast of characters in my life and asking myself why we have obviously chosen to show up in each other's lives.

Is your cell phone affecting your brain activity?

It seems that everyone has a cell phone these days. What would you do without one? Many people would have a hard time performing their daily routine without the help of their cell phone.

The Importance of Family Involvement in Substance Abuse Treatment and Addiction Therapy

For family and friends of drug and/or alcohol addicted individuals, addressing addiction is one of the most difficult aspects of seeking substance abuse treatment.

Herb Supplements for The Improvement of Health Naturally

Herbal supplements have taken a larger role in Western medicine in recent years as people choose to take control of their own health in pursuit of a better quality of life.

Are you feeding your spiritual health?

Most people are concerned about their physical, emotional and mental health but what about their spiritual health. What is spiritual? What is spiritual health? What activities strengthen and exercise spiritual health? How does taking care of spiritual health affect health? What is spiritual? Spiritual means pertaining to ones spirit.

Dealing with your sports injuries

As with all physical activity, playing sport of any kind can leave you open to injury. From the impact injuries usually associated with contact sports such as rugby, to muscle strains and pulls, it is important to know how to treat your injuries to minimise their negative effects.

Why It's Important for Massage Therapists to Choose a Specialty

When massage therapists finish school and begin working, they might not immediately think of developing their skills for a niche market - after all, massage school is just the beginning, and you learn some of your most invaluable skills on the job! While most massage therapists focus on perfecting their Swedish and deep-tissue skills before moving on to advanced modalities, it is always a good idea to continue to think about how you want to develop your massage career.

Losing weight = A change of perspective

Recently, I read a post on a friend's blog about her need and desire to "Get Physical". Long story short she wants to loose weight.

Discover the health secrets that can be revealed in your fingers

New ideas and research has been carried out to determine that fingers of the hand can tell you what health conditions you might be more prone to developing.

Short Term and Long Term Effects of Amphetamine Drug Abuse

Amphetamines, one of the most addictive drugs available, are a group of active psychostimulators. They are so called because, when abused, they result in increased production of neurotransmitters in central nervous system, mainly Dopamine and Noradrenaline (norepinephrine).

What Is Allergy and How Many Types of Allergic Disease?

Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other substances), or of the stomach and intestines to a particular food.

What are Food Supplements

Food supplements are a natural based substance that can be taken in many different forms in order to balance the levels of certain minerals and vitamins in our bodies.

The root to losing weight

Whether you have an extra 15 pounds or 100 pounds to lose, often it's not as simple as exercise and diet. Yes, exercise and diet are key to losing weight but what is the root of why you are overweight.

The best appetite suppressants for quicker weight loss

Weight loss works in two ways; either you increase your caloric expenditure or you lower your caloric intake. While neither of the two methods works well independently, you can try losing weight by following one of them first.

Metabolism diet vs. Metabolism booster

Ever noticed how some people find it easy to maintain their slim figure even if they don't watch what they eat or going to the gym? This people aren't just pure lucky.

How to lose weight? A guide to quick weight loss

There are a plethora of ways in which you can become slim again and lose all that extra fat. Numerous weight loss resources are also available by which you can lose weight.

What you need to know about kidney stones

Most people cringe at the thought of having kidney stones. To women who have borne children say the pain of passing a kidney stone is similar to that of having a baby! What is a kidney stone? A kidney stone is a mass comprised of crystals that separate from urine and develop over time.

Detoxify your body with Detox foot spa

Human body is a good example of engineering. Many toxins are eliminated by your body everyday. But when the toxins are not eliminated regularly, they weaken the immune system of your body and cause numerous side effects that hamper the natural bodily processes.

Perfect abs with abdominal exerciser

Most of the people are fascinated by the perfect abs that celebrities and sports stars flaunt. Many men these days are in the mood to get those six pack abs but achieving that through regular exercises is very time consuming and can be painstaking too.

Use and Safety of Probiotics

We've all heard of antibiotics, but what about probiotics? Probiotics are dietary supplements that are designed to help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria, in the intestinal tract.

Cancer Research Presented at Naturopathic Oncology Conference

  I recently attended the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physician's 2012 Convention (OncANP) in Carefree, Arizona, where I presented breakthrough research to over 300 integrative Naturopathic oncologists.

Ten ways to Age Gracefully

We are obsessed with youth. Nowadays it's hard to guess a persons age because so many people are finding great ways to age gracefully and they don't have to involve plastic surgery.

Your prescription: Laughter

Most people can honestly say after a good laugh they feel dramatically better. This is true and there is proof of the power of laughter due to a five year study conducted in the UK.

Cleanse your colon the natural way

The place where consumed food is digested is known as the colon or the large intestine. Solid waste from your body is thrown out from the lower part of the colon.

Do weight loss patches work?

You must be familiar with the idea of sticking a patch on your skin and relaxing your way to weight loss. But do these weight loss patches really work? A weight loss patch is a square shaped adhesive bandage that is placed on an individual's skin.

A possible relief for women suffering with hot flashes

Hot flashes are one of the many uncomfortable side effects that women who are experiencing the menopause suffer with. For some a hot flash may not be too much to worry about but there are many women who feel that their hot flashes have the ability to consume them.

Study Technology is Providing the Solution for Correct Learning

      This outstanding technology got originally developed for people of any age, whoever wanted to improve his own learning skills for college, university or job.

Natural diet pills - A safe and effective way to lose weight

Diet pills have been extremely popular since the time they made their appearance. Diet pills act as adjunct therapy when it comes to weight loss treatment as they need to be used in conjunction with existing weight loss efforts such as diet and exercise.

Fat burners - Your way to a fit and healthy body

For men and women looking for a product that will help get rid of their body fat, there is a new option and that is, fat burner. The concept behind fat burners is very simple.

Global Insulin Market Hails for Skyrocketing Growth by 2015

As per our new research report “Insulin Delivery Systems Market Analysis (2008-2012)”, the global insulin market is growing at a healthy pace for the last decade.

How you can lose weight and maintain it as well?

Enough has been spoken by many experts about weight loss and ways to achieve that perfect body. The truth is that most weight loss plans are too tough to follow and not result-oriented.

Superfood Acai - More than just weight loss

Superfoods are special foods that are rich in a variety of nutrients. They have a high concentration of minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients.

3 reasons why you should choose appetite suppressants

Losing weight with the help of appetite suppressants is a safe way to get slim and fit but many people are still unaware about the reasons why they should go for an appetite suppressant for weight loss.

Shop for a size less than you are

When you go shopping the next time, try buying a size that is one size smaller than what your actual size is. Surprised by this statement? Thanks to the advent of quality shapewear that can help you conceal your unwanted bulges and fats, you can now look slimmer than you are.

Some known and unknown appetite suppressants and their working

There are many kinds of obesity solutions to help you achieve and maintain your ideal body weight. The appropriate weight loss treatment for you depends on the severity of your obesity, your overall state of health, as well as, your willingness and ability to undergo a particular obesity treatment.

NAET Allergy Healing Technique Clears Your Nutritional Blocks

Dr Devi Nambudripad discovered NAET due to a lifetime history of allergies from a very early age.  This led her to the development of a very effective approach to the elimination of allergies.

Weight Training Made Simple

Almost everyone has heard someone say or read it somewhere that you should included some type of weight training into your exercise program but they do nothing.

Testing For Noxious Energies & Their Effects On Your Health How To Test Orgonium Orgone Energy Products

We are constantly been asked how to test whether our Orgonium Orgone Energy products are harmonizing and neutralizing everything that we say they are.

Acai berry diet – Does it work ?

If you are struggling to lose those extra pounds, you might be a little apprehensive to choose the best way to do it. The bad news is that there are numerous weight loss products available on the market that aid in weight loss but most of them do not work well.

Importance of Marijuana Testing at Home

Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in in the world. Many people, in particular, youth are getting addicted to Marijuana due to several reasons.

World Crises Bring new Attention to Power of Herbs

One of the unexpected side effects of humanitarian crises in countries like Zimbabwe is that people abandoned by broken healthcare systems are turning toward herbal supplements as a way to address health care problems.

Diet for constipated babies

Entering this world brings a whole load of new experiences and a tiny little body is bombarded with challenges. Many newborns have numerous obstacles to pass as their bodies adjust to life outside the womb.

How slimming pills can help you lose weight

Obesity affects everyone, be it a child or an adult. Although adults are becoming obese too, the rate at which teenage obesity is increasing is indeed alarming.

Abdominal exercisers and weight loss

If you want to lose weight, the best way is to go to the gym and shed some pounds but for many people, going to the gym everyday can be tiring as well as expensive.

Maternity girdles - What is it?

When you are pregnant it is very painful to roam around or go somewhere. It can give you immense pain in the back and your stomach. You need support in order to get relief from the pain and discomfort.

Popular colon cleansing products

The colon is one of the most important yet highly neglected parts of the human body. If you are a human, chances are that you will have a colon too.

Detoxification of your digestive system with colon cleansers

Most of us, if not all, consume a lot of junk food, without worrying about how much harm it will do to our body. Junk food can be in the form of fatty and processed food.


Low sperm count causes infertility. Though there are other factors like low sperm motility, lack of semen, etc. which cause infertility, low sperm count is a crucial factor.

Effective and well-designed fitness accessories for home use

Fitness is not only about having a well toned and good looking body. It is also about feeling good while you are putting your body through the much needed workout session.

Weight loss and muscle toning with the help of fitness stepper

Any person using a fitness stepper will definitely experience some benefits after using it. But it's important to remind you here that merely owning a fitness stepper or having a membership to the local gym doesn't result in weight loss or muscle toning.

How Cancers Leads to Poor Sleep (with Solutions)

Cancer patients suffer from insomnia and problems with sleep. This link is well documented in recent medical stuides (Berger et al, 2009; Hearson-Sawatzky, 2008; Lee, 2004; Roscoe et al, 2007; Sateia et al, 2008).

Stages of Meditation and Reiki

I've been asked by many friends to clarify the connection between Reiki and Meditation.First of all, let's agree on what is meditation and what are the stages of meditation.

Stages Meditation and Reiki

I've been asked by many friends to clarify the connection between Reiki and Meditation.First of all, let's agree on what is meditation and what are the stages of meditation.

Am I beautiful?

What is beauty?  Beauty can be described as something or someone who gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind.

Foot spa – It's not just your foot that they detoxify

You must have heard about the various popular detox programs that help you flush out all those toxins from your body. But many of these are salon specific programs that are expensive in terms of both time and money.

How to Detect Drug Abusing Teenagers?

The effects of substance abuse in teens are not only individual; they can also be seen on the society. They may face problems at school or college and may involve in criminal activities.

Goji berry capsules – Eat less, stay healthy, fit and energetic

Most overweight or obese people find it difficult to control their hunger cravings. Frequent snacking between meals only makes matters worse.

Benefits of Salt Lamps?

Many holistic therapists advocate the use of salt lamps as ionisers.   The negative ions are thought to neutralise the electrically charged ions present in the everyday environment.

How To Make Vagina Tighter And Firmer

In recent past vagina tightening creams have been gaining  in immense popularity all over the world largely amongst women who have gone through pregnancy or are going through the aging phase.

Got Insomnia? Hypnosis To The Rescue!

There are an array of sleep problems people suffer from, including issues with falling asleep, waking in the middle of the night (sometimes 2 or 3 times), sleeping too lightly and the inability to go back to sleep.

Pushing through to success

When you are on the journey of weight loss you are like an explorer, in the unknown venturing to new places, getting lost along the way and making discoveries.

Natural diet pills – When you want to lose weight without worries

Obesity is associated with a host of health conditions such as heart problems, diabetes and high blood pressure. It is often seen that overweight and obese people have to lose their body weight because of existing health conditions.

Alli diet pills – How do they work?

alli is an over the counter weight loss pill. It has lesser strength than Xenical, the prescription form of orlistat. alli weight loss pills have to be taken along with a diet that is low in fat.

Superfoods – Storehouse of nutrients and minerals that recharge your body

The very name, ‘superfoods’ tells the whole story. These foods are like storehouses of energy and provide the body with a range of essential nutrients to keep your body healthy, fit and functioning to optimum capacity.

Home fitness equipment – Should you be investing in it?

Every one in the world, irrespective of age and gender, would wish for a healthy body and peace of mind. They try achieving this goals in different ways but not all of them get what they wish.

You want to stop smoking?

Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy but sadly smoking can become an overwhelming addition. The best way to stop smoking is to make the choice to never start smoking in the first place.

More about metabolism boosters

A drop in metabolism can lead to various health problems such as weight loss, continued weight gain, difficulty in losing weight and fatigue.

Hoodia - A natural way to control hunger for weight loss

Given the hectic lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits of many people, the need for weight loss methods has greatly increased in recent years.

Know more about benefits of weight loss pills

Who does not wish to have a chiselled body with a slim waist and washboard abs? With weight gain problem increasing at a frightening speed, people have started searching for weight loss pills that help them lose weight before they become obese.

Goji Berry extract for weight loss

Isn't it a great option to lose weight with the help of natural fruits and going for no rigid diet plans or any sort of strict physical routines? That is what the Goji berries give you.

More to support the power of Acupuncture

Even though Acupuncture has withstood the test of time providing  centuries of people with relief there are always skeptics. Many skeptics challenge the actual success of the methodology behind Acupuncture and credit the "success stories" to the positive thoughts and hopeful thinking of the  participants rather than the acupuncture itself.

Surviving Radiation the Wise Woman Way

We are adapted to survive mild exposures to radiation. After all, the sun is a kind of controlled nuclear bomb and it releases a lot of radiation.

What are Probiotics?

We’ve all heard of antibiotics, but what about probiotics? Probiotics are dietary supplements that are designed to help maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms, including beneficial bacteria, in the intestinal tract.

Slimming pills – For a newer, slimmer you

Slimming pills have become quite a craze. Just about everybody who is embarking on a weight loss program wants to use slimming pills to boost their efforts.

Do weight loss diets and supplements help?

With increasing number of weight-related diseases, slimming diets have become very popular among overweight and obese people. But most people don't know that weight loss diets such as Atkin's diet and Japanese diet can lead to long0term damage to your health.

An Overview of Bowen Technique

The Bowen technique is an approach to healing that will bring improved health and transform your body's situation. The Bowen technique was developed in Australia by a man named Tom Bowen.

A Bidet Toilet Seat For All Dirty Bums

Dirty bums aren’t only those who dig through trash in the alley behind a restaurant on Saturday nights. There's an entirely different class of dirty bums exists and for all you know, you may be one of them, unwittingly.

Diagnostic devices - Great motivators to reach your weight loss goal

There was a time when you could only find diagnostic devices at your doctors'. This was because they were expensive, complicated to operate, and difficult to understand.

Pilates equipment - Get a lean and fit body with Pilates

Pilates is the kind of exercise that has withstood the onslaught of much newer kinds of exercise; there might have been a dent in its popularity, but the number of people who swear by Pilates continues to increase.

NYC Rhinoplasty: Maximum Impact with Minimum Change

Striking looks makes one the center of attraction. Often, while remembering guests from parties from the night before, most people recollect a person from his/her facial features of which nose is a very prominent part.

Body wraps - shortcut to slimming and detoxifying your body

Talk about a body wrap that detoxifies your body or acts as a body slimmer, and you conjure up images of a fitness center or a health spa.

All You Need to Know About Saliva Drug Testing

With increased usage of illegal drugs in the United States, it has become necessary to detect and prevent the drug users from addiction. Drug testing is the process of detecting the presence of drug from the individual's biological system.

Demand and Supply in the Food Industry

     Go and look around with full awareness in a Supermarket or any other type of business, which is selling the normal food, many people eat today.

Feeling Completely Stressed Out, What Can You Do ?

     The usual media of today are full of invitations for a stressed person, to regain health with daily fitness. They say that all day long sitting in a chair, on the job, and being observed and stressed by business-oriented seniors at all times, will give a person a wrong positioning in the body, what will create stiff bones and no- or wrong-used muscles, which do not relax when gone home after work and just sitting in front of the home TV.

How To Limit Hair Loss and Grow New Hair

Hair loss is one of the most irritating problems which troubles almost everybody in this world at some point in their life. In this article let us discuss abot the causes of hair loss and some of the ways through which one can limit hairloss and even grow new hair with the help of some natural remedies.

How to get rid of back pain

  It seems like everyone nowadays is complaining of a bad back. What used to be a condition associated with the elderly has become a common complaint among people of all ages.

How to boost your breast milk supply

Breast milk is wonderful for a newborn and infant. The mother's breast milk contains the perfect concoction of necessary ingredients that help an infant's body grow and develop as it should.

How To Tighten A Vagina Which Has Become Loose

Has your vagina become looser than what it was 5 years ago? Do you feel embarrassed and try avoiding sex with your man as a result of it? If your vagina has become loose and sex is no more enjoyable then it is time to do something about this situation.

A Great Glance At Dianetics !

      There is always a lot to say about Dianetics. Since 1950 it is the most revolutionary and complete book about the mind and spirit and some people don't like it that much, because it is putting the usual model-knowledge of psychoanalysis, psychiatry, drug prescription and also other practices completely in the shadow.

Take a Stand Against Allergies

Now that spring has arrived it is time to start preparation for allergy season. Although there are many allergens that can cause the unwanted symptoms associated with allergies pollen is a huge aggravation to many people.

Opiate dependency and Black seed oil

Black seed oil has now been found helpful for people who are dependable on opiates.The main reason is that black seed rejuvenates many of the elements and vitamins that are burned up on the intake of drugs.

Exams looming? Just relax!

Exams looming? Just relax!    Kathy StephensonThe lead up to examinations can be an overwhelming and stressful time and the thought of making time for relaxation may be the last thing on your mind.

Endorphins are Real.

If you are not an exercise junkie then you are probably tired of hearing people talk about how great exercise makes them feel. Perhaps the very thought of exercise makes you want to hibernate.

Reasons to drink water

60% of the human body is comprised of water. Water is essential to the health and functionality of the human body. In the western world water flows freely into peoples homes and is clean; what a blessing! With water at the turn of a tap there is no legitimate reason why people should not be consuming sufficient amounts of water.

How to Stop Unhealthy Habits in Children

It is a known fact that it takes a great deal to break a habit. As habit is something which gives comfort, relaxes and calms the mind, it requires great determination to let it go.

The benefits of yoga workouts and choosing the right equipment

Yoga has been popular for thousands of years now and millions of people are currently reaping the health and fitness benefits it offers including some celebrities like Meg Ryan, Jennifer Aniston, Ricky Martin, and Madonna.

Power of Honey

New research supports the power of honey. Honey can reverse antibiotic resistance. A study conducted by Professor Rose Cooper from the University of Wales Institute located in Cardiff suggest that honey, specifically manuka honey could be used more in helping elevating infection in wounds.

Make Acne Disappear

Acne is often related to puberty but anyone can be plagued with acne; newborns can develop baby acne and many adults live the majority of their lives fighting acne.

Preparing for a Massage Interview - What Every Massage Therapist Should Know and Ask

Before you can start working as a massage therapist, you have to perform a massage interview to get the job, and interviewing for a massage position is quite different than most other interview processes.

Mother’s diet will contribute to Child’s obesity

Research has been performed that suggests that in order to change the obesity epidemic that faces the western world a shift of focus should be made to highlight the diet of a pregnant mother.

What Makes Kids Not Stop Bad Habits

Children, from toddlers to adolescents, are very much susceptible to bad habits. Some of the common bad habits in kids include, lashing out at others, disrespecting elders, biting nails, untidiness, sucking clothes, and drug abuse to be more severe.

Losing weight with alli capsules

The percentage of obese men and women in the UK is increasing. Currently there are 17% men and 21% women who have BMI of 30 or more. Most overweight or obese people resort to weight loss pills to lose weight quickly.

Differences Between Outpatient and Residential Treatment Programs

For patients needing drug and alcohol treatment, outpatient and residential treatment programs can provide an essential level of care to achieve long-term recovery.

Your child’s health

The children of today are tomorrow's leaders; it is our duty and privilege to teach them how to live long, prosperous and healthy lives. The quality of your child's life begins with you.

Benefits of an Electronic Bidet at Home

With increasing health consciousness in today’s educated and informed world, we all know that better personal hygiene enhances an individual’s physical and emotional well being.


Purpure Idiopathic thrombocytopenic (ITP) is the condition of having a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) of no known cause (idiopathic). As most causes appear to be related to antibodies against platelets, it is also known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura.

Xenical is an effective weight loss medication, but has diet related side effects too

Xenical orlistat is a highly effective obesity treatment medication that can help you lose 5-10% of your body weight in 6-12 months time. According to experts, for an overweight person weight loss of even as little as 5% is quite significant.

The two most popular combination pills

People who are sexually active, and regularly engage themselves in a sexual act, use contraception as a means for preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Take an Exercise Ball to Work

Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! If you want to and know how there still is the big question to answer; how do I find time to exercise? Life is full of To Do lists.

Light therapy and Pregnancy

Light therapy has helped many people suffering with seasonal depression and now there is hope that it can have positive results on pregnant women who are experiencing levels of depression.

Mouth Breathing Is the Key Cause of Exercise-Induced Asthma

All available medical data suggests that people with asthma are heavy breathers. They breathe about 2-3 times more air per minute than the medical norm.

How can Homeopathy help me?

Homeopathy is a form of natural medicine that treats the individual as a whole being and with the help is highly diluted medicine, usually in the form of tablets can reverse the effects of chronic and acute health complaints.

Identifying the Signs of Addiction Associated with Drug and Alcohol Use

When identifying the signs of addiction, it is important to know that while drug and alcohol use and abuse each manifest themselves as different behavioral changes and inconsistencies, they share a number of commonalities.

Overview of different types of massage therapies

Due to expanded knowledge of the body and its physical needs several different massage therapies have been developed and all offer a different focus and service to the body.

Usual Breathing Patterns in Sick People

If we consider automatic breathing patterns in sick people with various health problems, virtually all health conditions are characterized by ineffective breathing.

Know How to Steer Your Kids Away from Substance Abuse during their Teenage Years

Substance abuse among youth has become a serious concern for parents these days. The major challenge for them in these situations will be to distract and prevent their kids from getting addicted to illegal drugs or alcohol.

Most common Types of Cancer - Bladder Cancer In Traditional Chinese Perspective

Bladder cancerBladder cancer occurs when cells amass in the inner lining of the bladder and form a malignant growth, or tumor. Cancer develops only in the bladder lining may become invasive, spreading through the bladder wall to nearby organs such as the prostate gland in men or the uterus in women.

Shapewear – The definitive slimming apparel

Women in particular can be very conscious about the way they look and are often willing to try out new and different ways of losing weight.

Tips to Boost Women's Health

Modern day women are required to play many roles, both in professional and personal lives. Handling various responsibilities simultaneously is not easy.

Most common Types of Cancer - Bladder Cancer

The bladder is a hollow elastic organ in the center of the lower abdomen that collects urine from the kidneys and excreted them through the urethra.

Most common Types of Cancer - What is Cancer

What is CancerCancer is a class of diseases in which a group of cells growing and multiplying disordered and uncontrollable way in our body, have become progressively worse and damaged other healthy tissues, sometimes spreads to other organs in the body via lymph or blood and results may be in death.

Anti-Aging: How to Liver Longer & Healthier - Definition, Theories of Aging,Types of Free Radicals & Antioxidants

Definition Human aging is a biological process, no one can stop, but delay it. It is possible that one person has a physiological younger than his or her biological if one engages in healthy living life style and eating healthily by increasing the intake of good healthy food such as whole grain, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, etc.

Anti-Aging: How to Live Longer & Healthier –Free Radicals, Antioxidants & Cancers

I. CancerCancer is a class of diseases in which a group of abnormal growth of cells have become progressively worse as it intrudes upon and destroys adjacent tissues, sometimes spreads to other organs in the body via lymph or blood and results in death of the host.

Why Substance Abusers Fail to Recognize the Severity of Their Condition

It is a well-known fact that substance abuse results in dreadful consequences in the abusers’ life. Being aware of this fact, many people are still abusing drugs and struggling to come out of this harmful habit.

WANTED: Success and happiness as a health practitioner

Are you trying to make a living as a therapist or health practitioner? Self-enquiry is an evolutionary way for you to cultivate bliss and success in your life and therapy work.

Antioxidants and Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular disease or heart diseases are the class of diseases that involve disorder of the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins),including coronary heart disease (heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease (stroke), raised blood pressure (hypertension), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure.

Antioxidants and Diabetes

Diabetes is defined as a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced.

Antioxidants and Lung diseases

Respiratory disease causes over 10% of hospitalizations and over 16% of deaths in Canada and refers to many disorders affecting the lungs, including lung diseases of pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, upper respiratory tract and the nerves and muscles of breathing.


The Kidney FailureChronic kidney Failure or chronic renal failure (CRF) or chronic kidney disease (CKD) the different name in one disorder, the kidney failure is a fatal disease where the body’s waste products which should be expelled out from our body in the form of urine through our both kidneys cannot be excreted out due to nonfunctioning of kidneys and that leads to multi organ failure.

Antioxidants and Liver diseases

Liver disease is defined as a broad term describing any single number of diseases affecting the liver, leading to liver inflammation or tissue damage and affects liver function.

Antioxidants and Kidney diseases

Kidney diseases is defined as a health condition due to damage to the nephrons. this damage overtimes reduces the kidneys ability in waste removal, resulting in kidney failure or renal failure.

The combined treatment of Manual and Electro-Acupuncture in Chronic Urticaria: A case study

The combined treatment of Manual and Electro-Acupuncture in Chronic Urticaria:  A case study DR. EMAD TUKMACHI, MBChB, DTM (Dublin), PhD (London), MD(MA), MBAcC                               Acupuncture Clinic, North Staffordshire Nuffield Hospital, Clayton Road, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4DB.

Antioxidants and Neurodegenrative diseases - Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is defined as a health condition of an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually even the ability to carry out the simplest activity, due to the loss of neurons and synapses in the cerebral cortex and certain subcortical regions.

Antioxidants and Neurodegenrative diseases - Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is defined as a health condition associated to the depletion of dopamine in the corpus striatum as a result of neuron loss in the substantianigra.

Antioxidants and Neurodegenrative diseases -Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is an inflammation of central nervous system disease in which the fatty myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord are deterioted, leading to impair of prope conduction of nerve impulse.

Antioxidants and Neurodegenrative diseases - Lou Gehrig's diseases

Lou Gehrig's diseases is defined as a condition of neurological disorders that selectively affect the motor neurones caused by the degeneration of neurons located in the two separate anatomical structures of the spinal cord and the cerebral cortex that provide activity of carrying nerve impulses from receptors to the central nervous system.

Antioxidants and Neurodegenrative diseases - Arthritis

There are over 100 different forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases.

Antioxidants and Immune sustem

An immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease by identifying and killing pathogens, including bacteria, virus, parasites, etc.

Practice being positive

You can not always determine your environment but you can control and determine how you respond to your environment. Choose to be positive. There are many that believe that by sending positive energy out into the universe, the universe will send it back to you.

Homeopathy for Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis in Children

In today’s mundane prominent life, people follow an endless race. We have started getting their ill effects of so-called modernization.


Migraine headache can be named as vascular headache where the blood vessels dilates due to so many factors and  the widening of blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around it and causes the nerve fibers to release some chemicals.

Ramp Up Your Body’s Natural Defense Against Allergies

Spring is finally here, and along with the gorgeous weather comes pollen. Many allergy sufferers know all too well the symptoms of hay fever, caused by pollen released from budding trees and plants.

How to be SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY as a Therapist - Ten Actions that Work

This article explains an evolutionary way for therapists and health practitioners to work and live - a way that focuses on self-enquiry. This way is for therapists across all modalities who want to cultivate bliss and success in their lives and therapy work.

Natural health methods helping cancer patients

Chemotherapy, radiation, and other forms of traditional cancer treatment have often made the process drawn out and difficult for patients. A number of side effects hamper patients throughout this process.


Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged. Each pore is an opening to a canal called a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland.

Homeopathy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes upset intestines for a long period of time. It is very unpleasant to the sufferer but tends to be harmless and usually does not lead to more serious complaints.


Nowadays as much we are becoming conscious towards our physical appearance and our beauty, as the beauty related problems are increasing. As much beauty products are coming in market, they all are leading to increase new diseases; so people are becoming anxious about their beauty that what should be used and what not and they are being misguided.


Trigeminal nerve is one of the (twelve) cranial (head) nerves. The trigeminal nerve as the name indicates is composed of three large branches.


Brain tumor can be benign or malignant. The symptoms of brain tumors depend on tumor size, type, and location. Symptoms may be caused when a tumor presses on a nerve or damages a certain area of the brain.

How To Arouse Sexual Feelings In Women

These days the problem of low libido or lack of sexual desire is becoming quite common in women. In this article let us find out why there is a sudden increase in the said problem and some of the remedial measures that can be taken to prevent or overcome lack of sexual desire.

The Healing Properties of Acupressure

Acupressure is essentially the practice of applying pressure to specific points of the body. It achieves the same goal as acupuncture, which is to open up blocked or compromised energy pathways within the body, but they differ in that acupressure does not use needles.

All about abdominal exercisers – Stay in shape with ease

The muscles in your stomach are toned and strengthened by abdominal exercisers. These multi-objective exercisers are used for casual fitness.

Is a Sedentary Lifestyle Dangerous?

If spending even a half-hour at the gym after a long day just sounds too unbearable, you may be in luck. Exercising may not be the golden ticket to staying slim after all.

How Healthy Is Your Diet?

As holistic therapists it is imperative that we not only look after our clients' well-being, but we must also look after our own health. Many of us give aftercare advice on a daily basis, telling our clients to take plenty of water after their treatment, avoid caffeine and alcohol, take time to relax, watch their posture, meditate and eat healthily, etc.

What is Opioid Addiction?

To first understand opioid addiction, you must first understand what opioids are. The term opioid refers to any drug or chemical that attaches (like a key fits into a lock) to sites in the brain called opioid receptors.

Breakthrough Research on Modified Citrus Pectin and Galectin-3 for Cardiovascular Disease, Fibrosis and other Inflammatory Conditions

In a new important research study out of the UK, scientists found that Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) of the correct molecular weight interrupts deadly kidney fibrosis by binding to and blocking galectin-3 molecules.

Listen to yourself through Meditation

Meditation, prayer, or quiet time are the anchors to life itself. To sit still listening to one's breath and thinking only of a calm sea should be at the beginning of each day, affirming a peaceful, quiet and harmonious day.

Tension headache: A clinical study of its treatment by acupuncture

Tension headache A clinical study of its treatment by acupuncture by Emad Tukmachi and Firhaas Tukmachi     ABSTRACT The Western medical treatment of tension headache often encounters difficulties with regard to clinical diagnosis, treatment and financial costs.

Weight Gain

"Pack your bags for the journey," Grandmother Growth advises softly. "Your Change may be rough in places, so cushion yourself.

Sleep Disorders - Something You Always Want Know About

DefinitionA sleep disorder (somnipathy) is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns. It’s important to understand why sleep disorder can deteriorate your health and interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning as it effects your nervous system in the production of the natural hormone melatonin which is necessary for sleep and wakefulness.

Weight loss patches for natural weight loss treatment

In this day and age, an increasing amount of men and women are leading very busy and very hectic lifestyles, with not a single moment to spare.

Cancers From B to T - Most common Types of Cancer - Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma and Other Types)

Bone Cancer A bone cancer is an abnormal growth of cells within the bone that have became cancerous. Bone cancer may be classified as primary cancer originated in the bone, and secondary cancer originated from elsewhere.

Cancers From B to T - Most common Types of Cancer - - Bowel (Colorectal ) Cancer

Bowel cancer Bowel cancer also known as colorectal cancer, is defined as a condition of the abnormal proliferation of cells in the colon, rectum, or vermiform appendix.

Cancers From B to T -Most common Types of Cancer - Bladder Cancer

The bladder is a hollow elastic organ in the center of the lower abdomen that collects urine from the kidneys and excreted them through the urethra.

Detoxification - Why is it recommended for you?

When you go out on the road, you might find out that the rising pollution rate in the city is ruining your outer beauty as well as your overall health.

Vitiligo| Vitigo Homeopathic Treatment | Leucoderma Homeopathic Remedies

Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which special skin cells that produce the pigment melanin in the skin as well as the tissues that line the inside of the mouth, nose, and genital and rectal areas, and the retina of the eyes are destroyed.

Nil sperm | no sperm | Azoospermia homeopathic treatment

 Azoospermia [nil sperm count ] is called when there is no sperm in semen. This type of semen disorder is found in approximately 3% of infertile men i.

Muscle building equipment – Impress everyone with your athletic physique

Muscle building equipment – Useful information Muscle building equipment is meant for those people who want to build their muscles but don't want to spend time in the gym for this purpose.

Parkinson's Disease Homeopathic Treatment and Homeopathy Remedy

Parkinson's disease develops gradually, and starts with mild tremor in one hand. Apart from tremor the illness causes slowing of movement.

Fail IVF and Succsess Natural cure infertility by homeopathic treatment and Homeopathic remedy

Many doctors feel that for a woman who has Endometriosis, the best chances of pregnancy occur during the six to nine months period following treatment with a laparoscopy procedure.

Life insurance guide

Life insurance isn't just something for the old and wealthy. In fact, anyone with a mortgage and dependents should also take out life insurance.

The Sea Inside: Our Journey From “Doing†to “Beingâ€

As a culture, we tend to focus on our well being from the neck up, with exercise added in to take care of our bodies. We spend most of our lives engaged with our senses and interacting mentally with others.

Female Libido Enhancers- Natural Herbs To Increase Sexual Desire In Women

It is a disturbing fact that almost 50% of the women all over the world suffer from low libido at some point in their life, which clearly states that many women are unable to enjoy sexual pleasure and some of them not even feel the urge to have sex.

Walking and Exercise with Nose (Not Mouth) Breathing Leads to Slimming Down

Millions of people use physical exercise and try to lose weight or get slim, but cannot succeed due to one serious mistake. There are several essential differences if we compare effects of exercise (e.

Avoid Bad Habits Instead of Quitting them After Starting

Bad habits are easy to acquire, but hard to get rid of. Many of us knowingly or unknowingly become victims to bad habits. These habits have very serious consequences and almost all of them are irreparable.

How to use a home blood pressure monitor?

For people who have to monitor their blood pressure regularly, a home blood pressure monitor can prove to be quite a advantage. Appointments for getting your blood pressure checked won't get in your way and you can monitor your blood pressure in the comfort of your own home.

Alopecia Areata | Alopecia Areata Treatment | Alopecia Areata Cure By Homeopathic Treatment

Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system, which is designed to protect the body from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the tiny cup-shaped structures from which hairs grow.

Alopecia Areta : Sine , Symptoms , Homeopathic Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies.

Although there is neither a cure for alopecia areata nor drugs approved for its treatment, some people find that medications approved for other purposes can help hair grow back, at least temporarily.

Polycystic Overian Disease Homeopathic Treatment | PCOS Treatment | PCOD Cure

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) sufferers experience multiple cysts in their ovaries.  PCOS is a hormonal disorder affecting 10-15% of women, worldwide, irrespective of race or color.

Psoriase | Psoriasis cure : Homeopathy tratment and Homeopathc Treatment

one needs to know that research shows that Homoeopathic medicines work by optimising our defence mechanisms. Psoriasis is a result of an overreaction of an immune response, and homeopathy cures it by optimising the immune over-response.

Tips for suppressing appetite and ultimately lose weight

The main problem that one faces when he/she is trying to lose weight is that of suppressing their appetite and controlling their poor eating habits.

Asthma : Homeopathy treatment and Homeopathic remedy

Child Allergic Bronchial Asthma cure by Homeopathy treatment By Dr Harshad RavalAir pollution more and more child suffering from different kind of allergy like respirations, skin, and gastrointestinal track.

Slimming patches - Help your teenage child to lose weight

Has poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle made your teenage child overweight? One in five teenagers is obese / overweight; your child is not alone.

Asthma | Child Asthma | Child Bronchial Asthma Homeopathy Treatemtn And Homeopathic remedy

What Is Child  Asthma? Child Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. It causes recurring periods of: Wheezing, Chest tightness, Shortness of breath, and Coughing.

Azoospermia : Homeopathic treatment And Homeopathic remedy

 Nil Sperm Coutn or  No  sperm or Azoospermia is a condition also known as zero sperm count. It is the reason why many couples can not conceive babies and is a cause of frustration, especially young families.

Homeopathic treatment and Homeopathic remedy for Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein[1] (proteinuria at least 3.

Slimming pills - Effective but not the be all, end all of weight loss

There are so many myths and tales revolving around weight loss that it becomes difficult for most people to attain their goal. Find out why it is necessary to lose weight to lead a healthy lifestyle and unravel the truth of weight loss.

Assess Your Thyroid Health: Signs & Symptoms of a Thyroid Condition

 An estimated 59 million Americans are living with some type of thyroid condition and most are not even aware of it. As one of the largest endocrine glands in the body, the thyroid controls how quickly the body uses energy and makes proteins, as well as the body’s sensitivity to other hormones.

The Highly Pathogenic E. Coli Genie is Out of the Bottle – Can You Withstand an Attack?

The tactics are straight out of the terrorist textbook. A wave of suicide bombers hits the front line defensive fortifications. Most of this first wave blows holes in the defensive barriers and leaves a battlefield of inflammatory damage and debris.

Know How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Habits?

Major health concerns are often associated with unhealthy lifestyles. Many studies have already proved that substance abuse is causing many deaths throughout the world.

Trigeminal Neuralgia | Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment | Homeopathy treatment and Homeopathic Remedy

The trigeminal nerve is the largest of the cranial nerves, providing sensory input to the skin of the face and anterior half of the head, teeth, oral and nasal cavities.

Fertility and Infertility

Fertility is the ability to procreate or get pregnant with ease. Some people would be considered very fertile and others not so much in some cases even infertile.

Top Tips for Successful Varicose Veins Treatment

If you suffer from varicose veins, it's important to make sure that you seek medical advice before making any decisions about treatment. Even though varicose veins symptoms can cause pain and discomfort in some patients, getting the problem treated isn't always a necessary route to take.

Injury Prevention for Therapists

Why are massage therapists so susceptible to occupation related injuries? Many of the massage techniques that we perform on a daily basis are repetitious and repetition is the primary reason why massage causes injuries.


Impotence is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to engage in normal sexual intercourse. Many factors can contribute, including emotional issues, dietary factors, use of alcohol or drugs, and level of physical fitness.

Childhood Asthma Homeopathy Treatment

  Childhood Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. It causes recurring periods of: Wheezing, Chest tightness, Shortness of breath, and Coughing.


Chalazion is a lump in the eyelid that is caused by inflammation of a gland within the skin. Typically, this lump grows over days to weeks and is occasionally red, warm, or painful.


Sleep Apnoea is a sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. We may have sleep apnea if we snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's sleep.

Peptic Ulcer Homeopathy Treatment

Peptic ulcers are small tiny wounds on the surface of the internal lining of the stomach, first part of small intestine or esophagus (food pipe).


MIGRAINE HOMEOPATHY TREATMENTMigraine headache is a type of vascular headache.Migraine headache is caused by:Enlargement of blood vesselsAction of certain chemicals on the blood vesselsSome researchers think migraines may be caused by functional changes in the trigeminal nerve system, a major pain pathway in nervous system, and by imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which plays a regulatory role for pain messages going through this pathway.

High Blood pressure Homeopathy Treatment

High blood pressure (HBP) or Hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body.


ADHD HOMEOPATHY TREATMENTAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a problem with inattentiveness, over-activity, impulsivity, or a combination.

FAQ’s for ADHD

FAQ's for ADHD What is: 1. ADHD - Inattentive type is defined by an individual experiencing at least six of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?Individuals with ADHD may know what to do, but may not consistently do what they know because of their inability to efficiently stop and think prior to responding, regardless of the setting or task.

Natural Antibiotics - Do They Work Or Are They Just A Waste Of Time?

We all know what medical antibiotics do, they help cure bacterial infections. Natural antibiotics are also very useful, but they act in a different way to prevent disease and strengthen our immune systems.

How to create a Allergy Free home

How to create an allergy free home environmentHay Fever is commonly related to irritants caused by pollen and seeds but there are many pollutants inside your home that can set off an allergic reaction.

Osteopathic Treatment Of Neck Pain

Muscular and joint pain is very common today because of the changing lifestyle and lack of activity. Over the years, there have been different treatments that were devised to treat such problem, but none offers the complete solutions.

Osteopathic Treatment Of Neck Pain And Back Pain

Muscular and joint pain is very common today because of the changing lifestyle and lack of activity. Over the years, there have been different treatments that were devised to treat such problem, but none offers the complete solutions.

Kidney Disease || Kidney disease Homeoapthy treatment

In homeopathy medicine developed immunizations in damage nephrons in kidney, so kidney function is not damaged further and become strong, after homeopathy treatment decreased s.

Dental Implant NYC: Way For A Superior Teeth Replacement

Not too long ago, people who lost a tooth or two due to variety of reasons had to rely on temporary measures like employing a fixed bridge or removable denture in order to speak and eat well.

Varicocele Homeopathy Treatment

Allopathic Conventional or allopathic treatment of varicocele involves surgery. It involves general anesthesia, incisions in the scrotum, and sutures.

Homeopathy v/s Allopathic for Renal failure | Kidney Failure | Renal Disease | Kidney failure | Polycystic Kidney disease

ALLOPATHIC V/S HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT:1) In comparison to life long treatment in Allopath or conversional therapy. Homeopathic medicines can be stopped in 2 to 5 years depending on the severity and underlying causes of the disease.

Homeopathy v/s Allopathy treatment for varicocele

Allopathic Conventional or allopathic treatment of varicocele involves surgery. It involves general anesthesia, incisions in the scrotum, and sutures.

Harvard Study Shows Heart-Health Benefits of Tai Chi

A recent study from Harvard University shows the health benefits of tai chi, especially for those with heart conditions that prevent them from engaging in rigorous physical exercise.

First Aid for Everyone

First Aid usually refers to the provision of initial care for an illness or injury, this term First Aid is an umbrella that covers many different options.

Pure acai – A superfood that can help you to achieve good health and lose weight

Acai berry fruit is hailed as a superfood because of its high nutritional value. It grows in the form of a small, round purple colour fruit in the dense Amazon rainforests region in Brazil on acai palm trees.


Stay indoors as much as possible when pollen counts are at their peak, usually during the mid-morning and early evening, and when wind is blowing pollens around.

Got Cigarettes? Hypnosis To The Rescue!

Within 24 hours of your last cigarette your chances of a heart attack decreases. Within 72 hours your bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier and your lung capacity increases.

Shapewear – Help you look your best

Shapewear, as the name suggests, is body slimming apparel that helps your body look good even when it’s out of shape. If you aren’t fat, but still don’t feel confident about your general body shape, you can choose a shapewear that suits your needs and requirements.

Benefits of Intrinsa Patches

Intrinsa patches are used for the treatment of low sex drive in women, especially those women who have had their ovaries removed. Intrinsa patches contain testosterone, which is primarily a male sex hormone but also found in women in smaller quantity When women get their ovaries removed, the production of testosterone drops down and this leads to reduced sexual desire, less sexual thoughts and difficulties in achieving arousal.

Use detox products - Get rid of harmful toxins

Use of detox products is on a rise, not because it is considered trendy but because it is considered essential. Our environment is full of pollutants today.

The Importance of Networking for Massage Therapists

Networking is important in any professional field, and massage therapists should be prepared to begin 'massage networking' almost immediately after graduating from massage school in order to get leads for jobs, professional advancement, and new clients.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Homeopathy Treatment And Homeopathic Remedies

Irritable bowel affection (IBS), a action that causes agitated belly for a continued aeon of time. It is absolute abhorrent to the dead but tends to be controllable and usually does not advance to added austere complaints.

Abdominal exercisers can help you develop perfect flat abs

Abdominal exercise equipments are much in-demand exercise equipment as flat and well-sculpted abdomen is very much in trend. Abdominal exercise equipments help you focus on building strong and well-toned abs and improve your physique.

How to Deal With Your Kids' Unhealthy Habits?

Unhealthy or bad habits like smoking, alcohol or substance abuse among kids are the major concerns for parents these days. Lack of proper monitoring slides their way towards unhealthy lifestyle and destroys them eventually.

Achieve Instant Calm

   copyright Susun S. Weed   In her updated best-selling classic, New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way, Susun Weed offers a number of approaches women can use to calm jangly nerves, achieve greater overall calm, and cope on-the-spot with stressful situations.

Women Sexual Arousal Creams Review And Side Effects

If you are going through the problem of lack of sexual desire then you are not alone, there are millions of women world wide who are experiencing the same problem.

Enjoy your motherhood without worrying about losing your shapely figure

All kinds of thoughts create panic and chaos in pregnant women from ruining their figures, losing attractiveness, juggling a career and motherhood and having the responsibility of a tiny infant.


 Nil sperm count or Azoospermia is a action as well accepted as nil agent count. It is the acumen why abounding couples can't accept babies and it is a could cause of annoyance abnormally in adolescent families.

Synchronized Circadian Rhythms: Nature’s Cancer Fighter

Timing is everything. Time is of the essence. Perfect timing. Humanity’s captivation by temporal reality goes much deeper than the unifying framework of schedules, calendars, rituals and histories –it goes straight to our DNA.

Anti-cellulite pants – The smartest way to tame your thighs

Cellulite is the dimpled, lumpy-looking skin that occurs just beneath the surface of your skin, between the connecting fibres that link your skin to other body tissues.

Treating Allergies and Energy Toxins with Energy Psychology

Energy Toxins. I am sure that is a new term for some of you. Everyone understands the usual connotations of the word toxin; something that is toxic to your health.


Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal weight for his or her age and height.

Know About Different Types Of Combination Pill

Women around the world have been using different methods of contraception to protect them from getting pregnant. Many times contraceptive methods used by men, such as condoms, have failed from keeping such complications at bay.

Use body slimmer to look more graceful and attractive

Body slimmers are a new-age garments that make women appear slimmer, shapelier and more attractive. Scientifically advanced body slimmers of today can easily hide excess body fat from unwanted places such as your thighs, tummy or hips and make you look slimmer in an instant.

Are you looking for getting Dental Implant in NYC

There are many reasons behind the tooth loss that may include tooth decay, gum disease, excessive wear and tear, or accidents. Missing teeth can cause lack of self-esteem besides hindering the proper functioning in eating, drinking, and talking.

New Findings in Genetics Will Forever Change the Way You View Your Health

The iceberg has melted in the medical world as scientists begin to unlock the mysteries of our genetic codes. The old way of thinking – that you are destined to experience a particular disease or condition because it “runs in your family” – is now an outmoded view of how the body works.

5 Ways to Stay Motivated When Sick

Once you are diagnosed with a minor or major health condition, it may be difficult to stay motivated and positive. It is not only important to maintain a healing attitude for your own sanity, but also for your health.

Combat PTSD is NOT Forever

The American military provides the finest training and has the most sophisticated weapons in the world, and the men and women who serve in our armed forces know that personal sacrifice is inherent in the job of service to country.

How can couples work together for effective weight management?

A living environment that is shared by a couple can play an important role in determining body weight A significant amount of research suggests that people who live together are more likely to have similar BMIs.

New Study Reports Link Between Walking and Prostate Health

  Many men, especially those over the age of 45, are becoming more concerned about their prostate health. In fact, one in six men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.

Workplace harassment and discrimination due to obesity

For people, who are searching for jobs, negotiating salaries or facing reviews for promotions, rejection and discrimination is very common, sometimes this can happen if the person is overweight or obese.

Asian Herbs For Vagina Tightening

There are plenty of natural ways to tighten a vagina that has become loose due to childbirth, aging or some other physical reasons. Many women suffer from this embarrasing problem which affects their self confidence and ego as well as highly brings down the amount of pleasure one derives from sexual activity.

Burning fat: What it really means?

Obesity is a very serious health condition, and is often a gateway to serious health issues such as heart attack, diabetes, bad cholesterol and arthritis.

Are You at Risk for an Autoimmune Disease?

While your body is designed to defend against a host of environmental invaders, it cannot completely withstand the adverse effects of poor diet, chronic stress and toxic build-up.

LIPobind a clinically proven treatment for weight loss

About LIPobind and weight loss The product is intended for adults who are looking to monitor their fat intake whilst lowering the level of any health risks.

Hoodia a Magical pills from the miracle cactus

In the midst of the Kalahari desert, one of the longest, densest and the fiercest deserts situated in the southern province of Africa. One of the world's oldest and most primitive tribes, The San Bushmen, still continue to live in the harsh arid temperatures of the Kalahari.

A Breakthrough in the Future of Cancer Prevention

I recently shared the latest news in the prevention and treatment of cancer at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) Integrative Oncology Fellowship.

Secrets Of Women Who Achieve Regular Orgasms

The difference of approach towards sex in men and women has been a matter of talk since the advent of human civilization. We are all aware of how men are able to orgasm regularly as compared to women who often have to fake orgasms to satisfy their partners.

Capsi extreme - Introducing the 'green' and 'red' way of losing weight

Since centuries, the eastern countries such as Japan and China have been practising a tradition of consuming Green Tea and have known it for its multiple advantages.

Electro flex – Health benefits of this circulation enhancer

ElectroFlex is ideal for people who are fatigued, overweight, stressed or diabetic. The all new Electro Flex circulation enhancer will leave you rejuvenated and refreshed.

The Gym, first line of defense again depression

As a Psychotherapist, I probably shouldn’t be writing this--considering one of my specialties is depression, not to mention that one in five people, i.

Obesity goes hand in hand with fast-food addiction

Fast-food addiction It has been found that bingeing on fast food can be addictive to some people as being on nicotine or cocaine. As a result, it can cause a compulsive eating disorder and lead to obesity.

Air Climber: Tone your body with fun workouts

Most people prefer to do activities that are fun-filled and which require less stress. The same holds true when it comes to working out in gym or at home.

Allergy Therapy

Allergy Therapy is the process whereby a trained therapist will work with you to determine the root cause of your symptoms and provide you with a recommended personal plan to restore your body to full health.

Lose weight to choose life with T5 slimming pills

The WHO Consultation on Obesity has termed obesity as a “disease” in one of its recent reports. Another study revealed that among the British adult population, about one in four people are now actually considered to be clinically obese.

Guidelines for Teens to Stay Healthy

Teenage is a transitional period from boyhood to adulthood. During this period, teenagers undergo many physical and mental changes. For many, it marks the end of childhood and the beginning of a new life, free from rules and restrictions set by parents.

Stressed - Who Me ?

For some reason, Christmas last year seemed to be a very stressful time for me. At the time, it really did seem quite daunting with all of its implications of organisation and costs.

Cleanse and rejuvenate your body with a foot detox

The ever-expanding industrial and technological world has given us tremendous solutions in every walk of life. But as we know, every fairy tale has a darker side to it.

Benefits of Quitting Unhealthy Habits

You will be surprised to know that thousands of people are losing their precious lives unable to quit unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol or substance abuse each year.

How is Suboxone Treatment Different than Drug Abuse?

Physicians who treat opioid addiction also have the option of utilizing 'medication-assisted treatment', and the most common medications used in the treatment of opioid dependence today are methadone, naltrexone, and buprenorphine (Suboxone).

How waging war against obesity can save your heart

It is an undeniable fact that for an obese person, weight-related issues can one of the main reasons for many problems in their lives. You can try to understand it calmly using your mind or you can take it to your heart to accept the fact that the heart related problems can have their genesis at root of obesity.

What is Camellia Sinensis Good For?

Camellia Sinensis is an evergreen that is grown in hot climates, prefers moist organic soil and is usually found at high elevations.  The plant when mature produces bright green leaves and little white flowers with yellow stamens, and can have several "flushes" a year.

The Dark Side of Prescription Drugs

"I lost everything when the police raided my house looking for prescription drugs. My husband and two little children were home that night.

Know more about maternity belts and maternity girdles

Maternity belts One of the simplest forms of maternity belts is an elastic belt that is configured to fit bellies of different sizes.

Brazilian Keratin and Other Toxic Hair Treatments to Avoid

Chemical straightening, curling, coloring and other manipulations of our hair’s natural appearance have been popular for several decades now.

Natural appetite suppressants An inside story

Weight loss pills have now become the first choice for most overweight or obese people who want an effective and safe option for weight management.

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is having personal counseling with a psychotherapist, is an intentional interpersonal relationship used by trained and qualified psychotherapists to help and assist a client or patient in solving problems of living.

Herbal Cure For Azoospermia

Azoospermia is a medical condition faced by men in which there is complete lack of sperm in semen resulting in a situation where a couple cannot conceive a child.

What is your weekend meal plan for weight management?

Weekends are usually fun days as there is no morning alarm to have you groping about in search of the snooze button; no worries over meeting office deadlines, and last but not the least, no fight over who gets to use the shower first.

Carrying an extra four stones of weight increases the risk of dementia by 80 percentage

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study that reveals that a gene linked to obesity may be linked to the risk of dementia also.

The essentials of successful natural weight loss

We all know that weight loss is easier said than done. There is a vast difference between talking about losing weight and shedding some extra pounds.

What is an Alternative Health Practitioner?

An Alternative Practitioner is one who practices in the use of alternative medicine, which is usually understood as any healing practice "that does not fall within the realms of conventional medicine".

Why consider visiting a pain psychologist when you have back pain

Almost anyone is likely to experience back pain at some point in life. However, some sufferers of chronic back pain who have not found medications and surgeries too helpful are likely to suffer emotionally as well.

Is there a link between genetics and obesity?

Genetics can be a comforting science for those who are looking forward to lose significant amount of weight. A scientific study has put forth that a certain type of gene known as FTO gene can impose 70% more risk of weight gain.

Causes Of Vaginal Prolapse And Available Treatments

Vaginal prolapse is a condition which occurs when a vagina is stretched to a point that its back or front wall bulges out when a woman makes physical movements.

Why Older Adults Should Limit Their Drinking Habits

Alcohol abuse is a severe problem not only among teens, but also among older adults. With many health problems arising at this age, the effects of alcohol abuse further add up to the problems in the older adults.

A genuine slimming pills for natural weight loss

Slimming pills and herbal weight loss pills are flooding the market. So what exactly are these herbal weight loss pills and drugs? Are they actually helpful? A person bothered by his or her weight is bound to be apprehensive about slimming pills.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition where there is abdominal pain,cramps and changes in bowel movements. It is not the same as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's diseaseand ulcerative colitis.

Stay Healthy on Vacation and at Home: Enhance Your Health with Probiotics

  Summer vacations and traveling adventures can do wonders for your heart, mind and spirit, but they can also take a toll on your physical health if you’re not careful.

The Hijacked Brain of the Diabetic

  The Uncontrollable Urge to Eat and Eat Despite Knowing the Consequences   Hypoglycemic reactions cause many problems for diabetics, the least of which are diabetic comas.

Metabolic Syndrome, Complicated With Mental Illness

Metabolic syndrome, complicated with mental illness Metabolic syndrome nearly affects 50 million people in America. Anyone with 3 or more of the following attributes is most likely affected by metabolic syndrome: Women: waist size of 35 inches or more, men: waist size of 40 or more.

Health Benefits Of Zinc Supplements

If you are in the habit of munching processed or junk food regularly then you are certainly going to suffer from the deficiency of zinc. It is because junk foods have a very low content of zinc and instead these foods have additives in them that can cause a decrease of zinc levels in the body.

How to Get Relief from Depression - Take Five Simple Actions Today!

Being joyful can be challenging when life feels heavy, dark and meaningless. Often people experiencing depression are confused, tired and overwhelmed and do not know how to find relief, meaning and joy.

The Astounding Truth about Depression - What they don't tell you!

Everyone experiencing depression will know that it is impossible to "think" a way out of the darkness. No matter how hard we try to understand depression we cannot lift the dark cloud hanging over our head.

Planning a weekend party? What about your weight loss goals?

Does boozing affect your judgment? It is sometimes very easy to get carried away at parties, when you are having fun with your friends and family.

Foot Detox - For a relaxed body and mind

Modern day detox Today, electrolysis is the process by which detoxification is achieved. In this process, ions help in cleansing the body by reacting with the electrolyte and eliminating the toxins and wastes.

Are you in a Relationship with an emotionally abusive person with Borderline Personality Disorder…Does your partner seem like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyd

  Are  you are in a relationship where you are experiencing  the following? In the beginning the person thinks you are perfect and professes love for you that they have "never felt before for anyone" They alternate between this state and rage at you.

Pelvic Floor or Pelvic Flop?

Pelvic Floor or Pelvic Flop? Whether you are 18 to 80, whether or not you have had children your pelvic floor is one of the most important and complex muscle structures in the body.

Can the mind heal cancer?

Can you cure cancer using the mind? The answer is yes, but first we need to understand what cancer is. Cancer is a word or a label and when we use it, we recall our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about cancer and what it is.

How do Contraceptive Pills Work?

The invention of the contraceptive pill in the 1960s offered the women control over conception for the first time. These pills are the most effective and safe way to prevent conception.

How to control food cravings for weight management

People, who are obese or overweight, often blame their hunger pangs for their eating habits. Many people can find it very difficult to keep a control on their food cravings or eating habits for a few hours.

Are we really getting the nutrition that we need from our foods?

As we’ll know, nutrition is the building block of the human body. Scientifically, it has been identified that more than 50 essential nutrients are needed by the human body to perform all functions at optimal levels.

Different Ways Of Contraception – Make An Informed Choice

Today, there are many different methods of contraception available to prevent pregnancy. The most popular way is hormonal contraception, which includes “the pill” or combined pill, the mini-pill, the patch, and the ring.

How to Help Your Kids have Healthy Habits?

Dealing with kids’ unhealthy habits is a difficult task for every parent. It is very painful to see kids hooked to unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol or substance abuse.

Appear slimmer in your clothes with body shapewear

Who doesn’t want to be in slim shape? For many people, getting in shape has always been a prime concern. Some people are so conscious about their shape that they are ready to go beyond any limits to get a slimmer figure.

Revolutionizing Aging

We are the people who comprise the legendary, diverse generation known to the world as The Baby Boomers.  We grew up during the transformation of Post World War II period and helped shape America into a society filled with change and advancements, in the political, economic, social, and cultural spectrums.

Stressed Over Murdoch Madness

Living in a world where technology evolves into more complex forms by the second is an incredible accomplishment.  Yet at the same time it can generate manipulation, corruption, and invasion of privacy, given we are all too aware of computer hacking, cyber bullying, and identity theft.

Hunger? The Human Experience!

Previously I’ve written about how the body tricks the mind, causing diabetics to binge eat. So, I posed the question most people get asked all the time by others to myself, “Are you hungry?” In this article we will explore whether diabetics get hungry like everyone else.

Breastfeeding and Breast Cancer

(dailyRx) An aggressive form of breast cancer that isn't fed by estrogen is more common in African American women. New research suggests this type of cancer is seen more frequently among black women who don't breastfeed their babies.

The Common Alder-tree is Good for Burns and Inflammation

The Common Alder-tree is very well known, it's stem is tree-like and full of branches, the bark is of a brown colour and is quite rough to the touch, with large round type shaped leaves a little clammy to the touch, especially the young leaves.

Azoospermia homeopathy treatment or Oligospermia homeopathy treatment

Azoospermia or oligospermia Homeopathy Treatment. Azoospermia or Nil Sperm Or Zero sperm count Homeopathy Treatment. Azoospermia  or nil sperm count is a condition that only occurs to men.

“Opening the Outlets:†Acupuncture as Detox Therapy

  Many of us who are committed to taking care of ourselves do a lot to keep our bodies and minds strong. Some of us go to the gym to build muscle tone, go jogging or do cardiovascular-aerobic activity to keep our hearts healthy, see a therapist to keep our minds in order, or meditate and do yoga to find balance and peace.

Herbal Remedies For Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a very widespread disorder which is believed to affect millions of people all over the world. In America alone there are almost 20 million people suffering from some type of anxiety disorder.

Healing Animals using Colour Acupuncture

 COLOUR ACPUNCTURE FOR ANIMALS  Have you ever wondered why dogs and other animals get restless or fearful before a thunderstorm?  Animals are very sensitive to all types of vibrations including light and sound and many have specialised sense organs to help them detect specific types of energy.

Factors that can Initiate Substance Abuse in Children

Kids are more susceptible to substance abuse due to various biological and environmental factors, called as risk factors. Though these risk factors are capable of stimulating drug abuse at any stage of life, they are found to be more effective in early childhood and adolescence.

Cures for Insomnia

Insomnia what is it, and what are the cures for insomnia which affects over one third of the adult population. The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4am knows all my secrets.

Best Natural Aphrodisiacs That Work

In a relationship when you provide something you expect something in return and it is this process of give and take which decides the fate of a relationship.

New FDA Draft Guidance Threatens Supplements

  As an integrative medicine practitioner, I have been treating patients for over 25 years using allopathic medicine in combination with a wide range of health-promoting botanicals and nutrients.

Why use Chromium Picolinate to help Weight Loss?

Chromium picolinate often referred to as a ‘Miracle Mineral’ shares benefits such as increased energy, an effective anti depressant, reduces cravings for fats and carbohydrates, it can help with mood enhancements; some athletes will successfully use chromium picolinate as a means of losing weight and aiding their body development.

I and Me are different realities

   Is there a difference between the Me and the I? Are they one and the same? Are they both just you? There is much written and discussed, in philosophical, enlightenment and spiritual circles, of the I (of I am fame).

An Approach to Allergy & Intolerance

 An Approach to Allergy and Intolerance: We provide a holistic approach to treatment. This includes the avoidance of drug therapy where possible.

Politicians, Medical Experts and Advocates Meet on Capitol Hill for Solutions to Rising Breast Cancer Rates in Young Women

 The rates of breast cancer among women under the age of 40 have increased significantly over the last two decades. Younger women typically face greater challenges with this disease than women over 50, partly because early diagnosis is less common among younger women and most cases among this population are not detected until the cancer has progressed to a more advanced stage.

Modified Citrus Pectin Packs Powerful Immune Punch

  New research published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine shows Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) has powerful immune boosting properties.

A Chakra diet of color and health

Swop a hamburger for a tasty salad of health... I know it is hard to look at a delicious looking hamburger and then look at a bowl of vegetable salad, but have you really compared the goodness between each of them or has it become far too easy to just grab a quick bite without even thinking of your health.

Learn More About Yasmin, Cilest, Ovranette Contraceptive Pill

Oral contraception has become one of the most popular and commonly used hormonal contraceptive methods by women. Combination pills, which are otherwise known as ‘the pill’, consist of two artificial female hormones of oestrogen and progestogen as its active ingredients.

Discover Your Possibilities

Do you long to shine? To be the best you, you can be? Yes. Great let’s start discovering your possibilities. Some people achieve great things in their life, why not you? And why not now? ~ Bruce Kidson Do you long to shine? To be the best you, you can be? Yes.

Allergies - Food Allergy

Allergies - Food Allergy Allergy is the over reaction of immune system to harmless substances after entering our body affecting 1 in every 3 people in the world.

Children incresed hight homeopathy treatment Or Children Growing Tall - Grow Taller

Children incresed high is burning problems.There is no definite treatment in Allopathy for Height Increase except anabolic steroids. These steroids have no definite pattern of success rate and have severe masculinizing effect.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Allyl sulfides

Garlic has been used in traditional Chinese and herbal medicine over thousands of year as antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agent and in treating other conditions such as parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, low energy, etc.

Empowering Cancer Patients with Life-Saving Findings

  When it comes to integrative cancer treatment, I always emphasize the importance of “patient-driven medicine.” Patient-driven medicine is what true integrative medicine is about.

Allergies and Hydrolats

The term allergy is used to describe a response within the body to a substance which is not necessarily harmful in itself, but results in an immune response and a reaction that causes symptoms and disease in a predisposed person.

Calm Focus: 6 Natural Stress Relievers that Won\\\\\\\'t Zap your Energy

  When it comes to stress relief, most of us need a little help. Whether you practice daily meditation, take brisk walks or engage in a friendly chat, there are many forms of relief that don’t require a pharmaceutical drug or a trip to a psychiatrist’s office.


Coughing, drippy nose or eyes, raspy or congested breathing, raised lumps on the neck and/or shoulder, obvious itchy areas – when your horse exhibits any of these conditions, the odds are he has allergies.

Abusing Alcohol or Drugs? Know What All You Will Lose

People start abusing alcohol or illicit drugs for different reasons. Some try it out of curiosity, some thinking that it gives pleasure, many because of peer pressure.

What Is Thai Massage?

Thai massage is recognized by various names. It is also referred to as Thai yoga massage or just yoga massage. In Thai massage, the therapist makes use of hands, knees, legs and feet and various yoga postures are produced.

Breakthrough Prostate Cancer Animal Study Presented at International Oncology Conference

One out of every six men in this country is struggling with prostate cancer, and wading through your various treatment options can be confusing.

When Anxiety Has A Life Of Its Own

According to the National Institute of Anxiety and Stress, anxiety disorders affect about 40 million people a year. The numbers are staggering especially for women who suffer from anxiety and stress almost twice as much as men.

Seeking Drug and Alcohol Treatment for Employees

If you currently know of or have known of an employee that needs drug and alcohol treatment, it is likely that you are frustrated. As an employer, you have a range of options available, but the action that many employers are likely to take is to fire the employee in question.

Original Yoga Essence (O2 and Breathing) is Distorted by Key Yoga Gurus

Present day yoga is quite dissimilar to the genuine yoga trained for hundreds of years and even from yoga which had been used some 50-70 years ago.

Creating health and curing cancer are not the same!

   Hello and welcome, this is for those people who have discovered that they have cancer and have a determined desire to be cancer free and healthy.

The bigger the ball, the better the chair!

A healthy body fuels the mind. It’s as important to maintain your mental aptitude to stay ahead of the curve in your industry. But if you’re not taking care of your body, your mind won’t be in as tip-top shape as it can be.

Different Methods Used For Birth Control

Oral contraception has become one of the most popular and commonly used hormonal contraceptive methods by women. Combination pills, which are otherwise known as ‘the pill’, consist of two artificial female hormones of oestrogen and progestogen as its active ingredients.

How to heal cancer instantly

Do you have cancer, is this your present condition? This moment now is how it is and this moment now, is in perfect harmony with what is. There can be nothing wrong with this moment now.

Killing Germs with the colour purple

 Killing Germs with Violet Light   For over a century Germicidal Ultraviolet Irradiation or UVGI has been recognized as a highly effective tool against airborne and surface microbial infection.

SLE Disease Homeopathy treatment OR Lupus Homeopathic treatment

  Lupus comes from the Latin word, which means wolf. It is used to describe the typical appearance of the rash on the cheeks as being wolf like.

Severe Cough Means Reduced Oxygen Content In Tissues

Clinical reflections of many hundred Russian medical doctors propose that reoccuring issues with cough occur only in individuals with lower oxygen content in cells and organs.


Pain occurs to alert the individual to potential or actual damage to the body. Pain can arise from injury as well as from disease. Pain can have a negative effect on a person's quality of life and can impede recovery from whatever is the cause of the pain.

Cancer Homeopathy Treatment OR Cancer Homeopathic Remedy

Brest Cancer depends upon the type and stage of the cancer. Breast is made of lobes and ducts. Each breast has 15 to 20 lobes, which have many smaller lobules.

Kidney stone Homeopathy Treatment OR Renal Stone Treatment

Treatment for Kidney Stones Also called as renal calculus, a kidney stone is a formation of a crystal, which is made up of oxalates and phosphates.

Diabetes Homeopathy Treatment OR Diabetes Treatment

  Do you want to overcome ailments caused by diabetes and looking for the detailed information about this disease? If yes, you will get the detailed information about this disease.

OCD Homeopathic treatment OR OCD Treatment

  Symptoms of OCD - Intrusive thought about wellbeing of loved one which makes the person anxious. The person has excessive fear about being contaminated by germs, dirt, etc.

Vagina Tightening Creams Review And Their Success Secret

Vagina tightening herbal formulations have become immensely popular amongst women due to their high efficacy rates and instant result producing properties as well as absence of any side effects.

Using chair massage to overcome massage reluctance

However, in spite of the work I do to "professionalize" massage, I am very involved in branch of this profession that my massage therapy colleagues hold in low regard.

Emotional Abuse - What it is and why it is so important to recognize

Sticks and stones may break my bones but … bullying and name-calling can emotionally scar me forever.  Not the original ending to the classic verse, but probably the more accurate one.

Group Therapy for Adults Abused As Children

Group therapy can be the most nurturing and also the most challenging form of therapy.  It is highly effective.  While it doesn’t replace individual therapy, it can be a great adjunct and a final step in the healing process.

Adult Depression and Childhood Abuse

   Over the years I’ve discovered that a significant proportion of adult clients who present with depression have a history of childhood abuse.

Sibling Abuse - Children Abusing Other Children

Even though there can be life long debilitating psychological effects, sibling abuse may be the most ignored - if not accepted - form of domestic (i.

Breakthrough Cancer Research Presented at Medical Week in Germany

  I recently attended Medical Week in Baden-Baden, Germany, where I presented the principles of integrative medicine and the latest research on the role of Modified Citrus Pectin in the treatment of cancer.

Myoskeletal Techniques for Joint Dysfunction

Deep, intrinsic muscles and the bony foundation of the body are inseparable: What affects one always affects the other. Until the therapist develops a basic understanding of how deep tissue techniques affect mobility/stability in the bony framework, random deep tissue work is contraindicated.

Is Microgynon Really Effective?

One of the most reliable and effective contraceptive pills that are available today is Microgynon. This is a combined oral contraceptive that contains synthetic version of naturally occurring female hormones.

Natural Path To Breast Enhancement

  Women who are aging or are already aged generally tend to have saggy breasts mainly due to the hormonal changes which take place in the body due to aging.

Phytochemicals: 13 Health Benefits of Capsaicin

Phytochemicals Capsaicin can be found abundant in chili peppers, which are genus Capsicum, belonging to the family Solanaceae and has been used in herbal medicine to relieve muscle and arthritic pain over thousand of year.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Ellagic Acid

Phenolic acids are a type of phytochemical compounds found in many plants, especially in certain dried fruits, including ellagic Acid is a type of phytochemical compound, including Ellagic acid, found mostly in walnuts, strawberries, cranberries, blackberries and grapes, gallic acid found mostly in tea, mango, strawberries, rhubarb, soy, Salicylic acid found abundant in peppermint, licorice, peanut, wheat, tannic acid comtains in nettles, tea, berries, Vanillin found in vanilla beans, cloves, capsaicin found in chilli peppers, and curcumin found in turmeric, mustard.

Phytochemicals: 12 Health Benefits of Carotenoids

Carotenoids are fat soluble organic pigments of plants such as algae, some bacteria, and fungus. It generally cannot be manufactured by animals but have to acquired plants.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Flavonoids

Flavonoids also known as Vitamin P and Citrin is defined as a group of water-soluble phytonutrients with yellow pigments having a structure similar to flavones found abundantly in celery and parsley.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Currcumin

Turmeric, principal curcuminoid of the popular Indian spice, a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, native to tropical South Asia, according to "Effects of different drying methods on the antioxidant properties of leaves and tea of ginger species" by E.

Role of Modified Citrus Pectin in Cancer Treatment Presented at International Oncology Conference

I recently discussed the principles of integrative medicine in oncology and shared the latest research on the role of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) in the treatment of cancer at an international oncology conference in Rhodes, Greece.

What Is Human Growth Hormones Therapy

These days many people are getting interested in human growth hormones therapy. In this article let us find more about this latest medical development and see if it is really effective in delaying the process of aging.

The World Most Popular Herbs - Alfalfa Health Benefits and Side Effects

A. Alfalfa is a flowering plant in the genus Medicago, belonging to the family Fabaceae, It has been cultivated all over the world as hay for cattle feeding.

Healing Retreat Draws Medical Doctors, Cancer Patients and Students From Across the Country

  I recently led a meditation, transformation and healing retreat at EarthRise IONS Retreat Center in Sonoma County, Calif. The event drew people from across the country, including medical doctors, acupuncturists, cancer patients, counselors, students of integrative medicine, and those interested in learning more about meditation and healing.

Why Do Women Struggle To Orgasm

When a man and a woman indulge in a lovemaking session they always wan to experience the pleasure of an orgasm. Unfortunately it has been found out that more than 50% women all over the world just fake orgasms to make their men happy.

Can Pheromones Help In Attracting Women

Every man wants to know the secret of effectively attracting the opposite sex. There is no man on this earth who does not wish to be irresistible to women.

Effects Of Using A Vagina Tightening Cream

These days there are many articles circulating around which generally tell us about the efficacy of vaginal tightening creams and their other benefits, but in this particular article let us study the final results of using a vagina tightening cream.

Aloe Vera - Health Benefits and Side Effects

A. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera is species of succulent plant in the genus Aloe, belonging to the Family Xanthorrhoeaceae, native to Sudan. It has become very popular for commercial cultivation due to its health benefits.

Phytochemicals: 11 Health Benefits of Plant Sterols

Plant sterols are water insoluble, a group of naturally phytochemocal resembling cholesterol, an essential fat produced by liver and or intestines used by your body to produce hormones and cell membranes, and aid in manufactoring bile acids, steroid hormones, and Vitamin D.

AMA Study Promotes a Dangerous New Supplement Bill

 A new study just published in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine claims that taking supplements, including multivitamins, poses an increased risk in mortality, particularly for women.

Ancient Secrets of Ayurveda Address Metabolic Health and Diabetes 2

  Ayurveda refers to the traditional health and healing system of India. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda consists of the words āyus, meaning “longevity,” and veda, meaning “science” – together meaning the “science of life.

Brain Waves and Entering Hypnotic Trance

  The human brain cycles through four different frequencies,  depending on what state of consciousness we are in: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.

Is There a Link Between Cancer and Oral Contraceptives?

The most commonly prescribed oral medications contain a synthetic version of naturally-occurring female hormones, oestrogen and progestogen.

The World Most Popular Herbs - Andrographis - Health Benefits and Side Effects

Andrographis paniculata is also known as Andrographis is a herbaceous plant, genus Andrographis, belonging to the family Acanthaceae, native to India and Sri Lanka.

Phytochemicals: 18 Health Benefits of Lignans

Lignans are phytoestrogen, a group of chemical compounds found in plants, including soybeans, cruciferous vegetables, Flax and sesame seed, rye, wheat, oat, barley and apricots and strawberries.

Breakthrough Cancer Research Presented to Naturopathic Doctors

  I recently presented the critical role of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) and Polybotanicals in integrative cancer breakthroughs. My lecture was offered at The Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND) Conference, November 18th-20th, in Ontario, Canada.

Phytochemicals: 16 Health Benefits of Polyphenols

Polyphenols is a water-soluble compounds and type of phytochemical with structural presentation of (high density of phenolic substructure) large multiples of phenol structural units.

Was Giuliana Rancic’s Breast Cancer Caused by IVF?

Reality TV show and E! News host Giuliana Rancic’s breast cancer has caught the attention of many people, since she is an apparently healthy 37-year-old.


In my many years working in the field of chemical dependency it is well known that there is a high relapse rate within the alcohol/drug abuse subculture.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Limonoids

1. limonoids azadirachtin and nimbolide inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in an animal model of oral oncogenesis." by Harish Kumar G, Vidya Priyadarsini R, Vinothini G, Vidjaya Letchoumy P, Nagini S.

Phytochemicals: 15 Health Benefits of Isoflavones

Isoflavone is the type of phytochemical compound with capability of exerting estrogen-like effects found exclusively in the family of bean and legumes.

The World Most Popular Herb - Anise - Health Benefits and Side Effects

Anise is a flowering plant ofthe species of Pimpinella anisum, genus Pimpinella, belonging to the family Apiaceae native to to Egypt and the Mediterranean region.

Chinese Herbs In Western View - Ba Jin Tian (Radix Morindae Officinalis) Health Benefits and Side Effects

Traditional Chniese medicine Ba jin Tian is also known as morinda root. Morinda is flower plant of genus Morinda in the family Rubiaceae, native in Eastern China.

Coping with Guilt

GUILT Guilt is a ubiquitous and inescapable aspect of being human.  There is evidence that infants and toddlers experience guilt and the expectation of punishment or ill befalling them on a regular basis.

What Are Man Made Pheromones

Pheromones in humans are chemicals which are released through sweat from the body as a hint of sexual attraction. Although these pheromones are made in the human body but in today's age and time man has been able to make these pheromones artificially as well.

Diabetes Control Herbs

Diabetes mellitus is one of the 20 types of pramehas mentioned in Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is known as madhumeha in ayurveda. It is generally a condition in which sugar levels in the body rise to worrying levels.

Ways To Naturally Enhance The Female Libido

As women grow up in age they tend to start losing interest in sexual activities. There are a number of factors that can be attributed to the loss of libido in women.

Causes Of Diabetes- Simply Explained

Diabetes mellitus is often referred to as a silent killer if proper treatment is not meted out. It is undoubtedly a disease of epidemic proportions that affects people of all age groups including young children.

Sensual Sexual Arousal Spots on a Woman You May Not Know About

Generally people are aware about only regular erogenous zones that is points on the body which trigger sexual feelings but there are many other unexplored points in a woman’s body which when touched stimulate sexual feelings in her instantly.

Healing Cancer, Part of the process.

   In my free eBook: "The 5 Step Cancer Healing Process" I point out that all healing, regardless of the actions that the person takes, takes place when the existing pattern becomes invalid and stops operating.

The Amazing Power of Momentum

The Amazing Power of Momentum Momentum is the forward movement towards accomplishing a desired goal.  By creating momentum, we can achieve our goals more easily.

Lavender for Beautiful Skin

The essential oil Lavender or Lavandula deriving from the Latin word ‘lavare’, which means to ‘Wash’, has been used for thousands of years as dried or fresh flowers in displays or for decoration, from the small family home dinner table to commercial offices and settings in main high street businesses.

Ragwort, can this Tuff old Weed be any use to Man?

This common Ragwort plant also known by names such as; Stagger-Wort, Stammer-Wort, Serum, St. James Wort and Ragweed, is generally considered to be biennial, it has many large long dark green ragged leaves that grow from a type of square looking blackish purple very strong stalks, that can grow up to three or four foot in height, its large bright yellow flowers have a prominent downy seed.

Meditation and Healing Workshop Offered at Oncology Conference

  I recently had the opportunity to offer an in-depth workshop on meditation and healing during the 8th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology.

Is Yasmin Good as a Method of Contraception?

Women, for a long time, have resorted to using contraceptive methods in order to prevent them from getting pregnant. Until recently the most used form of contraception was condoms, but things changed with the introduction of hormonal contraceptive methods.

Is Propecia An Effective Treatment For Hair Loss?

Men around the world develop different types of medical conditions, some of which are quite harmful. However, some medical conditions are such that they can cause more of psychological damage than physical damage.

Breakthrough Research on Modified Citrus Pectin Presented at Society for Integrative Oncology

  I recently shared a new breakthrough on Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) and the role of Galectin-3 in health and disease in a poster presentation during the 8th International Conference of the Society for Integrative Oncology.

Herbal Hair Loss Remedies For Men And Women

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by men and women all over the world.  Almost every individual suffers from hair fall at some point in his life and in today’s living environment even young people in their early twenties are turning bald.

Antioxidants - Cancers and Diseases

Definition Human aging is a biological process, no one can stop, but delay it. It is possible that one person has a physiological younger than his or her biological age if one engages in healthy living life style and eating healthily by increasing the intake of good healthy food such as whole grain, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, etc.

Candida Albicans

I. Candida Albicans What is Candida Albicans Candida albicans is a member of a large group of organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within the membranes, including yeast and mold that live among the gut flora in the human mouth and gastrointestinal tract.

How To Keep Your Breasts Healthy And Disease Free

Breasts are a very important part of a woman's body and when we talk of breast health one thing that comes to our mind is breast cancer.

Infertility Causes In Men

If you have been finding it difficult to conceive then there is almost certainly a fertility problem in either you or your partner. Unsuccessful conceiving attempts for almost a year indicate that one of the partners is infertile.

Combining Life Coaching with NLP and CBT

Life Coaching, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and, Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) can work together in any client situation.  They act as tools to help improve and change a person's life.

Massage Therapy and Improving Mental Health

When you hear the term “addiction”, you might think of drugs, extreme sports participation, Fanatics of sports teams, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, egocentric disorders (narcissism, etc), or stalking behaviors.

Best Methods to Avoiding Common Flu and Cold Include Improved Oxygen Content In Body Cells

When it comes to staying healthy, everybody knows precisely how vital it is to have adequate vitamin C to reinforce the body. People are informed again and again how beneficial vitamin C is to keeping yourself healthy as well as strong.

How To Improve Immunity Levels With Helps Of Natural Herbs

A person who has a weak immune system is highly susceptible to get sick frequently with flu, cold and other minor infections. We agree that antibiotics have proved to be magical drugs but their excess usage causes more harm than good.

Are Contraceptive Pills Safe and Reliable?

Women around the world who are sexually active usually prefer using contraception in order to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Condoms, by far, have been the most commonly used contraceptive method amongst couples.

Lazy You... Procrastinating During the Holidays? It might not be laziness!

You have a ton of things to do to get ready for the holidays. Yet you put things off. You find yourself reading, watching TV and playing games on the computer.

The World Most Popular Herbs - Arnica - Health Benefits and Side Effects

A. Arnica is a herbaceous species, genus perennial, belonging to the family Asteraceae, antive to Europe and Asia. It has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to treat strains, sprains, and bruises.

The World Most Popular Herb - Artichoke - Health Benefits and Side Effects

A. Artichoke is a perennial thistle of Cynara cardunculus species of the Cynara genus, belonging to the family Carduoideae native to the Southern Europe around the Mediterranean.

The World Most Popular Herbs - Ashwagandha Health Benefits and Side Effects

Withania Health Benefits 1. Alzheimer's disease Withanamidesm, the ingredient in Ashwagandha have demonstrated the property of binding to the active motif of beta-amyloid (25-35) of which can cause the irreversible neurodegenerative disorder of Alzheimer's disease with symptoms of confusion, memory loss, and mood swings, according to the study of "Withania somniferaAlzheimer's disease" by Jayaprakasam B, Padmanabhan K, Nair MG.

The World Most Popular Herbs - Astragalus Health Benefits and Side Effects

Health Benefits polysaccharides attenuate postburn sepsis via inhibiting negative immunoregulation of CD4+ CD25(high) T cells" by Liu QY, Yao YM, Yu Y, Dong N, Sheng ZY.

Emotional Wounds: The Stack of Hurts and Resentments in her Mind

Men and women are different in how they process and store emotions.  There are always exceptions to this rule, but I’m about to describe how the majority of men and women deal with hurt and resentment.

Research on Galectin-3 as a Breakthrough Biomarker Presented at the World’s Largest Anti-Aging Medical Conference

  I recently gave a keynote presentation on Galectin-3 as a breakthrough biomarker for numerous life-threatening diseases, and shared new research on the critical role of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) as the foremost Galectin-3 blocker.

Average Brit devours 2,453 takeaways during their lifetime

The average Brit will devour 2,453 takeaways during their lifetime, a study revealed yesterday (???). Researchers found hungry adults will gorge their way through 188 kebabs, 322 Chinese dishes and 368 pizzas – with the majority eaten on the way home from a night out.

Breast Enhancement With Herbs And Foods

In the past 15 years a series of research and studies have indicated that average women breasts size has increased considerably, in some areas it has increased by an astounding 2 full cup sizes.

Explaining: Why is Dianetics an important Science

     Dianetics is a very professional Science of Life, based on the intense research about the human mind for many years, by L.

Whats the best way to sleep if you have Neck or Back Pain

 As a Chiropractor in Madrid "How are you sleeping?" is one of the first questions I ask people who come to see me. You spend a third of your life in bed and if you are are in a bad position or one that puts stress on your body, it can worsen or cause painful back problems, headaches, stiff or painful neck and other associated problems.

Living with Canine Cushings

Living with Canine Cushing’s Disease: An Integrated Approach By Amy Snow and Nancy Zidonis   “My boy Titan seems to be getting old right before my eyes.

Advancements in Medicine: Galectin-3 as the Root Cause of Chronic Diseases and How to Control It

  The information I am about to share with you represents one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in decades and one that can save your life.

Causes And Natural Remedies For Low Sexual Desire In Women

Low libido in women is one of the most common sexual dysfunction. In this article let us find out some of the common reasons for lack of sexual desire and how to introduce some changes in your daily lifestyle which can make you enjoy sex and strengthen your relationship.

Herbal Remedies For Hair Fall

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by both men and women all over the world. This is one condition which almost everyone faces at some point in his life.

The A-Z of Olympic Sports Massage - Boxing

For the first time since boxing was introduced in 1904 women are competing in the Olympic Games in 2012. Both men’s and women’s events will have different weight categories.

Home Remedies For Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is a very common problem which almost everyone faces at some point of time in his or her life. In this article let us discuss about the causes of hair loss and some of the home-made remedies which can effectively help in overcoming hair fall related problems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter Health Tips for the New Year

  Happy New Year! The holiday excitement is over and now we can move into the stillness of the winter season. It’s a perfect time to become more introspective, set new goals, and nourish your entire being according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Acupuncture for Skin Conditions

There's no doubt that there are a host of dangerous and debilitating diseases out there, but luckily, most of us will only likely be inconvenienced with conditions that are little more than annoying.

Solomon’s Seal Good for Bruises and Cleanses Skin

The proper name for this pale green plant with small hollow white flowers hanging from the under part of the stalk is Polygonaton of Polygonatum, this plant not to be confused with the similar named plant Polygonum which is used to treat urinary tract infections.

4 Types of Dental Implants and How They Differ

Dental implants today can replace missing teeth with natural looking crowns seated directly along the gum line. Implants are permanent and can help you to lead a normal life even after losing multiple teeth.

Long-term Injuries: How To Cope And Get Moving Again

One of the hardest parts of the rehabilitation process is realizing and accepting the time and effort it will take to return to normal, or as close to the previous level of normal as possible.

Five Suggestions for Those Who are Recovering from Serious Procedures

Regardless of how healthy you eat, how devoted you are to your exercise program or your overall determination to lead a healthy lifestyle, you may still find yourself in need of a serious medical procedure due to accident or illness.

TMJ Solutions: What Can I Do to Ease the Pain?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) refers to a hinge that joins the temporal bones of the skull (in front of the ears) to the jaw. It allows you to freely move your jaw in order to talk, yawn, and chew.

Benefits Of Head Massage With Natural Oils To Prevent Hair Loss

More than a thousand years ago a special head massage technique originated in the East which is popularly known as Indian Head Massage. It was generally targeted as a grooming technique for women who wanted longer, stronger and attractive hair.

Blessings in Disguise; How I Healed From Cancer Without Chemo

Blessings in Disguise: How I overcame cancer without chemo  January marked the five year anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Paula Deen's Deception for Profit

Move over Sally Field, there is a new drug pimp on the scene.  Not since the roller-coaster ride of Oprah Winfrey and her “unsolvable” weight problems has the public witnessed such disability for profit.

Herbal Remedy For Breast Enlargement

There are millions of women all over the world who suffer from the problem of having small breasts and in order to enhance the size of their breasts they resort to every possible method which can help in increasing the bust size.

Regrow Scalp Massage Oil Review And Success Rate

Regrow Scalp massage oil is an ayurvedic supplements geared towards promoting natural growth of hair. The formula of this product is based on ayurvedic system of medicines which is almost 5000 years old.

Natural Remedial Measures For Hair Loss

Hair loss can be a very worrying thing for any person. It normally starts when you realize standing in front of the mirror that you have slightly less than usual hair on your head.

Scalp Massage Benefits

According to the ayurvedic system of medicine if you want to keep your hair healthy and strong then you will have to look after them and provide them with regular nourishment so that the problem of hair loss never arises.

Massage home study to build your practice

Massage practitioners around the planet are very passionate about developing their practices. These massage therapists do their best to educate consumers regarding the benefits of massage.

Do You Really Need a Flu Shot? New Research Suggests Otherwise

  The government and pharmaceutical companies would have us believe that many segments of the population must get vaccinated against the flu every year to protect their health.

Is There A Herbal Cure For Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases which is fast spreading all over the world specially in countries like USA and India. Once people get diabetes most of them just give up hope and surrender but the fact is with some simple lifestyle changes one can easily live an almost normal life.

5 Activities That Will Make You Love Exercise

Most often, you see exercise and working out as a burden and treat it as just another to-do item to tick off in your checklist. However, exercise can be as fun as the activities you have always enjoyed and loved to do.

Pennyroyal Herbs - Mentha Pulegium, Hedeoma Pulegioides and Monardella Odoratissima

Mentha pulegium commonly known as Pennyroyal also called the mosquito plant, squaw mint and pudding grass, it has a very strong fragrance similar to spearmint, the herb originating in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

Information And Remedial Measures For Indigestion And Acid Flux

The feeling of uneasiness or not feeling well is mainly associated with the kind of food you eat which can cause indigestion problems. There are various forms of indigestion issues but the most common one which troubles a large majority of people is acid reflux or GERD.

Third Peer-Reviewed Study Shows Powerful Benefits of My Integrative Prostate Formula

Prostate cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related death for men in developed countries. One in six men will fight prostate cancer in their lifetime, and in many cases this disease is aggressive and difficult to treat using conventional therapies alone.

Vaginal Itching- Causes, Symptoms And Home Remedies

Being a woman is not easy as there a lot of uncomfortable and embarrassing health conditions they have to go through sometimes like vaginal itching, dryness, burning and a loose vagina.

Hair Loss Causes And Remedial Measures To Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss is one such condition which no one this world wants to face but the truth is almost everyone at some point in life suffers from loss of hair.

Canine Hip Dysplasia & Osteoarthritis

An owners first hand experience This is my personal experience of dealing with canine hip dysplasia. The symptoms, the physical strains and the emotional rollercoaster.

Anal Itching Remedies And Causes

If you are suffering from the problem of itching in the anal area there is no need to feel embarrassed because you are not alone. There are millions of people in the world who suffer from this embarrassing condition which is medically known as 'pruritus ani' and strangely enough it is a very common ailment but not many people feel comfortable talking about it publicly.

How To Overcome Anal Itching

We all know how embarrassing that itchy bum moment could be. Generally people will cope with this itching condition but if it is going to last for a lifetime it becomes a hugely embarrassing condition as you have no choice but to keep scratching away at your bottom which is not at all a pleasant sight not only for you but for all the people who accompany you.

3 Signs You Might Need Dentures

Dentures are removable devices that act as prosthetic teeth. If you're missing any teeth, then you're likely a candidate for dentures.

Acupuncture – The answer you have been looking for

Many of us may of heard the term acupuncture used but do we really know what it is? Acupuncture is often several ongoing procedures that involve the use of needles which penetrate the skin resulting in certain parts of the body being stimulated.

What causes acne?

Are you one of the many that suffer from acne? There are various different reasons for why we can “breakout” or simply why we may have constant pimples or raised bumps that can be embarrassing and hard to hide.

Why is animal health important?

Animal health is vital to the overall animals performance whether in food production, work animals or for sport and recreation. It is important to keep the animals health at an optimum level to prevent any health issues such as diseases, stress and even things such as loss of appetite.

Diseases among cattle

There are many diseases that spread among our animals today. Especially in the cattle production industry. These harmful diseases can attack the cattle in various different areas such as respiratory, reproductive, neurological and also among young stock.

Energize & Enjoy with Nettle

   Winter is my season. I love the snow and the cold; I crave the deep and nourishing dark; I delight when the sun makes rainbows in the snow.

Infertility homeopathy treatment and herble remedy

What are the indications for male infertility ? Statistics show that in at least 40% of infertile couples, there is a male factor contributing to the problem.

Are There Natural Testosterone Boosters for Testosterone Low Levels?

Do you know if your testosterone low? Have you been considering using testosterone boosters, but are not sure if the medical route or the natural route will work best for your situation? Before you make up your mind, make sure that you read up on testosterone low levels in men, and your options with prescription and natural testosterone boosters.

Dill - Anethum Graveolens Good to Ease Swellings and Pain

Dill is an annual herb related to the celery family and has been used in ayurvedic medicines since ancient times throughout history.   This herb is similar to look at and sometimes gets muddled with Fennel which is a totally different herb used for urinary diseases, whereas Dill is used in herbal medicine to ease swellings and pain.

The Secrets Our Bodies Hold

 Our bodies cry out in two ways - either through emotion or illness. When we understand our body's pain we articulate it. When we can't understand it, we are overwhelmed by emotional and/or physical sensations.

What Causes Anal Itching And How To Overcome It

Anal itching is one of the most embarrassing health conditions a person can face. People generally relate this problem to hemorrhoids but the truth is that there are multiple reasons which can cause itching in the anal area.

Sports Massage and Athletics

Sports Massage and Athletics There is always something exciting going on during an athletic competition, it is a bit like being at a three ring circus and having to keep your eye on many performances at once.

Caution Using Mandrakes for Medicinal Purposes

All species of Mandragora contain biologically active alkaloids which are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that contain mostly basic nitrogen atoms.

What is the Plant Woad Used For?

The common name is Glisten or Woad for Insatis Tinctoria which is a yellow colored flowering plant from the family Brassicaceae often called dyer’s woad.

Speedwell, One of the Prettiest Wild Plants in Britain

The official name for Speedwell is Veronica Officinalis, which is a very common plant in Great Britain.  Speedwell grows in dry pastures and on heaths, wide, open uncultivated land with heather and course grasses naturally growing, its stalks are about 6-8 inches high of the ground, the pale green leaves are short and oval, with a little hairy appearance and dented around the edges; the flowers are small in blue color and look a little like and old gramophone speakers, the root system is quite small but fibrous.

Basic Types of Health Supplements

  Making sure that you get your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals is tricky if you’re busy, and who isn’t? Missing out on a meal, or neglecting a food group are common in a fast-paced society.

Meditation Fights Cancer and Promotes Longevity

  Calmly meditating produces exciting, beneficial effects on your body. It can protect your DNA against cancer-promoting genetic developments and free you from everyday stresses and distractions.

Gold of Pleasure Excellent for Treating Sore Throats

This very pretty plant grows in England and is easily recognized by its numerous seed vessels. Gold of Pleasure is a flowing plant from the Brassicaceae family also known as Camellia or Camelina Sativa and cultivated as an oilseed crop in both Europe and North America.

Massage Home Study for Conception

by Erik Dalton Ph.D. as published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine Regrettably, mechanical pressure on the central nervous system by distorted cranial bones and spinal structures can meddle with the normal transmission of this vital intelligence.

Lilium Convallium is a herb known as Lily of the Valley

This herb has also been called Male Lily and Lily Confancy.  The root is small and creeps firmly in the ground similar to grass roots, often grown in gardens for its attractive scent from the flowers, which are an attractive bowl-shaped flower very nice for use in displays and even used at weddings.

What to Look for in Health Supplements

  With millions of people worldwide learning about the benefits of health supplements, the market has grown tremendously. Unfortunately, that has meant that providers of substandard products have put supplements on the market that may not deliver on their promises.

Why Health Supplements are Making a Comeback

Even in the 21st century, some 80% of the population of the planet uses plant-based medicine. Indigenous people around the world rely on plants and herbs rather than drugs and surgery for coping with basic health problems.

Separating Supplementation Fact from Fiction

Many of today’s common health problems can be traced to lifestyle and environmental causes. Health supplements can effectively address some of these problems.

The Mystery of Guided Imagery and How Working With A Hypnotist Can Help You?

When people talk about guided imagery, hypnotic trance, and meditation … essentially, they are speaking of the same thing. Any time you are very focused on something and you narrow your attention to what you may be focused on, as you might do if you are really engrossed in a good movie, or totally involved in a sporting event, or just daydreaming, you are in a state of trance.

Helping Sufferers of Anxiety

Helping sufferers of Anxiety:   General Anxiety Disorder GAD is a long term condition, where one has become anxious about lots of aspects of their life.

Codependent Problems in Relationships

Everyone laughs when I tell them that I wrote Codependency for Dummies. But codependency is no laughing matter. It causes serious pain and affects the majority of Americans, both in and out of relationships.

The Truth about Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships

Over three million incidents of domestic violence are reported each year, and that includes men as well as women. One-fourth of U.S. women and one-third of women worldwide will experience violence in her lifetime.

Homeopathic Treatment For Anxiety

If someone told you that he was really feeling nervous and anxious about my big job interview tomorrow and was thinking of drinking as much caffeinated drinks as possible you would probably think he is out of his mind.

Don't Let Your Injury Slow You Down: 5 Devices to Help Keep You Going

Assisted devices help a person with leg/knee injuries to be able to move about with a bit of comfort. In case you are looking to go through surgery or are recovering from injuries, the following are some devices that will help enable you to move around easier:   Grab Bars This is a bar which you can attach to your shower or bathtub for assistance when you want to support yourself with something when you are entering or getting out of your bathtub.

Lavender an Evergreen and Fragrant Shrub Native to Southern Europe

This beautiful colored high scented shrub has been used for many centuries for its delicate perfume and its amazing medicinal properties.   Lavender is an essential oil, the flowers are steam-distilled in fields where they are grown and the oil varies in color from dark yellow to a dark yellow-green color.

Home Remedies For Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes is a fast spreading epidemic which affects around 15% of the total world population. There are more than a billion people suffering from diabetes and this number is steadily increasing every passing moment and these are only the recorded stats, many people in developing or underdeveloped countries live their entire life suffering from this disease without even knowing that they affected with diabetes.

Side-Effects of Smoking: What You Don't Know

For years, the dangers of smoking have been widely publicized. Unfortunately, some people still overlook the fact that smoking can cause numerous health problems.

Botanical Formula Fights Prostate Cancer Without Toxic Side Effects

A non-toxic botanical formula controls aggressive human prostate tumors in mice, according to a peer-reviewed study in the The International Journal of Oncology.

Leimo Lives Up to Its Claims - Hair Loss Treatment

I couldn't remember exactly when I started losing my hair, I just found out my hair was thinning and I was partially bald one day. I'm not as good-looking as Vin Diesel or Bruce Willis who can flawlessly sport a bald look, so I decided to try the Leimo Free Trial here in UK.

Bodyworker Techniques for Minutes, Myofascia, and Maintenance

Let’s Talk Minutes With most sessions lasting from 45 minutes to 90 minutes, massage and bodywork practitioners are allotted sufficient hands-on time to develop a keen awareness of the clients ability to function in physical, emotional and spiritual planes.

Sports Massage, Aquatics and the Olympics

Sports Massage, Aquatics and the Olympics by Susan Findlay Olympic Fact:  A total of 1,350 athletes will compete to win 46 gold medals across the four Aquatic disciplines at the 2012 Games.

The Long Term Usage Of Cialis Once Daily

The possibility of getting affected with erectile dysfunction increases as you grow older. Erectile dysfunction, also recognized as impotence, is a problem for millions of men across the globe.

The Tissue Issue

  Traditionally psychotherapy has been known as the talking cure.  But often we pick up on cues that are seen, not heard.  And, sometimes what we observe with one client one can then help us with what we observe with others.

What does it take to work in the world of healthcare?

As opposed to many industries, the field of healthcare continues to grow and add jobs. By adding over 4 million jobs in the last 10 years, the field has proved to be recession resistant.

Reflexology and Stress

Stress, unfortunately cannot be avoided. Everyday we live with it, in one shape or form. Stress only becomes a problem when we cannot handle it, and then it begins to sap our overall ability to cope with everyday situations.

6 Great Ways to Help Curb Your Appetite and Lose Weight

Most people want to lose weight to look more attractive and feel better, especially after the holidays are over. Instead of focusing on one weight loss method, learn to change your daily habits too.

Heart Problems: How to Keep Yourself from Having a Second Heart Attack

Heart Problems: How to Keep Yourself from Having a Second Heart Attack   Encountering a first heart attack is generally traumatic, and it is a loud wake up call for those who survive the experience.

The Bitter Truth Of Male Pattern Baldness

Hair loss is a sensitive issue for men of any age, and can also have an influence on a man’s self-esteem. Androgenic alopecia is the medical terminology for male pattern baldness, which is a condition in which a man starts losing his hairs in a particular pattern.

The Magic of Dreams

  ‘…I was by the cosmetics, standing before the mirror and try to pull off a tiny piece of dead skin from my face. Instead of coming off, it pulled more skin with it.

Longest Lasting Herb for Perfume and Fast Acting for Burns

Often associated with old ladies and little bags of pink or lilac nets, tied with velvet and/or satin ribbons left or hung among linens; the ever popular herb Lavender has been utilized because of it distinct fragrance to enhance beauty not only for use as perfume but also in the wardrobe to make clothes smell fresh.

Cilest – A Contraceptive With Extra Benefits

Contraceptive pills are a convenient way to prevent pregnancy if you feel that you might not be ready for it yet. Although condoms mostly provide effective contraceptive cover, they are more likely to fail as a result of human error than contraceptive pills, making them less effective and convenient.

Blocking a Biological Bully

Galectin-3 may sound like the name of a planet out of “Star Trek,” but in truth, this biological protein can be much more ominous.

Stop Doubting your Manhood – Try Priligy

Are you concerned about your performance in bed? Lately, have you been hearing complaints from your partner regarding your early sexual climax? If yes, you might be suffering from premature ejaculation (PE).

Fascinating New Research on Meditation and Brain Health

  The Power of “Cortical Folding” aka “Gyrification” In terms of brain health, what exactly is “cortical folding” or “gyrification” and how does it increase your mental capacity? These questions may seem to address complex issues best left to neuroscience, except for one simple practice that directly relates to them: meditation.

Myoskeletal Practices for SI Joint and Lower Back

Piriformis syndrome should not be treated as an isolated incident, even if tests such as the Pace, Freiberg, and Beatty are positive. A stable pelvis, derived through proper upper and lower quadrant balance, is vital for long-term correction of sciatic nerve conditions.

Scientists Uncover Major Cause of Arthritis and How to Put Out the Fire

The pain and suffering of arthritis is well known by a large portion of the population since about 50 million people in the U.S. currently suffer from some form of this debilitating condition, without effective or long-term relief.

Manual Therapy and Gait Analysis

Both disciplines generally agree that cross-patterned gait (opposite arm and leg moving at the same time) is a normal function of walking and running.


  Many people claim that they trust others until they have reason not to, but when you first meet someone, you don’t know anything about their integrity or past conduct, except what they tell you.


  Satisfying relationships are built on a foundation of safety and trust that you won’t be hurt physically or emotionally. Whether you trust too little or too much is influenced by your past, but once trust is broken, your sense of safety is in jeopardy.


    It’s easy to fall in love with narcissists. Their charm, talent, success, beauty, and charisma cast a spell, along with compliments, scintillating conversation, and even apparent interest in you.


Popular culture is focused on attracting love, yet you’ll only be able to receive as much love as you give to yourself. You’ll deflect or guard love that doesn’t resonate with you – like a compliment you don’t believe.


  It must be cellular that a woman automatically feels humiliated when her man cheats. Maria has done nothing to be ashamed of. Too often, women feel embarrassed for their husbands’ behavior, whether it’s domestic violence, emotional abuse, drug or alcohol addiction, gambling, or sex addiction, and although it’s fortunate that Arnold took responsibility for his actions,  too often, those husbands shift the blame onto their wives.

Massage Therapy for Bikers

It is amazing the money and time many elite and “weekend-warrior” cyclists devote to retrofitting racing bikes to conform to their bodies rather than first restoring function to the most critical piece of racing equipment: the body of the rider.


Probably, and you’re in the majority. The term “dysfunctional family,” once used only by professionals, has become popular jargon in America where dysfunctional families are the norm due to cultural values, a high divorce rate, and widespread addictions – from prescription drugs to exercising, working, and shopping.


  Communication is so important that it can make or break a relationship, is critical to success, and instantly reflects your self-esteem to listeners – for better or for worse.


Divorce it entails loss, even if you wanted it. Aside from the ending of the relationship with your spouse, you may be losing your home, time with your children, in-laws, extended family, and even friends.


  There’s a lot of confusion about intimacy, what it really is, and how to make it happen. There’re couples married decades who can be physically close, but don’t know how to be emotionally intimate.


  It’s very important that couples seek therapy early on, while there is still good will between them.  Like with any wound, the longer it festers, the more difficult is the healing process.

Couples Therapy With Trauma and Abuse Survivors

  Couples Therapy With Trauma and Abuse Survivors   We all come into relationships with past issues. Trust, ability to be intimate, anger management, mental and physical health limitations and childhood trauma are among the most common.


There are three million cases of domestic violence reported each year. Many more go unreported.  Emotional abuse precedes violence, but is rarely discussed.


Women, in particular, are looking for commitment. Hollywood, the media, and dating websites all focus on getting a marriage proposal. The art of seduction predates expert Cleopatra.

Prepare Now! 4 Keys to a Smooth and Peaceful Retirement

Retirement is often treated like difficult goal that ends up being a punishment. Retirement is actually a great chance to change and improve your life.


Dreams are the “Royal Road to the Unconscious,” said Freud. What you don’t know controls you. Your unconscious beliefs, fears, motives, and desires can thwart your goals, your health, and relationships.


  Is it possible to truly change? Does therapy help? Many people have turned their lives and fortunes around, while others spend years trying to change with or without therapy, but never seem to progress.

4 Reasons Not to Wait to Have Your Eyes Examined

There are great reasons to have your eyes examined today rather than waiting until a more convenient time. The condition of your eyes can help medical professionals to diagnose other problems besides vision difficulties (Source: Londonderry Eye Care).

MOTHER LOVE Female Abusers

The following is the first of a three-part series of articles: It was in a high school literature class that I was first introduced to the Oedipus Complex, defined as “a boy’s unresolved desire for sexual gratification through the parent of the opposite sex, especially the desire of a son for his mother”.

Road to Recovery - 4 Things to Keep in Mind When Healing from Injuries

After an injury, the road to recovery can seem like a long, arduous and tedious one. With physical therapist appointments and aches and pains that inhibit everyday movement, the period of recovery after an injury can truly start to feel overwhelming and it can be easy to feel like there is no end in sight.

5 Reasons to Get a Masters in Gerontology

The baby boomers comprise one of the largest segments of the U.S. population today, and they are aging. That means that a significant level of health care services will be needed to help them age gracefully and enjoy a good quality of life.

High Heel Postural Problems

Last week while flipping TV channels, I happened to catch some interesting gossip from a cheesy entertainment show reporting that Stefani Germanotta, aka Lady Gaga, was being treated for low-back pain at a local physical therapy clinic.

Elder Abuse, Alzheimer’s and Our Aging Population

While taken seriously enough to be a legally reportable offense categorized alongside child abuse as either a misdemeanor or a felony - elder abuse does not seem to be taken as seriously by the public.

Feeling Fatigued? 4 Possible Causes and Solutions

Fatigue remains one of the most common problems reported to doctors with around 31 percent of adults over the age of 51 claiming that they are chronically fatigued.

What Can You Do To Improve Your Athletic Performance?

For as long as athletics have existed, people have been looking for ways to improve their performance. However, today's athletes have an amazing amount of options available to them in order to improve their strength and endurance.

Back Pain: How to Deal with a Slipped Disc

Spinal disc herniation, commonly referred to as a slipped disc, is a serious and often painful condition that may arise after a trauma or develop slowly over time.

Still Awake: What Is Causing Your Insomnia?

You look at your clock for the tenth time in what feels like five minutes—it's 2:30 in the morning. If you fall asleep right this very second, which isn't likely because you're too upset, you will get four hours of sleep tonight and face another exhausting day tomorrow.

How Dental Implants can Improve Your Oral Health

From chewing to speaking, teeth have a number of different purposes and are important in performing daily functions. For many decades, dentures have been used to replace missing teeth and restore the natural function of the mouth.

3 Types of Dental Bridges and When They Should be Considered

Having a beautiful and functional smile is the goal of all people who strive to live healthily. Cosmetic procedures have been created to help people achieve that goal.

What Is The Future Of America's Health? 7 Facts You Need To Know

America's healthcare challenges and successes will change drastically over the next few decades. While alarming health issues like diabetes and obesity rates may rise, better technology and tests can help prevent many health problems.

Conscience Sedation: Why You Should Consider This Dental Method

Most dental procedures are done under a local anesthetic to numb pain, but knowing this fact does not help to calm the nerves of many people who have a fear of the dentist or dental anxiety.


  A while back, I jotted down some thoughts about a person I called “The Other Parent”.  Since then, I’ve been collecting information and have concluded that there is a dearth of material on this subject.

Treating Abuse and Trauma

  Eliana Gil - Treatment of Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse If you think it happened, it probably did. Many times clients are ambivalent about the therapeutic process.

The 5 Most Popular And Commonly Used Herbs

Herbs have been our life saviors since time immortal and even in today's modern world more than 50% of the people are still dependent on alternative form of medicine.

Boost Fertility With Preconception Nutritional Supplements

  Even though you may lead an active life and seem healthy enough, modern foods simply don't have all of the micro nutrients required for optimal health.

Life Coaching for Adults with Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties

Dyslexia is a disability thought to affect around 10% of the population. It is a genetic condition and one of the most common specific learning difficulties affecting children and adults.

Helping Adults Abused As Children (Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse)

 When I began working in this field many years ago, I was told that if I hadn’t already picked a specialization, it would pick me.

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very vastly spread health ailment troubling people all over the world. In America alone it is estimated that 45 million people suffer from IBS.

What Causes Kidney Stones And What Can Be Done To Treat Them

It is a very true and straightforward fact that our diet plays a major role in determining how we feel both mentally and physically. Eating a healthy and nutritious diet helps in preventing a lot of diseases while on the other hand a poor choice of diet can lead to a number of ailments and some of them can even be life threatening.

Troubled By Head Lice? Coconut Oil May Help You

Are you still using permethrin lotion to solve your child’s head lice infestation? Head lice infestation is a common dilemma that plagues many children.

Electrical Grounding Can Prevent Most Epilpesy Seizures, Sleep Seizures, and Improves Sleep

A great number of epilepsy convulsions as well as convulsions in sleep can be easily avoided by using a straightforward, just about free treatment which is based upon electrical connection of the human body with Earth.


Symptoms of Stress is as a result of continued anxiety and worry.  Holistically we look to the root cause, however when a 'panic attack' arrives, it gives no warning.

Hints And Advice For Folks Who Want Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

If you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your appearance, cosmetic surgery can give you the satisfaction you are looking for. Cosmetic surgery procedures give us plenty of ways to enhance ourselves and enhance our image, and the price tag for them is becoming a lot cheaper.

Coping with the heart problems that affect our children

To a parent, nothing is more sacred than the health of their child, which is why when an infant is born with a heart defect it can be an extremely worrying time.

About The Evolution Into An Unnatural Existence

     During the last 200 years the human race has researched, developed and invented most of the technologies we have today avaliable for our own convenience and the bettering of our life.

Answers To: What is Scientology

     Scientology is different, mainly because one doesn’t have to believe in it to have it work. No tricks of logic are needed to prove any point, and Scientologists only ask people to look for themselves.

Helpful Rules based on Research, what Successfull People are really doing to Loose Weight.

     It isn't really easy to find the right answer for the best diet, providing just some simple steps to lose weight fast, because the human body is not like a machine, ready for another oilchange.

History and Future of Our Food

     To really understand what the ideal diet plan might be, we have to go back in history to the beginning of Stone Age, where we can start sorting out the facts involved correctly.

A Facial Exercise Analysis: Comparing Cosmetic Surgery And Facelift Exercises

Facial exercises, or cosmetic surgery, in the quest to look younger, or for countenance improvement, are all about choice after weighing up the advantages and cons.

Facial Yoga Exercises To Get Rid Of Years From Your Looks

Strategies on how to look younger is desired by nearly everybody. Facial exercises, as a means to fulfill this quest is becoming more accepted and established in our modern day society.

Employing Facelift Exercises To Work On Specific Trouble Areas

How to look younger via facial exercises is becoming nearly as popular as cosmetic surgery. But what problem regions on the face and neck really benefit from face exercises, and how? It never ceases to amaze me when individuals ask me for a face exercise technique that will cure bags under the eyes, or resolve their turkey neck dilemma, lift hog jowls, or get rid of eye wrinkles.

A Very Natural Solution for Child ADHD and Adult ADHD

     In growing a society we can always find people, who are  more or less able, more or less involved in their own personal problems and life situations, meanwhile others are having a harder time with learning and understanding.

Keeping Your Children Away From ADD and ADHD Can Be Fun !

     Here is first a short introduction to psychiatric labeling:      Since many years countless names and labels for disorders got made available, written down by psychiatrists, describing the malfunctions of a person in its behaviors, attitutes and also specially with its learning disabilities.

A Handling for Depression, Stress, Anxiety and Fear without Drugs

       It seems to be part of our existence, that we go all day long up and down with our emotions. And so we started already to believe, that this is very normal for us and it may have also brought us to the conclusion, that this is how life is.

Exercise therapy for depression

Exercise therapy for depression Exercise can improve your health. This is a well known fact. While enhancing physical health, it has become widely accepted exercise can improve mental health too.

Signs And Treatment Of Kidney Stones In Natural Form Of Medicine

Kidney stones are one of the most commonly found ailments in people all over the world and what makes it really dangerous is the kind of pain a person feels in his body which is said to be no lesser than what a woman experiences during child-birth.

Causes Of Vertigo And Its Remedial Measures

Vertigo is a balance disorder found commonly in people. It is a condition in which person feels dizzy and weak. It is a very troublesome problem for people who face it.

Don't Believe The Myths About Facial Exercises

Facial exercises are becoming increasingly prevalent for guys and ladies in their quest to look younger, but there are many myths about facial exercise regimens.

Choosing the right retirement home for a loved one who suffers from dementia

  Alzheimer’s disease can be challenging for everyone involved. Caring for a loved one who suffers from dementia may seem overwhelming, however, finding the right retirement home need not be.

Understanding the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Almost anyone can find some reasons to accept dingy or uneven teeth, but everyone deserves to have a straight, healthy, and bright smile that will light up a room.

How to Identify The Signs of Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimer's is a disease of the brain that gradually takes a toll on an individual's ability to remember, reason, and think. There are a vast number of warning signs that indicate the presence of Alzheimer's disease, but they aren't always easily noticeable.

Homeopathic Treatment For Weak Immune System

Lifestyle changes are the number one reason which lead to problems in the immunity system. Our immune system consists of lymphatic  system, liver, thymus, bone marrow and spleen which work together and help the body remain healthy and develop resistance to diseases.

How To Stay Healthy During Rainy Season

Monsoons as we all know provide great relief from the scorching heat and soaring temperatures. The monsoon rains act as great refreshment for every living being in our environment, but with this great relief it also brings a bagful of dangerous diseases.

What makes Dianetics so different to other Practices

     Prior to 1950, planetwide the scientific thought was the conclusion, that our mind would be the brain, i.

Foods To Eat For Staying Healthy

There is a widespread perception that excluding unhealthy foods from your diet is the way to healthy diet but mostly people forget that healthy diet is not all about cutting what you should not eat but also its about including some foods which are beneficial for your health.

Key secrets to healthy Living

In today’s busy life we’re exposed to many toxins, in forms of junk food, pollution, smoking etc, no wonder we need to contribute atleast few hours a day to look after our health.

Four Techniques for Managing Chronic Back Pain

Lower back pain is suffered by millions of people worldwide. There is no concrete consensus on the cause of all lower back pain, because it seems have a number of different causes.

How Aging Plays a Negative Impact on Sexual Life?

Growing older is a fact of life, and it can also have a negative impact on a man's sexual life. It may be harder to sustain an erection, or take longer to become aroused.

What is Crystal Healing and My Particular Approach

There is a universal energy freely available to all and called chi in traditional Chinese medicine. Our bodies are 85% water, with a lot of electricity passing through it as nerves send messages along the body to and from the brain, with the brain producing a significant amount of the current itself.

Anger Management Is Helping Men And Women To Lead A Normal Life

  Anger is a scary word and to be honest Anger can be very scary for the person who is feeling angry as well as the person who is receiving the anger and that is why it is important if you have anger problems that you must face up to your problem of anger and seek professional anger management therapy to help you control and understand your anger before your anger spoils your life, family life and even your career.

Returning to Simple Eating Habits

   For about a year now after hearing many complaints from friends of a swollen mid-rift after eating a meal, myself included so I decided to research various eating habits written from times long ago.

EFT, Yoga, and Tai Chi: 3 Amazing Relaxation Tools You Should Try

The American Occupational Therapy Association says that it is absolutely important for people to have an optimal balance between work and leisure to achieve optimal physical and emotional health.

On Facial Exercises: Frequent Misconceptions About Facial Exercises

Not a lot of people know this, but yoga facial exercises are an ideal anti-aging treatment approach and can even bring back your face to its earlier glory with not much effort.

7 Modern Ways to Help You Improve Your Healthcare

The success of a treatment's patient depends upon numerous factors, but the most overlooked one is often the easiest one to address. Primary health providers stand as leaders that can help patients to create strategies for recovery and answer any questions that might cause a patient to have doubts about their treatment.

Natural Stress Busters

Kenroy.taylor@gmail.com, twitter: naturalkenny Summer is the time for relaxation, recreation, vacation etc. all in an effort to relieve stress.

How To Keep Breasts Healthy

Number of studies have revealed that if a woman eats certain types of foods she can greatly reduce her chances of developing breast cancer.

How To Repair Damaged Hair At Home

Hair loss is no doubt one of the most common health concerns faced by both men and women all over the world.  There is serious money being spent by people to regrow hair or prevent them from falling but if everybody paid a little attention to some simple things they would probably avert the problem of turning bald.

Things Which Accelerate The Aging Process

While we all know that aging is an inevitable part of life but we can certainly control as to how quickly and gracefully we age. There are numerous factors which contribute to aging which we are well aware of but their are some things which we regularly do in our life which surprisingly contribute to the aging mechanism.

Potent Foods Which Help In Combating Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes is one of the common and dangerous diseases which is fast spreading like an epidemic all over the world. Diabetes in itself is not life threatening but it is the other health problems that accompany it  which make it very dangerous.

About the Unwillingness of a Child doing its Homework

     First of all I want you to realize, that understanding the problems through reading this article, is offering already some great solutions, helping to handle the situation.

Five Effective Tips To Control High Blood Pressure

In today's hectic living conditions high blood pressure has become a very common health ailment. It is a very dangerous health condition and is often called the ''silent killer'' as it hardly shows any symptoms before hand but the good thing is that with a little changes in lifestyle this problem can be controlled.

6 Signs of a Manipulative Relationship

  At my most recent check up, a pretty nurse prepared me for the visit. Her fine face was decorated by a dark circle encompassing her eye – almost surely caused by the viscous hand of her “loved one”.

Simple TIps To Maintain High Energy Levels All Day

These days it is a very common thing for a large majority of people to feel starved by 3 in the afternoon and fall asleep in front of the computer screen by the time the clock strikes at 4 o clock.

Benefits of Proper Hydration and Exercise

Proper Hydration If you ask anyone, one of the most important parts of exercising effectively is drinking plenty of water during and after working out.

Best Remedies For Treating Food Poisoning

If you are an ardent fan of enjoying snacks and food from roadside stalls then you are very highly prone to falling to food poisoning as these places have very low hygienic levels and are home to many diseases.

How To Eliminate Stress From Our Life And Start Living

Stress is becoming one of the most common health concerns these days mainly due to the type of lifestyle people have adopted which gives them very little time for themselves.

How To Prevent Diabetes And Lead A Healthy Life

Diabetes is one of the most fast spreading disease all over the world and the medical world has still not been able to find a permanent cure for it.

Due Date Approaching? Possible Complications you Should Be Aware of

As your due date approaches, you are sure to be excited, but you may find yourself anxious as well. While the odds of a successful labor and delivery are in your favor, it can be hard not to worry about possible less than ideal scenarios.

Chervil a flavor catalyst among other Herbs

Cultivated in the garden the Scandix Odorata, commonly referred to as Chervil or Garden Chervil, a very nice herb is similar to Parsley in growth and appearence, grows up to two of three feet high with light green, soft, feathery leaves and has tiny white flowers in large tufts, which bear blackish seeds, with a sweet taste.

How To Find A Good Mental Health Counselor

Many people have a difficult time in finding an effective mental health counselor. Just like everything in life, you have your good counselors and you have your not so great counselors.

Handling Dental Emergencies: What You Need to Know

It is not that uncommon to find yourself facing the reality of a broken tooth or injuring your mouth while eating, playing sports, exercising, or taking part in any number of activities.

Managing Your Fearful And Obsessive Thoughts

There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can be difficult to manage. For some people, the more they try to get rid of the thoughts, the stronger the thoughts become and the more difficult they become to manage.

Managing Your Fears With The Help Of God

Dealing with fear and anxiety can be very difficult. As a result, using the help of God can be very effective in managing your fears. With this in mind, here are some suggestions on how a person can use the help of God in his or her own struggles.

How To Convince An Addict To Get Help

Many people who struggle with alcohol or drugs have a difficult time getting better. There are many reasons why these people do not get the help they need to get better.

Managing The Fear Of Rejection In Today’s World

We have all gotten turned down from a job interview, sports team try out, or even a date. It can sometimes be difficult to overcome the feelings of rejection and to try again.

Barberry Used as a Herb to Cleanse the Body

Berberis Vulgaris or Berberidaceae, well known as the Barberry Plant, which produces a very pleasant acidulous fruit which my be eaten with safety, especially when baking tars and pies.

Six Innovations in Healthcare Technology That Are Changing the World

Technology is continually evolving, and this progress is changing the future for the better. One field where this is certainly the case is healthcare.

Dysthymia (Chronic Depression) and Codependency | What Is Codependency?

Dysthymia or chronic depression is a common symptom of codependency; however, many codependents aren’t aware that they’re depressed.

Managing The Stresses Of Peer Pressure

Dealing with peer pressure can very stressful. It can be very difficult not to give in to your friends and other people in doing something you do not want to do.

7 Tips For Supporting A Loved One Through Illness

1. Learn to communicate with your doctor and loved ones. Talk with your doctors on a regular basis so you can be informed of how to help your loved one deal with his illness.

Facets of Personality and Dissociation

  In the past, it was believed that in the case of extreme trauma some people would split into alternate personalities - or "alters".

How Our Pets Can Reduce Our Stresses And Anxieties

Animals and our pets can be a great way to reduce our every day stresses and anxieties.  It is not easy to deal with our fears and anxieties, however, spending time with animals can makes us feel better.

Don’t Take Your Anxieties And Stresses Out On Your Pets

Everybody deals with stress and anxiety, however some people sometimes take it out on their pets. Instead of taking your problems and frustrations out on your pets or other animals, here is a list of techniques that a person can use to help manage their stress, anxieties, and fears.

Develop Goals To Help Manage Your Fears

We all have to deal with fear and anxiety in our life. Our fears and anxieties can reduce our self-confidence and help prevent us from getting what we want.

The Importance Of Getting Help For Your Fears And Anxieties

Getting professional help for dealing with your persistent fears and anxieties is the single most important step in your recovery. Many people are reluctant to get the help they need for various reasons.

Do Not Fear Of Getting Older

Some people are afraid what may happen as they get older. Some worry about their health and others wonder about other things that might happen.

6 Ways To Handle The Media & Your Children

Many celebrities and entertainers have a difficult time protecting their children from the media. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with the media when it pertains to your children.

Managing The Stress Of Ending A Relationship

Sometimes it can be difficult to manage the stress and depression of ending a relationship with someone. You feel sad and anxious and you do not feel that great.


 HERBAL PHARMACY – Buying Herbs  by Susun Weed   In your herbal pharmacy you transform fresh and dried plants into herbal medicines.

The Dangerous Truth About Distilled Water

Distillation is indeed one of the most common and cheapest water filtration methods there is. But are you sure about the health effects of drinking distilled water? In the distillation process, water is boiled and is evaporated.

Eyes like stars: Perfect vision is just a click away

There certainly isn't the stigma attached to wearing glasses there once was; these days, a pair of glasses can be an essential part of an accessories wardrobe, for both men and women.

Pregnancy - When you’re meant to put on weight

Weight is a common topic among women. Most often we’re talking about how much we’ve put on. In a world filled with culinary delights and cooking shows just urging us to have a taste, it’s no wonder our waistlines keep expanding.

Feel Great with an Easy, Proven Process- Guaranteed

Are you tired of having the same New Year’s Resolutions year after year- to lose weight, exercise, and eat healthily? Would you like a proven process that is easy to do, plus on-going support that guarantees your success? Would you like your efforts to be DOUBLED? DOUBLE the benefits that include exercise AND healthy cooking DOUBLE the tools to save time AND money DOUBLE the results that are immediate AND long lasting If YES, here’s how with our Gourmet Fitness program.

Burun Estetiği

Estetik meme küçültme ameliyatı, kadının dış görünümünü düzeltmek amacıyla yapılan kozmetik ameliyatlardan biri gibi gözükmekle birlikte aslında Burun Estetiği değil rekonstrüktif bir ameliyattır.

Norman Peires on beating bowel cancer and living life to the full

Norman Peires on beating bowel cancer and living life to the full   Founder of luxury travel company and bowel cancer survivor Norman Peires has an open and candid attitude towards the disease he suffered.

Homeopathy Remedies for Infertility Issues

Most couples who get married intend to go the family way sooner or later. In case you have been trying sexual intercourse for more than 6 months without any contraceptive aids and still have not succeeded in having a baby, then the underlying cause may be infertility in one or both of you.

Exercise Tips for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is rheumatoid arthritis? Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that causes your immune system to attack and break down your joints.

U.S. News Best Diets: How We Rated 29 Eating Plans

Diets come and go, teasing and tempting us with dreams of that elusive hot body. Eat what you want! Pounds melt away overnight! The reality, as frustrated dieters know well, is that dieting is hard, and frankly, most diets don't work.

The Red Dock, commonly called the Bloodwort is effective in treating the Skin

Lapathum is a Greek word, which is the old name used to describe Docks, generally known today as Rumex, a genus of about 200 species of plants which include the Sorrel and the Dock.

Ready to Feel Sexy By Enhancing Your Breast Growth with Perfect Curves Pills

Overview: Perfect Curves pills are natural supplement that helps to enhance the size of your breasts. They help to balance the hormones in females.

Dry and Dull? How to Get Healthy, Hydrated Skin

It's neither healthy nor attractive to have dehydrated skin. This condition can lead to uncomfortable itching and other problems. It is essential for individuals who want to have healthy looking skin to keep it properly hydrated.

Overcoming Cancer: Recent Advancements in Oncology

Recent advances in scientific and medical research are discovering more ways to combat cancer. Developing a way to implement those discoveries often takes years.


AMAZING ACUPRESSURE POINT SERIES #9: SPLEEN 6 (Sp 6) Pinyin Name – San Yin Jiao English Translations – Three Yin Meeting, Three Yin Intersection, Three Yin Crossing   Spleen 6 is the acupressure point where the three hind leg meridians, Spleen – Kidney – Liver, intersect energetically.

Persistent Pains: 4 Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Cancer is a disease that knows no limits. It can affect anyone, no matter what their age or background. If there are any abnormal pains that you experience in the body that can't be explained, then you should have the proper tests done to see if cancer is present.

Down with the Flu? How to Protect your Teeth when you are Sick

Don't stop your dental care routine just because you are dealing with the flu. The health of your teeth is important too. Once, you lose vital enamel due to too much acid from vomiting or eating acidic foods, you won't be able to get it back.

The Five Healthiest Things You Can Do Every Day, According to Experts

Trying to stay healthy can seem overwhelming. You may feel as though you don't know where to begin, but there are actually small things you can do on a daily basis that will build toward your overall health.

4 Stategies to Keep your Patients up to Date on Preventative Care Services

As a physician, you know how important preventative care is to your patients. By routinely keeping up with vaccinations, check-ups and other such details, your patients will maintain overall improved health and will, ultimately, help to make your job easier.

Nursing and You: Useful Information Worth Learning

Those who work as nurses have opportunities that are hard to find in other professions. The benefits they receive cannot easily be measured, nor are they only limited to their paychecks and benefit packages.

The Best Natural Methods For Preventing and Treating Flu

Having the flu can do more than just ruin your day. It can cause you to lose sleep at night and then have to struggle through the following day while feeling groggy.

Health Practices that Limit Ailments and Increase Longevity

Science has shown how a healthy lifestyle can decrease a person's physical problems as well as extend their life. A person's health is influenced by their daily habits.

Your Third Act: How to Take Care of your Health in your Twilight Years

As people age, it's common to experience a number of different ailments and conditions due to deterioration that begins to occur throughout the body.

Why Is Oral Health So Important?

You might dread going to the dentist, but taking care of your teeth needs to be a priority at every stage of life. When you have ongoing dental problems, pain is usually part of the scenario.

5 Ways to Restore your Beautiful Smile

If you've always wanted to know how to restore your smile to the way it looked when you were younger, read on. Of course, we know that everyone wants to have the perfect smile, and here are some ways that you can keep your teeth (and mouth) healthy for the long haul.

5 Ways Doctors can Better their Patient Care

In the last decade, doctors have become increasingly busy taking on more patients and maintaining strong relationships or communication. More patients feel disconnected from their doctors or struggle to be heard while often having a bad experience with their visit.

Signs of Whiplash and How to Feel Good Again

Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs due to a forceful back and forth motion. While it is most commonly caused by rear-end automobile collisions, it can also stem from a sports injury, physical abuse, or other types of trauma.

How Corrective Lenses can Help Keep your Eyes Healthy

While those that were born needing corrective lenses are able to accept them as a part of their daily lives early on, some find adopting them quickly enough later in life to be rather difficult.

Cranial Care: How to Identify and Treat a Head Injury

One of the most dangerous places to be injured is on the head. It can cause long-term disabilities that will affect brain function. When an accident occurs, it's important to identify the head injury and treat it immediately to reduce any trauma.

Smoking? 7 Little Known Ways to Boost Your Health

Have you ever seen someone coming up to an overweight guy eating Big Mac and start preaching about a healthy diet?  Me neither. So why do people think their annoying attempts to moralize smokers will make the latter dump the lit up cig? Here’s the deal.

Smoking? 7 Little Known Tips for Healthy Lungs

Have you ever seen someone coming up to an overweight guy eating Big Mac and start preaching about a healthy diet?  Me neither. So why do people think their annoying attempts to moralize smokers will make the latter dump the lit up cig? Here’s the deal.

4 Ways to Prepare for Your First CAT Scan

When it comes to medical tests like CAT scans, most people are naturally nervous. Much like an X-ray or MRI, a CAT scan produces a computer-generated image of a person's brain, intestines, or other areas of the body requiring specialized attention.

5 Things To Look For In A New Nursing Home

Placing a close family member in a nursing home can be a daunting experience especially for the patient. For example, your mom has been independent all her life.

Personal Health: How to Look and Feel Your Best

The key to feeling good about yourself is constantly working hard to look and feel your very best. If you want to maximize your joy in life, a few easy tips can go a very long way for you.

New Prescriptions- Six Drugs to be More Wary of

New prescription drugs are full of possibilities for relief and remission of many illnesses. Television ads abound featuring youthful patients peddling bikes, dipping into pools, and eating all the hot sauce they desire.

Five Symptoms You Should Talk to Your Dentist About

Getting dental cleanings and checkups on a regular basis is crucial when it comes to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. It's easy to ignore dental symptoms between cleanings because we often don't think they're serious enough to justify an extra trip to the dentist.

What Your Veins Might Be Trying To Tell You

Achy legs at the end of the day, pain and even ankle sores that refuse to heal are indications of poor venous circulation. Ropy, blue vein tangles on legs are not only unsightly, they can tell a story.

Senior Success: Tips for Staying Healthy and Alert In Your Golden Years

Going into your golden years may not be so golden for the unprepared folks. In a time when your physical and mental health are declining at a relatively faster rate, it certainly becomes alarming and even quite limiting to live a life you desire.

Sports Health: How Athletes Can Work Through Their Injuries

Injuries can create physical and psychological problems for athletes at all stages. An injury can disrupt the training cycle that the athlete has planned months or even years in advance.

Mastering the Mind: 5 Great Things That Help Your Brain

When it comes to staying happy and healthy it is essential that we take good care of our brains. They are what help us think and function every day.

Own Your Body: 5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Health Today

If you are like most people, you wake up one day and realize that you need to take charge of your health. Unfortunately, we often wait until ailments creep up on us to do anything about it.

Keeping an Eye on Things: 4 Easy-to-Forget Health Checkups

Busy families forget to schedule medical appointments for examinations that can help to prevent conditions such as blindness, influenza or heart attacks.

How to Sleep Better at Night During Allergy Season

More than 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies each year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, which can cause a litany of symptoms ranging from snuffed noses and sneezing to coughing and asthma.

3 Red Flags That May Indicate You're a Victim of Medical Malpractice

You don't want to consider that the doctor you've trusted, perhaps for many years, is negligent. You want to believe you're in good hands.

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Suffering from Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia in society; it is the root of 60-80 percent of all cases. Experts estimate that one in nine people above the age of 65 are afflicted with this debilitating and deadly disease for which science has yet to find a cure.

Finding Your Center: 4 Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress

Stressful situations are a part of everyone's life, but some are more harmful than others. Family problems, such as taking guardianship of an aging parent or going through a divorce, can make you feel like you just cannot cope for one more minute.

7 Bodybuilding Tips Every Athlete Should Know

Bodybuilding isn't something only for bodybuilders. Any athlete can benefit from building their strength and sculpting their body. In fact, toning your muscles has a variety of health benefits for everyone, including strengthening bones, improving metabolism, and better heart health.

School Nurses - A Look at this Complicated Position

The education, experience and job description can vary at each school and grade level for school nurses. It requires patience, a love for the medical world and hard work.

    Beat cellulites fast in 9 ways

Cellulites can be easily overseen and the same easily turn into eyesores.  The dimpling and wavy appearance of cellulites make skin, particularly where fat deposits are, appear less than ideal — uneven and fat.

9 Best Way to Remove Cellulite

Cellulites can be easily overseen and the same easily turn into eyesores.  The dimpling and wavy appearance of cellulites make skin, particularly where fat deposits are, appear less than ideal — uneven and fat.

4 Degrees to Help You Channel Your Love of Athletics into a Career

Athletics is a multi-billion dollar industry that employs people with a wide variety of talents. The athletes themselves are but one part of the industry, and there are numerous ways you can turn your love of athletics into a career.

How to Soothe Pinkeye in Little Ones

Conjunctivitis, also known as pinkeye, is a condition that affects the outer membrane of the eye, leading to redness, swelling and itchiness.

3 Ways to Make Sure You Have Healthy Drinking Water at Home

Maintaining good health necessitates consuming an appropriate amount of water on a daily basis. You cannot drink just any water to maintain good health.

4 Home Remedies for Common Maladies

There are many effective remedies for common ailments right in your home. Read below to find out how to replace a doctor’s visit or unnecessary suffering by heading straight to your cabinet:   Common Cold Ginger is a powerful spice that goes beyond tasting great in a gingersnap cookie.

What Your Veins Could Be Saying About Your Health

Veins are a part of your body's circulatory system. They are responsible for returning deoxygenated blood back to the heart and lungs.

5 Ways to Reduce Indegestion and Heartburn

Although indigestion is not life-threatening, it is still among the most annoying health problems. In some cases, the symptoms can be similar to an actual heart attack.

4 Myths People Probably Believe About Dentists

Though dentists are a crucial part of an individual’s health and well-being, they are constantly battling a myriad of myths that simply aren't true! Myths about dentists' job descriptions, dental implants, anesthesia, and even the effectiveness of procedures are all very common.

Fortuitous Fruit: 4 Step Guide to Eating Healthy and Feeling Full

Eating healthy is one of the most important things that you can do for your body and your mind. A healthy lifestyle lowers your risk for life-threatening conditions, such as obesity, strokes, diabetes, and heart disease.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist Before A Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are among the most common things dentists do in their offices. For them, it’s a routine way to remove teeth that are infected, impacted or decayed, but you may have a lot of questions regarding the procedure.

Coordinating With Care: The Benefits Of Electronic Health Records

Quality care management can improve healthcare outcomes in hospitals, doctors’ offices and other care settings. One tool to enhance patient care, safety and involvement is the electronic health record (EHR).

Home Hospice: 4 Tips For Making Sure Your Patient Is Receiving Proper Care

Caring for patients in home hospice care can be difficult. Hopefully, these four tips help get you started and on your way.   Make An Effort To Bring Them The Comforts They Used To Enjoy Being in hospice care may necessitate certain changes to the life of your patient.

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Improve The Brilliance Of Your Smile In 4 Easy Steps

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you. Keeping your teeth clean, fresh and white will ensure that you feel comfortable baring your pearly whites for the world to see! Detailed in this article are four ways to improve the brilliance of you smile.

5 Reasons You Should Eat These Vegetables

Suddenly feel the need to feast on a healthy plate?  Doctors and scientists say that your cravings are not just your palate’s desire for flavor.

HIPAA Help: Ensure You're Protecting Your Patient's Privacy

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 has sections in it that directs hospitals, medical practices, doctors, health care clearing houses and other health care providers to guard the privacy of patients’ medical records.

How Laboratory Fires Are Affecting Community Health and You Don’t Even Know About It

Most laboratories make useful products, but they also produce wastes. Unfortunately, several laboratory owners don't always dispose of these wastes safely.

Prescription Drug Danger: 4 Ways to Ensure Safe Use of Pharmaceuticals

Medication is a necessary and vital part of many people’s lives. However, unsafe practices with pharmaceuticals can create more harm than good.

Ever Heard of Dental Scrap? What You Need to Know

Many people are unaware of the concept of dental scrap. That doesn't mean that it's not something that's becoming a more powerful force each and every day, however.

Family Support: How Your Loved Ones Can Help Fight Your Eating Disorder

There is a lot of misunderstood stigmas regarding eating disorders that can delay someone from getting the treatment that they need. Most people only notice a person has a problem if they have bulimia or anorexia that causes them to slowly take on a skeletal form from not getting enough nutrition.

Have You Been Disabled? 4 Ways to Take Care of Yourself at Home

Many people can become disabled after suffering from an illness or an accident, which can leave them limited on their mobility each day. Those who want to take care of themselves and adapt to the change can continue to thrive by forming the right habits and using a few important tools.

5 Reasons Why You Might Want Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a huge industry. In fact, more than 15.1 people have received plastic surgery procedures over the past three years, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Vitamins And Supplements: 4 Reasons Why They Are Important For Your Health

  Every single thing that the human body is capable of, and all of its functions, are only possible due to a massive coordinated dance being performed by essential nutrients.

4 Ways Technology Helps The Medically Impaired Live A Full Life

Medical impairments are an unfortunate fact of life that cannot always be overcome. Amputated limbs, sensory impairments, speech impairments and cognitive disabilities are just a few afflictions that can greatly affect quality of life.

3 Signs You Need Home Respiratory Care

There are a number of different respiratory diseases that can be debilitating and often make it difficult to maintain your independence both in and outside of the home.

Taking Away the Pain: Modern Treatments for Cancer Patients

There are amazing breakthroughs in medical technology every year in the area of cancer. New drugs, treatments and pain relievers are being released for use that give people hope, longer lives and ease pain.

Trials of Adolescents: 3 Signs Your Child Needs to Enter an Addiction Recovery Program

Adolescent drug and alcohol abuse is rampant in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that more than 58 percent of adolescents have tried alcohol, and more than 34 percent have tried hashish.

Trouble Sleeping? Four Ways to Get Better Rest

Sleep allows our bodies and brains to rest and restore themselves. However, with pain, illness, and stresses, it can be challenging to get a good night's sleep.

4 Advanced Technologies That Make Surgery Safer Than Ever

Low-tech solutions can significantly improve safety in the operation room, according to guidelines to deter surgical errors that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently released.

Promoting Vein Health: 5 Things You Need to Stop Doing Now

Vein diseases are less well-known compared to other diseases. You'll almost never hear people say that they want to work on getting their veins healthier.

The Aging Process: 4 Health Tips For The Elderly

Human beings will inevitably age, but the aging process can be delayed by taking a number of proactive measures to prevent disease and disability.

How Laser Dentistry is Changing Dental Care

A new technique, laser dentistry is a safe and effective way of addressing certain dental procedures. With this procedure, a dentist operates a high-powered laser to address certain problems that traditionally were handled with a drill or other highly invasive objects.

Trouble Counting Sheep 3 Simple Solutions For Getting A Good Night's Rest

Getting a good night's rest is so important for your health. It gives the body a chance to repair itself and recharge for the next day.

Need A Mood Boost? 3 Natural Ways To Increase Your Happiness

Everyone goes through emotional slumps, but chronic unhappiness is not something that should be taken lightly. Even if you are not diagnosed with clinical depression, feeling as if you are not quite yourself day in and day out can be incredibly tough on your mental and psychological health.

Is Independent Living For You? 4 Reasons To Consider A Lifestyle Change

For older adults, it can be difficult to stay in the same home for many years due to a lack of mobility or by feeling challenged when you need to maintain and upkeep a larger home.

Eyewear Care: How to Teach Your Children Safe Glasses Habits

When children find out that they have to wear glasses, they may feel reluctant or embarrassed to wear them. They might think that they will get teased by classmates or that they might break them or lose them.

Posture Perfection: Four Exercises That Benefit Your Back

A rounded upper back is something that you want to avoid at all costs. That deficient posture that makes you look hunched over is the source of headaches, neck pain and other uncomfortable health issues that you really want to avoid.

Orthodontics: Why You Should Get Invisalign Braces

Patients who need to have their teeth aligned but are wary of traditional metal braces should consider the Invisalign tooth alignment system.

How to Combat Periodontal Disease and Maintain Healthy Gums

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease which affects the gums as well as the bones which support the teeth. Periodontal disease can result in red and swollen gums which bleed easily, and is caused by chronic plaque and tartar which are formed by an excess of bacteria in the mouth.

Do Your Parents Need Help? 3 Reasons Why Retirement Communities May Be The Best Option

It can be difficult to think of your parents living in a place other than their own home. While some people do stay in their own homes as they age, many seniors choose to move to retirement communities.

Did Your Parent Slip And Fall? 3 Ways To Help Them Recover

One of the worst things that you can see or hear about is that your parent has slipped, resulting in a fall that has caused an injury to the body.

Senior Citizens: How to Know if Moving into an Assisted Living Home is Right for You

While the idea of moving out of your home and into an assisted living home may be scary, it may be something you are considering. This decision is not an easy one and it is one that should not be made without giving it a lot of thought.

4 Things You Didn't Know About Prostate Cancer

It is common knowledge that the prostate gland is found in men and therefore prostate cancer is a condition specific to men. However, there are several unknown facts about prostate cancer.

Headaches And Dizziness: Assessing Your Head Discomfort

When it comes to headaches, they can often make you feel like you don't want to get out of bed during the day. They can be so severe that you are nauseous, and they can also make you feel dizzy.

Need Oral Surgery? 3 Strategies For Dental Success

There are several reasons as to why you might need oral surgery. Your wisdom teeth could be coming in and causing pain or growing in a manner that won't allow them to break through the gums, resulting in the need for surgery.

Nausea Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Nausea typically starts in the sixth week of pregnancy. However, some ladies can experience it as early as four weeks. The degree of nausea will differ from person to person.

Rejuvenating Water: How Hydotherapy is Naturally Healthy for Your Body

Hydrotherapy is the use of water to enhance health and vitality and relieve physical discomfort. This treatment uses different temperatures and forms of water such as ice, cold, hot, and steam.

Full-Mouth Tooth Replacement: 4 Reasons Dentures Might Be The Right Step For You

Dentures have been used for many decades to improve the quality of the teeth and restore function that has been lost. Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew and consume food properly, making dentures a viable option for adults of all ages.

Seeking Motherhood: 4 Options For Infertitlity Problems

There are 7.5 million women of child bearing age who cannot get pregnant or carry a baby full term, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Starting Your Medical Practice? Do's And Don'ts When It Comes To Picking Office Equipment

Opening your medical practice is an exciting time. It will give you a way to care for patients and manage a business at the same time. A medical practice is one where you will need to have the proper staff on hand to provide care when it's needed or when you aren't able to meet with patients throughout the day.

Family Member Suffering From A Brain Injury? 4 Tips To Help You Adjust

A brain injury can occur from anything. It could be a ruptured blood vessel in the brain or a car accident. There isn't really a way to tell how a person will be when it comes to the mental and physical state after the injury until the person starts doing things once again, such as trying to bathe, cook, talk or walk.

Are You Sick? How to Get Better By Detoxing Your Body

The modern world seems driven to fill your body with harmful toxins. It is impossible to completely escape toxicity. Toxins are found in water, air and food.

Top Questions to Ask if You've Been Diagnosed with Cancer

If you are given the bad news about having cancer, try to remember the most important relationship you are going to have outside of close family is with your main cancer doctor, so do not lash out, especially physically.

Potency of essential oils

Copaiba Oil is an essential oil steam distilled from Brazil’s copaiba tree gun resin. The Copaiba tree grows very tall reaching some hundred feet upwards, it produces a reddish fruit from its yellow flowers and can produce up to twelve gallons of oil per season.

Down For The Count: 4 Ways A Workplace Injury Could Threaten Your Overall Health

A workplace injury must never be taken lightly, and all employees should know their rights and responsibilities if they have been involved in an accident.

Workplace Wellbeing: 3 Simple Ways To Create A Culture Of Health At Your Company

Keeping your employees healthy can have an excellent return on investment. Not only will your insurance premiums plummet, but you will also have staff members who are much more efficient and driven.

Know the Ways to Get Rid of Chapped Lips

Skin is one of the toughest organs in our bodies and that’s why it serves as our first line of defense to ward off infections and keep the rest of our body cushioned from injuries.

Fighting Depression at Home: How to turn your house into a quiet sanctuary

Unfortunately, your home isn’t always a happy place. It doesn't matter whether your home is big, small, your parents, a dorm room or a hotel, if it doesn’t feel right it can take toll on your emotions and lead to depression.

Womb Warning: 4 Signs You Need to See Your OB/GYN Immediately

<strong>Womb Warning: 4 Signs You Need to See Your OB/GYN Immediately</strong> When you're an expecting mother, you hope your pregnancy will go smoothly with no complications.

3 Natural Health Hacks You Need In Your Cabinet

Though we have medicines for virtually everything, from tummy aches to paper cuts, you don’t need chemicals to treat certain pains. In fact, a lot of natural remedies actually hold some truth behind them.

Dental Health: How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

If you're afraid of the dentist, you're not alone. As many as 15% of Americans stay away from the dentist because they are afraid.

The Golden Years: How Senior Citizens Can Make Sure They Get the Care They Need

The U.S. Census Bureau determined in 2011 that 13.3 percent, or 41.4 million, of the population was comprised of senior citizens. They projected this number to only grow in the future.

Weak Immune System? How to Avoid Getting Sick Too Easily

When you have a weakened immune system, you might find that you get sick easier than others who are around you. The illnesses that you deal with are likely more severe as the immune system simply can't fight off the viruses that invade the body.

Bad Teeth? 4 Strategies To Cut The Cost Of Dental Work

Dental care is important, but it can be expensive for those without dental insurance. Sometimes prohibitively so. Putting off routine dental care, however, often leads to more serious and costly problems later.

Meditate on Happiness

As my body and mind began to heal not only through my own change of lifestyle, but also through healing with others and the more I worked with those children, who through unfortunate and very sad circumstances experienced in their own lives, the more I began to understand the deeper connection of energy between body, mind and spirit.

4 Creative Strategies To Keep Your Health Up When Working As A Truck Driver

Those who are full-time truck drivers know how difficult it can be to stay healthy while on the road. Hours are spent sitting, and many drivers only exit their cabs for brief bathroom breaks.

Stay Off The Sidelines: Top 3 Easily-Avoided Sports Injuries

If you are active as an athlete, there is a chance that you could suffer an injury. In some cases, the injury may be minor and require nothing but rest to recover from.

5 Ways to Improve Health at Home

Having a couple of unhealthy habits is normal, but many of us don’t really lead healthy lives. Improving our mental and physical wellbeing is in our very own hands and there is no real excuse for not aspiring to do so.

Construction Contracting: 4 Essential Safety Strategies When Mixing Volatile Paints

When working with paints containing volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, it is very important to take certain safety precautions. VOCs in paints are solvents that get released into the air when mixing paint, spraying it, and while it dries.

3 Ways Technology Has Impacted Our Daily Health Habits

As technology continues to evolve, the impact it has on our daily health habits continues to be greater and greater as well. These impacts can be positive or negative, but their importance is not to be underestimated.

Hot Tubs and Spas: How Having One at Home Can Improve Your Health

Adding a hot tub or spa to your home is a wonderful thing. Many people want a spa in their homes because they want to experience the luxurious relaxation.

The 3 Most Common Injuries Related To Auto Accidents

If you have been involved in a car accident, you could suffer serious injuries that may take a while to heal. In some cases, the injuries will result in chronic and permanent pain or disability.

Patient Patience: 4 Ways Hospitals Are Becoming More Accommodating

Hospitals are not known for being particularly warm or inviting. They are serious places for very serious conditions. However, quality patient care goes beyond healing the body.

Construction Crew: 3 Smart Tips To Avoid Injuries On The Job Site

Construction sites are notorious for injuries and accidents. We have all seen the scary x-rays and videos of nail gun shots through the foot or worse.

5 Fun and Relaxing Ways to Get Exercise at Home

Exercise is one of the most important habits for any human being, but it doesn't have to feel boring or difficult. In fact, it's possible to find an exercise routine you love that's both relaxing and fun.

Everything You Need To Know About Surgery Smoke And Proper Handling

Everyone knows that surgery can be a risky decision for patients. However, few people realize that surgery also carries inherent risks for the surgical staff as well.

Home is Where the Heart is: 5 Signs It is Time to Move into an Assisted Living Home

It's difficult for a person to leave a residence that they've lived in for years, but sometimes it is necessary. If you or a loved one can relate to any of the five signs below, it may be time to consider moving into an assisted living facility.

3 Things My Chiropractor Made Me Do For My Back

I shouldn't bother coming back for an adjustment unless I did the following exercises. That's what my chiropractor told me after several months of weekly adjustments.

Cuts, Scrapes, and Broken Bones: 4 Signs You Need an Urgent Care Center

From feeling ill to burns and cuts, there are a few things that happen in the home, at school or at work that signify a trip to an urgent care center.

4 Crucial Considerations For Financing Home Medical Care

Even under ideal circumstances, caring for an elderly loved one or a family member who may be suffering from a chronic medical condition can be a difficult undertaking.

Eye Health 101: Is Your Lifestyle Affecting Your Vision?

Although aging, genetics and certain health conditions can have an impact your vision, it is important to understand that lifestyle can affect your vision.

3 Signs It's Finally Time To See A Chiropractor

Even though chiropractors oftentimes get a reputation as a 'quack,' or 'not a real doctor,' a chiropractor is trained and licensed, spending the same length of time in college and completing internships to earn their degrees to practice medicine.

Why Alcohol is One of the Most Dangerous Substances for Your Health

The harmful chemical found in alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, the same fuel added to gasoline. Though minor amounts of methyl or butanol alcohols are found in some fermentation processes, ethyl alcohol is the main agent producing the psychotropic effects that are the reason most people drink.

Why Replacing Your Silver And Mercury Fillings Are Essential To Your Health

Traditionally, most tooth fillings were done with what's known as dental amalgam. This is an alloy composed primarily of silver, but with smaller portions of tin, copper, and other metals such as mercury.

Daily Discomfort: 3 Natural Aids For Chronic Pain Sufferers

Suffering from chronic pain can take over parts of your life without there being a clear source or method of stopping the pain. There are plenty of ways to fight it, not least of all recommendations and prescriptions from your doctor, but natural alternatives are also widely available and often cheap.

The Medical Practice: The 5 Best Ways to Run a Healthcare Clinic

A healthcare clinic is a symbol of the community and the care that people show for each other. There are basic industry standards that clinic directors must follow, along with legal restrictions and common management issues.

Parents Struggling With Mobility? 4 Lifestyle Changes You Can Help Them With

As parents age, role reversal becomes very normal for adult children. Where the parents were used to taking care of the children, now children can help their parents with their needs during their later years in life.

Spinal Solutions: What to Do About Back Pain After a Car Accident

Car accidents can be devastating to the head, neck and back. Unfortunately, they are arguably the most critical areas on the body in terms of thinking and moving because of the spinal cord.

How Can You Tell If You Should See a Doctor after a Dog Bite?

A dog bite may happen for a number of reasons, from normal puppy teething and nipping at you to an aggressive dog attacking you on an unfamiliar street.

Nutritional Supplements: Do They Really Help Your Health?

Even though millions of people take supplements every single day, this unique industry is still littered with misinformation. Many people are unsure of what types of supplements they should be taking or what to look for in a supplement company.

5 Debilitating Signs You Need Rehab to Combat Your Eating Disorder

For both men and women, eating disorders can be extremely debilitating and lead to health issues down the road. Some people may want help but aren't sure how to recover from the disease and regain their life.

How Young is Too Young to Teach Your Kids to Swim?

Dr. Lisa Dana said in an article on BabyCenter.com that she has parents asking her about swim lessons all the time. Often, these mothers have babies who are no more than four months old.

3 Common Kid Injuries and How To Help Them

Injuries in childhood are a rite of passage and an unavoidable part of parenting. Knowing how to help your child when an accident happens, and when to seek professional help, isn't always easy.

Mental Fortitude: How to Help Family Members Cope With Loss

The unexpected loss of a loved one can be a traumatic experience. The life you know has suddenly been turned upside down, leaving you with pain and more questions than you are prepared to answer.

The Good, The Bad, and The Unexpected: How to Respond to Bad News from a Doctor

Finding out that you have a serious health condition can be quite scary. You may not know what to do next. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to deal with an unexpected diagnosis.

Phantom Pain: What Treatments are Most Effective for Amputees?

After an amputation, phantom limb or extremity pain could have a considerable impact on your quality of life. The pain from a body part that you no longer have could frustrate you and make it difficult to concentrate on recovery and healing.

Multiple Myeloma Prognosis – What does it Mean?

Breaking the Chains: How to Get Help with an Addiction

Drug addiction is one of the most difficult issues that an individual may face in life. Luckily, individuals who are serious about recovering and leading a more productive, positive life should know that they can do so.

Seeing Clearly: 3 Ways Better Vision Helps You Have A Better Life

Trouble seeing can lead to many issues that affect the quality of your life and the lives of your children. It is vital that everyone get a yearly eye exam from a licensed optometrist to ensure that he or she see correctly to avoid health issues, problems with attendance, and poor grades.

Family Dentistry: How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

There are many reasons why people are afraid of the dentist. Some have had bad experiences in the past, while others have just never really been to the dentist.

Head Always Hurting? How to Ease Your Migraine Pain

A migraine can often make it seem like you aren't able to function during the day. They can come on strong and out of nowhere. Before you can treat a migraine completely, you need to figure out what's causing them in the first place.

4 Things An Optometrist Will Check During Your Next Eye Appointment

Routine visits to have your eyes looked at by an optometrist at a vision center like All About Eyes are incredibly important. While many people believe it's all about checking for near or farsightedness, there are various other vital things your optometrist looks for during your eye appointment.

6 Smart Health Choices to Make in 2021

Following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, many people have realized the importance of maintaining a healthy body. It has become vital for people to practice a healthy lifestyle to improve the body's immune system and protect it from numerous chronic illnesses.

How Advancements in Eye Care Technology Could Improve Your Vision

Mark Twain once said that "you can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus," yet depending on our eyes is something that we usually take for granted.

What Kind of Medical Attention is Required after a Car Accident?

Car accidents have the potential to cause serious and painful injuries. In some cases, injuries are obvious immediately after the accident, while minor injuries might take a day or two to become evident.

Possible Fitness Routine to Boost Your Results At Home: Enhancing Your Health

If you have made a decision to eat healthier and have a workout program in order to lose weight, there are three vital steps one must take to be successful.

Healthy and Happy: 4 Great Habits to Take Up This Summer

Many people find their summer vacation time to be a good time to accept a new challenge or embark on a new adventure. Summer is also a good time to exchange some unhealthy habits for healthy ones.

Catching Zs and Sweet Dreams: How to Ensure a Healthy Good Night's Sleep

We all know that obtaining adequate sleep contributes to an improved overall quality of life in terms of our health, weight, mood, ability to focus, and more.

Parental Concerns: 4 Steps to Take When Your Teen Shows Signs of Having an Eating Disorder

No parent wants to wake up one day and realize that their teen has a health issue, especially an eating disorder. This problem is much more widespread than we would like to believe, however, so it is helpful to know the signs and understand what to do in the event that this is the situation you are facing with one day.

Assuaging the Anxiety: How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

Many people are afraid of going to the dentist. Since regular check-ups are an important part of maintaining good oral health, people do need to go.

Transcendental Healing: How Can Eastern Medicine Benefit Your Health?

Modern medicine has seen a lot of breakthroughs in recent years, but there is still something to be said about the benefits of traditional Eastern medicine.

Proper Techniques of Handling and Using Your Ab Roller

Trainers are very important when it comes to working on your health or weight loss. If you are not able to afford one, you should do some thorough research before you start any exercise.

The climate and your pregnancy

When you become pregnant, you would have lots of dreams for the future. The love and the care that you receive from your loved ones would always be in such a way that it contributes to your happiness.

Wanting to Have a Baby? 5 Ways to Increase Your Fertility

Having a baby isn’t as easy for every woman. Some women begin trying to have a baby and within a month or two she’s announcing that she’s expecting a baby.

3 Ways To Combat Seasonal Allergies During Summer Activities

While people that suffer from food allergies have a decent chance of avoiding the things that they are allergic to, seasonal allergy sufferers are generally at the mercy of the elements.

Which is More Affordable – Laser Hair Removal at a Clinic or at Home?

There are many options currently on the market if you’re looking for a better hair removal treatment than regular shaving. Shaving comes with many problems, so it’s no surprise that many choose to look at other options.

How Modern Technology is Changing Life for the Hearing Impaired

Across the globe, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 360 million people suffer from hearing loss. As a worldwide problem, technologies for the hearing impaired are at the forefront of innovation.

How to Effectively Prevent a Root Canal from Infecting Your Life

Many people dread hearing the words, "root canal." This dental procedure has a complicated history, but it is a way that your dentist can save your natural tooth.

New To Caretaking? 3 Vital Tips To Ease Your Transition

If you are responsible for taking care of a loved one, you may feel overwhelmed at first. It is important to know that this is normal, and it is also important to know that there are resources available to help you.

The Right Play: 4 Tricks to a Quick Recovery From a Sports-Related Injury

If you suffered a sports injury, there are ways that you can shorten your recovery time and get back in the game faster. Recovering properly can help prevent other problems related to your injury that may keep you sidelined even longer.

Should You Really Use Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products?

While there are some teeth whitening products that deliver quality results, there are more benefits from a professional whitening procedure than using items that you can get over the counter.

4 Medical Procedures That Enable Women to Fully Recover from Childbirth

Obstetric and gynecologic medical procedures may be needed so that a woman can fully recover after childbirth. Complications from delivery, a large baby or other issues might necessitate these procedures.

5 Ways To Reduce Impact In Your Daily Workout

Working out is an essential part of optimizing health. Yet, for a variety of reasons, most people prefer to remain sedentary, when their body is desperate for physical engagement.

Treatments You Can Expect from a Reputable Dentist in Rowville

Everyone requires dental care to maintain oral hygiene and avoid problems of varying severity. Although daily brushing and flossing can help immensely, regular check-ups are highly recommended.

Ocular Obstacles: Top Things You Might Be Doing That Are Ruining Your Vision

There are many things you may be doing on a regular basis that may ruin your eyesight. It is easy to assume that you have to accept diminishing eyesight as a normal part of the aging process, but there are things you can do to slow that loss.

Healthy Attitude: How to Make Positive Changes to Your Eating Habits

Pizza, cheeseburgers, and nachos may be some of the most popular foods in your neighborhood, but they're not necessarily the healthiest choices.

Do You Need a Specialized Dentist for Your Children?

Pediatric dentists dedicate their work to the oral health care of children. But is it really necessary to take your kids to a different dentist than your own? Here are some reasons you may have for needing a specialized dentist.

5 Cool Ways to Get Exercise at Home During the Hot Summer

You know that exercise is good for your overall health and energy levels, but often, the heat of the summer can make it difficult to find the motivation to exercise.

Does Being Engaged in an Educational Curriculum Increase Health and Wellness?

Every child enters kindergarten with bright eyes and eager minds. As the years go by, these same students may divert into different education levels.

Spider Veins and How to Prevent Them

The Real Difference between Birth Centers and Hospital Births

Pregnancy has a definite way of changing the course of the lives of the expecting parents. From day one there will be a need to make decisions with the child in mind.

Reducing Wait Times: 5 Ways to Make Your ER More Efficient

When you work in an emergency room, you're going to see a variety of cases that come through during the day. Some of them are simple and easy to diagnose while others will require more staff and more time.

Get Rid of fat with Liposuction

Troublesome Teeth: 5 Tips for Adults with Dental Dillemas

When you are an adult with dental problems, it is difficult to find time for cosmetic procedures. With modern dentistry, it is possible to have dental issues corrected or improved quickly without missing any time at work.

Copaiba Oil Anti-Inflammatory

Copaiba Oil is an essential oil steam distilled from Brazil’s copaiba tree gun resin.    The Copaiba tree grows very tall reaching some hundred feet upwards, it produces a reddish fruit from its yellow flowers and can produce up to twelve gallons of oil per season.

Flu Season: 3 Tips For Better Health In The Workplace

Flu season is awful. Even if you don’t get it, someone in your office will come down with the flu. If you don’t want to be this person, you can follow a few basic pieces of advice.

For Your Dental Health: 5 Treatments You Should Always See a Dentist for

When it comes to day-to-day dental hygiene, you're probably already familiar with the basics. Regular brushing and flossing is essential for your oral health, but in some cases you'll require additional dental care.

Sinusitis Concerns: How to Tell if You Have This Chronic Condition

An acute sinus infection usually resolves in a few weeks. If your infection lasts for months or you get repeated infections, you could have a chronic inflammation of one or more sinuses.

Ounce of Prevention: 3 Ways To Keep Yourself Safe In Manual Labor

If you work in a job that requires a lot of manual labor, there is always a chance you could get hurt. Physical jobs, no matter if they involve working outside or indoors, can often come with a vast number of hazardous situations to watch out for.

Trying to Have a Baby? 5 Signs You Need to Have Fertility Testing

Starting a family is one of the most exciting times of your life! In a perfect world, we would be able to decide it's time to conceive, and a few weeks later, have a positive pregnancy test.

Keeping Your Body in Check

 Very often we forget that we constantly need to keep out bodies in check. We tend to pay a lot of attention towards the physical appearance, and forego the internal aspects! As we grow older and tend to get involved in all sorts of activities, having to balance between our professional and personal lives, it’s normal that we forget.

A Better View: How to Deal with Worsening Vision

Vision problems are more likely to develop as one gets older. Macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts are some of the eye conditions that are common in older people.

Potential Practice: 4 Tips for the Budding Healthcare Professional

If you've pursued your dream of working within the healthcare sector and are now ready to begin your own practice, you're likely interested in making your vocational efforts as successful as possible.

How to Raise the Standard & Change Your Family's Health Culture

With media sources regularly talking about issues related to childhood and adult obesity and other health issues, you understandably may be concerned about the health and well-being of your loved ones.

Tooth Talk: 5 Things You Might Not Know About Dental Practices

Going to the dentist is a common experience, and you may have been to the dental office dozens of times over the course of your life. Through your experiences, you may think that you know all that there is to know about visiting the dentist.

Healing Hands: 4 Less-Common Healthcare Degrees To Consider

The choice to pursue a healthcare degree is a solid one. The healthcare field is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy and so you will likely not have the same difficulty finding a job that graduates in other fields do.

Surgery Recovery: How to Effectively Heal after a Knee Replacement

A knee replacement is a major surgery performed under general anesthesia that is used to repair and replace damaged bones of the knee joint.

3 Dental Emergencies You Absolutely Can't Fix Yourself

Your dental health is quite a fragile thing, which means it's vital that you schedule regular appointments with your dentist to undergo a check-up.

Caring for Yourself: What to Do When Your Health Starts to Fail

Your quality of life largely depends on your health, which is one reason people worry about it. Some people worry so much that they cause additional damage to themselves by stressing out.

Stand Tall: 4 Ways To Overcome A Spinal Injury

According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Association, as many as 450,000 people in the U.S. are living with a spinal cord injury (SCI).

Malpractice Miseries: 4 Signs Your Treatment was Incorrect

Healthcare professionals are responsible for providing an accurate diagnosis, and following through with the best treatment for your condition.

Denture Denial: 3 Strategies for Keeping Your Teeth Healthy as You Age

You don’t want to be toothless by the time you’ve reached your golden years, but it’s not always obvious what you can do to protect your teeth.

The Power to Choose: How to Begin Fighting an Addiction

Overcoming an addiction is one of the biggest challenges a person can face. While the first step is acknowledging it, it is by no means the last.

Checking into Rehab: How to Get Healthy While Having an Eating Disorder

People of all ages and walks of life are known to struggle with eating disorders. The methods recommended for them to get healthier are all the same.

Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Considering a varicose vein treatment is a common process for many women at some stage or another. But before committing to a treatment, you should have a good understanding of all the available methods so you can choose one that is right for you.

Recently Diagnosed with Osteoporosis? 4 Major Insights into Your Condition

Despite its prevalence among the older generation, osteoporosis still isn't widely discussed or understood—even though it’s a serious health condition.

Moving Forward: 5 Tips to Living with a Disability

Living with a disability can be quite challenging. Fortunately, you can still live a full life with a disability. There are several things that you can do in order to make it easier for you to live with a disability.

Surgical Success: 3 Strategies To A Quick Recovery

Any kind of surgery can be painful when it comes to the recovery. There are some procedures that won't require much down time once you get home while others might require therapy and special instructions so that you heal properly.

4 Fool-Proof Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate Tense Neck Muscles

Neck pain is a common occurrence in working adults, but if your suffering has reached debilitating levels, it's time to do something about it.

Healthy Life: 4 Tips to Make You Feel Better Than Ever Before

Some people know they’re not healthy. However, the exact cause of that unhealthiness may not be clear to them. They may simply feel bad each day and not know why.

Wellness and Rejuvenation: 4 Ways to Increase Your Body's Energy

We all live busy lifestyles and that daily grind can wear us down faster than we even realize, leaving our bodies feeling drained and our minds fatigued.

Working In: 4 Ways To Make Room For Effective At Home Exercise

One of the biggest reasons people don't get as much exercise as they need is because it's hard to find the time. But it's also hard to find the space, especially if you want to set up a dedicated gym right in your own home.

4 Reasons to Visit a Dietician or Doctor about Your Longevity

Staying in good physical condition is a very important job that all people share. Unfortunately, it can be very hard to do so. To ensure that you receive the help you need to stay healthy, seeing a doctor or dietician on a regular basis could be very helpful as there are four ways that they can help you lead a long and healthy life.

Healing Hands: 4 Tips for Choosing a Healthcare Provider

As people age, they find themselves in need of high quality healthcare. Attaining great healthcare services promotes longevity and a wide range of other great wellness outcomes like mood stability and disease prevention.

4 Common Health Conditions That Shouldn't Be Ignored

Most people, at some point in their lives, have put off going to the doctor. Maybe they thought they just had a simple cold, but the condition later turned out to be the flu.

Seeing Clearly: 3 Obvious Signs You Need Corrective Lenses

Some of the most significant signs that indicate an underlying need for corrective lenses can be surprisingly easy to overlook in their early stages of development.

Sniffling Kids: 4 Warning Signs That They Need Immediate Care

The common cold is a relatively mild infection that can be treated at home. What's frightening is that some of the common symptoms can also be signs of something much worse.

Gum Treatments: How to Prevent Peridontal Disease

Gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease, is a condition where plaque builds up in the mouth between your gums and teeth, and the bacteria in plaque causes your gums to become swollen or inflamed.

Real Relief: Why Cannabis is the Most Important Medicine Ever Discovered

The prohibition of cannabis (marijuana) has been one of the most controversial steps the U. S. government has ever taken. Today we know better concerning the drug, and it has finally been recognized by several states as effective, safe, and reliable medicine for a variety of illnesses.

Caring for Yourself. 4 Tips for Living with Reduced Mobility

Adjusting to life with reduced mobility can be very difficult. It is often easy to lament or obsess over what you lost. However, this doesn’t help much in dealing with your physical limitations.

3 Major Ways Your Dental Health Depends On Your Diet

Your oral health not only depends on how well you take care of your teeth, but it also depends on what you choose to consume (or not consume) on a daily basis.

Relaxing Recreation: 3 Hobbies That Could Benefit Your Mental Health

With 40 million people suffering from anxiety, it's important to find worthwhile activities that promote mental health and relaxation.

Promising Practice: 4 Tips for New Healthcare Practitioners

Many younger physicians with a better handle on technology and the future of medicine don't like being told how to provide care. If you're an original thinker with your own vision, the possibility of starting you own independent practice may have occurred to you.

Combating Back Pain: 4 Back-Breaking Signs It is Time to See a Chiropractor

Our backs are one of the most integral components to our everyday functioning. They help us maintain support, communicate messages throughout our body and complete complex tasks.

Preparing for Pregnancy: 4 Tips for Women with a History of Complications

While many women go through pregnancy without any complications, other women experience the same complications every pregnancy or develop new conditions despite not having any underlying conditions.

Taking Back Your Life: How to Begin the Road to Recovery from Substance Abuse

The road to recovery is usually an uphill journey. Many people who have gone through the process will admit that it's a pretty steep climb.

Lasting Vitality: 4 Common Chronic Diseases & How to Avoid Them

Just because you exercise a few times a week and stick to a relatively healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to avoid chronic health problems forever.

Suffering from a Permanent Disability? 5 Ways to Make Your Life More Mobile

Being immobile prevents a person from accessing all parts of his/her life as it becomes hard to interact with others, partake in communal activities, and earn a living.

Mind Your Health: 4 Ways Your Diet Can Help Your Mental Health

Multiple scientific studies have found a strong link between diet and mental health. It makes sense. The brain is an organic machine that needs to have plenty of nutrition and energy to do its job effectively.

Healthy Birth: How to Learn More about Your Infant's First Years

The goal of every new parent is to have a healthy newborn. They may not immediately be aware if there are any problems, since a baby cannot communicate their issues.

Dental Disease: What It Takes to Prevent Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is often a silent disease. Sometimes, there aren't any symptoms until the cancer has spread through the mouth, requiring surgery or other forms of treatment to get rid of the disease.

Hide the Pain: Is Laughing Gas Safe for Dental Procedures?

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is one of the safest methods of sedation available today. It involves the inhalation of gas via the lungs to the cardiovascular system.

What to do if Your Baby is born with a Birth Injury

If your baby is born with a birth injury, it may feel as if you have failed your child in some way. You may also feel as if your doctor or the hospital where you delivered the baby has failed you as well.

The Long Road to Recovery: What Teens Need to Know About Overcoming Drug Addiction

Drug addiction and abuse is a serious problem, and it doesn't discriminate in terms of age. It's been revealed that more people are dying of drug overdoses that in traffic fatalities.

Four Important Things to do When Your Infant is Sick

One of the biggest fears that all new parents have is the worry about their infant getting sick. Your baby is going get sick sometimes because infants tend to have weak immune systems.

How to Decide if Earning an Online Degree in Healthcare is Right for You

The healthcare industry is changing rapidly with new technology. Many people want to work in this field to make a positive impact in the lives of other people.

How Regular Eye Testing is Crucial When It Comes to Your Overall Health

One of the most common issues people face as they age is a reduction in overall vision. Eventually most people will need to go to an eye doctor to be prescribed contacts or glasses.

Unique Care: 3 Specialized Healthcare Fields Most People Will Never Need

People regularly go to see their doctors and dentists, and occasionally go to see a specialist if something unusual is going on. However, there are more areas of the medical field than most people can imagine, and therefore it stands to reason that there are plenty of medical specialists most people will never have to see in their lifetimes.

Naturally Nutritious: 4 Ways to Get the Nutrients Your Body Needs

Adding more nutritious foods to your diet in place of processed junk food is one of the best decisions you can make. You see the benefits in the way your body changes from your healthier food choices, and you’ll be drastically cutting down your risk for many diseases.

The Golden Years: 5 Ways to Make Sure Your Elderly Loved Ones are Cared For

Although taking care of elderly loved ones is a wonderful thing to do, it is both tough and stressful. If you are to take care of your parents in their golden years, you will have to ensure that they are comfortable and that their needs are met.

Simple Techniques to Get Better, More Restful, and Rejuvenating Sleep

According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 10-40% of all adults suffer from poor sleep or lack of sleep. The Internet is full of recommendations for techniques, medications, even expensive technology—all with confusing statistics and conflicting testimonials.

Expecting? 3 Tips For Staying Healthy While Working

Most women work for a significant amount of time during their pregnancies. You might very well be one of them someday, or even already are.

Joint Irritation? 3 Tips To Reduce The Pain

Joint irritation can bring your life to a grinding halt and make everyday tasks nearly impossible. While you should always seek out professional medical assistance for any lingering pain, there are some steps you can take at home to reduce your discomfort and improve your mobility.

Cosmetic Dermatology: How to Enhance Your Skin Health

Radiant skin can help you feel confident. Healthy skin can protect you from illness and diseases. However—life can really take a toll on skin, causing wrinkles, age spots and an overall dullness.

Intervention? 3 Ways You Can Really Help A Friend with A Drug Addiction

The opioid epidemic is frequently in the news. Most of us know people who are struggling to overcome drug addiction, whether it’s prescription drugs or street drugs.

Healthy Sleep: How to Discover Your Optimal Sleeping Conditions

A great night’s sleep is highly dependent on environmental conditions and practices, such as lighting, waking up at a consistent time, shutting off lights an hour or so before bed time and the like.

Home Healthcare: How to Take Care of Your Loved Ones with Dementia

Dementia is a brain condition that is progressive and can become severe with time. It affects emotions, behaviors, thinking, and memory. Though the condition is mostly associated with old people, it can affect people in any age group.

Slipping Up: What to Do if You Are Injured on the Job

Getting injured while at work can be a very stressful experience. Not only can it be painful, it can also put you out of commission, based on the severity of the injury.

Full Body Workout and Benefits of doing Rowing Machine exercise

If you decide to do exercise for better health, your first step should not be sudden pounding the pavement on a grueling, long-distance run.

Digging Deep: 5 Cleansing Techniques to Bring out Your Best Self

If you want to become your best self, then it is essential to cleanse your body in a variety of ways. Cleansing your body to improve your health includes taking care of your skin and your internal organs.

Swimming for Health: 4 Reasons a Pool Will Improve Your Overall Well-Being

You may be considering whether or not to buy a pool for your home. It is a big decision that can affect you, your health, your family, and your community.

What Kind of Advanced Equipment Do Medical Research Labs Use?

Many types of research labs use specialized equipment to perform tasks that could not could not be done as effectively without the aid of technology.

Candy Season: 3 Ways to Prepare Your Kids’ Teeth for Extra Sugar

When people talk about the candy season, they are referring to that time of the year from Halloween through New Year’s Eve. Holiday parties, family gatherings, church socials, and other events all contribute to that pool of sugar that kids so love.

Which Places Are More Prone To Get Ringworm?

Losing Your Lenses: 4 Fast Facts about Laser Eye Surgery

Considering laser eye surgery but just not sure? If you’re ready to forget your frames and leave your lenses behind, laser eye surgery is a great option.

Silent Pests: 3 Common Signs Of Bed Bugs To Watch For

Bed bugs can make for an annoying and uncomfortable problem when they invade your home. Whether you are rich or poor and regardless of where you live, you can have a bed bug infestation.

Learning to Love Yourself: How to Overcome Poor Self-Image

No matter how much others tell you that they love you, it won’t do any good if you don’t hold love towards yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you don’t allow yourself to be accountable for your decision-making, which can lead you down an even darker path.

Mental Torment: How to Manage a Debilitating Psychiatric Condition

Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, developmental disorders such as autism, and dementia are among some of the most common mental illnesses plaguing adults today.

10 Ways to get the best skin back! 

Dental Dilemmas: 4 Steps to Take When You’ve Chipped a Tooth

Whether you bite down on something hard or chewy or you get hit in the mouth, you can chip a tooth in a number of ways. You might be frightened about the broken tooth, but you want to remain calm until you have a plan in place to get the tooth fixed or pulled.

Healthy at Home: 3 Ways Seniors Keep Their independence After Injuries

Accidents and injuries are unfortunately common for senior citizens. After all, they may be less coordinated and have weaker muscles than in their younger years.

Alternative Treatments: 3 Natural Tactics For Healing

Everything old is new again. This is especially true of healing. Several ancient healing techniques that have been used for centuries and in some cases millennia are seeing a resurgence in popularity.

Cosmetic Surgery: How to Ge the Sleeker and More Toned Look You Have Always Wanted

Cosmetic surgery has dramatically grown in popularity over the past few decades. In fact, there has been a 115% increase since 2000 in the number of procedures performed in the United States alone.

Defeating Dietary Deficit: How to Combat a Nutrient Deficiency

It is your job to make sure your body gets what it needs, especially if you want your body to be at optimal condition at all times. Getting all the nutrients you need makes you healthier, helps you fight off disease, and it even improves your energy.

Yearning For Peace? 3 Tips To Cope With The Impact Of Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a condition that involves seizures of various magnitudes. It can be a frightening condition to live with because you usually don’t know when you’re going to have a seizure.

Diabetic Family: 4 Essential Supplies Every Diabetes Patient Needs

Diabetes is a common disease affecting more than 30 million Americans. This accounts for about 9.5% of the US population. More information about diabetes makes its management easier leading to better outcomes.

5 Stumbling Signs You Need to See a Podiatrist

The human feet are an inherent part of the overall body health. Despite this, many people delay seeing a podiatrist for various foot problems until it is too late.

Terrific Toothcare: 5 Tips To Keep Your Pearly Whites Shining

Your teeth are noticed by others right away, and if your teeth look discolored, then this problem changes your entire facial appearance. Fortunately, there are easy dental hygiene tips for keeping the enamel on your teeth white.

A guide to dressing in style up during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most magical period of a woman’s life. When it comes to pregnancy, most of the women tend to be overprotective. Yes, you have to be safe and live healthy by making the right changes to your lifestyle.

Keeping Clean: 3 Ways A Clean House Improves Your Mental and Physical Health

With so much going on all the time, it’s easy to let things like house cleaning slide. People think, “I’ll catch up with it next weekend.

How the Stability of Your Future Finances Affects Your Current Health

Many Americans are a little worried about their financial future, so you are not alone. The problem is that some people tend to ignore this, which can affect you in more ways than one might imagine.

Natural way to get rid of excessive weight or obesity

Obesity and weight gaining issue are one of the  most  common and popular health-related problems for most of the people because it helps to enter several other diseases into your body .

Clearing Up: How to Fight Acne Effectively

Acne is a condition that can cause embarrassment for many young adults. The face can turn red from the acne that is on the skin. You might feel a burning sensation or itching from the acne.

The Unique Advantages of Hiring A Therapist

Eye Care in Winter

How to take care of your eye in winter ?

How to Choose the Best Chiropractors in Melbourne

If you’ve recently made the decision to visit a chiropractor in Melbourne, it’s understandable that you want to go out of your way to make sure that the person you book in with is trustworthy, reliable and great at what they do.

How to Hire A Life Coach

Life coaching has become a serious profession in the last decade or so. Tony Robbins has pioneered the profession by making millions of dollars through his coaching programs.

5 New Ways to Get Your Body the Nutrients It Needs to Flourish

Health is an issue for many people in this country. Not only are more people clamoring for universal health care, but they are being proactive about their own health by taking steps to enrich their bodies.

Diabetic Concerns: How to Make Living with Diabetes Bearable

Diabetes changes everything. You suddenly find yourself having to eat differently, exercise differently, and maybe you even sleep differently.

Top 7 Oral Health Tips for Healthy Smile You Must Follow

Dental Denial: How to Tell When You Have an Oral Health Issue

One of the main reasons why it is important to see a dentist is because out of every 10 diseases, 9 of them cause symptoms in your mouth hence your dentist is better placed to spot any grave health issue.

Aging and Adapting: How to Adapt to New Health Challenges as You Age

It is estimated that 92 percent of people who are over the age of 65 have at least one chronic health condition. Your health changes a lot as you get older.

How to Have the Best Hope for Health after an Injury

Hope is one thing a person should never lose. It is especially true when one is injured. Hope cannot be measured and is intangible. One needs to have hope in their recovery process.

Medical Pain Management: 4 Tips for Living with Chronic Pain

Pain is considered chronic if it lasts for more than three months. Chronic pain can have a negative impact on your quality of life. Many people miss several days of work and school due to their pain.

Deadly Car Accidents: 5 Ways to Get on the Road to Recovery

While many car accidents are minor fender benders that are a simple annoyance in your life, others can be devastating. In fact, many car accidents each year result in the loss of life.

4 Reasons to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed Sooner Rather Than Later

Undergoing dental surgery sounds like something that you might want to avoid at all cost. However, there are risks if you decide to delay removing your wisdom teeth.

Prioritizing PT: 4 Reasons Physical Therapy is Your Best Friend after an Injury

If you have recently suffered an injury, then it is a good idea to get physical therapy. Physical therapy is a practice that involves using exercise, heat treatment and massage in order to treat an illness.

Open Wide! 4 Health Recommendations Your Dentist Might Give You

When you do your dental visits, your dentist will give you the advice to keep a good oral health. The tips include flossing, tongue cleaning, getting fillings, and root canal therapy.

Life with Kids: How to Handle the Inevitable Owies

If you have children, then they will experience minor injuries occasionally. It is important to understand how to cope with the bruises or bumps that happen to children, but you must also know what to do when a serious injury occurs.

Tooth Trouble? How to Know If a Root Canal Is Truly Necessary

Delaying going to the dentist for a tooth problem will only make it worse. Taking care of your mouth is just as important as getting regular medical checkups.

Teenage Acne? 3 Tips For Clearer Skin

When your teenager looks in the mirror, they may feel self-conscious about a few things. There could be blemishes that are unappealing to your teen that they want to hide or get rid of but with no success after trying various methods.

Cosmetic Dental Care: 4 Signs You Need Dental Implants

Thanks to modern technology, cosmetic dental care is increasingly gaining acceptance and popularity. Today, it is possible for people who have lost their permanent teeth to have an artificial one fixed.

Common Carcinoma: 4 Types of Skin Cancer that Show Up All Too Often

Cancer is the result of cells growing out of control and crippling vital portions of the body. The condition can develop in any part of the body and seems especially prone to form on the skin of those often exposed to the sun’s harmful rays without adequate protection.

Fitness Gurus: 5 Fun Ways to Get a Great Workout at Home

Have you ever wanted to work out - had the very best intentions - but just couldn’t get out the door? You don’t have a babysitter, or you have to make dinner, or you just don’t have the energy to go to the gym.

White as Snow: 4 Ways to Make Your Smile Glow

Teeth discoloration is common, and it is a problem that most people will have to deal with. While it is most commonly associated with smoking and with drinking coffee, tea, and soda, it also can be caused by age, poor dental hygiene and more.

How is BHT different from traditional hair transplant?

Hair transplant is fast being recognized as the most viable solution for baldness and is a highly sought after procedure around the world.

Periodontal Problems: How to Decrease Your Chances of Getting Gum Disease

Many people are not aware that they are developing gum disease until it becomes painfully obvious. When periodontal disease is left untreated, it can cause the gums and bone structures in the mouth to begin to deteriorate.

Worry Not: 5 Keys to Preventing an Anxiety Attack

Dealing with anxiety attacks can be deeply unpleasant. Your body can feel like it has lost control, often out of nowhere. They can result in hyperventilating and a great sense of unwellness.

Scientific Slant: Weighing the Facts on Alternative Medicine

As demand increases, more medical professionals are turning to alternative techniques like yoga or acupuncture. But to scientific colleagues, the entire body of alternative treatments are sham practices that encourage people to avoid modern medicine and thereby endanger their health.

4 Antioxidants That Make Your Health That Much Better

Antioxidants are a key to good health and longevity. Antioxidants are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. They work by preventing the oxidation of molecules in the body.

Have Prosthetics? 3 Ways To Go Forward With Your Life

Getting a prosthetic limb is a major life change. It’s hard to imagine beforehand, but once you’ve got it you can start to move forward.

Ouch! 5 Remedies When You or Your Child Has a Toothache

Toothaches do not discriminate as they affect the young and the old. Parents may, understandably, feel helpless when their child experiences pain.

Rest and Relaxation: 4 Pointers for a Spectacular Getaway

Sometimes, you just want to get away from it all. Taking time for recreation is absolutely necessary in order to function properly in your day-to-day life.

How to Live a Healthy Life Without Spending Too Much Money

Life seems to move along, and so does our health. When money is tight, it’s difficult to eat as healthy as you should. Yes, eating organic food is healthier but can become costly if you’re not careful.

The Road to Recovery: 3 Treatment Plans to Help You Get Sober

Getting sober is the goal of any alcohol treatment plan. If alcohol is interfering with your day to day activities, it is a sign you need help to recover.

How to Manage Bruising After an Atlanta Facelift Surgery

The fact remains that a well-done facelift definitely requires a reasonably large area for the easy mobilization of soft tissues. The degree of this mobilization of tissue often equates to the actual degree of bruising an Atlanta facelift patient experiences.

4 Things to Expect After Bariatric Surgery

Congratulations, you have decided on, or are at least contemplating, taking the huge step that is bariatric surgery! Bariatric surgery procedures can be grouped into three main categories: blocking (which block absorption of food), restrictive (which shrink the size of the stomach or take up space) and mixed procedures, with gastric bypass surgery being the most common.

Dental Dynamics: 4 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Restoration

When you look in the mirror and see that your teeth aren’t exactly perfect or that there are teeth broken or missing, your self-esteem might suffer.

How Fathers Can Teach Their Sons Proper Oral Healthcare

Proper oral hygiene is a life skill that all children must learn if they are to have healthy gums and teeth. As a father, you know your son needs to pick up these skills, but sometimes it is difficult to get him to understand the importance of taking care of his teeth.

Managing Mental Health: 5 Tips for Dealing with Depression

Anyone who has ever experienced a spout with depression knows that the condition is more than a matter of a little sadness. Depression is a medical state in which the chemical balance in your brain is thrown off to the extent of you feeling hopeless.

Naturally Better: How to Find Professional Holistic Healthcare for Your Family

Finding traditional medical services and treatments is rather easy to do, but it has substantial drawbacks. For example, the cost of such treatments and services can be prohibitive.

Health on the Line? 4 Steps to Take After Being Given a Diagnosis

Your life is instantly turned upside down when you are given a life-changing diagnosis. Suddenly, nothing will seem right with the world. You are likely to have many questions, and your emotions may feel like they are on a roller coaster.

Preparing for Pregnancy: 9 Ways to Make These 9 Months Easier

Having a baby is one of the most joyous times in a woman’s life. If you’ve recently become pregnant, the journey ahead is going to be absolutely incredible.

Everything You Need To Know About Paternity Testing

We all receive half our genetic information from our mother and half from our father, and this genetic information is used in paternity tests to determine whether a man is the biological father of a child.

What Is the Root Chakra & How Can It Benefit Your Mental Health?

Chakras are energy centers within human beings that create energy, store vitality, and help balance physical, emotional, and mental health.

Goodbye Anxiety: 5 Sure-Fire Ways to Relax Your Mind and Muscles

If you regularly deal with stress and anxiety in everyday life, there are some ways that you can try to calm your body and mind that might be effective.

Myth or Fact? 3 Reasons Soft Water Is Better for You

You can’t turn on your faucets and identify whether you have hard water or soft water just by the way that it flows. Hard water refers to water that contains more than just hydrogen and oxygen.

Business Bruises? 4 Steps to Follow When You're Injured on the Job

One of the responsibilities that an employer has is to maintain a safe working environment at all times. However, there is no foolproof way to prevent an accident.

Aging Teeth: 4 Signs You Should Consider Getting Dentures

Even if you have always been diligent in caring for your teeth, there may come a time when they become too fragile or damaged to continue to serve you.

4 Simple Ways to Stay Energized and Focused Throughout Your Week

<p>Can you relate to this scenario? You look forward to the upcoming week, thinking that this time, things will be different. You're going to get through the work and/or schoolwork with flying colors and be on the course to achieve what you know you can achieve.

4 Home Mold Facts & Why It’s Dangerous to Your Health

If you have found mold in your home or been told it’s present somewhere in the house, you may either freak out or not be overly concerned.

Cavities and Mouth Pain: 5 Ways to Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral health and preventing problems from occurring can be achieved when proper care is taken. While there are a few obvious things that need to happen in order to protect the teeth and gums, many people are not aware of the specific process that goes along with them.

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3 Tips for Raising a Healthy Kitten

The whole philosophy of raising a kitten is similar to that of bringing up children.   Getting a new kitten and raising it into a well-mannered and well-adjusted cat is a fantastic experience.

Medical Bills: How to Escape the Pressure Quickly

Whether you have suffered a serious illness or incurred medical bills due to an ongoing medical problem, medical bills can pile up fast, leaving you overwhelmed.

4 Physical Health Standards You Should Monitor

<p>If you are not in the habit of getting annual physicals, you may not understand the standards that are used to monitor your health. However, these markers can provide information that can alert your physician of your risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other problems.

Didn’t Have Dental Care Growing up? 4 Steps for Adults with Bad Teeth

It is important for kids to learn good dental hygiene early in life. Many adults were not taught this essential skill as a child. This may have lead you to have bad teeth.

Tooth Truths: 4 Signs You’re the Perfect Candidate for a Dental Implant

When you look in the mirror and see teeth that are broken or missing, you might feel self-conscious. Your teeth are a part of your smile, which is one of the first things that people see when you meet them.

Pressure Relief Wheelchair Cushions: Perfect For Pain Relief

Sitting on a wheelchair for long is a pain in your back in every literal sense possible! Being stuck in wheelchair is one of the biggest nightmares you can possibly get, which might further lead to bad scenarios later.

6 Major Reasons Teeth Become Yellow or Stained

Everyone wants a bright, white smile. However, not everyone is aware of the many factors that can cause teeth to stain. Read on for a list of six reasons for tooth discoloration.

Gentle Dental: 5 Ways to Get over Your Fear of the Dentist

There aren’t many people who look forward to visiting the dentist. It’s a chore at best, and it’s a terrifying experience at worst.

Don’t Go! 3 Reasons to Keep Your Sick Kiddo Home from School

Schools always praise children for good attendance. As a parent, it’s very easy to take that praise to heart. You know that you don’t want your child to miss school and you certainly don’t want his or her education to fall behind just behind just because of a few sniffles.

The Road to Recovery: 5 Lifestyle Changes You Need to Make to Overcome Addiction

Addiction is a challenging medical condition to grapple with, and it can span a variety of substances and habits (e.g. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, sexual practices, and so on).

Are You Aware? Penile Circumcision Reduces the Risks of HIV Infection

Penile circumcision in adult males is the surgical removal of the loose, excess foreskin from the head of the penis. As a fact, the foreskin is highly vulnerable to the risks of HIV infection and at such times, the penis provides some bit of protection against HIV for heterosexual men.

Seeing Clearly: How Modern Technology is Improving Corrective Lenses

It’s no secret that corrective lenses were revolutionary when they came out. Regardless of the fact that contact lenses further pushed the development of optometry, scientists are still coming out with groundbreaking advancements for spectacles.

Bloody Gums? How to Prevent Periodontal Disease

Have you ever brushed your teeth then noticed that you’ve spit blood in the sink? Though you might have brushed it off as a normal occurrence, bleeding gums actually might be a sign of something serious going on within your mouth: gum disease.

Tips To Help a Bedridden Patient Have a Quick Recovery

If you happen to be taking care of a bedridden patient, you will need to ensure that you do everything possible to make sure that they get a full and speedy recovery.

Workplace Woes: What to Do When You Fall on-the-Job

When you work anywhere, it is important to know what to do before you are injured by a fall on a wet floor or from a ladder. Understand your employer’s guidelines concerning an injury while working so that you can receive compensation to pay for your medical bills and living expenses.

Starting a Practice? 5 Tech-Savvy Tips to Know Before Going Private

Healthcare practitioners who have decided to start their own practice should know that there are multiple strategies they can deploy to become increasingly successful with their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Can’t Ditch the Cough? 4 DIY Remedies for Getting Your Health Back

Nothing will catch more looks of fear and disdain in public than a nagging cough. If you are casually browsing the produce section and have a persistent cough, put on your nice person manners and at least cover your mouth.

Oral Health: How Does it Affect Your Overall Well-Being?

Anyone who has endured a toothache knows that oral health problems can rob you of your sense of well-being. However, medical researchers have accumulated a large body of evidence that shows your oral health plays a crucial role in determining overall physical health.

Doing a Keto Diet? Healthy Tips for Consuming Enough Fats & Protein

Ketogenic diets are very popular right now. Many people in the high tech and finance fields have been getting on this fad diet. While there are many benefits to a ketogenic diet, staying on keto is often troublesome.

Child Had a Tooth Knocked Out? 4 Best Replacement Options

It can be a nerve-racking process when your child loses their teeth, whether it be to losing it naturally or by accident. However, there are plenty of options available to you and your child to improve their smile and functionality of their mouth.

Getting Better: 4 Reasons Your Health Comes First in a Crisis

The unfortunate reality is that many people will deal with a health crisis at some point in their lives. This may be because of injuries caused by a serious accident, a sudden and unexpected illness or something else.

Seeking relief with Copaiba essential oil

Seeking a safe effective and low cost solution to any health issue can be a challenge.  When we tire of OTC drugs (over the counter) with long disclaimers and a plethora of unwanted side effects we head to the local health food store or holistic apothecary shop to search for relief.

Ouch! 3 Steps to Take When Your Child Breaks a Bone

Children are usually very active, and through their various activities, some may become injured. Sprains and pulled muscles are common, but some children will break bones from time to time.

4 Exercise Regimens that Improve Circulation and Coordination

Strong coordination and circulation are both essential for all humans who want to look and feel their best day. The good news is that there are a handful of exercise approaches that can do wonders for humans who are interested in enhancing coordination and circulation.

Doctor Doubts: 4 Signs You are a Victim of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice comes in many forms, and it can be difficult to know if you’ve been a victim. Even if you’re on the road to recovery, it is possible that your doctor or surgeon made a misstep along the way that qualifies as malpractice.

Winter Cold Got You Down? 4 Health Tips to Bring You Back Up

The holiday season is sometimes called the most wonderful time of the year, but winter isn’t so wonderful when you’re feeling sick.

Hope and Healing: How to Overcome Your Eating Disorder

Dealing with an eating disorder may feel like one of the loneliest situations to get through, but The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, Inc.

Healthy Life: 3 Simple Ways You Can Take Control of Your Body

It may seem like your body and your overall health are not under your control. Your weight may fluctuate frequently, and you may have several unpleasant health symptoms.

Drinking Dangers: 4 Major Ways Alcohol Deteriorates Your Health

Alcohol is a drug that can negatively impact a person’s physical and mental health. Excessive drinking is a problem for millions of people worldwide.

4 Steps to Take When Your Spouse Is Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s

While you may have suspected it for a long time, hearing that your spouse has Alzheimer’s can rock you to the very core. The days ahead may get very rough, so enjoy each positive precious moment along the way.

Nip and Tuck: What Plastic Surgery Can Do For Your Health and Self-Esteem

Plastic surgery is the way to go if you’re in need of a good makeover, but did you know that there are other benefits to having a procedure, like breast reduction, done? An operation like this one, carried out by a professional plastic surgeon that’s equally knowledgeable and skilled in his field, has the very real potential of getting rid of some of your bodily pain complaints.

Let Your Smile Shine: How to Maintain Regular Oral Hygiene on Your Own

Keeping up with your oral hygiene is not as easy as it may seem. There are a number of people in the United States who admit to having poor oral hygiene habits, including children.

4 Reasons Your Healthcare Choices Are Better When Preventative

Some people adopt the mentality that they do not need healthcare, dental or vision services until a major symptom develops. They view preventive care services as a waste of time and money.

Dental Decision: 6 Factors When Choosing a New Dentist

Choosing a new healthcare provider of any type can be difficult. Many times you know little about them and end up choosing a name off a list.

4 Benefits to Choosing Healthcare as Your Career Path

Healthcare has always been a career path that has offered many benefits for individuals. However, with the aging of the American population and the drive to expand insurance coverage to more people, the healthcare industry is expected to need many more workers to provide a variety of services.

4 Common Vitamin Deficiencies And How To Remedy Them

You would think that in a country like the United States vitamin deficiencies would be rare. But it is really shocking how common some vitamin deficiencies are.

Speaking Up: Why You Should Always Report Injuries at Work

Getting injured is a pain—literally! And while you may be tempted to tough it out and avoid making a big deal out of an injury, that’s usually not the right approach, especially if the injury happened at your workplace.

What Are The Features Of An Executive Rehab Center?

Many people simply do not believe that their substance use is a problem and for that reason, they don’t think there is a need for treatment.

6 Reasons Why Dental Health is as Important for Dogs as for Humans

You know how important it is to get yourself and your kids to the dentist on a regular basis, but did you know it is equally important to get dental care for your dog? Just like you, your dog can suffer from a myriad of health problems if his dental care is not attended to.

Goodbye Aches and Pains: 4 Tips for Reducing Arthritic and Chronic Pain

Arthritis and other conditions often cause chronic pain that can impair the ability to enjoy life and engage in normal activities. Arthritis is a degenerative condition that involves the wearing away of bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments in the joints of the body.

Easing the Aches: 5 Tips to Help You Live with Chronic Pain

Any type of pain that lasts more than 12 weeks can be considered chronic. This is something that many people will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

Important Proven Facts You Need To Know About Skin Whitening

Women and men can be odd when it comes to skincare.  The caucasians want darker skin while the darker skinned women, including Asians, want whiter, fairer skin.

4 Crucial Factors When Choosing a New Health Insurance Provider

<p>Shopping for health insurance isn’t as easy as it could be. With dozens of plans out there at every price level, there are just too many variables to consider.

Don’t Neglect Your Skin! Top Tips for Keeping Moles at Bay

Moles might give your skin some interesting characteristics. However, they can be possible signs of medical problems, such as cancer. While most moles don’t need to be worried about, it’s best to not have them.

7 Ways To Make The Most Of Summer Before It Ends

With the end of summer just around the corner, it seems those sunny days and long nights might be running out. Luckily there’s still a bit of time to enjoy the sunshine.

Ways To Make Your Self-Tan Last Longer

All of us want a beautiful summer glow, but this should never be a cause to subject your skin to any harmful UV rays or tanning beds, which will only damage your skin and cause detrimental illnesses.

Emergency! How to Financially Cover a Surprise Urgent Health Crisis

The economic struggles people are going through is scary. Most Americans cannot cover an emergencyexceeding $500, which is pretty bad. Most medical emergencies cost more than that since this country does not provide health care as a right like other developed countries.

Pregnancy Problems? A Few Alternatives to Consider

Pregnancy Problems affect many women in the United States. There is no way that what one woman feels is exactly the same as another, but some women have found solutions that you can learn from.

Dental Dilemmas: How to Take Action After Getting a Chipped Tooth

If you chip a tooth, it’s important to get it fixed as soon as you can. If you don’t, you risk further damage to the tooth and possibly infection.

Beating Brain Tumors: What to Know about Neurosurgery

It’s hard to think of a more frightening phrase than “brain tumor.” If you’ve been told you have one, you’re probably freaking out.

Learning to Love Your Smile: 4 Unique Ways to Get the Smile You Have Always Wanted

Do you often find yourself flipping through beauty magazines and wishing that you could have a smile like those models have? Believe it or not, you’re more than capable of acquiring one like theirs.

4 Signs Your Home’s Air Quality Is Slacking & How That Impacts Health

Quality of life and security for the future are reasons many of us choose to own a home. In general, homeowners tend toward being responsible by nature.

Redox Signaling Molecules: How They Impact Your Body on a Cellular Level

Cellular health is critical to the human body. Healthy tissues are generated by health cells, and this ensures the organs remain healthy. Peak performance of the human body can only be attained when the individual systems are interacting properly.

3 Health Choices that Give You Control Over Your Body

We make choices every day whether it’s what groceries to buy, what movie to see, which parking spot to use, and where to eat for dinner.

Holistic Eye Health: 4 Unique Ways to Improve Your Vision

Your eyes are always working for you. They are constantly taking in images and sending them to the brain for interpretation. As you age, however, your eyes become increasingly prone to vision problems.

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Wellness at Home

A new year has arrived, and along with that has come feelings that you want to turn towards a healthier outlook on life. This is certainly a lofty goal and one that can be achieved with a bit of determination and resolve.

Worse to Worst: 4 Ways Medical Miscommunication Can Turn into Malpractice and More

Medical miscommunication can lead to many serious problems, including malpractice errors. However, leading technology is helping to improve patient communication with medical providers that may reduce problems.

Treat Yourself: A Short Guide to Help You on Your Road to Recovery

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the world, and beating it isn’t easy. If you’ve been struggling with an alcohol addiction, you may have already tried to quit a few times, only to find yourself being drawn back into the same bad habits.

Back on Your Feet: 4 Ways You Can Recover from a Serious Injury

Are you on your way to recover from a serious injury? We all know how hard it is to get back on your feet, but there are plenty of things you can do to get yourself back on track.

The Difference between Dental Implants and Dental Bridges

There are many dental clinics that specialise in caps, veneers and dental implants Melbourne wide, providing patients with a variety of suitable options for damaged, discoloured and broken teeth.

Tech for Wellness: 4 Ways Technology is Improving Your Health

Technology is often blamed for making life more difficult, but just a few days without technology and people would truly learn to appreciate what systems and applications do to make the average person’s life more convenient.

No More Aches and Pains: 3 Ways You Can Diagnose Your Health Problems

While only a licensed medical practitioner can offer you an actual diagnosis, sometimes, they just do not get it right. And, as is the case with many specialists, you might find that you have a months-long wait before you can even be seen for your first appointment.

Periodontal Points: How Impacted Wisdom Teeth Can Impact Your Health

Commonly known as wisdom teeth, rear molars have a tendency to grow in improperly. Impacted wisdom teeth are ones that remain partially or completely beneath the gums.

Cosmetic Surgery: 5 Reasons to Consider a Tummy Tuck

More and more people are turning to cosmetic surgery these days and one of the options they choose is a tummy tuck. Tummy tucks can be some of the most effective options for people that want to look svelte and feel confident in their body again.

If You’re an Adult and Have Brackets, You Really Need to Read this Article

 When you have brackets, your teeth require additional care for shield them from decay, spots or gum infections. You ought to likewise play it safe to abstain from harming the brackets.

Collision Consequences: 4 Ways Car Accidents Can Impact Your Health

Being in a car accident can have serious consequences on your life. Many of these consequences can impact your health. Here are some of the ways that a car accident can affect you.

The Surprising Benefits of Using Cannabis Cream

Cannabis has been found very helpful in pain relief and even issues like weight loss efforts. However, the use of topical creams including cannabis can have benefits that individuals do not expect.

Under the Weather? A Short Guide to Improving Your Wellness

If you aren’t feeling your best, then it is time to improve your overall wellness. When you are a young adult, you may need to take care of your health on your own for the first time in your life.

How to Be Responsible When Using Opiates for Chronic Pain Management

Most people that suffer from substance abuse are involved with the drugs heroin and cocaine. Addictive drugs can be used for medical purposes, such as prescription painkillers, but they’re just as easy to take advantage of.

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

Hearing aid technology has come a long way since the very first electric hearing aids were introduced to the market in 1898, and even earlier when ear trumpets were invented in the 18th century.

Care Tips After Undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian butt lift is a popular procedure that’s being increasingly used by Hollywood celebrities and regular people alike. The procedure can greatly enhance the buttocks, and the best thing about it is that it does all of this by simply taking your own fat from an unwanted place and re-distributing it to another.

Powerful Alternative Treatment for Mental Illness

Mental illness affects one in three people in the United States of America at some point in their lives. This is a stunning number approaching one-third of the population.

Pain-free and highly mobile with Flexitrinol

Mobility is compromised in the presence of debilitating pain. Life should not be putting up with pain and doing away with favorite hobbies and pastimes to escape the pain.

In an Accident? A Few Tips to Help You Recover Quickly

Recovering from an accident can be a frustrating process. You may be in pain or dealing with some mental trauma, and you’ll need to be a bit more cautious about any sort of physical activity until you’re feeling 100 percent again.

Reevaluating Kremotex – is it the #1 remedy for aging skin?

People try to avoid developing wrinkles as much as possible. Inevitably, though, wrinkles happen over the years even when people find them ugly and unattractive.

Sletrokor and weight loss – how easy and safe is it?

  Fast and easy weight loss is what everyone seems to want. Yet, the extra weight will not leave that easy just like it did not happen all at once.

4 Post-Pregnancy Care Tips to Get you Back on Your Feet in No Time

Becoming a mother is a wonderful experience, and you are probably enjoying some of the perks already. Still, it is okay to admit that there are a few aspects of your life that you want back, and that is okay.

Viritenz run through: will it help men’s sexual dysfunctions?

A man that is prevented from getting the utmost satisfaction in a sexual act has a sexual dysfunction problem. There are four phases of the sexual response cycle, to include:   â—       Excitement â—       Plateau â—       Orgasm â—       Resolution   Sexual dysfunction is a common problem among the male population that men are hesitant to talk about.

5 Ways You Can Attack the New Year with a Healthy Lifestyle

At the start of 2018, it’s the perfect time to get a new and fresh start in life. It’s never too late to make changes that benefit your health.

How Advances in Stem Cell Research Are Making Humankind Healthier & Stronger

There is a lot of controversy when it comes to stem cell research. This has tainted how the public views the potential benefits that stem cells can provide.

Been in a Car Accident Recently? 4 Steps to Physically & Psychologically Recover

A car accident can have a profound impact on your physical and mental health. In addition to chronic muscle, tendon or ligament pain, you may also have nightmares about the accident or an unwillingness to get into a car.

Cover Your Back: How to Know If Your Medical Diagnosis Was in Error

A misdiagnosis from a medical professional can have long-lasting negative consequences. It can cause both physical and psychological damage to a person.

4 Birth Complications Expectant Mothers Should Be Aware Of

Every mother wants nothing more than to give birth to a happy and healthy baby. Mothers all want to have the convenience of easy and hassle-free deliveries as well.

5 Warning Signs of Periodontitis and How to Protect Yourself

Gum disease is often caused by a buildup of plaque or tartar on the teeth. Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease, usually resulting from an untreated form of milder gum disease, such as gingivitis.

Hidden Expenses When Dealing with an Unexpected Injury

Thousands of accidental injuries are reported on a daily basis across the United States, so it should come as no surprise that they are also a leading cause of death in the country.

Tooth Aches: 4 Painful Signs You Need an Extraction

Tooth pain can sometimes be an unbearable ordeal that takes away from the pleasures of everyday life. If you have a tooth that is causing you pain that won’t lessen with the help of medications or dental procedures, your best option might be to have it pulled.

Spring Sneezes? A Few Health Tips for Seasonal Allergies

Sometimes, a few warm days will sneak in near the end of the winter season and you’ll get that spring cleaning urge. It’s okay to get an early start on spring cleaning chores.

More Harm Than Good: Top Signs You’re a Victim of Medical Malpractice

Doctors are supposed to help you feel better. In a few cases, you may not receive the appropriate care. Here are some of the signs that you were a victim of medical malpractice.

The Dangers Of Heading Overseas for Cosmetic Surgery

Spurred on by celebrities, more and more of us are thinking about going under the knife to achieve that perfect look. Whatever the reasons for opting for elective surgery, it’s important that patients treat it like other surgery.

Essentialities That a New Mother Requires After Child Birth

Motherhood is a rejoicing time period for every woman. It comes with its own pros and cons. Here in, pros are the first-time experience of beholding one’s own child and caressing him.

Tough Teeth: How to Teach Your Toddler Good Oral Hygiene

When you are a new parent, raising a child may seem complicated. As your infant grows into the toddler stage, it is important for her to learn oral hygiene habits.

Diet Time: 3 Tips that Make Eating Healthy Easier

Most people share the same goal of eating healthier. You may even eat healthy for a few days in a row before you seriously fall off track.

Be Your Own Beautiful: 5 Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Surgery

Many people used to think of plastic surgery in a negative light. Oftentimes, celebrities and other ridiculously wealthy individuals were thought of as the only candidates for cosmetic surgery.

Why Replacing Teeth Following Tooth Extraction is Important

Many people throughout their adult lives will have to undergo tooth extractions as a result of various dental conditions and issues. Minor and major dental concerns alike can necessitate removal of the tooth in order to maintain good oral health.

Dental Insights: 4 Tricks to Maintain Healthy Teeth

Everyone loves the look of a beautiful, healthy smile and the confidence it gives you, as well. At the same time, maintaining that beautiful, healthy smile can be a bit of a challenge.

The best way to restore your gut flora

As far as our general health and well-being are concerned, obviously we don’t need anybody to tell us just how influential the foods and drinks that we consume on a daily basis are, in relation to just how healthy we are.

3 Ways You Can Say Goodbye to Reoccurring Health Problems

Health problems are both unpleasant and expensive to cure. Though some number of health issues is simply to be expected as part of day-to-day life, most people suffer from more than they have to because of unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Straight and Shiny: A Short Guide to a Stunning Smile

If you want to have a stunning smile with straight and white teeth, then there are several steps that you must take first. Use this guide to help you improve the appearance of your smile.

3 Oral Health Problems that Are Dangerous If Left Untreated

Many people experience the occasional toothache due to a cavity or other small problems with their teeth. Repairs and remedies are often routine and simple for any dentist.

How to Learn More about the Damaging Health Effects of Alcohol

  You might not understand the damaging health effects from excess consumption of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, or hard liquor.

4 Solutions for a Healthy and Beautiful Smile

Our smiles are our most important facial features, helping us communicate and make friends. A bad smile can make us feel bad about ourselves and affect our self-esteem, so it’s important to practice good habits to keep our teeth looking healthy and bright.

The Dangers of Getting Cosmetic Surgery Overseas

When there’s a topic revolving around bargains, the majority of the time they seem like a good idea. However, when it involves risk to health you have to question whether it’s worth the discount if it has a potential to harm.

Wound Care: 3 Ways You Can Make Sure Your Injury Doesn't Become Worse

Anytime you receive a wound of any kind, you should be alert to the danger of serious infection and take immediate steps to minimize your exposure to bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Pursuing the Perfect Body: 3 Cosmetic Procedures to Consider

Pursuing a perfect body is something that many of you do. Many people put a lot of time and hard work and time into pursing that perfect body.

The Advantages of Using Spray Tanning Solutions

It’s not hard to see why spray tanning solutions continue to be a popular beauty trend! Being a quick stress-free option and easy application when trying to achieve flawless bronzed skin.

Pain Reliever: 3 Steps to Feeling Like Yourself Again

Conditions that cause chronic pain can have a significant impact on an individual’s daily life. Work duties may become more difficult or impossible to perform.

Competent Care: How to Pay for High-Quality Medical Costs

Medical care in the United States has not evolved with the rest of the world guaranteeing it as a right for all people. This means that Americans have to figure out a way to pay for health care costs on their own, which can be hard for some people.

Do You Frequently Get Migraines? Top Tips for Reducing the Pain

Migraines are defined as a throbbing recurring headache that often affects only one side of the head. They can be accompanied by changes in vision and nausea.

Taking Care of Your Dental Health: 5 Reasons Your Gums Might be Receding

Receding gums are often painful. And if your gums are receding, you might think there’s no remedy. But there are treatments to help the situation.

Should You Keep On Changing Your Marijuana Doctors, very frequently?

  For Cannabis treatment, you can think of going to any marijuana clinic where you feel comfortable and relaxed; however before choosing one, you should always consider several factors associated with it.

Back Problems: How to Deal with a Herniated Disc

If you have a herniated disc, you may experience excruciating pain. It is important to know there are things you should do when you have a herniated disc.

Let Go of Vertigo: 4 Ways You Can Help Cure Yourself of the Dizziness

Vertigo can be debilitating at times, so trying to figure out a way to overcome it should be your goal. The problem is you have tried a number of things and they have not worked.

First Time Using Contacts? How to Care for Them & Avoid Infection

Have you finally made the leap from prescription glasses to contact lenses? It may seem like a lot to handle but contact lens care, while crucial, is really quite simply.

Pain the Neck: 4 Ways to Manage Chronic Back Pain

It is estimated that 70 percent of people will suffer from chronic back pain at some point. It is caused by poor posture, injury or an underlying medical condition.

Modern Medicine: 3 Simple Medical Technologies That Changed the Game

With any type of medical treatment, often the best care comes simply from a caring and concerned doctor. While a medical professional who is knowledgeable and experienced will never be replaced by technology, there are certainly modern technologies which greatly improve the quality of care they can provide.



Safety First: 4 Types of Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Using Prescribed Medications

Medicine is meant to help and it normally does, but mistakes can be made. As a patient, you should understand the possibility of errors, and do your best to minimize your chances of falling victim to a medical mistake.

Importance of Regular Pet Grooming and Overall Health

Regular pet grooming is vital for their health as well as wellbeing, not just their appearance. It is also an essential part of owning a pet.

The Advantages of Fat Transfer

Fat transfer, also commonly referred to as fat grafting, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves excess fat being transferred from one part of the body to another in order to contour or add volume.

Lab Test: How Medical Laboratories Keep Us Safe from Disease

Medical laboratories play a vital role in preventing the further spread of disease. There are so many aspects of the modern medical lab when it comes to the prevention and detection of disease.

Importance of Dental Care for Kids

When your child’s teeth begin to appear, you must clean them with a soft, damp cloth. You also need to wipe gently over the teeth and gums in order to remove any milk or other food residue.

What Is an Average Cost of Hair Transplant in Delhi NCR?

Baldness has many treatment options nowadays though they are not so cheap.  But when you go in for a hair surgery, you need to look at some important points that will help you judge the estimation of total transplantation cost.

Dealing with Anorexia: 5 Signs You Need Rehab

Anorexia is one of the eating disorders that can just sneak up on you. One day, you’re eating salads to try and lose 10 pounds and the next you could be surviving on mints for days at a time.

Starting a Meal Replacement Shake Plan

When you plan to start a meal replacement shake plan, it is important to ensure that you actually have realistic expectations according to The Cleveland Leader.

3 Healthy Steps to Feel More Confident in Your Day-to-Day Life

Feeling good about yourself and health is something that everyone should strive for. Now, actually feeling better about yourself does take a little work, but this is something that you can do.

5 Remarkable Benefits of Kratom

The leaves of this plant have a calming effect comparable to morphine, but it doesn't have any habit-forming qualities. You can easily buy Kratom in the sort of fluid extracts, pills, powders, and squashed tea leaves and so forth.

Want to Correct Your Teeth? Top Benefits of Invisalign for Adults

You’d like to improve your smile, but you never made it to the orthodontist as a child. Despite the long duration spent wishing for a better smile, you are ready to make a change.

Addiction Recovery: 5 Ways You Can Help Struggling Loved Ones

When a loved one is struggling with an addiction, one of the worst things you can do is to isolate them. It’s very difficult to climb out of the hole as devastating as addiction.

Rest and Recovery: 4 Tips to Getting Back on Your Feet After a Major Accident

If you have been involved in an accident, no matter how major or minor it might have been, there will undoubtedly be a recovery period. This is the time for you to focus on your health and to overcome the injuries that have set you back a back.

Top 5 Essential Oils for Regular Use

The various kinds of essential oils have given humankind a wide selection of remedies for both therapeutic and medical purposes for hundreds and thousands of years.

How to Tell the Difference Between the Common Cold & the Flu

You wake up in the middle of the night because you’re coughing and feel feverish. Thinking that it’s probably just a cold, you take medications and go back to bed.

Skin Abnormalities: How to Take Care of a Melanoma

If melanoma is caught in the early stages, the survival rates are very high. As the disease progresses, you may have to pursue more aggressive treatment options.

9.9 Million People are Diagnosed with Dementia Annually: 4 Signs & Symptoms to Know

While many people think of dementia as a disease, it is actually a general term used to describe a loss of mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily activities.

Happy and Healthy: 4 Holistic Tips to Keep You in Great Shape

Living a more holistic lifestyle can help you improve your health. The term “holistic” refers to treating the whole person. There are many ways that you can live a holistic lifestyle.

Top Reasons Why Adults Shouldn’t Skip out on Dentist Appointments

As a kid, you might’ve loathed the idea of visiting the dentist. So, when you became an adult, you now have the choice to skip the visits.

Look Great & Feel Better! 5 Steps to Being More Confident in Life

If you continue to do the same things that make you lack confidence, then nothing will ever change. It often comes down to cleaning up your thoughts, actions, and image, and before you know it, your life is changing for the better.

Reviewing Femmetrinol: how effective is it?

Rated as the #1 Menopause Support Pill, Femmetrinol claims to quickly, safely, and effectively resolve menopausal issues. The all-natural formula is maximized to meet all AM and PM needs of menopausal women.

Missing a Few Teeth? Why You Should Consider Getting Dental Implants

If you are missing a few teeth, you may not be happy with the state of your mouth. You may not like how it looks or are experiencing pain.

How effective are male enhancement pills?

Male Enhancement pills overview The sex life is one of the major determinants of the quality of a person’s life. All people want a great sex life.

Want to Get Rid of Vertigo? Know About these 14 Interesting Ways!

Do you experience vertigo? Most people consider vertigo as fear of heights. But actually, it is acrophobia and not vertigo. Though you can suffer from vertigo at a height, it is not the reason it happens.

SOMADERMâ„¢ Gel is the only FDA registered transdermal human growth hormone product available without prescription.

GROWING OLD IS A FACT OF LIFE, AND IT’S INEVITABLE Our bones become brittle, skin starts to wrinkle, muscles get weaker, and energy plummets.

How to Protect Aging Patients with Chronic Medical Conditions

Older patients who have chronic medical conditions require a high level of support and care. They often call for close monitoring at all hours of the day, too.

Is Dental Implant Safe?

A person needs a dental implant when his or her teeth have gone through severe tooth decay. It can be done for one single tooth, a pair of teeth, several teeth or for the entire set of teeth.

5 Tips on How to Avoid Age Related Illnesses

We all want to live long and experience the joy of seeing our great-grandchildren, but what we never prepare for is age-related illnesses.

Periodontal Diseases – What you Need to Know and Understand?

Bleeding gums are the signs and symptoms that your gums are severely infected. Keep in mind that this infection may spread across the area.

Need Surgery? How to Find a Medical Professional You Can Trust

If you need surgery, you’ll want to make sure that a trusted professional performs the procedure. There are some key qualities that you should be looking for as you search for the right surgeon.

10 Good Reasons for Visiting the Obstetrician or Gynaecologist

Making an appointment for check up with an obstetrician or gynaecologist can be intimidating for women and quite often many avoid visiting them altogether.

How to apply the only Transderm HGH Lotion to the Skin

This article tells you where to apply the only Transderm HGH (Human Growth Hormone) lotion onto the skin.   Firstly, we need to understand that hormones are stored in the body, they are usually stored in the fatty tissue layer, therefore the best way to get them into these areas, which is both easy and very safe with no side affects, is through the thin areas of the skin.

Dental Health: 5 Tips to Help You Avoid Oral Cancer

There’s no denying that oral cancer can be detrimental to your overall health and make it harder for you to live your life. Oral cancer is not only a big health issue, but it can be deadly.

All you need to know about drinking raw milk and WHY you should drink it

    Raw milk is quite widely misunderstood and often throws fear around consuming it. It is most common to think that pasteurized milk is the safest to drink and you really need to steer clear of any milk that doesn't represent that label.

What to expect when dealing with postpartum recovery and care

Pregnancy is a long 9 months, but it doesn’t end there! Postpartum care and recovery really does encompass a lot of things and most are a shock and unexpected.

Got Pain? It Could Be Gluten

When you’re living with chronic pain, one of the first steps to an effective treatment plan is determining the cause the pain. Unfortunately, that isn’t always an easy task.

Should Toddlers Be Taken to a Dentist?

We have a general assumption that kids below 5 years of age cannot develop a tooth problem. The concept is entirely wrong. Chocolates and candies are a favorite of the child ever since he develops taste in his taste buds.

All you Need to know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you know the secret behind the glittering and metallic smiles of your favorite superstars on television? Do you think that the perfect smiles to die for, which they flaunt around, are natural? Well, the answer to your question is, no! No one is born with a perfect smile in the world.

How to Navigate to the Best Adult Care?

  You don’t randomly put your child to a crèche without knowing how they will treat your child. Similarly, when you need an adult care for your guardians, you must as choosy as you are with your kids.

4 Health Appointments You Want to Schedule Annually for Yourself

Taking care of yourself requires more than daily exercise and a diet rich in healthy vegetables and lean meats. It also means getting examined regularly by your physician.

Herbs For Boosting Your Immune System

There are a number of wonderful safe accessible herbs that can be used in todays’ modern world to help boost your immune system.  Using herbs to fight infection is a great way to heal the body and to build up and strengthen its ability to repair itself.

Beneficial Features of Bariatric Surgery to Lose Excess Weight

Every person desire to lose excess weight to prevent the risk associated with obesity. There are ample ways to lose weight, but people are always in search of safe, fast effective way showing results in a few days.

Everything You Need to Know About Cannabinoid Oil Before You Buy

CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is derived from cannabis, which is a type of cannabinoid. Cannabinoid are actually chemicals that are found in marijuana naturally and it doesn’t create high effect of intoxication when compared to other types of cannabinoid.

Only 64% of Adults Have Dental Insurance: 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pass It up

Eventually, you cannot postpone another dental visit. Despite knowing that oral health plays an important role in physical health as well as how you perceive yourself, many people put off seeing the dentist.

Basic Postures and Breathing

                    Good posture increases our ability to breath more easily and strengthen our body muscles.

Attributes of the Seven Main Chakras

Indian Yoga has seven centers of energy in the body.   The base or first chakra is located at the base of the spine, associated with anything of a material nature, including physical strength, structures, possessions and survival.

Know About Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological brain disorder in which natural death of human brain cells accidentally causes memory loss and cognitive failure.

Don't Want Dentures? Here's 3 Alternatives

Dentures have been used as replacements for natural teeth for a long time, but they have their drawbacks and many people do not want them.

The Psychology of Chronic Back Pain

More than 79 percent of Americans will have suffered from the agony of back pain, according to a recent study. The Psychology of back pain explains back pain is a disease of the human nervous system.

3 Ways To Boost Your Energy In An Hour

If your eyes are starting to feel heavy or full of sand as the afternoon wears on, then you’re most likely suffering from low energy levels.

Take These 4 Actions to Make Your Home’s Environment Healthy

Your home can be one of the most unsafe and unhealthy environments that you’ll encounter. You can make youf home healthier by taking a few simple precautions.

Best Cognitive Enhancers And Narcolepsy Treatment

Modafinil, a Smart Drug which has been initially prescribed in the U.S. since Mid 1998, discover for the treatment of sleeping issues such as narcolepsy, sleep disorders, and sleep apnea, more focus, attention towards the new learning and more engage towards the focused regions.

Treat Low Back Pain in Athletes

Lower back pain is most common kind of pain situation happens in athletes. It may be hard workout, sports-related injury, or wrong exercise without proper guidance.

Modafinil for Sleep disorder Treatment

Modafinil is an FDA approved product used specific for the treatment of sleep disorders or sleep apnea. Despite of its highly popular in market and widely recommend as an off prescription for cognitive enhancement.

Informative Details about Ketamine Quality to Reduce OCD Symptoms

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder isn’t a new mental health issue. Commonly known as OCD, is associated with a person having recurring thoughts of obsession.

What To Do When Your Baby Has A Fever

Fever in an infant can be scary for a new parent or even for an experienced one. Be prepared by reading up now on the answers to the questions you’ll have should the situation arise.

Herbs for Anxiety, Intolerance and Sleep

Review Agrimony, Aspen and Beech for Bach Flower Therapy.   Flower remedies are supplied in concentrated form in bottles that will keep indefinitely, before using they need to be diluted with a mixture of about three parts water to one of alcohol.

Say Goodbye to Chronic Illness: 4 Tips for Not Letting a Sickness Dictate Your Life

Chronic illness causes millions of Americans to lose out on many of life’s opportunities. It can slow you down at work or even force you to quit.

Small Moves to Help Boost Your Body Image

Every woman has their doubts about their body. They are usually their biggest critics and no matter how beautiful you tell your wife or significant other they are, they will often times see something different when they look in the mirror.

What You Should Know Before You Join the Gym

There are things that you should know when it comes to health and fitness. These include the fact that it is a real commitment, and one that requires dedication and moreover effort – being fit and healthy aren’t easy.

The Effect of Dental Hygiene on Overall Health

It is without a doubt as the world advances, humans are becoming more busier in their daily lifestyles. Often, it is possible that we can even neglect our dental hygiene to compensate for our busier lifestyles.

The 4 Consequences of Losing Weight Nobody Really Talks About

Losing weight is rewarding, but there can also be some hidden consequences. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome these drawbacks and enjoy the full rewards of losing weight.

Tips for Wearing Wigs and Toupees for Alopecia

Suffering from alopecia can be a physically and emotionally draining experience. Alopecia is a condition where the immune system attacks healthy hair follicles, seemingly for no reason, leading to hair loss.

Retreat To Heal

Do we ever truly switch off or disconnect from the world in which we are living? I would argue that we never do and that this needs to change.

What to do when Children Fret dentists?

  It is indeed hard for us to convince our children to go to the dentists. However, their regular intake of chocolates and candies leaves a harsh effect on their teeth.

Signs your Child Needs a Pediatric Dentist

If your child has started to shed his baby teeth, it is the right time to visit an orthodontist. Milk teeth start falling off and make way for the permanent teeth.

Why you need Microblading for Eyebrows

  Eyebrows play a crucial role in creating an overall look for your face. The shape of an eyebrow is a task of high maintenance. Few people have quite fast growth while some have very slow growth.

How To Look After Yourself After Motherhood

  Have you just given birth? Congratulations on the amazing gift of motherhood. Many adventures lie ahead for you and your baby, not to mention many sleepless nights and challenges like you have never experienced before.

Know what Chiropractors do for you?

A chiropractor principally focuses on the treatment of neuromuscular disorders through their orderly diagnosis. These health care professionals are well-known for reducing the pain of patients and causing improved body functionality.

Maintaining Good Health – Guidelines to Holistic Nutrition

Conscious eating habits are what holistic nutrition is all about. Eating foods that promote good mental health and physical well-being, while developing a strong immune system and preventing illnesses, is the core focus of holistic nutrition.

How Heat Exhaustion Can Impact Your Child’s Health

During hot weather, your child is more susceptible to the heat than you. This is because of their smaller size and tendency to forget to consume enough fluids.

What is a Therapeutic Massage Therapy?

  Therapeutic massage therapy helps in the faction of soft tissues. Such a therapy is meant to provide assistance to majority of treatments of musculoskeletal and related issues.

5 Health Benefits of Bottled Water You Should Be Happy About

Bottled water has become a huge industry in the U.S. for good reasons. It’s regulated by the Food and Drug Administration so you can always count on clean, refreshing water, while disposable bottles are much more convenient than constantly refilling a jug or container.

Take This issue Seriously! Did You Know That Bedbugs Can Impact Your Health?

Bed bugs are small insects that typically live in the crevices of mattresses and box springs. Although they are small and might not seem like they would be an issue, they can impact your health in ways that you don’t realize until you see anything from small bumps on the skin to severe rashes.

5 All-Natural Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay

Your teeth may be especially vulnerable to decay and other dental problems, so it’s important to find the best ways to protect them.

How to Choose a Good Stethoscope for EMTs and Paramedics

Being an EMT or a Paramedic, your job is surrounded with lots of interruptions and noise throughout the day. For this reason, it becomes vital to own a high-quality stethoscope that delivers excellent performance and unmatched auscultation functionality.

4 Effective Wound Healing Methods Now Available in Treatment Centers

Chronic wounds affect 6.5 million people in the United States. Wounds often persist and become chronic in the elderly, patients with illnesses like cancer or diabetes and those who have suffered severe burns.

Importance of Regular Check-Up

It has been told over and over by medical doctors that every person needs to have regular check-ups to stay abreast of their health condition.

Small Changes in Your Habits That Can Help Reduce Climate Change

Environmental degradation and climate change are common features of the news today. At times, it almost feels hopeless. Yet, there are some simple things you can do every day to help mitigate climate change and make a real impact.

The Power of Antioxidants

There are some nutrients worth adding in larger amounts that fight off infection that come from dangerous oxidising chemicals known as free radicals.

Your Easy Guide to Dental Care for Seniors

Gone are the days when old age meant trading your pearly whites for a set of dentures. Older adults are keeping their teeth longer than their parents and grandparents, and complete tooth loss in seniors between 65 and 74 years of age has decreased by more than 75 percent over the past five decades.

Tips To Help You Slow Down The Aging Process

If you’re not ready to age just yet, then we are sure you’re wishing for ways to slow down the clock and the aging process. Though we can’t stop the clock, we can help you age gracefully.

Tips for Staying Healthy During Pregnancy

  Pregnancy is an exciting and scary journey. Your body is experiencing a myriad of changes, and it can be overwhelming to keep up with all of it and to know whether you are doing everything you're supposed to for yourself and your baby.

Healthy Tips to Lose Weight

Losing weight can be an admirable goal, however, it may not always feel easy. This can be especially true if you're just getting started or if you've been working at it for a while, but find yourself hitting a plateau.

Quality of Life: 3 Medical Complications You Can’t Ignore

Dealing with a medical issue can be difficult in many cases. But when complications arise, the situation can become serious, or even dire.

4 Hacks to Making Your House a Place to Recover for Your Emotional Health

Whether you suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental and emotional health issues, you understandably want to feel as comfortable as possible in your own home.

How Long Does Depression Last after Quitting Weed, and How to Combat it?

Depression is one of the most common and long lasting side effects regular weed smokers experience when they quit the habit. Unlike typical symptoms of marijuana withdrawal problems, such as problems sleeping, or irritability, which generally pass completely within weeks, depression can be much harder to shake off.

What to Do If You Experience Physical Pain After a Car Accident

Car accidents are a leading cause of physical injury throughout the United States, which is expected given the sheer number of vehicles on the roads every day.

How to Make Your House Pet-Friendly

You love your pets. Their health and happiness mean the world to you. Adding a cat or dog to your family can help to make your house feel more like home.

Parsley Oil For Muscles, Hemorrhoids and Kidney Stones

Petroselinum Sativum commonly known as Parsley, has some proven qualities that can be used to help with certain ailments, such as soothing muscles, increasing sexual prowess and treating hemorrhoids, kidney and bladder stones.

Essential Oils can help prevent you getting the Coronavirus

Firstly, taking extra care in personal hygiene and self sanitization is the best way to prevent infection and to avoid exposure to this virus.

Treating the Common Cold Virus

The common cold is a virus infection of the nose and throat referred to as the upper respiratory tract. There are many strains of virus that can cause cold symptoms.

The Ultimate Fountain of Youth

Excellent sleep is crucial to our health and wellness and also happiness. We instantly look at our best, are much more efficient in our everyday jobs as well as typically happier people to be around after a good night’s sleep.

How Modern Technology is Providing Innovative Solutions for the Healthcare World

Technology has changed so many different things and has made the future so much brighter for everyone. Because of technology and advances in it, people have the ability to do much more than they used to do.

Top 4 Health Concerns of Men as They Get Older

From filling in wrinkles to avoiding the side effects of menopause, aging is often portrayed as a women's issue. However, men face their own set of complications as the years go by.

4 Ways You Didn’t Know Sleep Apnea Is Affecting Your Life

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs when the soft tissues at the back of the mouth relax during sleep, partially closing off the airway to the body.

Essential Oils for Headaches

There is a wide choice of essential oils that can be effective when used correctly to alleviate or reduce headaches and in some case completely remove an awful headache or migraine.

Ways to Help Your Community Adopt Green Living Lifestyle

  Do you value sustainable living? Have you wanted to make a greater impact in your community? The need for green communities has never been greater, with pollution – especially from plastics and emissions – at an all-time high.

Good Oral Health Practices: 3 Reasons to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Wisdom teeth may have been a valuable biological asset in the past, but for modern humans they are mostly a burden. These late-blooming teeth can cause numerous dental health issues before they even emerge from the gum, especially in those with a naturally smaller mouth or jaw.

Taking Control of Your Life: How to Confront Your Alcohol Addiction

When done in moderation, there are few adverse effects from drinking alcohol. However, if you cannot function without alcohol in your system, it is a clear sign of addiction.

50% of Adults Age 30+ Have Gum Disease: What to Do in Your 20s to Prevent That

Gum disease can affect people of all ages, but adults over the age of 30 are particularly vulnerable. According to Perio.com, roughly 50% of adults age 30 and above have some form of gum disease.

Try the Latest Top-Trending CBD Product in The Market

CBD has been arage ever since 2018. Though there are still speculations on its legality and some are still apprehensive of trying CBD products, it has grown enormously in popularity and has a wide base of loyal customers.

The Most Beneficial Features of Cosmetic Dentistry

No doubt cosmetic dentistry is gradually becoming popular and the reason for this is the benefits it offers. You can regain your beauty by using various dental processes.

Types of Accessories to Buy for your Rolling Knee Walker

So you recently injured your leg and you need to walk with walking aids. Just as you made your decision to choose the most desirable option of a rolling knee walker, you are wondering how to beautify it.

4 Essential Steps for Your Body to Properly Heal From a Major Injury

No matter what steps you take to stay healthy, you are sure to deal with at least a few serious injuries over the years. Luckily, most of those injuries should heal on their own as long as you continue to take care of your body.

Simple Tips You Can Use Right Now to Improve Your Overall Health

Improving your health doesn't have to take a major overhaul. In fact, you are more likely to stick with small adjustments. These tips can help get you started in the right direction.

Do You Have Low Testosterone Levels? Here Are Your Treatment Options

Did you know that one in four men older than 30 has low testosterone levels? A decline in testosterone can lead to a lagging libido, an expanding waistline and daily fatigue.

How to Choose the Best Rehab Center for Drug Addiction?

People who are fighting with drug or alcohol addiction and abuse it is very difficult to achieve soberness. It is even more challenging to fight against it, if both the partners are addicted.

3 Doctor Appointments You Should Make Before Leaving for College

Your first year of college may be incredibly stressful. This is a time when you are adjusting to the major life changes of moving out and being on your own.

3 Ways Nutrition Can Impact Your Eyesight

There is a strong correlation between the things that you eat and your eyesight. If you want to try to avoid losing your eyesight someday, then you need to make sure that you are getting enough nutrients in your diet every day.

4 Warning Signs Your Foot is Not Strained, It’s Broken

A strained foot can be a major hassle. A broken foot, on the other hand, can be a lot worse. Don’t automatically assume that your foot woes are the result of a strain.

4 Tips to Getting Back on Your Feet after Recovering from a Severe Illness

An illness that lasts for several days, weeks or months can take a toll on your health. Even after you recover from the illness itself, you have to rebuild your physical and mental health back to what it was before you got sick.

4 Types of House Inspections That Could Help Decrease Your Health Problems

Your home should be your sanctuary away from the rest of the world. While you want it to be relaxing and peaceful, you also expect it to be healthy.

Which Pillows to use For Back Pain?

It is unpleasant being kept awake by back pain, whatever the reason may be. Pillows are highly underestimated when it comes to backpain. But one should not forget that an individual sleeps for almost 7 to 9 hours daily.

What to Be Aware of Before an Eye Surgery

Even though eye procedures are safer than ever, operating on that part of your body is going to have an impact on your daily life. Well before your surgery is carried out, there are a few steps that you should take to ensure a safe and speedy recovery.

Save Environment by Switching to Eco Friendly Bamboo Products

Green living is the latest ongoing trend. More and more people are switching to eco friendly products. One of the many environment friendly materials used to manufacture various items, bamboo is highly preferred.

4 Foods That Improve Your Vision and Hearing

The idea of holistics has been one in medicine for thousands of years but it still has its place in treatment today. When one thing in the body goes wrong it can cause a domino effect, which is why so many conditions such as Diabetes and Heart Disease are so serious.

Mad Migraines: 5 Tips to Getting Rid of Reoccurring Headaches

A migraine can be debilitating. It can make it difficult to get out of bed to complete tasks in the home or difficult to go to work. Fortunately, there are a few tips for getting rid of recurring headaches that are safe as well as natural.

Hard of Hearing? How Modern Technology can Help the Hearing Impaired

Not too long ago, if you were hard of hearing, your only hope was a so-so hearing aid or for people to just speak louder. Thankfully, technology has come through and those who are hearing impaired don’t have to suffer in silence.

Few Types of Cavity Filling A Dentist Will Offer

The cavities filling process can be fairly straightforward and a simple procedure and you can get it done from any dentist in your neighbourhood.

Give Your Workout a Total Makeover in 6 Simple Steps

You've developed a workout routine that helped you meet your initial goals. It has served you well, maybe for years. However, there comes a time when you outgrow that routine.

Preventative Measures to Take for Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth help improve your appearance (and your self confidence) as well as help you eat your favorite foods. Some people assume that they will never run into dental problems themselves, but it could happen to anybody at any age.

Careprost Eye Drops vs. Generic Lattise

Human eye is the important organ of the body. No one can live life easily without eyes. God gives these things to see the beautiful world.

Treating Drug Addiction With Ibogaine: Risks Vs Benefits

With the opiate epidemic continuing to rise, many Americans are turning to ibogaine treatment to help them get rid of their drug addictions.

5 Tips for Recovering from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation continues to rank as one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. Each year, millions of patients seek this procedure to improve their physical appearance, self-esteem and quality of life.

Need Braces? 5 Reasons to Get Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Braces are a big deal. They can help you transform your smile and they can even boost your confidence to help you feel good about yourself.

Prepare for the Future: 4 Tips to Being Ready for Any Unexpected Health Conditions

Health is becoming the thing to talk about, especially since most Americans cannot afford healthcare. This issue weighs on most people’s minds, and no should have to live with that.

What is Family Medicine and Why Is It Important?

When someone mentions family medicine, you may imagine a doctor serving the families in a village high up in the mountains with no other road to get there but a single lane through the woods.

Sexual Health: What is Normal Behavior and What Isn’t?

Sexual health is a topic that’s on the rise in the United States and around the world these days. People often have many questions that relate to it.

4 Ways You Can Decrease the Chances of Getting a Headache

Whether it builds up over time or comes on all at once, the excruciating pain of a headache can leave you unable to function. While treating a headache once it arrives is certainly a viable option, the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is especially relevant when it comes to headaches.

Alcohol and Smoking – A Double Trouble to Elevate Cancer Risk

For a large number of individuals, drinking and smoking go together like a baseball game and hot dogs. But when it is about cancer risk, experts compare tobacco and alcohol to a more volatile coupling.

How Hospitals Track and Analyze Physician Licensing

Physician licensing is a topic that’s critical within the healthcare field. Professionals who work in hospitals and various medical facilities put a lot of time into staying on top of physician licensing matters.

Cosmetic Dentistry: How to Get That Beautiful, Confident Smile You Have Always Wanted

Cosmetic dentistry can give you a beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime. Most cosmetic procedures are simple and can be done right in the office.

Consider the Coast: 4 Health Benefits of Living near the Beach

There’s a reason why beachfront properties are so desirable. The beach is one of the most relaxing places to visit. There’s nothing like sandy beaches, calming water and a bright day to lift the spirits.

Simple Practices To Protect Your Hearing

We buy home, life, and car insurance to protect ourselves against unforeseen loss and damages. But often no one bothers to protect their ears from unexpected noise damage.

Treating Kidney Disease: What You Need to Know about Dialysis

When you have kidney disease, this is a condition that can dramatically alter your lifestyle. In some ways, kidney disease is a wake-up call to let you know your body cannot take the abuses that you see other people do to their kidneys with their diet, drinking and other harmful practices.

3 Crucial Healthcare Concerns for Dependent Seniors

Many seniors prefer to remain independent for as long as possible. However, declining physical abilities or even sudden and devastating health events can result in a loved one being dependent on you.

Protecting Your Skin: How to Handle a Melanoma

It is essential to care for your skin on a daily basis so that it remains youthful and healthy. If you have been ignoring your skin, then it is time to understand the best ways to care for it on a daily basis, including when you have a serious problem.

Childhood Dental: How to Prevent Premature Tooth Loss in Your Children

When you are a parent, there are many things to think about, including proper oral hygiene for your children. You must make sure that your daughter is caring for her teeth and gums to prevent early loss of teeth.

Oral Hygiene: How Does It Affect Overall Health?

Don’t ever make the mistake of assuming that oral health has nothing to do with your general health. It most certainly does. Oral and general health actually have a clear and defined relationship.

Healthy and Financial Freedom

        Would you be open to listening to a 2 minute call about the most sought after health product in the USA?   If so, please call 401-279-0011.

How to Brush Your Teeth with Braces?

Individuals with braces often face a top challenge, and that is brushing. Braces need that extra effort to clean teeth and different angular movements to reach where germs and food buildup, particularly around bands, brace brackets, fixed retainers, and wires.

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Comfortable at Home

  You depend on your eyes for almost everything, so you need to take care of them the best you can. The first step is, of course, seeing your eye doctor every year for any changes.

Vegan Backpack - What are the Materials Used in It?

A good backpack is all you need to carry your things anywhere. They are quite handy and easy to carry handbags that can be used for varied purpose.

Couples Rehab Center Help Struggling Couples From Substance Abuse

Couples Drug Rehab Centers  Entering a couples detox rehab  is among the first steps towards recovery from substance abuse. This phase of treatment assists people with withdrawal signs in a safe environment.

Fixing Upper Back and Neck Pain

Upper back and neck pain can make it difficult to perform your daily activities. The reasons behind this pain varies, but they all come down to how we position ourselves while standing, moving, and most important of all sitting.

5 Ways to Defeat Money Depression

  If you're suffering from financial problems, you might have a hard time coping with everything. In fact, you may be experiencing depression where you don't enjoy the things you normally enjoy and you don't want to leave your bed, let alone your house.

How to stay healthy in daily life?

Staying healthy is not an easy task you need to follow several things to stay healthy. To be genuinely solid, you need to eat in the balance as well as keep up a fair perspective.

5 Steps to Taking Control of Your Life Amidst Chronic Pain

Dealing with chronic pain mean that you have to make plenty of sacrifices to live even a semblance of a normal life. Those who don’t deal with this might not realize how much of a toll it can take on you.

3 Common Men’s Health Issues that Exercise Can Help With

It is no secret that two of the key components of good health are a healthy diet and exercise. What may be surprising however, is how many common men’s health issues can actually be avoided or alleviated with exercise.

Practical Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process

It’s a natural desire to look young, attractive and beautiful. No one likes the lines, wrinkles, sagging and other skin imperfections.

4 DIY Tricks to Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

You are tired, sore, and out of sorts. Your lower back feels like it is killing you—ouch! If this scenario sounds familiar to you, don’t hesitate to take action.

Cold and Flu Season: 4 Signs You Need Emergency Care

Your chances of getting sick increase as cold and flu season approaches. Even though most cold and flu cases resolve without any long-term complications, you may experience some problems that require urgent medical attention if you end up getting sick.

Benefits of an Online Personal Fitness Trainer

I can not even picture just what the world was like before the development of the World Wide Web. Purchasing, interaction, details, and much more is offered at your finger tips.

Is smoking weed harmful to health in any way?

Smoking weed is very harmful to your health. Smoking itself is a harmful practice. Most people engage in smoking weed to cool off pressure.

What Causes Cold Sores & What Is the Proper Way to Take Care of Them?

You’re looking in the bathroom mirror and you see a blemish on the corner of your mouth. It’s painful and unsightly and it’s not a pimple.

The Best Alternatives to Laser Eye Surgery

Laser Eye Surgery, better known in the medical world as LASIK, is one of the most popular vision correction methods for a long time. It does offer some great benefits.

How to Keep Your Little Ones Safe from Sickness

  Parenting young children can be a major pleasure in life. It’s a job that requires a significant degree of responsibility, too.

Tips To Help You Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight but don’t know where to start from then keep reading to find out.   Find Out About Your Current And Target Weight   Before starting any fitness regime you need to first know where you stand.

Water Works: 3 Unique Ways to Keep Your Body Happy and Healthy

You may be aware of the fact that the majority of the human body is comprised of water, and because of this, water is essential to sustain life and to promote health.

5 Dos and Don'ts for Healthier, Brighter Skin

When a person has beautiful, flawless skin, it’s easy to appear radiant. In order to achieve radiant skin, you have to be intentional about maintaining a specific Regimen.

Prediabetes Symptoms and Treatments

Research by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows that up to one-third of Americans live with the health disorder known as prediabetes.

Prescribed Opioids? How to Avoid Addiction & Misuse

Opioids are synthetic compounds that share similarities with the opiate class of drug, which is a controlled substance in most countries around the world.

Dental Treatments that Increase Health and Wellness

  Brushing your teeth diligently can be great for optimal oral health. Visiting the dentist on a frequent basis can be terrific too.

Opioid Patients: The Best Practices to Overcoming Withdrawl

Opioid dependency often has serious consequences and can be treated successfully with the right support. If you’re struggling with an opioid addiction, there are effective ways to deal with the withdrawal symptoms while working toward sobriety.

Can’t Stand the Heat? How High Temperatures Impact Your Overall Health

If the lazy dog days of summer have you down, you are not alone. Hot, humid days make it feel like the world has extra weight. Extreme heat affects our physical and mental health in ways many never consider.

Getting off the Sauce: The Best Practices for Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is something that can plague a person for his or her entire life. However, there are steps that you can take to overcome you own addiction to alcohol and live a healthier life.

Pharma-Phobia: 3 Healthy Activities that Can Reduce the Need for Medication

Many people take medication on a daily basis to treat a variety of conditions or to ease the symptoms of those conditions. As beneficial as these medications may be to your health, you may be eager to stop taking them altogether.

Types Of Drug Rehab Facilities

Congratulations! If you're reading this, it means you or someone dear to you has decided to take a bold step to recovery by getting admitted in one of the drug rehab facilities near you.

Buy ONLY Transdermal HGH Gel available on the US Market today

SOMADERM Gel is a safe with no side effects, a homeopathic form of growth hormone and is 100% safe and effective for men and women over the age of 18.

4 Tips for Tackling Flu Season Head First

During the flu season, it’s especially important to stay on top of your health so that you can hopefully avoid getting sick. There are certain precautions that you can take to avoid the flu and all the problems that come along with it.

Diagnosing Prediabetes

More than 86-million Americans suffer from prediabetes, and the majority of people affected by the condition, don’t even realize they have it.

How to Improve Your Oral Health Naturally

Oral health is vital for people who wish to dodge cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and the whole nine yards. It’s even vital for people who prioritize general well-being.

How To Get Weight Loss In 3 Months?

As per the latest weight loss survey around Central North America, Each day 25% men and 39% women are trying to lose their weight by simply going to gym, trying protein shakes and different supplements.

Careprost For Glaucoma Eye Treatment

Human eyes are most important and feasible organ in our body through which we are welcomes to view the beautiful world. An eye is the directly a major communication channel to show our emotions and happiness of our life.

The Necessity of Regular Blood Test

Regular blood testing is one of the best ways to keep a record of your overall physical well-being. Testing at routine intervals can help you see how your body changes over time and enable you to make informed health decisions.

Cialis and Information about Its Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects

Cialis is that drug which is used to relax blood vessels’ muscles and increases blood flows to the specific areas of the body. It is mainly used for treating erectile dysfunction and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy or enlarged prostate.

5 Natural Ways To Win Against Allergies

An allergy refers to a type of body reaction on being exposed to any particular antigen. This biological activity can be a series of reactions to any substance or atmospheres like itching, difficulty in breathing, rashes or sneezing.

Things to Know About Optometrist Specialist

The optometrists are those healthcare professionals who deal with various eye related issues such as sight testing, management of vision changes etc.

Suffering from an Eating Disorder? 5 Reasons Why You Need Rehab

Eating disorders are more prevalent than you may think. It can become a debilitating condition for both men and women. This can often leaving the person suffering from it to feel ostracized and misunderstood.

Expense Tracking: How Medical Clinics Can Manage Their Funds

Managing the funds of a healthcare clinic means more than just tracking your expenses. There are rules and regulations that also need to be considered when working in the healthcare industry.

How Adrenaline Helps You in Stressful Situations

Adrenaline rushes are truly an amazing thing. They can be extremely useful in certain life circumstances. If you’re always been an adventurous person, you’re probably more than familiar with all of the benefits adrenaline can bring to the table.

Super foods that prevent the risk of Heart Attacks

It is cleared that heart diseases are preventable if you consume a healthy diet. The risk of heart diseases increases day by day due to the unhealthy diet like processed foods.

Adult Daycare Centers – A Broader View

The aim of an adult daycare center is to provide care and improve interaction with other participants. This will upgrade members aptitude and information levels while connecting with them for the sake of entertainment dynamic projects to suit them and their capacities.

How to Find the Best Dentists in the USA?

Dental problems are pretty common these days among many people in the USA. Over the years the number of people suffering from various dental problems has increased all over the USA and now there are many people in the USA which are suffering from various severe dental problems.

Healthy Senior: How Elderly Folks Can Increase Their Longevity

Longevity is a hallmark of current civilized nations. When you think of health, you most likely think about how free from disease your body is.

Cold Season: 5 Tips to Fighting off Sickness in Your Family

During cold and flu season, your attention may rightfully turn to keep your loved ones as healthy as possible. While a basic cold can make you miserable, this type of illness can spread throughout your home and bring everyone down.

Early Birds: The Best and Healthiest Ways to Start Your Morning off Right

There is a famous saying that says, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” When you wake up early and start your day, you’re able to operate with a clear mind.


Why could be a smile thus important?   For one, it may be the bread and butter for a few. Beauty queens, models and television personalities bank everything on their appearance.

What you need to know about varicose veins

If you would love to recognize even more concerning the varicose capillaries, after that you have actually come to the best area. You will learn important details about the veins and Vein Care.

Children’s Eye Test - Why is it important?

The young generation is more into technology than the adults or particularly their parents. At a very young age they start spending more of their time on electronics; in front of television sets or tablets, mobile phones and tabs being the favorite of them all.

3 Common Dental Problems Prevented by Regular Checkups

A healthy mouth makes a healthy smile. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis can improve your oral health and keep your smile happy. Listed below are just a few of the most common dental problems that can be prevented by regular dental checkups.

Electronic Visit: How Online Doctor Visits Encourage Health

Online consultations with doctors are getting a lot of traction as of late. Health-conscious individuals everywhere are starting to turn to them, and understandably so.

5 Ways to Feel Better When You're Down

5 Ways to Feel Better When You're Down Life gets everybody down now and then. And sometimes, when you get stuck in a hole of sadness, it's hard to climb back out again.

Suffering from Osteoporosis? Treatment Plans That Can Improve Your Quality of Life

If the doctor has just told you or a loved one that you have osteoporosis, then you may be wondering how many changes you will need to make in your life.

Questions to Ask Your Dentist When Considering Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace teeth that have been lost due to severe decay, trauma or the natural aging process. If you have a missing tooth, gaps in your teeth or a damaged tooth that needs replacing, dental implants might be right for you.

The Risk of Using Drugs

The war on drugs is a catastrophic failure. Rates of drug use are skyrocketing across the United States and the globe, with more teens becoming addicted to recreational and pharmaceutical drugs.

Tips for Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy

Are you unfit and out of shape? Individuals suffering from a poor state of physical and mental health have a higher risk of developing a physiological and psychological disease.

Why You Should Make Positive Oral Health a Habit

If you want to have healthy teeth and gums for life, it’s important to do everything that’s necessary to take care of your oral health.

The Effect Of The Shortage Of Physician To Our Financial Health

Healthcare all over the world is costly for most citizens staying in those countries. It's one of the reasons healthcare have been the most subsidized piece of policy governments around the world have taken interest to implement.

Healthy Relationships: Do You Know the Signs that Your Partner Has a Drug Problem?

When the person you love is struggling with a drug addiction, that secret can come between you without you even knowing it. Drug addicts are skilled masters of deception, even to themselves and their partners.

Learning to Live Again After a Serious Accident

Accidents happen – this has been a mantra for hundreds of years, and true for thousands more. The only difference today is that when a serious accident injures you, you can no longer expect it to be a death sentence.

Tasty Diet: 5 Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

Being healthy and following a nutritious diet is very important. When you are looking to lose weight, finding ways to improve your diet is one of the most important things that you will need to do.

How a Pool or Spa Can Alleviate Chronic Back Pain

You don’t have to let chronic back pain rule your life. There are steps that you can take to manage your symptoms and lessen their impact on your day-to-day activities.

Simple Lifestyle Tips To Keep Your Memory Sharp

We all have lapses in memory from time-to-time. Maybe it is forgetting to switch out the laundry from the washer to the dryer, so we have to run it through again.

Sick Kids? How to Help Keep Them Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season

Children tend to spend most of their time in environments where germs and viruses can thrive. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to keep their kids relatively healthy throughout the cold and flu season.

6 Reasons Why A Proficient Dentist Should Be Chosen

Humans face problems every day. This problem can be related to anything. Some require utmost attention, whereas a few don’t. Amongst these problems that knock your door like an unwanted guest, some can be minor in vision but the mirror in cases of importance.

Why All the Hype About Gut Health?

Everywhere you turn, people are talking about gut health. You don't have any stomach problems, so what’s the big deal, right?   Actually, it really is a big deal.

Marigold colour therapy for macular eye health and better vision

As people live longer and their eyesight degenerates it is becoming so important to maintain good eye health. In the UK over 70% of people wear glasses and many more use contact lenses or need laser surgery to help them see better.

Why Your Dental Health Needs to Change During Pregnancy

When thinking about and scheduling your prenatal checkups, your dentist probably isn’t the first doctor that comes to mind. It’s important to include him in your prenatal plans, however.

Chiropractical Back Pain Treatments for Injury Recovery

Dealing with any kind of bodily injury can be extremely hard. If you strained your lower back, that can make life pretty tough for a while.

How to Wipe out Household Allergens and Keep Them Out

If you or someone you love suffers from indoor allergies, you understandably are searching for effective ways to rid your home of common allergens.

Take Care of Yourself: 5 Tips to Having a Healthy Life

If you want to live a healthy life, it’s important to take care of yourself and make smart choices that will benefit your well-being.

How to Find the Best Hair Supplements

So, you know that you’re trying to keep your hair in the best condition possible. And, if you’re like many of us, you may feel frustrated by the ever-rising costs of supplements and other hair products.

Best Way To List An Addiction Treatment Center in Drug Rehab Directories

Having a drug rehab directory promote your center is a great method to promote an addiction treatment center. Entering a drug rehab is a really challenging choice and lots of addicts and their family members are stressed.

Wanting to Feel Good about Yourself? Why Cosmetic Surgery May be Right for You

  You have been staring at yourself in the mirror a lot lately, and you just do not like what you see. The more you take a peak at the total package of who you are on the exterior, the more you think you could use some improvements.

Trying to Conceive? 4 Stumbling Blocks to Overcome

Struggling with conception can be a huge source of stress. You may be wondering what’s wrong with you and why it’s so difficult.

Clean, Happy and Healthy - 4 Reasons Dental Visits Are Vital

Taking care of your physical health is very important. One part of your overall physical health that you should not ignore is your dental and oral health.

Going into Kidney Failure: Understanding Your Treatment Options

If your doctor has told you that you’re in or entering kidney failure, you may feel frightened and overwhelmed. These feelings are perfectly natural.

What Is GERD?

If the acids produced in the stomach are moving back frequently into the esophagus, you will suffer from GERD or chronic acid reflux disease.

Tips To Maintain Your Dental Handpiece

Dentistry is a delicate affair. It takes a lot of expertise for a dentist to carry out his businesses efficiently. Equally essential is his most important tool, the dental drill or dental handpiece.

Why Are Regular Dental Cleanings So Essential to Overall Health?

Your dental health plays a major role in the health of the rest of your body. It is vital that you maintain pristine dental health for this reason.

Chronic Back Pain Causes and Treatments for Suffering Individuals

If you suffer from chronic back pain, you know how difficult it is to manage many everyday tasks. Your back pain may be caused by a number of factors, some of which can be resolved with the right treatment.

Dental Pain: 4 Reasons to See an Emergency Dentist Right Away

Some dental problems are more serious than others. A slight ache can be treated at home with aspirin until you can see your usual dentist, but excruciating pain coming from a swollen jaw is something that needs attention from a trained dental professional right away.

How Buying a Home Can Change Your Health for Better or Worse

When many people think about buying a new home, they think about living in a stylish, spacious environment. They may be excited about the ability to decorate the home as desired and even to have a great area to entertain family and friends.

Everything you should know about Dulera

What is Dulera? Dulera, or mometasone furoate, is prescribed to adults and children above twelve years old to reduce the effects of asthma.

Heart risks can vary by ethnicity

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death here in Canada. We know what many of the risk factors are, from hypertension to abnormal cholesterol and triglycerides, to smoking, diabetes, obesity and family history.

Moving to a New City? How to Find a Dentist to fit Your Family's Needs

Getting proper oral and dental care is very important. If you are moving to a new community, you will want to make sure that you find a dentist that can provide you with good care.

Questions surrounding Corona answered for Cardiac patients

Questions surrounding Corona answered for Cardiac patients High blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease are so widespread that everyone reading these words likely knows somebody with at least one of these.

Eye Care Tips In 2020 To Follow

    Your eyes are a very important part of your health. We don't often give much consideration to the health of our eyes until we have a problem, but our eyes are one of our most important senses.

Why opt for Botox treatments?

When it comes to beauty products you have to be very careful. If it were dresses that you were buying, you could just change it if you do not like it.

3 Uncomfortable but Important Things to Think about before Childbirth

Welcoming a new child into your lives is understandably one of the more joyous and momentous events that you may experience throughout adulthood.

Feeling Numb? 4 Common Causes of Numbness in Extremities

The loss of sensation in the arms, hands, legs, and feet can occur for many reasons. The problem is often caused by an underlying medical condition that should be investigated by a doctor.

Keeping Your Health in Check: The Importance of Accurate Medication Dosing

It's easy to mind the label when you're just popping an aspirin for a sprained ankle. If you're taking an entire regimen of pills, however, or if you're frequently put on intravenous fluids, it can be harder to keep track of safe and accurate dosages.

What You Can Do to Help a Friend through Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery isn’t easy. It can be made slightly more bearable, though, with good friends. If you want to help your friend to get through addiction recovery, you may want to try some of the tactics listed below.

5 Treatment Options For Your Back Pain

Unfortunately, an issue that plagues many people in today's world is back pain. If left untreated, back pain can be a condition that leaves people crippled and unable to perform activities of daily living to an effective degree.

3 Key Things You Should Know about Marijuana as Medicine

While marijuana has been an illegal substance for decades, its health benefits have been well-known for many years. In fact, because of its many beneficial effects on the human body, the medical use of marijuana is now available in specific situations.

The Latest in Allergy Research

New allergy research is being done all of the time to find ways to combat and control allergy symptoms, especially for those who suffer from the severity of one or more allergies.

How to Maintain a Positive Outlook and Healthy Mentality

Maintaining a positive outlook on life can be difficult if you aren’t taking the right steps. You determine your own outlook on life and can take control of the situation.

Tips for Maintaining High Levels of Hygiene in Your High-Use Kitchen

Cooking is a beloved activity for many people. For some, cooking is a hobby. For others, cooking is a career. Regardless of why you spend so much time cooking in your kitchen, maintaining a high level of hygiene in your kitchen is a top priority.

Dealing with Death, Grief, and Loss: Helping Children Understand

Dealing with the death of a loved one and the grief you feel is hard. When you are just coming to terms with the death yourself, it can be difficult to help children understand, too.

Regular Dental Checkups- Why are they important?

Some people do not go to the dentist as often as they should and many children and families have not seen a dentist in years. These are factors that lead to major health issues.

Six Ways to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal depression affects a number of people each year. While many people are happy when the holidays roll around, some people cannot fight the depressing feeling they have.

5 Ways To Avoid Getting Your Family Sick This Winter

The body has a hard time getting through the winter without getting sick, especially if you don't help prevent sickness. Do not fret, the following are five things you can do to avoid getting sick this winter.

Too Much Buzz? How to Keep the Coffee Without the Caffeine

There are a variety of conditions that people can have that mean they need to reduce or cut their caffeine intake. This includes ADHD, heart conditions, restless leg syndrome, and more.



Dreading the Dentist? 5 Tips for Managing Your Anxiety

Dreading the Dentist? 5 Tips for Managing Your Anxiety For many, going to the dentist is a fraught experience. The sound of the drill, the numbed gums, and the stabbing pain of the needle can all be incredibly anxiety-inducing.

Creating a Mental Oasis: Finding Peace in Your New Space

Are you moving into your first apartment or are you considering striking out on your own? First of all, congratulations! Apartment living is what you make of it.

How Getting Rid of Junk Can be Good for Your Health

Spring cleaning is an annual activity for many people, but it is also a task that is easy to overlook or put off. If it has been several years since you last went through all of your belongings and tossed out unwanted junk, now may be the right time to get started.

Must-Have Gear To Stay Fit On The Go

When you have a busy schedule that requires a lot of travelling, it can be difficult to stay fit and keep your routine going. Whether it’s a business trip or family vacations, it’s always bound to affect your exercise routine.

How does REGAINE foam work?

REGAINE foam is a topical hair regrowth treatment that contains Minoxidil as an active ingredient. Minoxidil is a proven medical ingredient that stimulates hair growth in adult men and women by creating an ideal growth environment for existing hair follicles through increased supply of blood.

Painful Bunion? How to Manage and Prevent Foot Problems

Bunions on the feet can be extremely unpleasant for many people. These bumps can bring on all kinds of unwanted effects as well. Examples are stubborn pain, redness and even toe motion issues.

Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis New Hope for Patients

The stem cells treatment for multiple sclerosis, has recently announced the good news that it is much more efficient in treating the autoimmune condition than many presently recognized traditional treatment routine.

Oral Health: 4 Ways to Make Your Smile Perfect

A picture perfect smile can be a wonderful thing for anyone. It can make you feel confident any time you look in the mirror or at a photograph of yourself.

Athletes and Oral Care: How to Score a Touchdown for Your Teeth

When you are out on the field, the ice, or the court, the last thing you have on your mind is dental health. However, there is a time and a place for dental health—and maintaining a healthy mouth will help keep you in competitive shape.

Fighting Opioid Addiction? 4 Ways to Quit Fast and For Good

Opioid addiction is a silent killer. It is one of the most difficult addictions to break and affects more people than you would think. However, there is hope.

5 Signs Your Dealing With Panic and How To Stop The Attack

There’s nothing worse than anxiety or panic attacks. The rush of cortisol makes your body go into fight or flight mode. During these heightened periods, you may feel like things are spinning out of control and that your life is in danger.

Just Bought an ATV? How Not to Break Your Coccyx

The days and weeks after you purchase a new ATV are full of promise. Scoping out new trails to hit, calling all of your friends who ride, and spending quality time with your new ATV are all going to be on your plate.

How to Prevent Your Desk Job from Killing You

You finally nailed that dream job in the luxury office with a sweet view. The executive chair, the extra-large monitor, and a massive desk with plenty of space are the envy of everyone in the office.

How Do Hospitals Manage Their Data and Supplies and Funds?

Much of what’s done in a hospital setting is regulated and controlled through a variety of interactive online tools. This enables hospital administrators to get a better handle on the data, supplies, and funds that are being utilized in the hospital environment.

Clap Back At Anxiety Attacks - 4 Homeopathic Ways To Support Your Mental Health

Anxiety attacks can bothersome and scary. Many people are unable to complete their daily activities because of frequent anxiety attacks. Talk to your doctor and therapist to see which of these homeopathic remedies may support your emotional health.

Non Surgical Treatment Options For Knees

Surgery is never the first option for treating a knee problem. There are plenty of alternative treatments that can alleviate the pain as well as it causes.

Not So Obvious: 4 Signs You May Be In An Abusive Relationship

 The outside world may think of  your relationship as a perfect one. However, abusers can be very sneaky about the way they present themselves to the public and to others.

3 Ways Parents Can Protect Kids’ Teeth from Holiday Treats

Between Christmas cookies, fudge, candy canes and more, your children may consume a tremendous number of sugary treats throughout the holiday season.

Night Shift: How Working at Night Can Hurt Your Long-Term Sleep

At one time, a lack of sleep or an inability to sleep was mostly just considered and annoyance. Now, we know that difficulties with sleeping over the long term can have severe health implications.

Going Gray from Your Gray Divorce? 4 Strategies for Preserving Your Health and Sanity

If you are going through the stress of a gray divorce, it’s essential not to overlook your physical and mental health. As difficult as this period may be, it’s really a great time to concentrate on taking care of yourself first.

3 Important Things to Know and Understand before You Start a Family

If you have decided to start trying to have a baby, you may have an idyllic image of what your pregnancy experience will be like. You may also have grand expectations about what your growing family will be like for decades to come.

Oral Health: 4 Reliable Ways to Maintain a Happy Mouth

Dental health can make you feel like you can conquer the world. It can be nice to live a life that’s free of teeth discoloration, toothaches and awful breath, after all.


What if I told you that you have a certain finite amount of life energy and that the success you have in managing it either results in long-term peak performance or the greater risk of illness and an earlier death? Your active response to this truth will either help to set you free or produce undesirable consequences.

Insomnia Treatments in 2019 You Need to Know About

Insomnia can be more than annoying when you suffer from it. There are long lasting health implications if you don’t take it seriously.

8 Key Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12is an essential vitamin that is necessary in a number of bodily functions such as forming healthy red blood cells and DNA synthesis as well as ensuring nerve cell health and optimal neurological function.

How To Avoid Common Drug Abuse Triggers

Common drug abuse triggers come up when you are going through your daily routine, and you need to find ways to change the way you deal with the outside world.

Reaching Out: What to Look for When a Loved One Is Struggling

You understandably want your loved ones to lead happy, fulfilling lives and to remain as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, life is full of stressors, and these stressors may be overwhelming to your loved ones at times.

Dental Bliss: Why Taking Care of Your Oral Health is So Important

Oral health is a vital component of overall wellness. You should never assume that oral health just isn’t a big deal. It definitely is.

6 Reasons to Swim More Often

Why Swimming is Excellent for Your Health   Swimming is one of the most well-rounded forms of exercise. You might think of it as a little inconvenient because you need to find an appropriate body of water to swim in.

Common Sports Injuries and How to Treat Them

Playing a sport is a great way to make new friends, burn off energy, and have fun. However, you need to use caution before each game, no matter which sport it is.

Suspect Your Spouse Has Dementia? How to Effectively Broach the Subject

Everyone has occasionally lapses in memory or mental ability, but when it seems to be happening on a regular basis, you have reason to be concerned.

Treat Your Anxiety Naturally

Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common in the United States. In fact, anxiety was the most prevalent mental health condition in 2018, and it affects over 40 million American adults.


Mental health conditions are becoming increasingly common in the United States. In fact, anxiety was the most prevalent mental health condition in 2018, and it affects over 40 million American adults.

How Healthcare Facilities Can Stay up to Date on Their Compliance Goals

Compliance is important when you’re in a regulated industry. Staying up-to-date and on top of everything that needs to monitored on a daily basis is what makes healthcare facilities successful.

A Smile to Last for A Lifetime - Convenient and Comfortable

There are so many reasons why we may lose our natural teeth. Dentures are a natural and comfortable way to mend those naturally lost teeth.

What Causes Bunions and How to Treat Them

The condition of a bunion is painful and annoying once it has started. It is is a bony protuberance that forms on the joint of the big toe when it pushes against another of your toes.

3 Small and Effective Stress Relievers for Daily Commuters

Commuting to work is a common source of daily stress for many people. The combination of needing to get to work at a specific time, fighting traffic and dealing with discourteous drivers can leave you feeling frazzled and even angry at times.

You're Not Overreacting: How Living With Chronic Pain Changes Your Life

For those not living with chronic pain, it is difficult to understand the physical, mental, and psychological toll it takes on you. Constant pain is all-consuming and affects your quality of life and those around you.

Suffering in the City? 4 Brain Benefits of Living Near Nature

Of course, city life has a ton of benefits, including access to all that great food and opportunities for work. But the drawbacks of city life often outweigh those benefits.

4 Tools Medical Lab Techs Use to Help Keep You Healthy

Visiting a medical lab can be an unnerving experience for a lot of patients. When it comes to a person’s health and well-being, it is only natural to want to feel as if the treatment you are receiving is of the highest quality.

Suffer from Spinal Stenosis? 4 Low-Impact Exercises to Consider Implementing

Spinal stenosis is uncomfortable enough on its own, but exercises that put pressure on the spine can make your pain even worse. That doesn't mean that you need to give up exercise for good, however.

Self-Examinations: 4 Types of Cancer You Can Spot Yourself

Cancer is a devastating condition that millions of people across the world suffer from. One of the biggest problems with cancer is that it can often be unpredictable and difficult to detect.

How to Get Past a Car Accident and Prevent Lifelong Problems

A car accident can be an especially traumatic event. You’ll not only have to deal with a potential injury but a variety of other circumstances that can change your life.

4 Signs it's Time to See Your Eye Doctor

Parents always fuss about how often their children are visiting the physician for checkups and shots but people rarely make special trips to visit the eye doctor unless something is obviously wrong.

How to Fight Body Pain During Winter?

Body pain during winter can be excruciating. If you are a patient of osteoporosis then you might feel the pain very much. For this, you need to make sure that you are taking every possible measure to avoid it or lessen the pain.

Building Women's Confidence And Self-Esteem Through Yoga

There are women who are trying to get their body back and feel like a new person, but they are not sure what they can do to have a better body.

Four Ways to Build Women's Confidence And Self-Esteem Through Yoga

There are women who are trying to get their body back and feel like a new person, but they are not sure what they can do to have a better body.

How the Elderly Keep Themselves Healthy and Active

Getting old in no way has to feel like the end of the world. It can actually be an incredible beginning. Elderly people who thrive are the ones who are devoted and enthusiastic.

Are You An Anxious Annie? How to Calm Your Troubled Mind

If you spend a lot of your time worrying, there are several solutions that have the power to calm the mind and elicit more positive thoughts.

Foresight for Sight: What to Prepare for When Switching to Contacts

If you have been wearing glasses for years, you may be thrilled to finally be making the switch to contacts. With contacts, you do not have to hassle with dirty, foggy or wet lenses at the most inconvenient times.

Psoriasis Putting Your Life on Standby? 4 Natural Remedies to Relieve Your Symptoms

For many, psoriasis can be an unpleasant condition that they suffer from daily. The condition stems from an overactive immune system that produces more skin cells than is necessary.

Mr Cool: 3 Non-Surgical Approaches To Melting Your Lovehandles

Love handles are a common problem area. They can be extremely to get rid of. That is why many people decide to turn to surgery in order to get rid of their love handles.

7 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Even the healthiest pregnancies are demanding on a mother-to-be's body, so it makes sense to do everything you can to stay healthy throughout your pregnancy.

New Year, New You: 4 Check-ups You Need to Get Done This Year

Your body is an incredibly efficient machine, capable of healing itself of severe trauma and functioning at disadvantages with regards to missing organs and invasive debris.

Popular misconceptions about chiropractors busted

A lot of people have second thoughts before they decide to visit a chiropractor. The reason for this is that there are a lot of misconceptions going around about the practice of chiropractic care.

Popular misconceptions about chiropractors busted learn more

A lot of people have second thoughts before they decide to visit a chiropractor. The reason for this is that there are a lot of misconceptions going around about the practice of chiropractic care.

Need a Healthy Change of Pace? 4 Benefits of Walking to Work

Everyone knows the importance of getting as much exercise as you can. However, a lot of individuals believe they simply don’t have the time to do it.

4 Advanced Dentistry Techniques That Encourage Better Oral Health

Maintaining your oral health is important to maintaining the health of your entire body. Often times, dental visits and dental procedures are overlooked due to the unpleasantness of dental offices.

Easy Tips to Find a Chiropractic Specialist Who Is Near You

If you are taking into consideration chiropractic treatment in your place, and have looked at the internet to find a health care provider to help you, most likely you have found that there are multiple workable options.

Eye Health: 4 Ways to Maintain Clear Vision

Eye health probably isn’t something that crosses your mind too often. It’s something that’s extremely important, however.

How to Stop Ectopic Beats

What is Ectopic Beats? According to Dr. Boon Lim - Ectopic beats are also known as Ectopic Heart Rhythm or cardiac ectopy. It is produced when the heart creates a premature beat, usually followed by a brief pause.

Jekyll & Hyde: 3 Times You Should File For Divorce After The Honeymoon

Marriage is supposed to be until death do you part. The honeymoon is supposed to be a fun time where the two of you can celebrate your marital union.

3 Polishing Tips Hospitals Use To Stay Sanitized

There is no doubt that hospitals must step it up a notch when it comes to cleanliness. A lot of patients are sick, meaning there are germs to worry about, but hospitals know this and step up to the challenge.

Foreign Object Lodged in Your Teeth? How to Rid Your Mouth of Unwelcome Visitors

There are few things as aggravating as having a loose piece of food or something else stuck in your teeth. The more you try to ignore it, the harder it is to shake off.

Got Gout? How Holistic Medicine and Chiropractic Can Manage Symptoms

Holistic medicine is something that concentrates on the individual in his or her entirety. The recovery approach has been a force around the world for a long time.

Why There Is Always a Need of an Optometrist in Ophthalmology

The medical industry is one of those industries which is very vast and has many kinds of professions like orthopedics, cardiology, pediatric, ophthalmology etc.

Still Sick? Everyday Things that Can Slow Your Recovery

When you fall ill, you understandably may stay home to recuperate. Your home should be a healthy, relaxing environment that fosters a full recovery.

Vexed by Poor Vision? 4 Age-Related Eye Diseases and How to Identify Them

As you age, you may notice your vision changing. You may wonder if you're experiencing the normal side effects of getting older or if you have an age-related eye disease.

How to Manage Stress in a New Job

Your new job seems perfect. You like the work environment and your co-workers seem like people who you can get along with. The management seems understanding fo your situation and you feel like you’ll enjoy the company overall.

The Perfect Workout to Fit Your Routine

Sometimes, it feels as if it’s impossible to find the time to work out. Life is so busy that you feel like you can barely find the time to lay down and sleep at night.

Myopia Symptoms, Stages, Related Issues, And The Best Shortsightedness Correction

Short-sightedness which is also termed as myopia is one of the most common vision complications that is faced by millions of people all across the globe.

Unconventional Ways You Can Fight Depression

It might be hard to accept that depression is hurting many Americans. People with depression can sometimes feel helpless, but the truth is they can do a lot more.

Treatment For Heart rhythm disorders

What is Heart rhythm disorders? Abnormal rhythm of the heartbeat due to irregularities in transmission of the electrical signals that normally control heart rate and rhythm is called heart rhythm disorders.

5 Tips to Reduce Stress During the Holidays

The holidays are one of the most stressful times for parents and sometimes it can feel like there are too many things to get done that it may seem impossible to actually accomplish anything.

Why Meal Prep Matters

You have seen the posts and all of the pins that deal with meal prepping. The articles probably lead with something about how meal prep is life changing, followed by images that have a lot of food containers that are placed in the fridge.

Why You Should Keep Working Out After Meeting Your Weight Goals

You are at your goal weight. Congratulations! It is time to treat yourself to a day at the spa or a shopping trip for a new wardrobe. What happens then? Believe it or not, you still need to keep up a regular workout routine.

Benefits of Using CBD Oil for Chronic Pain

It’s evident that chronic pain is one of the major health issues and a large number of people use pain relievers to reduce the pain and lead a normal life.

Occupational Health - Workplace Health Management

Workplace Health Management (WHM) There are four key components of workplace health management:   Occupational Health and Safety Workplace Health Promotion Social and lifestyle determinants of health Environmental Health Management   In the past policy was frequently driven solely by compliance with legislation.

Cutting-Edge Research Shared by Leading Minds in Neonatal Neurology Convene

Neonatal Neurology surgeons and physicians will want to mark their calendars for the 2019 Neonatal Neurology Convention. The Fourth International Symposium on the Fetal Brain will present top speakers and researchers in the field of neonatal neurology and brain development.

Identifying the Culprits of Low Energy

Everyone feels devitalized sometimes. Some people experience persistent feelings of feeling sluggish, heavy, or fatigued in both body and mind.

Supplements to Consider As You Age

With the aging process, you may need additional or different supplements to help you feel better. Having a higher quality of life during the aging process is important, and your body may not absorb nutrients in the same way as when you were younger.

Safety First: 3 Major Avoidable Home Renovation Health Risks

As you prepare to renovate your home, you understandably have grand expectations for how amazing the space will be when the project is completed.

Family on Hold: How Medical Professionals Safely Store Gametes

Many couples are now choosing to have children later in life, for instance, after they’re firmly established in their careers. The only problem with this approach is that fertility rates tend to decrease as you age, which means there is always a chance that the couple won’t be able to conceive once they’re finally ready.


If you’re currently going through pre-menopause or menopause, you know that it doesn’t just come on in a vacuum. There is a lot going on in your life right now, whether it’s caring for aging parents or for children who may be transitioning into adulthood, or dealing with the regular stresses of life that come from having a demanding career and trying to stay active.

7 Ways To Improve Mental Health For Life

Choose Your Path To Happiness   Self-esteem is vital to living your best life, stress-free and happy. Self-esteem is important to your health, both physically and mentally.

How Do Cardic Screening Test & Cardiac Heart Monitoring

What is Cardic Cardiac means near, around, or part of the heart and "cardiac" comes from the Greek word "cardio" meaning pertaining to the heart.

Things You Need To Know About Non-Surgical Hair Replacement for Men

Alopecia or male-pattern baldness can sometimes be devastating, especially if they start showing up at an early age. With advancement in technology, it’s now possible to arrest hair loss in men.

Disabled by an Injury? Here's What to Do Afterward

There are things that you can do in the immediate aftermath of a disabling injury that may help you put your life together again. It’s crucial that you act as quickly as possible soon after the accident to yield the best results, especially in regards to healing.

Quality of Life: Easy Ways to Infuse Your Daily Routine with Self-Care

Many people have jam-packed schedules that leave them feeling frazzled and stressed. If you are included in this group, you may feel as though you have little or no time to concentrate on yourself.

An Overview About the Common Medical Supplies

These days, the number of medical supplies and its varieties are increasing. The medical supplies and medical equipment play a paramount role in all the treatments.

How Compounding Pharmacy is changing the way of prescribing Medicines

When we talk about health care and treatment provided by a doctor, one just can’t separate medicines from the same. Doctors prescribe medicines to their patients to cure some specific illness or problem.

All You Need to Know Before Gynecomastia Surgery

In some at any stage of life, hormonal imbalance can happen and that can result in female like breasts in a male body. This is known as Gynecomastia and informally termed as man-boobs.

Cannabis, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic Care: What to Know about Alternative Healthcare

The price of prescription medication is getting ever more costly - and not just at the checkout counter. Pharmaceutical companies have unlimited incentives to raise prices and no legal barriers to doing exactly that each year.

Eyes, Ears, Mouth, and Nose: How to Keep Your Head in the Self Care Game

You may spend countless hours nurturing your skin and hair. But how much attention do you give to caring for your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose? To keep your head in the self-care game, you need to adopt certain habits.

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal can help to free up a lot of time in your life, as you won’t have to worry about shaving or waxing. It precisely targets the hair follicles, reducing growth and leaving you with smooth, hair-free skin.

5 Do's and Don'ts After a Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a common procedure that many middle-aged adults undergo.   When the lens inside the eye becomes clouded, that’s a cataract.

5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Most people experience stress and anxiety on a daily basis. In fact, recent research indicated that about 70% of adults in the USA suffer from anxiety and depression.

The Services Offered by Women's Health Clinics

Women's health clinics are becoming more popular than ever before − and for good reason. Offering women-specific treatments and other services in a compassionate and comfortable environment, women’s health clinics make it easier for many women to seek the healthcare they need.

Superior Care: 5 Ways to Pick a Great Hospital

The qualities of a great hospital are consistent wherever you go. The institutions that hold themselves to the highest standards are recognizably different than those who don’t.

Caring for Your Aging Loved Onesâ€â€4 Options to Consider

Many families struggle with the thought a loved one getting older. At a certain point, everyone loses the ability to take care of himself/herself.

5 Methods to Healthier Food at Home

I love cooking at home but the problem is that I really do not know how to cook healthy. Over the years I have learned from friends, family, and different resources online on how to cook healthy while still having it taste good.

The Path to Recovery after Liposuction

In a typical liposuction surgical procedure, excess fat is removed from your body’s specific localized areas by means of a thin, hollow tube called cannula.

3 Myths about Varicose Veins

For years, several leading vein experts from all over the world have educated people about varicose veins, their symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

What Is A Pacemaker? Types Risk and Operation of Pacemaker

What Is A Pacemaker?    A pacemaker is an implantable device which is positioned typically underneath your left collarbone. It consists of a battery with a computer circuit connected to one or more pacing electrodes (electrical wires) which attach to your heart.

Here Is How Physical Therapy And Simple Stretches Treat Sciatica

Are you experiencing sharp pain in your lower back that's is also affecting your hip and leg? If that's correct, then you might be struggling with sciatica.

Why is Going to an Eye Doctor Necessary?

Individuals who gripe of certain eye issues will often observe their essential consideration doctor or crisis room, doctor. These doctors can analyze a portion of the sicknesses and most likely treat some of them.

What are the main factors causing depression in people?

There are no fixed factors that may lead to depression. Factors causing depression can vary depending on people and their surroundings. Most probably anything that causes a deep shock or sorrow in the mind of people can become potential causes of depression.

Difference Between IVF and ICSI

IVF and ICSI both are Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) to help childless couples who cannot conceive a baby naturally. In IVF, the eggs and sperm are mixed together in the laboratory in a dish and the egg is fertilized naturally by the sperm.

How to Care for Dental Implants after the Procedure

Even though modern dental implants are remarkably durable, they still require a little bit of maintenance. You could permanently damage your implants if you aren’t careful, and replacing those devices is going to be very expensive.

Have Stains on Your Teeth? 4 Best Ways to Make Them Shine Again

  Tooth discoloration is a pervasive cosmetic problem that almost everyone will have to deal with at some point. While brushing and flossing should keep most stains at bay, there may come a point when it feels as if you are fighting a losing battle.

Why the Right Physical and Mental Health Solutions Are Worth Finding

Finding the root cause of various physical and mental health issues can sometimes be a long, painful process because physical and mental health have such a direct impact on each other.

Top Essentials For Anyone Looking to Build Strength

Genetics is one of the things that will determine how strong your muscles are. However, there are some things that you can do in order to build strength on your own and even take advantage of the natural strengths your genetics give you.

Planning a Finished Basement - A Useful Guide

Even if it’s cold and the space is entirely filled with unnecessary boxes, your basement will be a potential place if you can turn it around just right.


INTRODUCTION Salt is a mineral complex comprising of sodium and chlorine .Salt is obtained naturally from the earth’s crust .When salt is being processed ,there are some substances added to it to form what is called binding and clumping(anti-caking agents).

Burdened by Back Pain? 4 Ways to Find Relief Without Leaving Your Home

Dealing with back pain can often be very difficult and overwhelming. Many people can turn to painkillers for relief. However, these drugs typically come with a whole host of negative side effects.

Five Ways Volunteering Can Improve Your Mental Health

Between school, work, family, and any number of other commitments you might have, it can seem almost impossible to find time for volunteering.


Sometimes you may find it difficult to make various decisions in life or you may find it difficult to concentrate on a given task. Although most people tend to assume this could be as a result of a stressful day at work or just fatigue, there are various simple tests you need to do in order to ensure everything is fine.

How to Calculate the Right Dosage of CBD For My Dog?

As a pet parent myself I know the kind of lifestyle we have when we have our fur buddy around the house. We literally want to share everything with him or her.

Can CBD Really Help in Treating Depression?

For last few years, CBD has started gaining a lot of popularity after medical researchers have found number of benefits offered by this marijuana product.

4 Tips for Protecting Your Back and Neck While Exercising

Keeping active is important to stay healthy and to enjoy your body knowing that it is strong and fit. However, exercise can be dangerous when done incorrectly.

All That Men Wanted to Know About Escort Services

It is often a natural tendency among men to look for a beautiful female company and perhaps that is the main reason for creating services, where one can hire a beautiful girl in Paris and spend time with her.

How to Help Your Dog Lose Weight

Obesity in dogs is one of the most common health concerns that pet owners and veterinarians deal with. As cute as they are when they're chubby, an overweight pooch is more likely to suffer from disabling medical conditions such as diabetes, lung and heart diseases, and cancerous tumorsleading to a visit to an affordable animal hospital.

Different Types of Dentists for Different Ailments

Maintaining the health and hygiene of your teeth is extremely important for your overall health and well being. There can be different types of problems that may arise with your teeth.

Tips for Finding the Best Naturopath in Melbourne

A naturopath is a term that describes a person who practices naturopathy or naturopathic medicine. Naturopathy acknowledges the capability of your body to self-heal, hence why naturopaths promote natural and non-invasive treatments to their patients.

Dental Emergency? 4 Ways To Naturally Ease A Toothache

Having a toothache can be quite an unpleasant experience, and the best course of action would be to see an emergency dentist in severe cases.

Lab Research: How New Medicines are Evaluated and Developed

The development of medications is something that can take years to complete. There are a variety of steps that need to take place in order for them to be available for your use.

Don't Gum Up Your Oral Health: 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Brushing Your Teeth

Oral care has been a part of everyone’s routine since childhood. However, brushing since childhood doesn’t mean the oral care routine is correct.

5 Tips for Staying Young Which Really Work

Keeping your skin looking young isn’t as hard as you may think Aging is an inevitable consequence of living, but who said we cannot slow down this process? There are several ways to deceive nature and even turn back time, making the skin more elastic, dense and radiant, and, accordingly, noticeably younger.

Are You Pre-Diabetic? 4 Changes to Make Right Now

A prediabetes diagnosis means that you have a blood sugar level that is higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diagnostic for diabetes.

8 Health Conditions That Can Lead to Foot Problems

The best way to avoid serious foot problems that can potentially lead to toe, foot, or leg amputation is by making it a point to take care of your Feet for a lifetime.

Answered! 5 Key Questions about Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a revolutionary technique to treat severe types of male pattern baldness and hair loss. Given that, you’re contemplating going under the scalpel, here are the answers to a few questions you may find relevant and useful to dredge up.

Where to Clean in Your Home to Improve Family Health

The cleanliness of your home environment directly affects your family’s health. For example, poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory symptoms.

Hair Transplant – Things You Need To Know About the Cost and Procedure

Even though a hair transplant is the most efficacious way to increase your hair thickness and density, it can be fairly expensive when it comes to both the treatment and recovery.

Modern Advances in Diabetes Treatment Technology

Diabetes used to be a terminal condition, but advances in modern medicine have allowed those suffering from diabetes to live long and full lives.

How to Fix and Maintain Your Beautiful Skin

Healthy Skin To protect the skin and to slow down aging, it is necessary to protect and protect the skin structure and function. It is important to know more about the basic skin anatomy and structure to learn how to protect the skin.

Parenting and Dental Care: 4 Tips for Promoting Your Baby's Oral Health

Your baby’s smile lights up your life. Keep that beautiful smile in top shape by caring for your little one’s mouth and teeth.

Are there Alternative Treatments for Periodontitis?

Periodontal disease is any disease affecting the bones and connective tissue associated with the teeth and gums. Gingivitis, or gum inflammation, is the phase preceding periodontitis, the latter of which involves plaque spreading below the gums.

4 Tips for Maintaining Your Dog's Oral Hygiene

Face it: even though your dogs are the cutest and most adorable companions you can have, there are times when their breath can be gross. This means they need a good brushing to remove all the plaque and bacteria.

4 Common Injuries Among Musicians

Musicians sometimes get hurt because of too much practice or bad habits when rehearsing. Read on to learn about 4 injuries that commonly affect them.

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy and Happy as a Runner

Running is a popular sport because it doesn’t require anything other than a pair of good shoes and some old-fashioned human willpower.

What Is A Lap-Band Surgery - Is It Effective?

Lap band surgery is becoming popular among people who are suffering from obesity and want to reduce their weight quickly. Although, there are many lifestyle practices to help in reducing unwanted weight, surgical treatments are highly preferred.

For Buyers: All That You Need To Know About CBD Product

CBD Products are known for the potential benefits on an individual’s health. However, there are many things that a user needs to keep in mind before buying a CBD product.

Troubled Sleep Lately? 5 Ways to Reset Your Schedule

Most people go through periods of uneasy sleep, which can occur for many reasons, like illness, anxiety, or a new environment. Instead of giving up and counting sheep, here are some practical things you can do to get your sleep pattern back on a regular schedule.

All That You Need to Know About Surgical Mask and N95 Respirator

In order to protect from any airborne particles or contamination, one can protect themselves with the help of surgical mask and N95 respirator.

Home rowing machines

Stationary rowing is known for being one of the most complete workouts you can do. It works almost every single muscle in your body, builds your resistance, and offers the same – and even more – health benefits as running, biking or swimming, which is why we bring you the best rowing machines for home use.

Five Tips for Buying Maternity Clothes

Pregnancy can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. From the unusual food cravings to the weight gain, the mood swings and the preparation for the baby, expectant mothers definitely have a lot to deal with.

Anxiety: The Dreadful Disorder That Needs Our Attention for a Long Time Now

People today seem to be too busy with their hectic life schedules, so much so that they don’t take note of what’s happening to their physical and mental health conditions until there is something amiss! Although physical ailments are treated through medicinal applications with timely detections, the problems lie with a sick mental health condition which is prevalent amongst a mammoth section of the people of our society today.

6 Ways to Help Decrease Your Stress

We live in a stressful world, and at one point or another, you’ve probably felt like your stress is overwhelming. Where some stress can be beneficial (like helping you deal with urgent or life-threatening situations), too much stress can be unhealthy and have lasting effects on your physical and mental health.

5 Benefits of In-Home Care Services

  In today's time, it's becoming more and more difficult for people to give that much-needed attention to an aging loved because of the kind of lifestyle they lead.

4 Options to Consider When Looking at Cataract Surgery

If you notice your vision becoming cloudy or darkened, it may be due to cataracts. Fortunately, surgery to remove cataracts by replacing your lenses with artificial lenses has become so commonplace that it's easy, routine, and almost always successful.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain is localized in the lower part of abdomen and pelvis. In woman pelvic pain results from conditions of the urinary system, the reproductive system or it may even have a musculoskeletal cause.

Top Benefits of hand sanitizers

Anyone who has ever visited a child’s play area has most probably seen it. As the kids are done with playing in with different toys and other equipment, their mothers reach into the handbags and grab the sanitizers.

How To Make Bittergourd Tea To Reverse Diabetes, Stop Gout Or Lower Blood Pressure

How To Make Bittergourd Tea To Reverse Diabetes, Stop Gout Or Lower Blood Pressure. Brookey has a bitter taste, as you can see from this name.


Your gynecologist may order a colposcopy if your cervix appears abnormal during your pelvic exam and Pap smear, or if you have a history of prenatal DES exposure.

5 Best Drinks for Weight Loss

Together with a healthy diet, losing weight also involves being mindful with what you drink. There are certain drinks that aren’t good to take if you’re aiming to lose weight such as sugary or high-calorie drinks.

Give your Child Suffering from a Speech Disorder a More Confident Life

If you or any of your loved ones face some sort of difficulty in communication like difficulty in pronouncing a certain set of sounds, or trouble in writing words.

Need Dental Implants? Why You Deserve a Brighter Smile

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression and nothing impresses people more than a bright smile.   According to the Academy of General Dentistry, 40 percent of people notice a smile first with the people they work with and 96 percent of people believe that a smile is one of the most important features of a person’s appearance.


The endometrium is the tissue that lines the inside of your uterus. Each month, as part of your menstrual cycle, these tissues thicken, break down and then bleed out of your body.

Top Tips to Maintain Your Health During a Medical Detox

The detoxification process is the first step to overcoming substance abuse. Though this process is just the beginning of one’s recovery journey, it is typically the most challenging as withdrawal symptoms can be particularly debilitating.

When and How You Should Get a Check Up for Your Ears and Eyes

Staying healthy often requires more than simply eating the right foods and ensuring your body gets enough exercise each day. In order to remain truly healthy, seeking out checkups for various areas of your body each year is recommended, especially as you get older.

Best Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment - How You Can Find It

Inpatient rehab is one of the best treatments for patients who experience problems like physical dependence, mental illness, and high-risk of withdrawal.

Why Thermal Cameras Are Essential Equipment for Medical Clinics

Technology plays an important role in healthcare. Thermal imaging solutions one tech tool that hospitals and clinics are implementing in droves.

Tips to Shop for A Glass Pipe for Cannabis Smoking

If you are trying to purchase a glass pipe for smoking cannabis then it can be quite confusing as there are number of vendors selling such pipes.

Home DNA Test Kit to Find the Genetic Disorders in a Child

Every parent desire their child is always in a perfect health. Hence, they never back up to take tests that will help in knowing whether their child’s health is perfectly alright or not.

How Your Physical Health Can Affect Your Mood

Physical health and mood or mental health have a strong connection and each can adversely affect one another, making the understanding of how to use them for each other an extremely valuable part of your personal health journey.

How to quit vaping – Direct from the vape shop

This might be controversial for me to write. You’re probably not expecting the founder of Vape and Juice, an online vape shop to talk to you about how to quit vaping, but that’s what we are going to do here.


What Is Adenomyosis? As if monthly shedding of your uterine lining wasn’t enough of an inconvenience, many women suffer from a variety of uterus diseases as well.

4 Simple Lifestyle Habits That Help Prevent Illness and Disease

Disease might seem like an inescapable fact of life. The numbers are grim: more than 85 million people in the U.S. have some type of heart disease, upwards of 100 million have type 2 diabetes, and more than one in three people will eventually get cancer.

What is arrhythmia Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is arrhythmia? Arrhythmia is a heart rhythm abnormality now this can either be due to the fact that the heart is beating too slowly which is called a bradycardia or too quickly which is called a tachycardia.

Supplements to Improve Your Overall Health and Wellness

  How many times do you have to hit your alarm clock before actually rolling out of bed in the morning? While the lucky few start the day feeling energized and focused, many think about sleep from the moment they wake up.

Are You Suffering from Premature Ejaculation During Sex?

Often among men, during sexual intercourse they reach their ejaculation much earlier than expected, which is known as premature ejaculation.

Fibroid Cancer

Receiving the diagnosis of uterine fibroids can understandably send women scrambling to look up fibroid cancer. In actuality, fibroids are very common in women of childbearing age, and although they are tumors, rarely are they cancerous.

CBD Vaping - How Much is Too much and What You Must Do About it

CBD vaping has gained quite a lot of popularity. The CBD craze is going and might go more with people of all generation. These days, people have more options to choose from.

4 Ways to Help Men Improve Their Personal Health

It's often stated that health is wealth. When you don't have your health, it's almost impossible to enjoy any wealth you might experience.

Teeth Braces

When a cosmetic dentist recommends braces for your teeth, it’s usually to improve and perfect the alignment of your front teeth.

Top 5 Situations Where Marriage Counselors Can Help

Maintaining a happy married life takes a lot of patience and skills. Luckily, some couples are blessed with relationship skills, and are able to solve marital problems all by themselves.

Know Everything About CBD - Before Using It on Your Skin

CBD is glowing-up everywhere in the market and it has become a luxurious beauty and wellness natural component. There are many CBD products available from supplements to cosmetic products that offer many benefits to the users.

Things You Need To Be Familiar With About CBD Hemp Oil

Lately, CBD has created a lot of buzz, which keeps on getting louder. You can see a plethora of CBD products sold in the form of capsules, tinctures, candies, lotions, powder, beverages, etc.

My Lyme Journey

By: Meghan Ward As a young, adventurous girl, I loved exploring the woods and it’s beauty.  I grew up on Long Island where the threat of ticks is high and playing in the woods did not reduce my chances of being infected.

Dental Implants Problems

Risks of Having Dental Implants Our Dental Implants Center in Manhattan only uses a top quality dental implants from Straumann, headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.

10 Ways to Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Heartburn and acid reflux negatively impact many aspects of the lives of those who suffer from them. Aside from the general discomfort they cause, heartburn and acid reflux can make it difficult to concentrate, sleep, or enjoy eating.

Ready to Ditch Your Lenses? 4 Vision-Correction Procedures to Consider

Are you tired of those red marks on your nose from your glasses or wasting precious time putting your contact lenses in every morning? Vision-correction surgery, which works by re-shaping the cornea so that light can focus properly on the retina, could be the right solution for you.

Creating a Healthy Living Environment: 4 Home Improvement Tips

Over recent years, homeowners have become aware of many of the hazards that create an unhealthy environment in their homes. These problems can be managed to provide cleaner air, fewer allergens and an all-around healthier living space.


Periodontist NYC Dr Rahmani is a nationally recognized as America’s Top Periodontist, one of the best periodontal disease specialists in the region.

Alercell Announces 280 Million Dollar Agreement for COVID-19 Rapid Blood Tests

BOZEMAN, Mont., July 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alercell today announced that it has reached an agreement for distribution of COVID-19 rapid antibody serology tests with manufacturer Medigen Biotechnology Corp, (TPEX 3176 MEDIGEN) a publicly traded company-controlling shareholder of TBG Biotechnology Corp.

What Is The Difference Between Vape and Pod Mods?

Since the last few years, so far as vaping was concerned, it was identified with vape mods, giant clouds, and sub-ohm atomizers. Of late, pod mods are becoming popular, but still many people are not aware of the difference between such pod and vape mods.

Does Keto Boost Your Immune System?

By: Fresh n' Lean, the nation's #1 organic meal delivery company SUMMARY More and more people are adopting ketogenic diets.

Tips On How To Choose A Best Detox Program

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4 Ways to Get More Involved in Slowing the Spread of Covid-19

COVID-19 has created a new world pandemic that many have never seen before. While the local, state, and federal governments are all doing their part in restricting the spread of the virus, it's really up to the individuals to make a big difference.

Know the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Bowel Cancer

Bowel or colorectal cancer is one of the common cancers affecting many people across Australia. According to reports, over 15000 people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer in a year.

Why Is Detox Considered As An Important Part Of Recovery?

Deciding to get free from the clutches of alcohol or drug addiction is a brave call. However, before you go ahead with the recovery, a complete detox is necessary.

Nerve Pain

You’re fortunate to have found a dedicated group of dentists open on Saturday because when tooth nerve pain strikes, it can shut you down.

Understand in Few Simple Tips the Importance of CBD

People have heard about CBD, but many aren’t aware of its origin and beneficial features fully. Sometimes due to unawareness they buy wrong kind of CBD and unfortunately unable to reap its benefits.

Organic CBD vs Inorganic CBD - Why Does It Matter?

While shopping for your next CBD oil, you must understand the difference between organic CBD and inorganic CBD. These two terms are quite opposite to each other and so is their nature.

4 Symptoms of Endometriosis All Women Should Be Aware Of

Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus in areas, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries or lining of the pelvis.

5 Tricks to Combat Seasonal Allergies This Spring

Even though seasonal allergies aren’t usually dangerous, the symptoms can be extremely unpleasant. Luckily, many people are able to minimize those symptoms or avoid them entirely by making a few simple lifestyle changes.

What Are the Benefits of Starting a HSA Account?

The need for healthcare is growing at a rapid pace. That pace is increasing due to the fact that the baby boomer generation is nearing retirement age.

What Might Be Ruining Your Sleep and What to Do about It

Getting a full night of quality sleep regularly is essential for your well-being. Poor sleep habits can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, mental health issues, heart conditions and more.

Recent Weight-Loss Trends That Actually Work

  Recently, people are becoming more conscious of their health and physical fitness. To this end, a lot of people are eating healthier and exercising more.

Teeth Cleaning

To maintain good oral health, the American Dental Association recommends two visits per year to your dentist for teeth cleaning. If you’ve put those visits off, you may need deep teeth cleaning to clear away all the plaque and tartar.

4 Ways to Find Comfortable Care for Your Aging Parents

As your parents age, they will rely more and more on you. As much as you may want to take care of them all the time, you cannot do so because you have job responsibilities.

Top Facts One Should Know About Root Canals

Healthy teeth always give you reasons to smile confidently in front of others. It is quite important to maintain oral health and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Effective Ways to Overcome and Prevent Back Pain

While finding the cause of your back pain can be difficult, there are many steps you can take to help treat your back pain or keep it from getting worse.

Who Is at Greatest Risk for Testosterone Deficiency?

Are you worried about low testosterone? Many men wonder if their symptoms like fatigue, lagging libido and poor sleep are caused by testosterone deficiency, but they're too embarrassed to bring this problem up in the doctor's office.

How to Create a Well-Rounded Health Regimen

  Committing to a workout regime requires a good dose of discipline. Besides three to five days a week of intense cardio combined with weight lifting, you have to think about a healthy diet, getting your sleep and giving yourself time in between to recover.

How To Develop Asthma Action Plan | Breathefree

What is an Asthma Action Plan   An Asthma action plan has details on preventing asthma triggers, controlling and managing asthma symptoms, etc.

Tips to Help Your Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in the world. However, it is still under-evaluated, under-diagnosed, and under-developed.

How to Maintain Health as You Grow Older as a Woman

Aging is a completely natural thing that happens to everybody, but it often comes with health problems that you don’t occur as often when you are younger.

How to Choose the Right Female Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapy helps in the improvement of the quality of life of people when the restriction of mobility takes place for some reason. Age, sudden injuries or medical conditions such as stroke can reduce reflexes and hamper mobility at some point in your life.

8 Tips for Coping with Long Hospital Stays of Your Loved One

Even a joyous event like the birth of a child is a reason to worry because parents have to make a trip to the hospital. Although Australian hospitals are safe places to stay, loved ones who are admitted there feel lonely, as they have to cope with postoperative periods.

4 Health Conditions You Didn't Know Might Affect Your Smile

Dentists and oral health professionals have spent years educating their patients about the health problems that poor dental health can cause.

Hip Pain

Pain Physicians NY (Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx NYC) is one of the first practices in New York to offer advanced groundbreaking treatment for hip pain including latest compression and electrical nerve stimulation devices for Grade I and II hip strain, best osteoarthritis hip pain management options to prevent the progression of the hip arthritis.

Treat Your Feet with Respect: 4 Adverse Effects of Wearing Flip-Flops

Flip-flops are easy to slide on in the summer, so you may find yourself wearing them day after day. Unfortunately, flip-flops aren’t the best choice for long-term use.

4 Environmental Factors in Your Home That Could Be Affecting Your Health

There are all sorts of things that could exist in your home that may be causing you to experience health problems. This could include the items that you bring into your home or even things that you already have within your home.

3 Common Signs of Aging You Can Fight Back Against

Anyone who lives long enough will probably experience at least one of these signs of aging and likely more. Even though there’s nothing anyone can do about the inevitable movement of time, there are solutions for the effects time has on the human body.

The Reasons Behind the Importance of Wearing Disposable Gowns and Aprons

In the present COVID 19 pandemic situations, it has become mandatory for every health care unit professional to safeguard themselves from the infectious diseases.

Knee Injuries Treatment

If you’re one of the millions of people suffering from knee pain due to arthritis, patellofemoral syndrome, chondomalacia, pes anersine bursitis, Baker’s cyst, patellar tendonitis, meniscus tear or ligament damage, total knee replacement surgery doesn’t have to be your only treatment option.

MRI Scan is to Detect Complex Issues That Cannot Be Diagnosed with Ordinary Tests

Often when people hear the terms like MRI or CT scan, they have wrinkles forming in their forehead. The words may be complicated, but the procedure is simple and painless.

Interesting Health and Nutritious Facts to Know about Lamb101

  Lamb meat is quite tasty and beneficial for health. Earlier red meat foodies were not bothered whether the meat is of lamb or adult sheep, nonetheless now they do consider several things before buying meat.

Right Ways to Maintain Your Posture and Back Health

Today, a majority of individuals complain about their back-health issues that adversely affects their life. Their work productively is affected, and thus tries to find every means to correct the back-health issues.

Ankle Injuries

Your ankle joints are composed of the weight-bearing leg bone (the tibia), the stabilizing leg bone (the fibula) and the ankle bone (the talus).

Back to Normal: 4 Tips for Managing Pain after an Accident

Accidents happen quickly, but they often leave long term detrimental effects. After a crash, many victims are left with both financial burdens and physical pain.

Diagnosed with a Life-Threatening Disease? Here Are 4 Ways to Receive Comfort and Help

Getting a severe diagnosis can be traumatic and life-altering. No matter what disease you may be struggling with, the world is full of resources that can help.

Is The Pressure Ramp Up Feature Essential For CPAP Machine?

Many of you might not be aware of the ramp-up feature and how it can help improve your ability to fall asleep. Read on to learn all about the special feature.


Acne You may be surprised when you get older and start experiencing a resurgence of the frustrating acne scourge you experienced as a teenager.

What Are The Criteria For A Lasik Surgery?

If you are struggling with vision problems, then you must go for the LASIK surgery. The results of the surgery are always in favor of the patient, but sometimes it is not a good option.

How Glass Chandeliers are made?

A chandelier is a light fixture that is designed to be mounted on walls or ceilings. Chandeliers are usually ornamental and use light bulbs though some of the modern designs use LEDs or fluorescent lamps as well.

4 Supplements to Diet and Exercise That Can Help Your Health

Every person should strive to live a healthy life. Being healthier means being able to live longer freer of disease and illness. Of the different suggestions of how to live healthier, focusing on diet and exercise is the most common advice given.

How to Fix Muscle Soreness after Workout?

Prolonged muscle pain can be because of a serious muscle injury, in this case you should consult your doctor who may help you in treating the sore muscles before any further damage takes place.

Are you on Diet? Need Extra Care for your Skin

Who does not want to be slim and fit? The one road that most of us take towards a healthy life is dieting. By far, it is one of the most effective ways to get rid of that excess flab.

5 Essentials Hospitals Need for Improved Patient Care

Patient care is becoming more widespread as a top goal for many medical facilities. Instead of just focusing on providing the best technologies and most experienced physicians, hospitals focus more on their patient experiences than ever before.

Why CBD Oil Is Good For Your Health

  CBD is an extraction from the marijuana plant. Marijuana is commonly known for its high intoxication levels, but there are different types like THC, responsible for the high feeling effect.


Botox is an injectable product derived from the botulinum toxin. While it stems from the same microbe that can give you botulism, it’s completely safe in its modified form when administered by a medical professional, such as your New York dermatologist.

Do You Know Why People Like to Vape?

Smoking as we all know is injurious to our health, as several harmful chemicals get into your bloodstream while you smoke. Nowadays, another option is available in the market.

How to Get In Sufficient Vitamins As a Vegan

    Being a vegetarian comes with numerous health benefits including low blood pressure and better weight management. Omnivores are exposed to higher risks of developing diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc.


Looking for a best in class colonoscopy doctor in NYC? A colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination performed by the NYC gastroenterologist, Dr.

Ankle Pain

The average person walks enough in a lifetime to circle the globe four times! So it is no surprise that more than 75 percent of Americans will suffer some sort of foot or ankle problems.

How Holistic Medicine Can Help You with Chronic Oral Health Issues

No matter how careful you try to be, you will most likely have to deal with at least a few oral health issues over the years. While most oral health conditions can easily be taken care of by an experienced dentist, some patients might want to consider holistic treatments as well.

New Treatments for Depression

Treatment is used to reduce the duration and severity of depression and prevent new episodes. Successful treatment of depression can lead to better results in every aspect of life and reduce the risk of suicide.

What to Consider When Buying Herbal and Vitamin Supplements

Adding supplements to your diet is a great way to improve your health, but there are a few things to consider before you purchase any health products.

How the Right Gear Can Help Your Performance at the Gym

Keeping your body in shape can be tricky at times. It's not only critical to exercise on a regular basis. That's because it's just as critical to make sure that you're working out in the correct manner.

Better Way: 3 Parts of Your Daily Routine You Can Make Healthier

When it comes to your health and beauty regimen, one thing many women overlook is the fact that your skin is actually the largest organ in your body.

Asbestos Exposure In The Home

Asbestos exposure commonly happens in work environments. However, there is also a high risk of asbestos exposure in the home. With this, you must take safety precautions to avoid its negative impact   your health.

7 Chiropractic Techniques for Back and Neck Pain

The various chiropractic techniques are often based on the principle that when given the right tools and sufficient time, the body will heal itself.

How to Deal with Anxiety

The word anxiety, these days, is more commonly used than any other in everyday discourse. It even seems that is rather fashionable to say you are experiencing anxiety.

Nose Job: How should you prepare for it?

Many people don’t feel happy about the size or shape of their nose. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as “nose job” and is the best way to get a nose that you desire for.

Tips to Relieving Your Constant Heartburn

When it comes to different stomach problems heartburn is a topic that is frequently mentioned. There are a lot of approaches and methods that have been used to relieve heartburn.

Watch Your Mouth: 4 Signs of Periodontal Gum Disease

When your gums are unhealthy, your whole mouth can become unhealthy. Periodontal disease begins as an infection of the gums, but in time, it can affect other parts of your mouth and your overall health as well.

6 Ways to Face Your Depression and Win

Depression is something that sadly millions of Americans have to deal with on a regular basis. If you are one of the many that have to deal with depression on a regular basis, it is important that you find ways to face your depression and win.

Famous Herbs to Decrease Arthritis Pain

Arthritis symptoms may affect your everyday life. The inflammation and pain may persist despite medical involvement. Nowadays, people prefer herbal remedies to get relief from arthritis pain.

4 Care Essentials for New and Old Dental Fillings

Dental fillings can be a necessary part of tooth care even for those who care for their teeth regularly and try to keep them pristine. Whether you have old dental fillings or you're planning to get some soon, there are basic methods of care that can help ensure they last a long time.

Dealing with Depression

Dealing with depression is a lifelong journey that involves overcoming pain, accepting change, challenging your mind, and even training your body.

What Persistent Tooth Pain Can Mean for Your Health

Tooth pain can range from dull and nagging to intermittent throbbing or worse. Living with persistent tooth pain can detract from your quality of life, and severe pain may impact your ability to eat, talk and complete other essential activities throughout the day.

Make Your Golden Years Shine: 4 Healthy Habits Every Senior Should Adopt

Effectively caring for yourself as you age can often be a challenging process. Factors, such as mobility and motivation can make it difficult to stay on top of your health and wellness.

Avoiding the Dentist? 4 Ways to Ease Dental Checkup Anxiety

Why do people fear the dentist? Many people have their reasons as to why they’re anxiety-ridden about going to the dentist. Some people are afraid of the pain while others think that the dentist may end up neglecting the concerns they have.

4 Conditions Medical Cannabis Can Help as an Alternative to Traditional Medication

The medicinal properties of medical cannabis have received greater acknowledgment in recent years, and many people are beginning to use the potent plant in place of traditional medicine.

How to Safely Explore Alternative Medicine Treatment Options

Prescription medication provides incredible health benefits, but there are instances when this is not the best or desired treatment option.

How to Manage Chronic Pain While Increasing Health and Wellness after an Injury

Chronic pain can make you feel as though you’re unable to live your life to the fullest. You don’t need to spend the rest of your life just coping with the pain.

Ways to Make Your Health Your Number 1 Priority

Your health should be your number 1 priority at all times. Have time for a regular check-up despite your busy schedule. Prevention is better than cure, right? Many diseases can be prevented if it is addressed right away.

Easy Ways to Give Back to Your Community

While the media tends to give attention to wealthy philanthropists, you don't have to have surplus cash to give something back to your community.

Why My Teeth Are Sensitive to Sweets, Hot and Cold?

I scream, you scream, we all scream from frozen treats! Those are not the right words to the song, but if you're one of the over 4 million Americans who endures hardships from tooth sensitivity to sweets or tooth sensitivity to cold, you may be cowering at the thought of the fizzy treat.

Working on Your Health: 5 Ways to Encourage Good Health While at Your Desk

By now, you’ve heard that sitting is one of the worst things you can for your health. Sitting all day can to lead to poor posture, painful joints and a slew of other more serious health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.

3 Homeopathic Tips That Support Healthy Blood Pressure

The blood pressure guidelines have recently changed. Because of the recent changes, nearly half of adults in America now have high blood pressure.

4 Things You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Whether it’s you or your child that needs to get their wisdom teeth removed, getting the news that you have to have the procedure done soon is not the best news.

4 Men's Health Issues That Are More Common Than You Think

Because men don’t often feel comfortable with admitting weakness, they can feel isolated when they have an illness. Often, they can feel like they’re less because of their condition, or assume they’re alone in their struggle.

3 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health in Your Family

Your family is your whole world. They tend to be the source of much of your pain and pleasure throughout life. Just as you take your children to the doctor on a regular basis to ensure their physical health, it’s also a good idea to institute efforts to keep them in a positive mental health state.

9 Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes

Your eyesight is essential to perceive the world around you. It can show you a beautiful sunset or an oncoming car. It has been said that it is the most important of all five senses and for that reason, you should take good care of it.

Healthy Habits: 4 Ways to Establish a Night Routine to Feel Your Best

It’s no secret that most of us don’t get enough sleep. The majority of us are lucky to get six hours of quality sleep. One of the best things you can do to give yourself high-quality sleep night after night is to create a nighttime routine.

Tips and Advice for Handling an Injury the Right Way

Millions of people are injured each year, with the causes ranging from slip and falls to accidents in sports. If you find yourself injured, whether it's your fault or not, it's important to know how to handle the situation.

Where to Start? A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis Products

There is little resistance from people who are quickly learning that cannabis is useful for our good health, yet most people are left wondering how to use it.

What is cardiology?

What is cardiology? Cardiology is a medical specialty and a branch of internal medicine concerned with disorders of the heart. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, heart failure and valvular heart disease.

Things You Can Do To Help Someone Going Through A Hard Time.

Life is not always easy and it's very easy to fall into hard times due to a multitude of different situations. When someone is in a situation like this getting the help from someone who cares about them can be one of the best things that can happen so if there's someone who is going through a hard time in your your life you need to try your best to help them out.

4 Common Myths of Digital Smile Designing Debunked

The days of feeling unsatisfied with your smile, having an itch to find ways to change how your smile looks are gone. With advancement in technology and a fast paced cosmetic dentistry in the hands of efficient and world class dental surgeons smile designing has become an easy and realisable procedure.

4 Herbal Supplements and What They Can Do for You

  Herbal medicine has been around for centuries, but it’s gained recent traction in the spotlight as a plethora of health and wellness gurus on social media have begun to sing the praises of supplements.

Back at it Again: 4 Ways to Improve Your Posture

Although most people won’t admit it, sometimes slouching feels great. And it’s so easy to fall into the habit of it, especially if you work a desk job.

What are the Best Ways to Use CBD Isolates?

If you're searching for the most powerful and useful types of CBD, CBD isolates could turn into your new go-to use. What is CBD Isolate? CBD isolate is 100% pure crystalline powder that has 99% natural CBD.

Why Any Kind of Exercise Injury is Worth Taking Seriously

You could be seriously hurt and not feel the effects until days later. It is important to always get exercise injuries checked out by a good doctor to see how bad it is.

5 Preventative Approaches to Aches and Pains While Aging

The trouble with getting old is that you start to feel as if your body is breaking down. Aches and pain can be a normal every day event in your golden years.

Decreasing Anxiety in Your Life

Decreasing Anxiety in Your Life How can you decrease anxiety in your life: Everyone has depression and anxiety in their life. Whether it's a teenager dealing with school and what comes with it, or an adult dealing with the stress of college, work, or the dating life, or maybe an old person going through the change of life, maybe a terminal illness or etc.

5 Ideas to Break Shy Teens out of Their Shells

Being shy isn’t a bad thing. Those who are quieter tend to be contemplative and notice the finer details in life. However, being too withdrawn definitely has its drawbacks.

What to do to Improve Your Digestive System

What Is The Digestive System The digestive system is the part of the human body that is responsible for breaking down food so the food can be absorbed and used by the body for energy.

Five Simple (But Important) Things to Remember About Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Kansas City

Testosterone replacement therapy is crucial for health too. There are lots of things you should know about testosterone replacement therapy.

Bone Health: 4 Things You Should Know about Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes bone loss and puts people more at risk for suffering fractures. There are a few key points that you should know about osteoporosis so that you’ll have a better chance of getting a correct diagnosis and treatment if you suspect that you have the condition.

What Could Be Causing My Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a major issue that thousands of people struggle with every day. For many people, it is very traumatic to see your hair slowly falling out and thinning.

How to Decrease Anxiety in Your Life

How can you decrease anxiety in your life: Everyone has depression and anxiety in their life. Whether it's a teenager dealing with school and what comes with it, or an adult dealing with the stress of college, work, or the dating life, or maybe an old person going through the change of life, maybe a terminal illness or etc.

4 Dental Treatments and What They Can Do for You

If you want to improve the appearance of your teeth, there are plenty of cosmetic dental procedures out there. From teeth whitening to implants, read on to learn about your options toward achieving a brighter, healthier smile.

5 Keys For Weight Loss You Need To Know Now

There are some people who are going to need to find a better way to lose weight because they have no idea where to even begin.  If these people are trying to lose weight, they need to know that they can trust the program that they are using.

Tips from Specialists in Singapore Ear Clinic about Ear Care

We perceive the world through our sense organs. And the ears are essential sense organs on which we depend on right from the moment we are born till we die.

Debt That Is Well Associated With The Mental Health Of An Individual

People who have a debt on their shoulder are always thinking about ways to relay it back. Some people succeed in doing the same within the set time and others will not.

4 Health Problems You Might Never Notice on Your Own

While most people can tell when they are coming down with a cold, there are many other conditions that are far harder to detect or identify.

What is Heart Failure?

What is Heart Failure- By Heart Specialist Heart failure (HF), also known as chronic heart failure (CHF), is when the heart is unable to pump sufficiently to maintain blood flow to meet the body’s needs.

Ways to Fight Depressive Thoughts

5 Ways To Shut Down Depressive Thoughts As beautiful as life is it can often get tiring and hard. People all over the world fight depressive thoughts all the time.

Permanent Hearing Loss Can Occur From A Single Event

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are around 466 million people who are suffering from “disabling hearing loss” and not all of these people are elderly.

Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

Ways to Stay Cool in Vegas This Summer   Las Vegas is known for its casinos and shows, which attracts over 42 million people annually.

4 Resources to Free Yourself From Addiction

The path to sobriety is always going to be difficult, but there are a few steps that you can take to make this process a little bit easier on yourself and your loved ones.

3 Things You Must Need to Know About Vitamin B12 Patch

The use of an energy patch is an option that you have when it comes to needing new vigor or additional mental focus to complete specific tasks.

Becoming a Massage Therapist

  Being a massage therapist is more than rubbing people’s back with tons of upper body strength.    The truth is that you don’t have to be a bodybuilder to provide a strong massage.

Liposuction and Lymphedema?

Various surgical procedures for the treatment of lymphedema have been practiced for over a century and advancements in medical technologies have led to increased discussion of the role surgical treatment as an alternative or additional treatment option for a select group of patients affected by lymphedema.

Stomach Aches? Try These Simple Things

If you find that you're having stomach problems often, this could be due to several factors. If you're eating foods that are difficult to digest, have food allergies or intolerances or suffer from irregularity, your stomach pain could be an indicator that it's time to change your diet.

How To Cope With Food Allergies

Millions of people around the world suffer from food allergies. Allergic reactions range from minor symptoms to potentially life-threatening reactions.

How to Use Technology to Boost Your Mood

How to Use Technology to Boost Your Mood   As the world becomes more connected due to the spread of the Internet and technology, there seems to be a wider impact on mental health throughout first world countries.

Changing your life for the better by seeking help for drug addiction

Do you want your life to change for the better? If yes, then you will need to put in some hard work to achieve this goal. You need to pinpoint all your bad habits and get rid of them at the earliest.

8 possible causes why your back hurts

Something that we all share at some point in our lives, is back pain. You may be spending a great amount of time looking for answers, with this big question in mind: “why is my back hurting?” And so to answer this, we will first explain the basics of the spinal cord before exploring eight possible causes of your back pain.

6 Ways to Feel More Confident About Your Body

Confidence and self esteem are important for a good quality of life. While feeling more confident about your body probably will not happen overnight, you can take several steps to get there.

5 Foods You Should Keep Stocked in Your House if You’re on the Keto Diet

If you’re on the keto diet, or any diet for that matter, keeping foods handy that you can go to easily is essential. Whether it’s a snack you’re looking for, or even a meal when you don’t have the time or energy to cook, having something that is easily accessible is key to keeping you on track with your diet.

Cataract Treatment: Why Improving Your Eyesight is a Good Idea

Vision problems can make daily life inconvenient. They can be upsetting for all sorts of reasons in general. If you discover that you have cataracts, it can be beneficial to attempt to enhance your vision.

Is The Technology That's Supposed To Be Helping Us, Depressing Us?

"Is The Technology That's Supposed To Be Helping Us, Depressing Us?"   With everything going on in our lives, you would think that technology would make it easier.

Why You Shouldn't Trust Everything You Eat

Are the Foods at Your Grocery Store Trustworthy?   When you walk into a grocery store and pick out fruits, vegetables, and protein, you assume that the food you choose is safe to eat and you won't harm yourself.

Lifestyle Medicine: Why to Alter Your Bad Habits to Something More Natural

A healthy lifestyle can be good for the spirit. It can be good for your actual body and wellness as well. There are so many people nowadays who lead lives that are decidedly unnatural.

How to Stay Safe During Outdoor Winter Workouts

To stay healthy during the winter, you will want to continue exercising on a regular basis, including outdoor workouts. However, you may wonder how you can remain safe at this time of the year.

What You Can Do to Support a Spouse in Addiction Recovery

If you have a spouse who is involved in addiction recovery, then you must find a variety of ways to support your loved one. The process of going through treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is stressful in a physical and mental way, so your spouse is more likely to have success with numerous types of help.

Healthy Smiles for the Fam: 4 Tips to Help Kids Keep Their Pearly Whites Clean

Parenting young kids can be a challenge. It can sometimes even be a challenge to get youngsters to be willing to brush their teeth at night.

Don't Shy Away From Mental Health Care

Within the past few years, the stigma surrounding mental health has changed drastically. Even though people have been experiencing mental health issues like postpartum depression and anxiety since as early as the Victorian Times.

5 Tips To Keep Your Hair Healthy

When you're growing hair naturally, it's only natural to want to use natural methods to keep it healthy and beautiful. We've done some of the hard work for you! Here you'll find 5 tips to keep your hair naturally beautiful and healthy.

4 Ways to Use CBD Oil to Improve Your Health

As medical marijuana becomes more pervasive in society, there are more and more CBD benefits discovered every day. Cannabidiol is an active compound found in hemp and can be used to treat several medical and mental maladies.

How to Deal with Digestive Issues in the Family

Digestive issues are a concern that can face every member of our family, turning a pleasant family outing or simple dessert into a miserable affair.

IBD Got You Down? How Medicinal Marijauna Can Ease Symptoms

Inflammatory bowel disease, also known as IBD, can interfere with your life on a daily basis. This condition causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, cramping and other serious symptoms.

How to Keep Your Feet Beautiful and Healthy

Pedicures and More A pedicure has evolved into one of the best ways people can relax and beautify their feet. Some women choose to take care of their feet and get a pedicure every month to make them look beautiful.

How to Harness the Health Benefits of Outdoor Camping

Outdoor camping counts as one of the healthiest activities you can do. Being out in the fresh air gives you a chance to unplug from everyday life in the city and to reconnect with nature, your friends, and your spirit.

The Presence of Mucus and Serious Conditions of The Bowels

A part of the digestive tract the bowels extend from the stomach to the anus. The upper and lower intestines comprise the bowels. The bowels role in digestion is to help detoxify the body through the release of excrement.

Simple Child’s Cough? 4 Symptoms You Should Consult a Doctor About

Rearing a child can be one of life’s greatest joys. It can also occasionally be a source of immense stress. If your child is coughing, it can sometimes be difficult to know whether it may be related to something a bit more serious.

Dodging Insomnia: How to Promote a Good Night's Sleep

Do you find yourself frequently tossing and turning? Difficulty sleeping is no joke. Thankfully there are a few simple fixes that may help support better shut-eye.

Top 5 Health Risks to Consider While Traveling with Cancer

If you have bucket list, most probably several points are dedicated to traveling. Even if you do not have the list, in your mind you are planning to do so.

4 Foods That Slow Remineralization in Your Teeth

We all grew up with our parents telling us that we needed to drink lots of milk and stay away from too much sugar if we wanted healthy teeth.

Why You Should Care About Your Nails

Most people do not think about their toenails or their fingernails. If they are treated badly, they can cause issues. If not paid attention to, several health issues can be missed.

Why You Need Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial vitamin that helps us function like normal. It works quietly, and we probably won't even think about it until we aren't getting enough.

6 Ways to Boost Your Immune System and Overall Health

During the colder winter months of the year, it is going to be important that you make sure you are doing everything in your power to boost your immune system.

Tips for Your Eye Makeup Take Center Stage!

When it comes to your makeup look, your eyes should take center stage. There are several ways you can use makeup to make them the star of the show.

Why a Reliable Exercise Regimen Helps with Dependency and Addiction

Addiction and dependency can be horrible. It doesn’t matter if you’re addicted to heroin, to alcohol, to gambling or to anything else on the planet.

Easy Ways to Improve Your Health

Improving Your Health   No one is immune to the symptoms of having bad health. Many people practice unhealthy habits ranging from lack of physical activity, poor diet, and negative self talk.

Making Medicine: How Companies Produce Modern Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry has evolved to meet the demands of consumers and follow regulations. While the basic production process is similar from company to company, the medications and marketing strategies vary.

Is HCG Injection Really Helps in Weight Loss?

Human Chronic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone which is used for the female fertility treatment to help during pregnancy to promote the embryo and fetus development.

How Does Cold Weather Affect Atrial Fibrillation?

We’re going to be discussing cold weather and atrial fibrillation and see how cold weather can actually affect a person’s atrial of fibrillation.

How To Grow An Online Community With Other Health-Minded Individuals

Growing an online community takes more than just being an overnight success. While it’s nice to have fame or stature behind your name, the most likely route you’ll be taking is developing a dialogue and trust over time, honing in on what makes your brand or community unique against the others.

Why Has Indian Food Gone From Healthy To Unhealthy?

Indian food is extremely popular around the globe for its taste and diversity. The type of foods and spices used in the preparation of Indian food dishes is what makes it tasty as well as healthy.

4 Ways Your Home Can Support Your Health

You might be surprised to hear that a few simple home upgrades could have a major impact on your health and well-being. Here is a quick look at four projects and add-ons that are going to boost your family’s health and make your home more comfortable than ever.

How to Use CBD Oils

There’s no doubt that there is a shift in perception and knowledge happening around cannabis and CBD. The supply and demand of this treasure is growing- CBD based products are overflowing the market more and more each day.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) - Does It Make You Look Younger?

The Officially approved use of human growth hormone (HGH) has release a multi-billion dollar industry in today market. Some of the healthcare doctors and advisory grant as a fountain of youth for all certain ages, while others official are very firmly and fear that the risks far outweigh the potential benefits are very high.

From Little League To Big Injuries: A Parent’s Guide To Healthy Athletic Teens

Whether your children recently started playing sports in high school or they’ve been on teams since before they were in kindergarten, you have a strong awareness of how importance health is to their athletic endeavors.

Skincare Tips For A Healthy Bridal Glow

Planning for her wedding is no doubt one of the happiest times in a girl's life. It can also be one of the most hectic, between trying to find the right gown, choosing the bridal attendants, deciding on the size of the wedding, and if necessary looking at diamond rings to choose the right engagement ring along with wedding bands.

4 Causes of Blurry Vision and How to Save Your Sight

Most people don't consider their eye health until their eyes are in danger. Not exercising proper eye care can have damaging results for one's vision and this is especially true for anyone that experiences blurred vision or other similar symptoms.

4 Exercises to Help Manage Your Back Pain

You might not feel like exercising when you have back pain, but it's actually better for you than lying around and staying stiff. A gentle workout will pop your bones and get your blood flowing, and it can help to strengthen muscles that will provide better lumbar support.

Got a Cavity? Why You Should Steer Clear of Metal Fillings

Cavities aren’t pleasant news. If you have one, you may feel incessant pain. Eating your meals may make you want to scream in frustration.

Tips on Living With Mental Illness

Living with a mental illness isn’t at all simple. Many suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts on a regular basis. There are plenty of ways to improve your quality of life.

Best Ways to Improve Your Hair Health - Naturally

One look at those girls’ hair in the magazine is enough to make anyone second guess their strands and look for ways to get the same amazingly flawless hair.

Common Body Developments as You Grow Older

A healthy body allows for more adventures as someone ages The body changes quite a bit as a person ages. These changes can cause a person problems, especially if they stay active.

Eyes on Eye Health: 4 Ailments and Complications to Watch For

People often spend a lot of time thinking about general health. They often fail to zero in on eye health, however. That can be problematic as well.

Why Composite Fillings Are Safer Than Metal

Even though metal fillings have been used for well over a century, many patients and their dentists now prefer composite fillings. If your dentist has recently told you that you need fillings, then you might want to spend some time studying the many benefits of modern composite fillings.

Explore Effective Ways of Preventing Viral Infections

Everyone is very much interested in preventing viral infections; however, young children, older adults, and individuals with compromised immune systems are particularly, susceptible to serious complications due to viral infections.

4 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy as You Age

Regardless of age, it’s never too early to start taking care of your teeth. In fact, babies also need their teeth taken care of, even if they only have one! So, whether you’re over 40 or just shy of one years old, here are a few tips on how to make your teeth last a lifetime.

Surprising Ways To Get Out Of Depression

Depression is a medical condition which affects negatively on how and the way you think as well as the way you act. It is a common serious condition which affects many people and if not managed may lead to loss of life and destruction of properties.

How to remove pimple marks on effective ways

There's nothing as irritating as the troublesome pimple denotes that skin break out abandons. While the pimple may remain for a limit of 5-7 days, the skin inflammation scars it regularly deserts can keep going for a considerable length of time.

How Brushing and Flossing Daily Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Regular brushing and flossing can prevent oral disease, but it may also be able to protect your heart. You may have heard that bad dental hygiene is linked to heart disease; although no direct caution has been proven, numerous studies show that gum disease and bad brushing habits have been linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease.

How to Bulletproof Your Smile in 4 Easy Steps

A wonderful smile can be an incredible asset in modern society. Gorgeous teeth that are straight and white can help you get more jobs. They can even benefit your interpersonal relationships, interestingly enough.

Visit Shambhala Dental Clinic For best root canal treatment in Hyderabad

This list of Foods to Eat After Root Canal will help you stay full and give you ideas of soft food to eat after oral surgery wisdom teeth removal or other dental work.

New Methods For Improving Mental Health

Within the past few years, the stigma surrounding mental health has completely changed. It is no longer thought of something that is treated by locking someone away in a mental ward for the rest of their life.

3 Signs You Should Consider Surgery for Your Joint Pain

Living with chronic joint pain is never easy, and even though you may find ways to cope with the difficulties, it is important to pay attention to signs that it may be time to have a more serious look at the source of the pain.

Ways To Improve Mental Health

Within the past few years, the stigma surrounding mental health has completely changed. It is no longer thought of something that is treated by locking someone away in a mental ward for the rest of their life.

4 Doctors Who Can Help Improve Your Health and Appearance at the Same Time

Seeing the right doctor can be good for both your physical health and your appearance. Many of the treatments that these specialists offer are intended to correct certain physical problems while enhancing the way you look.

Eating Disorders Can Be Hereditaryâ€â€Don’t Miss These Early Signs

Eating disorders are more common than most people realize, and these disorders must be caught early or they could result in life-altering health complications.

Improve Your Environment For Better Health

Nowadays there are pollutants everywhere you turn. From plastic waste to many other forms of natural and man-made waste there are many ways that your environment may be affecting your health.

Three Reasons Why Everybody Needs To Go On A Mental Detox Program

Usually, when people think of detoxification, they usually think of some sort of drug program. They think of people hanging out and staying clear of drugs.

Steps to Take After Determining You're Pregnant

Once a woman has found out that she is pregnant she may be in shock. An unwanted pregnancy can be a huge shock but there is help for a woman.

Understand the Sciatica And How To Avoid It?

Sciatica basically names comes after the pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve in human body. Anything that minor or majorly irritates that nerve can cause pain, it can be range from mild to severe.

How Does HCG Injections Work for Weight Loss?

The hCG Diet basically helps in two ways in terms of hormone supplements and the calories restrictions for advertising the weight loss. It is basically for the attention of Americans those are seeking for the weight loss nirvana.

Does Modafinil Make You Smarter?

Many people believe that Modafinil can used to enhance cognitive ability, and thus perceived intelligence also, among healthy individuals.

What’s the Best HGH to buy from?

Generally, Most of the people recognize the name of popular manufacturer Eli Lilly when they go for the shopping HGH medications online on internet, but it is most common issue that people are not aware about that same company produces one of the best US and UK brands of human growth hormones (HGH) – Humatrope Online.

Ways to Cure Tennis Elbow Without Breaking the Bank

If you or anyone you know has been suffering from tennis elbow, you know the pain is something serious. And to make matters worse, if you let your condition get so bad, you could literally become dependent on others to even open the fridge door for you.

4 Wellness Tips to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies This Summer

Hot and humid weather can trigger allergy symptoms. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and coughing are common allergy symptoms. Fortunately, you do not have to let your allergy symptoms ruin your summer fun.

How to Choose a Personal Training Certification Program in BC Canada

If you’re looking to start your career change, or just jump into a new one that helps people get better, then you probably know all of the qualities that you’ll need to possess in order to become a personal trainer.

Why You Should Opt For Integrative Medicine?

The integration of non-medical therapies and western medicine has brought immense results. This method leads to rapid recovery thereby gaining popularity in the US and many other countries.

Get The Most Out Of Your Workout - Maximize Results

The industries of weight loss and exercise in modern America are fascinating. We're more obese now than we've ever been - but we're also exercising more now than ever as well! At the same time, we're bombarded by our screens with images that make us seethe with envy: flat stomachs, washboard abs, bulging backs and biceps.

4 Tips to Help Your Teeth Heal From Decay

Toothaches and dentist visits seem to be top on the list of things most people do not want to have to deal with. Tooth decay is the result of bacteria action which causes a decaying process to the outer layer of the tooth.

From Back Pain to Migraines: 4 Reasons Why Everything Hurts

Nobody likes to be in pain for even a day. It is much better to feel nimble and free to go about your daily activities as you please. Unfortunately, many people seem to constantly be living in pain.

Better Nutrition For Better Skin

Not many people are aware of how much their diet affects their skin. It also affects hair and nails. Having a diet rich in healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals can help your skin type look better and feel better and can also help hair and nails to improve.

How To Stay Healthy As You Age

How To Stay Healthy As You Age Aging can be stressful, but for some people, it is the most rewarding time of their life. As you age you might feel more confident than ever before, having gained patience and wisdom.

4 Common Work Injuries and How to Handle Them

Accidents in the workplace are all too common in certain industries. From carpal tunnel syndrome to potentially debilitating slips and falls, workplace accidents pose a serious hazard to employees.

How to Maintain Beautiful and Natural Hair

Hair is often one of the very first things that people notice about one another. If a woman has beautiful, glossy hair, you immediately notice and point it out.

Why Boutique CROs Are Ideal for Running Your Clinical Trial

Before various medicines and techniques make their way to pharmacies all around the world, they must go through rigorous clinical trials to ensure that they are safe for the general public.

4 Methods to Help Overcome Extreme Nerve Pain

While neuropathic pain can improve with treatment, some types of nerve pain can be a long-term proposition. This doesn’t mean that you have to deal with the pain on your own.

3 Benefits of Scalp Massages

Hair Growth   The first benefit is they can help to increase circulation to the scalp. This helps to make hair grow faster. This is because it helps to strengthen the roots of a person's hair.

Therapy and Art All in One: Dance and Healing

Dance is a form of self-expression through movement that has been around for centuries. Many people start taking dance classes at a young age and just see it as a fun hobby.

How to Improve Your Environment For Better Health

Nowadays there are pollutants everywhere you turn. From plastic waste to many other forms of natural and man-made waste there are many ways that your environment may be affecting your health.

5 Tips to Getting Rid of Acne

If you are like many people growing up, you were told that blemishes only happens when you are a teenager and should disappear after you are not a teenager anymore.

Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines

I’m gonna be write about the 2019 Atrial Fibrillation Guideline updates. For those of you not aware, we have major cardiology groups and other physiology groups like the American College of Cardiology and the Heart Rhythm Society, which every few years, release joint statements about how to manage atrial fibrillation.

Incorporating Essential Oils Into Your Daily Life

  Aromatherapy, although becoming increasingly more popular in today’s world, is nothing new: The ancient Egyptians were masters of using the oils derived from plants to provide pain relief, relaxation and feelings of well-being.

Quick and Easy Skin Care Routine for Busy Women

A well-balanced skin care routine is definitely a must to maintain the natural beauty of our skin. Surely that 12 step skin care routine sounds a lot especially if you’re always on the go.

The risky causes and factors of Psoriasis

You take care of your skin to make it look flawless and healthy. Despite such efforts, your skin can catch disease without you being aware of it.

Why Having A Mobile Personal Trainer Is Best for You?

Being and staying fit is one of today’s trends in health. Aside from choosing healthier food options, you can also keep your body at its top shape through workout.

Say Goodbye to Computer Eye Strain with these Ultimate Tips

The use of computers in today’s world has increased in a huge way due to which almost 50% of the people are attacked by Computer eye strain each and every day.

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Help Cannabis Get Legalized In Your State

While cannabis has been legalized for medical use in a majority of the US and even recreational use in a small but growing number of states, it remains prohibited under Federal law.

Dealing With The Different Impacts On Your Skin

Introduction   Protecting your organs is important if you want to live a long life without having very many issues. Many people don't know however that your skin is actually an organ, meaning that you need to take care of it.

4 Healthy and Helpful Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

It isn’t at all uncommon for the mere thought of dentist visits to strike fear into people's minds. If you’ve always been intimidated by the idea of dental appointments, there are many others who share your concerns.

How to Find The Cheapest Optometrist Near Your Location?

Choosing an optometrist is different from choosing a general physician and one must consider several things before finalizing an appointment to the doctor.

4 Ways to Treat and Manage Osteoporosis in 2019

Osteoporosis is a debilitating condition that will get worse over time if you don’t take steps to prevent further damage. Learning about effective ways to manage and treat it will help you to live a fuller life.

Natural Ways to Help Keep Your Mind Strong and Clear

Keeping your mind clear and ready for the work you have to do can be exhausting if you are not taking care of your brain. You may think taking care of your brain requires a lot of supplements and being super smart, but this is not the case.

How To Manage Decreased Levels Of Testosterone

In this day and age, everything is coming up natural. Most people feel that natural is the best decision when it comes to food, drinks, and supplements.

How to Smoothly Recover after Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery is an exciting step towards better vision and greater self-confidence. Plan to rest for at least a day after the surgery, and consider scheduling the appointment right before the weekend so that you have plenty of time to recover.

What is Atrial Fibrillation? The Different Types of Atrial Septal Defect

It seldom occurs in those under 40 years old, but occurs in up to 5% per cent of those over 80 years of age. It’s favorite age to strike is “my age” late forties to early fifties.

4 Signs You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

You depend on a healthy set of teeth in more ways than you can even imagine. In fact, you probably never even give your teeth a second thought unless there is something wrong with them.

Indica, Sativa, or Both: Which Strain of Cannabis Is Best for Your Needs?

If you’re new to the cannabis scene, then you may be wondering about which of the two main strains of cannabis is best for you, namely Cannabis indicaand Cannabis sativa.

What Every Person Needs to Know Before Donating Blood or Platelets

People feel good when they do positive things for fellow human beings. That’s the reason it’s not uncommon for people to donate platelets or blood.

Dermal Fillers - What Options Do You Have?

If wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and hollows have been staring back at you every time you look into the mirror, then perhaps it’s time that you did something to deal with them.

Braces Be Gone! 4 Modern Methods of Perfecting Your Smile

While traditional dental braces can be incredibly effective, that isn’t the only option for improving your smile. There are now countless restorative procedures and products to choose from, and many of those treatments are much less invasive than metal braces.

5 Natural Products That Benefit Your Skin

When we use toxic ingredients on our skin we're not allowing it to be able to renew itself correctly. Since our skin is an organ that makes up at least 16% of our body, we have to make sure that we're taking all the steps we need to insure that our skin can keep protecting us from outside toxins like infections or germs and can continue to be our barrier from the outside world.

Is the hCG diet safe and effective?

hCG are basically the combination of best use of hormone supplements and strictly calorie restriction to promote weight loss. However, Still not any laboratory evidence is comes, that is is not safe to use.

Easy To Get Rid of A Lower Back Pain

Sometimes Lower back pain are very annoying and painful. Certain easy advisable remedies and lifestyle changes can help you to reduce the back muscle pain.

Benefits and Surprising Effects of Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) or somatotropin is highly popular for the bodybuilding and athletic fitness world because of its great anabolic effects.

Brand New Baby Teeth: 4 Tips to Teach Your Toddler to Care for Their Teeth

If you are the parent of a toddler, you might already be concerned about his or her dental health. After all, taking good care of your child’s teeth from a young age is very important for good overall health.

Is a Lack of Sleep Negatively Affecting Your Work and Personal Life – This Sleep Supplement Could Be All You Need

A lack of sleep is something that many people complain about here and there. Perhaps they’ve had a few late nights, maybe work is a little busier than normal, or perhaps they’ve just had a lot on their mind that is keeping them up.

Ways to Make Your Home a Healthy Retreat

A home can help or hurt the health of those living in it. There are several ways that it can go either way. A person needs to know what can be changed to make themselves healthier.

9 Reasons Why You Still Struggle With Acne

You use two special cleansers, anti-inflammatory masks, and night creams but this does not help and every morning you see a new red spot on the cheek.

Helpful Tips for Fighting Workplace-Related Depression

It's not uncommon to suffer from depression. If you suffer from depression, you should not feel like you are alone. However, you shouldn't ignore the situation, either.

Anxiety Symptoms and Natural Treatments

It’s rare to find someone who hasn’t suffered from anxiety. Whether you get a bad case of nerves before public presentations or you feel overwhelmed in large crowds, anxiety strikes us all in varying degrees.


Life is full of challenges. One day you are dealing with divorce and the next day you are jobless. Such difficult situations can take a toll on someone, causing them stress.

How CoolSculpting Can Aid Your Weight Loss Goals

CoolSculpting is the name of a fat removal treatment that’s getting significant traction lately. It’s a procedure that appeals to many people who are interested in fat extraction options that do not involve any surgery.

4 Reasons Healthcare Professionals Need Continuous Education

Continuing education (CE) is an issue of tremendous importance for healthcare providers. From allowing skills to become rusty to lacking the CE hours needed to maintain a current license or certification, failing to make CE a priority can have disastrous consequences.

5 Ideas for Preventing and Treating Joint Pain

If you or someone you love suffers from joint pain in the hips, knees or shoulders, then it is essential to treat the condition. There are also a variety of ways to prevent joint pain in the first place.

How To Prevent Balding

  What Is Hair Loss    When an individual suffers from loss of hair on the head or body this is known as hair loss, baldness, or alopecia.

How Growth Factors Will Help You Build Muscle

To lose weight you simply watch calories going in and calories going out. To gain weight and build muscle takes a lot more work. The factors included in gaining muscle are; 1.

Beauty Tips Your Face Will Love

We all want to look our best for yourself and for others. When we look in the mirror and like what we see, we feel more confident as we greet the world for the day.

Chlorella: More Than Just Algae

  Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, and keto are all diets that offer people a healthier way of eating. Though these diet's bring lots of nutrients to the body, there are still some key vitamins and minerals that are missing.

6 Tips for Aging Healthfully and Happily

Getting older definitely comes alongside its fair share of changes. Some of those changes will be welcome, while others won’t, but ultimately aging is what you make of it.

4 Helpful Ideas for a Healthy and Fulfilling Sex Life

Sex is something that many people are uncomfortable discussing, but it’s a vital part of life that should never be ignored. Healthy, safe sex has many benefits, such as a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure and improved sleep quality.

Consider these Five Exercises that You Can Do While Pregnant

Expecting mothers have many activities that they can turn to for exercise while pregnant. Just because a woman is pregnant, does not mean that she should neglect daily exercise.

Why Does Bariatric Surgery An Effective Way To Lose Weight?

Tired of excessive fat? Done with the exercise & weight loss pills consumption? We come up with an easiest & effective way to control extra fat.

How Can You Help a Loved One with Dementia

Dementia can be exhausting, not just to the person diagnosed with the disease but to those around them as well. Dementia often feels like you’re constantly swimming against the tide with no end in sight.

Why Water Purifiers Are So Important To Us

Water is an essential requirement for human livelihood. Water purifiers are starting from house to house today due to increasing water pollution.

Chlorella: The New Boost To Your Fitness

  Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, and keto are all diets that offer people a healthier way of eating. Though these diet's bring lots of nutrients to the body, there are still some key vitamins and minerals that are missing.

7 Simple and Easy Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity

Having sensitive teeth means experiencing discomfort, or in some instances even pain in the teeth when there is a contact with certain substances or temperatures.

Healthy Smile: How to Keep Your Grin Looking Great

An attractive smile can go a long way in this world. It can make you feel like you look like a movie star. It can even help your career and social life.

Why Kratom Is Safe?

What is kratom? Mitragyna speciosa known as Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family that grows in Southeast Asia. It’s native to Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, and other South Asian countries.

The First Things You Should Do After Receiving a Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/897817/pexels-photo-897817.jpeg?cs=srgb&dl=anger-angry-anxiety-897817.jpg&fm=jpg" width="500" height="400">   Even though being diagnosed with any type of cancer can be devastating, the survival ratesfor prostate cancer are quite high.


How To Get An Eye Test Examination At Different Ages

An eye test is a way to detect and diagnose eye problems at early stages. Regular Eye Examination will help you to keep your eyes healthy and adopt appropriate steps to correct your vision or eye problems.

Interested in Meditation? Here's 4 Tips for Getting Started

Meditation is an excellent way to reduce stress by clearing the troubling thoughts from your mind. If you have never meditated before, then it is a learning process that requires training along with having the proper tools.

How BCAA Can Help Your Muscles

Both becoming and maintaining physical fitness can be a tough task. After all, it takes a lot of effort and patience to grow and maintain muscle.

How to Avoid Developing Back and Neck Problems as You Age

According to one of the latest World Health Organization reports, the life expectancy for both men and women is longer. With women in Japan expected to live to 87 and men in Switzerland expected to live to 81, the numbers around the world will often vary.

Getting an Emotional Support Dog? How to Prepare Them for the Public

There are many emotional and mental health benefits to having an emotional support dog, but not every dog can be an emotional support animal.

Get your FLU shot here today?

      We are only in September and we are already seeing not only pharmacies, but grocery stores advertising ‘Get your FLU shot here today’.

5 Weight Loss Hacks

The first thing to know is that there are no easy tricks when it comes to weight loss. Everyone knows that when push comes to shove the only reliable way to lose weight is through finding the right combination of diet and exercise.

Stop Avoiding the Dentist: Why Routine Dental Cleanings Are Crucial

Visiting the dentist can be scary. There’s just something uncomfortable about a person sticking their fingers and tools into your mouth.

Testosterone Boosters For Men

                 The Importance of Testosterone Boosters for Many Men Men and Testosterone Testosterone is a male hormone made in the testes.

Work in an Office? 4 Common Pains to Prevent and Treat

Working in an office might seem ideal since you get to sit down, but too much sitting can cause serious health problems. Given enough time, office work will take its toll on your physical health.

The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep

A child might throw a fit if it’s time for bed, and an adult might put off sleep so they can get more work done. But the fact remains that whether you’re a child or an adult, sleep is far more important than you give it credit for.

Simple Ways To Help Relieve Back Pain

Living with a backache is not only a painful process but it can also limit the amount of things you are able to do. Back aches are some of the worst pain because it often affects the entire body.

6 Areas to Focus on to Achieve Health and Wellness

6 Areas to Focus on to Achieve Health and Wellness Everyone experiences the stressors in their life in different ways. Some people have more physical stress while others carry significant emotional burdens.

How Often Should You Visit a Dentist?

To maintain a healthy smile, it’s important to visit a dentist regularly. In the past, people would only visit dentists to get problems in their teeth fixed.

How to Know if You Are in a Healthy Career

Having a job that you like and that you enjoy is something that should be a priority and something that you should strive to have. Deciding on what you want your career to be can be something stressful and something a little nerve-wracking because you are going to be doing this for the rest of your life.

Approaching Midlife? How to Start Taking Charge of Your Health

If you want to live the best life possible, then it is vitally important to take care of your body and living a healthy lifestyle. While it is best to start the healthy living as early as possible, it is still not too late if you are approaching the middle of your life.

How to Find a Trustworthy Doctor for Age-Related Health Concerns

Your health is undoubtedly one of the most critical aspects of your life; family and finances would probably come after closely. In a world that revolves around health as a significant driver of most economies, some doctors work as in the pocket pharmaceutical firms.

Got Debilitating Anxiety? 4 Ways to Tame the Beast

Everyone gets anxious from time to time, but chronic anxiety can have a major negative impact on your life. Finding constructive ways to deal with severe anxiety can help you manage your condition better and lead your life with a more positive mindset.

Eliminating 90% of your risk of cardiovascular disease

All of these are ideas that have been overlooked, denied by a huge amount of data, but other long-standing myths and dogmas about the # 1 killer epidemic still exist, for example, this notion that major risk factors such as cholesterol, they represent a small part of the risk, and that many people experience heart attacks without risk factors, so these are just nonsense — there is nothing to do.

How to Take Care of Your Back and Heal Back Pain

How to Take Care of Your Back and Heal Back Pain Your back can be easily exposed to pain on a daily basis. There are a variety of factors that could prompt this, ranging from age to the type of work you put your back through on a daily basis, and even preexisting problems.

4 Tips for Keeping a Clean Diagnostics Lab

A diagnostics laboratory is one of the most important areas in any medical facility. It’s where doctors run various tests to identify, diagnose and treat ailments.

Gums Bleeding When You Brush? 4 Steps to Take to Save Your Teeth

Half of Americans aged 30 and over have mild, moderate or severe periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is inflammation of the gums caused by a buildup of plaque and bacteria.

Why Cycling is a Great Way to Maintain Health and Longevity

Going for a bike ride is more than just a fun recreational activity. Cycling can also provide you with many health benefits that will help promote greater longevity.

The 3 Most Common Injuries in Baseball and How to Prevent Them

When spring rolls around, it can only mean one thing - it's baseball season! However, playing every day or every weekend in tournaments that span whole weekends can cause lots of strain on an athlete's body.

Feel Better and Smile Wider: 4 Ways a Cleaner Smile Can Improve Your Life

One of the first things people will notice about you is your smile. A bright smile creates a glow of positivity and health that immediately attracts others to you.

How to Take Care of Yourself in the Aftermath of an Injury

Injuries can be horrendous to deal with. They can happen suddenly and without warning. They put you in great pain. They can even lead to permanent disability.

What to Do If You Suspect You or a Loved One Has a Seeing Disability

There are various types of visual disabilities, and if you suspect that you or a loved one has problems with seeing things, then there are ways to make life easier.

How Power Naps Boost Your Stamina

When you fall into that afternoon slump, reaching for a coffee or other caffeinated beverage seems to be the norm. Though soothing at the time, the effects of caffeine won't last all day.

Amino Acids 101

On the path to better health, you may encounter several obstacles. Everything from the temptation to eat more sugary foods to sitting on the couch instead of hitting the gym will try to throw you off course.

4 Dental Procedures That Can Drastically Improve Your Quality of Life

Your teeth have a lot to do with your everyday life. From the way you smile to the way you eat, they’re involved every step of the way.

Eating Disorders Are Risingâ€â€How Do We Combat Them?

There are many health concerns that awareness is rising about as the number of suffers increases. Eating disorders are one of these areas for concern.

How Effective is it to use Ointment to cure Piles?

A real instance- Let me share a real experience of how piles can hamper life on a daily basis. Mr. Anil is clinically obese and a patient of chronic constipation.

Tips to Select a Dental Implants Expert

If you are looking for dental implants professionals, you are looking for individuals who can conduct a surgery. Opting for the right specialist will make sure that you are absolutely comfortable considering care related to dental problems.

Headaches Raising Your Anger Level? 4 Ways to Make Your Home Easier to Live in

If your home environment is giving you headaches that are putting you in a foul mood much of the time, you can take measures to create a better living space.

How to Make a Healthy Nutrition Plan for Your Needs

Getting started with new nutrition plans can be difficult, especially if you are only now beginning to take a look at your needs. Though it may be daunting, there are several tips that can help make a tremendous difference in the way you look at food.

Boost Your Immune System With 5 Simple Steps

Boost Your Immune System With 5 Simple Steps   With the weather changes right around the corner, you want to do everything you can now to boost your immune system.

How to Effectively Recover from Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a relatively common eye problem. They’re particularly common in individuals who are getting older, too. If you want to safeguard yourself from vision loss and from eyesight troubles in general, your doctor may suggest you go for cataract surgery.

How to Live With Medically-Incurable Conditions

Getting an incurable diagnosis is heartbreaking. Finding out you have diabetes, food allergies, or Chrones disease is a tough pill to swallow.

How Exercising and Fitness Can Help Your Dental Health

You already know that exercise is great for your body and mind, but did you know that it’s also good for your teeth? Although scientists haven’t thoroughly explained the connection yet, there is a strong correlation between physical fitness and dental health.

Understand Your Options: 4 Procedures to Boost Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a long and arduous process, and there may come a point when it feels as if you can’t make any progress no matter what you do.

Health Benefits of Doing the Work You Love

Health Benefits of Doing the Work You Love Do you dream about the job you really want while you’re plodding through the daily grind of your current job? Changing careers or getting a new degree can be challenging, but there is some evidence that your health may benefit from your willingness to do just that.

How Hobbies Help with Depression

If you are battling depression and do not want to rely on antidepressants or other chemical solutions, it may be beneficial to find a hobby that can help stimulate your mind and battle the symptoms of depression.

Natural Ways to Overcome Depression

How does somebody overcome depression without medication? If you suffer from depression or if you think somebody suffers from depression, you can use these three things to help overcome depression without medication.

Herbs For Anxiety, Stress, And Panic Attacks

From infrequent fortuitous nervousness or anxiety-likee the stomach butterflies you get before a significant occasion, execution activated nerves or heading off to-the-dental specialist nerves — to out and out summed up tension issue (GAD) with anxiety attacks and incapacitating fears, there are a wide range of sorts of anxiety.

Natural Ways to Help Relieve Stress

Stress is an issue that affects many Americans. While some stress can help to make you more resilient, too much can harm both your mental and your physical wellbeing.

Complete Body Care - The Ayurveda Way

Ayurveda, the process which acquainted us with the process of self-care, follows the mantra that "beauty begins from within," which means treating your body from the roots inside out.

Can we use Kratom for Mental Depression and Anxiety

Kratom is a tropical tree local to South Asia. Kratom leaves or concentrates from its leaves have been utilized in an elective prescription for interminable agony and different conditions.

Tips for Improving Your Skincare Routine

Whether you have had a recent skin problem that requires attention, or you are simply looking for ways to improve your skin, it can be a challenge navigating the world of skincare and finding products that are suitable for your needs.

How Sunlight Can Keep You Happier and Healthier

Exercise, meditation, and travel can all rejuvenate us, but sometimes we don’t have time in our busy lives to make room for our health.

Ways to Overcome Depression

How does somebody overcome depression without medication? If you suffer from depression or if you think somebody suffers from depression, you can use these three things to help overcome depression without medication.

4 Tips for Maintaining Your Hospital’s Medical Gas System

Medical gas supplies are critical for all kinds of healthcare settings. If you’re at the helm of any type of hospital or another facility, you need to make staying on top of all of your medical gas system requirements a priority.

Is Misdiagnosis Medical Negligence?

Health is important and when a person goes to a doctor they put a lot of trust in the doctors. The patients put their life in the doctor’s hands so they expect to be treated with a lot of care.

Foods to Help Combat Depression

If you suffer from depression, it may be difficult to find ways that can help you with your feelings of despair and sadness. Here are some ways that you can use food to improve your mental health as well as your outlook on life.

Vaping Myths That Just Won't go Away

Although there still is a big debate around the safety of vaping, one cannot argue with the fact that it is a safer alternative to smoking.

Gastroenterology 101: Common Digestive Disorders and How to Cure Them

Did you have a sumptuous meal and are experiencing continuous bloating aftermath? You might think that it is a common phenomenon. You might drink buttermilk or warm water, thinking that it might control your gastric problems.

Manage Your Weight Loss Journey With These 8 Easy To Follow Tip

You've decided to take charge of your health, and are now on your own weight loss journey. Congratulations! It isn't easy to take that step, and sometimes it's even harder to stay on the path.

4 Simple Tips for Improving Gut Health

Numerous research studies have confirmed the importance of gut health the overall well-being of the human body. Some even go so far as to pronounce the presence of a second located deep within the stomach that is more powerful and controlling than the brain working to keep you alive.

4 Tips for Healthcare Providers Working in U.S. Territories

Depending on the territories that you’re working in, there can be a wide range of ongoing issues. For certain islands that have been hit by recent storms, care is in more demand.

Beat Back Pain With These 5 Strategies

No one wants to live with back pain. Whether you pushed too hard at the gym or if you have a constant, nagging ache that just won't go away, there are some things you can do to help.

3 Things to Do for a Healthy Pregnancy

What a lot of people fail to understand is the financial and emotional weight the term pregnancy carries. It is not altogether an easy thing and most often than not couples that get pregnant only realize it after a while.

4 Ways to Incorporate CBD Oil Into Your Daily Routine for Vastly Reduced Anxiety

While quite a bit of research still needs to be done on the subject, some smaller studies have revealed that CBD could be an effective treatment option for certain types of anxiety.

Does Growth Factor Plus Work to Get Taller Review?

Growth Factor Plus is a supplement that has been marketed as a pill to help you grow taller after puberty. With this pill, it is believed that one can grow taller by a couple of inches in 3 months.

4 Signs That Something Is Wrong With Your Menstruation

Most women usually discuss their menstrual cramps with each other. But despite this fact, many of us still don’t know whether these severe cramps are normal or not.

What Are the Advantages of Lumineers?

Dreaming about a Hollywood smile? You can try technology that has been proven in practice over the past 20 years. Lumineers (or "Hollywood veneers") will not only make your teeth even but also whiten them.

4 Unhealthy Things in Your House and How to Fix Them

Having a healthy home goes beyond making it look as tidy as possible. To truly keep a home clean, it is important to address the underlying issues that allow dirt, dust, and bacteria to thrive.

Beyond a Birthmark: When to Consult a Doctor for Analysis

Moles, freckles, and other birthmarks are a natural part of life. However, some marks on the skin can result in major cosmetic imperfections or even be concerning from a health standpoint.

4 False Strong Stigmas Surrounding Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery

Obesity is a serious health concern. In fact, many people call obesity the new smoking. That is why more people are opting to get weight loss surgery.

How Piles can be Cured by Homeopathy Treatment Option

Piles are nothing but swollen veins around the anus. Your food pipe begins from your mouth and ends at your anus. The last part of your food pipe is known as the large intestine.

Laugh Out Loud With Our Exceptional Smile Designing Procedures!

                     A perfect smile is the most impressive feature of our face and it has the power to lock the attention of someone.

Spread a Little Holiday Care This Year

Look in on your elderly family members and neighbors as there are many that spend the holidays alone.   With the New Year just around the corner and a lot of the country suffering from very cold weather, keep an eye out for your elder family, friends and neighbors, help out with shopping or just pop round for a chat.

4 Addiction Recovery Tactics to Keep You on Track

Battling and beating an addiction is never easy. Just because you completed the treatment process at a recovery center doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods just yet.

Major Teeth Problems? Here's 4 Procedures to Consider

Did you know that more than 36 million Americans are missing all their teeth and another 120 million are missing at least one? From illness and accidents to lack of dental care, there are many reasons for dental disasters.

4 Ways Your Sleeping Habits are Affecting Your Everyday Health

Getting sufficient amount of sleep has always been closely related to living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways that getting enough sleep can positively impact the way that you feel and your overall health as well.

Reproductive Health: 4 Ways to Have More Fulfilling Sex Later in Life

There’s a myth that as you get older, sex gets boring and less frequent. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Just because you’re not in your 20s anymore doesn’t mean you can’t still have passionate, beautiful sex.

Common Facts to Know About the Importance of Urine Test for STDs

These days urine tests can be done to determine sexually transmitted diseases. Earlier the examination of the sexually transmitted diseases was difficult and it used complex process that was very uncomfortable for patients.

5 Things You Should Add to Your Monthly Health Routine for a More Perfect Mind and Body

Staying healthy and in shape, both physically and mentally, takes consistent prolonged effort. Getting back into good shape does not happen overnight.

How to Tell When Your ED is a Clinical Condition

ED is a common medical issue that a very high percentage of men will struggle with at some point over the years. While the occasional sexual problem typically isn’t a big deal, there are some signs that you should keep an eye out for that could indicate that your ED might be caused by an underlying clinical condition.

How Clinics Can Encourage and Reward Donors

If you’re the manager of a medical facility, you can encourage more donors to give blood and other lifesaving resources that can help patients who are dealing with a wide range of serious medical conditions.

The Best Vape Mods

While mini e-cigs are always a good recommendation for beginners, nothing else comes close to giving you the best vaping experience more that the vape mod.

How your teeth develop and grow

Humans begin to develop teeth while still in the womb and, in fact, the process usually starts sometime around 6 to 8 weeks of gestation (https://en.

3 Things You Need to Know Before Taking a First Aid Training Course

First aid and CPR training courses can be a great way to enrich yourself both personally and professionally. For just a few hours’ worth of investment, you can learn valuable and empowering skills that can enable you to stay calm and help others during threatening situations, potentially reducing the seriousness of their injuries and even possibly save a life.

How to Make the Right Nutrition Plan for You

If you’re struggling with your diet, you’re not alone. Most Americans have an eating pattern that is low in fruits and vegetables and high in salt, sugar and saturated fat.

4 best facial treatments for the winter

The winter weather can have a harsh impact on your skin, as the temperatures drop and your body becomes drained of moisture. As a result, we see our skin become rough and it gains reactions that change our appearance.

Preparation and Recovery from Foot Surgery

  If you are at the point where you need foot surgery in Atlanta, there are some steps that should be taken to get ready for the event.

What is Periodontal Ailment? Different Types of Periodontal Conditions

Periodontal diseases commonly known as dental diseases is a painful gum condition. If it is not treated at the right time, it is sure to spoil the surrounding tissues and may have adverse effect on the jawbone.

Few Important Tips for Selecting Your Dentist

It is very important to take proper care of our teeth. We need to get our teeth regularly checked and cleaned periodically. If you are looking for any suitable dentist or if you have moved to a new place and need the services of a dentist then read further.

The Phenomenon of CBD Explained

In this day and age of complete information transparency, we start to pay a lot more attention to what we consume on a daily basis. The health and wellness sector is no exception.

4 Accessories to Help the Every-Day Diabetic

Managing diabetes requires work. The patient has to watch their blood sugar levels and manage their diet. Since diabetes can cause a variety of other problems, they also have to monitor the condition of their skin, teeth, and feet.

Get Prepared for Your Laser Hair Treatment

All the hair removal treatments are temporary and are definitely very painful and the results are short-lived. Laser hair removal treatment is a permanent solution.

Ditch These 4 Weights in Your Life to Reach Your Full Potential

Certain things can hold you back in life and keep you from being your best. Finding ways to shed these burdens can help you move forward and reach opportunities that you might have previously thought were impossible.

5 Science-backed Ways for Preventing Dehydration

Confusion, dizziness, and fatigue, are few important signs that are responsible for signifying that you are dehydrated. To make sure that you are not becoming dehydrated, you need to keep up with the ideal intake of fluid.

Spring in Your Step: 5 Health Benefits of Compression Socks for Seniors

Taking care of elderly people isn’t always easy. As people get older, their health often starts to decline, which warrants them to require special care.

Uses of CBD Products

Topical CBD-imbued items are applied to the skin to diminish torment and lessen aggravation legitimately where it is required. Topical items incorporate creams, ointments, shampoos, suppositories, shower salts, and individual oils.

How to Handle Cracked and Itchy Skin in the Winter

How to Handle Cracked and Itchy Skin in the Winter Once the weather starts to cool off, your skin might become very dry, and that can lead to a variety of annoying issues.

Medicinal research: evaluating the advantages to society

The Academy, the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust set up the UK Evaluation Forum to investigate how associations may assess and show the results of research applicable to human wellbeing.

Top 4 Reasons to Grow Your Own Marijuana

Growing your own marijuana buds is a great way to gain control over what you smoke. This way, you no longer have to get your marijuana supply from a black market dealer.

Difference between CBD oil, hemp oil and cannabis oil

If you are looking for information about hemp / cannabis oils, you have probably already come across the terms CBD oil, hemp oil or cannabis oil.

2020 Ideas for busy Moms

It’s a New Year and a New Decade and still we all seem to be so busy, especially our busy Moms!   Let’s start the New Year with less clutter and more energy and have a brighter start to every day.

5 Age-Related Eye Problems to Watch for as You Get Older

As we get older, our eyes are usually one of the first things to deteriorate. As a result, we may experience visual disturbances. Even if you’re an active, healthy senior, there are quite a few eye diseases that we need to look out for.

How Many Uses of CBD Products Can You Name?

In this day and age of consumerism, we all have countless products or stuff laying around our apartments, in our cars, in purses, on work desks, and in our drawers.

5 Realistic Goals for a Healthier You in 2020

Vowing to get into shape or to slim down are among the most common New Year’s resolutions. While efforts to lead a healthier lifestyle can be tremendously rewarding, goals that are too lofty are also more likely to be abandoned.

Eyesight Fading? Here's What You Can Do to Treat It

When your eyesight is getting worse, you must find ways to improve it. Poor vision is caused by several issues, but today, you can improve your eyesight on your own or with professional help.

Know the Health Benefits of CBD Oil - Get Rid of Snoring

CBD has become quite popular these days due to its amazing health benefits. It not only gives relief from pain but also helps to treat inflammation, different type of disorders as well.

Are There Healthy Options to Get a Better Body Shape?

Changing the shape of your body doesn’t need to be a stressful or confusing process that takes years to complete. With some simple lifestyle changes and a little bit of professional help, you will be able to sculpt the body of your dreams before you know it.

6 Key Elements of a Healthy Design in Rehab Facilities

We cannot stress this point further. It's about the environment and design of the rehab facility to achieve the results as soon as possible.

Physicians and Financials: Dealing with the Financial Side of Medicine

Healthcare continues to evolve and new techniques are developed each year. The research and technology that goes into these developments is often done quietly, behind the scenes.

5 Signs You Should Consider a Counselor

Life can be stressful. Normal stress is normal and can even encourage us to work harder and be better. However, sometimes, the stress weighs us down to the point that we cannot function adequately in life.

4 Natural Ways to Reduce Stubborn Pain

If you’re a senior citizen, you know the importance of a good night’s rest. However, some seniors are known to face certain challenges when it comes to sleeping right, and a few improvements can help you rest better at home.

Looking for Remedies and Relief for Sinusitis

Looking for remedies for relief of nasal congestion, postnasal drip, fatigue and facial pain?  These are hallmark signs of chronic sinusitis, a swelling of tissue in the nasal and sinus cavity.

Breathe Essential Oil Blend

Primary Benefits   Maintains feelings of clear airways and easy breathing Promotes a restful nights sleep Helps minimize the effects of seasonal threats Ingredients   Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus Leaf, Peppermint Plant, Melaleuca Leaf, Lemon Peel, Cardamom Seed, Ravintsara Leaf, Ravensara Leaf essential oils Aromatic Description Minty, fresh, airyDescription doTERRA Breathe is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Cardamom, Ravintsara, and Ravensara.

The Business of Healthcare: 4 Areas Where Medical Accounting Is Vital

Medical accounting is important on many different levels when you’re trying to manage a healthcare facility. There are accounts and payments that need to be kept track of in order to maintain compliance and profitability.

What to consider when deciding on a CBD product?

There is too much choice in this world. What kind of bread would be more beneficial: non-gluten, whole-grain and with seeds or with dried fruit? What toy should you buy to be a loving parent: an exciting game or Angry Pigs Plush Dolls? By the time the choice is made, you may feel completely exhausted.

2020 New Resolutions and Confidence Building

It’s a New Year and often many consider this time of the year to be refocused and committed to do better and to become a better person, to be energized and to make a difference not only in your life, but to be a better force of good in the lives of others.

Is CBD the new panacea?

What do we know about Cannabinoids and Cannabidiol? Most people that are not acquainted with the term Cannabidiol (abbreviated as CBD) assume that it must be "something related to marijuana or hashish", and rightly so.

Learn How To Improve Your Health at this Great Expo!

Everyone wants to feel better and be healthier. If you’re a health or wellness professional, you probably got into your line of work because you wanted to help make people’s lives better.

Struggling with Spine Pain? Here's How to Recover and Move Forward

When you have pain in the spine, it can make your entire body hurt. The delicate spinal cord is located in the middle of the vertebrae.

How Adults Can Counter Work-Related Stress

While some jobs are more stressful than others, nearly every professional experiences the pressures of job stress at some point in their careers.

Best Treatment for Replacing an Affected Teeth

Teeth add a spark to our face and when for some reason it is damaged, missed or decay then we feel shamed and avoid laughing or smiling in front of others.

Important Treatment for Replacing an Affected Teeth

Teeth add a spark to our face and when for some reason it is damaged, missed or decay then we feel shamed and avoid laughing or smiling in front of others.

Practical, Environmental and Economic Benefits of Reusable Grocery Bags

For decades plastic carry bags called single-use bags were used to carry things from the stores. They are convenient to use and handy. People overlooked that plastic shopping bags could be used more than once.

Tips for Seniors Looking for Safe Ways to Manage Pain

Chronic pain is sometimes a natural part of life for aging seniors. If you are within this demographic and deal with aches and pains regularly, there are some things that you can try doing to safely manage these uncomfortable sensations.

4 Supplements to Diet and Exercise That Will Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

Losing weight is hard, but keeping it off is even harder with a whopping 85% of dieters failing to maintain their loss. While a healthy diet and plenty of exercise can increase your chances of success, it isn’t always enough.


Evidence demonstrate that vestibular rehabilitation can be successful in improving the symptoms that are related toa range of vestibular (internal ear/balance) disorders.

How Continuing Education Can Benefit You

  Continuing education is often required in order to renew or retain certification or licensing in a variety of professions.

Working and Benefits of Boldenone Undecylenate

Boldenone Undecylenate is a popular anabolic-androgenic steroid. It is used in the bodybuilding world for steady and slow gains during their development training cycle.

Tips for the Perfect Skin Taken from Korean Beauty

When you are trying to discover the secrets for a perfect skin, you have probably heard about Korean beauty. The Korean beauty routine is a strict one, however the results are miraculous.

Top Natural Painkillers: Herbs and other remedies

Natural painkillers have been in use since time immemorial and help to cure pain naturally without the use of dozens of medicines or ointments.

Essential Early Interventions for Aging Parents

As your parents age, you may begin to notice changes in them that can cause concern. The unstoppable hands of time can be cruel to even the most healthy and happy people.

Understanding Generalized Anxiety Disorder-Diagnosis and Treatment

Generalized anxiety disorder or short form GAD is identified as exaggerated anxiety issues and worrying about everyday life events with no apparent reasons.

Holistic Allergy Therapy?

        An allergy is an unusual physical response to any substance in a person's environment, the environment being anything that a person touches, inhales, has injected, drinks, eats or otherwise contacts.

Lash Out Your Pains of Life with Podiatry Care

Being able to move freely and without discomfort in your feet is within your reach today. Just take some time from your hectic schedule to be free of all conditions related to your ankle, feet, or knee.

4 Pieces of Care Equipment Everyone Needs When Housing Elderly Patients

Often the elderly, especially those who are handicapped and/or disabled, require the use of necessary care equipment just to be able to navigate their walking and do other daily chores.

Just Got Your Braces Off? How to Keep Your Teeth in Tip-Top Shape

After putting in months of treatment and care for your orthodontic braces, you can be proud of how straight and strong your teeth area. To keep them looking good and staying healthy, be sure to following the orthodontic recommendations that often include tips like these.

Does a Loved One Have Cancer? How to Help and Support Them

There is probably no more dreaded diagnosis than cancer. When we hear that someone, we care about has received that result, it can be difficult to decide how to help them.

Plantar Fasciitis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Plantar fascia ligament connects your heel to the toes. If you have been experiencing pain from the moment you get up and step onto your feet, then this ligament may have well experienced an injury called plantar fasciitis.

Justifications For Using Cannabis Consultants To Expand Your Business

It might be difficult to proceed appropriately when a corporation is arranging an expansion or producing a new product without getting personal or politically involved.

Things to Know About Atopic Eczema

Atopic eczema (or atopic dermatitis) is a skin condition that can occur at any age, causing itch and redness. It is a chronic condition that usually appears periodically, sometimes accompanied by asthma or hay fever.



4 Post-Pregnancy Procedures to Consider to Increase Your Comfort and Wellness

Has the stork recently paid you a visit? If you're like most expectant mothers, you're probably feeling a lot of pressure to bounce back quickly after welcoming your bundle of joy.

What If You Can't Afford A Good Lawyer? How To Choose A Decent Lawyer?

Legal concerns should always be handled by a lawyer, whether you desire a will or a divorce. You need someone who knows your state's laws to aid you with paperwork and present in court.

9 Rewarding Benefits Of Therapy

Although therapy can seem like a lot of work at times, it is worth the effort. Therapy can be rewarding as you will see positive results if you put your efforts into improving your life.

What Kinds of Medicine You Should Have On Hand for a Newborn

One of the most difficult parts of being a parent is caring for a child when they are sick. This can be especially true of newborns as it can be difficult to see them suffer.

A Simple Guide to Gynecology and Gynecologic Procedures

Are you planning to have any gynecologic-related procedure in the future? Such techniques require expertise and planning, but they can be worth that extra effort.

Winter Lip Care: Six Tips On How To Keep Your Lips Smooth & Beautiful During The Cold Winter Weather

      Winter season may provide some relief from the high temperatures and scorching summer, but it also brings along a lot of dryness in the air and harsh winds, causing your skin to become even drier.

Bedtime Routine: Seven Relaxing Activities For Better Sleep

Bedtime Routine: Seven Relaxing Activities For Better Sleep       The strains of modern day-to-day living, busy lifestyles and the pressures of juggling constant responsibilities, a demanding job, family and social life might seem unavoidable.

Six Tips To Boost Your Memory Naturally

Six Tips To Boost Your Memory Naturally     Memory has a fundamental role in our lives and helps to make us who we are, both in the short and long term.

Eczema: Causes & Treatment Options

Eczema: Causes & Treatment Options     Eczema is a common skin disorder that affects one in twelve adults and one in five children.

Cold And Flu Prevention

As the winter holidays get closer, infections are on the rise. This time of year, we tend to see more friends and family members falling ill with cases of the sniffles, coughs, and flu.

How to Care Properly for Someone with Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the most common health-related issues in America. As one of the most serious problems that we face today, caring for heart patients can be just as daunting on the caregivers as it is on the patients.

Your Simple Guide to Stem Cell Treatment

Stem cell based therapies are used in restorative and regenerative medical fields to treat a wide range of diseases. However, most treatments are focused on treating blood, muscular and immune system disorders.

Seven Tips For Managing Your Anxiety

      The world in 2020 is remarkable for the vast amount of suffers from anxiety for two main reasons. Society is not only a lot more sympathetic, but we have a much better understanding of this condition, so we have more potential methods on how to treat and manage anxiety.

What to Consider When Selecting the Right Medicare Enrollment Provider

For millions of Americans, being enrolled in Medicare means they can get the important health care they need as they get older. However, when trying to choose between traditional Medicare, Medicare and Medigap, or Medicare Advantage, doing so through the best enrollment provider can make all the difference.

What Are The Varieties Of Materials Used For Different Kinds Of Cooling Pads?

Evaporative cooling refers to the phenomenon in which the fluid's evaporated water cools the surrounding air. This is accomplished by the latent heat in the air surrounding the fluid.

Can Refinancing My Vehicle Loan Help Me Save Money?

Borrowers that are mindful of their spending are always looking for solutions to lower their debt. This includes the interest they pay on their vehicle loan.

Understanding The Signs and Symptoms of Colic

Every new parent wishes to somehow magically understand what their newborn is trying to communicate via crying. Well, sadly there is no other way they can communicate with us, except for the crying.

Tips For Improving Evaporative Cooler Efficiency

Summers have been getting hotter. On hot days, cooling your home has become more important. Many people want an affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly cooling system.

How To Stay Cool Without Running Your Ac

In spite of the fact that this winter has brought heavy snowfall and temperatures below freezing to cities all over the country, has maintained a relatively warm climate.

Are There Any Health Benefits To Drinking Mushroom Coffee?

It's possible that the idea of mushroom coffee isn't very appealing. However, this fashionable beverage is not quite as strange as it may seem to you.

Four Serious Medical Conditions That CBD Oil Can Help To Treat

Four Serious Medical Conditions That CBD Oil Can Help To Manage     With hundreds of products meant to reduce anxiety and stress, alleviate pain, regulate sleep or boost energy, it seems like everywhere you look, cannabidiol (CBD) is being touted as a cure for anything that might ail you.

How to Treat the Symptoms of Osteoporosis

When left untreated, osteoporosis can be an extremely crippling condition. Even simple everyday tasks may cause pain. Fortunately, many people have been able to find relief.

All You Need to Know About the Recovery Coaching

The majority of people think that recovery and life coaching are completely different. If you have the same opinion about them then you are totally mistaken.

Prepare to Reopen the Workplace Amidst COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19 pandemic the WHO has stated that it is not going to end so easily. It would at least take 2022 to manage the contamination throughout the world.

Winter Glow: How to Find Affordable Cruelty Free Skincare

As the new year approaches, the winter season enters full bloom. Oftentimes, this time of year can exercise a negative influence over the skin.

7 Benefits Of Using Castor Oil

The use of oils for a healthy body is no stranger to the wellness community. We have been using coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and sunflower oil for ages.

7 Fitness Tips for Beginners and Those Who Don't Have Time

Beginning fitness programs is sometimes tiresome and burdensome. However, workouts are essential in burning out calories and keeping the body healthy.

Benefits You Should Know About CBD Isolate

In recent times, CBD products have become more popular to treat physical discomforts that you are suffering from. CBD products are available in different concentrations such as full spectrum, broad spectrum, and CBD isolate.

All-Natural Way To Boost Your Motivation And Energy With Kratom

Mitragyna speciosa or Kratom is one of the most used traditional herbs recommended for various ailments. Kratom has various medicinal properties suitable for treating pain.

All That You Need to Understand About Vape Coils

You must have often heard the terms like coils, vape coils, atomizers, or atomizer heads, etc. they all relate to the same thing to get your vaping experience.

Top 8 Benefits Of Smiling Every day

Did you know that smiling can keep you healthy and youthful? Surprisingly, what you heard is true. It is believed that smiling can do wonders to your body both mentally and physically.

Self Care, Do Care: 5 Ways to Treat Yourself Better

Life is difficult and requires lots of hard work. In the quest to stay afloat and eventually get ahead, many of us are a bit too hard on ourselves.

Take Nicaway to Keep Smoking Away

If you are searching for the perfect way to cut down cigarette usage, you are in the right place, it is the time to get control of your life, spend your time to give up smoking for good.

Utilize Nicotinell Product To Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker and trying to quit your habit Nicotinell is a perfect choice. Everyone knows it is a difficult task. Nicotine is one of the ingredients in tobacco products that are addictive.

Easy At-Home Treatments for Sore Muscles

Whether it's from a long day at work or from an intense workout, if your body has been through a grueling day, it's likely that you will feel sore in the morning.

4 Great Solutions to Help With a Knot-Ridden Back

Do you have knots in your back? Knots, also known as myofascial trigger points, are small areas where muscle fibers contract and do not release, which leads to small, tender bumpy areas beneath the skin.

What Is a CPAP and When Do You Need One?

Sleep apnea is a condition that can affect adults as well as children. The condition occurs when breathing patterns are disrupted while sleeping, and the condition may be classified more specifically as obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea or complex sleep apnea syndrome.

Losing stubborn fat

Are you having trouble losing stubborn fat? We have good news for you as you can do so without liposuction, but with non-invasive methods like lipo c injections.

Health advantages of kratom capsules

Kratom, also known as mitragyna speciosa, is a Southeast Asian tree in the coffee family. It has a long history in traditional medicine due to its stimulating psychedelic qualities.

What Procedures Can Neurologists Do?

A variety of tests and procedures are used by neurologists to diagnose and treat neurological disorders. A neurologist may use a lumbar puncture to take a sample from the spinal fluid.

8 Tips For Selecting The Right Weight Loss Program

If you've been looking for the best way to lose weight, you're probably aware that there are numerous options available. With dozens of fad diets, miracle drinks, and magical supplements on the market, it can be difficult to separate the true from the false – and even more difficult to determine which one is the best weight loss program for you.

Spice Up Your Love Life With Some Dirty Phrases and Talks

Passion in sex is not only about the physical intimacy of two bodies, but also how two brains connect and words are the means through which this mental connection is transmitted.

How can pest affect your health and how to get rid of it

  Pest can be insanely dangerous for people and their pets. They cause food poisoning, spread diseases and can cause huge damage to your property.

Read This Post to Know About Molybdenum Disulfide

Molybdenum disulfide with the chemical formula MoS₂ is a molybdenum and sulfur inorganic metallic compound. It is found in nature in the form of mineral molybdenite, which is also the most common molybdenum ore.

Good vibrations - The whole body vibration plate's advantages

Have you ever used a whole-body vibration plate? Whole-body vibration (wbv) is more than just the latest fitness craze; it also provides proven health benefits of a vibration plate such as • Stronger muscles • Increased bone mass • Increased blood flow • Increased flexibility • Stimulate the lymphatic system • Decreased cortisol levels The concept of using vibration for health benefits dates back to ancient Greece.

How To Use Hypnosis To Reduce Anxiety With Self-Hypnosis

Hypnosis can either be inducible with the help of a therapist or by yourself. Self-hypnosis allows you to listen to your thoughts and goals.

Your Ultimate Guide To Plus Size Swim Shop

The chore of shopping for swimsuits can seem like a daunting task. Standing under unflattering fluorescent lights and trying on so many different styles, you may find it difficult to choose the right one.

What Is Detox Process?

After the initial assessment, you will be taken through the detoxification procedure. The process of getting rid of alcohol or drugs from your body is called detox.

What Causes Alcohol Addiction?

Alcoholism, like other addictions, appeals to the pleasure centers of the brain. When you use alcohol drugs frequently, your brain tends to link it with feelings such as exhilaration, relaxation, and inhibition loss.

5 Skin Care Benefits You Didn't Know About

Skin is the largest barrier between the outside and the body. The skin protects the body from the outside elements. However, the skin's condition can also reflect what's going on inside.

What Causes High Incidence Of Drug Or Alcohol Relapse ?

Consider your house flooding as an analogy. You forget to close up the upstairs bathtub when you leave for the weekend. The hallway is inundated by water from overflow.

Byte Vs. Braces: Which One Is Better?

Byte looks great, but many people still prefer braces. Byte or traditional braces can be used to gradually straighten your teeth. Byte aligners or braces should be chosen based on factors such as age, lifestyle, and correction required.

Advantages Of A Massage Chair

You can also relax with a massage chair. A massage chair can be used to treat many conditions, improve blood circulation, mental well-being, and other benefits.

How To Keep Flowers Fresh For A Longer Period?

In modern society, flowers can be given to loved ones to communicate human emotions. Flowers from the florist in Redferncan be given at any time to anyone to express your deepest love or gratitude to a friend.

Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf

Bitter leaf is a common ingredient in African cuisine. It is also known for its many health benefits. Bitter leaf is a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, and calcium.

Candles: Health Benefits, Risks And Safety Recommendations

Candles are widely used for relaxation, mood enhancement, atmosphere, and décor. There is much discussion over whether candles are healthy or detrimental to your health.

How To Make Baked Potatoes?

Baked potatoes are versatile and satisfying. Learn how to bake a potato. Plus, get helpful tips for making baked potatoes. What Kind Of Potato Is Best For Baking? Although any type of potato can be baked using the following methods, the most widely used variety is russet potatoes.

Here Are 9 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health refers to your psychological well-being. It refers to how you feel about yourself and the quality of your relationships. Mental health issues can be a tough thing to deal with, but there are many ways to improve your mental health.

How to strengthen your immune system?

Along with rest and regular hand washing, a diet is an endless source of health boosters. To boost your immune system, you must adopt a diet rich in vitamin C (kiwi, blackcurrant, peppers), zinc (oysters, red meat), and allicin (garlic, onion, leek).

Ten Advantages Of Residential Addiction Treatment

There are several reasons why a residential program is a smart option for addiction treatment. 1. It's Time To Concentrate On Yourself Attending a residential program allows a person to withdraw from all of their other responsibilities and completely focus on themselves.

What should you know about inpatient treatment centers?

Inpatient treatment offers higher success rates, safe detox, and a provision network for recovering addicts. For people suffering from severe addiction, inpatient treatment may be the best alternative.

Why Is It Important That You Consider A Rehabilitation Center?

When an individual is lost in the right direction and must be redirected, rehabilitation becomes crucial. After treatment, it is difficult to learn how to live a life free from addiction.

7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Go Without Health Insurance

The importance of personal health insurance in Floridais growing. There are 7 reasons why health insurance is important. When shopping for health insurance, premium costs are usually considered.

Signs Of Mental Health Disorders That Could Lead To Addiction

Mental health is a sensitive subject that should be discussed. This is something we may not see but it has an impact on our loved ones, as well as neighbors and friends.

5 Advantages OfUsing A Reputable Online Florist

Ordering your favorite flower bouquets for your event from a trustworthy online florist is one of the most convenient methods to receive them.

The Top Benefits Of Installing An HVAC Platform On A Roof

These commercial rooftop HVAC systems are becoming more common. A rooftop HVAC unit is a great option if you have a large building to heat and cool your business.

Why You Should Buy Rompers For Babies

You've spent a lot of time deliberating whether to buy rompers or not for your baby. You might be interested in more children's clothing for your toddler or newborn.

Participating In A Rehabilitative Program At A Center Offers Many Benefits

It is time to get assistance if your drug misuse is having a detrimental impact not just on your life but also on the lives of the people around you.

How to boost testosterone naturally?

It's natural for testosterone levels to drop over time. In males over the age of 80, low testosterone levels are prevalent. Younger men, on the other hand, may suffer low testosterone symptoms, particularly if they are overweight or have underlying disorders such as sleep apnea or diabetes.

Jaw Popping/Clicking: Causes, Treatments

Jaw Popping refers to the clicking sound in Jaw which causes pain. There are many causes of Jaw Popping. This complex joint acts as a connector for the lower and temporal jaws.

Find The Right Supplier For Your Chemical Needs

You are likely to be aware of the many options available to you if you've ever considered purchasing a supplier of chemical products. It can be difficult to find the right chemical for you.

A Simple Guide To Organic Liquid Fertilizer

Finding effective, all-natural methods to improve soil is a constant challenge for many organic farmers. You can buy organic fertilizers, but making your own is preferable so you know exactly what went into it.

What Are The 5 Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Sports Recovery?

Physical therapy can be used to treat injuries and prevent further damage. It also speeds up healing times, which is better than waiting for the injury to disappear on its own.

Best Memory Foam Mattress

It can be difficult to pick which mattress is ideal for you. Some people prefer to sleep on a soft mattress, while others need something harder.

What are the Doses of Vitamin Supplements That Inspire a Balanced Lifestyle

Vitamins are organic compounds that help our body to perform various metabolic functions. Almost 47% of people in Australia use some kind of dietary supplement of which vitamins and minerals are the most popular.

What are the Doses of Vitamin Supplements That Inspire a Balanced Lifestyle

Vitamins are organic compounds that help our body to perform various metabolic functions. Almost 47% of people in Australia use some kind of dietary supplement of which vitamins and minerals are the most popular.

The Importance of ISO 9001 Certification

Quality management systems (QMSs) are essential for business owners. Customers will return to you if they trust you and your products and services.

General Information about How Much Water A Person Needs to Drink a Day

Daily hydration of the body keeps it hail and healthy. Thus, a person needs to drink a few liters of water every day. However, how much quantity of water you need to drink a day depends upon many factors.

The Advantages Of Attending A Luxury Rehabilitation Centre

People from all walks of life come from all walks of life to take advantage of the benefits that luxury rehab clinics have to offer; nevertheless, many people have the misconception that only celebrities, millionaires, and top executives go to these types of treatment centres.

When It Is Appropriate To See A Cardiologist?

A cardiologist is a specialist who treats heart conditions. They have expertise in treating a variety of cardiac illnesses and ailments, in addition to assisting patients in managing such problems to the greatest extent feasible.

A General Review about Modalert Generic Medicine

Modalert is the top selling brand form of generic Modafinil. The medicine is mainly used to treat sleep-wake disorders. In simple words, the medicine helps people who have tendency to feel sleepy the whole day.

The Protection Of Lesbian And Bisexual Women's Sexual Health

Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one woman to another if both partners are female. Learn how to safeguard your safety. When women exchange body fluids with one another, they run the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia.

How to Get the Best Criminal Lawyer in Delhi?

If you have been arrested in Delhi for a criminal offense, you need the best criminal lawyer to guide you through the process and help you get the best possible result.

What About Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapy, also known as holistic psychotherapy or body-centered psychotherapy, is an integrated kind of therapy that combines conventional and non-conventional treatments to aid the individual as a whole.

Why Create an Effective Genealogy Plan – Some Information on The Topic

While checking a family’s history, and roots, people often are overwhelmed by the availability of so many sources. They cannot decide where to start and what to look for to collect the required information.

The Benefits Of Using Gas Strut Systems As A Support Structure

People use gas struts as an automatic method to support doors, hatches, lids, and any other types of coverings that have a horizontal hinge.

Potential Positive Effects On A Person's Sexual Life That Being Exposed To Pornographic Material

On the topic of porn, people certainly appear to have a lot of "opinions," particularly when it comes to the subject of women watching porn.

The Right Time to Take Mushroom Supplements

In present times, fitness seekers try numerous modes to achieve flexibility of body, control bodyweight, staying energetic and focused. Some of the major contributors to fulfilling the fitness of body and mind are organic health supplements.

Health Concerns to Keep In Mind as Time Passes

As the years and decades go by, changes in your health will come with age. These changes are natural and unavoidable. Although they may be hard to appreciate at times, they are inevitable and deserve understanding, patience, and respect.

The Risks of Ignoring Prostate Cancer Testing

Prostate cancer is a serious health concern that affects millions of men worldwide. As the second most common cancer in men, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved with not testing for prostate cancer and taking preventative measures.

Erectile Dysfunction: What It Is and How To Treat It

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men around the world. ED can be caused by physical and psychological factors, such as stress, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, or even lifestyle choices.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes and Treatments

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) affects many men of all ages. The causes and treatment of erectile dysfunction are varied, and it’s important to understand the condition in order to find the best solution for your individual needs.

Ultimate Guide to Iv Therapy and Its Benefits

IV therapy, or intravenous (IV) therapy, is a medical treatment that delivers fluids and medications directly into the patient's bloodstream.

Reasons To Invest In Band Shirts Merch

Band shirts have been a ubiquitous part of music culture for decades. They are a way for fans to show their love for their favourite artists, albums, and songs.

Trade Credit Insurance: How It Works And Why Your Business Needs It?

As a business owner, you are probably familiar with the concept of insurance. You insure your property, your vehicles, and even your health.

Understanding The Vagus Nerve: Anatomy And Function

Vagus nerve is one of the longest neurons in the body and is responsible for a wide range of functions, including regulating heart rate and digestion, as well as influencing disposition and immune system function.

Improving Quality of Life for Those with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can significantly impact a person's quality of life, making it difficult to communicate with others, participate in social activities, and even perform everyday tasks.

Get Educated About Fecal Incontinence and How To Manage the Condition

Fecal incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements, resulting in involuntary soiling. The condition can range from an occasional leakage of stool while passing gas to a complete loss of bowel control.

Ingrown Hair Services: The Ultimate Solution To Preventing Skin Irritation And Infections

Ingrown hairs are a common problem for many people, particularly those with curly or coarse hair. They occur when hair grows back into the skin instead of growing out of the hair follicle.

Benefits Of Holistic Therapies In Addiction Recovery

The process of recovering from an addiction can be a trying one, demanding effort on both the physical and emotional fronts. Although conventional treatments for addiction have a good track record of success, for some patients, those methods may not be sufficient.

Choosing The Right Addiction Recovery Center: Tips For Success

Choosing the right addiction recovery center can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be challenging to know where to start.

An Essential Guide To Understanding and Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects millions of men around the world. It can have a profound effect on a man’s self-esteem, relationships, and quality of life.

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction and Finding the Right Treatment for You

For many men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is an embarrassing topic. However, it’s important to understand that ED is a very common condition, with estimates suggesting that up to 30 million men in the US alone are affected.

The Benefits Of Using Vegan Handbags Over Leather Ones: A Sustainable Fashion Choice

When it comes to fashion, consumers are becoming more conscious about their choices and how they impact the environment. One of the key areas of focus is leather products, including handbags, which have been a staple in the fashion industry for decades.

Exploring The Unique Flavors And Types Of Cannabliss Gummies

One of the most prevalent methods to consume CBD, THC, and other cannabis compounds is through the consumption of gummies. They offer a tasty and discreet way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, without the need for smoking or vaping.

Uncovering the Benefits of Seeing a Stomach Doctor for Your Health

  If you’ve ever had a stomach-related health issue, you know how disruptive and uncomfortable it can be. From indigestion to acid reflux, stomach issues can make life difficult, and many people turn to over-the-counter medications to manage their symptoms.

Key Features for a Successful B2B eCommerce Website

B2B eCommerce has rapidly changed; more businesses are turning to online selling channels. An effective B2B eCommerce websiteis critical for businesses that want to stay competitive in today's digital world.

Counseling and Therapy Are Important In Drug Rehabilitation

Counseling and psychotherapy are important components of drug rehabilitation. The use of counseling and Therapy is essential to drug rehabilitation.

Understanding The Different Types Of Facelifts: Which One Is Right For You?

Facelift surgery, which is also called rhytidectomy, is a common cosmetic treatment that can help people look younger and more rested. A facelift can help pull the skin on your face and neck up and tighten it, making you look younger and smoother.

A Mom's Guide to Setting Up Parental Controls on Apple Devices

As a mom in the digital age, it's essential to ensure that your child has a safe and age-appropriate experience while using your Apple devices.

Stay Healthy and Energized with Liposomal Booster ? What You Need to Know

Staying healthy and energized is important to maintain a balanced lifestyle. With the fast-paced life, it can be a struggle to match up with the demands of daily activities and maintain good health.

How To Get Relief From TMJ With Simple Treatments and Exercises

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a common condition that affects millions of people, especially seniors. It occurs when there is a problem with the muscles and joints of the jaw, causing discomfort, pain, and difficulty in opening and closing the mouth.

Which drink is directly associated to Cardiovascular Diseases Tea or Coffee?

Aboth Tea and coffee are the most pouplar and widely used bevrages around the globe. Many researches state that Tea and cofee has the different effects on heart health.

Empowering Women To Take Control of Fecal Incontinence

Fecal incontinence is a common problem faced by women of all ages but is rarely talked about openly. It is an embarrassing and isolating condition that can greatly impact a woman's quality of life.

How To Manage Fecal Incontinence and Regain Your Quality of Life

Fecal incontinence, the inability to control bowel movements, can be one of the most uncomfortable and embarrassing health conditions. For many people, it can lead to avoiding social situations and limiting activities, leading to a reduced quality of life.

Magento 2 New Edge of Free Ecommerce CMS

When it comes to scaling your online business, exploring alternatives to popular platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce can open up new possibilities.

Unlock Your Hormonal Health With Hormone Testing for Women

Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on a woman's body, leading to a range of symptoms that can disrupt her daily life. From mood swings and fatigue to weight gain and skin problems, hormonal imbalances can negatively impact a woman's overall sense of well-being.

Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Lab Blood Draws

Mobile lab blood draws have become increasingly popular in recent years thanks to their convenience. In the past, getting blood drawn often meant making an appointment with your doctor's office or going to an independent lab.

Marketing Strategies for Therapists: An Essential Guide

Are you a therapist looking to expand your reach and grow your practice? In today's competitive landscape, effective marketing is essential for success.

Unlock the Power of Hormone Testing: A Comprehensive Guide for Women

As women, we have a complex hormonal system that regulates everything from our menstrual cycles to our mood, energy levels, and even bone density.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Unveiling Its Pros and Cons

When it comes to testosterone, it's not just about masculinity; it's about vitality, energy, and overall well-being. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, from our physical health to our mental state.

Men?s Health 101 - All You Need To Know About Heart Health Testing

Taking care of our health is one of the most important things we can do in life. However, as men, we tend to prioritize other things over our health.

Surprising Signs That You May Need Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone is an essential hormone for men. It plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, and sexual function. However, as men age, their testosterone levels tend to decline.

Tahiro Leads Nutritional Supplement Trend for Improving Brain Health

California-based Company Creates Dynamic Nutritional Supplement to Prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia Using Nanotechnology   According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are over 6M Americans of all ages currently living with the disease.

Why do Students Choose NURSFPX for Nursing assignment help?

Quality of Work:Students typically seek services that provide high-quality and well-researched content. This ensures that the assignments meet academic standards and expectations.

The Importance of Women?s Pelvic Health and Its Impact on Daily Life

Within the intricate landscape of the bodies of women, the pelvis houses vital organs, muscles, and tissues, making it a focal point deserving of our attention.

Easy Modern Design Additions For Your Garden Space

If you want your garden to look the best it can be, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of time and effort needed for larger designs. However, some garden updates are easier to implement than you might think.

A Beginner?s Guide To Managing Diabetes and Living a Healthy Life

Living with diabetes can feel overwhelming, but with the right tools and knowledge, it is possible to manage the condition effectively and lead a healthy life.

Simple but Effective Strategies for Managing Type 2 Diabetes as a Woman

Managing type 2 diabetes can be a challenging task, especially for women who often have multiple roles and responsibilities to juggle. However, with the right strategies in place, it is possible to effectively manage this condition and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Navigating Your First Digital Doctor?s Appointment Like a Pro

In today's fast-paced world, technology has made many aspects of our lives much more convenient – including healthcare. With the rise of telemedicine, more and more people are turning to digital doctor's appointments as a way to save time and hassle.

Understanding Your Child?s Behavior: The Difference Between ADHD and Autism

As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate the world of childhood development and behavior. Two common conditions that parents may encounter are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Trauma in Teenagers: A Guide for Parents To Therapeutic Treatment Options

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your teenager struggling with trauma. Whether it's the result of a specific event or ongoing stress, trauma can have a significant impact on a teenager's mental health and well-being.

Exploring Chiropractic Care for Migraines: Easing Dural Tensions for Lasting Relief

Introduction: Migraines are not just headaches; they're debilitating episodes that can significantly impair one's quality of life.

Mind Over Matter: The Power of Intuitive Training for Mental Health

In today's fast-paced world, mental health is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. With the stresses of work, relationships, and everyday life weighing us down, it's essential to find ways to take care of our mental well-being.

Moon Rocks Are the ?Bud of the Month? in Colorado. But Do You Know Why? Let?s Dive In to Know More!

In the colorful landscape of cannabis culture, marijuana moon rocks have emerged as the indisputable champions, frequently referred to as the "champagne" or "cannabis caviar" of the CBD bud world.

Moon Rocks Are the ?Bud of the Month? in Colorado. But Do You Know Why? Let?s Dive In to Know More!

In the colorful landscape of cannabis culture, marijuana moon rocks have emerged as the indisputable champions, frequently referred to as the "champagne" or "cannabis caviar" of the CBD bud world.

What is ?

New Liposuction Technique - Body Jet

IntroductionIf you've ever heard about liposuction or its technique, you've probably heard of tumescent liposuction. Body-Jet liposuction was developed from the tumescent technique, allowing this new procedure to bring about better results.

What is Ayurveda?

Directly translated means 'The Science of Life' It's one of the oldest forms of healing the world has known with its origins dating back five thousand years, yet is still relatively unknown in the UK.

Postural Assessment Skills

An Essential Tool for Sports Massage PractitionersAs sport massage practitioners sometimes the solutions to our clients’ problems are simple, we do our magic, and the file is closed.

Basic Criteria for Weight-Loss Surgery

Are you considering bariatric surgery to reduce obesity? If so, you probably want to know the bariatric surgery criteria that qualify patients for this type of surgery.

Healing with homeopathy

Did you know homeopathy is a system of natural health care that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years? It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world! While it is most popular in India and South America, over thirty million people in Europe, and millions of others around the world, benefit from its use.

Building momentum - A career in Chinese medicine

Although deciding to train for a career in Chinese medicine can be a major step for many people; more often than not, it is the move from student to practitioner that is the biggest step.

Lifechanges Through Emotional Clearance, energy therapy, emotional freedom technique

What is Lifechanges through Emotional Clearance?Lifechanges through Emotional Clearance is  a simple process introduced by Anne Pether and Katharine Walmsley.

Healing Pain With Trigger Point Therapy

The Basics of Trigger Points Trigger Points exist throughout our muscles, but unless activated, they do not cause any problems. When a muscle is traumatized from an injury or physical or emotional stress, the Trigger Points become 'hot' or active.

A Hypnotherapist’s Casebook.

             These articles were originally first published as a column in L.A. Health Magazine,              under the title, A Hypnotherapist's Casebook.

Acne: A Very Common Skin Disorder

One of the most aggravating problems for teens is acne, which is a common skin disorder.  The disorder is characterized by clogged pores and pimples.

An Overview of the More Common Types of Birth Control Available

There is a variety of birth control methods available for couples today.  They include:Basal body temperatureBirth control pillCalendar methodCervical capCervical mucusCombination pillCopper IUDDiaphragmEmergency birth controlEssureHormonal IUDInjection (Depo-Provera)Lactational amenorrheaMorning-after pillShieldSkin patchSpermicidesSpongeStandard daysSymptothermalTubal ligationVaginal ringBasal body temperature method is using a woman’s body temperature to determine when she is least likely and more likely to conceive.

An Overview of Unintended Weight Loss and Cachexia

Unintended weight loss involving depletion of a person’s fat tissue and skeletal muscle mass is sometimes related to a condition called unintended weight loss and Cachexia.

What Is Tachyon Energy?

According to quantum physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy. Everything that exists in this universe, from the most subtle, refined realms of energetic structures, to the grossest, densest realms of matter, is aligned in an energy continuum.

Endometriosis: Symptoms, Causes and Diagnostic Screening

One cause of pelvic pain in a woman is endometriosis.  Endometriosis is a disorder of the female reproductive system.  It rarely spreads beyond the pelvic region.

What is Bio Energy Healing?

Bioenergy Healing is a dynamic treatment that uses hands-on and hands-off techniques to scan your body's electrical circuitry system. These unique techniques can access and positively affect your body's physiological and psychological systems ability to function on an enhanced level.

Four Important Elements of a Good Rounded Fitness Training Routine Part II

In part I of this series I talked about the benefits of aerobic exercise.  In this article I will discuss another important element of a good rounded fitness training routine:  Muscular Fitness.

What is Polarity Therapy to me?

What is Polarity Therapy - to me? In practicing as a Registered Polarity Therapist in the UK I am often asked what a Polarity therapist does and what the system of therapy is.

What Are Cold Sores and How Do I Recognize Them ?

What are cold sores? A common question with the growing cold sore epidemic. There is a lot of confusion and mis-information about cold sores around the internet.

UMF Manuka Honey – What is it? And what you should know about it.

Manuka Honey is a unique honey, native to New Zealand, that has been gaining increasing international publicity for its natural healing properties.


For many centuries medical practitioners have used water as a means of internally flushing waste and toxins from the body. Similar to an enema, Colonic Irrigation also known as Colon hydrotherapy is an alternative medical procedure, sometimes associated with naturopathy which involves introducing discrete amounts of purified water, sometimes infused with minerals or other materials inserted into the rectum.

What is Neuralgia?

Neuralgia is a general term for nerve pain affecting the peripheral nerves. This is a medical condition which results in spasmodic, chronic pain along a single nerve or group of nerves in the head or neck.

About Ayurveda

Similar to traditional Chinese medicine, both were developed about 3000 years ago. Ayurveda is based on the principle that the universe is made up of the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Environmental Intolerance

Environmental Intolerance (EI) is one of the hardest cases to deal with because the body is toxic and so is their mental thinking. EI, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) are all the same, they are Toxic.

More About Good Bacteria

Normally you have between four and seven pounds of bacteria in your colon. Normal and well-balanced bacteria have many beneficial functions.Beneficial bacteria do the following:Produce vitamins like folic acid and B12.

Universal Whitetime Healing

An Introduction There is so much that can be said about this subject, for it is so vast and there's so many other subjects that Whitetime connects with, that it would be impossible to explain it completely.


Living Sustainably Begins in Your Own Mind and in Your Own Body !"We live what we know: If we believe the universe to be mechanical, we will tend to live mechanically.

Diseases and Conditions that Cause Low Back Pain

Low back pain occurs in nearly everyone at some time or another.  Both men and women are affected.  The age it occurs most often is between 30 and 50.

Possible Causes of Lower Back Pain

Many people suffer with lower back pain, and almost everyone at some point has back pain that interferes with work, daily activities and recreation.

What is Energy Healing?

How is Energy Healing different to Reiki or Spiritual Healing? This is a question I have been asked many times, so I will offer an answer... All healing comes from the same universal consciousness that naturally moves towards health and well-being.

An Overview of Amenorrhea

The absence of a menstrual period is called “amenorrhea.”  There are two kinds:•    Primary:  When a young girl has not yet had a period by age 16•    Secondary:  A woman who used to have a regular period but then stopped for at least three months (this can include pregnancy)Signs of amenorrhea include:•    The main sign is missing a menstrual periodA sign of overall good health is having regular periods.

An Overview of Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a set of mental and physical symptoms resulting from an extra copy of Chromosome 21.  A normal fertilized egg has 23 pairs of chromosomes.

What is Klinefelter Syndrome and is there Effective Treatments?

This is also known as the XXY condition.  It is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells.  The normal or usual chromosome pattern in males is XY.

Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgery - The Minimally Invasive Approach

People who are researching their weight loss surgery options are usually very curious about laparoscopic, or minimally invasive, weight loss surgery.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

A Brief History Of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT (as we shall now refer to it) has its origins way back over 5000 years ago, from the Ancient Chinese Shoalin and Taoist monasteries.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs.

10 Ways To Keep Your Life Coach or Therapy Business Small & Struggling

As a practice building specialist, I come across struggling small businesses every day. Coaches and Therapists who think that all they need to do once they qualify is get a business card, a shiny website and a glossy brochure.

Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?Energy Healing focuses on regaining balance and alignment throughout the body's energy field. The body's energy field is called an Aura.

A First Hypnosis Session

What might a client expect in a first hypnotherapy session? First the hypnotherapist will make sure that the client is at ease by conversationally establishing rapport, and sharing a little information about hypnosis, and then the hypnotherapist will gather information by asking questions about the client's goals.

Is Deeper Hypnosis More Effective?

It seems like common sense. The more profoundly someone is in hypnosis, the more suggestible they will be. And, the more suggestible someone is, the more effective the suggestions will be.

Types of Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is "The science of movement," it is an umbrella term that encompasses various disciplines. The primary focus of kinesiology practices are human physiology, biomechanics, and anatomy, by creating a foundation of understanding upon these disciplines kinesiology offers an understanding of the body's ability to move through space.

What is Herbal Medicine?

What is Herbal Medicine? Herbal Medicine has been used and practiced long before pharmaceutical discoveries and continues to be a popular choice to treat health concerns.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that is conducted in hypnosis. Hypnosis is derived from the Greek word for sleep. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation and concentration.

What Is Energy Awareness?

When you decide to go to Bali for your holiday, your knowing it'll be warm there probably influences your choice.When you decide to go it's because you believe you'll have a good time.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic system that emphasizes the bodies innate ability to self heal. A Naturopathic doctor attempts to treat their patients as a whole human being, treating their body, spirit and mind.


It's hard enough for an adult to eat a substantial daily amount of fruit and vegetables but what about the children, they tend to eat even less good food these days.

Colour Therapy

What is Colour Therapy?Colour is everywhere! In the home, garden, neighborhood, the city and most brilliantly in the glorious elements, everything radiates colour.

Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching?Life coaching is increasing in popularity. It is hiring a person (Life Coach) to assist you in achieving personal goals.


Homeopathy is considered an Alternative health practice; it provides non-toxic medicines to treat a wide variety of health ailments. Homeopathy is based on the principle that the body has a natural ability to heal itself.

Skin Care

Skin care is literally caring for your skin. Yes, it seems so simple but in reality everyday people are falling asleep with make-up and the daily toxins sitting on their skin eating away at their youth and elasticity.

Dance Therapy

Dance often is related to leotards, tights, shoes, recitals, performances or celebraties participating in a ballroom competition. While these are valid aspects of dance there is more to the realm of dance.

Weight Loss: The benefits and Career Opportunities

Everyone at one point has been unsatisfied with their weight. Perhaps their legs are too big, their bottom's too flat, too much baby fat left over from pregnacy or maybe they just feel sluggish, whatever the complaint there is a solution and most often it's loosing weight.

Counselling and Psychotherapy

What is the difference between Counselling and Psychotherapy?These two terms are often used interchangeably but in reality their individual meanings do differ.


Aromatherapy, like other natural and alternative therapies is an ancient practice. If you break the word Aromatherapy up it is basically aroma and therapy.

What is Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine dates back to 3rd Century and includes a range of alternative or complementary practices to help the body; mind and spirit find wholeness through ultimate health.

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Light Therapy

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually occurs at the onset of winter. The depletion on sunlight triggers SAD or the winter blues.

Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a system of healing that creates transformational changes at a cellular level. It can heal both the physical body and the subconscious mind, instantly.

What is Nutrition?

Webster's Dictionary defines the noun uses of the word nutrition as 1. The organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance.

Alexander Technique

Alexander Technique is a discipline that teaches an individual to tune into and develop an awareness of their body and its relationship to the environment.

Here’s the scoop on Bio-resonance

Bio-resonance is another alternative therapy that helps the body overcome and heal from chronic pain, allergies and many illnesses. It focuses on placing electrodes on the skin surface in a strategic manner.

Water Therapy

Water therapy is literally the therapy or relief the body receives from the daily consumption of water instead of medication. 65% of the human body is composed of water.

What is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is cancer of the Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic system is comprised of lymph nodes and Organs. Lymph refers to plasma or the protein and fluid that are in blood.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a therapy that approaches health by analyzing the imbalances found in the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system combines the muscles, skeleton, tendons, ligaments and joints.

What Is Rolfing?

Rolfing is a therapy that combines hand manipulation of tissue or fascia and movement sequencing to re-align the body's center of gravity, improve posture and general well being.

What you should expect from reiki courses

"I have often been asked if students have to train to be a Reiki Master Teacher or is it enough just to be trained as a Master - my responce is When you have passed your driving test and can drive your car does that qualify you to teach others to drive and give them a pass? This is what you should expect" 1st Degree: You learn how to treat yourself and others.

What Everyone Needs To Know About Orgone Energy & Schumann Resonance

What is Geopathic Stress? Geopathic Stress is when the vibrational rate of the Earth’s magnetic energies and underground water causes a lower vibration, which in turn creates stress to the human body.

Like a Kid in a Sweetshop

Like a kid in a sweet shop: the use of generative metaphor "I have found our work to explore my metaphoric sweet shop really helpful on a number of levels.

Redundancy - Coaching to a New Start

REDUNDANCY - COACHING TO A NEW START As UK plc continues to grapple with the economic downturn, multinationals and SMEs alike are experiencing the impact of redundancy measures, not only on employees directly affected, but on those remaining with the business.

Growth Trends of Social Networking Sites in 2007-08

Social networking has become one of the popular online activities for worldwide internet users. According to comScore, social networking users grew at 25% from June 2007 to June 2008 and the number increased from 0.

Mind Control Hypnosis

A great many people are afraid that someone else can control their minds with hypnosis. In truth, hypnosis gives people more control over their own minds.

He Can Finally Wear His Dentures After Only One Hypnosis Session

One of the most powerful ways to enhance the effectiveness of a first hypnosis session is for the client to initially have an obviously hypnotic experience.

Why Theta Healing and BodyTalk for Your Health and Personal Development?

Short Answer: They provide fast and lasting results with any disease, condition or problem that you may have. Longer Answer: In my opinion and experience Theta Healing and BodyTalk are the fastest and most effective healing modalities available on the planet today This may seem a high claim, so let me explain the reasons behind this statement Before I do let me say that I have nothing against other therapies or modalities, energy medicine or against modern medicine, and that I believe that every one of them has a place and is effective and has its use For example there is no substitute for a good massage, or a juice fast! And different people are attracted to different therapies.

How to Use Hidden Hypnotic Commands in Normal Conversation

In one of Edgar Alan Poe's short stories, a stolen letter was hidden out in the open on the desk of one of the characters. Because it was in an envelope from another writer, the searchers looked at it, but never thought to check inside the envelope.

Crash Course Basics In Crystal Healing

Crystals are powerful and effective sources of energy which can be used as an aid to healing. Crystal healing works with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual problems by removing the dis-ease and making you at ease with yourself.

What Is Tantric Massage

Introduction Much like Thai massage, Tantric massage is often misunderstood as some form of sex service. The reasons for this are that a) the term gets hijacked and b) sexuality is still a controversial topic even in the complementary medicine world.

What Are Your Baby Fat Cells Doing?

Managing your baby fat cell population is a topic you most certainly did not learn about in school.  Yet, how skillfully you do this will determine if you become overweight or are able to lose extra weight.

How Homeopathy works - in a nutshell

Explaining  homeopathy ............in a nutshell  Homeopathy is a way of thinking and way of life for most homeopaths. There are things I take for granted as being part of "homeopathy" and I've realised that to communicate this I need to explain it in a non homeopathic way.

What is Reiki - a Personal Account

WHAT IS REIKI HEALING – A PERSONAL ACCOUNT It has been suggested to me that I write an article about Reiki, about what it IS and what it can do.

What is a virus?

Viral Illness and AromatherapyWhat is a virus?  What is a viral illness?  How is a viral illness treated?  How are essential oils in the treatment of viral conditions?These four questions set the agenda for this brief paper.

Shiatsu Therapy Releases Trauma in Body and Mind

Shiatsu is from the Japanese word shi meaning finger and atsu meaning pressure. It is characterized by the systematic application of pressure with the fingers, thumbs, palms, elbows, forearms, knees and feet on specific points (tsubos), and areas (meridians) on the body.

Emotional Healing Techniques - Get Acquainted with Dr.Nelson's Body Code Healing System

I was introduced to Dr. Bradley Nelson's work through his book "The Emotion Code ". I was intrigued by the concept of a "heart-wall" which is created by trapped emotions lodged your body.

What is Aromaflex

Aromaflex is a combination of Aromatherapy and Reflexology. Both individual therapies are said to work on the mind, body and spirit and are thought to act synergistically to create an enhanced experience for the client.

Death - What Happens When We Die?

It is said that beyond the human kingdom there is a place that the ‘dead’ go and in some circles it is believed that when a person ‘dies’ they are really ‘reborn’ to spirit.

What is a Mind Body Spirit Detox?

We all know about juice fasting, raw foods, herbs and colonics for cleansing the physical body, the body detox.So what's a Mental or Spiritual Detox?Detox is a strange phrase to use really for the mind and spirit.

What is Complementary medicine?

The word Complementary has several definitions one being; forming a satisfactory or balanced whole. Basically, complementary medicine covers various therapies and practices that are used in conjunction with or to complement orthodox western medicine.

Rolfing; Everyone’s giving it a try.

Rolfing is nothing new but it is increasing in its popularity these days. Back in the 60's and 70's Rolfing was quite a common practice.

Wonders of Reflexology

Reflexology is probably a word you are familiar but could you explain what it is to a stranger? Today's article will put in a nutshell what reflexology is in its simplicity.

Ignite Your Elemental Powers

Earth: Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess.

What is ACU-YOGA Therapy?

Acu-Yoga is a combination and blending of two types of alternative medicine integrating both acupressure and yoga therapies.  These two holistic methods of alternative health maintenance therapy, can help balance and relax muscular tensions and revive proper energy flows throughout the body.

What is Abhyanga Massage Therapy?

Abhyanga or sometimes referred to as Snehana, means Oleation  which is oiling up. This is a full body massage which is usually done on a daily basis.

What is AcroSage Massage Therapy

This type of massage therapy, which is a combination of massage, yoga and acrobatics was created and developed by Benjamin Marantz , who was a professional acrobat and circus performer.

Ovarian Cyst - The Signs and Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

An ovarian cyst is simply just a collection of fluid on a woman's ovary. Certainly, there are several different types of ovarian cysts, and they are a particularly prevalent gynecologic issue.

What is Qi Gong

Qi Gong also referred to as Chi Kung is the Chinese philosophy and practice of aligning breath, in its physiological sense constituting, replenishing and nourishing the human body.

Somatic Reflex Therapy

You can start to build a picture about a client from the phone call, before you have even laid eyes on them. How does their voice sound? Is it shaky, confident, abrupt, or nervous? While the people who can’t get their words out quick enough, tend to be quite highly strung, doing everything quickly, eating, moving, and making decisions.

Glaucoma is an Eye Disorder

Glaucoma is an eye disorder in which the optic nerve suffers damage, permanently damaging vision in the affected eye(s) and progressing to complete blindness if untreated.

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

 Parkinson’s disease, named after James Parkinson, an English doctor who in his book “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy” published in 1817, gave a detailed description of the condition.

Adult Bullies

 “All cruelty springs from weakness”  (Seneca, 4BC-AD65)  There are those who say that bullying is behind all forms of violence, conflict, persecution, abuse, harassment, discrimination and prejudice.

African Mango - What A Find

  I really enjoy sharing information, and recently I learned about African Mango.  I’m just so excited to tell you about it!  Although it has existed for centuries, few in North America know it as the phenomenal dietary supplement that it has been discovered to be.

Massage Training Course

In response to the increasing number of requests we receive each year from Five Star Hotels / Spas / Health Clubs who wish to recruit authentic Spa Technicians, we at DKA have created an Spa Massage Training Program meant to teach the various massage therapies.

Cognitive Dissonance and Child Abuse

Cognitive dissonance is a stressful state of mind that occurs when a person is holding either two beneficial or adverse options simultaneously and the person is asked to make a choice.

What is Dementia?

  While many have heard of dementia, the exact symptoms and nature of the disease may remain a mystery. Simply put, dementia is a loss of brain function.

Ritualized Sexual Abuse

  There is ritual sexual abuse and there is ritualized sexual abuse. The terms are sometimes interchanged, but for the purpose of this article I am delineating between the two as Ritual Sexual Abuse being cult or cult-like abuse in which “the abuse has a spiritual or social goal” (David Finkelhor, National Study of Sexual Abuse, 1988) and usually involves brain washing, torture, animal/human sacrifice and drugging while Ritualized Sexual Abuse as being long term sexual, psychological and physical abuse that occurs habitually and is the dominant factor in a secret relationship between two or more individuals.

Attachment Issues In Couples therapy

      I have always enjoyed therapy with couples.  It is stimulating, interactive work and can create dramatic change quickly.

Importance of Using Medical Trolleys In Hospitals and Health Care Homes

The health care industry uses stainless medical trolleys extensively. These trolleys have 2 shelves or some can have more. There are some which have stainless steel waste bins which are fitted on the side and some of these have cabinets fitted as well.

Understanding the Curative Powers of Nigella Sativa

Although Nigella sativa is unfamiliar to most Western consumers, this ancient herb has been highly revered for its medicinal qualities by Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Unani (Arabian/Islamic) medical practitioners for some 4000 years, and considered one of nature's most powerful curative by Muslims.

Best Reasons to Become a Dental Assistant

  If you are thinking about making a career in dental sciences, dental assisting is a job for people like you. People go to a dentist for a regular check-up.

Uses and Benefits of Palo Santo Bursera Graveolens Essential Oil

Uses and Benefits of Palo Santo Bursera Graveolens Essential Oil   Currently, the Palo Santo Bursera Graveolens tree has become one of the most popular aromatic trees worldwide due to the many healing properties, it possesses.

What is Subjective Visual Vertical (SVV Test)?

Due to our visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems, we have a generally good ability to perceive verticality. However, in the case of an injury or damage to the otolith organs or to the nerve responsible for transferring data from the inner ear to the brain.

Old Wives’ Tales

Dealing with Bronchitis

My Grandma would have encouraged you to strap a piece of bacon to your chest, or make a vest from brown paper and goose grease (I can actually remember having to be rubbed with goose grease, and it smelled terrible).

Treating Chilblains

An onion poultice, or a mixture of pounded salt and onions rubbed into the skin with snow, is suggested.The worst remedy I remember when I had chilblains as a child was to have to put my feet in the full "potty" for five minutes.

Bruises and Strains

When Jack fell down and broke his crown, what did mother do? - Why she plastered his head with vinegar and brown paper. Some people used treacle and brown paper plasters, and others parsley and butter plasters.

Annoying Constipation

You have to be 'going' regular, no matter what! As a child I can remember taking home made syrup of figs, senna tea, and being put into a bowl of hot soapy water.

Easing Cramp

Cramp in bed can be prevented by placing a potato under the mattress or by putting a roll of brimstone under the part of the body normally affected.

Getting Rid of Dandruff

This was supposed to be a middle class complaint. Those of the upper class suffered from "dry scalp" whilst the lower classes had "scurf".

Overcoming Depression

Chervil and Hypericin are said to brighten the depressed and to soothe nerves, stimulate the brain, and aid digestion.Prozac seems to be the in thing these days, but do you know what nature's Prozac is? It is the traditional herb Hypericin or St.

Considering Earache

For this affliction a certain gipsy remedy should be ignored. Well I think so anyway, sounds awful, especially to hedgehogs. They used the oil collected from roasting hedgehogs, and rubbed it into and around the ears.

Soothing Tired Feet

Oh how important are our feet!Because he was a traveling preacher and walked an estimated 5,000 miles a year, John Wesley often suffered from sore aching feet.

The Wonders of Ginkgobiloba

The Brain Saving Herb, which is also known as "Nature's own Viagra"!!!!!GINKGO BILOBA sounds as though it is a new "made up" word, but in fact the Ginkgo is a large ornamental tree which is said to be 200 million years old.

Treating Headaches

It very much depends what is causing your headache, and you should not suffer from them on a regular basis without getting expert medical help.

Curing Hiccoughs

When I got hiccoughs as a child my mother said it was caused through "telling lies" - I could never understand that, I often got the hiccoughs, but did not tell lies! I tried all sorts of things to cure it like, holding my breath for as long as I could.

Insect Attacks

Insect Bites and Stings – As a child I was always told to "spit on it". And do you know that saliva is antiseptic and readily available, and as a first aid for most insect bites and stings it works.

Dealing with Insomnia

• A cold bath - enough to kill you would make anyone sleep. Remember they had no central heating in those days either. • Counting Sheep - If it didn't put you to sleep, you had a nervous breakdown every time you lost count and had to start all over again.

Treating Snoring

Does someone else's snoring keep you awake all night. Do you feel like screaming? What do you do? Well the old fashioned remedies were as follows:Put a peg on the nose.

Myth: All Processed Food is bad for you

When ever you hear the word "processed food" possibly burgers, candy and packaged meals come to mind. Yes, these are examples of processed food but in reality almost all the food we eat has been processed or transformed from its original form.

I have a Question

How Can I Make Love Work in My Relationship?

Write your Article here... You can now by imagineering and staying true to yourself, you are using two of the most essential ingredients to completely transform your relationship.


Most of us suffer from headaches at some time, making this an extremely common complaint. Headaches may be caused by a variety of factors, most of which are not serious.

My relationship is on the rocks, How can I get it back to how it was?

As a working therapist within my private practice this is a question that I often get asked by couples or individuals that feel their relationship is not as it should be, or even that it has gone past the point of no return.

To the outside world it seems like I have everything - so why am I so unhappy? A female perspective

As a female counsellor I have often worked with women who, for one reason or another appear to the outside world to ‘have it all' and they come into therapy upset and frustrated that they apparently have ‘no reason' to feel as they do.


Question:I am 38 and would love to have a baby, but, although all the tests have proved OK for both myself and my husband, we're not having any luck.

Natural Remedies and Cures for osteoarthritis

Question:My mother is almost 70 years old and very active, fit and well. The only thing that spoils her retirement is that her joints are agonizingly painful when she wakes up, leaving her bent double for a long time.

Understanding Yourself - Ever Wondered What Other People Think Of You?

Have you ever wondered what other people think of you? It would be interesting won't it if everyone was open with their thoughts - although this could cause some upset if you don't want any bad news.

Are you a positive or a negative person?

Are you a positive or a negative person?                                                We all like to think we can think positively, but often don'tachieve this.

Is being sleepy in your genes?

A recent study suggests that people with specific genes are more likely to endure restless nights and be sleepy during the day. This study could explain why some people seem to have no problem living off a few hours of sleep for a continued amount of time and while others cannot function under restricted sleep.

7 Secrets to Overcoming Your Divorce

  7 Steps To Overcome Your Divorce An emotional support system isn't all you need to get over your grief. READ MORE: depression, divorce, marriage, monogamy, relationships   By Debra Warner, M.

5 Wonderful Things To Know About Starting A CBD Business

When people think about cannabis they immediately think of THC and how it makes them feel high. Consumers and industry players are starting to see the potential of CBD.

How To Choose The Right Granite Countertops For Your Home

Due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility, granite countertops have become a popular choice for homeowners. However, choosing the right granite countertop can be challenging, given the wide range of options available in terms of colors, patterns, and finishes.

Tips To Find The Best Speech Coaching In Sydney

Public speaking is an essential skill that is needed in almost all spheres of life. Whether it is presenting at work, giving a speech at a social gathering, or even participating in a debate, effective communication is crucial to achieving success.

Healthy Eating

The Family Dinner: Fast and Simple

Home made foods are healthier than processed, prepared, or restaurant meals. Take-out foods and prepared foods are generally much higher in fat, salt and calories than home cooked foods.

3 Tips For A Seductively Healthy Valentine’s Dinner

What can you do to make a special Valentine's Day Dinner for your sweetie? Make it hot, make it healthy, and make it easy!First, make it hot! Studies show that spicy foods can raise your heart rate, cause flushing, and generally mimic some of the effects of sexual stimulation.

How to Make Pizza Healthy for You

This article may come as a surprise to you... Pizza. It's the weakness of many, many people including me. I love pizza- always have. I eat it in moderation, but it's still one of my favorite foods.

3 Super Foods That Can Make a Dramatic Difference in Your Life

Eat your fruits and vegetables.  Isn't that what you hear all of the time?  Yes, it's good to have a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet and probably even exclusively, but the produce you buy in the store is just not as nutritious anymore.

How To Quickly Lose Weight

No one likes the thought of starting a diet - it's the word DIE with a T on the end ... it just can't be fun.  It's SO much easier (and more fun) to put the weight on than to knock it off.

A Serene Atmosphere to Savor

It is always a pleasure to go out to a nice restaurant with friends and enjoy a good meal.We arrive at the restaurant where the Maitre d' greets us with a friendly welcome and shows us to a table.

Coverting a Picky Eater

Recently,  Time magazine ran a story called "Rethinking First Foods." It was a great summary of the latest information on the importance of feeding your baby healthy foods in the first two years of their life.

The Last-Minute Cook

Ask almost anyone who is in charge of putting the daily dinner on the table what the most dreaded chore is and you'll likely hear a complaint about meal planning.

Healthy First Birthday Cake Ideas

Parents are often looking for a healthy alternative to the standard, sugary, preservative-filled birthday cake for their baby's introduction to the wonderful traditions of birthdays.

Time with the Kids vs a Home-Cooked Meal? You can have both!

Believe it or not, today's mothers spend more hours focused on their children than the mothers of the 1960s did. While we like to hark back to the Leave It To Beaver halcyon days of mothers greeting kids after school with milk and cookies as an ideal for raising happy children, the reality, according to a University of Maryland study, actually looks better these days.

Is it Safe to Eat?

"Mom, is that real food?" my son asked, pointing at the sugary, highly-commercialized cereal advertised on TV. "Can I have it?"At 4, he knows that we only allow "real" food in our house; that is food that is either directly from the earth or animal, or minimally-processed with quality ingredients.

Trans Fatty Acids: Blame it on the French and the Germans

Who would have thought that an 1890's French born Nobel laureate recipient and a German scientist would be connected to our current day health dilemma related to the consumption of trans fatty acids? This much talked about health concern can be traced to a brilliant French born scientist named Paul Sabatier's.

Antioxidants: The Health Benefits and a List of Common Antioxidants Foods

Antioxidants provide protection to the body from damage caused by “free radicals.”  We are exposed to free radicals through by-products of normal processes that take place in the body which includes: Burning sugars for energyRelease of digestive enzymes to break down foodWhen the body breaks down certain medicationsThrough pollutants Vitamins that include antioxidants are: ·Vitamin C and E MineralsSeleniumFlavonoids The best sources of antioxidants include:FruitsVegetablesSome teas You can also buy antioxidant supplements and it can be found in red wine as well as Grape juice.

Child Obesity Can Cause Numerous Health and Emotional Problems

If you are concerned your child may be obese set an appointment with your family doctor for a screening and diagnosis.  The doctor can calculate your child’s body mass index and determine where it falls on the national BMI-for-age growth chart.

Healthy Habits: Starting Family Food Traditions

Growing up our Mom and Dad were big on food traditions, especially at this time of the year. Every year around the holiday season, Mom would make her famous rum cakes as a gift for all of Dad's big clients.

Childhood Obesity Treatment Plan

Children need extra nutrients and calories to help them grow and develop.  However, the extra calories it takes to feed children all the nutrients they need has to be balanced with activity to burn excess calories and fat.

Eating a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is an important meal and healthy way to refuel your body to get you in gear for the day ahead.  Never overlook this meal.  Learn to select healthy options that fit your taste and lifestyle.

Make sure your health is in the best hands, your own hands

The way back, back to nature. It’s simple and effective! Don’t walk behind the mass if you seek health.The key to health is in your own hands.

Eating More Fish is Healthy regardless of Risk of Toxins

Eating more fish is definitely a heart-healthy benefit.  You might be a little weary, however, of the risk of toxins, like mercury found in some kinds of fish.

Oh no, not another diet!

Oh no, not another diet! For us in the Northern Hemisphere summer has arrived and shedding the layers of clothes has begun. But for many it's a case of extra winter baggage still hanging on, which sees a lot of people taking drastic measures like semi-starving themselves to fit into their bathing suits and summer outfits.

Food Allergy Labels Easier to Understand

If you are concerned about food allergy it is good to know the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires all food manufacturers to list common food allergens on food labels.

Get Off the Diet Roller Coaster and Kick Fad Weight Loss Plans

If you are like most people, you've tried the majority of the weight loss plans available, only to be back at square one. There are reasons why this happens.

Click, Click, Click

You have heard of Dasher and Dancer and Comet and Cupid and how faithful they were to Santa each year driving his sleigh? But have you ever thought of what happened after they grew old and served their time? They get served up, of course! It was likely that Santa enjoyed his tiny eight with some side dishes.

Weight loss issues in Berkshire:Do you know how to lose weight or not? Do you know when to stop eating or not?

Of course you do!!! Every person who has a weight problem knows he/she should be exercising, should be eating healthily, should be dieting, should Not be binging or overeating.

Holidays with Ease: A One-Pot Turkey Dinner with All the Trimmings

A holiday meal is typically an occasion for breaking bread and sharing the hearth with our family, friends and community.While not everyone wants to cook for an army during the holidays, there is still something about having a traditional holiday meal that evokes a feeling of celebration and custom.

Convenient and Nutritious Snack Ideas

Crunchy Snacks Great-tasting, crunchy snacks can be made from Garbanzos, lentils, dry peas and beans, according to Agricultural Research Service scientists and their university colleagues.

Senior Health: Folate and Vitamin B12 Concerns

Agricultural Research Service funded researchers to look into links between dietary intakes of two B vitamins and mental agility among seniors.

Generic Efudex for solar keratoses

Generic efudex is an antimetabolite cream used in the treatment of actinic or solar keratoses, which is also called as crusted lesions. Solar keratosis is caused by continuous exposure to sun.

Survial Tips For Christmas

HOW TO SURVIVE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT LOSING CONTROLWith tiny black dresses and huge temptations all around, the party season is traditionally a mid-winterextravaganza that leaves a dieter feeling left out in the cold.

6 Steps to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays don't have to wreck all of your weight loss progress. Sure there are temptations around every corner but you can tackle them with a few sure-fire strategies.

Chewing Gum Has Several Benefits

Chewing gum was the once forbidden snack for every school age child.  In the year of 2005, chewing gum was named the number one snack choice by Americans.

Drink One Hundred Percent Fruit Juice to Help Boost Intake of Fruits

Try drinking 100 percent fruit juice as a way to boost your fruit intake to the recommended daily amounts.  It is an easy way to increase intake of fruit.

Mushrooms are Overlooked Sources of Great Nutrition

Mushrooms are less colorful than other fruits and vegetables and are often overlooked for their nutritional value as well.  Mushrooms are actually very nutrient dense providing a range of many essential minerals, nutrients and antioxidants that include:•    Copper•    B vitamins•    Riboflavin•    Niacin•    Pantothenic acid•    Antioxidants like selenium and ergothioneineWhite button mushrooms are an unrecognized source of vitamin D.

About Eating Beans and lowering Cholesterol Levels

Try eating one-half cup of cooked dry beans every day to help lower total cholesterol levels.  An Agricultural Research Service study in North Dakota added to the already growing body of evidence that beans are healthy for the heart.

Energy For Thought, Food As A Result

     Mmm, chocolate chip cookies, I just bought a whole bag of them. The cashier at the grocery store didn't think they were so yummy.

Fruits and Vegetables and Weight Management Plans

Losing weight can be difficult.  There is evidence that consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables is associated with lower risks for numerous chronic diseases as well as a role with weight management.

Enjoying the Taste of Fruits and Vegetables as if from Faraway Places

If you enjoy food from all over the world, you don’t have to travel or visit your local ethnic restaurant to experience food from other countries.

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

Research continues to reveal that almost everyone needs to eat more fruits and vegetables.  They are critical to promoting good health.  To ensure you get the amount recommended, you need to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat every day.

Healthy Holiday Tips

The holidays are often filled with lots of family, fun and food, lots of food.  This extra food does not have to mean extra pounds.  Holiday treats can fit into a healthy eating routine.

The cost of dieting

A recent survey of 2,000 readers by More magazine discovered that women spend an average of £2,422 per year on gym membership, exercise DVDs, diet foods and supplements in the quest for the body beautiful.

The Science of Aging

The graying of America-the aging of the baby boomers-who knew birthdays could cause such concern? The aging of America is of great concern because it will transform politics, retirement systems, labor markets, banking, stock markets, but especially the health care system.

Bee Pollen, The Perfect Food

Bee Pollen is particularly concentrated in all elements necessary for life. Bee pollen's ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes it a favourite substance among many world-class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance.

A Breakthrough Secret in Weight Loss and Weight Gain?

A new breakthrough secret is apparently taking the internet by storm. Is it what you need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life.

Want to live longer? Go Mediterranean!

I have always been a big fan of everything that has a Mediterranean style like food, wine and mid-afternoon siesta. I enjoy olive oil on my salad, grilled fish and raw fruits but I have never thought that there was much more to this Mediterranean style.

How to make healthy choices easy

The first step is to acknowledge that we have the power to make choices. Addictions take this precious privilege from us but it is time you reclaim your right to make the decisions in your life.

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes MellitusDiabetes, already a huge health problem, is increasingly rapidly. More than 1.4 million people in the UK are known to have diabetes and even more people in the UK have diabetes but don't even know it!In Diabetes the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is abnormally high because the body's method of converting glucose into energy is not functioning correctly.

Why Refined Sugar Is The Most Dangerous “Food†You Can Eat

If you only make one improvement to your diet this year, I hope it is to replace refined sugar with raw food sweeteners.  If you do, I can guarantee you that smoother digestion, more relaxed muscles, more peaceful emotions and increased mental clarity are soon to follow.

The Major Health Benefits of Raw Garlic

Since moving to a tropical climate, I've noticed something interesting:  I've developed an appetite for raw garlic.  I've always enjoyed garlic in my raw food dishes and have used it medicinally to cure an ear infection.

Recipe For Raw Food Chocolate Bars - Sugar Free

Since 1842, when Cadbury's of England created the first chocolate bar, millions of people  have had a love affair with chocolate.   It's estimated that the average American eats 4.

27 Benefits Of Eating Raw Foods

Here is a list of the major benefits that come from eating a diet based primarily on raw foods.    I've been eating 95% of my diet as raw vegetarian foods for the past 8 years and I've been teaching people to do the same for the past 5 years.

M,K. Gandhi on Vegetarianism

I just returned to Bali from a quick trip to Singapore and want to share something inspiring. I arrived in Singapore on Sunday, which happens to be market night in Little India.

Obesity and Kinesiology

 Put simply obesity is a symptom/result of the body absorbing/storing more than it needs to survive healthily. This can result in a number of health problems, one of which is type 2 diabetes.

'Food, Family and the Holidays'

FOOD, FAMILY AND THE HOLIDAYSIf you tend to struggle with food, weight and body image, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas can be particularly challenging, because they revolve so much around food and mealtimes.

The One Day Energy Diet Plan!

                                                     The One Day Energy Plan!It's Monday and you're back in the office, the weekend seems to be nothing but a distant memory.

Food Cravings

It is the complexity of the individual that is the key to food cravings, not simply a magical property of the food being craved'  - (A.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief Through Diet and Exercise

It is estimated that more than a million Americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune joint disease. In this condition, your immune system attacks your joints, leading to pain, deformity, and immobility.

Swine Fried Rice:High in selenium low in swine flu

The Evidence Based Diet: Swine Fried RiceRobert Latkany, MD, CEO Medpie.comApril 30, 2009 What should I find on sale in the supermarket today, but pork?Must've been shipped in from Egypt, where the government has orderedslaughter of all pigs, I thought.

The Diet Plate Trial

 The Diet Plate trial, which I conducted at the University of Calgary, was the first trial in the world to study a portion control tool to help people lose weight.

Generics Prescription Drugs, Should I buy or not?

Consuming a generic would be safe or not is very big question to many people? When you buy generics drugs, The image of a generic as compared to the originals is inferiors as most believe that they are might be risky to life as they might be lower in quality.

Grape Seed Extract Restores Insulin Sensitivity

     A powerful new study shows that grape seed extract turns back on gene signals that help insulin receptors work properly, a major discovery for any person concerned with their weight or diabetes.

The Raw Food Diet

Most people worry about what they eat between Christmas and New Year, but in my opinion, what these people should be really worried about is what they eat between New Year and Christmas.

Be Safe and Know More through Colon Cleanse Reviews

With so much alternative means and detoxifying methods, one asks if there is an unbiased and a solidly objective colon cleanse reviews in the mainstream media.

Shocking truth about synthetic vitamins

June 23, 1994 marks the date, when the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJOM) reported the hazardous effects of synthetic vitamin supplements intake in elderly people (assumed average of 63 years of age) who previously experienced muscle weakness and overall physical frailty.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. The person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat virtually anything, knowing that teeth appear natural and that facial contours will be preserved.

Why are supplements necessary

World wide recognized studies demonstrate that our daily food intake does not contain sufficient amount of basic vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that our organism needs.

Whole food vitamins vs. synthetic

There is a substantial difference between whole food vitamins and synthetic vitamins.  This short article aims at explaining this crucial difference and implications that taking one or the other kind has for our wellbeing.

Impacted Canines

An impacted tooth simply means that it is “stuck” and cannot erupt into function. After wisdom teeth, the maxillary cuspid (upper eyetooth) is the second most common tooth to become impacted.

Leptin Now Directly Linked to the Pleasure of Food & Human Behavior

Researchers at the University of Michigan are the first to document a new leptin pathway in the brain - one related to the pleasure of eating.

Acai berry & weight loss

We are familiar with the benefits of acai berry for years now, a small berry found in the Amazon rain forests. The acai berry is famous for its incredible properties of antioxidants.

Balancing Carbohydrates in a Health Eating Plan

Carbohydrates are required by the body for energy. They can be split into complex carbs, such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, and simple carbs (sugars), which include healthy fruit and veg, but also unhealthy yoghurts, chocolate and sugar.

Overcoming Fat Phobia

Since the 1970s, it became awfully fashionable to cut out fats - promotion of the low-fat diet has since been a flagship policy of the uninformed masses; ignorant journalists, indifferent supermarket chains and diet club leaders desperate for some sort of strategy to impart into their naïve charges.

Monsanto’s Toxic and Mutated World – Is Sugar Safe to Eat?

It should come as no surprise when a Monsanto product poisons the earth and our food.  Our planet has never recovered from the forty-year Monsanto-led PCB contamination that was banned in the U.

Reductil sibutramine an effective weight loss medication

Is Reductil an effective weight loss medication?Without least doubts surrounding it, Reductil is considered one of the effective weight loss medications that can help you lose your extra pounds.

Top Tips To Dodge The Christmas Podge

Booze, party food and too much TV – it’s no surprise we pile on the pounds around Christmas time. According to the British Dietetic Association, the average person gains around 5 lbs in the run-up to Christmas.

Snacking is Damaging Health; Mrs. Obama is Off Target

A study published Monday in the journal Health Affairs paints a picture of children who can't stop eating.  They are addicted to junk food snacks and they just can't seem to stop.

For Great Health, Eat Like Daniel Did

Recently my pastor talked about the “Daniel Fast” as a way to draw closer to God.Wondering what the Daniel Fast was, I searched for answers and learned some surprising things.

Health Scandal of the Decade – Monsanto’s GMO Perversion of Food

In the 2010 growing season Monsanto plans to unleash its latest Frankenfood experiment on the American and Canadian public, a new version of genetically mutated corn with eight abnormal gene traits called Genuity SmartStax corn.

The Acai Berry - Both Sides of the Story

For all the good, there are still some side effects of taking an acai berry supplement that you need to know about.  Keep reading if you want to know the good and the bad on taking the acai berry in supplement form.

How Spirulina can burn fat and improve your fitness regime

The billion year secretA study out this month shows that nature may have been keeping secret the key to training harder and burning more fat for millions of yearsA natural product that makes you train harder and burn more fat during your training sessions, sounds a bit too good to be true, but not according to the leading journal 'Medicine and Science in Sports Medicine', which this month published a study1 that showed some incredible results.

Dinnertime Magic: How to Reclaim Your Diet

As more studies are done and more focus is put on our overall health, the daily recommendations for food have changed several times over the last few decades.

The Effects of Green Tea on Weight Management

Green tea is a rich source of polyphenol catechins.  Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most active form of the catechins responsible for green tea's antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and metabolic effects.


Dementia may be reversed with a good change in diet. Of course the earlier one starts in life to prevent dementia occurring in the 1st place is the most sensible and of course the most effective.

The Addictive Nature of Compulsive Eating

Is there any difference between obsessive eating and drug addiction?  The answer, as far as brain circuitry is concerned, is no.  Both problems are about reward circuitry in the brain gone awry.

Slimming pills – Helping people lose weight

A number of people are doubtful about the efficacy of slimming pills. The reason is not hard to find. Everyday, new pills enter the market, claiming to promote weight loss and offering to help people lose weight in as little as a few days.

The Power of Fruit & Veg

Do you know the amazing power of fruit & vegetables?Do you know the amazing power of fruit and veg for a healthy lifestyle which may help reduce the risk of major illness and build your immune system which could also give you added protection against everyday colds and flus.

Tips on portion control

A portion control weight management plan is all about eating the foods you enjoy, cooked the way you prefer. Losing weight this way minimizes any deprivation you would feel on a traditional diet because no food is denied whilst still managing to eat fewer calories.

Obesity Trend Out of Control

A new independent report, F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2010, makes it plain that America is in the midst of a rapidly expanding obesity epidemic.

Do I have a food allergy/intolerance?

Allergy/food intolerances.Are you food intolerant?  Do you suspect a food allergy?  The majority of people do at some time in their lives experience some form of food intolerance.

Adverse Effects of Opioids on Health

Opioids are narcotic, analgesic or pain-relieving medications generally prescribed by doctors after surgery or to help patients with severe acute or chronic pain.

Mass-Produced Meat and Chicken Contaminated with MRSA Superbug

Big Agribusiness animal farms, which steadily poison the meat and poultry they produce with antibiotics under the pretense of food safety, have massively infected the animals with Staphylococcus aureus (47 percent of meat and poultry recently tested).

Diabetes - A Wake Up Call

Being an advocate of healthy lifestyle living, I would like to bring my attention to the growing number of people being diagnosed with diabetes.

Shapewear - 'Get your shape on'

It is a fact that almost every woman is really conscious about her weight and hates to go out with a belly or with ugly love handles or heavy thighs.

Poor blood circulation - A serious look

The Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) is a serious condition that is characterised by cramping, swelling or numbness in the limbs or some other parts of the body.

Herbal weight loss patches - The convenient way to weight loss

Weight loss has become a major concern over the years. Every third person is dieting or jogging or shedding pounds by working out hard in the gym but weight loss does not happen.

Pure Acai - A Superfood That Can Help You to Achieve Good Health and Lose Weight

Acai berry fruit is hailed as a superfood because of its high nutritional value. It grows in the form of a small, round purple colour fruit in the dense Amazon rainforests region in Brazil on acai palm trees.

The Best Foods for a Good Night’s Sleep

What you eat can drastically affect how you sleep, so in order to get a good night’s rest, it is essential to choose foods that calm your mind and body rather than those that stimulate you.

Green Tea and Medicinal Mushrooms for Health

It is common knowledge that healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables contain certain nutrients that promote good health -- namely antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are essential to the body.

Strawberries Show Promise for Cancer Prevention

Modern medicine has always derived the raw materials for pharmaceutical drugs from nature, as nature provides delicate yet powerful ingredients for balance and wellness.

5 Foods that suppress your hunger and aid to weight loss

We all know that food is tempting and many of us are unable to resist from indulging in our favourite treats. This is a reason why many people encounter weight problems.

Top Foods for Cellular Health

Your cells are your foundation for health. If your cells begin behaving or functioning abnormally, your foundation will begin to crumble, leaving you vulnerable to a wide range of health problems.

Pure acai – The healthiest diet supplement your body needs and deserves

Reputed as superfoods, acai berry is a fruit that has a very high nutritional value. Studies have proven that pure acai berry fulfils your body’s nutritional and vitamin requirement like no other food or health supplement.

A Raw Food Diet: Is it Healthier?

  In today’s ever health-conscious world, the Raw Food Movement is on the rise, gaining new devotees as well as critics. The basic premise of the raw food diet is that raw foods in their whole, natural form provide the enzymes necessary for digestion and vibrant health, and that cooking food destroys these natural enzymes along with many of the other critical nutrients in whole, unprocessed food.

How Safe is Your Cookware?

  As an integrative physician, some of the most important recommendations I make for my patients are centered around healthy eating habits.

Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk, Safely and Naturally

  Maintaining optimum cellular health throughout the entire body can greatly reduce your risk of developing a number of age-related diseases and health conditions, namely cancer.

Another Win-Win Recipe: Powerful Pesto Pasta

Americans love pasta.  And we encourage everyone to eat what they love while giving their body what it needs.   That’s why we call it a win-win! So why not substitute one of your pasta dishes with this one.

Powerful Superfoods from Under the Sea

Sea vegetables are not common staples in the Standard American Diet, but they have been enjoyed for thousands of years in the Asian diet. Whether sea vegetables are brown, green, purple or red, they all contain a number of beneficial nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, B complex, including B12, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and trace minerals.

Food Sensitivities

When I say I’m a Kinesiologist, if people don’t say “whats that?” they generally say “oh, that’s food testing/allergy testing isn’t it”…  Well the answer is yes and no…certainly within a Kinesiology session I can test to see whether certain foods are impacting on the health of an individual in general and very specific ways.

Save Money on Food

  Money is tight for many of us. So here are great tips that will keep you within your budget and show you how to buy nutritious food for less.

Stevia Makes Sweet Healthy

Stevia has been around for several centuries, but research on Stevia started only in the early 20th century. Even with some research conducted, it was only in the past few decades that Stevia has gained recognition.

Maintaining Optimal Alkalinity: A Cornerstone of Good Health

  Diet is one of the single most important factors in health and healing. The Western diet places heavy emphasis on concentrated animal proteins and processed, grain-derived carbohydrates, which have a relatively low nutritional value.

Herbalife Protein Snacks

It is well established that the typical person eating a western-type diet consumes more daily calories than he needs. High-calorie snacks filled with fats and sugars contribute to these extra calories.

Is Your New Relationship A Weight Loss Obstacle?

There is no doubt that entering a new relationship is a bright moment in your life. You have found a companion to love and trust, and you are possibly looking forward to sharing some great times with them.

Q&A About Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shakes

David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.N., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA* and Chairman of Herbalife’s Scientific and Nutrition Advisory Boards, answers some of your most frequently asked questions about the Formula 1 shakes.

Are Carrots Helpful In Improving Sperm Count

Our mother's age old advice to have more fruits and vegetables has now got some scientific backings as in a recent study it has been revealed that having orange and yellow colored vegetables and fruits helps in boosting the quality and quantity of sperm by as much as 8 percent.

Basic Issues To Consider Before You Start Using Evra Patch

Some basic facts about contraceptive patch The combined oral contraceptive pills are the most popular form of contraception among the UK women, but a recently introduced hormonal contraceptive method, Evra patch, is capable of providing equally effective protection against the chances of unwanted pregnancy.

Lavender for Culinary Use to Sweeten the Kitchen

When using Lavender in the kitchen, firstly, it is important never to cook with flowers that have been treated with any type of chemical pesticides, always use fresh or dried flowers for best results.

Benefits Of Organic Farming Over Conventional Farming

Organic crops are cultivated without the use of petroleum based fertilizers, pesticides, sewage sludge based fertilizers and any other chemically made fertilizers.

Basics Of Organic Farming

Organic farming has many benefits associated with it both for people who love organic food as well as for our environment. When we use the term ''organic farming'' it is usually perceived that we are talking about old and traditional methods of growing crops which were used thousands of years ago but the truth is that with time the organic farming concept has also evolved quite dramatically and it uses scientific knowledge and modern science to yield good quality crops.

Advantages Of Organic Farming

In recent years it has been observed by a large majority of people that organic farming is more Eco-friendly and cost effective than modern or conventional farming.

Basis Of Organic Farming

In recent 10 to 15 years world has seen a great change in almost every walk of life and with rapid development and improvement in quality of life people have started taking their health related issues very seriously as a result of which serious questions have been raised about the consequences modern medicines can have on our body to how is the food we eat has been grown and treated.

The Real Damaging Effects of Diet Soda

Many people have been tricked into thinking that diet soda is a “smart” alternative to regular soda. They believe that switching to these drinks actually allows them a sweet indulgence without having to worry about their waistline.

Eating Out: The Best Practices for Avoiding Food Poisoning

Eating out is a fun way to enjoy special times with friends and family and explore new food items. There are, however, some risks involved in doing so.

Natural healer of Reflux

Reflux was my enemy for many years and a reminder of those times I ate carelessly.  After trying the prescribed medication I investigated a more natural way to help me rather than rely on this medication which had its side effects too, and continued to allow me to eat carelessly.

6 Foods That Taste Great and Help Protect Your Teeth

Keeping your teeth healthy involves good hygiene and regular dental check-ups. Eating the right foods can give your teeth an extra boost of health.

How to Find Healthy Takeout that Tastes Like You're Cheating

We all know that the easiest to way ensure that you eat healthy is to cook at home, but sometimes you just need to get takeout. Unfortunately, takeout menus can often be minefields of salt, fat, and empty calories.

Dental Diet Disasters: 5 Foods That Are Worse For Your Teeth Than You Think

While most people know that certain foods such as candy are bad for your teeth, you might be surprised to learn that the list of dental disaster foods is much longer than that.

7 Best Food Habits For The Fabulous Skin

    These days, it isn’t unusual to come across a thousand dollar worth of daily skincare routine.  Just think about it — you have a cleanser, toner, ampoule, essence, serum, wrinkle care cream, eye cream, sunscreen, nighttime repair cream, and most probably US$ 3 sheet masks of all sorts and exfoliating creams.

Tiny Tots? 3 Reasons You Should Be Feeding Your Kids Organic

There’s a growing trend that’s turning people more towards organic and natural foods versus foods heavily with pesticides and chemicals.

Nutrition Supplements Can Add Balance for Optimal Health

It's always best to eat a balanced diet so that your body gets the vitamins and nutrients that it needs to function in the proper way.

3 Ways Detoxing Cleanses Will Help You Start The New Year Right

If you have been struggling with a lack of energy or if you have fluid in the body that just won't seem to go away, then consider a detoxing cleanse.

Thinner at a Cost: How Weight-Loss Goals Can Go Horribly Wrong

For some people, losing weight is a life-saving endeavor. Dropping just five percent of your body weight can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

5 Calorie Free Recipes You Ought to Try

So you've found that exercise plan that you know is going to work for you. Now all you need to figure out is the right diet plan. Unfortunately there are so many foods out there that are chock full of calories and definitely won't help with where you are trying to get.

BreakFAST: 3 Ways To Make An Out-The-Door Meal Better For You

If you’re the type of person who often has frantic mornings that end with you rushing out the door, breakfast may be one of those things you gloss over.

Is Your Child Eating Enough Good Nutrition?

Best of Both: 4 Reasons to Consider Both Natural and Engineered Health Supplements

Taking a health supplement is an excellent way to ensure that your body receives all of the nutrients and minerals that it requires for optimal health.

Frosty Fitness: 4 Ways to Save Your Health from a Winter Slump

The holidays are certainly a special time of year, as they give you the opportunity to spend more time with your friends and family. The only drawback is that they’re also a time when people tend to put their health on the backburner.


Anorexia and Bulimia Treatments that Change Patients’ Lives

Struggling with an eating disorder can often lead to a lot of strife at home. You or your family may not understand how to help with the situation.

Few heart healthy Food should include in your daily diet chart

While deaths due to heart disease have significantly dropped in recent years, it's still the topmost killer disease of Americans.

Beware of Dry Mouth

You might have read on some medicines that you may observe dry mouth after using that medicine. And I am sure you would have never bothered about it by taking it as a normal issue.

10 Ways to Control Weight Gain During Pregnancy

If you have never craved for carbohydrates, it can be a bit challenging to stick to the guidelines of how to control weight gain during pregnancy.

The hazardous effects of antibiotics in farming on our health

With the rise of industrialization, farming and food production have changed enormously over the last 100 years. Food has never been cheaper thanks to advances in farming methods and the application of science and technology.

How To Overcome A Food Addiction In Privacy

Addiction can come in many different forms. It is not necessary that the substances that people get addicted to are the ones that will definitely harm us such as cigarettes or liquor.

3 Ways Your Bad Eating Habits Hurt More Than Your Health

It’s no secret that what you eat has a profound impact on your health. From heart disease to diabetes to high cholesterol levels, a poor diet can have a devastating effect on any number of different health conditions.

The Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

With the growing prices of food in supermarkets and the fact that the environment has been significantly endangered by various damaging chemicals that we have no control of, it is becoming clear that growing our own food is a natural choice.

Plant-Based Diet: Why Should Parents Choose This for Their Families

Everyone has their own definition of a plant-based diet. Some try to eat as many raw foods as possible while others live a vegetarian lifestyle.

Five Smart Tips for Lowering Bad Cholesterol

  Up to 120 million Americans have unhealthy cholesterol levels. Many people worry about things like violent crime, traffic accidents or other external dangers and never even stop to consider the dangers lurking within their own arteries.

Five Top Tips And Tricks To Grow Fruits And Vegetables In A Container Farm

Growing fruits and vegetables in a container farm is an easy thing for your family to do simply to fill your cupboard.  However, you might want to expand this container farm operation into a business.

Why You Should Consider a Plant Based Diet For Weight Loss

  Statistically, those on a plant-based diet are in much better shape than meat eaters. Those who avoid animal-derived foods typically have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, are less likely to suffer from digestive issues, have fewer cases of colorectal cancer and even tend to shed unwanted pounds quicker than their counterparts.

To Each Their Own: How a Healthy Food Can Be Bad for You

If you are trying to improve your diet, you are in good company. You may be inspired by weight loss goals or a general desire to be as healthy as possible.

Chinese Takeout Boxes as the Best Source to Deliver and Take Food Away Safely

It does not matter what kind of food it is, Chinese takeaway containers are the best thing to opt for if you want your food delivered safely.

Gynecomastia Treatment Cost in Delhi, Cost of gynecomastia surgery in delhi

Do you have enlarged male breasts? Are you embarrassed because of female like breasts? Do you feel hesitant to participate in sports events or even go to gym? If yes is what you might be answering then it is the right time to consider Gynecomastia Surgery.

How To Use Nutrition To Become a Happier Person

It's hard to be happy when you're not feeling well, either physically or mentally. One solution is to fix the situation through a change in diet.

4 Ways to Set Realistic Goals For Yourself For a Healthy Diet

The thought of following a healthy diet can intimidate most people. They think about all of the things that they have to cut out of their diet.

Vegan Keto Lemon Miso Roasted Brussels sprouts Recipe

INGREDIENTS ·  2 cupsBrussels Sprouts ·  3 tbspExtra Virgin Olive Oil ·  3 tbspLemon Juice ·  1 ½ tbspOrganic Red Miso Paste ·  ¼ tspHot Paprika ·  ¼ tspCayenne Powder ·  ¼ tspGround Black Pepper ·  1 tbspSesame Seeds (Optional) COOK TIME: 25 MINUTES CALORIES 169g CARB 6g FAT 14g PROTEIN 3g TOOLS ·  Oven ·  Large Bowl ·  Baking Sheet INSTRUCTIONS Cut end off sprouts and then cut in half.

7 important facts about eating healthy

There is a reason that the concept of healthy eating is gaining popularity and Free Athletes follow it. Here are 7 facts you should know.   Why, as Free Athletes, do we follow the concept of eating healthy? Instead of focusing on eating more or less some things (such as less calories and more protein, for example), eating healthy promotes awareness of the path of food between its origins and the plate.

4 Dietary Tips to Consider as You Start Wearing Braces

Got braces? You might feel alone with that mouth full of metal, but you’re in good company. There are more than four million braces-wearers in the United States, and a surprising 25% of them are adults.

Brain Boost: 4 Mental Health Benefits of Going Vegan

Veganism refers to the avoidance of all animal products. A person who partakes in a vegan diet will avoid fish, meat, dairy, eggs and honey.

Lifestyle disorders – The silent killers

Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercise and stress has led to the onset of a new form of diseases known as lifestyle disorders.  Some of the most common lifestyle disorders include stroke, chronic respiratory problems, cancer, obesity and diabetes.

Muscle up your metabolism - 10 Tips

Boosting up your metabolism is very important for your overall health, but how does one do that? What is metabolism and what are the most efficient ways to increase it? These ten easy-to-follow tips will help you do so.

How Eating Intuitively Can Change Your Life

What if you could break free from the restraints of diet culture and eat the foods you want when you want them? Recommended by many dieticians, intuitive eating is a way to reclaim your relationship with food.

Food and Fear: 4 Signs You Might Have an Eating Disorder

Eating disorders affect many individuals; however, those afflicted don’t always realize they have an issue. You may be wondering if you are battling an eating disorder, based on some unhealthy behavior that you have noticed.

Improve Your Nutrient Absorption With Gut Health

Gut bacteria depend on age, gender, diet, geographical location, hygiene, stress, and use of medicine. Delivery methods (caesarean and vaginal delivery) and the first type of food (breast and formula) can also determine which bacteria are colonized in the intestine.

How a Nutritious Diet Can Make You Feel Better

A healthy diet can make all the difference when it comes to your mood and your overall health. While it sounds cheesy, you are what you eat, and for this reason, it's probably best to skip out on overly processed plastic-wrapped American cheese slices.

What Are You Eating? 4 Ways to Help Your Gastro Health

Digestive health concerns are pretty common in this day and age. Dietary factors can lead to all sorts of issues that involve your stomach.

Ways to More Conscious Living

Lectin Free is the way to be!! A healthy lifestyle is something every person should strive for. Making decisions about what you eat, how and when you exercise, who you are around in your life, and training your mind to be precise and deliberate are all a part of living a more conscious life.

MS Patients May Be Closer to Stem Cell

Patients being treated for multiple sclerosis (MS) are typically offered a few disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) in hopes of slowing down the progress of the disease.

Benefits of wine (Health Related)

The fact about this article is about potential health and benefits of regarding nutrition that is obtained from wine both white and red. Information about vitamin, calories amount of alcohol can also be found if you use to consume wine.

How Red Wine is Beneficial for Luscious Hair

Hair loss is a common problem among us, especially as you age. It is a concern for both men and women. The regular shampoos and conditioners cramming the departmental store shelves do not work most of the time.

Fruit of the Vine: The Best Summer Fruits to Devour

Summer is here again. It is that special time for fruit lovers to enjoy a world of full of luscious fruit at its delicious best. There are many great fruits from which to choose.

causes of Gynecomastia

What is gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is the enlargement of the breasts in children or men due to a benign (non-cancerous) increase in the tissue of the breasts.

Gabriel Patterson, Winnipeg Health Expert Shares 10 Top Nutrition Trends to Keep You Healthy

Healthy living is a big goal for many people, so it's no surprise that trends in nutrition get a lot of attention. Most approaches to eating are based on modern science and the motivation to try something new.

How to Incorporate Essential Oils Into Your Daily Eating Habits

If you are a fan of essential oils, you should definitely consider using them in your cooking! You probably already use them in your daily life somehow, whether it’s rubbing them onto your feet before bed or diffusing them throughout your house.

How Expressing Your Creativity Can Help You Overcome an Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are never just about food. People who develop conditions like anorexia and bulimia really have much deeper problems, and they control their food intake as a means of coping with those issues.

6 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs

Many individuals underestimate how important it is to get all of the vitamins your body needs. Not only do vitamins help to boost your immune system but they also help keep the body full and energized.

4 Tips for Getting the Nutrients You Need While Going Vegan

Going vegan doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice certain vitamins and minerals that are important to overall health. By knowing the sources that will allow you to get the nutrients that you need, you’ll be able to stay on top of your wellbeing along with your commitment to vegan eating.

Tips for Eating Healthy

Eating a healthy diet has been shown to have many health benefits like reduced risk of long-lasting disease and maintaining a healthy body.

How Do I Start a Diet?

Know Your Goals   In business, it is said that a company who doesn’t have a business plan is planning to fail. The same could pretty much be said for dieting as well.

Top Reasons to Make Better Food Choices

Top Reasons to Make Better Food Choices   You have probably heard it more times than you can count. "You should start eating better because it's good for your health.

The Importance of a Fruit Based Diet

Fruit And Health Eating fruits, particularly berries, apples, mangos, oranges and cherries may be the secret to the fountain of youth.

7 Ways to Improve Your Diet

Diet can play a huge role in your overall health and fitness. If you are looking to improve the way you fuel your body, check out these seven tips.

6 Unexpected Reasons to Eat Ginger Every Day

Humanity has been using the beneficial properties of ginger for more than 5,000 years. In Indian and Chinese medicine, the root was considered perhaps the most valuable natural remedy, a “miracle pill” for all diseases.

MitragynaSpeciosa Tea

Mitragynaspeciosa is a tropical tree in the coffee family. It thrives in Southeast Asia and when ingested, its active alkaloids bind with the receptors in your body to generate a combination of stimulating and sedating effects that differ according to the dosage and strain.

Worst and Best Foods to Manage Chronic Pain

Since inflammation causes pain in many diseases and conditions like arthritis, certain foods can relive or exacerbate pain. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a special diet when you have a medical condition that causes chronic pain.

These Drinking Techniques Would Make You Fall in Love with Gin All Over Again

Gin is one of the most preferred alcoholic spirits worldwide. People love it for its versatility and rich juniper flavour. Though there is no rulebook on how to consume gin the right way, there are certain techniques that elevate your drinking experience.

Super-food Hot Chocolate Mix Recipe

SUPERFOOD HOT CHOCOLATE MIX By Fresh n' Lean - the nation's #1 organic meal delivery company INGREDIENTS ½ cup cocoa Powder 2 tspCinnamon ½ cup coconut Sugar 2 tsp maca Powder 7 scoops collagen Powder 2 tsp mushroom Powder 1 ½ tsp salt 5 MINUTES CALORIES: 80g CARB: 12g FAT: 0.

How to Make Fasting a Part of Your Life

Although people have been fasting for thousands of years for various reasons, it has recently entered the mainstream as a way to boost health and help with weight loss.

Spice Up Your Love Life With Some Dirty Phrases and Talk

Passion in sex is not only about the physical intimacy of two bodies, but also how two brains connect and words are the means through which this mental connection is transmitted.

7 Natural Energy Stimulants to Boost Energy Before a Workout

7 Natural Energy Stimulants to Boost Energy Before a Workout Working out is a great way to ensure that you stay in healthy (especially during lockdown), strengthen your muscles and bones, and enhance your flexibility.

News Articles

Restless legs syndrome appears to occur within families

Restless legs syndrome appears to aggregate in families, and the siblings of those who are severely affected appear to have an increased risk of developing the disease, according to a report in the latest issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

The most frequent error in medicine

The most frequent error in medicine seems to occur nearly one out of three times a patient is referred to a specialist. A new study found that nearly a third of patients age 65 and older referred to a specialist are not scheduled for appointments and therefore do not receive the treatment their primary care doctor intended.

Americans favor conservation, but few practice it

Most Americans like the idea of conservation, but few practice it in their everyday lives, according to the results of a national survey released today by researchers at Yale and George Mason universities.

Fruit and vegetable intake in pregnant women reduces risk of upper respiratory tract infection

Boston University School of Medicine researchers (BUSM) have observed in a study of pregnant women that consumption of at least seven servings per day of fruits and vegetables moderately reduced the risk of developing an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI).

New Role Discovered for Molecule Important in Development of Pancreas, US Study Finds

PHILADELPHIA USA – For years researchers have been searching for a way to treat diabetics by reactivating their insulin-producing beta cells, to no avail.

Human sperm created from embryonic stem cells

Human sperm have been created using embryonic stem cells for the first time in a scientific development, which will lead researchers to a better understanding of the causes of infertility.

MEN ARE almost 40 per cent more likely than women to die from cancer

Men are almost 40 per cent more likely than women to die from cancer, reveals a report published this month by the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) and Cancer Research UK together with the Men's Health Forum to mark Men's Health Week.

Low fat dieters feel like outcasts among friends

Low fat dieters feel pressured to break their regimes in order not to appear rude, impolite or ungrateful when with friends or at social gatherings, according to a new study.

Airway discovery may result in new treatment

Researchers from the MRC and Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma have discovered a key reason to why airways in the lungs of people with asthma change over time, a process called airway remodelling.

New report challenges commonly held beliefs on Hay fever

During the National Allergy Week last month Allergy UK carried out a survey to discover when and how hay fever starts and impacts on sufferers.

The Prostate Cancer Charity Comments On Research Into The Effects Of Green Tea On Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

The Prostate Cancer Charity has commented on a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association For Cancer Research, which shows that green tea extracts, may help control the progression of the cancer in diagnosed men.

UK Swine Flu cases top 3,250

In the last month the number of cases of Swine Flu in the UK has risen dramatically from 137 to 3,254306 further patients under investigation in England have today been confirmed through laboratory testing with swine flu.

Delay in Diagnosis of Menopause-like Condition in Young Women Linked to Low Bone Density

Women and young girls who experience delays in diagnosing a premature, menopause-like condition face increased risk of low bone density, according to new research by scientists at the National Institutes of Health.

Older Men With Breathing Problems During Sleep More Likely to Have Irregular Heartbeats

CHICAGO-Increasingly severe sleep-related breathing disorders in older men appear to be associated with a greater risk of abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), according to a new report in the Archives of Internal Medicine published this week.

‘Worrying link’ between ketamine use and severe bladder problems

Medical experts have warned of a "worrying link" between ketamine use and serious bladder and kidney problems.The recreational use of ketamine - an anaesthetic commonly used by vets - has increased in recent years because of its powerful hallucinogenic qualities.

UK officials issue level 2 heatwave warning

The Met Office has forecast that in at least the next two to three days there is a 60% chance of temperatures in the West Midlands, East Midlands, East of England, Southeast England, London and Southwest England regions, being high enough on at least two consecutive days to give rise to significant health risks.

Women may be dying because of diagnosis confusion

A groundbreaking new UK-wide study reveals today (June 29) widespread GP confusion about ovarian cancer - and that women generally don't know much about the disease.

Stillbirth numbers 'starting to fall'

The latest CEMACH Perinatal Mortality Report for 2007 recently published, states that for the first time since 2000 there has been a significant fall in the stillbirth rate to 5.

Thousands at risk from hidden heart condition

Thousands of people in England are unaware that they are at risk of developing heart disease due to an undiagnosed genetic condition, says the Royal College of Physicians.

Investigating new treatments for vertigo

A clinical research study to assess the effectiveness of alternative treatments for one of the most common causes of vertigo has begun at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Real-time Control Of Wheelchair Using Brain Waves

Japan's BSI-TOYOTA Collaboration Centre has successfully developed a system that controls a wheelchair using brain waves in as little as 125 milliseconds.

Natural Compound Stops Diabetic Retinopathy

Oklahoma City, USA -- Researchers at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Centre have found a way to use a natural compound to stop one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States.

Overweight Kids Experience More Loneliness, Anxiety, MU Study Finds

COLUMBIA, Mo. - As childhood obesity rates continue to increase in the USA, experts agree that more information is needed about the implications of being overweight as a step toward reversing current trends.

Poor health among indigenous peoples a question of cultural loss as well as poverty

Edmonton, Canada - The health problems of Indigenous peoples around the world are intimately tied to a number of unique factors, such as colonization, globalization, migration, and loss of land, language and culture.

Lack of sleep could be more dangerous for women than men

Women who get less than the recommended eight hours sleep a night are at higher risk of heart disease and heart-related problems than men with the same sleeping patterns.

Study shows 1 in 25 deaths worldwide attributable to alcohol

Toronto Canada - Research from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) featured in a recent edition of the Lancet shows that worldwide, 1 in 25 deaths are directly attributable to alcohol consumption.

New heart disease risk score outperforms existing test

An independent external validation of QRISK® - a new score for predicting a person's risk of heart disease - has shown that it performs better than the existing test and should be recommended for use in the United Kingdom by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

Humans may give swine flu to pigs

The strain of influenza, A/H1N1, that is currently pandemic in humans has been shown to be infectious to pigs and to spread rapidly in a trial pig population.

Statutory Regulation of Practitioner Psychologists

A DECADE-LONG campaign by the British Psychological Society to have statutory regulation for practitioner psychologists comes to fruition.From this month the Health Professions Council (HPC) takes over the regulation of the majority of practitioner psychologists.

Obesity service receives international recognition

London - Imperial College Healthcare has been named as an international centre of excellence for bariatric surgery.The Imperial Weight Centre at Charing Cross Hospital has been awarded the prestigious designation by Surgical Review Corporation (SRC), which assesses the safety and quality of bariatric centres across the world.

Nearly two thirds of UK adults risk their health through insufficient exercise, new survey shows

Almost two thirds of UK adults could be threatening their future health because of a lack of exercise, according to a new survey by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).

Rheumatoid services 'are failing' in the UK

Too many people with rheumatoid arthritis are not being diagnosed or treated quickly enough, and some services for people with the disease are not coordinated enough, according to a report published today by the National Audit Office.

Researchers find that eating high levels of fructose impairs memory in rats

ATLANTA USA - Researchers at Georgia State University have found that diets high in fructose - a type of sugar found in most processed foods and beverages - impaired the spatial memory of adult rats.

Easy strength training exercise may help treat tennis elbow, study shows

KEYSTONE, USA - People with pain in the elbow or forearm from playing sports or just from common everyday activities, might be able to use a simple bar and strengthening exercise to alleviate pain, say researchers who are presenting their study results at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting in Keystone, Colorado, this week.

Healing power of aloe vera proves beneficial for teeth and gums, too

CHICAGO USA - The aloe vera plant has a long history of healing power. Its ability to heal burns and cuts and soothe pain has been documented as far back as the 10th century.

Condoms provide moderate protection against herpes simplex virus 2

CHICAGO USA - Condom use is associated with a reduced risk of contracting herpes simplex virus 2, according to a report based on pooled analysis of data from previous studies in the latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Environmental manganese good in trace amounts but can correlate to cancer rates

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. USA - In the first ecological study of its kind in the world, a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre researcher has uncovered the unique finding that groundwater and airborne manganese in North Carolina correlates with cancer mortality at the county level.

UK’s poorest twice as likely to have diabetes and its complications

The poorest people in the UK are 2.5 times more likely to have diabetes at any age than the average person, a new Diabetes UK report reveals today.

Ebola Reston in pigs and humans in the Philippines - Update

Earlier this year the World Health Organization and the Government of Philippines announced that a slaughterhouse worker who has daily contact with pigs tested positive for antibodies against the Ebola Reston virus.

Stop and smell the flowers -- the scent really can soothe stress

Feeling stressed? Then try savouring the scent of lemon, mango, lavender, or other fragrant plants. Scientists in Japan are reporting the first scientific evidence that inhaling certain fragrances alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels.

Ovary removal may increase lung cancer risk

Montreal, Canada - Women who have premature menopause because of medical interventions are at an increased risk of developing lung cancer, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Cancer.

Office Chair Massage Keeps Costs Low, Spirits High

With the economy struggling, and public outrage at a peak over lavish corporate expenditures, some companies are still treating their employees well.

Swine Flu Pandemic (H1N1) 2009: Advice for travellers

Currently there are no travel restrictions to any country. The pandemic alert level is at phase 6, indicating widespread global transmission of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza.

Colic In Babies May Be Caused By Gut Bacteria

HOUSTON, USA - Researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston say one organism discovered during their study may unlock the key to what causes colic, inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby.

Home DNA paternity tests coming to a pharmacy near you

EDENBRIDGE, UK - In response to phenomenal success in the USA, International Biosciences, in partnership with the National Pharmacy Association, are soon to release over-the-counter DNA paternity tests through pharmacies nationwide.

Divorce undermines health in ways remarriage doesn't heal

Divorce and widowhood have a lingering, detrimental impact on health, even after a person remarries, research at the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins University shows.

Large epidemiologic study supports brain-power of fish in older people

Experts estimate that over 24 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and many of these people live in low- and middle-income countries.

The risk of developing deep vein thrombosis during a flight is often overestimated

Cologne, Germany - The risk of developing deep vein thrombosis during a long flight is often overestimated. According to the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), this condition is very unlikely in healthy travellers.

Organic food not nutritionally better than conventionally produced food

An independent review commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) shows that there are no important differences in the nutrition content, or any additional health benefits, of organic food when compared with conventionally produced food.

Acupuncture-Like Treatments Improve Outcomes Compared to Usual Care for Low Back Pain

Bethesda, USA - People suffering from chronic low back pain who received acupuncture or simulated acupuncture treatments fared better than those receiving only conventional care according to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Heart Surgery Sees Dramatic Improvement Since Mortality Data Publication

Outcomes for adult cardiac patients have improved dramatically over the past five years even as more elderly and high-risk patients are now being treated; these are the findings of a comprehensive new study of over 400,000 operations from the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery of GB and Ireland (SCTS) just published.

Stem cell discovery may bring tissue repair closer

The goal of creating adult blood stem cells from human embryos to prepare a patient for tissue and organ transplant has been brought a step closer by research carried out at the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit at Oxford University.

Elimination of river blindness feasible

GENEVA Switzerland - The first evidence that onchocerciasis elimination is feasible with ivermectin treatment was published recently in the open-access journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

A drug-dispensing contact lens now possible

Taking eye drops multiple times a day can be difficult for patients to do, and because of blinking and tearing, as little as 1 to 7 percent of the dose is actually absorbed by the eye.

Unlocking the key to human fertility

Scientists at Leeds and Bradford have discovered a unique ‘DNA signature' in human sperm, which may act as a key that unlocks an egg's fertility and triggers new life.

Pinhead-size worms + robot = new antibiotics

In an advance that could help ease the antibiotic drought, scientists in the United States are describing successful use of a test that enlists pinhead-sized worms in efforts to discover badly needed new antibiotics.

The hepatitis healing power of blueberry leaves

A chemical found in blueberry leaves has shown a strong effect in blocking the replication of the Hepatitis C virus, opening up a new avenue for treating chronic HCV infections, which affect 200 million people worldwide and can eventually lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Knee injuries may start with strain on the brain, not the muscles

ANN ARBOR, USA - New research shows that training your brain may be just as effective as training your muscles in preventing ACL knee injuries, and suggests a shift from performance-based to prevention-based athletic training programmes.

Study: being active as a preschooler pays off later in childhood

IOWA, USA - Being active at the age of 5 helps children stay lean as they age even if they don't remain as active later in childhood; a new University of Iowa study shows.

Freshly crushed garlic better for the heart than processed

A new study reports what scientists term the first scientific evidence that freshly crushed garlic has more potent heart-healthy effects than dried garlic.

Heavy drinkers face significantly increased cancer risk

Heavy drinkers of beer and spirits face a much higher risk of developing cancer than the population at large, says a group of Montreal epidemiologists and cancer researchers.

High Blood Pressure May Lead to ‘Silent’ Strokes

ST. PAUL, USA – “Silent” strokes, which are strokes that don’t result in any noticeable symptoms but cause brain damage, are common in people over 60, and especially in those with high blood pressure, according to a study published in Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Poor sleep in children may have prenatal origins

Westchester, USA - A study in the journal SLEEP found that alcohol consumption during pregnancy and small body size at birth predict poorer sleep and higher risk of sleep disturbances in 8-year-old children born at term.

Exercise Is Healthy for Mother and Child During Pregnancy

Physicians should recommend low to moderate levels of exercise to their pregnant patients, even if they have not exercised prior to pregnancy, states a report of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (JAAOS).

Protein level may serve as predictor of severe osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder throughout the world and a leading cause of disability, is characterized by pain, impaired joint mobility, reduction of muscular strength and loss of joint function.

Antidepressant use increasing in the United States

A marked and broad expansion in antidepressant treatment occurred among Americans older than 6 years between 1996 and 2005, although treatment rates remain low among racial and ethnic minorities, according to a new report in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Women often opt to surgically remove their breasts and ovaries to reduce cancer risk

PHILADELPHIA, USA - Many women at high risk for breast or ovarian cancer are choosing to undergo surgery as a precautionary measure to decrease their cancer risk, according to the American Association for Cancer Research.

Higher drug doses needed to defeat tuberculosis, researchers report

The typical dose of a medication considered pivotal in treating tuberculosis effectively is much too low to account for modern-day physiques, UT Southwestern Medical Centre researchers said.

Exercise and Mediterranean-type diet combined associated with lower risk for Alzheimer's

New York, USA - Both being more physically active and adhering to a Mediterranean-type diet appears to be associated with reduced Alzheimer's risk, according to a new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

New groundbreaking treatment for oxygen-deprived newborns

Until now immediate cooling of the newborn infant was the only treatment that could possibly prevent brain damage following oxygen deprivation during delivery.

High-fat diet affects physical and memory abilities of rats after 9 days

Rats fed a high-fat diet show a stark reduction in their physical endurance and a decline in their cognitive ability after just nine days, a study by Oxford University researchers has shown.

New Research Reveals Americans’ Strong Desire to Use Food to Improve Health

Washington, D.C.,USA - While in the midst of a nationwide debate over health care, Americans are giving a clear indication that one tool they can use to improve their health is food.

Cancer mortality rates experience steady decline

PHILADELPHIA, USA - The number of cancer deaths has declined steadily in the last three decades. Although younger people have experienced the steepest declines, all age groups have shown some improvement, according to a recent report of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Breakthrough in Alzheimer's research

A combination of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid can reliably identify which patients with early symptoms of dementia will subsequently develop full-blown Alzheimer's disease, a research team at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has found in a major international study.

Simple test may identify stroke survivors at risk of another cardiovascular event

DALLAS, USA - Measuring circulation in the ankle using a device similar to a blood pressure cuff can help identify asymptomatic peripheral artery disease (PAD) in stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) survivors, a group at much higher risk of subsequent cerebrovascular events, according to a study in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Daylight could help control our weight

Exciting research into Brown adipose tissue (BAT) - brown fat, which is found in abundance in hibernating animals and newborn babies - could lead to new ways of preventing obesity.

Fasting prolongs reproductive life span

Scientific dogma has long asserted that females are born with their entire lifetime's supply of eggs, and once they're gone, they're gone.

World-first swine-flu vaccine trial reveals one dose provides 'strong immune response'

Results from the first swine-flu vaccine trials taking place in Leicester reveal a strong immune response after just one dose.The pilot study, run by the University of Leicester and Leicester Hospitals, was trialled with 100 healthy volunteers, aged between 18 and 50.

Smoke no longer found in European hospitals

Tobacco use is prohibited in hospitals in many European countries, although levels of compliance with this regulation differ. A study carried out by researchers from the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) has shown for the first time that exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in European hospitals is "low", and "without any notable differences" between them.

Sustainable fertilizer: Human urine and wood ash produce large harvest

Results of the first study evaluating the use of human urine mixed with wood ash as a fertilizer for food crops has found that the combination can be substituted for costly synthetic fertilizers to produce bumper crops of tomatoes without introducing any risk of disease for consumers.

Vitamin C deficiency impairs early brain development

Copenhagen, Denmark - New research at LIFE - Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Copenhagen shows that vitamin C deficiency may impair the mental development of newborn babies.

Workplace bullying is associated with sleep disturbances

Westchester, USA - A study in the September issue of the journal SLEEP shows that current or past exposure to workplace bullying is associated with increased sleep disturbances.

Pesticides – easier detection of pollution and impact in rivers

Leipzig, Germany - The long-term effects of pesticides on living organisms in rivers and on water quality can now be assessed more easily.

Organic or local?

ST. PAUL, USA - The emerging trend toward healthier, fresher foods that are also gentle on the environment presents new dilemmas for conscientious consumers.

'Hygiene hypothesis' challenged

New research hints that the common belief that children who go to day-care have lower rates of asthma and allergy later in life might be nothing more than wishful thinking.

Anti-cancer compound found in American mayapple

VERONA, USA - A common weed called American mayapple may soon offer an alternative to an Asian cousin that's been harvested almost to extinction because of its anti-cancer properties.

LED light and green tea cream to smooth facial wrinkles

Scientists in Germany are reporting a major improvement in their potential new treatment for facial wrinkles that could emerge as an alternative to Botox and cosmetic surgery.

Infertility and the Battle of the Sexes

About 10% of all couples hoping for a baby have fertility problems. Environmentalists say pollution is to blame and psychiatrists point to our stressful lifestyles, but evolutionary biologist Dr.

Work conditions impact parents' food choices

St. Louis, USA - Since most parents in the US are employed, there are competing demands on their time that can compromise food choices for themselves and their children.

Toward a nanomedicine for brain cancer

In an advance toward better treatments for the most serious form of brain cancer, scientists in Illinois are reporting development of the first nanoparticles that seek out and destroy brain cancer cells without damaging nearby healthy cells.

Children with asthma more vulnerable to H1N1 virus

PHILADELPHIA, USA - Nearly a dozen 7th graders with asthma were welcomed along with other classmates back to school today by a special guest who had a message for them about staying healthy - Kathleen Sebelius, 21st Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Lowering sodium consumption could save US $18 billion annually in health costs, study finds

Reducing Americans' average intake of sodium to the amount recommended by health officials could save the nation as much as $18 billion annually in avoided health care costs and improve the quality of life for millions of people, according to a new study.

Vaccine to prevent urinary tract infections shows early promise

University of Michigan (U-M) USA - Scientists have made an important step toward what could become the first vaccine in the U.S. to prevent urinary tract infections, if the robust immunity achieved in mice can be reproduced in humans.

New research confirms potential deadly new malaria species in humans

Researchers in Malaysia have identified key laboratory and clinical features of an emerging new form of malaria infection. The research confirms the potentially deadly nature of the disease.

Binge drinkers let down guard against infection

As if a bad hangover wasn't enough of a deterrent, new research has shown how binge drinking weakens the body's ability to fight off infection for at least 24 hours afterwards.

Ice cream may target the brain before your hips

DALLAS, USA - Blame your brain for sabotaging your efforts to get back on track after splurging on an extra scoop of ice cream or that second beef burger during Friday night's barbecue.

New rabies vaccine may require only a single shot... not 6

A person, usually a child, dies of rabies every 20 minutes. However, only one inoculation may be all it takes for rabies vaccination, according to new research published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases by researchers at the Jefferson Vaccine Centre.

Relieving pain affecting millions

An unprecedented gathering of some of Australia's leading authorities in pain medicine, together with consumer groups representing chronic pain sufferers, will meet in Melbourne this week to work towards a national, coordinated approach to managing chronic pain.

National autism research led by Leicester specialist

The first ever major study into adults living with autism was published this week by the NHS Information Centre. The report, entitled 'Autism Spectrum Disorders in adults living in households throughout England 2007' was written by Professor Terry Brugha, a Consultant Psychiatrist with Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Leicester with a team of UK researchersThis groundbreaking study shows for the first time an estimate of how many adults are living with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in England.

Switch programme increases children's healthy eating

The Switch (TM) programme, 'Switch what you Do, View, and Chew', has been shown to be capable of promoting children's fruit and vegetable consumption and lowering 'screen time'.

New test quickly finds active TB in smear-negative patients

Active tuberculosis can be rapidly identified in patients with negative sputum tests by a new method, according to European researchers. Active tuberculosis (TB) is the seventh-leading cause of death worldwide, and while the diagnosis of active TB can be rapidly established when the bacteria can be identified on sputum microscopy, in about half of all cases, the TB bacterium cannot be detected, making another diagnostic option critical in efforts to control the spread of TB.

Seasonality of mortality a summer holiday link?

Mortality rates in several Mediterranean countries decline in September, due in part to environmental factors but possibly linked to summer holidays, suggests a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) www.

Study shows that elderly women sleep better than they think and men sleep worse

This study published shows that elderly women sleep better than elderly men even though women consistently report that their sleep is shorter and poorer.

Sexually satisfied women have better general well-being and more vitality

Pre- and post-menopausal women who self-rated themselves as being sexually satisfied had a higher overall psychological well-being score and scores for "positive well-being" and "vitality," compared with sexually dissatisfied women in a study of 295 women sexually active more than twice a month.

Universal screening lowers risk of severe jaundice in infants

Screening all newborns for excessive bilirubin in the blood can significantly decrease the incidence of severe jaundice, which, in extreme cases, can lead to seizures and brain damage, according to researchers.

Women with diabetes at increased risk for irregular heart rhythm

Portland, USA - Diabetes increases by 26 percent the likelihood that women will develop atrial fibrillation (AF), a potentially dangerous irregular heart rhythm that can lead to stroke, heart failure, and chronic fatigue.

Institute for Aging Research study links high-heels to heel and ankle pain

Women should think twice before buying their next pair of high-heels or pumps, according to researchers at the Institute for Aging Research of Hebrew Senior Life in a new study of older adults and foot problems.

Gut worms may protect against house-dust mite allergy

A study conducted in Vietnam has added further weight to the view that parasitic gut worms, such as hookworm, could help in the prevention and treatment of asthma and other allergies.

Swiss study finds income affects prostate cancer patients' survival

Prostate cancer patients of low socioeconomic status are more likely to die than patients with higher incomes. That is the finding of a new study from Swiss researchers to be published in the December issue of Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.

Women's soccer -- get fit while having fun

Over a period of two years, 30 scientists led by Associate Professor Peter Krustrup, University of Copenhagen, have investigated physiological, sociological and psychological aspects of women's soccer in comparison to running.

Aspirin Misuse May Have Made 1918 Flu Pandemic Worse

The devastation of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic is well known, but a new article suggests a surprising factor in the high death toll: the misuse of aspirin.

Child burn injuries down significantly

In the next 60 seconds, another child will be on his/her way to the hospital to be treated for serious burns; it happens more than 300 times a day in this country.

Less than 50% of men and women with depression see a doctor for treatment

TORONTO, Canada - Less than half of men and women in Ontario who may be suffering from depression see a doctor to treat their potentially debilitating condition, according to a new women's health study by researchers at St.

New Evidence That Green Tea May Help Improve Bone Health

Researchers in Hong Kong are reporting new evidence that green tea - one of the most popular beverages consumed worldwide and now available as a dietary supplement - may help improve bone health.

UK incidence of children living with substance-misusing parents considerably underestimated

Current figures underestimate the number of children who may be at risk of harm from parental substance use. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Public Health have generated new estimates using five national surveys that include measures of binge, hazardous and dependent drinking, illicit drug use and mental health.

Air pollution may trigger appendicitis

A new study in the CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) suggests that air pollution may trigger appendicitis in adults.The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Calgary, University of Toronto and Health Canada, looked at 5191 adults admitted to hospital in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Overweight middle-aged women cut chances of enjoying healthy old age

Women who put on weight as they approach middle age could reduce their chances of enjoying a healthy old age by up to 80%, according to research from the University of Warwick.

Self-monitoring of blood glucose

Diabetes patients should always control their own blood sugar values if this leads to improvements in their treatment. This is the view advocated by Michael Nauck of the Bad Lauterberg Diabetes Center and his coauthors in the current issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International (Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106[37]: 587-94), who discuss sensible approaches to blood glucose self-monitoring.

Getting plants to rid themselves of pesticide residues

Scientists in China have discovered that a natural plant hormone, applied to crops, can help plants eliminate residues of certain pesticides.

Strong link between obesity and depression

Doctors should pay more attention to the link between common mental illness and obesity in patients because the two health problems are closely linked, according to researchers at the University of Adelaide.

Smoking during pregnancy puts children at risk of psychotic symptoms

Mothers who smoke during pregnancy put their children at greater risk of developing psychotic symptoms in their teenage years.New research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry shows a link between maternal tobacco use and psychotic symptoms.

Will giving coffee to babies keep them awake as adults?

A Canadian study on how giving caffeine to newborn rats has shown long-lasting and detrimental effects on sleep and breathing in adulthood, has just been published.

People who work after retiring enjoy better health, according to national study

Retirees who transition from full-time work into a temporary or part-time job experience fewer major diseases and are able to function better day-to-day than people who stop working altogether, according to a US national study.

New cancer gene discovered

Sweden - A new cancer gene has been discovered by a research group at the Sahlgrenska Academy. The gene causes an insidious form of glandular cancer usually in the head and neck and in women also in the breast.

Study finds partner abuse leads to wide range of health problems

Columbus, USA - Women abused by intimate partners suffer higher rates of a wide variety of doctor-diagnosed medical maladies compared to women who were never abused, according to a new study of more than 3,000 women.

A new scan for lung diseases

People with chronic lung disease and asthma could soon be offered better treatment thanks to a new type of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan being pioneered at The University of Nottingham.

Some colour shades offer better protection against sun’s ultraviolet rays

Economy-minded consumers who want protection from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays - but rather not pay premium prices for sun-protective clothing - should think blue and red, rather than yellow.

Exercise therapy best for knee pain

For patients with severe knee pain, supervised exercise therapy is more effective at reducing pain and improving function than usual care, finds a study published by the British Medical Journal.

Be overweight and live longer

Contrary to what was previously assumed, overweight is not increasing the overall death rate in the German population. Matthias Lenz of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences of the University of Hamburg and his co-authors have recently announced.

Why antidepressants don't work for so many

Chicago, USA - More than half the people who take antidepressants for depression never get relief.Why? Because the cause of depression has been oversimplified and drugs designed to treat it aim at the wrong target, according to new research from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Think what you eat: Studies point to cellular factors linking diet and behaviour

New research released this week is affirming a long-held maxim: you are what you eat - and, more to the point, what you eat has a profound influence on the brain.

The bowels of infection

Atlanta, USA - Current research suggests that latent cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection may exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The related report by Onyeagocha et al, "Latent cytomegalovirus infection exacerbates experimental colitis," appears in the November 2009 issue of The American Journal of Pathology.

Trigger of deadly food toxin discovered

Irvine, USA - A toxin produced by mold on nuts and grains can cause liver cancer if consumed in large quantities. UC Irvine researchers for the first time have discovered what triggers the toxin to form, which could lead to methods of limiting its production.

Essential tools for DIY nail manicure at home

Our beauty nails, like our hair and face, need special care and attention on regular basis. Nail manicure can not only make your nail pretty but also make them grow faster and be stronger.

Even low alcohol consumption has a negative impact on overall health

Low alcohol consumption is bad for your health in general. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation studied the relationship between alcohol consumption and health to test the current theory, which suggests improved health, is responsible for the link found between low alcohol consumption and increased wages.

Childhood cancer survivors experience suicidal thoughts decades after diagnosis

Boston, USA - Adult survivors of childhood cancer have an increased risk for suicidal thoughts, even decades after their cancer treatments ended, according to a study led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists.

Why fish oils help and how they could help even more

New research from Queen Mary, University of London and Harvard Medical School has revealed precisely why taking fish oils can help with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Research shows Tai Chi exercise reduces knee osteoarthritis pain in the elderly

Researchers from Tufts University School of Medicine have determined that patients over 65 years of age with knee osteoarthritis (OA) who engage in regular Tai Chi exercise improve physical function and experience less pain.

Researchers find room design can enhance patient care

Rochester, USA - The design of a consultation room can improve the quality of a visit to the physician's office. A collaborative research study developed by Nurture by Steelcase and Mayo Clinic, was conducted to understand the extent to which a consultation room designed to support present-day clinical encounters could affect the consultation between patients and clinicians.

High fructose corn syrup: A recipe for hypertension

A diet high in fructose increases the risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension), according to a paper being presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition in San Diego, California.

Enjoying school key to tackling teenage pregnancy

Youth development programmes that tackle deprivation and help children and young people enjoy school are successful in reducing teenage pregnancy rates, say researchers.

Is the disorder that causes dementia hereditary?

ST. PAUL, USA. - New research shows that a rare brain disorder that causes early dementia is highly hereditary. The study is published in this months issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Number of injuries from hot tubs doubles

Though hot tubs, whirlpools and spas are widely used for relaxation and fun, they can pose serious risk for injury. Over the past two decades, as recreational use of hot tubs has increased, so has the number of injuries.

Possible origins of pancreatic cancer revealed

Tumours can arise from different cell types in the pancreasStudy results: MIT cancer biologists have identified a subpopulation of cells that can give rise to pancreatic cancer.

Teeth grinding linked to sleep apnoea

Bruxism prevalent in caucasians with sleep disordersThere is a high prevalence of nocturnal teeth grinding, or bruxism, in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), particularly in Caucasians.

World's largest malaria vaccine trial now underway in 7 African countries

NAIROBI, KENYA - A pivotal efficacy trial of RTS,S, the world's most clinically advanced malaria vaccine candidate, is now underway in seven African countries: Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania.

A 'spoonful of sugar' makes the worms' life span go down

If worms are any indication, all the sugar in your diet could spell much more than obesity and type 2 diabetes. Researchers say it might also be taking years off your life.

Evidence that dark chocolate helps ease emotional stress

The "chocolate cure" for emotional stress is getting new support from a clinical trial published online in ACS' Journal of Proteome Research.

Breast density associated with increased risk of cancer recurrence

A new study finds that women treated for breast cancer are at higher risk of cancer recurrence if they have dense breasts. Published in the December 2009 issue of Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the study's results indicate that breast cancer patients with dense breasts may benefit from additional therapies following surgery, such as radiation.

A pain in the neck

The world record for fastest text message typing is held by a 21-year old college student from Utah, but his dexterous digits could mean serious injury later on.

Study shows brief training in meditation may help manage pain

Living with pain is stressful, but a surprisingly short investment of time in mental training can help you cope.A new study examining the perception of pain and the effects of various mental training techniques has found that relatively short and simple mindfulness meditation training can have a significant positive effect on pain management.

Gifted young athletes are under increasing pressure to play only one sport year round.

But a new Loyola University Health System study of 519 junior tennis players has found that such specialization increases the risk of injury.

Walking hazard: Cell-phone use reduces pedestrian safety

CHAMPAIGN, USA. - Two new studies of pedestrian safety found that using a cell phone while hoofing it can endanger one's health. Older pedestrians, in particular, are impaired when crossing a busy (simulated) street while speaking on a mobile phone, the researchers found.

New study links vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and death

MURRAY, USA - While mothers have known that feeding their kids milk builds strong bones, a new study by researchers at the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Centre in Salt Lake City suggests that Vitamin D contributes to a strong and healthy heart as well - and that inadequate levels of the vitamin may significantly increase a person's risk of stroke, heart disease, and death, even among people who've never had heart disease.

Current cigarette smokers at increased risk of seizures

A recent study determined there is a significant risk of seizure for individuals who currently smoke cigarettes. Boston-based researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School also found that long-term, moderate intake of caffeine or alcohol does not increase the chance of having a seizure or developing epilepsy.

Findings that should speed the development of drugs for Parkinson's Disease

Australian scientists have significantly advanced our understanding of dopamine release from nerve cells, findings that should speed the development of more effective drugs for treating Parkinson's disease.

Temporary tattoos help you shine at Christmas party

Christmas is just around the corner, party planning is high atop the to-do list for almost all people. It is a time for families and friends to come together to celebrate the season with gifts, food, beautiful decorations, laughter and music, and to enjoy with each other's companies.

Many ER's Now Offer Check-Ups and Screenings While You Wait: Why Doctor's say this is a Good Idea

With changes in healthcare, insurance, and medical technology, we are seeing improvements and adjustments across the board in the medical world.

New study finds MRSA on the rise in hospital outpatients

Seven-fold increase in potentially lethal superbugWashington, D.C. - The community-associated strain of the deadly superbug MRSA-an infection-causing bacteria resistant to most common antibiotics-poses a far greater health threat than previously known and is making its way into hospitals, according to a study in the December issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

High salt intake linked to strokes and cardiovascular disease

Eating high amounts of salt is linked to a significantly higher risk of strokes and cardiovascular disease, states a paper published today in the British Medical Journal.

Chronic pain found to increase risk of falls in older adults

Boston, USA - Chronic pain is experienced by as many as two out of three older adults. Now, a new study finds that pain may be more hazardous than previously thought, contributing to an increased risk of falls in adults over age 70.

How our brains can fill in the gaps to create continuous sound

It is relatively common for listeners to "hear" sounds that are not really there. In fact, it is the brain's ability to reconstruct fragmented sounds that allows us to successfully carry on a conversation in a noisy room.

New device enables early detection of cancerous skin tumours

Beer-Sheva, ISRAEL - Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev are developing a new device that detects cancerous skin tumours, including melanomas that aren't visible to the naked eye.

Brain's fear centre is equipped with a built-in suffocation sensor

The portion of our brains that is responsible for registering fear and even panic has a built-in chemical sensor that is triggered by a primordial terror - suffocation.

Modernizing the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men

Modern, couple-oriented treatment for male sexual dysfunction takes the psychosocial aspects of sex into account, as well as focussing on the purely physical aspects of the problem.

Swine flu

Swine flu is a threat to an increasing number of people.  It is best to be prepared for any threat like this in advance.  The use of essential oils can strengthen the preventative measures issued by the WHO (World Health Organisation) of:Wash you hands properly.

Diabetes cases to double and costs to triple by 2034

In the next 25 years, the number of Americans living with diabetes will nearly double, increasing from 23.7 million in 2009 to 44.1 million in 2034.

School closure could reduce swine flu transmission by 21 percent

A survey carried out in eight European countries has shown that closing schools in the event of an infectious disease pandemic could have a significant role in reducing illness transmission.

Beverage can stay-tabs pose swallowing risk

Chicago USA - Three decades ago, a study revealed that beverage can pull-tabs were being swallowed by children, prompting a switch by U.S. manufacturers to stay-tabs.

More than 1,000 patients in US admitted annually for aviation-related injuries

One-third of injured patients occupants of non-commercial planesThe first ever published study of aviation-related injuries and deaths in the U.

New hope for diagnosis and treatment of intractable paediatric brain tumours

Scientists have discovered oncogenes capable of driving growth of normal human brain stem cells in a highly malignant paediatric brain tumour.

One active Christmas gift can improve your child’s health, say physios

Physiotherapists are recommending that people buying Christmas presents for children this year should include one gift that encourages active play, to help kids achieve the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

Chemical presence in your Christmas presents?

Friends of the Earth have advised Christmas shoppers to beware of hidden toxic chemicals lurking in their Christmas shopping baskets. Risky chemicals in popular gift items mean that what is intended as a Christmas treat can in fact be a chemical threat.

Christmas slippers a feet saver for people with diabetes

Diabetes UK is urging people with diabetes to ask for new slippers this Christmas, to reduce the risk of foot injuries and possible amputation.

Christmas advice from the Scottish Chiropractic Association

"Christmas is meant to make us feel good, but it increasingly does the opposite. We need to look at the festive season as a time when we can improve on our health and well-being, and that of our family.

Track your festive drinking with new mobile phone application

To coincide with the start of the Christmas period, the Department of Health has released the first official alcohol tracker application for mobile phones.

Christmas desserts on your mind? Your muscles may be getting the message

Even the anticipation of sweets may cause our muscles to start taking up more blood sugar, say researchers reporting in the December issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication.

5 Christmas Tips for Children with ADHD

Washington, D.C. USA - Parents of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often cringe during the holidays. The expectation of presents and chaotic busyness can turn already energetic children into spinning tops.

Should flowers be banned in hospitals?

Does flower water harbour potentially deadly bacteria? Do bedside blooms compete with patients for oxygen? Do bouquets pose a health and safety risk around medical equipment?These are some of the reasons given by many hospital wards in the UK to ban, or at least discourage, bedside bouquets.

Are Holiday and Weekend Eating Patterns Affecting Obesity Rates?

Pittsburgh, USA - The holidays can be challenging for even the most diligent dieters. But are weekends just as detrimental? Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.

Mayo Clinic researchers prove key cancer theory

Animal study demonstrates how whole chromosome changes cause cancerRochester USA -- Mayo Clinic researchers have proven the longstanding theory that changes in the number of whole chromosomes -- called aneuploidy -- can cause cancer by eliminating tumour suppressor genes.

Most antidepressants miss key target of clinical depression

Toronto, CANADA - A key brain protein called monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) - is highly elevated during clinical depression yet is unaffected by treatment with commonly used antidepressants, according to an important study just published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Microbes help mothers protect kids from allergies

A pregnant woman's exposure to microbes may protect her child from developing allergies later in life. Researchers in Marburg, Germany find that exposure to environmental bacteria triggers a mild inflammatory response in pregnant mice that renders their offspring resistant to allergies.

High-fat low-carb diets could mean significant heart risk

New scientific research has shown that low-carbohydrate high-fat diets, made popular by the likes of the Atkins diet, do not achieve more weight loss than low-fat high-carbohydrate diets.

Exercise reduces death rate in prostate cancer patients

Houston, USA - As little as 15 minutes of exercise a day can reduce overall mortality rates in patients with prostate cancer, according to findings presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference.

Memory failing? You may be at higher risk for stroke

People who experience memory loss or a decline in their thinking abilities may be at higher risk of stroke, regardless of whether they have been diagnosed with dementia, according to a new study published in the February, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Small Liquid Sensor May Detect Cancer Instantly, Could Lead to Home Detection Kit

What if it were possible to go to the store and buy a kit to quickly and accurately diagnose cancer, similar to a pregnancy test? A University of Missouri researcher is developing a tiny sensor, known as an acoustic resonant sensor, that is smaller than a human hair and could test bodily fluids for a variety of diseases, including breast and prostate cancers.

New Material Mimics Bone To Create Better Biomedical Implants

A "metal foam" that has a similar elasticity to bone could mean a new generation of biomedical implants that would avoid bone rejection that often results from more rigid implant materials, such as titanium.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Worldwidehealth.com

Everyone here at Worldwidehealth.com would like to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!We look forward to 2010 and the discovery of medical breakthroughs and alternative health remedies that will revolutionize life for many of us.

Lack of morning light keeping teenagers up at night

The first field study on the impact of light on teenagers' sleeping habits finds that insufficient daily morning light exposure contributes to teenagers not getting enough sleep.

Experts warn against New Year Brain Drain

Brain training experts are warning that people all across the country will suffer from Festive Brain Drain this holiday as we switch off our brains and stare at the TV.

Prayer on the hospital floor

What happens when the families of sick and dying hospitalized children ask their physicians to pray with them, or for them? How do paediatricians respond to such personal requests? While increasing numbers of physicians say that religion and spirituality help some patients and families cope with serious illness, a new study reports that it is almost always the families and patients who raise the issue of prayer, not the doctors themselves.

Disordered eating may affect 10 to 15 percent of women

Montreal, CANADA - Several maladaptive eating behaviours, beyond anorexia, can affect women. Indeed, some 10 to 15 percent of women have maladaptive eating behaviours and attitudes according to new study from the Université de Montréal and the Douglas Mental Health University Institute published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Spread a little Holiday care

Look in on your older neighbours - around half a million spend the holidays alone.With the New Year just around the corner and the country suffering from very cold weather, Health Ministers are calling on the public to keep an eye out for their older neighbours, help out with shopping or pop round for a chat.

The sweet smell of ageing

What does the smell of a good meal mean to you? It may mean more than you think. Specific odour's that represent food or indicate danger are capable of altering an animal's lifespan and physiological profile by activating a small number of highly specialized sensory neurons, researchers at the University of Michigan, University of Houston, and Baylor College of Medicine have shown in a study recently published in the online, open-access journal PLoS Biology.

Extended youthfulness as a prevention for Alzheimer's disease

Therapies that can keep us younger longer might also push back the clock on Alzheimer's disease, suggests a new study of mice in the current issue of the journal Cell.

Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce risk of colon cancer

Houston, USA - Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, primarily found in fish and seafood, may have a role in colorectal cancer prevention, according to results presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, held in Houston.

Special ultrasound accurately identifies skin cancer

Chicago, USA - High-frequency ultrasound with elastography can help differentiate between cancerous and benign skin conditions, according to the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Studying hair of ancient Peruvians answers questions about stress

Recent studies show that one in three Canadians suffer from stress and the number is on the rise. But stress isn't a new problem. While the physiological state wasn't properly named until the 1930s, new research from The University of Western Ontario proves stress has plagued humans for hundreds, and perhaps thousands of years.

People affected by autism believe increase is 'real,' not diagnostic

There has been a major increase in the number of children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders over the last two decades - the question is why? Researchers have found a sharp difference between the beliefs of ordinary people and medical experts about the reasons for the increased incidence of autism.

Promising therapy for relapsing multiple sclerosis

Salt Lake City, USA - An international team of researchers has found that adding a humanized monoclonal antibody called daclizumab to standard treatment reduces the number of new or enlarged brain lesions in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis.

Muscle loss finding may one day save physiques

San Antonio, USA - Hey chaps, remember the muscle shirts we wore in our teens and 20s? After the age of 40 that meagre part of our wardrobes usually is obsolete.

Hypnosis can relieve symptoms in children with respiratory diseases

New Rochelle, USA - Hypnosis has potential therapeutic value in children with respiratory disorders for alleviating symptoms such as habit cough or unexplained sensations of difficulty breathing and for lessening a child's discomfort during medical procedures.

Do medical TV shows depict proper first aid for seizures?

Watching TV medical shows might not be the best way to learn what to do when someone has a seizure. Researchers screened the most popular medical dramas and found that doctors and nurses on the shows responded inappropriately to seizures almost half the time, according to a study released today that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 62nd Annual Meeting in Toronto April 10 to April 17, 2010.

ACR statement on airport full-body scanners and radiation

Amid concerns regarding terrorists targeting airliners using weapons less detectable by traditional means, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is ramping up deployment of whole body scanners at security checkpoints in U.

Pharmacists Improve Care of Diabetics While Cutting Costs

BUFFALO, USA - The role of pharmacists hasn't received much attention in the debate on the cost of health care. But national and regional studies show that when pharmacists directly participate in patient care, they significantly reduce treatment costs and improve outcomes.

Rapid flu testing

Milwaukee, USA - Researchers from the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Children's Research Institute, and the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin have developed a rapid, automated system to differentiate strains of influenza.

Researchers find clues to why some continue to eat when full

The premise that hunger makes food look more appealing is a widely held belief - just ask those who cruise grocery store aisles on an empty stomach, only to go home with a full basket and an empty wallet.

New inherited eye disease discovered

University of Iowa researchers have found the existence of a new, rare inherited retinal disease. Now the search is on to find the genetic cause, which investigators hope will increase understanding of more common retinal diseases.

Exposure to tobacco smoke in childhood home associated with early emphysema in adulthood

Children regularly exposed to tobacco smoke at home were more likely to develop early emphysema in adulthood. This finding by researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health suggests that the lungs may not recover completely from the effects of early-life exposures to tobacco smoke (ETS).

Landmark trial finds stents as good as surgery for unclogging carotid arteries

Loyola University Medical Centre is among the hospitals that enrolled patients in a landmark trial that compared traditional surgery with less-invasive stenting to clear dangerously clogged carotid arteries.

Why light worsens migraine headaches

Ask anyone who suffers from migraine headaches what they do when they're having an attack, and you're likely to hear "go into a dark room.

Scanning for skin cancer: Infrared system looks for deadly melanoma

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed a noninvasive infrared scanning system to help doctors determine whether pigmented skin growths are benign moles or melanoma, a lethal form of cancer.

Restaurant and packaged foods can have more calories than nutrition labeling indicates

St. Louis, USA - With obesity rising markedly, reliance on the accuracy of food labelling is an important weight management strategy. Since people who are trying to reduce their weight are encouraged to choose meals labelled as "lower in calories" or "reduced-energy" in restaurants and supermarkets, it is essential that the listed data are accurate.

New virus is not linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, suggests UK research

New UK research, recently published, has not reproduced previous findings that suggested Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be linked to a recently discovered virus.

Obesity now poses as great a threat to quality of life as smoking

As the US population becomes increasingly obese while smoking rates continue to decline, obesity has become an equal, if not greater, contributor to the burden of disease and shortening of healthy life in comparison to smoking.

Common anti-inflammatory drug could help prevent skin cancers

Stanford, USA - A widely available anti-inflammatory prescription drug can reduce the risk of a common skin cancer in humans, according to a researcher at Stanford's School of Medicine.

Coal from mass extinction era linked to lung cancer mystery

The volcanic eruptions thought responsible for Earth's largest mass extinction - which killed more than 70 percent of plants and animals 250 million years ago - is still taking lives today.

Addictive Effects of Caffeine on Kids Being Studied

Caffeine is a stimulant drug, although legal, and adults use it widely to perk themselves up and being "addicted" to caffeine is considered perfectly normal.

Regular exercise reduces patient anxiety by 20 percent, study finds

Athens, USA - The anxiety that often accompanies a chronic illness can chip away at quality of life and make patients less likely to follow their treatment plan.

Babies and sleep: Another reason to love naps

UA researchers find naps are an integral part of learning for infants, helping the developing brain retain new informationAnyone who grew up in a large family likely remembers hearing "Don't wake the baby.

Raising kids may lower blood pressure

They turn Dad's hair grey, but children can now take partial credit for the health of Mom's heart. A new Brigham Young University study found that parenthood is associated with lower blood pressure, particularly so among women.

Studies advise on fluoridated toothpaste use in children

Parents should use toothpastes that contain fluoride with a minimum concentration of 1,000 parts per million to prevent tooth decay in their children, says a new report.

AAIM Releases First Integrative Medicine Certifications

AAIM Releases First Integrative Medicine CertificationsNew AAIM Board Certifications lend additional credibility to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners worldwide.

Scientists discover new treatment for chronic pain condition

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have discovered that treating the immune system of patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS) leads to a significant reduction in pain.

How sunlight causes skin cells to turn cancerous

Most skin cancers are highly curable, but require surgery that can be painful and scarring.A new study by Loyola University Health System researchers could lead to alternative treatments that would shrink skin cancer tumours with drugs.

Each pound at birth lowers risk of developing TB

Just one more pound may help a newborn avoid tuberculosis later in life. Researchers at the University of Michigan looked at how much protection additional birth weight added against developing the disease years later.

How high can a climber go?

The maximum time an athlete is able to continue climbing to exhaustion may be the only determinant of his/her performance. A new European study, led by researchers from the University of Granada, the objective of which is to help trainers and climbers design training programmes for this type of sport, shows this to be the case.

A role for calcium in taste perception

Calcium may not come to mind when you think of tasty foods, but in a study appearing in the latest issue of JBC, Japanese researchers have provided the first demonstration that calcium channels on the tongue are the targets of compounds that can enhance taste.

Sticking to diets is about more than willpower

Many people think the success of dieting, seemingly a national obsession following the excesses and resolutions of the holiday season, depends mostly on how hard one tries -- on willpower and dedication.

Brain abnormalities in Parkinson's patients develop before symptoms occur

Scientists who have identified brain networks damaged in Parkinson's disease have new evidence that these systems become abnormal a few years before symptoms appear.

Small amounts of lead may damage children's kidneys

Small amounts of lead in the bodies of healthy children and teens - amounts well below the levels defined as "concerning" by the U.

Zebra fish journal publishes cancer biology study

New Rochelle, NY - The zebra fish, a translucent fish often used as a model of human development and disease, offers unique advantages for studying the cause, growth, and spread of tumours using strategies and methods presented in the current "Cancer Biology" special issue of Zebra fish, a peer-reviewed journal published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Men feel less guilt - official

Although changing social and cultural circumstances mean guilt has less power today than it once did, a new study has shown that in the West this emotion is "significantly higher" among women.

Testosterone deficiency affects male cancer survivors' quality of life

A new study has found that many male cancer survivors who develop testosterone deficiency after receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy have an impaired quality of life and reduced energy levels.

A midday nap markedly boosts the brain's learning capacity

If you see a student dozing in the library or a co-worker catching 40 winks in her cubicle, don't roll your eyes. New research from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that an hour's nap can dramatically boost and restore your brain power.

Losing sleep, losing brain?

Chronic and severely stressful situations, like those connected to depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, have been associated with smaller volumes in "stress sensitive" brain regions, such as the cingulated region of the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus, a brain region involved in memory formation.

Going to the gym shouldn't be a workout for your eardrums

Listening to an iPod while working out feels like second nature to many people, but University of Alberta researcher Bill Hodgetts says we need to consider the volume levels in our earphones while working up a sweat.

First evidence that blueberry juice improves memory in older adults

Scientists are reporting the first evidence from human research that blueberries - one of the richest sources of healthful antioxidants and other so-called phytochemicals - improve memory.

Pregnant women who are overweight put their infants at risk

In recent years, there has been a large increase in the prevalence of overweight and obese women of childbearing age, with approximately 51% of non-pregnant women ages 20 to 39 being classified as overweight or obese.

Post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosed with magnetism

A group of 74 US veterans has been involved in clinical trials which appear to have objectively diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), something conventional brain scans, be it X-ray, CT or MRI, have thus far failed to do.

School classroom air may be more polluted with ultrafine particles than outdoor air

The air in some school classrooms may contain higher levels of extremely small particles of pollutants - easily inhaled deep into the lungs - than polluted outdoor air, scientists in Australia and Germany are reporting in an article in ACS' semi-monthly journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Consumers over age 50 should consider steps to cut copper and iron intake

With scientific evidence linking high levels of copper and iron to Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and other age-related disorders, a new report in ACS' Chemical Research in Toxicology suggests specific steps that older consumers can take to avoid build up of unhealthy amounts of these metals in their bodies.

Stain repellent chemical linked to thyroid disease in adults

A study by the University of Exeter and the Peninsula Medical School for the first time links thyroid disease with human exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).

High vitamin D levels linked to lower risk of colon cancer

High blood levels of vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer, finds a large European study published by the British Medical Journal.

Researchers identify method to help reduce fat in the blood

Over 60 per cent of Canadians are classified as overweight or obese. This epidemic is a concern for experts around the world. One of the major problems is high levels of lipids in the blood, which can lead to cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Smokers at risk from their own 'second-hand' smoke

It is well known that smokers damage their health by directly inhaling cigarette smoke. Now, research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Environmental Health has shown that they are at additional risk from breathing environmental tobacco smoke, contrary to the prevailing assumption that such risks would be negligible in comparison to those incurred by actually smoking.

Grandpa's broken hip may mean weaker bones for his grandsons

A study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, shows that hip fractures in grandfathers are linked to low bone density and reduced bone size in their grandsons.

New research rejects 80-year theory of 'primordial soup' as the origin of life

For 80 years it has been accepted that early life began in a 'primordial soup' of organic molecules before evolving out of the oceans millions of years later.

Even the boss doesn't follow the doctor's orders

Only 68 percent of corporate executives took their cholesterol lowering medication as prescribed by a doctor, a new study shows.Overall, the executives who took their medication even sporadically were twice as likely to meet their cholesterol goals.

New smoking cessation therapy proves promising

A novel technology for delivering nicotine to the lungs may soon give smokers a new way to kick the habit.When compared to the nicotine vapour delivery system used in the Nicotrol/Nicorette inhaler, the new technology proved more effective at delivering nicotine to the blood stream.

New cancer treatment gives hope to lymphoma and leukaemia patients

Scottsdale, USA - Cancer researchers have high hopes for a new therapy for patients with certain types of lymphoma and leukaemia. PCI-32765 is a new drug being assessed in a Phase I clinical trial at the Virginia G.

New study shows driving hinders talking

It is well known that having a conversation (for example on a mobile phone) impairs one's driving. A new study indicates the reverse is also true: Driving reduces one's ability to comprehend and use language.

Fast food menus with calorie information lead to lower calorie selections for young children

In a new study, the amount of calories selected by parents for their child's hypothetical meal at McDonald's restaurants were reduced by an average of 102 calories when the menus clearly showed the calories for each item.

Cartilage repair can improve life and ease burden on health services

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the ten most disabling diseases in the developed world and is set to become more of a financial burden on health services as average life expectancy increases.

'Poop' dermatitis linked to fashionable toilet seats, harsh chemicals

Considered a dermatological nuisance that was long gone, skin irritations caused by toilet seats appear to be making a comeback in paediatricians' offices, according to research led by Johns Hopkins Children's Centre investigator Bernard Cohen, M.

Antioxidants aren't always good for you and can impair muscle function, study shows

Antioxidants increasingly have been praised for their benefits against disease and aging, but recent studies at Kansas State University show that they also can cause harm.

US birth weights on the decline

Boston, USA - Thirteen-pound babies may make headlines, but they aren't the norm. In fact, U.S. infants are getting smaller, according to researchers at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute's Department of Population Medicine, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School.

Female athletes injured more than male athletes

Edmonton, Canada - Female athletes experience dramatically higher rates of specific musculoskeletal injuries and medical conditions compared to male athletes, according to exercise physiologist Vicki Harber in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta.

Double trouble: Bacterial super-infection after the flu

San Diego, USA - Current research suggests that the flu may predispose to secondary bacterial infections, which account for a significant proportion of mortality during flu pandemics.

Study finds dirty air in California causes millions worth of medical care each year

California's dirty air caused more than $193 million in hospital-based medical care from 2005 to 2007 as people sought help for problems such as asthma and pneumonia that are triggered by elevated pollution levels, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

AAIM Releases 2010 Integrative Medicine Conference Details

Hundreds of complementary and alternative medicine providers to gather at the American Association of Integrative Medicine 2010 conference on September 22-24 in Orlando.

Common osteoporosis drugs are associated with a decrease in risk of breast cancer

Women who take some types of bone-building drugs used to prevent and treat osteoporosis may be at lower risk of breast cancer, according to a study by U.

Michael J. Fox Foundation awards grant to advance Parkinson's disease research

For his work contributing to a potential new treatment approach for Parkinson's disease, the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) for Parkinson's Research has awarded a $500,000 grant to a neuroscientist at the Mayo Clinic campus in Florida.

Children with cochlear implants have quality of life equal to normal hearing peers

Children who have cochlear implants (CI) rank their quality of life (QOL) equal to their normally hearing (NH) peers, indicates new research in the latest issue of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.

Bacteria toxic to wound-treating maggots

Bacteria that infect chronic wounds can be deadly to maggot 'biosurgeons' used to treat the lesions, show researchers writing in the journal Microbiology.

High sensitivity to stress isn't always bad for children

Children who are especially reactive to stress are more vulnerable to adversity and have more behaviour and health problems than their peers.

'Stepping up' asthma treatment in children leads to improvement

Children with asthma who continue to have symptoms while using low-dose inhaled corticosteroids could benefit from increasing the dosage or adding one of two asthma drugs, a new study by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine and other institutions finds.

Youth who self-identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual at higher suicide risk, say Montreal researchers

Mental health professionals have long known that gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) teens face significantly elevated risks of mental health problems, including suicidal thoughts and suicidal attempts.

Study finds higher risk of stillbirth in women with fibroids

Chicago, USA - In a study to be presented recently at the Society for Maternal-Foetal Medicine's (SMFM) annual meeting, The Pregnancy Meeting TM, in Chicago, researchers unveiled findings that show that there is an increased risk of intrauterine foetal death (IUFD), commonly known as stillbirth, in women who have fibroids.

Financial hardship contributes to diagnosis anxiety

A new analysis has found that women with medium or low levels of income are particularly susceptible to anxiety and depression after being diagnosed with the precancerous breast condition, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Soft drink consumption may increase risk of pancreatic cancer

Consuming two or more soft drinks per week increased the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by nearly twofold compared to individuals who did not consume soft drinks, according to a report in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Lower detection of prostate cancer with PSA screening in US than in a European randomised trial

Fewer prostate cancers were detected by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening in the U.S. than in a European randomized trial because of lower screening sensitivity, according to a new brief communication published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Drinking milk during pregnancy may lower baby's risk of MS

ST. Paul, USA  - Drinking milk during pregnancy may help reduce your baby's chances of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) as an adult, according to a preliminary study released and presented at the American Academy of Neurology's 62nd Annual Meeting in Toronto.

Migraine may double risk of heart attack

New York, USA - Migraine sufferers are twice as likely to have heart attacks as people without migraine, according to a new study by researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

Only the beautiful need apply

Undergraduate women who join a sorority* are more likely to judge their own bodies from an outsider's perspective (known as self-objectification) and display higher levels of bulimic attitudes and behaviours than those who do not take part in the sorority's recruitment process.

Lung virus taking its toll on young lives, study finds

A common virus that causes wheezing and pneumonia claims the lives of up to two hundred thousand children worldwide each year, a study has found.

Does an Ancient Remedy Work Better than Modern Drugs?

The innovative health products formulation company Sweet Cures (York, UK) has released a top strength organic-certified Wild Oregano Oil onto the world market, after trialing the product for many months to reach the most effective formulation.

Massage eases anxiety, but no better than simple relaxation does

A new randomized trial shows that on average, three months after receiving a series of 10 massage sessions, patients had half the symptoms of anxiety.

IBS patients not more likely to develop polyps or colon cancer

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome are at no greater risk of having polyps, colon cancer or inflammatory bowel diseases than healthy people undergoing colonoscopies, according to new research published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Starting treatment early doubles chance of success for people with diabetes

The sooner people with diabetes start taking medication, the longer the drug remains effective, according to a Kaiser Permanente study published in the March issue of Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association.

ATV and Motocross Sports – High Velocity Toys Merit Caution

Over the years, all terrain vehicles (ATVs) and motocross motorcycles have gained popularity and marketed as toys to consumers. These high-velocity machines can weigh between 300 and 600 pounds, and run on average between 25 and 60 miles per hour, while some even reach maximum speeds of 75 miles per hour.

Research reveals that temporary hearing deprivation can lead to 'lazy ear'

Scientists have gained new insight into why a relatively short-term hearing deprivation during childhood may lead to persistent hearing deficits, long after hearing is restored to normal.

New Alzheimer's test offers better opportunities for early detection

Early detection is key to more effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive impairment, and new research shows that a test developed at the University of Tennessee is more than 95 percent effective in detecting cognitive abnormalities associated with these diseases.

Dance therapy improves seniors gait

For seniors, dancing isn't just for fun; it also can be therapeutic. Two recent studies conducted by University of Missouri researchers found that participation in dance-based therapy can improve balance and gait in older adults.

The new exercise HIT: do less

The usual excuse of "lack of time" for not doing enough exercise is blown away by new research published in The Journal of Physiology.

Vitamin D and calcium interplay explored

Increasing calcium intake is a common--yet not always successful--strategy for reducing bone fractures. But a study supported in part by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) underscores the importance of vitamin D and its ability to help the body utilize calcium.

Diet high in B-vitamins lowers heart risks in Japanese study

Dallas, USA - Eating more foods containing the B-vitamins folate and B-6 lowers the risk of death from stroke and heart disease for women and may reduce the risk of heart failure in men, according to Japanese research reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Perhaps a longer lifespan, certainly a longer 'health span'

Organisms from yeast to rodents to humans all benefit from cutting calories. In less complex organisms, restricting calories can double or even triple lifespan.

Discovery could help diabetics and others with slow-to-heal wounds

A new discovery about the wound-healing process could lead to better treatments for diabetics and other patients who have wounds that are slow to heal.

Treating female sexual dysfunction

By using a novel prototype drug, researchers have discovered more about the mechanisms underlying female sexual arousal. These findings are published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.

Hand and feet massages provide consolation for bereaved relatives

Receiving soothing massages for eight weeks after the death of a loved one can provide much-needed consolation during an intense, stressful period of grieving, according to a study in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing.

40 percent of surface disinfectants ineffective in eliminating viruses that cause gastroenteritis

Québec City, CANADA - Some 40% of commercial disinfectants used to clean surfaces are believed to be ineffective in eliminating noroviruses, a group of viruses responsible for more than half of all food borne gastroenteritis outbreaks.

Bathing and showering: Underappreciated sources of water pollution from medicines

San Francisco, USA - That bracing morning shower and soothing bedtime soak in the tub are potentially important but until now unrecognized sources of the hormones, antibiotics, and other pharmaceuticals that pollute the environment, scientists report.

EU to fund complementary medicine research

The Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated Health has welcomed news that the European Union is to put €1.5 million into complementary medicine research over the next three years.

Plaque on CT scan is strong predictor of heart disease, worse long-term outcomes

The presence of plaque on an abdominal CT scan is a strong predictor of coronary artery disease and mortality, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study.

Chocolate Easter Eggs could be lowering the risk of stroke!

Toronto, CANADA - Giving a chocolate Easter Egg to that special person in your life may help lower their risk of stroke based on a preliminary study from researchers at St.

Driving retirement for seniors: Long overdue!

Public safety should win against personal choice especially when it comes to elderly seniors who shouldn't drive, states an editorial in the CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

Emergency contraception: Advance provision does not reduce pregnancy rates

Providing emergency contraception to women in advance of need does not reduce pregnancy rates, despite increased use and faster use after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Baby Chicks and Ducklings as Pets Pose Salmonella Risk

The New Mexico Department of Health advises families to avoid potential exposure to salmonella by not giving baby chicks and ducklings to children as Easter gifts.

Hair dye and smoking linked to progressive liver disease

Hair dye and smoking both increase the risk of progressive liver disease, suggests research involving around 5000 people published in the journal Gut.

Tiger Bones Rejected By Chinese Medicine Societies Ahead Of CITES Conference

WWF and TRAFFIC welcome a World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) statement urging its members not to use tiger bone or any other parts from endangered wildlife.

Fats for health - Giving soybean oil a new role in serving society

San Francisco, USA — Scientists today reported development of a new method for converting soybean oil into a highly effective bio-based sunscreen active ingredient that does not carry the potential health concerns of ingredients in some existing sunscreens.

Timing is (almost) everything

What determines whether a scene is remembered or forgotten? According to a study just published in the open access journal PLoS Biology, memory for visual scenes may not depend on attention level or what a scene contains, but when the scene is presented.

Seaweed to tackle rising tide of obesity

Seaweed could hold the key to tackling obesity after it was found it reduces fat uptake by more than 75 per cent, new research has shown.Now the team at Newcastle University are adding seaweed fibre to bread to see if they can develop foods that help you lose weight while you eat them.

Unlocking the opium poppy's biggest secret

Researchers at the University of Calgary have discovered the unique genes that allow the opium poppy to make codeine and morphine, thus opening doors to alternate methods of producing these effective painkillers either by manufacturing them in a lab or controlling the production of these compounds in the plant.

New form of insulin can be inhaled rather than injected

Scientists today described a new ultra-rapid acting mealtime insulin (AFREZZATM) that is orally inhaled for absorption via the lung. Because the insulin is absorbed so rapidly, AFREZZA's profile closely mimics the normal early insulin response seen in healthy individuals.

Minorities hit hardest by arthritis

Moving is the best medicine to fight arthritis pain The burden of arthritis is greater for African Americans and Hispanics, despite lower prevalence among these groups according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report published in the May issue of Preventing Chronic Disease.

Evidence shows over age 50 users should cut copper and iron intake

With scientific evidence linking high levels of copper and iron to Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and other age-related disorders, a new report in ACS' Chemical Research in Toxicology suggests specific steps that older consumers can take to avoid build up of unhealthy amounts of these metals in their bodies.

Vitamin D Supplementation for Infants

Breastfeeding is the ideal form of infant feeding, but supplementation with Vitamin D, starting soon after birth, is recommended because breastfed infants generally do not obtain adequate Vitamin D from other sources.

UK families with disabled children more likely to live in poverty

Disabled children in the UK are more likely to likely to live with low-income, deprivation, debt and poor housing. University of Warwick researchers writing in the journal BMC Pediatrics found that families with disabled children experience higher levels of poverty and personal and social disadvantage than other children.

Fish oil supplement study shock

The largest ever trial of fish oil supplements has found no evidence that they offer benefits for cognitive function in older people.The OPAL study investigated the effects of taking omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements over a two-year period on the cognitive function of participants aged 70-80 years.

Study shows potential benefit of dark chocolate for liver disease patients

Vienna, Austria - Doctors could soon be prescribing a dose of dark chocolate to help patients suffering from liver cirrhosis and from dangerously high blood pressure in their abdomen, according to new research presented today at the International Liver CongressTM 2010, the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Liver in Vienna, Austria.

ADD - Treatment without the Medication

ADD/ADHD, but without the drugsAustralia currently has well over 50 000 children on prescription drugs to manage their behaviour, diagnosed as being ADD/ADHD related.

Children who lose a parent to suicide more likely to die the same way

Losing a parent to suicide makes children more likely to die by suicide themselves and increases their risk of developing a range of major psychiatric disorders, according to a study led by Johns Hopkins Children's Centre that is believed to be the largest one to date on the subject.

Higher amounts of added sugars increase heart disease risk factors

Atlanta, USA - Added sugars in processed foods and beverages may increase cardiovascular disease risk factors, according to a study by Emory University researchers.

Acupuncture calms highly anxious dental patients

Acupuncture can calm highly anxious dental patients and ensure that they can be given the treatment they need, suggests a small study published in Acupuncture in Medicine.

Doctors report alarming increase in mumps-related testicle problems among young males

Urologists at a leading Irish hospital have reported an alarming increase in the number of teenage boys and young men developing mumps orchitis, in a paper published in the April issue of the urology journal BJUI.

Fibromyalgia symptoms improved by lifestyle adjustments

Short bursts of physical activity can ease fibromyalgia symptoms. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Arthritis Research & Therapy have shown that encouraging patients to undertake 'Lifestyle Physical Activity' (LPA) can markedly increase the average number of steps taken per day and produce clinically relevant reductions in perceived disability and pain.

Talk to your babies

Northwestern University researchers have found that even before infants begin to speak, words play an important role in their cognition. For 3-month-old infants, words influence performance in a cognitive task in a way that goes beyond the influence of other kinds of sounds, including musical tones.

Breathe easy: A natural fruit compound may help asthma

A preliminary study by New Zealand company Plant & Food Research shows that natural chemicals from blackcurrants may help breathing in some types of asthma.

New mums beat the blues and increase wellbeing with physio exercise, study reveals

In a world first study of its kind, 161 postnatal women with no previous depressive symptoms were divided in two separate groups to test the effect of a physiotherapist-led exercise and education program on wellbeing.

Self-esteem declines sharply among older adults while middle-aged are most confident

Washington, USA - Self-esteem rises steadily as people age but starts declining around the time of retirement, according to a longitudinal study of men and women ranging in age from 25 to 104.

Mercury is higher in some tuna species

New research showing that that mercury levels are higher in some species of tuna could help consumers minimize their consumption of the silvery metal in their sushi and provide a powerful new tool for regulatory organizations.

Alternative strategies to reduce maternal mortality in India

A study by Sue J. Goldie and colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health published this week in PLoS Medicine finds that better family planning, provision of safe abortion, and improved intrapartum and emergency obstetrical care could reduce maternal mortality in India by 75% in less than a decade.

Does the weather cause northerners to get more prostate cancer?

Cold, dry weather has been linked to an increased incidence of prostate cancer. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access International Journal of Health Geographics suggest that meteorological effects on persistent organic pollutants, such as some pesticides and industrial by-products, may be to blame.

Evidence that nanoparticles in sunscreens could be toxic if accidentally eaten

Scientists are reporting that particle size affects the toxicity of zinc oxide, a material widely used in sunscreens. Particles smaller than 100 nanometers are slightly more toxic to colon cells than conventional zinc oxide.

Sleep apnea tied to increased risk of stroke

Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of stroke in middle-aged and older adults, especially men, according to new results from a landmark study supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health.

Household detergents, shampoos may form harmful substance in waste water

Scientists are reporting evidence that certain ingredients in shampoo, detergents and other household cleaning agents may be a source of precursor materials for formation of a suspected cancer-causing contaminant in water supplies that receive water from sewage treatment plants.

For osteoporosis patients, exercise pill one step closer to reality

For osteoporosis patients unable to exercise, help may be on the way. That's because scientists have discovered precisely how mechanical stress, such as exercise, promotes new bone growth.

Most women unaware of risk for debilitating fractures

Hamilton, CANADA - An international osteoporosis study involving a McMaster University researcher has found that most postmenopausal women at risk for hip and other osteoporosis-related fractures fail to appreciate their actual risk of debilitating bone breaks.

Therapeutic effect of fermented milk on chronic gastritis

Gastritis produced by acetyl-salicylic acid (ASA) consumption is a common disorder worldwide. The use of probiotics has been proposed to ameliorate different gastrointestinal tract diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

Harm caused by nicotine withdrawal during intensive care

Nicotine withdrawal can cause dangerous agitation in intensive care patients. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Critical Care found that, compared to non-smokers, agitated smokers were more likely to accidentally remove tubes and catheters, require supplemental sedative, analgesic or anti-psychotic medications, or need physical restraints.

Declassified Soviet research on body oxygenation

In the 1960s, before the first Soviet manned spaceship missions it was crucial for Soviets to find the optimum air parameters and investigate the relationships between air compositions and breathing, body oxygenation, symptoms, and health.

Non-medical treatment may rapidly relieve severe IBS symptoms

A significant proportion of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients treated with cognitive behaviour therapy have a positive response within four weeks of treatment, according to a new study in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the official journal of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Institute.

Potential new test for early diagnosis of osteoarthritis identified

Researchers at King's College London's Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, based at St Thomas' Hospital have discovered new ways of measuring biological markers in the blood which could be used to diagnose osteoarthritis earlier.

Family caregiving stress filled and isolating

Family members who provide care to relatives with dementia, but do not have formal training, frequently experience overwhelming stress that sometimes leads to breakdowns or depression, according to Penn State and Benjamin Rose Institute researchers.

Grapes reduce risk factors for heart disease and diabetes

Findings show grape consumption lowered blood pressure, improved heart function and reduced other risk factors for heart disease and metabolic syndromeCould eating grapes slow what's for many Americans a downhill sequence of high blood pressure and insulin resistance leading to heart disease and type 2 diabetes?Scientists at the University of Michigan Health System are teasing out clues to the effect of grapes in reducing risk factors related to cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

Tapping away desire for those favorite foods and snacks

Psychological acupuncture has been shown to be successful in reducing food cravings for up to six months in people who are overweight or obese.

4 unhealthy behaviours combine to increase death risk

Four unhealthy behaviours-smoking, lack of physical activity, poor diet and alcohol consumption-appear to be associated with a substantially increased risk of death when combined, according to a report in the latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

New research reinforces anti-inflammatory properties of tart cherries

Anaheim, USA - There's more evidence of tart cherries' powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, according to a new study presented by a team of Michigan researchers today at the Experimental Biology annual meeting.

Canadians lead longer, healthier lives than Americans

Compared to their neighbours south of the border, Canadians live longer, healthier lives. Research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Population Health Metrics has found this disparity between the two countries, suggesting that America's lack of universal health care and lower levels of social and economic equality are to blame.

Rebirth of Mesopuncture

Rebirth of Mesopuncture (Injection in Acupuncture) (and Birth of BMN)Around twenty years ago, for the treatment of certain diseases, one of our staff physicians was in the habit of proceeding in two steps while treating, for example, obesity or cellulite: * Insertion of acupuncture needles into the elected acupuncture points.

Roller coasters linked to common ear injury

Las Vegas, USA - The sharp turns, ups and downs, and high speeds of today's roller coasters bring a lot of thrills, but if you're not careful, the ride could also cause damage to your ears, say physicians at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

Brief treatment can ease depression in mothers

Study shows moderate to severe symptoms are common in women even after postpartum periodVANCOUVER, Canada - When paediatricians see a child for a check-up, they may want to spend a few minutes checking out the mother's well-being, too.

Children's well-being another casualty of recession

Researchers see marked increase in abusive head trauma cases during economic downturnVANCOUVER, Canada - The incidence of abusive head trauma among children has skyrocketed since the beginning of the recession in late 2007, according to research that will be presented during this month at the Paediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Natural S-Equol suggested as critical component for reducing menopausal hot flushes

Anaheim, USA - Natural S-equol, a novel soy germ-based compound, is very likely the primary ingredient for reducing hot flushes in the dietary supplement SE5-OH, which is under development for reduction of menopause symptoms, according to pre-clinical efficacy data from studies using an animal model presented at the Experimental Biology (EB) 2010 annual meeting.

Probiotics help extremely premature infants gain weight

 Extremely low birth weight infants (ELBW) who received feedings supplemented with probiotics had better weight gain than infants who were not given the supplements, according to a randomized, controlled, double-blind study to be presented at the Paediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Parental involvement key to preventing child bullying

Getting to know friends, helping with homework are among the things parents can do to decrease the likelihood that their child will become a bullyCommunities across the United States are developing programs to address child bullying.

Regular use of aspirin increases risk of Crohn's disease by 5 times

People who take aspirin regularly for a year or more may be at an increased risk of developing Crohn's disease, according to a new study by the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Less sleep may add up to more pounds in adolescents

Study finds inadequate sleep a risk factor for childhood obesity, especially among boys, middle school studentsAdolescents who don't get enough sleep may gain more than some extra time to play video games or text their friends.

Pistachios offer multiple benefits

Pistachio nuts, eaten as part of a healthy diet, can increase the levels of antioxidants in the blood of adults with high cholesterol, according to an international team of nutritional scientists.

Whole grain, bran intake associated with lower risk of death in diabetic women

DALLAS, USA - Women with type 2 diabetes who ate the most bran in a study had a 35 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and a 28 percent reduction in death from all causes than women who ate the least amount, researchers reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Parkinson's disease treatments associated with compulsive behaviours

Pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, binge eating and other impulse control disorders appear to be more common among individuals taking dopamine agonist medications for Parkinson's disease, according to a report in the current issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Scientists design new drug type to kill lymphoma cells

Three researchers who are recipients of a collaborative grant from the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation have developed a new type of drug designed to kill non-Hodgkin lymphoma tumor cells.

Waterpipes: A new worrying trend on the rise?

Hookah or shisha use on rise yet contains nicotine, carbon monoxide and carcinogensMontreal, CANADA - As fewer people puff on cigarettes, a new smoking trend may be gaining popularity among North American youth.

Poor children more vulnerable to effects of poor sleep

Elementary-school-age children from poor families are more vulnerable to the effects of poor sleep than their peers. That's the finding of a new study that assessed the ties between children's sleep and their emotional development.

Cheese found to improve the immune response of the elderly

 Cheese acting as 'carrier' for probiotic bacteria can help to restore immune systemScientists in Finland have discovered that cheese can help preserve and enhance the immune system of the elderly by acting as a carrier for probiotic bacteria.

Middle-aged men: Could dwindling testosterone levels decrease sleep?

 Universite de Montreal study on men's ability to attain deep sleepMontreal, Canada - At 30 years old, male testosterone levels drop by one to two percent annually.

Understanding the relationship between bacteria and obesity

San Diego, USA - Research presented today sheds new light on the role bacteria in the digestive tract may play in obesity. The studies, which were presented at the 110th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, paint a picture that may be more complex than originally thought.

Killed by cold: heart and stroke deaths peak in winter

Rates of cardiovascular disease increase dramatically in Australian winters because many people don't know how to rug up against the cold, a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) seasonal researcher has found.

The fear of falling

One in four people over the age of 70 suffer from gait disturbance. To prevent falls, specific treatment should be given. In the current issue of Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, Klaus Jahn and colleagues describe methods of differential diagnosis and therapy.

Trials begin on potent new hepatitis C drug

The first clinical trials have started on a new investigational drug, discovered by researchers at Cardiff University, which is being developed to treat infections caused by Hepatitis C virus.

Men with bigger wallets have bigger waistlines

Universite de Montreal study correlates wealth and weight in Canadian menMontreal, CANADA - In Canada, in stark contrast with the rest of the world, wealthy men increase their likelihood of being overweight with every extra dollar they make.

The psychology of food cravings

Swimsuit season is almost upon us. For most of us, the countdown has begun to lazy days lounging by the pool and relaxing on the beach. However, for some of us, the focus is not so much on sunglasses and beach balls, but how to quickly shed those final five or ten pounds in order to look good poolside.

Particulate air pollution affects heart health

Breathing polluted air increases stress on the heart's regulation capacity, up to six hours after inhalation of combustion-related small particles called PM2.

At-home sleep testing equal to overnight in a sleep lab in treatment results

New Orleans, USA - Patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may no longer have to spend an expensive and uncomfortable night at a sleep centre to monitor their sleep-disordered breathing.

Experts call for urgent action to tackle strong links between impotence and heart disease

All men experiencing impotence should undergo thorough medical assessments.International experts are calling for all men experiencing impotence to undergo thorough medical assessments, after an extensive review showed that a significant proportion of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) exhibit early signs of coronary artery disease (CAD).

Reducing niacin intake can prevent obesity

Dietary factors have long been known to play a major role in the development of obesity. The global increasing prevalence of obesity suggests that there should be some common changes in diet worldwide.

Tai Chi gets cautious thumbs up for psychological health

Tai Chi, a low impact martial art, has been associated with reduced stress, anxiety and depression, and enhanced mood, in both healthy people and those with chronic conditions.

CognitiveOS Hypnosis, the missing link

The CognitiveOS Hypnosis, a mind therapy developed by Luca Bosurgi during 20 years of clinical experience, is a healing strategy based on working with the spirit to control and troubleshoot the mind.

Residential care home workers need more training to give older people a ‘home for life’

Carers working in residential homes need funding and support to upskill to ensure more older people have a home for life instead of being transferred to hospitals and nursing homes, according to a new report.

Parents' physical inactivity influences children

Children are more likely to watch high levels of television if their parents do, but parents do not need to be physically active to help their children to be active, a new study has found.

Scottish people 'living dangerously'

Almost the entire adult population of Scotland (97.5%) are likely to be either cigarette smokers, heavy drinkers, physically inactive, overweight or have a poor diet.

Artificial sweeteners, without the aftertaste: Scientists find bitter-blocking ingredient

Researchers have discovered a chemical that specifically blocks people's ability to detect the bitter aftertaste that comes with artificial sweeteners such as saccharin.

Flu doesn't die out, it hides out

ANN ARBOR, USA - Every autumn, as predictably as falling leaves, flu season descends upon us. Every spring, just as predictably, the season comes to a close.

Study shows how dietary supplement may block cancer cells

COLUMBUS, USA - Researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) have discovered how a substance that is produced when eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts can block the proliferation of cancer cells.

How likely is misdiagnosis?

Evaluating the accuracy of patient diagnosesA new research project at the University of Leicester will review the accuracy of medical diagnoses.

Chances of surviving cardiac arrest depends on your neighbourhood

New study reveals strategy for reversing stagnant survival ratesThe odds of surviving cardiac arrest may depend on which part of town you call home and whether anyone in the neighborhood comes to your rescue by attempting to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), according to a first-of-its-kind study in the June issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Antidepressants in pregnancy increase risk of miscarriage

A new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) found a 68% increase in the overall risk of miscarriage in pregnant women using antidepressants.

Alcohol consumption in Portugal: The burden of disease

•               Portugal is currently ranked eighth in the world in alcohol consumption.

Peaches, plums induce deliciously promising death of breast cancer cells

COLLEGE STATION, USA -- Breast cancer cells - even the most aggressive type - died after treatments with peach and plum extracts in lab tests at Texas AgriLife Research recently, and scientists say the results are deliciously promising.

Meditation reduces the emotional impact of pain

People who meditate regularly find pain less unpleasant because their brains anticipate the pain less, a new study has found.Scientists from The University of Manchester recruited individuals into the study who had a diverse range of experience with meditation, spanning anything from months to decades.

Olive-oil enriched diet helps breast cancer survivors lose more weight

PROVIDENCE, USA - Researchers from The Miriam Hospital have found that olive oil may offer another potential health benefit - it produces greater weight loss in breast cancer survivors compared to a more traditional low-fat diet.

ER computer keyboards and bacteria

DETROIT, USA - Keyboards located in triage and registration areas were found to be more contaminated with bacteria than those in other areas of the Emergency Department at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, according to a new study conducted by the hospital.

Olympic gold? A new effect of caffeine boosts performance

UK scientists show for the first time that high doses of caffeine directly increase muscle power and endurance during relatively low-intensity activitiesNew research shows increased muscle performance in sub-maximal activities, which in humans can range from everyday activities to running a marathon.

New diagnostic test for bladder cancer

Copenhagen, Denmark - Researchers from the Danish Cancer Society and the Herlev University Hospital of Copenhagen have developed a novel assay to test for multiple tumor markers in bladder cancer.

Under 50? Silent duo could put you at risk for a big stroke

Quebec City, CANADA - Being young doesn't mean you are immune to a stroke. You may feel healthy; you may be 18 or a vigorous 50. And yet you could be more vulnerable than you know.

Bright Light Therapy Improves Sleep Disturbances in Soldiers with Combat PTSD

WESTCHESTER, USA - Bright light therapy has significant effects on sleep disturbances associated with combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a research abstract that was presented Monday, June 7, 2010, in San Antonio, Texas, at SLEEP 2010, the 24th annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies LLC.

Link found between passive smoking and poorer mental health

Second hand smoke exposure is associated with psychological distress and risk of future psychiatric illness, according to new UCL research that suggests the harmful affects of passive smoking go beyond physical health.

New guideline helps determine brain death in adults

DETROIT, USA - A new national guideline, co-authored by a Henry Ford Hospital neurologist, has created an updated step-by-step process to help physician's better wade through the complex process of determining brain death in adult patients.

Video Study Finds Risky Food-Safety Behaviour More Common Than Thought

How safe is the food we get from restaurants, cafeterias and other food-service providers? A new study from North Carolina State University - the first study to place video cameras in commercial kitchens to see how precisely food handlers followed food-safety guidelines - discovered that risky practices can happen more often than previously thought.

Videoconferencing with family members enriches the lives of nursing home residents

Nursing home residents who used videoconferencing to keep in touch with family members felt it enriched their lives, according to a study in the June issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing.

TV food advertisements promote imbalanced diets

According to new study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic AssociationMaking food choices based on television advertising results in a very imbalanced diet according to a new study comparing the nutritional content of food choices influenced by television to nutritional guidelines published in the June issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

Family carers share the illness experience of the dying patient

Family carers need to be supported throughout the whole illness of their loved ones as they witness and share much of the experience of the dying person, according to research published on bmj.

Venetian blinds can cause accidental strangulation

Personal view: Accidental strangulation with a Venetian blind cord -- a near missDr Mahesh Masand, consultant paediatrician at Dr Grays Hospital in Elgin, Scotland, recounts the day when a 22-month-old girl was rushed to A&E after her mother found the toddler hanging from the looped cord of a Venetian blind in her bedroom.

Do You Have A Spiritual Side? How to Tune Into It

Spirituality is associated with peace and harmony. Spiritual people tend to be content and happy in the presence of others and comfortable being with themselves.

Beach umbrellas do not block out all solar radiation

A team of researchers from the University of Valencia (UV) has proven that 34% of ultraviolet radiation filters through under beach umbrellas.

Study examines relationship between type of rice consumption and diabetes risk

Consuming more white rice appears to be associated with a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, whereas consuming more brown rice may be associated with a lower risk for the disease, according to a report in the latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

Many clinicians may be screening for cervical cancer too frequently

Clinical guidelines recommend screening low-risk women for cervical cancer every three years after age 30, but most primary care clinicians report that they would advise testing for the disease more frequently, according to a report in the current issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.

Answer to saliva mystery has practical impact

Researchers at Rice University, Purdue University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have solved a long-standing mystery about why some fluids containing polymers -- including saliva -- form beads when they are stretched and others do not.

Cost concerns prevent many cancer survivors from getting medical care

A new analysis has found that two million cancer survivors did not get needed medical services in the previous year because of concerns about cost.

Obesity may harm your sexual health

Research: Sexuality and obesity, a gender perspective: Results from French national random probability survey of sexual behaviorsBeing obese impacts on sexual health according to research published on bmj.

Higher anxiety, depression among women may have basis in cell signals

In animal study, stress signals function differently in female brains and male brainsThere may be a biological reason why depression and other stress-related psychiatric disorders are more common among women compared to men.

New link identified for bipolar disorder

Possible mechanism identified for how lithium treats bipolar disorderLithium has been established for more than 50 years as one of the most effective treatments for manic depression, clinically termed bipolar disorder.

Portable media players associated with short-term hearing effects

Temporary changes in hearing sensitivity are associated with potential harmful effects of listening to an MP3 player, according to a report in the Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

Early menopause linked to higher risk of future cardiovascular disease

Women who experience early menopause appear to have more than twice the risk of having a heart attack, stroke or other cardiovascular disease event later in life than do women who do not go through early menopause, a new study indicates.

Greater religiosity during adolescence may protect against developing problem alcohol use

A new study of the effects of religiosity on the genetic variance of problem alcohol use in males and females has found that religiosity can moderate genetic effects on problem alcohol use during adolescence but not during early adulthood.

Cancers of sweat glands, other skin-related structures may be increasing in United States

Cutaneous appendageal carcinomas-tumors of the skin appendages such as hair, nails, sweat glands and mammary glands-are rare but rates appear to be increasing in the United States, according to a report in the current issue of Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Study demonstrates pine bark naturally reduces hay fever symptoms

HOBOKEN, USA - An estimated 60 million people in the U.S. are affected by allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology.

Mouldy homes a serious risk for severe asthma attacks for some

Exposure to high levels of fungus may increase the risk of severe asthma attacks among people with certain chitinase gene variants, according to a study from Harvard Medical School, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital.

An innate sense of direction

Is sense of direction hard wired, or is it learned?Are we born with an innate sense of direction, or is it learned? Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience suggests that the brain comes hard-wired with working navigational neurons.

Chew on This: Six Dental Myths Debunked

Boston, USA - Brushing, flossing, and twice-yearly dental check-ups are standard for oral health care, but there are more health benefits to taking care of your pearly whites than most of us know.

Teenage physical activity reduces risk of cognitive impairment in later life

Women who are physically active at any point over the life course (teenage, age 30, age 50, late life) have lower risk of cognitive impairment in late-life compared to those who are inactive, but teenage physical activity appears to be most important.

A butterfly effect in the brain

Next time your brain plays tricks on you, you have an excuse: according to new research by UCL scientists published in the journal Nature, the brain is intrinsically unreliable.

Virgin olive oil and a Mediterranean diet fight heart disease by changing how our genes function

New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that the polyphenols in virgin olive oil modify the expression of atherosclerosis-related genes, leading to health benefitsEveryone knows olive oil and a Mediterranean diet are associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease, but a new research report published in the July 2010 print issue of the FASEB offers a surprising reason why: These foods change how genes associated with atherosclerosis function.

Can blocking a frown keep bad feelings at bay?

Your facial expression may tell the world what you are thinking or feeling. But it also affects your ability to understand written language related to emotions, according to research published in the current issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Talking Touchscreens and Patients

Multimedia talking touchscreens, housed in computer kiosks at clinics and hospitals, are helping researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and clinicians at local health care centres enhance patient-centered care for patients with diverse language, literacy and computer skills.

Consulting 'Dr. Google'

Study finds much Internet-based sports medicine information is incorrect or incompleteThe quality of online information about the most common sports medicine diagnoses varies widely, according to a study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS).

Women live longer but in worse condition

Although women have a longer life expectancy, they experience a much greater prevalence of disability in old age than men do. This is the main conclusion of the study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Women's Health.

Difficult childhoods lead to teenage drinking

An African study has found a link between a difficult childhood and alcohol consumption as a teenager. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health studied the association between adverse childhood experiences and drunkenness among 9,189 adolescents aged 12-19 years living in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, and Uganda.

Work-life balance: Brain stem cells need their rest, too

Stem cells in the brain remain dormant until called upon to divide and make more neurons. However, little has been known about the molecular guards that keep them quiet.

Rudeness at work causes mistakes

If someone is rude to you at work or if you witness rudeness you are more likely to make mistakes, says Rhona Flin, Professor of Applied Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, in an editorial published in this week's BMJ.

Rhythm of life: Music shows potential in stroke rehabilitation

Music therapy provided by trained music therapists may help to improve movement in stroke patients, according to a new Cochrane Systematic Review.

ISU study finds TV viewing, video game play contribute to kids’ attention problems

Parents looking to get their kid's attention - or keeping them focused at home and in the classroom - should try to limit their television viewing and video game play.

Who is likely to become a bully, victim or both?

New research shows poor problem-solving increases risk for allWASHINGTON, USA - Children and adolescents who lack social problem-solving skills are more at risk of becoming bullies, victims or both than those who don't have these difficulties, says new research published by the American Psychological Association.

Mental health woes grow while spending declines

Current economic crisis finds few bright spots in mental health spendingAs the current global economic crisis drives up the demand for mental health care services, cash-strapped agencies are slashing mental health budgets, according to a new Brandeis University study out this month in the International Journal of Mental Health.

Novel HIV test is quick and cheap

Microfluidic device uses antibodies to 'capture' white blood cells called T cells affected by HIVUC Davis biomedical engineer Prof. Alexander Revzin has developed a "lab on a chip" device for HIV testing.

The first malaria-proof mosquito

Scientists at the University of Arizona have achieved a breakthrough in the fight against malaria: a mosquito that can no longer give the disease to humansFor years, researchers worldwide have attempted to create genetically altered mosquitoes that cannot infect humans with malaria.

Ironing out the causes of wrinkles

Physicists find clues to the origin and evolution of wrinkles in thin sheetsAs a sign of aging or in a suit, wrinkles are almost never welcome, but two papers in the current issue of Physical Review Letters offer some perspective on what determines their size and shape in soft materials.

1 in 4 not covering coughs, sneezes

Less than 5 percent of public adopted public health recommendations during H1N1 pandemicApproximately 1 out of every 4 people observed in a public setting failed to cover their mouth when they coughed or sneezed according to research presented today at the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Morning test helps doctors save kidneys

First morning albumin:creatinine urine test clues clinicians into signs of troubleA morning urine test is superior to all other tests for detecting declining kidney performance in patients with diabetic kidney disease, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society Nephrology (JASN).

Obesity prevention begins before birth

Excess maternal weight gain increases birth weight after controlling for genetic factorsExpectant mothers who gain large amounts of weight tend to give birth to heavier infants who are at higher risk for obesity later in life.

Are all meditation techniques the same?

Different practices often produce different resultsAs doctors increasingly prescribe meditation to patients for stress-related disorders, scientists are gaining a better understanding of how different techniques from Buddhist, Chinese, and Vedic traditions produce different results.

Eating foods rich in vitamin E associated with lower dementia risk

Consuming more vitamin E through the diet appears to be associated with a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, according to a report in the Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Genetic clue to chronic pain could lead to new treatments for the condition

August, 2010 - Chronic pain is a serious medical problem, afflicting approximately 20% of adults. Some individuals are more susceptible than others, and the basis for this remains largely unknown.

Deep Brain Stimulation shows promise for patients with Alzheimer's

In a world first, Dr. Andres M. Lozano and his team at Toronto Western Hospital has shown using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) on patients with early signs of Alzheimer's disease is safe and may help improve memory.

Point-of-sale advertising major cause of teen smoking, Stanford study shows

STANFORD, USA. - Point-of-sale tobacco advertising works impressively well on teens - so well that federal regulators should consider barring such marketing efforts from convenience stores, gas stations and small groceries, a Stanford University School of Medicine researcher said.

Research links recreational pool disinfectants to health problems

URBANA, USA - Splashing around in a swimming pool on a hot summer day may not be as safe as you think. A recent University of Illinois study links the application of disinfectants in recreational pools to previously published adverse health outcomes such as asthma and bladder cancer.

New links between cholesterol and depression in the elderly

Most people know that high cholesterol levels place them at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Prior research has shown that particular types of strokes contribute to one's risk for depression, and that abnormal blood lipid levels can increase the risk of depression in the elderly.

Study links more time spent sitting to higher risk of death

Risk found to be independent of physical activity levelA new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds it's not just how much physical activity you get, but how much time you spend sitting that can affect your risk of death.

A blood test for depression?

Blood tests have been extremely important tools aiding doctors in making medical diagnoses and in guiding the treatment of many diseases. However, psychiatry is one area of medicine where there are few diagnostic blood tests.

New approach to Alzheimer's therapy

The brains of Alzheimer patients have high accumulations of the material beta-amyloid, which appear in the form of plaques. The precursors of these plaques are believed to be the underlying cause of the nerve cell loss that leads to the disruptions in memory that characterize Alzheimer's disease.

Georgia Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements

The perks of continuing education are multifold; not only do they encourage licensed professionals to be more mindful of changes and happenings within their industry, they also ensure that these professionals remain up-to-date on key knowledge and facts.

Alcohol taxes can reduce death rates among chronic heavy drinkers

Florida study looks at impact of 1977 and 1983 increase in taxesGAINESVILLE, USA - Adjusting the alcohol tax in Florida to account for inflation since 1983 would prevent 600 to 800 deaths each year in that state from diseases caused by chronic heavy alcohol use, according to a new study from the University of Florida.

1 in 4 stroke patients stop taking medication within 3 months

A quarter of stroke patients discontinue one or more of their prescribed secondary stroke prevention medications within three months of hospitalization for an acute stroke, according to a report posted online that will appear in the December print issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

To make one happy, make one busy

In Greek mythology, the gods punished Sisyphus by condemning him to roll a rock up a steep hill for eternity. But he was probably better off than if they'd condemned him to sit and stare into space until the end of time, conclude the authors of a new study on keeping busy.

Social relationships are linked to improved survival

Individuals with adequate social relationships have a 50% greater likelihood of survival compared to those with poor or insufficient social relationships.

Morphine blocks tumour growth

Minneapolis, USA - Current research suggests that taking morphine can block new blood vessel and tumour growth. The related report by Koodie et al, "Morphine suppresses tumour angiogenesis through a HIF1α/p38MAPK pathway," appears in the August 2010 issue of the American Journal of Pathology.

63 percent of women report sexual problems with orgasm proving biggest issue in teens and 20s

Almost two-thirds of females attending a general urology practice reported that they suffered from sexual dysfunction, according to a paper in the August issue of BJUI.

Psychologists develop 2 potent new predictors of suicide risk

Tests promise to help clinicians move beyond reliance on self-reporting by suicidal individualsCAMBRIDGE, USA, Two powerful new tests developed by psychologists at Harvard University show great promise in predicting patients' risk of attempting suicide.

Certain meat components may increase bladder cancer risk

A new study suggests that consuming specific compounds in meat related to processing methods may be associated with an increased risk of developing bladder cancer.

Women in their 40s have lower mammographic tumour detectability

The reduced effectiveness of mammographic screening in women in their forties is primarily due to lower detectability instead of faster tumour growth rate, according to a study published online in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

A leap forward in addiction awareness and control

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) the study designed the two programmes and examined their effectiveness in helping excessive drinkers reduce their drinking.

Mind over matter? The psychology of healing

People suffering from diabetes-related foot ulcers show different rates of healing according to the way they cope and their psychological state of mind, according to new research by a health psychologist at The University of Nottingham.

Tongue Piercing May Cause Gapped Teeth, According to UB Study

First, your child gets her tongue pierced. Then, as if you needed something else, she starts "playing" with the tiny barbell-shaped stud, pushing it against her upper front teeth.

Brain Study Shows That Thinking About God Reduces Distress—But Only for Believers

Thinking about God may make you less upset about making errors, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Why some people can sleep through anything

Ever wonder why some people can sleep through just about anything, while others get startled awake at each and every bump in the night? A new report in the August issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, offers some insight: sound sleepers show a distinct pattern of spontaneous brain rhythms.

Larger waist associated with greater risk of death

Individuals with a large waist circumference appear to have a greater risk of dying from any cause over a nine-year period, according to a report in the August issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

Dying of cold -- more heart attacks in cooler weather

Lower outdoor temperatures are linked to an increase in the risk of heart attacks, according to a new study by scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical MedicineLower outdoor temperatures are linked to an increase in the risk of heart attacks, according to a new study by scientists at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).

Adequate zinc eases pneumonia in elderly

A high proportion of nursing facility residents were found to have low serum (blood) zinc concentrations during an observational study funded by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the National Institute of Aging.

Trusting people make better lie detectors

Trusting others may not make you a fool or a Pollyanna, according to a study in the current Social Psychological and Personality Science (published by SAGE).

Teaching robot helps children to use wheelchair

A robotic wheelchair is being developed that will help children learn to 'drive'. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation describe the testing of ROLY -RObot-assisted Learning for Young drivers - in a group of children without disabilities and one child with cerebral palsy.

Primary care doctors get little information about chronic sinusitis

Facial pain. Nasal congestion. Postnasal drip. Fatigue. These are hallmark signs of chronic sinusitis, a swelling of tissue in the nasal and sinus cavity.

Study examines risks, rewards of energy drinks

Popular energy drinks promise better athletic performance and weight loss, but do the claims hold up? Not always, say researchers at Nova Southeastern University in Florida.

B vitamins and the aging brain examined

B vitamins-B-6, B-12 and folate-all nourish the brain. But much remains to be discovered about the relation between these essential nutrients and our brainpower.

Homecare after hip surgery in seniors increases survival rate

Seniors who received home care after discharge from hospital for partial hip surgery (hemiarthroplasty) were 43% less likely to die in the three months following the procedure, found a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

Men more likely to cheat if they are economically dependent on their female partners

Economic dependency has the opposite effect on womenATLANTA, USA - The more economically dependent a man is on his female partner, the more likely he is to cheat on her, according to research to be presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association.

Scientists develop new drug treatment for malaria

As part of the £1.5 million project, researchers are now testing the drug to determine how the treatment could progress to clinical trials.

Promising results of gene therapy to treat diseases of the eye

The easy accessibility of the eye and the established link between specific genetic defects and ocular disorders offer hope for using gene therapy to provide long-term therapeutic benefit.

Parents' mental health more likely to suffer when a grown child struggles

Situation not mitigated by having one successful child, study findsEven into adulthood, problem children continue to give their parents heartache, and it doesn't matter if other children in the family grow up to be successful, according to a new study of middle-aged parents.

Matrix Reimprinting using EFT

Matrix Reimprinting - Rewrite your Past and Transform your Future By Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby Published by Hay House.Over the last few decades a group of ‘super-techniques’ have emerged and are increasingly gaining in popularity.

Cosmetic surgery, Cosmetic surgery resources

Cosmetic surgery assists to mould/transform any disfigured part of the human body. Any physical disfigurement, whether from birth or accident or trauma, leaves behind a physical as well as emotional scar too.

LASIK surgery, LASIK surgery resources

LASIK is a sort of refractive surgical procedure for vision correction like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is performed by experienced and specialist doctors/ophthalmologists using a laser technique.

Cataract eye surgery, Cataract surgery resources

Cataract is a result when the natural lens deep inside the eye becoming cloudy, or brown. The eye lens becomes so clouded that it restricts light rays and images from reaching the retina.

A beauty product that feels good on the skin

Long before they created the immensely successful Hydroxatone brand, Andrew Surwilo and Thomas Shipley had created and deployed many programs, which were all huge commercial successes.

Can You Tailor Your Workout To Your Needs By Exercising From Home?

Which part of your body do you want to target next? What about toning up the notoriously difficult parts of the body such as the thighs, upper arms or abdominal area? On the other hand, do you have a specific muscle group you wish to work, such as the biceps and triceps or perhaps your calves and hamstrings? Is it possible to find a solution to work all these muscle groups and get an outstanding, practical all-round workout at home? The effectiveness and efficiency of home fitness has always been a contentious issue.

Dental Check-Ups Avoided by Squeezed Brits

Four in ten Brits can't afford to visit the dentist, a study revealed yesterday (Friday).Researchers found the escalating costs have got so much for one in nine - or two million - that they have avoided check-ups for more than five years, while a quarter have dodged the chair for 18 months.

New Research Shows Pomegranates Support Prostate Health

Pomegranates are an ancient Mediterranean fruit which have recently been recognized as one of the many "new" super foods offering a myriad of health benefits.

New Study Spurs Questions About Cell Phone Safety

Every day, we are exposed to radiation from computers, wireless internet connections, microwaves, cell phones, etc. A new study from the National Institutes of Health and Brookhaven National Laboratory shows that the radiation we receive from cell phone use affects brain cell activity.

More than 170 Russian Doctors Teach Asthmatics How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally

A cough is your body's defensive reflex in order to keep your airways clear of irritating or obstructing substances so that you can get oxygen for the body cells.


Homeopathy is Low budget Treatment  for  Infertility  and oligospermia:  Dr Harshad Raval MD In India and all over the world Thousands of women almost every age have  infertility issues  and  male have oligospermia or azoospermia problem so she had pregnency problem.

How to save money on your insurance

Whether you're about to renew your health insurance of your car insurance here are some top tips to help you cut costs, without impacting your level of cover.

Obesity fears for parents

One in eight parents consider their child to be overweight, a study revealed yesterday.Researchers found a startling number of mums and dads believe their son or daughter is obese or severely overweight, with the majority blaming it on their unhealthy diet.

Fit into your Fifties

The average 50-something is fitter and healthier now than they were in their mid-20s, a report revealed yesterday (Mon).Mature adults are reaping the benefits of better diets, more exercise and increased free time to focus on their health.

Choosing the correct Diet Pill without causing the Jitters.

There are many weight loss slimming pills and products on the market today, some of which have side effects such as getting the jitters. It is important when choosing a diet pill, weight loss or slimming product, that you choose wisely to be careful that they do not give you the ‘Jitters'.

iPods ‘Louder than Pneumatic Drills’ Warn Experts

Millions of Brits are risking their hearing by listening to music at a volume louder than a pneumatic drill, a study revealed yesterday.Researchers found one in ten people regularly turn their radio up to a higher volume than a drill on a building site, with another one in six listening to their MP3 player at a level which is more  deafening than an aeroplane taking off.

Stairs ‘too challenging’ for unhealthy Brits

The average adult is so unhealthy they are left gasping for breath after running up a flight of stairs, a study found recently. This shocking statistic emerged in a report into Brits' level of fitness which also found 31 per cent - or 15 MILLION - feel ‘puffed' after rushing to catch a bus.

Secret Smokers

One in two smokers hide their habit from friends, family and colleagues, revealed a recent report. Women were the main offenders with more confessing to keeping their habit a secret.

Care at home Brits shoulder the burden

THREE quarters of Brits would rather take on the burden of caring for elderly relatives then put them into a home - because they don't trust care homes.

Losing weight with a Vitamin B6 weight loss product.

Losing consistent weight using natural herbs and remedies, one of the main ingredients of a successful supplementary diet product is Vitamin B6 a water-soluble vitamin which is part of the vitamin B complex group, helpful in treating a vast number of problems related to heart, skin, depression, fatigue and the nervous system.

New Study Shows Modified Citrus Pectin Activates Powerful Immune Responses

  Today I am thrilled to share with you groundbreaking research demonstrating the ability of a specific form of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) to greatly enhance immune function.


The average Brit will down more than 5,800 pints during their lifetime, a study revealed yesterday (Thurs). Researchers found that as well as downing their favourite lager or beer, they will also glug 8,700 glasses of wine and 2,900 bottles of cider between the ages of 18 and 78.

Lung Cancer Makes Scents to Dogs

  (dailyRx.com)The super sensitive noses of dogs are known to be able to pick up the scent many things. Man's best friend can now do what even advanced medical tests can't do - sniff out early stage lung cancer.

Healing Iris inspiration for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show

  This year the world renowned Royal Horticultural Society at Chelsea, London has drawn inspiration from the Iris and they have used this beautiful flower as the emblem representing the ethos of this year’s show.

Younger generations fall ill more than Older generations

Younger generations get sick more often than older generations, new research has shown.  Brits under the age of 30 are more likely to suffer from colds and flu, allergies and intolerances than people older than them – in particular people aged 55 and over.

Parents fall ill twice as much as anyone else, new research has revealed

Bugs picked up at nursery and in the playground mean that those with young children suffer from more colds and viruses than those without and the average parent gets a cold an additional four times a year compared to someone without children.

Brits Consider Themselves ‘Healthy’ but are actually Couch Potatoes

Four in ten Brits reckon they are healthy – but in reality are couch potatoes, a shock report revealed yesterday.   Researchers found that despite best efforts, so called “healthy” adults snack on crisps, drink too much and munch on takeaways and ready meals each week from the comfort of their sofa.

Lot Stress Monster

Stress-related arguments are at an all-time high, a study revealed yesterday (Tues). Researchers found the average couple now falls out four times a week, with over-spending, a lack of help around the house and paying bills the most likely triggers.

Breast Cancer Discovery: Ukrainian Clinical Study Shows Stunning Achievement of Respiration Retraining Oxygenation Treatment

Metastasized breast cancers can be frequently deadly. Up to 20-25 percent of females die during next 5 years because of spread of cancerous cells to additional parts of the body.

Two Million Employees now Take a ‘run-ch’ Break

More than two million employees now take a ‘run-ch’ break – and exercise during their dinner hour, a study has revealed.

Pregnancy Coupling- Best Positions When She's Expecting

Many men (and women) worry that pregnancy coupling – having intimate relations during a period of pregnancy – will be difficult and may have a negative impact on a couple's level of intimacy.

Codependency Relationship Problems

Everyone laughs when I tell them that I wrote Codependency for Dummies. But codependency is no laughing matter. It causes serious pain and affects the majority of Americans, both in and out of relationships.

Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss Is Not Just For Women Says Health Expert

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The Tiniest New Advancements in the Medical World (that Are Making Big Waves)

One of the greatest impediments to significantly extending human life is disease. Scientists believe that by eliminating ailments like cancer and heart disease, we'll soon be able to live well past 120.

Parents Need To Help Their Children Beat Obesity Says Gastric Band Hypnosis Expert

Obesity in the UK is getting out of control, a recent report revealed, unless obesity in children is tackled head on and unless the government do more to help fight the obesity problem then parents could see themselves outliving their children.

Alternative vs Orthodox Medicine

  Alternative vs Orthodox Medicine It is unfortunately the case that holistic practitioners will occasionally come into contact with the state system of medical care, as patients.

Uncommon Programs and Professions in the Medical Field

The field of medicine can be a rewarding career choice. While some may be nervous about the responsibility of direct patient care, the medical field offers a wide variety of non-clinical roles that still provide the feeling of making a difference without the extensive training and education that a more hands-on role may require.

The Healthy Option: The Best Reasons to Choose a Career in Health

It’s not a secret that the fastest growing industry is healthcare. In as little as two years you can begin a nursing career with an AAS (Associate of Applied Science Degree) in Nursing.

Top 5 Nursing Salaries Around the World

Nursing can be a very rewarding career, both intrinsically and financially. Salaries for registered nurses vary around the world, depending on factors such as demand for work and the level of experience.

Some mistakes you should avoid when selling online

Medical Billing Companies

Medical billing companies are an angel in disguise since they provide with effective and accurate medical billing services. Physicians should be aware of the fact that it requires proper expertise and a considerable time to perform medical billing efficiently.

Popular Gift Ideas for Females

Whether it’s for your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother or best friend, finding gifts for females can sometimes be difficult. From skin care gift sets through to perfume and gift vouchers, this article will provide a number of great gift ideas for a variety of situations and offer some helpful tips that will make your future gift buying much easier.

Tips for Saving Time and Money When You Are Using a Grocery Delivery Service

Everybody wants fresh groceries every day, but few are willing to spend a lot of time shopping for them. Next, to the advantages of enjoying a good meal, there are some advantages that make people give up on the classical grocery shopping quest.

Why Kids Indoor Play Centers Are Getting So Popular?

Kids will always be kids. They will still be inquisitive, always be restless, and always thirst for excitement and adventure. But you cannot provide any of those at home as it disturbs the peace and tranquility of your abode.

Most Common Women's Health Problem

Health is the valuable thing that human should take care about it. Due to change of lifestyle and eating disorders make some problem to the human immune system.

Get a Nose Job in Thailand and Save 60% on The Costs at Home

You know the old adage ‘life is too short’. We couldn’t agree more, which is why we’d advocate doing something about an issue if it bothers you enough.

Frequently Asked Questions About Audiologists

Audiology is a field that deals primarily with hearing, with audiologists playing a large role when it comes to hearing health and wellness.

Top 14 things patients do to frustrate their doctors

An article by gynecologist Dr. Lissa Rankin and other physicians about the top 10 dumb things people do at their doctor had me laughing. But it got me thinking about the things that patients do or don't do that actually can be detrimental to their health.

How Companies are Starting to Help Support Victims of Domestic Abuse

When it comes to mental health and the workplace, companies have been taking steps to help support their employees in a variety of ways for many years now.

All You Need to Know About Bariatric Examination Tables

We often see that a doctor or physician is unable to perform the surgery or conduct basic medical examination because of unavailability of medical examination tables which is specifically made for patients so that they can get onto an examination table.

Tips for Finding a Good Dentist in Miranda

Dentistry in Miranda is a profession that is considered one of the most vital for healthy living. With a high number of professionals getting into the industry, dental services are readily available depending on your budget.

6 Inspiring Designs for Popcorn Boxes

No matter where you live across the world you will always come across popcorn of many different flavors and one thing that surprises me as a manufacturer is the different types of popcorn boxes that are available.

What You Should Know about Burial and Financial Expense Insurance

What is burial insurance and final expense insurance?   Burial insurance, or final expense insurance, is a type of whole life insurance, otherwise known as permanent insurance.

Getting Kids to Unplug Devices

The long hours of the night give us the time we need to recharge after taxing days, both ourselves and our devices. Especially for children and teens, leaving phones and tablets to charge overnight is an easy way to wake up to a fully powered device.

Is Cloud Chasing the Future of Vaping?

Vaping is quickly gaining traction, and the best vape brands as voted by Vaping360have become more of a lifestyle and sport than just a way of eliminating traditional cigarettes.

7 Kinds of Sports Activities Accidents That May Be Handled With Assist of Physiotherapy

7 Kinds of Sports Activities Accidents That May Be Handled With Assist of Physiotherapy Athletics is the most common term in today’s world.

What Is A Geeb And How Can It Be Made At Home?

Geeb or gravity water pipe is a device through which smokers and stoners consume THC or marijuana. The method requires two empty plastic bottles that funnel the smoke through the water and into the lungs of the smoker.

Pharma and Medical Packaging Development in 2019

As medicine help to save human life, that is why efficient pharma or drug packaging is necessary to keep medicine safe from all chemical and mechanical accidents.

Rich men are looking for a girl to be accompanied in the 8th arrondissement of Paris

Paris has lots of options if a person is looking forward to something really steamy and sleazy. You can go on and hire some high class girls from an agency.

Beneficial Ways to Use Chandelier in Your Kitchen interior Décor

Now, every household want to have their kitchen space both convenient to cook and look elegant. Even at night the brightness in the cooking space should be lively and illuminated.

What is Dental Implant? How do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are the nearest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. They enable you to live the way you want to – confidently eating, smiling, laughing, talking, kissing and enjoying all of your everyday activities without worrying about your teeth.

Gynecomastia Treatment: How to Reduce Breast Size?

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in breast enlargement in men. Hormonal imbalances trigger this problem, and it may also be caused by medical conditions such as liver disease, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, obesity, low testosterone levels, etc.

Risks & Complications Associated with Breast Reduction Surgery

If you have large breasts that cause neck pain, shoulder pain, or any other health problem, you may want to go for a Breast Reduction Surgery.

How to do the job of medical translation?

From time to time, the professionals who are related to the medical job, need to do some translation but most of the time, they are unable to do the job as they do not have proper knowledge along with working experience.

Top 7 Benefits of Vitamin B12 Patches

Most people are familiar with vitamin B12 supplements that come in the form of oral or sublingual tablets, or even the most outdated injections.

Why Mom Was Right about Breast Augmentation?

A woman feels confident, mature and fullness in her body when her breast is complete in every sense as in shape, size, colour, skin texture, or any other required.

How to Find the Perfect Mascara for Your Eyes?

Mascara changes the way your eyes look. It can define, lengthen and thicken the lashes. It is the cherry on top of the eye makeup and the finishing touch of the seducing look you want to achieve.

How to Choose the Right Safety Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis?

Many seniors suffer from Plantar Fasciitis and if you fall into this bracket then you will know only too well just how important it can be to select the right footwear.

Traumatic Brain Injury and Biomagnetism

Traumatic Brain Injury and Biomagnetism Can Biomagnetism (BM) benefit people with current or past brain trauma? YES! What exactly is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?  According to the Mayo Clinic, a TBI can have wide-ranging physical and psychological effects.

9500 Palo Santo trees are planted in Ecuador

  Caring for, protecting and restoring the tropical dry forests of Manabí, is one of the objectives of EcuadorianHands, an Ecuadorian company that has been implementing reforestation in tropical dry forests for about 10 years, taking as main species the tree of Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) a native and dominant species of these forests.

Avail The Complete Advantages Involved In Dive Shop NSW

Are you planning to do a scuba diving certification course? Are you searching for the best center to become the best diver? If yes, then without any further day, you can visit dive shop NSW now and experience the most enhanced benefits.

How to Choose the Right Kia Car for Your Needs?

Selecting the correct vehicle is a big choice that must be done carefully. With so many options available, choosing the right car that meets your needs and budget can be overwhelming.

Top Healthcare Recruitment Services in Canada

Effective hiring is a critical component of every industry's success and a major factor of Healthcare Recruitment Services in Canada.  Hiring the proper people who have expertise their field is crucial to the success of your business, especially in the healthcare industry where the stakes are so high.

Elevate Your Catering Business with the Power of Catering SEO Services

In the dynamic and ever-evolving catering industry, establishing a strong online presence is essential for success. With consumers increasingly turning to the internet to find catering services for weddings, corporate events, and special occasions, catering businesses must ensure that they are visible and accessible to potential clients.

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